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Mobile Queue Management: The Rise of App-Based Solutions

The smartphone app-based mobile queue management systems are gaining popularity due to their advanced features and ability to meet the needs of the modern more tech-savvy population. The UAE is a technologically one of the most advanced nation in this region. Businesses operating in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the country are always eager to modernize their digital solutions and customer service practices to gain competitive advantage and to optimize their operational efficiency.

For service sector the large customer inflow is always a big challenge, for that businesses adopt to various technologies and solutions to maintain acceptable wait time and optimum customer experience. A digital queue management system is an extremely effective digital transformation tool. The modern day digital queue management systems are powered by smart algorithms and AI which make them more effective and efficient.

A queue management system streamlines customer flow, it is fully integrated within existing IT infrastructure and central information management system. Businesses can not only minimize customer wait time but they can also offer innovative features to enhance customer experience and to improve service delivery mechanisms. The queue management system optimize the entire customer journey, adding value to customer experience and it also help improving branch performance.

The mobile queue management is a latest form of digital queuing, it integrates a dedicated smartphone application which aids queue management system and it also offer more features and convenience to the customers. In this blog we will briefly discuss mobile queue management and its key benefits.

Mobile Queue Management: The Rise of App-Based Solutions
Mobile Queue Management: The Rise of App-Based Solutions

What is Mobile Queue Management System?

When it comes to the Mobile Queue Management System, people often think that it is a smartphone application that is exclusively designed to support queuing processes and typical queue management systems. That is true at some extent, however, it is not entirely about a dedicated mobile queue management application.

The mobile queue management system supports smartphone apps, QR code based queuing, SMS queuing and even WhatsApp queuing, all are part of a Mobile Queue Management System. The queue management systems have evolved a lot over the time, initially starting with humble paper pencil, later with incorporating basic digital devices and then matured into a full-fledged digital transformation tool.

See Also: Qualities of a Good Mobile App for Queue Management System

In past few years the rise of contactless queuing results in a lot of modernization and innovation. The mobile queue management system is the result of that evolution. It incorporate several remote channels in the queuing process, offering unprecedented convenience, enabling customers to sign-up remotely for virtual queues and empowering both customers and the service agents with various innovative features.

The mobile queue management system is superior as it supports virtual queuing where the customers are not required to be physically present in the premises to be eligible for the queue. Furthermore the mobile queue management system provides real-time updates to customers and send them timely alerts and notifications which help improving customer interaction.

What is Mobile Queue Management System?
What is Mobile Queue Management System?

How Mobile Queue Management System Works?

A queue management system has two parts, one is its hardware part which usually has an interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk, a digital signage and an audio announcement system, the usage of digital counter name plats is also common. The software included a server-side queue management software application which is the brain of the system, it also have many components such as UI at interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk, digital signage management tools, and administrative dashboards. The service agents are provided with specialized dashboard which provides them necessary information and control over the customer flow.

See Also: Customer Experience Improvement with Mobile Queue Management System

The mobile queue management system contains additional components, such as dedicated queue management system mobile apps, QR Codes, and integration with other communication channels such as SMS and WhatsApp, etc.

  • QR Code Based Queuing: The QR Codes can be generated from within the queue management system which can be pasted in places where most of your customers can see them. The customer will have to scan it and it will take them to the online sign-up page which generate a digital ticket for them and other queuing information and updates can be provided at the same page.
  • WhatsApp Queuing: The WhatsApp number can be provided through website, social media or any other channel which take users to an automated WhatsApp chat and let them sign-in. The service agents can also access this chat if necessary and provide updates to the customer or allow them to talk with support team through the same chat.
  • Dedicated Mobile Apps: A dedicated queue management system smartphone application is provided to users which they can download from Android Play Store or Apple (iOS) App Store. Customers can sign-in to the application, then they can book an appointment or sign-up for the queue from within the applications. Several other features can be provided through dedicated mobile apps for queue management system which help empowering customers and elevate customer experience.
  • SMS Based Queuing: The customers are provided with a dedicated number for the SMS which is automated and help businesses collect basic information, it also issue the e-ticket through the SMS and help customers sign-up for the virtual queues. The customers can also get alerts and updates through the SMS and the SMS are also used along with other queuing methods to send alerts, instant updates and notification through the SMS.

From all of the above mobile queuing components the queue management mobile applications are the most advanced and impactful. The mobile application not only facilitate virtual queuing but it also offers a multitude of innovative features which further help businesses and customers.

See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

How Mobile Queue Management System Works?
How Mobile Queue Management System Works?

What are the Features of Queue Management Mobile App-Based Solutions?

There are two types of queue management mobile app-based solution, one is integrated mobile app and the second is the dedicated queue management system mobile app. The integrated mobile app is not exclusively designed for queue management system, although it could have all the features but the integrated app has other purposes too. Both solutions are fully customizable and allow businesses to incorporate all the features they want. Both app-based solutions are just like an extension to the on-premises digital queue management system and the primary objective is to allow customers to sign-up remotely via the smartphones.

See Also: Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

This features enable businesses to greatly reduce the customer wait time, in fact it can literally be reduced to none. The long wait time is one of the most crucial factor in customer service which undermine customer satisfaction and make them unhappy. Here are some key features of queue management mobile app-based solutions which benefits both customers and businesses.

Mobile Queue Management: Remote Sign-ups and Virtual Queuing

The virtual queuing is a modern form of queue management which enable businesses to let customers and visitors sign-in in a virtual queues, this means the customers can be considered in queue without being physically present in the waiting line. This is a remarkable feature and it offer a lot of freedom to customers and visitors which greatly elevate their experience and raise customer satisfaction. The remote sign-ups or sign-in is a feature that allow customers and visitors to remotely sign-up for a queue without being physically present on business premises.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

The remote sign-in and the virtual queuing allow customers to sign-up for the queue while they are on the way to customer service center or even before that. The customers are also not bound to wait in the waiting areas, they can spend time anywhere else, and arrive only when their ticket is called. This empowers customers and it also help improving their waiting experience, with virtual queues and remote sign-ups the customers only have to wait for minute or two at maximum, and this can also be avoided which is a great advantage of mobile queue management.

Mobile Queue Management: Remote Sign-ups and Virtual Queuing
Mobile Queue Management: Remote Sign-ups and Virtual Queuing

Mobile Queue Management: Appointment Booking and Visit Scheduling

Another remarkable feature that mobile queue management offers is the ability to integrate appointment booking system and visit scheduling tools. A queue management system is a very smart solution with advanced data collection and analysis tools. The queue management software has in-built smart algorithms and AI (artificial intelligence) which enables it to analyze the real-time data with context of historical data. This enable the queue management system to predict the expected footfall and wait time at any particular day or time. When the customers are booking appointment from their queue management system mobile application this data can be provided to them to let them make informed decisions as per their needs.

See Also: The Concept of Queue Management and Crowd Control

For example, if every last Wednesday of the month is the least busy day, or the footfall reduced during the noon, this information can help customers choose the right time for their appointment. In case if the customers fail to arrive or know they won’t be able to reach in time, they can immediately reschedule to the next available slot or to another day and time form within the mobile application. These features enhance customer experience and raise customer satisfaction.

Mobile Queue Management: Appointment Booking and Visit Scheduling
Mobile Queue Management: Appointment Booking and Visit Scheduling

Mobile Queue Management: Branch Locator

The mobile queue management offers various innovative features such as the branch locator. That is a very useful feature and it helps customers and visitors to find the route/location map to the nearest branch. Businesses with multiple branches in a city could guide their customers and visitors to a particular branch as per their needs and current circumstances. For example, if a branch is full, and is expected to remain full, then the customers and visitors could be redirected to the next branch even before they initiate the sign-up processes, they can be asked to choose the branch nearby.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

The information can be provided in an interactive UI where they can see all available branches on a live map along with basic information such as the timing, current pending tickets, and expected wait time, etc. Furthermore the in-built smart algorithms can also suggest customers which is the closest branch or which branch has the quickest expected wait time and so on. The appointment booking module and the ticket-scheduling features can be integrated within the branch locator to enhance customer experience. The branch locator feature is excellent for banks, pharmacies, healthcare, retail and government offices.

Mobile Queue Management: Branch Locator
Mobile Queue Management: Branch Locator

Mobile Queue Management: Enhanced Customer Experience

The biggest advantage of having a mobile queue management system with smartphone app-based solution is the elevated customer experience and higher customer satisfaction. For any business the customer satisfaction is the most crucial factor in their success. In service sector the major cause of customers’ unhappiness is the longer wait time and inefficient service delivery practices. A modern digital queue management system with mobile app-based solutions can greatly improve these two factors.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

It not only reduce the wait time but it also help minimizing the impact of perceived wait time and it offers more freedom and control to customers over their interaction which raise their happiness. The dedicated queue management system mobile applications offer several intuitive features to simplify and enhance customer experience while empowering them and giving them more control. It also provide more control and flexibility to the service staff which boost their efficiency and further improve customer experience.

Mobile Queue Management: Enhanced Customer Experience
Mobile Queue Management: Enhanced Customer Experience

Mobile Queue Management: Better Human Resource Management

A digital queue management system can completely transform your customer service centers and open up new horizons for innovation and improvement. The mobile application based queue management solutions not only elevate customer experience but also offer valuable features which empower service staff and boost their efficiency. The staff can have more control over customer flow and they can get updated information in their dedicated service agent dashboard. The branch managers and even the head office can get live queuing data and updates which help them effectively utilize the available staff.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

When the customers have choice to sign-in virtual queues, they tend to arrive on time of their call, which reduce the workload of the staff and also help preventing crowd formation. More customers waiting in waiting areas cause more distraction for the staff and undermine their efficiency. However, with limited number of customers in the waiting areas and more control over customer flow the staff can work under fairly balanced workload which boost their morale and greatly improve their performance enabling businesses for better human resource management and it also reduce human resource cost.

Mobile Queue Management: Better Human Resource Management
Mobile Queue Management: Better Human Resource Management

Mobile Queue Management: Business Intelligence Data Collection

Business intelligence data is one of the most important factor in planning and decision making. Modern day businesses heavily rely on data to take important strategic decisions and without a strong and solid data analysis the decisions could easily go wrong. Therefore businesses always strive to collect analytical and statistical data which they can incorporate in their decision making process. A modern queue management system with mobile app-based solution is equipped with smart data collection tools and AI which makes it a great source of valuable business intelligence data.

See Also: The Importance of Actionable Data in Queue Management System

The management can effectively monitor the customer flow, they can track staff performance and KPIs, along with analytical and statistical data from each and every customer touch point throughout the entire customer journey. Businesses can collect customer feedback and also identify the bottlenecks and pain points to resolve them for better customer experience. The queue management system mobile app enable businesses to request for customer feedback at the end of each interaction or even afterwards. The business intelligence data and customer feedback can be a great asset for a business.

Mobile Queue Management: Business Intelligence Data Collection
Mobile Queue Management: Business Intelligence Data Collection

Mobile Queue Management: Scalability and Customization

A queue management system itself is a very flexible tool towards customization and scalability. Every business grows over the time so does their needs, challenges and business processes. A queue management system is built on very flexible software stack which makes it very convenient and cost-effective for a business to scale them up or customize them to meet the emerging needs and challenges. The queue management system software is a server-side application which has ability to integrate with other software, applications, solutions, databases and central information system.

See Also: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

The integration allow queue management system to talk to other systems and help businesses incorporate innovative features which enhance customer journey and also have positive impact on overall operational performance. The queue management system mobile apps are typically hybrid apps which are easy to maintain, customize and upgrade. Even if you are using native apps, you can always modify them to add new features, customize existing UIs and much more. The ability to scale and customize makes queue management system with mobile app-based solutions ideal for modern businesses.

Mobile Queue Management: Scalability and Customization
Mobile Queue Management: Scalability and Customization


The rise of mobile app-based queue management solutions is a significant milestone in customer service industry. The modern queue management systems with smartphone apps have completely changed the way businesses were managing their customer flow and branch performance. In fact a modern day queue management system is a full-fledged branch transformation tool which can greatly boost the branch performance and elevate customer experience while saving a lot on operational cost.

In the competitive markets such as Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and other regions of UAE where the customers are normally very tech-savvy and the digital interaction is highly regarded as the sign of better quality the modern day queue management system equipped with smartphone application can gain you a great competitive advantage. It is not only about making an impression but in fact it has become an essential for optimum performance and efficiency. The customer flow management is one of the most critical factor in customer experience and the customer experience is extremely important for a long term and sustainable success.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

The mobile app-based queue management solutions are equipped by smart algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) which make them superior and it also help businesses incorporate innovative and intuitive features for their customers and visitors. The queue management system mobile application can deliver a satisfactory customer experience while optimizing customer journey and enhancing staff performance.

In this blog we have briefly discussed what is a mobile app-based queue management solution is and how businesses can leverage its advanced features to drive performance and customer excellence. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to develop a bespoke mobile application-based queue management system for your organization, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Queue Management System for Banks in 2022

Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks

Banks offer crucial financial services for individuals and businesses which are essential for our modern societies. If you are living in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or anywhere else in UAE, you must have visited a bank either for account opening or for business purposes. If you recall your last interaction with a bank, how was your experience at the branch? I am sure it was not as pleasing as it should be. The biggest problems at banks is the large customer influx, a customer might have to wait for 30 to 45 minutes for a service which can be delivered in 5 minutes.

Obviously your appointment at bank is not something which you should expect to be enjoyable or entertaining but at least it should be comfortable, convenient and friction-less. This means that there are still some flaws and problems with the banking sector which are impacting customer experience. The average wait time for a typical bank service is around 20 minutes or in some cases even more than that, which cause stress and frustration. A digital queue management system solve all those problems and it also helps improving customer experience.

Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks
Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks

What is a Digital Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a combination of tools and strategy to improve customer flow and maximize the performance of the customer service centers. The early form of queue management systems was first-come-first-serve based waiting line. Then businesses started sorting them in multiple waiting lines. Later on technology is introduced to the queuing systems. The digital queue management system is the latest form of customer flow management systems.

A digital queue management system also consists of some digital tools (software and hardware) and a queuing strategy which help banks to significantly improve the customer experience, maximize their branch productivity and profitability and it also help improving staff performance. A digital queue management system also help businesses meet the ever-increasing customer expectations and it also collects valuable business intelligence data which is very helpful for businesses.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

See Also: Paperless Queue Management System

What is a Digital Queue Management System?
What is a Digital Queue Management System?

Here are the key features of a digital queue management system for a bank:

Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time

Customer wait time is one of the major cause of customer dissatisfaction. A digital queue management system is a very capable tool which can greatly reduce customer wait time and it also help improving customers’ waiting experience. Customers can sign-in using multiple methods which makes it very easy and convenience. Once customers are singed-in they are issued a ticket number which is their position in the queue. The customers are allowed to wait freely either in the waiting areas or even outside of the bank premises. The queue management system can also communicate with customers using SMS or WhatsApp or any other channel.

It sends them live queuing information, alerts and notifications which prevent customers from missing out their turn in the queue. Furthermore the digital queue management system also have a digital signage screen, usually more than one screens are placed on strategic locations to ensure every customers can easily view information on these screens. Along with queuing information, multimedia content can also be played which help diverting customer’s focus form waiting time. The frequent audio announcements also keep customer engaged and reduce the stress of waiting.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time
Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time

Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation

A digital queue management system has an AI (artificial intelligence) based very powerful software engine which make it more effective and efficient. A digital queue management system is a customer journey transformation tool. It can enhance customer’s entire visit even from pre-arrival to post-service activities, a digital queue management system effectively improves the entire customer journey. Furthermore a digital queue management system is capable of collecting customer behavioral, statistical and performance data which enables it to take instant decisions on the bases of real-time queuing situation.

A typical bank have multiple services which they are offering at their branches, some service counters are exclusive for certain services some are for general services and furthermore there are also customer classifications and priority levels that the bank has to accommodate. It means that the bank has a very complex queuing strategy. A digital queue management system not only help banks implement their strategy but it also improving it. It can automatically route customers to the right service counter and as per their priority level or any other parameter that is applicable it manages the entire customer journey and ensure maximum efficiency, smooth customer flow and less wait time.

See Also: What are basic features of Queuing System?

Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation
Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation

Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency

A digital queue management system is not just designed to reduce the customer wait time. It is a very powerful tool which can help improving several processes and have huge impact on the overall efficiency and performance of the entire bank branch. The digital queue management system automates several processes and customer journey steps. For example, the customer sing-in is completely automated, customers can utilize the interactive kiosk to sign-in and get the token number or they can utilize any supported virtual channel to sign-in and get a digital token or e-ticket. Furthermore everyone is served only at their turn, there is no chance of staff giving importance to any customer, this not only help improving the customer flow but it also help gaining customer trust.

Furthermore there are no disputes, line jumping or any such problem that is associated with manual queuing. This means that the customer flow is entirely managed by the queue management system and the staff doesn’t have to involve at any stage. This not only speed up everything but it also help reducing the employees’ workload. When the staff works under balanced workload they tend to perform well and deliver high-quality service which improve branch performance. The employee have more time to focus on their primary tasks and they don’t have to worry about queuing problems which save a lot of time and also help reducing the service delivery time and resultantly customer wait time. All these improvements help boosting branch efficiency, employee performance, reduce human resource cost and ensure satisfactory service delivery.

See Also: 7 Features of Queue Management Software

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency
Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency

Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data

A digital queue management system is capable of collecting highly valuable business intelligence data from each and every customer touch point throughout the customer journey. Since the entire customer interaction digitally managed, collecting statistical data is much easier. For example, the queue management system can provide comprehensive insight to the customer flow such as which services most customer are choosing, what is average customer wait time, what is average service time and which employee is performing better and at which stage the customers are waiting longer than expected, etc.

A digital queue management system is also capable of collecting customers’ behavioral data and compile it in form of easy-to-understand reports which help management understand customer behavior trend, performance trends, footfall trends and many more useful insights. A digital queue management system can collects a wealth of business intelligence data which can be very useful in decision making processes and help management evaluate their queuing strategy, customer journey and various other processes that can directly impact the customer experience. Furthermore a digital queue management system can also facilitate customer feedback collection and help banks collecting valuable customer feedback.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data
Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data


Banks offer most important financial services which are integral for our society and businesses to work. Whether you visit a bank in individual capacity or for your business, visit to a bank is inevitable. Banks also know that very well, hence they are always investing in innovative solutions and technologies to ensure their customers and visitors have an excellent customer experience. The overall UAE market in general is very dynamic, vibrant and versatile, for customers there are so many options to choose from. This is what makes customer satisfaction crucial for banks. If a bank wants to obtain customer loyalty then they must have to level up their game at customer experience and customer service.

A digital queue management system is a perfect companion for banks who want to improve their customer experience. It help banks automate several customer journey processes and improve employees’ performance without compromising the customer satisfaction. In fact queue management systems are known for delivering highest customer satisfaction in all customer-facing environments. In this blog we discussed what a queue management system is and what features it offer which can help banks achieve maximum productivity, performance and customer satisfaction.

If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to transform your bank branch with our customized queue management system solution, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

See Also: Queue Management System Problems and Solutions in Dubai, UAE