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Why a Virtual Queuing System Is Better Than Clipboard and Pen

Why a Virtual Queuing System Is Better Than Clipboard and Pen

The businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are well-aware of the queuing difficulties and problems. Especially the retail and service-based industry suffers the most. The businesses who require their customers to arrive at their location or branch in order to make a transaction are the ones with more intense queuing and crowd management problems. Traditionally the queuing process is managed via clipboard and pen. Businesses doesn’t use any tool or complex software solution for their queuing and crowd management needs. This caused very serious problems and businesses have started noticing higher walk-out rates.

Furthermore the market conditions, customer behavior and other factors also started transforming the queuing industry. We have witnessed the rapid and in-depth integration of smartphones and other digital technologies in our both work and private lives. The customer experience has become much more important than ever before in recent times. In fact there are several studies and market researches which suggest that an ordinary customer place experience equal to the quality of the product or service they are acquiring. The clipboard and pen based conventional queue management methods are unable to offer a better customer experience.

See Also: Virtual Queuing Systems: Redefining Waiting Experience

Why a Virtual Queuing System Is Better Than Clipboard and Pen

Furthermore the modern workplaces are heavily data driven the businesses need a tons of data in order to function properly hence there are several technological solutions and software that are considered to be absolute necessity for the modern businesses. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE in fact anywhere in the world, the cost of the labor and retaining employees is very expensive. In order to improve operational capabilities a business might have to hire more employees. First of all more employees doesn’t necessarily means optimized and improved productivity, you must also have to have management mechanisms in place in order to maximize the outcome of the teams and individual employees.

That is the reason businesses implement digital solutions and software. The digitalization and IT help businesses in achieving maximum performance with far less employees and far less sophisticated management. In fact a single employee can produce an outcome worth of a team’s work if proper technology and digital tools are in place. Same is applicable to queuing process as well. Businesses need a proper technology to maximize the success rate and in order to achieve their strategic and long-term business goals.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Why a Virtual Queuing System Is Better Than Clipboard and Pen

What is Virtual Queuing?

The virtual queuing is a modern form of digital queue management systems. The traditional digital queue management systems have greatly improved the queuing process however, the virtual queuing have completely revolutionized it. The traditional queuing significantly improve customer flow, reduce their wait time, improve management and enhance customer experience. But the virtual queuing have amplified all those advantages with innovative features and integration of modern technologies and digital platforms. The virtual queuing not only allow your customers and visitors to sign-up remotely for virtual queues but it also provide them freedom doing so without being physically present at the premises.

This means that the customers and visitors can sign-up for a virtual queue while they are at their home or work and their wait time starts right away, they will be served on time as per their ticket or e-ticket number without being physically waiting or standing in queues at the business’s premises. This is the major difference between a traditional digital queue management system and virtual queue management system. The virtual queuing further enhance customer experience by providing facility to sign-up using multiple remote channels and other useful features. This is what make virtual queuing more superior than the traditional digital queue management systems.

See Also: Why Virtual Queuing Has become an Essential Part of Modern Queue Management Systems?

What is Virtual Queuing?

Why a Virtual Queuing System is better than a Traditional Clipboard and Pen Method?

The virtual queuing system can completely eliminate all pain points that cause a lot of problems in the traditional clipboard and pen line management methods. That is the main reason of implementing a digital virtual queuing system. Furthermore the virtual queuing system also offers a tons of benefits and can help businesses effectively compete in the modern marketplace. Here are the common problems that a traditional clipboard and pen method has along with key advantages of using a virtual queuing system:

Common Problems with Traditional Clipboard and Pen Waiting Line Management

The traditional manual queuing management with clipboard and pen is an outdated process. It is not effective anymore and the businesses need a better management tool to ensure a smooth customer experience. Here are some very common problems that businesses and customers face with a traditional clipboard and pen based queuing management methods:

  • Unclear Wait Time: The wait time is one of the most important factor in queue management and it have profound impact on the customer experience. The manual clipboard and pen based queuing management can’t estimate wait time or provide a clear information to the customer which is also the cause of most of the complaints.
  • Higher Customer Churn Rate: The manual clipboard and pen based queuing management always have higher walk-out rate which is called customer churn rate. The customer churn rate is represent a great loos of the sales, not only that it results in unhappy and unsatisfied customers who will share their experience with others which will harm your business’s brand image.
  • Inconvenient for Employees: The biggest problem with the clipboard and pen based queuing system is that only one employee at a time can have it. But that is not practical, usually more than one staff will have to manage the waiting lines hence they will have to constantly pass the clipboard and pen to the next employee. Furthermore the handwriting and typo also cause more problems.
  • Poor Customer Experience: The customers can never be provided with the accurate estimated time to their turn, usually it crosses the value the staff estimates due to several factors. However, another critical problem is that the clipboard and pen based queue management requires customers and visitors to stand nearby or in waiting lines, hence they have less freedom and could feel bound which results in frustration and unhappiness.
  • No Data Collection: The business intelligence data is vital for strategy making and decision taking processes. A clipboard and pen based queuing system cannot gather any kind of business intelligence data. It is nearly impossible to understand customer behavior, their experience, the waiting time and employee performance, etc. using clipboard and pen queuing management method. Without clear information decisions and strategies have too much guessing work which reduce the success rate and can undermine the profitability and productivity of a business.

The waiting line management can be very challenging for businesses. There are several factors that contribute to long waiting lines and their repercussions on customer experience. The clipboard and pen queuing is a very old waiting line management method. Due to its inherent disadvantages and flaws businesses started adopting more modern and technologically advanced queuing methods such as implementing a digital queue management system. Here are some key advantages of virtual queuing that will help you significantly improve customer experience, and drive efficiency and productivity in the internal business processes.

See Also: The Role of AI in Enhancing Queue Management Systems

Common Problems with Traditional Clipboard and Pen Waiting Line Management

Advantages of a Virtual Queuing System

Any digital queue management system can offer a great efficiency comparing to traditional clipboard and pen methods. However, the virtual queuing is considered to be the most modern and advanced form of queue management systems. The virtual queuing system help businesses achieve a better customer flow and improve customer journey and experience. The customer experience drives customer loyalty, and the customer loyalty is a key to long term success. Furthermore the virtual queuing system is also a great tool to collect highly valuable business intelligence data which help businesses understand and evaluate their internal processes, customer experience and much more.

The virtual queuing system utilizes the most commonly used communication channels and mediums to make it more convenient for an average customer or visitor to access to the system. The virtual queuing also help reducing the customer wait time and provide better control over the customer flow. The crowd prevention features help management dealing with any unexpected scenario and large influx of the customer and visitors. The virtual queuing system is based on an AI (artificial intelligence) based smart software engine which also facilitate communication and improve customer engagements. Here are the key advantages of a virtual queuing system which make it far more superior than the conventional clipboard and pen methods.

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Advantages of a Virtual Queuing System

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Easy Remote Sign-up Features

One of the biggest advantage of a virtual queuing system is that it offers multiple remote sign-up methods. Which makes it more convenient and easier for the customers and visitors to sign-up remotely without being physically present at the business premises. There are multiple channels that can be integrated with virtual queuing system such as SMS, Call Center, Online Booking, Customer Portals, Corporate Website, Queue Management System Mobile Apps, WhatsApp, QR Code, etc. All these channels help customers sign-up easily without any need of physically appearing at the business.

The customers are signed-up remotely for virtual queues, no matter if they are present at the business premises or not they will remain on their designated positions in the queue and will be called upon their turn. This means that if a customer plans to visit a bank branch or a customer service center they can sign-up while they are at home or work, and they will be issued an e-ticket which will contain their token number and the estimated time to their turn. Hence they can plan their visit with more freedom and convenience which definitely enhance their experience and raise their happiness and satisfaction.

See Also: How a Queue Management System Can Transform Your Business Operations

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Easy Remote Sign-up Features

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Significantly Low Wait Time

The wait time is one of the most impactful aspect of queuing process. Longer wait time will always hurt your customer experience and it will also cause increase in customer churn rate. Furthermore the longer customer wait time also causes unsatisfied service experience and it creates other management related problems such as it will impact your employee efficiency and resource management strategy. Furthermore there are two different types of wait time that we consider in queuing process. One is the actual wait time and the other most important phenomenon is the perceived wait time. The perceived wait time is just the imagination of human brain. The human brain works in very peculiar ways, if the waiting experience is not so good, the actual wait time could be 1 minute but we will feel it like 5 minutes or so.

That is why the perceived wait time is very important for customer experience. The biggest advantage of virtual queuing system is that it not only reduce the actual wait time but it also help minimizing the perceived wait time as well. As the customers and visitors can sign-up remotely and only required to arrive at the time of their turn so the wait time can be reduced to literally none. Even if a customer arrive before some time it would be marginal and they will have to wait very little which is why the virtual queuing system is one of the best in terms of managing customer wait time.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Significantly Low Wait Time

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Increase Customer Engagements

Customer engagement is another important factor of queuing management process. Engaged customers are tend to tolerate more wait time comparing to less engaged customers. For that different queue management systems use different techniques, for example a traditional digital queue management system offers digital signage screens and audio/visual announcement system which help engaging customers and keep them distracted from the waiting and reduce their stress. The digital signage are used to display the live queuing information along with multimedia content which keep users busy. Furthermore the audio/visual announcement system also keep announcing ticket number upon each customer call in multiple languages which also keep user distracted from the waiting and help reducing their stress and boredom.

The virtual queuing system offers all these features and on top of that it also offers a bi-directional communication channel. Since most of the customers and visitors who are using virtual queuing would spend very less time in waiting areas so the communication channels help businesses provide queuing information, updates, notification, alerts and also a chatting facility via dedicated chat boxes or WhatsApp, etc. The service agents can also update customers in case of any urgent update or change in their turn, etc. These all features help businesses increase the customer engagement which is essential for reducing the wait time stress. It greatly help improving customers’ waiting experience and increase their satisfaction.

See Also: Touch Less Customer Experience, Use the RSI Queue Management System

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Increase Customer Engagements

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Improved and Automated Customer Flow

The customer flow management always have huge impact on the overall performance and efficiency of the queuing process. Each business offers multiple services, these services are offered through multiple counters. Sometimes businesses also multi-stepped services or stepped services which require a customer to visit at least two or more counters in order to avail a full service. Then there are different customer segmentations on the bases of the customers and visitors demographics and service type. For example, businesses could have dedicated counters for elderly visitors, people with special needs, VIP or Premium customers and service-bound segregation. All these segregations means that each customer group will be treated differently or could have different customer experience expectations.

On top of that in a real-life queuing scenario there are several other variables that can impact your customer flow such as longer service delivery time than expected, unwanted delay due to disputes, additional requirements or any such thing, all these factors can disrupt a regular customer flow. Hence the businesses need a mechanism in place which can order the customer flow by monitoring real-time queuing data and taking automated decision in order to ensure maximum customer flow is sustained. The dedicated administrative dashboard and smart software engine of the virtual queuing system will help businesses define and implement their queuing policy in a fully automated manner.

Hence the virtual queuing system monitors system usage stats and data from touch points to take real-time decisions which help improving the customer flow and improve customer experience by reducing their wait time and solving such problems.

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Improved and Automated Customer Flow

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Improve Productivity and Employee Performance

For any business the productivity and performance are essential needs. Without achieving higher productivity and performance a business can never achieve higher profitability which is crucial for long term success and growth. The clipboard and pen based queuing system is slow, restricted and outdated. It cannot meet the needs of the modern market requirements. A digital queue management system on the other hand is very advanced, it improves productivity and performance and help businesses in resource management. A virtual queuing system can collect a variety of employee performance data which is also very helpful in improving employee performance. It can track all employee activities and their progress of the day.

On top of that it provides various performance KPIs and analytical tools which help management in evaluating employee performance and help them taking actions in right direction to improve performance and productivity. Furthermore in any queuing management scenarios the employees who are serving customers need to perform several pre and post-service tasks. These tasks can be time consuming, however, with the help of the virtual queuing system and its ability to integrate it with other internal systems and central information center can help reducing employee efforts and maximize their performance. It also keep employee free from any task related to customer flow and line management as all that is done automatically. Hence the employee performance and productivity if significantly improved.

See Also: Streamlining Customer Service: The Power of a Modern Queue Management System

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Improve Productivity and Employee Performance

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The modern day and age is completely dominated by technology and data. The AI (artificial intelligence), big data, cloud, electric cars, smartphones and such technologies are so popular that every day we are reading something about them. The technology have completely revolutionized our daily work and personal lifestyle. The modern businesses are heavily relying on IT and data for their day-to-day tasks as well as for basing their strategies and policies upon it. The term business intelligence is self-explanatory. The business intelligence data is insight about the matters relate to your business. It could and should include both internal and external factors. The data gathering is crucial for any modern business as their most of the policies and strategic decisions will be solely based on the reports and inputs of their data analysts.

The traditional clipboard and pen queuing method is unable to collect the required data in fact it is nearly impossible to collect any business intelligence data with that method. The virtual queuing system on the contrary can provide a wealth of valuable business intelligence data. The virtual queuing system is capable of collecting system usage and analytical data from each and every touch point of the customer journey and it can also capture insight from other connected systems and tools. Furthermore the virtual queuing system also provide enriched analytical tools and customized reporting features which also help businesses getting the full advantage of the precious business intelligence data.

See Also: What to Consider When Choosing a Queue Management System

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Effectively Collect High-Quality Customer Feedback Data

Customer feedback data is vital for a healthy business growth. It help businesses acquire a deeper and better understanding of the customers, their behavior and market trends. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE actively work on their customer feedback management campaigns. For that usually businesses use a dedicated customer feedback management tool. The virtual queuing system offer two different method to implement customer feedback management tools. You can integrate your CRM or existing customer feedback management tool with the virtual queuing system or you can utilize the in-built customer feedback management module of the virtual queue management system to collect customer feedback data.

It is far more convenient to conduct customer feedback campaign using the in-built customer feedback tool of the virtual queuing system. As the queue management system is already taking information about the customer and the service they need. Hence no need to input that data again during the survey. Which will make your survey small and it will definitely increase the response rate. Furthermore the customer feedback data can easily be analyzed with in-built analytical tools or it can be relayed to a third party system, CRM or any other customer feedback system or it can be integrated with the central information center for better data analysis and data sharing tasks.

See Also: Government Digital Transformation: Implementation of Queue Management System

Advantages of Virtual Queuing System: Effectively Collect High-Quality Customer Feedback Data

See More: 5 Ways to Manage your Customer Service Queues


For any business managing queues and large influx could be a challenging task. For that businesses hire additional staff adopt modern practices and implement technologies. The queue management process is a very complicated process. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE where the markets are very advanced, the customers are savvy and the competition is tough. Furthermore the customer experience has become a phenomenally important factor in any business’s success. It is not just in UAE but all over the world, the customers are willing to pay extra if they are provided with a better experience. That is why businesses need to focus more on customer experience and customer satisfaction.

When it comes to queuing management system the clipboard and pen queuing method is very old and outdated. It is limited, have several restriction, and this method doesn’t collect any business intelligence data. These are the reasons businesses decided to implement more advanced and technology based digital queue management systems. The virtual queuing system is the most modern and highly advanced form of a traditional digital queue management system. It not just only offers all advantages of a tradition queue management system but it also help boosting system efficiency and enhancing customer experience.

The virtual queuing system is a great tool to maximize the efficiency of your queuing process. It also help enhancing customer experience and it is a great tool to capture valuable business intelligence data. In this blog we have discussed why a virtual queuing system is better than clipboard and pen. We have listed the common problems and drawbacks of clipboard and pen based queuing process and we have enlisted the key advantages of the virtual queuing system. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to implement a highly customized and tailor-made virtual queuing system for your business please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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Why Virtual Queuing Has become an Essential Part of Modern Queue Management Systems?

Businesses are using different queuing techniques and methods in order to delight their customers and visitors. Earlier it was just manual queuing where people were standing in physical lines and waiting for their turn. The virtual queuing methods have become obsolete over the time, and the more modern and technology based digital queue management system took over. However, not all queue management systems are the same, some offer more innovative features and some don’t. Basically a modern digital queue management system is combination of software and hardware tools which help businesses streamline the customer flow and manage the queues with more efficiency.

A good queue management system not only help regulating the queues, but it also helps improving the customer experience and the staff efficiency. The digital queuing is not a new concepts in fact businesses are using digital tools and technology to aid their queuing methods since around past two decades. As the other technology evolves such as computers, internet, smartphones, etc. the queue management systems have also evolved.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Why Virtual Queuing Has become an Essential Part of Modern Queue Management Systems

Now a days a modern queue management system includes a variety to technologically advanced features which evolved over a long period of time and got more efficient. With the rise of queuing technology high-end manufacturers also started investing in research and development (R&D) which speedup the modernization of the industry. The virtual queuing is also a very modern and advanced feature of a digital queue management system. It is being present since 6 to 8 years, but rapid adaptation occurs during the 2020 and onwards.

When the social distancing become a new norm and the businesses were required to impose strict health and safety policies the virtual queuing have proven to be one of the most effective tool ever. That is what really paved the way for the virtual queuing. Now a days businesses are rapidly adopting and implementing virtual queuing technologies to enhance the customer experience and to improve their operational capabilities, productivity and performance of the employees. In this blog we will discuss what is virtual queuing and why it become essential for a modern business.

See Also: Virtual Queuing Systems: Redefining Waiting Experience

Why Virtual Queuing Has become an Essential Part of Modern Queue Management Systems

What is Virtual Queuing?

By definition a virtual queuing is a queuing process which allow customers and visitors to signup remotely using multiple remote channels such as mobile phones, SMS, emails, appointment booking portals, website/online, call, etc. The virtual queuing doesn’t require customers and visitors to wait inside the premises and provide customers with the freedom to wait remotely, outside of the business premises and arrive only when their turn comes. This can significantly reduce the wait time, in fact the wait time at the branch/premises can be literally reduced to none. That is one of the greatest advantage of the virtual queue management systems.

The virtual queue management system allow customers to sign-up remotely thorough any preferred channel, it a lot them a virtual ticket or e-ticket, which is their identifier. Along with that the queue management system can also communicate with the customers via SMS, smartphone app, or online portal. The staff and service agents can also communicate with the customers. The virtual queue management system keep providing them the live queuing information and allow them to arrive only when their turn comes, hence they don’t have to wait within the premises or confined waiting areas.

See Also: The Role of AI in Enhancing Queue Management Systems

What is Virtual Queuing?

Why Virtual Queuing has become an Essential?

Before we start discussing the benefits of the virtual queuing it is important to understand how market and customer preferences are changing. The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE is a highly advanced market, the economy is growing steadily, the overall market conditions are very business-friendly, this means the competition is also very high. High competition results in more competitive markets which resultantly raise the customer standards. Here in UAE an average consumer is very well-versed with the technology and several industries have witnessed a common change in customer behavior which is the preference of digital experience over regular experience.

Here in UAE the internet penetration is 99% and almost the same percentage of population uses smartphones and spend hours on social media on daily bases. This lead to a universal change across all industries. All businesses started leveraging these modern technologies which led to more dominance of digital interaction and digital experience. In fact now a days a common consumer expect some kind of digital experience from their favorite brand. The virtual queuing is the same thing for the service based industry.

See Also: How a Queue Management System Can Transform Your Business Operations

Why Virtual Queuing has become an Essential?

It is not only to satisfy the needs or expectations of the customer but it also have a lot of other perks. Here are some key advantages of the virtual queue management system which are helping both businesses and the consumers as well.

Simple Multi-channel Signup Facility

One of the biggest advantage of the virtual queue management system is that it offer more freedom, flexibility and facility to the customers. The customers can sign-up for the queue remotely. They don’t have to approach the ticket dispensing kiosk or unit to sign-up for the queue. In fact they can sign-up for the queue while sitting at the office or at home or on the go. The virtual queue management system integrates several digital and remote channels which allow customers to sign-up remotely. The customers can sign-up using the integrated queue management system smartphone app, they can utilize the appointment booking portal, they can use company website or dedicated customer portals, etc.

The virtual queue management system also offer sign-up with SMS, email, phone call and even WhatsApp. These all are very convenient and easy-to-use channels. Everyone who signed-up will get an electronic ticket number, which will be their position in the queue. The queue management system can also collect basic information via these remote channels which is required to sign-up customers for the right queue. These methods make the sign-up process very simple and more convenient.

See Also: Why a Virtual Queuing System Is Better Than Clipboard and Pen

Simple Multi-channel Signup Facility

Enhance Waiting Experience and Reduce Wait Time

Another great advantage of the virtual queue management system is that it can significantly enhance customer’s waiting experience. The customers can sign-up remotely, the queue management system provides them with their e-ticket and their expected wait time. This enables the customers and visitors to plan their visit accordingly. They can plan their journey in a way that they arrive only when their turn comes. This also means that there would be no wait time at all. The customers and visitors are not bound to be present at the premises, which means they don’t have to wait either.

Customers and visitors can wait at their home/office, nearby market, mall, at any other place and they can also plan their visit to arrive at the very time of their turn. The virtual queue management system smartphone app allow businesses to send queuing updates, alerts, and notification to user’s smartphone. Furthermore the virtual queue management system can also utilize the online portals, SMS and WhatsApp. These all facilities significantly enhance customer experience and reduce the customer wait time. Wait time is one of the major cause of customer unhappiness and if it can be reduced the customer happiness increases.

See Also: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

Enhance Waiting Experience and Reduce Wait Time

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

The digital innovation drives automation and automation means less human involvement in any process, which not only improve the process but also reduce the expenses of the business. A virtual queue management system can automate several customer journey processes, such as customer sign-up process, which is automated and also offer self-service channels to the customers. The customer flow management is fully automated. The virtual queue management system has AI (artificial intelligence) based algorithms and smart software engine which can capture analytical and system usage data in real-time, the data is recorded in the storage as well as fed to the AI algorithms which take real-time decision to streamline the customer flow.

In any customer service center there are several services and several counters, some counters are dedicated for exclusive services some might serve premium customers or different customer groups, some services have more delivery time than others, some employees have more experience and better performance than the others and a lot more variables are there. All these variables can led to a more complex queuing situation and make management difficult for the staff.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

However, a virtual queue management system can automatically process all these variable and take decisions based on the queuing policy. For example, if an employee left the counter, or the service delivery is taking more time than usual, the virtual queue management system’s smart algorithms can immediately sense it and they can divert the customers to other fast-paced counters without effecting their wait time and so on and so forth. The entire customer flow process is very dynamic, unlike manual queues when a customer is standing in a line, if that counter gets slower than the customers will have to wait longer. And if the counter stopped due to some reason, then it would become a huge problem to insert the customers in other queues.

However, with the virtual queue management system none of such problems occurs, as all customers and visitors are signed-up for virtual queues and they are not physically standing in waiting lines which makes it easier for the queue management system to move them between different waiting lines to make sure the customer wit time won’t increase.

See Also: Streamlining Customer Service: The Power of a Modern Queue Management System

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

Furthermore the virtual queue management system continuously share information about the queues and keep the customers and visitors updated all the time via their preferred communication channel. Usually the queue management system mobile apps, SMS, WhatsApp and online portals are used to communicate with the customers. These days the WhatsApp is also gaining popularity as it provides instant two-way communication. These features keep customers and visitors informed all the time, if there is any change in wait time or anything else they customers can immediately get notified.

Better and easy communication keep customers more engaged and also help improving their experience. The communication is usually done automatically by the virtual queue management system hence the business don’t have to appoint a staff for that, only occasionally the staff or service agents engaged in communication. All these automation help optimizing the customer journey, reduce the staff efforts and improve customer experience.

See Also: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

Intuitive Virtual Queue Management System Mobile Apps

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the smartphones are very common, according to stats almost 99% of the population uses smartphones and also have access to internet. This have completely transformed the customer behavior and communication across all industries in the country. People felt more comfortable interacting through smartphone app rather than contacting the call center or visiting the website. The mobile apps have become a very important part of the business, especially for the service based industries. The virtual queue management system also offers mobile apps, which offer great features to enhance customer experience.

For example, the virtual queue management system mobile apps are built for both Android and Apple iOS. They offer instant connection with the help center, they offer a variety of other services. The mobile apps also provide visit scheduling and booking features. The customers can easily view the details of the branches they are planning to visit in mobile apps. The mobile apps can provide information about the busy hours of the day, busy days of the week and so on.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Intuitive Virtual Queue Management System Mobile Apps

While planning their visit the customers and visitors can easily chose an appropriate time which shows them less expected wait time. They can also book an appointment to avoid any delay in service. The virtual queue management system mobile apps also offer a branch locator feature which help customers and visitors to locate branches near to their location and it can also provide them the live queuing situation at those branches along with all other details. The virtual queue management system mobile app’s branch locator features is integrated with GPS navigation apps such as Google Maps, it can provide customers the live route information and help them understand which would be the most convenient branch to visit with least wait time.

All these information can significantly enhance customer experience ad increase their satisfaction. The customers can also view the history of their past visits and the business can also request customers to provide feedback and the feedback can be automated as well. All these features help engage customers, improve their experience and increase their satisfaction.

See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

Intuitive Virtual Queue Management System Mobile Apps

Improve Employee Efficiency and Productivity

The manual or traditional queuing turns out to be very counter-productive in the modern fast-paced business environment. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the customers and the businesses both are well aware of the customer experience. Studies have shown that the customers are willing to pay extra if they are assured they will get a better experience. The business knows that too. That is the reasons businesses are always eager to adopt to modern solutions and technologies to enhance customer experience and to boost their internal processes. The virtual queue management system just do that.

It simplify the queuing process for both the employees and the customers. Since the sign-up to customer calling everything is managed by the AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms of the queue management system, there is no conflict, unwanted delay or mismanagement in these steps. Which not only reduce the customer wait time but it also eliminate common problems from the queuing process. As everyone know the queues are managed by a computerized system so the customers never complaint about line jumpers, favoritism or mismanagement by the staff.

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps Maximizing the Efficiency?

Improve Employee Efficiency and Productivity

Furthermore since the customer journey is majorly managed by the virtual queue management system the employees have no role to play, they don’t have to deal with the customers and visitors much often, and they can focus on their primary tasks. This can significantly increase their work efficiency. The virtual queue management system also manage the workload of the employees and distribute the customers automatically among available counters, when the employee work under balanced workload they tend to perform well. The queue management system can also track various KPIs of the employees and help management understand their performance.

The virtual queue management system can accurately track how many customers are served by the employee in a single shift, what was the service time for each customer and what was the average service delivery time, etc. The system also track how much time an employee remain active on the counter, and several other details. These KPIs and performance data help the management develop better training programs and improve their resource management capabilities. Which gradually improve the employee efficiency and also increase employee satisfaction.

See Also: How Virtual Queuing can Change the Business Process?

Improve Employee Efficiency and Productivity

System Integration Improve Productivity

The virtual queue management system is built using very widely available technology platforms which enables them to offer better and flexible integration features. The virtual queue management systems can easily be integrated with other systems, software, databases and central information center. Which allow businesses to offer more innovative features for the customers to maximize their experience. The integration and data sharing is also very helpful in optimizing internal processes, improving workflows and reducing the repetitive tasks. Furthermore the integration also help improving the service agent productivity.

For example the service agents will have to prepare for the service beforehand, which takes time, then there are some post-service activities too. A virtual queue management system can ask customers about the service they need, it can also ask them to put identification data such as by scanning EID card, etc. and then it can use that data to support service agents with their tasks and reduce their efforts. It can boost the outcome of the customer feedback collection campaign. Similarly the virtual queue management system can help improving several internal processes which help increasing the overall productivity of the business.

See Also: Government Digital Transformation: Implementation of Queue Management System

System Integration Improve Productivity

Cost Effective

The virtual queue management systems are very cost-effective solutions. The initial development and deployment cost is also relatively low. The virtual queue management system comes with a core serve software which can be hosted online, in local in-premises data centers and cloud, which requires very less maintenance. Furthermore the hardware that is used is also based on widely available technologies which requires very less maintenance and the maintenance itself is also very inexpensive. The virtual queue management system also help improving the internal processes by leveraging automation.

The automation improve productivity and reduce human efforts, hence the businesses don’t have to deploy more employees to manage the customer flow and the overall branch operation. Hiring and retaining more employee is expensive and can significantly increase the operational cost of the branch. With the help of the virtual queue management system businesses can reduce the employees needed for a branch while increasing the productivity several times. Which help maximizing the profit of the business as well and help them achieve their strategic goals more effectively.

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Cost Effective

Business Intelligence Data

Business intelligence data is a valuable asset for any modern business. The modern businesses are heavily relying on the data and information to build their strategies and plans. The virtual queue management system collects highly accurate in-depth business intelligence data which help management understand the effectiveness of their queuing process and policy. The business intelligence data include analytical and system usage data, employee performance data, and it also includes customer feedback data. With the central control features the head office can monitor and manage all connected branches.

The virtual queue management system’s core software is hosted on a server, which enables it to instantly update all user dashboards hence the head office can get the live queuing information from all connected branches. Furthermore the feedback collection improve the data quality and accuracy. Businesses can easily identify the bottle necks, flaws in customer flow policy, and with the help of the historic data the virtual queue management system can also predict the expected footfall which help businesses to have better resource planning and management and improve the efficiency and productivity.

See Also: How to Achieve the High ROI using Queue Management System

Business Intelligence Data


The customers are always the first priority for any business. Customer happiness assures success and long term steady growth. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are more adoptive towards the technological solutions to enhance their operational capabilities, performance and customer experience. In present day customers appreciate integration of modern technologies, in fact most of the time the customers expect form their favorite brands to offer excellent services and solutions with the help of modern technology and digital platforms. Here in UAE the digital experience is becoming more important day by day.

For the queuing needs, businesses have started implementing modern technology to boost their productivity and to enhance the customer experience. The virtual queue management system is one of the most modern and highly advanced queuing solution. It offer a great deal of features, freedom and control to the customers which help increasing their happiness and satisfaction. The virtual queue management system also enhance business’s operational capabilities, it improves employee performance and reduce the operational expense which translates to more profitability and growth.

The entire UAE is a very competitive marketplace, customers have too many options available, which makes them more demanding and raise their expectations. Businesses have to make sure their customers gets a satisfactory interaction with their customer service centers. That is what makes a virtual queue management system absolutely essential for the queuing needs of a modern business.

RSI Concepts is a leading virtual queue management system solution provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you need our help to deploy a customized and cost-effective virtual queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

See Also: Streamlining the Waiting Experience: How Queue Management Systems Improve Patient Flow

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Business in Dubai and all around UAE are always seeking ways to improve their customer experience and customer journey. The UAE is a very large and rapidly growing economy, this attracts a lot of entrepreneurs, investors, businesses from all over the world. Especially the service based industries are facing tough competitive environment. This competition results is high market standards and higher customer expectations. That is why the customer experience is extremely important for any business to ensure long term sustainable growth. During last few years the customer behavior have changed drastically due to the COVID and social distancing. People are more inclined towards digital interaction than physical interaction. The businesses also have to implement social distancing policies and other safety rule to ensure the health and safety of the customers and the staff. This has changed the entire landscape of the communication and services.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

A queue management system is a tool used to streamline customer flow. It help businesses to automate or semi-automate various customer journey steps. A digital queue management system can segregate customers as per their needs which improves customer flow and reduce customer wait time. The queue management system also help improving the service quality and boosting the performance of the service staff or service agents. Which result in reduced customer churn rate, higher customer happiness. The customer satisfaction is a key to customer loyalty and the customer loyalty is considered to be the foundation of growth and profitability. The queue management systems have also evolved a lot, as the general market trends got changed the queue management systems also got changed. The virtual queuing and mobile queuing are not a new concepts however, since the later 2020 till today and also in future the virtual queuing will dominate the queue management systems. In this blog we will discuss how virtual queuing and digital customer experience can be your best competitive advantage to boost the profitability, efficiency, quality of service and customer experience.

What is Virtual Queuing?

The virtual queuing is a process of signing-up a customer in a virtual queue. For queue management systems the virtual queuing is a relatively new terminology and it doesn’t only mean to create virtual queues in fact the virtual queuing means to enable the customers to sign-up remotely in virtual queues using mobile devices or digital channels. The virtual queuing can be done using web portals, mobile apps, SMS, emails, QR Codes and much more. The biggest differentiation between the virtual queuing and traditional queuing is that the virtual queuing can literally reduce the wait time to none. The customers and visitors are free to wait outside or plan their visit to arrive only when their turn is expected. The live queuing information can be relayed to the customers using multiple channels along with alerts and notifications. The customer service agent can also communicate with the customers and visitors to inform them about any change or unexpected scenario. The virtual queuing transform customer journey and customer experience and ensures maximum customer happiness.

Read More: Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

What is Virtual Queuing?

What is Digital Customer Experience?

The term digital customer experience refers to all the interactions a customer have with the business using the digital channels and mediums such as online or internet, emails, mobile apps, social media, chat bots, and even the SMS communication can be taken as the part of the digital customer experience. The digital customer experience management strategy is very important these days. As people living in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE are very familiar with the digital interactions. So providing digital customer experience doesn’t only have operational benefits but the customers will also expect digital interaction from their favorite brands. That is why the digital customer experience is very important and a business should use right tools to ensure the customers will be satisfied and delighted with their interaction. The virtual queuing is a great tool to enhance digital customer experience. It also help businesses collect useful system insights and business intelligence data which can be further used to tune up relevant business processes and to evaluate the performance of the staff and different departments/branches. The business intelligence also help businesses to take informed decisions and make right policies to ensure long term growth and customer retention.

What is Digital Customer Experience?

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

People don’t like to wait in long queues. The long wait time is a major reason of customer churn and poor customer experience. We have all noticed that when we are standing in queues at one point or another we feel that the line next to us is moving faster, this is only a behavior phenomenon when people just perceive that and it is because of the stress of the waiting. With manual queues there are several other problems too, such as line jumpers, or people standing in wrong queues or even people are giving way to others to join the queue from their point. However, with a digital queue management system when a single customer have a ticket these all things can be avoided. The psychological effects of waiting in the queues can also be minimized. With the help of virtual queuing the businesses can offer their customers and visitors a facility to sign-up remotely or virtually and they are provided with the live queuing information via remote channels which allow them to arrive only when their ticket is called. Hence there is literally no wait at all.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

Read More: How to reduce patient wait time in hospitals with virtual queuing?

The digital experience and virtual queuing strategy can significantly improve customer satisfaction and help improving customer loyalty too. These days everyone is familiar with digital interaction. The internet penetration is almost 99% in UAE. This enabled businesses to innovate very effective digital strategies utilizing digital channels and digital communication. There are several digital channels that c

an be integrated with queue management system to enable virtual sign-up process. For example, the company website or a dedicated customer portal can improve customer experience. Moreover an appointment booking module can offer a great sign-up experience. It can provide additional details such as busy hours, nearest branches and much more which can be very helpful for booking a suitable appointment and planning the visit.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

In the entire UAE the mobile phones are widely used, in fact almost 96% of the population use mobile phones. Which make them extremely important. In order to build a strategy for digital customer experience the mobile phones can be a great tool to enhance customer journey and experience. Businesses can offer mobile phone apps or SMS based virtual queuing. The retail sector in Dubai and all around the UAE is also using QR code based queuing. These all are the form of virtual queuing. Along with that the business can also integrate SMS services to enable the customers to sign-up via SMS. WhatsApp is the most popular app used for communication in UAE and also all around the world. The WhatsApp can also be integrated to enhance digital customer experience. These all tools can be used to improve communication, customer engagements, customer waiting experience and even businesses can also conduct customer feedback surveys via their digital channels. The virtual queuing reduce the customer wait time to literally none, which raise customer satisfaction and customer happiness.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience can automate several customer journey steps and improve customer flow. The queue management system can easily identify the service hence it can sign-up the customers and visitors for the right queue or virtual queue. The queue management system can also help streamlining the customer flow by automatically routing customers to the relevant counters and even it can automatically reroute the customers as per the set protocols. For example, if some counters are less busy or free the system can automatically reroute the customers to such counters. This way the business can optimize resources and improve the overall efficiency of the entire branch. The queue management system can also manage customers on the bases of their priority, such as ordinary customers, premium or VIP customers, and customers with special needs, etc. This also help improving customer experience and ensure a balanced workload for the staff to improve staff efficiency and quality of the service.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Most of the time a business has multiple services and multiple counters, some counters are dedicated for certain services and sometimes some counters are dedicated for priority customers. A digital queue management system can easily handle all those scenarios and it can automatically control customer flow for each counter as per the set protocols. Most of the time businesses also offer stepped-services. The stepped services are those which require from a customer to visit multiple counters for a single service delivery. Managing such services could be tricky, some steps are lengthier and some are quick, sometimes some steps have more counters and vice versa. A digital queue management system can easily handle all those scenarios by using in-built smart algorithms and intelligence software engine, which help businesses to ensure smooth customer flow throughout the entire customer journey to improve customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Such way the businesses can significantly reduce customer wait time and improve customer flow which directly impact customer happiness and customer satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Service Quality

The service quality is extremely important for customer retention. If a businesses is failing to provide quality service no matter who much efforts they put to improve customer flow, ultimately the customers will be unhappy. That is why it is extremely important to improve service quality. A virtual queue management system or any other queuing solutions is capable of collecting basic information during the sign-up process. This information can be used to improve service quality. For example, whenever a customer is reaching to a counter the agent needs their basic information to start the service. That information can be pre-loaded when the customer is arriving as the system already knows their identity from the virtual sign-up process. Similarly as a customer is already selecting the service they need, so if any preparation is required for that, it can be done automatically before even the customer arrives, so the agent is completely ready to deliver the service.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Service Quality

This not only reduce the service delivery time, but it also reduce server’s/agent’s work, which give them a better chance to focus on the quality and experience. Quicker service delivery mean happy customer and it also mean less time for the next customer waiting in queue. This way it not only facilitate the service delivery process but is also help businesses in reducing the wait time. Since an employee can entertain more customers in less time, their work efficiency is also improved. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience can help improving service quality and service delivery process.

Read More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The virtual queuing is used to transform digital customer experience. The digital comes with various benefits and one of them is the data collection and business intelligence gathering. With virtual queuing and digital customer experience strategy business can collect statistical and usage data from each and every touch point of the customer journey and businesses can also collect customer feedback data using integrated communication channels. The queue management system can record the statistical data too such as which virtual queuing channels are used for how many times, what is he average wait time, which service delivery takes how much time on average and even the queue management system can also record such details for each individual interaction. These are very helpful information and provide a deeper and much better understanding of the customer journey. Businesses can easily identify the areas of improvements and build their future strategies to meet their goals of efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience also provide accurate KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and other data which can be used for various purposes and can be shared with relevant departments and personals to help them improve their performance. The business can accurately monitor and record the performance of individual employee for example, which employees take how much time to deliver a service and that can be recorded against each service the agent is working on. The queue management system can also record the performance of the teams and even the branches which can be later analyzed by the management using in-built data analytical tools. Businesses can also done comparative analysis for the employees, services, teams and branches as well. The queue management system also help collecting the customer feedback data which can be collected using multiple channels.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The customer feedback data is very important. Businesses can conduct various different types of surveys using the digital and mobile channels such as SMS, Emails, Customer Portal Dashboards, Website, Touch Screens (in-premises), mobile apps, etc. The queue management system can collect NPS (net promoter score), CES (customer effort score), CSAT (customer satisfaction score), general rating and happiness scores and even businesses can also conduct long surveys. This data can provide a deeper understanding of the customer’s minds, their expectations and market trends. Collectively the business intelligence data collected from virtual queuing and digital customer experience can be used highlight areas of improvements and to build strategies for the future growth.The queue management system also provide facility to directly share the relevant data to the relevant department, management or individual employees to ensure seamless automated data sharing. This enables the businesses to take immediate actions on top priority feedbacks and data indicators and also help them to make better plan for the future.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Boost Employee Performance

The employee performance is also a key factor in customer satisfaction and overall efficiency of the business. With the help of virtual queuing and digital customer experience the employee workload can be easily reduced. As the wait time is very less, so there is not much chance of crowd formation or any such problem with the customers and visitors waiting in the waiting areas. Moreover the sales agents and server also get help from the queue management system dashboard and the system can also aid the service delivery process by automatically preparing the agents for the next customer. This way the employee workload can be significantly reduced. A single customer service agent can serve more customers in a single shift. Which boost their performance. The queue management system also closely monitor the performance of the staff and help the businesses and management to effectively utilize resources for best performance.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Boost Employee Performance

For example, some employees perform better with the services they are experienced in and some perform better for certain services and vice versa. This can be analyzed with the help of KPIs monitoring tool. The information can be relayed to the HR which can later help training programs or transfer human resources and deploy them as per their skill set to obtain maximum employee performance and overall business efficiency. Good employee performance also help improving customer journey and customer satisfaction. The employees who are working under a pleasant environment with balanced workload are tend to deliver high quality services thus ensuring better customer experience and higher customer happiness.

Read More: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience – System Integration

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience management is not as that simple. In fact it is a very complex and sophisticated process. The SMEs and SMBs can equally benefit from the virtual queuing and digital customer experience strategy as the large banks, healthcare facilities, educational institutes and large enterprises. Any digital solution or system requires data to operate at optimum levels. For that the system integration is done. The system integration is a technique used to push and pull data from a system. Usually every business have a central information system which is lined to a tool or software that is responsible for the most of the operational activities. That is why a queue management system and digital customer experience solution can be integrated with the central information center or with any other third-party system or tool to ensure automatic data synchronization. The integration also paves the way for various innovative features which can be added to the system to improve digital customer experience and to increase customer happiness and satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience – System Integration

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience is a Key to Long Term Growth

The growth of any business depends on two main things, one is customer satisfaction and the second is right strategy and policy. The customer happiness and customer satisfaction drive customer loyalty and help improving customer retention rates. Studies have shown that it is almost nine to twelve time less expensive to sell to an existing customer rather acquiring a new customer. There are various studies that shows that a business’s reputation and its brand image can impact its marketing campaigns too. If a business has good reputation and a positive brand image the return over its marketing investments would be better comparing to a business with bad reputation or negative brand identity. The loyal customers and customer retention is considered to be the foundation of the long term growth. Customer happiness and customer satisfaction drive customer loyalty. The loyal customers are more likely to do repeated business and are also tend to be a good brand advocate and help promoting the brand.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience is a Key to Long Term Growth

In addition to that the virtual queuing and digital customer experience help businesses optimizing the resource consumption and improve employee performance as well. The digitalization and automation also help automating various business processes and reduce customer journey steps. Collectively these all factors result in per service cost reduction. Which ensures high productivity and profitability. That is why the virtual queuing and digital customer experience is a key to long term growth.

Read More: Why should you adopt queue management systems?


The virtual queuing and digital customer experience help businesses improve customer journey and ensure customer satisfaction. The customer happiness and customer satisfaction is achieved by reducing the customer efforts and by enabling the business to reduce the wait time. It also help businesses to optimize various business process and also help improving service delivery mechanisms. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience help improving staff efficiency and increase the overall operational capabilities and productivity of the entire business. All these factors contribute in customer retention and help earning customer loyalty. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience also help collecting data insight and customer feedbacks. Which can be analyzed to make changes for the improvements and to build future strategies that drive higher profitability and customer satisfaction. The purpose of this blog was to emphasize on the importance of the virtual queuing and digital customer experience. If you need more information about the topic or need our help with your queuing needs or customer experience transformation, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

Businesses use digital solutions to facilitate their customers and to boost their own productivity. These digital solutions can help businesses in many different ways, which could improve their operational capabilities and profitability. Big businesses are using queue management system for more than a decade now, it has become an absolute necessity for them. However small and local businesses haven’t embraced this technology yet. Although there are a lot many small and local businesses who are using a queue management system or any other kind of digital product to aid there queuing process, but the overall adaptation rate is not as that high as it is in large businesses such as banks, hospitals, government offices, educational institutions, telecom, etc. The small and local businesses in Dubai or in anywhere else in UAE have started to focus more on customer service, customer happiness and customer waiting experience.

Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

Let us just admit it, no one likes to stand in long lines at a retail store. Most of the time when the queue is too long, people don’t even enter the store instead they move on to the next one. That is why it is extremely important for a business to provide excellent customer service and to prevent any congestion at the counters. Same is applicable for the small and local businesses, in fact they have to be more careful about their customer service. As small and local businesses usually have low budget and less employee so in order to ensure optimum balance between the expense/cost and the profit, they might be hesitant in investing in any digital system such as a queue management system. And due to the same reasons they might often feel overwhelmed with the load of the customers. Which not only results in poor customer experience but also increase customer churn rate.

Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

The customer churn is simply the measurement of the number of customers who have entered into the business and wanted to purchase something but due to any reason they leave without making a purchase. Mostly the reason is the rush at the counters or very slow moving queues. In this blog we will discuss the basics of a queue management system and its benefits for small and local business to let them understand how important it is to have a digital queue management system at their store/business.

Read  More: The Ultimate Guide to Queue Management

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a combination of software and hardware devices that help businesses to manage the queues and customer flow with more efficiency and also help them to enhance the customer experience and customer journey. The queue management system consists of the following essential parts and components:

  • Queue Management Server Application: This is the brain of the system, an intelligent software with advanced algorithms to operate and control everything in real-time. It resides on a server or cloud or online and is connected with each and every other component.
  • Customer/Visitor Dashboard: This is an interactive dashboard, which is usually available on an interactive kiosk machine. This dashboard allow the customers and visitors to sign-up for the queue and it also issue the tickets.
  • Agent Dashboard:This is an interactive dashboard for the agents/servers who can manage, control and monitor queues from their portal. Usually it is a web-based application which is available on the agent’s computer.
  • Administrative Dashboard: This dashboard is also a web-based application which is designed for the management to monitor the entire queuing process and to customize policies and perform all administrative functions.
  • Digital Signage: These are large display screens placed on strategic location where everyone in the waiting area can view them. These screens are used to display queuing information in real-time along with that the business can run multimedia content to increase customer engagements.
  • Announcement System: The announcement system is used for customer calling, it displays the ticket number of the digital signage as well as it also call the token number and its allocated counter in multi-lingual audio through the sound system installed all around the premises.
  • Counter Plates: The counter plates are available in three types, first one is an ordinary name plate, the second type is an LED based Dot Matrix Display and the most widely used is the small digital display screens which displays counter number, ticket number or any other additional information if needed.

What is a Queue Management System?

These are just the basic components, there are several others that can be added to further improve the efficiency of the system. For example, virtual queuing is one of the most popular queuing method used by both large and small businesses. Another most popular form is QR Code based queuing. The queue management systems are usually customizable, so businesses can come up with their own ideas to innovate new features that could help them to reduce waiting time and improve customer experience.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Advantages of a Queue Management System for Small and Local Businesses

Small and local businesses need an efficient queue management system to improve their customer journey and to increase operational efficiency. As small and local businesses have limited budget and a limited number of employees so it is very crucial to utilize each resource efficiently to ensure maximum outcome. Unmanaged or poorly managed queues not only decrease customer satisfaction but also put strain on the staff which further results in poor employee performance and even poorer customer experience. Another major factor that could make things more difficult is the limited physical space, all small businesses have limited physical space and if it get crowded it will not only harm customer experience but it could have other negative effects too.

Advantages of a Queue Management System for Small and Local Businesses

Here are some advantages of a queue management system for a small or a local business:

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

Simply be managing the queues, reducing the stress of the waiting customer and helping the employees to boost their performance a queue management system can significantly reduce wait time. This can be achieved in many ways, in fact for different businesses the queue management system works differently, let us discuss two most commonly found small businesses. For example a retail store such as clothing brand or just a general grocery store wants to improve its customer experience and customer satisfaction by improving their waiting experience. One thing is for sure, for any small or local businesses the customers must have to wait, it is inevitable. Especially during the rush hours, when the footfall is at its highest of the day, things could really get out of hands. A queue management system can offer mobile apps or SMS enabled sign-up process which help the shoppers to sign-up for the queue. The difference is they don’t have to wait in the line anymore, they can roam around the store and once their turn will come they will be notified by alerts and notifications either in-app or push notifications or simply SMS notifications. Hence the customers can go to their counter and get served immediately without any wait or very little wait time.

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

Similarly for other types of small and local businesses who are offering some kind of services instead of offering products. For example, there is a salon or small travel agent or a local real estate branch. The physical premises is small but during the busy hours it could be crowded. The queue management system can completely eliminate the problems that businesses might face on daily bases such as someone crossing the line or any dispute occurring among the staff or even with other customers, etc. Without a queue management system usually the staff is involved in solving such problems which deviates them from their primary task and also increase their workload. But with a queue management system this all could be avoided the staff could get more time to focus on their primary tasks, which expedite the service delivery process and the customers also remain calm as they know once their turn come only then they will be served. In addition to that in such small premises the digital signage could play vital role in further improving the customer experience by playing multimedia content and publishing queuing detailslive.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency and Profitability

The small and local businesses usually manage their queues manually which not only reduce the customer happiness and customer satisfaction but also increase the workload of the staff which not only result in poor employee performance but it also results in poor customer experience as well. In fact such situations reduce the overall morale of the staff which directly impact on customer satisfaction and customer happiness. However, with the help of a queue management system when the queue are managed automatically and the employees have less work to do, the effects will be reversed, which means the employee will have a very balanced workload which will raise their morale and also improve their work efficiency. This reduce the overall per service cost and increase overall profitability. Once the employee start working on their full potential they will also cause reduction in the waiting time as the service delivery will be faster, which will also improve customer experience and increase their satisfaction. That is how a queue management system can boost the overall brand image and customer loyalty of a small or local business which is extremely important for a long term growth.

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency and Profitability

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Queue Management System Increase Customer Loyalty and Ensures Long Term Growth

The customer loyalty and the long term growth are extremely important for a small or local business. As the competition in the market is very high, small and local businesses are also located nearby each other, usually concentrated in a certain area or sector of the city which means the customers have too many options available. In such scenarios losing a customer due to bad customer service or mismanaged queues could seriously harm the reputation of the business which could have dire consequences in long term. Hence it is extremely crucial that business ensures ultimate customer satisfaction to make them happy. A happy customer is tend to come back again which help building good relationship with them and increase their loyalty.

Queue Management System Increase Customer Loyalty and Ensures Long Term Growth

The loyal customers are tend to be a good brand advocate, they share their positive experience with their colleagues, friends and family and they recommend your brand to others. The loyal customers are more likely to defend the brand while talking to other people in real life or in online or social media platforms. Which help building a positive reputation of the business. A small or local business with positive reputation can attract more customers hence customer loyalty and customer satisfaction has long term effects on the growth and brand image.

Read More: How Queue Management Systems are helping Businesses Grow

Queue Management System can Gather Business Intelligence and Customer Feedback Data

A queue management system is not only used to manage the queues, but it is a very powerful tool that can monitor and capture data from each customer touch point. The system usage data and other stats are very helpful in identifying the areas of improvements and let the business management understand their customers more accurately. The queue management system can also measure and monitor various KPIs which can further help improving the employee efficiency. For example the queue management system can accurately measure the service delivery time each employee takes to serve a customer, it can also collect customer feedback data and various other types of stats which can be analyzed by its in-built analytical engine and the data can be extracted in reporting formats. Which help the management to take informed decisions and to draw strategies for the future.

Queue Management System can Gather Business Intelligence and Customer Feedback Data

Collecting the customer feedback data is one of the great feature of a modern day queue management system. The customer feedback collection not only provide a deeper insight to the customer’s mind but it also help improving customer to business relationship. When a business start collecting customer feedback the customer get a sense of importance and feel more connected to the business. They know that their favorite brand is interested in learning their opinions, views and taking their complaints which shows their seriousness to improve their customer’s experience. This also increase customer loyalty. The customer feedback data can also be extracted in various reporting formats which can be used to analyze various business process, quality of the products/services and also to analyze the behavior and capabilities of the customer service staff. Such data is very important for decision making and planning for the future and help businesses to improve in all aspects.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data


For any small or local business investing in a new solution could be a difficult decision. A queue management system is not as that expensive but still we have witnessed that small and local businesses in Dubai and also in other parts of UAE are a little bit hesitant in investing in it. A queue management system could be a game changer for a small or local business. It can help organizing the queues and improving employee efficiency along with that it also help improving customer experience by reducing the wait time and offer many features that can benefit the business to further reduce the wait time and help them boost their performance. These all factors result in higher customer satisfaction and improve customer loyalty. The loyal customers are important for a long term growth.

A queue management system also gather business intelligence data and customer feedback which provide a deeper understanding of relevant business processes and customer’s mindset. These all information improve the decision making capabilities of the business and ensure a positive growth with higher efficiency and profitability. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the topic or if you are interested in a quote, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Manage Patient Appointment and Journey with Queue Management System

How an Arabic Version of Queue System can Help Improving Customer Experience?

How an Arabic Version of Queue System can Help Improving Customer Experience?

The customer experience and customer happiness are a key to success for a business. Here in Dubai, UAE the market is competitive and customer’s expectations are very high, which makes it even more important to ensure an excellent customer experience if a business wants to compete and grow. A good customer experience makes your customers and visitors happy and satisfied with your brand. Happy customers are more likely to endorse your business and services to others. Word of mouth and online endorsements or social media recommendations are very important for improving your brand identity. If a brand is renowned for its positive reputation, it will attract more customers, and the sales and conversion rate will be improved too. Customer loyalty and customer retention will tag along to help you achieve your business goals and objectives.

There are tons of factors that form up or directly or indirectly have an impact on the customer experience. We keep posting content on these topics, here in this blog we will particularly discuss the importance and positive effects of having a Queue Management System compatible with the Arabic language or with multi-lingual support in Dubai, UAE.

See More: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

What is Customer Experience?

What is Customer Experience?

The customer experience or CX is the entire customer journey and all of the interaction point that a customer has with the business or organization while availing a service. For some businesses there is only a one-time purchase in some cases there is a service availed repeatedly, some businesses sell products only and some rely on digital services only, no matter whatever the case is, the ‘customer experience’ will be simply defined as the entire interaction of a customer with a brand from the first interaction to the businesses getting paid or the task that is required by a customer is executed. The customer experience not only includes the customer journey, or customer wait time, or service delivery time, but it also includes the agent’s behavior, quality of service and products, any other physical or digital aspect which could have any impact on the customer will come under the customer experience.

See More: Sharjah Customs acquires QMS from RSI Concepts.

How an Arabic Version of Queue Management System can Improve Customer Experience?

As we all know UAE is an Arab nation, there are so many ex-pats who are from other Arab countries and there is also a huge number of ex-pat communities who understand and speak Arabic very well. In fact, there is a large ex-pat population who only speak or understand either their native language or either Arabic and are not much familiar with English. That is why having a Queue Management System with the Arabic language can really help to improve the customer experience. It always has a pleasant impact if you hear or read the information in your own language or the language that you can easily understand. If the customer is not familiar with the queue management system language, they might fail to respond to the announcements, or they might end up selecting the wrong option from the sign-up process, and so on. Due to the language a lot many things could go wrong which will definitely result in unhappy customers and poor customer experience. However, the Arabic language interface which includes the Arabic sign-up process, Arabic audio-visual announcements, and lives queuing feeds in the Arabic language could have a very pleasant effect on customer experience.

See More: How Virtual Queuing can Change the Business Process?


Queue Management Systems are widely used to manage and improve customer experience. In Dubai, UAE businesses are very up-to-date and completely understand the importance of a good customer experience. That is the reason most of the businesses and especially service-based industries and relevant sectors are heavily relying on queue management systems for customer flow management and customer experience at the branch. A very crucial and important aspect of any queuing solution is that it provides a very simplified customer interaction and quicker service delivery. For that the customer directly interacts with the queue management system, if the system provides multi-lingual support it further improves the customer experience.

In Dubai, UAE, and in fact entire GCC, the native language is Arabic, a huge number of Arabic language speaking ex-pats are residing here and a huge number of Non-Arab ex-pats are there who happen to be more familiar with the Arabic language than the English. This is why having an Arabic version of a queuing system can provide a great customer experience and ensures customer satisfaction. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need a queuing solution or if you need help to improve customer experience, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Check out this: Mobile Queue Management System’s Impacts on Customer Experience

How Virtual Queuing can Change the Business Process?

How Virtual Queuing can Change the Business Process?
No one likes to wait in long queues. Businesses are losing a huge portion of their sales due to the bad customer experience. Maintaining a good customer experience at the branch, reducing customer wait time, and improving service delivery quality is a great challenge for businesses and organizations not only in Dubai, UAE but all around the world. Virtual queuing is a great tool to achieve higher customer satisfaction and improved customer experience. Virtual queuing also enables organizations and businesses to control the number of active queues of people waiting inside the branch. This also helps businesses to easily implement social distancing. As we all know, social distancing has become a new norm and people’s expectations have also been changed. Now a day’s people expect brands and businesses to ensure higher regulations for health and safety. The virtual queuing solutions can help businesses to create an environment that meets the needs and expectations of their visitors and customers.

Virtual queuing can literally transform the customer journey and customer experience. Happy and satisfied customers help brands improving their brand reputation and gaining positive popularity. Which attracts more customers and also positively influences the prospects to convert. The businesses can easily maintain higher customer retention and higher conversion rates which results in steady growth. It is a saying in the marketing industry that the harm a bad customer experience can do to your brand reputation requires at least ten good customer experiences to restore. This is why customer experience is extremely crucial.

What is Virtual Queuing?

What is Virtual Queuing?

Virtual queuing is a queue managed virtually. The customers can sign-up for the queue virtually without being physically present at the branch. They don’t even have to wait in the physical queues, but instead, the customers and visitors can wait anywhere while virtually present in the queue and their turn will be called like as they were physically present in the queue. This is virtual queuing. Customers are loving it. It reduces the wait time to almost zero and provides freedom to the customers to wait anywhere and sign-up for the queue from anywhere. Brands can gain huge with virtual queuing.

What is a Virtual Queue Management System?

What is a Virtual Queue Management System

Obviously the virtual queuing can be achieved with an exclusive virtual queue management system. The system is specifically designed to provide features and functionalities that enable businesses and organizations to offer virtual queuing. RSI Queue Management System is equipped with advanced virtual queuing modules and tools along with the regular queuing operation capabilities. The virtual queue management system includes software and hardware tools that enable the system to facilitate virtual queuing. Mostly there are very basic components that are used for virtual queuing. Such as:

  1. QR Codes
  2. Mobile Apps
  3. Web Portal
  4. Calls, SMS & Emails

The rest of the system is similar to the ordinary queue management system with all the basic components such as the ticket dispenser (although mostly it is not required for virtual queuing), digital signage screens, counter display screens, and audiovisual announcements. The basic is the same that is why a virtual queue management system can also be utilized as a normal queue management system along with its additional virtual queue management features.

See More : Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

How Virtual Queuing Business Process is Different?

How Virtual Queuing Business Process is Different?

In regular or traditional queue management systems people are coming to the branch, taking tickets to sign-up for the queue, and then waiting in the waiting area or long lines to get the service done. The entire process was lengthy and unpleasant for the visitors and customers. The businesses would also have to find ways to reduce the wait time or at least introduce some engagements to reduce the negative effects of the waiting. After a long time in the waiting area or a long queue when the customer was arriving at the counter they were already not in a good mood, any small thing could have easily irritated them which also results in poor customer experience and poor service delivery quality. This also affects the performance and work efficiency of the employees.

However, with virtual queuing the entire business process is transformed to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction and customer happiness. This not only lets organizations build a positive reputation but also boosts employee efficiency and customer retention, and both these factors plays a critical role in overall business growth. Here is how virtual queuing has changed the business process:

Remote Sign-up

Remote Sign-up

The first and very big change is that the virtual queue management system provides a facility to sign-up remotely for the queue without being physically present on the premises. The remote signups can be done through multiple methods such as:

  1. Email, Call, or SMS
  2. Smartphone Application
  3. Online Customer Portal/Website
  4. QR Code
  5. Appointment Booking

The customer can easily signup using any method and will be provided with a mobile ticket or ticket number.

Virtual Waiting

Virtual Waiting

Virtual queuing have completely transformed the waiting experience. The customer or visitor don’t really have to wait inside the premises, hence there is literally no wait time. The customers or visitors can arrive at the time of their turn and can instantly get the service delivered to them without stating in the queue or waiting in the waiting area. The customer can sign-up for the queue or book the appointment and then they can either wait at their home or in their cars or anywhere they prefer. This has significantly transformed the customer experience, it also improves the service delivery quality and employee efficiency.

See More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Queue Status and Announcements

Queue Status and Announcements

Unlike traditional queue management systems, the virtual queue management systems don’t rely only on publishing the real-time feeds and updates on the digital signage, but the virtual queue management system also provides all the information to the customers via their mobile applications, push notifications, online portal, email, and SMS. The customer can receive an SMS sometime prior to their turn and again at the time of their turn the call can be made using multiple methods. The customers and visitors can view all the details and real-time updates from their mobile devices or computers. This also enables them to arrive at the very time of their turn hence no wait time will be required.

The queuing status, customer flow information, announcements, and any other information can be provided to the customer via multiple communication channels. For example, the smartphone application can provide all details on the dedicated screen, the web portal can provide all details, the email, SMS, and push notifications can be used to make announcements, etc. It improves customer experience and customer journey.

See More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Virtual Queuing also Support Social Distancing

Virtual Queuing also Support Social Distancing

Social distancing has become a new norm. Everyone has accepted the fact that we must comply with the social distancing not only for our safety and health but for others around us too. This is why when you are inviting your customers and visitors to physically visit your branch, you should also meet the needs and demands of your customers and visitors. The social distancing ensures the safety and health of your customers and visitors as well as of the employees. For example at a retail outlet, a QR code-based sign-up can be used, the QR code has to be placed at the entrance of the store. Once the customers arrive at the store and scan the QR Code they can be provided with their mobile or virtual ticket, along with the real-time updated information of the active queues and the overall process in the branch to help the customers and visitors to understand the ongoing activities and expected time to their turn. This further improves the customer experience and customer happiness.

See More: How a KPI Software can help provide better Customer Journey?

Virtual Queue Management System Integration with Other Tools

Virtual Queue Management System Integration with Other Tools

A traditional queue management system doesn’t require much integration with other tools and systems, in fact, it can operate as a stand-alone system without even requiring any data from any other corporate tool or system. However the virtual queuing involves a lot many different tools and systems such as an online customer portal or a mobile app or an appointment management system, the virtual queue management system should have to be able to connect and integrate with necessary tools and systems. Our virtual queue management system can easily be integrated with existing tools and systems.

For example, the integration with the appointment booking system allows the user to set an appointment utilizing the virtual queue management system’s in-built online appointment management module or web portal, or smartphone app. The QR Code generator module or tool enables the QR Code-based virtual sign-up for the customers through their smartphones. Smartphone applications are widely used and welcomed due to their ease of use and convenience. Businesses are integrating their corporate smartphone application with tons of other tools and systems to achieve higher efficiency. This is why the virtual queue management system should have to able to integrate with other tools and systems to achieve greater functionalities and higher customer satisfaction.

See More: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Virtual Queue Management System Data Collection and Reports

Virtual Queue Management System Data Collection and Reports

The data collection and reporting module are very vital for gathering valuable business intelligence. The virtual queue management system has fewer touchpoints but larger interactions with the customers. It also provides more flexible communication mediums for the customers. The statistical and system usage data is also collected, the employee performance and overall quality of the entire business process can be measured and monitored. The virtual queue management system has built-in software engine and analytical tool to process all those inputs and generate actionable reports. Following are the few examples of the data that can be collected using the virtual queue management system:

  1. Customer Wait Time
  2. Service Delivery Time and Quality
  3. Customer Happiness and Satisfaction
  4. Customer Retention and Sales
  5. Direct Customer Feedback
  6. Employee Performance
  7. System KPIs (key performance indicators)
  8. System Usage Stats

These are just a few things that can be measured, monitored, and improved using the virtual queue management system. There are a lot may touchpoints that can be monitor for more detailed behavioral data collection for the customers and the employees. Overall a virtual queue management system is a great source of business intelligence. The data and reports can be very helpful to the management in decision making and strategy building. The organizations can effectively and accurately measure the impact of any change in the business process or policy at the customers and business process. These traits show the superiority of the virtual queue management system over other ordinary queuing solutions.

See More: How Queue Management System can benefit in shipping industry?


The virtual queue management system can completely transform the business processes that involves customer flow management and service delivery. The virtual queue and remote sign-up have completely changed the customer flow management process. With the virtual queuing the customers and visitors are not required to be physically present at the premises to sign-up for the queue instead the sign-up can be done remotely via different mediums such as web portal, mobile apps, SMS, email, appointment booking tool and others. The customers can get a mobile ticket and they can wait anywhere or don’t even have to wait at all if they planned their day accordingly and arrive at the branch only when their turn comes, this way the wait time is reduced to almost nothing. Technically the customer don’t have to wait at all at the branch and can get instantly served once they arrive on their turn. This significantly improve the customer experience, customer journey, and employee performance. Satisfied customers and efficient employees ensure a steady business growth.

Apart from that the virtual queue management system can monitor and capture a lot of touchpoints and milestones in the customer journey along with the employee performance indicators. The virtual queue management system has an in-build analytical and statistical software engine to process that data and to generate valuable reports. These reports are very helpful in taking vital decisions and building up future strategies. The virtual queue management system is also very flexible towards integration with other corporate tools and enterprise systems which further enhances its capabilities to improve customer flow management and service delivery time & quality. The virtual queue management system is the ultimate customer experience transformation tool.

RSI Concepts is a leading queue management systems provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need a virtual queuing solution or need help with any kind of queuing needs, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave us a comment in the comment box below and we will revert back to you.

Check out this: Top 8 Benefits of Using Queue Management System

Benefits of Queue Management using Mobile Apps

The queue management systems or queuing systems are already helping businesses and organizations by streamlining and controlling the customer flow to maintain a pleasant customer experience throughout the complete service delivery process. When an intelligent queue management system coupled with a smartphone application, it could results in more freedom for the visitors, and more control for the branch and staff on the customer flow management. The smartphone applications are also very helpful in gathering feedbacks and other stats, which could also help the management to understand the performance and efficiency of the existing system.


Here are some benefits of Queue Management using Mobile Apps:

1. Join the Queue before Arriving at the Branch


Allow your customers to join the queue before even arriving at the branch. As we all know that sometimes the traffic in Dubai and also in Sharjah, could be very slow, traffic jams are normal during the busy hours. The customers who happened to stuck in traffic for let’s say 30 to 45 minutes is already anxious, and if they will have to wait in long queues, then this will also going to impact their mood. That is where a queue management system integrated with a mobile app can help. Businesses can allow their visitors and customer to sign-up for the queue from their smartphone application before even arriving at the branch or customer service centre.

2. Reduce Wait Time


Wait time will automatically reduce if a customer will sign-up for the queue before their arrival at the branch. Not only that it also allows the management to prevent crowding and rush in the waiting areas. Crowd or a large number of guests, visitors and customers in the waiting area also bring more trouble for the admin and service staff. Which could further annoy the customers. Preventing large crowds will not only ease the staff but it will also improve the customer experience and customer journey through the service delivery process.

3. Real-Time Updates and Push Notifications


The queuing system mobile app can automatically provide real-time updates. The smartphone applications are very flexible and at the same time very capable. It is up to your imagination and innovation that what functionality would you want to provide to your customers and visitors. Push-notifications, SMS and alerts are some of the great features. You can provide all necessary updates to the user from the various way along with a notification.

4. Branch Locator in the Mobile App


The queue management system smartphone application or queuing mobile app is a great tool. The customers/visitors can search and locate any nearest branch easily. With integration with any digital map/location provider, the mobile app user can even lookup for the nearest branch or the branch where they could reach at the earliest as per the traffic situation in the route. This is a very advance and great feature. There are so many possibilities and so many features that can be introduced into the branch locator to facilitate the customers/visitors.

Another very advance feature in the branch locator module of our queue management mobile app is to provide details about the ongoing queues for the branch. The branch locator can also point the visitors/customers to another nearby branch with less active queues. This also helps the user to identify and reach a branch where they could be served at the earliest.

5. Customer Feedback from the Queuing System Mobile App


Collecting Customer Feedback always help customer relationship and communication teams. This also provides you with a direct channel to communicate with your customers and visitors. Smartphone applications are the most commonly used mediums in Dubai, UAE. People feel more comfortable in expressing their thoughts through digital mediums rather a direct phone call or in person. So, the chances are very high that the customer will give you an honest opinion using smartphone applications. The mobile app also allows you to communicate with the customers, such as if you want to share new promotions, products, services, offers, etc you can utilize the application to push such news to a huge number of the customer without any additional cost.

6. Business Intelligence, Reports and Analytical Data


Business intelligence, reports and analytical data are very important for businesses. The reports and statistical data analysis can provide you a great business insight. You can accurately measure the efficiency of the system and you can easily highlight the areas which require improvements. The management can gather valuable business intelligence from not only usage and other stats but also from the customer feedback through a queue management system mobile app. This will help businesses a lot in taking productive decisions and forming their future strategies.

Read also: Queue Management System Integrated with Appointment Management System


Benefits of queue management using mobile apps are equal for both the visitors/customers and the businesses themselves. The smartphone mobile applications help customers by providing them with a lot of many facilities. The communication and marketing department can also utilize them as a communication tool and businesses can easily market new products/services or offer through mobile apps without any additional cost. It reduces the workload on the serving staff and helps to improve the customer experience. Businesses can also use queue management system mobile apps to aid the implementation of their new policies and much more. The business intelligence gathered through statistical and usage data and customer feedback is priceless.

Businesses can benefit a lot from their queue management systems by integrating mobile apps. If you want to upgrade your queue management system or if you want to develop smartphone applications for your queue management system or for any other department, it is always important to reach out to a proper professional mobile app development company in Dubai, UAE, such as RSI Concepts. Please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page.

Check this out: Importance of digital queue management system in 2021

How to reduce patient wait time in hospitals with virtual queuing?

How to reduce patient wait time in hospitals with virtual queuing? Or how to provide a hustle-free patient flow management system to ensure a smooth experience while the patients and their attendants are already is a stressful situation. Obviously the ordinary queue management system is not enough as we have to manage all the resources and the most important thing is to prioritize different tasks, such as if a patient is in a critical situation he/she needs quick treatment or tests, or anything compared to others who might be better than them. There are so many different things a queue management system should be able to handle while operating in a hospital or clinic or a testing laboratory.


The reason for writing this blog is to address the most basic question “How to reduce patient wait time in hospitals?” and the simplest answer to this question is “with virtual queuing”. We will explain, how?

Our customized virtual queue management system comes with a dedicated “Patient Flow Management Module” in it. Which helps improving patient journey throughout the process. From checking-in to patient queues and appointment management system, everything can be managed and monitored through our custom-built virtual queue management system for hospitals, clinics and laboratories/test facilities.

Our virtual queue management system comes with the following basic features:

  • Dedicated Virtual Queuing Module
  • Online Queue Management System
  • Mobile Queuing via SMS and Smartphone Application
  • Online Appointment Booking Module
  • Real-time updates and live dashboard
  • Real-time Statistical Data and Analysis for the Management
  • Custom Reports for Facility, Location, Branch, Reception, Agent, Department, etc
  • Comprehensive Reports and KPIs to ensure enhanced and improved operational capabilities
  • Digital Signage Module
  • Self-service Kiosks
  • Disability Compliance Kiosks and Special Built Kiosks for People with Special Needs And much more.

We always encourage our customers to have a customized solution rather than the stock solution. Because in a customized solution we can evaluate the actual environment with more accuracy and can propose a solution which suits best for that particular scenario. This also increases the overall efficiency of the system with reduced patient waiting time and better service delivery.

The customized operations for each area also improves the patient waiting time with up to 40%. Such as we can have a dedicated module for the OPD and a separate module for the regular doctor appointments. This is to further optimize the service delivery mechanisms for different sectors with different operational protocols and services types.

The healthcare industry is a very delicate industry, we can prepare a plan on paper with all its perfection to reduce the unpredictability, but in reality, the case is different. Sometimes the patient does book online appointment but don’t arrive on time sometimes even don’t arrive at all, or maybe they are so late that they reached when the doctor is already examining the next patient. This is just an example of so many scenarios the hospital management staff could face during their regular workday. The system should have to be flexible, intelligent enough, and easy-to-use for the staff to handle such situations without causing any disturbance to other patient flow.

Another advantage of having a dedicated virtual queuing system is to control the number of patient in the facility. Taking things online will also make it easier to manage the number of people in the waiting area at any given time, this also prevents crowd and let hospitals, clinics and other such facilities to maintain social distancing. The smartphone applications, website landing pages, digital signage and other such accessories of our linear queue management system for hospitals and clinics will help to promote the instructions and informatics media for the patients and their attendants.

Another advantage of our virtual queue management system is its automation and the intelligent software engine, which has proven to be very efficient in various environments and special scenarios. This also reduces the pressure from the management and the staff as well as ensure a smooth queue management process. In some cases, the visitors’ waiting time has been effectively optimized to up to 40% with the happiness increased to around 30% in the first 30 days of the installation. The system is very comprehensive and the control modules are well crafted to optimize these figures further after analysis of the inputs of the system.

Our most customers are also benefiting from our in-built customer feedback and happiness meter module which can be provided on-demand bases. The module in itself is a comprehensive survey and visitors’ happiness meter with elaborated reporting modules and facility to fetch data either by automatically or by various input options.

The barcode and QR code option along with multiple other hardware accessories we can further optimize the system for automation and fast service delivery time. There is a variety of very useful hardware and software accessories which can be introduced in the virtual queue management system to make it more effective in improving patient journey and wait time optimization.

Our virtual queuing queue management system is well prepared after incorporating a lot of feedback from our customers and the experiences we have gained in the past decade. This is another reason, we suggest a customized-built solution of the queue management system for hospitals, clinics and test facilities. If you have any suggestion please contact us via the below comment box or if you have an enquiry you can contact us through our Contact US page.

Checkout: Future of Queue Management System in Dubai