Institute of Training and Judicial Studies (ITJS) Abu Dhabi - RSI Queue Management System
RSI Concepts has been chosen to automate the internal processing of the Institute of Training and Judicial Studies (ITJS) and ensure that the entire organization can benefit from the latest technologies for speedy, secure and smooth processing.

RSI Concepts has been chosen to automate the internal processing of the Institute of Training and Judicial Studies (ITJS). The Institute of Training and Judicial Studies (ITJS), which is located in the city of Abu Dhabi, was founded on December 14th, 1992 by virtue of cabinet resolution no. (14) of 1992 concerning establishment of the institute. Back in 2004, it was the release of federal law no. 11 of 2004, in which announcement of the institute as an independent federal institution was made. ITJS prepare and qualify graduates of Shariah or Law Schools to hold judicial posts, organizes courses for judiciary members on various law themes, judicial technicalities, or any other aspects. Secondly it holds specialized training courses for preparation and qualification of notaries public, judicial aides, and lawyers. It also provides for scientific research and its usage within law and judicial fields through encouraging specialized law & judicial studies, working to release and print them.
The institute was running on a typical and traditional manual system from a long time which made the business processes and daily business activities cumbersome for the staff and most importantly was time consuming and prone to mistakes. As a result the top management realized that it is the right time to move towards business process automation systems which can automate the business processes and provide them with better monitoring and controlling tools hence giving more room towards the enhancement and betterment of the services.
ITJS started assessing the leading IT Solutions vendors in the region who are well versed in custom software development. A total of seven vendors were given a chance to study the requirement and assess the exact needs of the organization. The challenge was that the vendors were suppose to provide a complete solution on the basis of the requirement studied along with the inclusion of suggestions for enhancement and optimization of the current business processes to make them more effective and efficient for the staff for execution and for the recipient of the service that are the visitors or the students of the institute. After a thorough assessment of the solutions proposed by seven vendors, RSI Concepts has been chosen to execute the entire project and ensure that the entire organization is automated and made paperless within a period of one calendar year