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The Role of AI in Modern Performance Management Systems

Businesses are continually seeking way and means to improve their employee productivity and overall business outcome. The performance management system is a very vital business function. It kept employees engaged and motivated. The rapidly evolving business landscape demand not only reactive but a proactive business management. This requires businesses to develop a highly motivated and productive workforce. Hiring the right talent is very important but retaining the right talent and then grooming them to grow and thrive is very difficult. That is why businesses utilize various performance management systems. The most fundamental is annual appraisal and performance reviews. However, in this modern day and age, that is not enough at all.

The present day employees seek continuous feedback and encouragement. Businesses need to implement modern performance management systems such as continuous performance management, in-depth employee reviews, frequent feedbacks, training and development initiatives, and much more. That is why businesses started adopting digital employee appraisal and performance management system which have abilities to collect data with superior efficiency and it is equipped with advanced analytical tools. The performance management is all about data-driven decisions and transparency. With the advent of AI and the rapid development in technology enable businesses to adopt AI-powered performance management system. In this blog we will discuss the role of AI in modern performance management system.

The Role of AI in Modern Performance Management Systems
The Role of AI in Modern Performance Management Systems

Understanding the Basics of a Performance Management System

By definition a performance management system is a combination of both processes and strategies which businesses uses to monitor, evaluate and improve employee performance. It usually includes, goal setting, alignment with high-level organizational goals, performance monitoring or tracking of KPIs (key performance indicators) and a feedback and review mechanism. The modern performance management systems are very sophisticated and advanced, unlike traditional practices they don’t rely heavily on manual processes. In fact a modern performance management system is powered by a comprehensive software solution. The performance management software (PMS) provides a well-structured and systematic approach to optimize performance management processes and their impact on organizational culture.

The modern digital performance management system is a great tool to eliminate traditional problems with performance management, such as bias, inefficient review processes, lack of transparency, lack of alignment and inefficiencies in various other areas of performance management. The software-based performance management system are much better at aligning individual performance with high-level strategic goals and objective. A modern performance management system offer many features which tend to enhance communication and increase employee engagements. Features such as 360 degree feedbacks, continuous performance monitoring and reviews, personalized training programs, contextual awareness and focus on employees’ well-being. All such features amplify the impact of performance management efforts and ensure employee satisfaction.

Understanding the Basics of a Performance Management System
Understanding the Basics of a Performance Management System

The Emergence of AI in Performance Management Systems

The AI or Artificial Intelligence is very sophisticated technology, think of a robot’s brain who can see everything around it, learn from the data, adopt to changing conditions, and make decisions at its own. This is what AI can do, and it is already revolutionizing the software industry, particularly performance management software with its unmatched potential and performance. The difference between an AI and a legacy software application are comparable to a bicycle and jumbo jet. The AI has remarkable power in analyzing vast amount of data, it has capabilities to understand and interpret that data mimicking a human-like behavior which makes it superior. The AI offers superior performance analytical tools which is essential for data-driven decisions. Moreover the AI has learning capabilities which keep improving its performance and impact over the time.

The ability to analyze vast amount of data make AI superior. This feature become very handy when the data is scattered all across different platforms. For example, the AI can simultaneously collect and analyze data from the project management software, from ERP software, from CRM, form feedback system, and various other business tools. This eliminate the need of relying on reviews and enable management to continuously monitor and track employee performance in real-time. By leveraging AI in custom performance management system organization can easily switch from traditional or a reactive approach to more advanced and impactful proactive and predictive approaches. The AI when infused with a performance management system can greatly improve efficiency, reduce cost and increase outcome.

See Also: Choosing a Performance Management System A Buyer’s Guide

The Emergence of AI in Performance Management Systems
The Emergence of AI in Performance Management Systems

How AI is Revolutionizing Performance Management Systems?

Businesses can leverage AI in different forms, they can infuse it with their existing digital performance management system or they can integrate an AI-powered performance management system with existing business tools and internal processes. One of the biggest advantage of integrating AI in your performance management is the ability to rather relying on past performance focus more on future development and opportunities. The AI can link performance management to business outcomes which help minimizing inefficiencies and amplify the impact. The traditional performance management systems are proven to be very less effective when it comes to employee engagements, and this is because of their fundamental flaw which is focusing only on past performance and lack of contextual performance management. Here are the key benefits of integrating AI in a digital performance management system:

  • AI Automates Routine Tasks: The performance management system is a complicated process, there are several routine and repetitive tasks, which doesn’t appeal neither employees nor managers. The AI can effortlessly automate routine tasks such as collecting performance data, monitoring changes in performance, coordinating review meetings, generating reports, sharing information and reports to relevant teams and personals, etc.
  • AI Enhances Feedback Mechanisms: The feedback is a backbone of performance management. A timely and constructive feedback can be a game changer. The AI can monitor and analyze employee performance data and produce actionable insights facilitating managers to quickly give constructive feedback. Moreover the AI can detect even the most minor performance trends helping manager identifying the areas of improvement and training needs.
  • Personalized Employee Development Plans: The employee development programs are vital for employee’s growth and are most crucial factor in employee retention. The AI has incredible ability to analyze, understand and interpret performance data for individual employee. This help AI to act as a career coach, it can analyze an employee’s skills, strengths, weaknesses, and needs, accordingly the AI can recommend projects, training programs, courses or workshops, etc.
  • Eliminating Bias from Evaluation Processes: The bias is one of the most longstanding problem both employees and managers found very demoralizing and discouraging. Traditionally employee reviews are majorly subjective however, the AI offer objective analysis based on pure data and actual performance. This eliminates bias from the evaluation processes and help building trust between employees and managers. Fair evaluation is a key to employee satisfaction.
  • Proactive Performance Management: Traditionally the performance management is majorly reactive approach. However, with advanced and in-depth analytical tools, AI can predict various things, such as future needs for skills, improvements, and even if an employee is on verge of leaving the organization. The AI’s predictive analysis help management in preparing for future challenges and short comings which completely transform performance management process.
  • AI Increases Employee Engagements: The more your employees are engaged the happier they become. Happy employees are highly motivated and tend to perform way too better than disengaged or poorly engaged employees. The has a lot to offer with this regard, such as the AI can do sentiment analysis, it has superior behavioral analysis tools, and various other innovative features which help increasing employee engagement and making them more loyal.
  • Real-Time Performance Monitoring: The AI’s inherent ability to collect, analyze and understand vast amount of data coming from different sources make it an indispensable asset for performance management. The real-time performance monitoring eliminate delays, it help managers instantly provide feedback, identify problems, or recognize achievements. The AI is super-efficient in real-time monitoring and analysis which is crucial for quick response.
  • Enhancing Goal Setting and Alignment: The AI can deeply analyze the organizational goals and strategic objectives. It can identify performance patterns, individual employee’s skills, caliber and talent, which help managers set realistic and challenging yet achievable goals. Businesses can effectively implement SMART goals framework and with continuous performance management methods they can ensure full alignment of individual goals with high-level organizational goals and objectives.

The AI integration with performance management system offer many benefits. However, there are some challenges too. One of the biggest challenge is the training of AI. The AI or AI Agents require data for training purposes, if the training data has flaws and bias in it, the chances are the AI will eventually perpetuate or even amplify the bias down the road. That is why it is crucial to carefully prepare the data to train the AI. Moreover the AI requires superior computing power to run on, if you are outsourcing it then the security could become a bit challenging. Another common challenge is the absence of human emotions.

The AI lacks emotions and empathy, and sometimes broader context too. For example, if a good employee start falling behind, the AI will immediately flag them without realizing they could have some other problems, or even personal issues. Only a human manager can understand and account these things. Therefore while you are automating it is important to balance between automation and human involvement to obtain maximum efficiency and impact of your performance management system.

See Also: Measuring the ROI of Performance Management Systems

How AI is Revolutionizing Performance Management Systems?
How AI is Revolutionizing Performance Management Systems?


The AI or artificial intelligence is not just a buzz word, but it is a revolutionary technology. Integrating AI in performance management system can greatly improve the way businesses manages their employees’ performance. The AI has advanced capabilities or collecting and analyzing large volumes of data both structured and unstructured. The AI can collect data from all integrated sources, for example, whether it is a project management system, CRM system, ERP, or any other business tool, the AI can collect and analyze performance data in different forms and types. The AI-powered performance management system can monitor and analyze performance in real-time paving way for real-time and very proactive performance management.

The AI can automate repetitive and various administrative tasks, further simplifying the performance management processes for both employees and managers. The AI has in-built advanced analytical tools capable of sensing the smallest change in performance trends, keeping managers informed and updated. Moreover the AI-powered performance management system have great capabilities to boost employee engagements. Employee engagement is crucial and help businesses motivate employees. Motivated and engaged employees tend to be happier and more loyal which help in retention. The AI can also help in personalizing the employee development program by accurately analyzing their performance data.

Where AI offer numerous benefits it is also important to understand the importance of human monitoring and intervention. Where the AI can automate various processes, reduce performance management cost, drive efficiency in internal processes, and improves data collection and analysis mechanisms, it also has a minor drawback. The AI lacks emotions, empathy and broader understanding of human behavior. Thus businesses should consider attaining a balance between the AI automation and superior human intelligence and decision making abilities. In this blog we have discussed briefly the role of AI in modern software-based performance management systems. If you want to learn more of need our help in implementing a bespoke AI-powered performance management system, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

How to Use Performance Management Systems for Leadership Development

Performance management means improving the operational performance, productivity, customer service, quality of products, and overall profitability of a business. A right performance management approach can gain a great competitive advantage and help businesses sustain long-term growth. A performance management system is a combination of software application, analytical tools and strategy which provides a comprehensive framework to align individual performance with high-level organization goals and strategic objectives. Traditionally the performance management system relies on annual reviews or biannual reviews, however, the modern performance management systems offer continuous performance management.

In-depth performance data collection, KPIs, OKRs, SMART Goals management and various other intuitive tool to facilitate the performance management process. For any organization the primary goal of implementing a performance management system is to make improvements in both individuals as well as internal processes and workflows. The leadership is crucial for the efficiency and productivity. A modern performance management system comes with specialized tools that help businesses elevate employees based on their true potential, talent and commitment. Businesses who have internal mechanism to produce business leaders tend to perform well.

High-performing employees who are working for an organization for years with flawless record, have great potential to become a good leader. However, it is very hard to identify such individuals. This is where a performance management system steps in. In this blog we will discuss how businesses can leverage the modern performance management system to produce new leaders and high-performing employees.

See Also: The Risk of Poor Performance Management and How to identify it?

How to Use Performance Management Systems for Leadership Development
How to Use Performance Management Systems for Leadership Development

Role of Performance Management in Leadership Development

For any healthy and high-performing organizational culture, the leadership plays a crucial role. The leadership is responsible for building strategies overcoming shortfalls and mitigating problems. The strong leadership not only effectively implement company’s policies but also guide workforce and help them achieve their goals and objectives. Good business leader also keep the employees engaged and reduce the employee turnover rate. A modern performance management system consists of software tools and modern strategies which provide a structured framework and well-organized mechanisms to nurture talent and groom high-performing employees to become new leaders.

A performance management system help businesses unlock the true potential of the employees, it keep them engaged, address their pain points, provide them opportunities and help building effective development plans. The performance management system help fostering a culture of continues improvement, learning and engagement which help improving employees’ potential.

See Also: The Impact of Performance Management on Organizational Culture

Role of Performance Management in Leadership Development
Role of Performance Management in Leadership Development

Every business grows and evolves on a different pace, this eventually develop a unique business identity which not only reflects on their products and services, but it also shape the internal business processes, workflows and overall organizational culture. Here are some key advantages of a modern performance management system which businesses can utilize to identify high-performing talent and groom them to be able to work in corresponding leadership roles:

Goal Setting and Leadership Development

The goal setting is one of the most crucial process of the performance management. The employees should be provided with the clear and achievable goals. For example, the SMART framework which means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound. This approach helps employee understand what is to be expected from them and on top of that the performance management system also facilitate communication, continuous feedbacks, and employee engagement tools. These tools help businesses to closely monitor the efficiency, team management skills, and decision making abilities and learning abilities.

This also help businesses course correct, and take timely actions which ensure employee perform well. The performance management system also provides tools which help businesses identify the obstacles, and perform contextual and predictive analysis which further help understanding employee potential and enable businesses to build effective learning and development plans.

See Also: Linking Performance Management to Business Outcomes

Goal Setting and Leadership Development
Goal Setting and Leadership Development

Continuous Feedback: A Key to Leadership Development

The continuous feedback is a crucial part of a modern performance management system. It helps businesses engage employees more frequently through a structured feedback framework. The digital tools also enable businesses to record one-to-one meetings and feedbacks which further improve the quality of review. The regular feedbacks also help employees understand their strengths and weaknesses and provide them vital guide from managers and seniors to improve their performance. Regular interaction with supervisors, managers and senior management is crucial for employees aspiring to take leadership roles.

The continuous feedback help employees to adjust their behaviors, improve their professional competencies and stay aligned with the organizational goals and objectives. The digital performance management system also ensures transparency and accuracy which help building employees trust and it also improves decision making processes.

See Also: What is Continuous Performance Management? Complete Guide!

Continuous Feedback: A Key to Leadership Development
Continuous Feedback: A Key to Leadership Development

360 Degree Feedback Help Improving Leadership Skills

The traditional performance management system fell short at feedback, as these systems only rely on the annual or biannual reviews and doesn’t have any room for 360 degree feedbacks. For employees who are either aiming to work on leadership role or have potential to become future leader, can leverage the 360 degree feedbacks. The 360 degree feedback is a tool to collect feedback on a much wider spectrum. Modern performance management systems offer intuitive tools to collect and analyze the 360 degree feedback.

The 360 degree feedback is not limited to reviews from managers, but it also includes feedback from peers, managers, seniors, customers, suppliers, cross-team peers and managers and any other relevant person. This is very important for future leaders as the 360 degree feedback helps them to understand how other perceive their leadership skills. It also help them understand and improve their professional, behavioral competencies, communication and management skills.

See Also: Choosing a Performance Management System A Buyer’s Guide

360 Degree Feedback Help Improving Leadership Skills
360 Degree Feedback Help Improving Leadership Skills

Impactful Training, Learning and Development Programs

The traditional performance management system are perceived as accountability mechanisms. Because the traditional performance management majorly focuses only on assessing and evaluating employee efficiency, productivity and their contribution in the high-level organizational goals. This is where the modern performance management system tend to be much superior and conventional approach. The modern performance management system not only focuses on accountability and evaluation but it also deeply focuses on developing and designing learning, development, and skill building programs for the employees.

With the AI-powered advanced analytical tool businesses can not only accurately identify the strengths and weaknesses of the employees but they can also evaluate their current skill building, learning and development programs to make them more beneficial for the employees which eventually results in making more high-performing and skilled managers.

See Also: Employee Performance Management Process with PMS

Impactful Training, Learning and Development Programs
Impactful Training, Learning and Development Programs

Tracking Leadership Development and Identifying Right Leaders

The modern performance management systems are a combination of integrated software application and modernized performance management strategies. These solutions can autonomously monitor and track various KPIs with ability to track both standard and customized KPIs. These tools provide businesses ability to specifically track skills which are associated with the relevant leadership role as per employee’s qualifications, job role, technical skills and experience. This help businesses set expectations and identify the right talent for the leadership position. Businesses can also identify any disruption in progressing employees and can take steps to enhance their performance and learning skills.

The modern performance management systems not only offer leadership competencies assessment but also help businesses identify the employees with great talent and potential to become leaders in future. The higher management can easily identify the employees who consistently meet or exceed their goals, and show development in their leadership skills such as problem-solving, communication, critical decision-making and collaboration with various other technical and behavioral KPIs.

See Also: How to Design a Modern Performance Management System?

Tracking Leadership Development and Identifying Right Leaders
Tracking Leadership Development and Identifying Right Leaders


Businesses operating in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE are well aware of the highly competitive market landscape and ever increasing customer demands. This demands form businesses to effectively utilize the resources in hand to be able to achieve higher productivity. The human resource is one of the most crucial factor in any business’s success. No matter how much you invest in your production facilities, equipment, IT infrastructure and marketing, if their workforce is not up-to-the-mark then they can never achieve their goals and objectives. Therefore businesses tend to utilize various different types of performance management systems.

A performance management system is a complete framework which monitors employee performance, allow businesses to set and communicate goals with employees and then at the end of performance cycle it helps them in appraisal and various other HR tasks. However, as the technology tend to develop and the market trends tend to evolve the business practices also keep on evolving and changing to meet their needs. The performance management system has also evolved a lot, the modern performance management systems are much more complex and sophisticated, aided by AI-powered software application and advanced data analytical tools.

A modern performance management system not only help businesses implement the modern performance management strategies and methodologies but it also makes performance management much more efficient, cost-effective, accurate and impactful. The leadership development is one of the integral part of the performance management. A modern performance management system provides a multitude of features such as continuous feedback, digital dashboards, real-time monitoring, KPIs, OKRs, 360 degree reviews, and structured approach to collect and analyze performance data. This help businesses identify the high-performing talent and enable them to specifically monitor and groom the leadership competencies of employees.

In this blog we have discussed how businesses can use the modern performance management system for leadership development. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to design and implement a bespoke digital performance management system for your business or organization, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: How to Customize Performance Management System?

See Also: 5 Performance Management Problems and How to Solve Them

See Also: How the HR should select a Performance Management System?

How to Develop Custom Performance Appraisal System in UAE?

The custom performance appraisal system in UAE are not very common. Usually businesses rely on cloud-based or commercial off-the-shelf solutions. The biggest problem with ready-made or stock performance appraisal system is that they are standardized for a particular industry, hence they are not as that flexible. However, every business is different and unique, and all businesses develop a completely unique culture and have different goals, needs and preferences for the performance management. Using a stock or commercial off-the-shelf solution can never fulfill such needs.

Therefore businesses start looking into the possibilities to develop a custom performance appraisal system. For that businesses have two choices either they get it done by the internal software development team, which is very less obvious, and most of the time businesses doesn’t have IT teams who can deliver that kind of sophisticated application. The other choice is to acquire the services of a professional software development agency in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE who is experienced in HR solutions and performance management systems.

However, even if a business acquires a professional service provider or vendor, they must still have adequate understand of the performance appraisal system. In this blog we will discuss the important factors which will help businesses to get a high-performance and impactful performance appraisal system in UAE.

How to Develop Custom Performance Appraisal System in UAE?
How to Develop Custom Performance Appraisal System in UAE?

What is a Custom Employee Performance Appraisal System?

An employee performance system is a set of methods, techniques, tools and framework used to evaluate employee performance and progress against a pre-defined objective and it helps identifying the weaknesses, strengths and areas of improvement. The prime purpose of the employee appraisal system is to ensure that all the available resources are progressing in the right direction and their efforts are fully aligned with the high-level organizational goals and strategic objectives.

The performance appraisal system is a foundation stone for growth and stability. Only by leveraging the full potential of the employees, a business can sustain and grow in the highly competitive and fast-paced markets like UAE. The employee performance appraisal system provides a comprehensive framework to collect employee performance data and feedback and transform this into actionable insight which helps management and HR department to take informed decisions and progress towards their high-level organizational goals and vision.

When we say custom employee performance appraisal system the only difference is how the system is developed. A custom employee performance appraisal system is developed exclusively for a particular business as per their exclusive and very unique business needs. That is why it is called a custom employee performance appraisal system.

See Also: What are the Features of a Best Performance Management System?

What is a Custom Employee Performance Appraisal System?
What is a Custom Employee Performance Appraisal System?

What are the Benefits of Using a Custom Performance Appraisal System?

An effective performance appraisal system help businesses drive the productivity, it helps them minimize the problems caused by the lack of technical or behavioral competencies. The employee performance appraisal systems are not a tool to scrutinize the employees, but it is a comprehensive framework which lifts up the performance of the employee, increases employee engagements, and over the time strengthen their technical and behavioral competencies.

A good employee performance appraisal system can have massive impact on a business’s growth and success. That is why it is important that the employee performance appraisal system you use is fully aligned with your business needs and resonate with your unique organizational culture and priorities. Here are the key benefits of using a custom performance appraisal system:

Elevating and Enhancing Communication:

The communication is the backbone of our modern business ecosystems. All business functions should have a fraction-less and instant communication enabled in order to boost the operational efficiency. The lack of communication between employees and managers could devastate the performance and efficiency. It frustrate employees, fuel hopelessness and it kills productivity. The performance appraisal system help managers communicate the goals and objectives, and help employee understand the success criteria. Hence the employee are more motivated to progress in the right direction.

See Also: 5 Challenges to face if Performance Appraisal is not customized as per Organization’s Policies

Appreciate High Performance and Improvements:

One of the biggest concern of employees and managers is with the outdated appraisal practices is their efficacy and accuracy. A modern custom performance appraisal system help building trust and ensures the high performance is well appreciated while the areas of improvements are also noted accurately. Rightful incentive and appreciation not only boost employee morale but also encourage others to do well in the coming performance cycle. The reviews, feedbacks, and evaluation are done with a systematic framework which help employees and managers to understand what has to be improved and how, which also help raising the morale of low-performing employees.

See Also: Appraisal Methods in Performance Management System

Impactful Training and Development:

Businesses who are actively offering training and development programs tend to perform well in UAE. A custom performance appraisal system does the heavy lifting and help the HR in many processes, which also enables them to design high-impact employee training and development programs. A well-organized performance data and intuitive reporting provide a better insight and help the HR to identify the training needs. The employee performance data can be analyzed by multiple angles and can be plugged-in into various other systems to ensure the maximum impact of training and development activities. The same can also be used to convince employee to participate in those programs and help businesses make the most impact of their efforts.

See Also: The Future of Performance Appraisals: 6 Innovations and Changes [Quick Guide]

Guiding the Right Path:

Studies have shown that the biggest reason of employee quitting form a jobs in UAE is the lack of clarity of their career path. A custom performance appraisal system provides you a wealth of performance data, when this data is coupled with employee data the HR can easily identify the suitable path for the employees and guide them with their long-term goals and career path. Such guidance is crucial, it help employees boosting their morale and confidence and it gives them a sense of importance and valued. When employees are guided to a right career path with a better scope and success in future, they become more loyal and satisfied. Happy and satisfied employees always tend to give their best.

See Also: Characteristics of a Good Employee Appraisal System

Raise Employee Satisfaction:

A modern custom performance appraisal system is a great tool to maximize the employee engagements. The employee appraisal system provides a systematic approach to engage employees at various levels and decision making processes. The digital aspect increase their trust, successful training and development programs raise their loyalty and satisfaction. With transparent evaluation practices, reward and recognition programs and frequent feedbacks and interactions the employees gain more confidence and become more satisfied with their job, knowing they are important and their concerns are addressed and their voice is heard. The employee engagements can greatly reduce the employee turnover too.

See Also: Performance Appraisal System for the HR Department

Help Under-Performers:

Here in UAE business leaders and HR specialists are agreed that the under-performers are the employees who can seriously undermine the organization’s overall performance. A custom performance appraisal system helps HR to accurately identify the under-performers, closely monitor their performance and the impact of coaching and training and give them a fair chance to improve. The performance appraisal system is very much capable of identifying the reasons of poor performance which greatly help HR to address the real issues. It also help managers to provide right guidance, coaching and mentorship to encourage under-performers and to boost their morale.

See Also: Why Organizations need Performance Appraisal System in UAE

A good performance appraisal system not only align employees with the organization goals and objectives, but it also help developing and nurturing a highly productive organizational culture where the employees can improve and grow over the time.

What are the Benefits of Using a Custom Performance Appraisal System?
What are the Benefits of Using a Custom Performance Appraisal System?

How do I design a custom performance appraisal system?

Most of the time when businesses decide to adopt a custom performance management system they think it is a very sophisticated and time-consuming task. However, designing a custom performance appraisal system is not difficult at all. It is a very simple process, all you need is to consider following important aspects of performance appraisal and you can design a high-impact custom performance appraisal system:

See Also: Performance Management System: Best Practices

Understand Modern Performance Appraisal System:

The modern performance management is way too different than the traditional/annual appraisals. More than 80% of the employee, business leaders and HR experts have shown distrust form the annual appraisals, as they majorly focused on the most recent events, and progress. However, the modern performance appraisal system facilitates more frequent and even continuous performance monitoring. Another drawback of traditional appraisals is that it is very time consuming. However, the modern performance appraisal systems leverage digital technologies and software based tools. Which ensures continuous monitoring, more contextual and comprehensive data, and highly accurate reports.

See Also: The Impact of Performance Management on Organizational Culture

Set Your Goals and Objectives:

Whenever a business is acquiring a new system or implementing a solution they have clear goals and objectives, what they want to achieve with that system. Same is applicable here too, if you are designing a custom performance appraisal system you should set goals and objectives for that, it would be simply what you would want to achieve by implementing that system, such as getting better and deeper insight to employee performance, communicating the expectations, increase employee performance, driving efficiency and reducing redundant work, reducing the time, effort and cost of the appraisal process and so on. Setting up clear objectives for the system will help you maximizing the ROI as well.

See Also: 5 Performance Management Problems and How to Solve Them

Define Benchmarks and Setting up Standards:

It is important to do some research on industry standards and define benchmarks and set up your standards accordingly. It is very important to include the most effective elements and features in your custom performance appraisal system. In order to understand the impact of different strategies and features the market research is the key. Furthermore the case studies can help you understand different features of the performance appraisal system and accordingly you can vision your custom performance appraisal system. Studying market trends is equally important. That is why it is crucial to do some research and consult experts to define the scope of your system.

See Also: Linking Performance Management to Business Outcomes

Develop Metrics and Establish Success Measures:

Since you already have a clear understanding of what you would want to accomplish with your custom performance appraisal system, it is absolutely essential to setup metrics and establish clear success measures. So, you can gauge your performance against your objectives. Furthermore establishing success measure will also help you to evaluate the efficacy and impact of your custom performance appraisal system. It is not as that complicated as it may sound, let us take an example of a goal which is ‘improving employee performance’ for that your custom performance appraisal system should be able to communicate what is expected from the employees, it should have tools to measure employee performance against pre-set goals and it should have features to ensure employee alignment with goals.

See Also: How to Customize Performance Management System

Evaluate Your Current Appraisal Processes:

It is important to scrutinize your existing performance management and appraisal processes and practices. This will help you identify the areas of improvements and missing tools or features which you can include in your new custom performance appraisal system. It is also important to collect user feedback, in this case the employees, supervisors and managers are your audience. You should conduct interviews with a sample from different audience/user pools and consider their recommendation as well. The next step is to analyze that data and revisit your success measures and ensure your success measures and goals are fully aligned with the benchmarks you are planning to achieve with your new custom performance appraisal system. We are still in the planning phase so any step can be revised and adjustments can be made if needed.

See Also: The Role of Performance Management in Employee Engagement

Establish the Scope of the Project:

Above all steps are mostly part of the planning. Forming a clear scope of the project is what you will hand over to the development team and get the system done accordingly. It is important to understand that the scope of the project is a high-level technical guideline or in fact a blueprint of your custom performance appraisal system. Make sure you add enough details and also expected outcomes. This will help the development team to build the features and functionalities in your custom performance appraisal system. At this stage you can also engage IT/Technical teams to make this charter more contextual, descriptive and technically understandable for the development team.

See Also: How to Design a Modern Performance Management System?

How do I design a custom performance appraisal system?
How do I design a custom performance appraisal system?

How to Implement a Custom Performance Appraisal System?

Once you have a completed the planning phase and prepare a detailed scope of the project with all the features you need. Now is the time to appoint a custom software development team to execute the project. Remember the employee appraisal system and performance management is not just a method or strategy, but it is actually a very powerful software application which lifts the heavy load and enable the HR to effectively implement their employee appraisal and performance management strategies.

This requires a powerful software engine which can collect performance data, analyze it as per your needs, and produce intuitive reports to let the management understand the performance status and provide them administrative dashboard with required features to acquire insight and take informed decisions and then effectively implement their decisions and action plans to course correct and take measures to ensure the set-goals are achieved at the end of the performance cycle.

The software development team will follow the scope of the project document, and build that software engine for you. You can hire in-house team to build custom appraisal system for your business or you can outsource it to a well-reputed and experienced vendor who can further help you refine your system and provide required training for the system to ensure maximum impact can be created with it.

See Also: Benefits of Implementing a Modern Performance Management System

How to Implement a Custom Performance Appraisal System?
How to Implement a Custom Performance Appraisal System?


Businesses who are operating in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or any other emirate of UAE are well aware of the fact that the employee retention is one of the biggest obstacle in growth. The overall UAE market is very competitive and it is relatively easier to switch the job. In such scenario retaining good talent is quite difficult. Furthermore the markets are very competitive and the businesses have to ensure their customers are having a satisfactory experience and excellent service which is nearly impossible with your employee performing with optimum level of productivity and efficiency.

Therefore businesses tend to implement various different types of performance management and employee appraisal systems to ensure they achieve their high-level organizational goals. In order to achieve your organizational goals and strategic objectives, the employee must be aligned with your goals, satisfied with their job role, motivated, guided, trained and engaged. This all can be achieved only when you implement a systematic framework to measure and monitor your employee performance and offer them a highly transparent and fair appraisal system.

A business have two choices, either they can acquire a commercial off-the-shelf solution or they can develop a custom performance appraisal system. The bespoke solutions tend to deliver more comparing to standardized off-the-shelf solutions. In this blog we have discussed how a business can develop and highly-effective and most impactful custom performance appraisal system. If you want to learn more or if you need our help to develop a custom performance appraisal system for your business in UAE, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Choosing a Performance Management System A Buyer’s Guide

See Also: How Performance Management Impact on Organization’s Culture?