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Queue Management System for Banks in 2022

Queue Management System for Banks in 2022

Managing guests and customers at a bank branch is always challenging. Apart from other service sectors the banks have certain challenges that other businesses might not have. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE there are several banks which offer great value products for businesses and individuals. However, when it comes to services, every bank is different. That is why the customer values experience the most. The customers love to be treated like a VIP. Although offering VIP protocol to each customers is neither practical nor necessary. But a good branch experience could be a turning point for the customers. The way they got treated and the experience they had at a bank branch can influence their decision very heavily. If a customer had a bad experience then they will immediately switch to a competitor. These days it is lot easier, in fact almost every other bank is offering registration via online or from the mobile apps and then their representative will meet you at your office or home to do the formalities. That is why customer retention has become a huge challenge for customer experience management team. And dealing with long waiting lines, unhappy customers and crowded waiting areas could be a nightmare for the branch management.

Queue Management System for Banks in 2022

A queue management system is a key to digital branch transformation. The customer’s experience in the branch will impact on their relationship with the bank. The customer retention for financial institutions is a very sophisticated work. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the market trends are slightly different from the rest of the world. The UAE as a country is a leading economy in the Middle East with a very attractive market, favorable government policies and great infrastructure for the businesses. This resulted in a huge growth in the banking sector as well. The customers here are from all around the world. The overall community is very well educated and the market is extremely competitive which leads to even higher expectations from the banks. A queue management system provides excellent customer experience and more control and visibility of the customer flow process and customer journey.A queuing system can provide a greater competitive advantage and let your bank stand out of the crowed. A bank needs a flawless customer journey, smooth customer flow, great customer experience and very comprehensive intelligence data in order to monitor and keep improving everything. Here is how a queue management system can solve all those problems:

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time at Banks

Let us admit, no one likes to wait in the long queues or congested waiting areas. People just don’t like waiting. As much as their waiting time increases their stress level also increases. Which leads to further inconvenience for both the customer and the staff as well. Think a customer had to wait for almost 45 minutes to reach to a service counter, where a service agent had already dealt with 2 out of 5 angry customers who were also annoyed by the long waiting time, what will happen next? It is no brainer that the chances of a satisfactory experience for this customer with this server are slim to none. No matter how hard you trained your staff or how experienced they are, one can only suppress a limited emotional pressure and stress, eventually it will start reflecting on their behavior. The waiting time for banks or any other business is way too damaging than usually businesses anticipate. That is why the waiting time is considered to be the most important aspect of any customer journey. A queue management system is a great tool to reduce waiting time from somewhere 30% to even 80% in some cases.

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time at Banks

A queue management system digitalize many steps of customer journey. It streamline customer flow with in-built features that enable banks to automate various processes and utilize resources more efficiently. This alone can reduce the burden of your staff by up to 60%. Imagine you have manual queues where people are waiting in lines, the least your staff would want to deal would be the line jumpers and disputes among the customers. In order to improve customer flow the bank will have to deploy more resources, which is also expensive. Even then if more staff members are deployed in the waiting areas, the service agents will still have to deal with a lot of irrelevant stuff. For example, there are several counters, some are dedicated for certain services, in manual queuing the chances are a few customers will always end up in wrong queues. Which will result in delay, and the agent will have to do extra efforts to adjust them in the right queue. There are tons of other things that both the customers and the staff will have to deal with if there is no proper queue management system in place.

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time at Banks

A queue management system automates the ticket issuing process. Usually it comes with an interactive kiosk machine which dispense the tickets. The customers and visitors can be asked to choose which service they are intended to use. This prevent any confusion among the customers and also save prevent a lot of unexpected delays in customer flow. Furthermore it frees the service agent from additional work and let them focus on the service delivery instead. Which improves their efficiency and productivity and results in quicker service delivery. The quicker service delivery means less waiting time for each customer. As the queue management system is a digital system so every customer will know that their ticket numbers, the customer flow and everything is controlled by the computer, hence no one will have any complaint and no one will cause any interruption. Which significantly reduce waiting time as well. If a single customer had a complaint, it will take more time at the counter while debating with the server, hence the waiting time will add up to all of the remaining customers. A queue management system prevent all such problems and reduce the customer wait time.

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time at Banks

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey

For a service based business such as banks it is crucial to manage the customer flow and customer journey in a well-organized manner. There are several services that a bank can offers, some of them are pretty straight forward and some are not. There are two major classifications of the services, some services can be delivered through a single counter, and some require the customers to go to more than one counters. Such scenarios can add up to the complexity of the customer journey and it can also result in disturbances and mismanagement in the customer flow. A queue management system is a digital tool powered by a very intelligent and capable software. The queue management system comes with several customer flow management tools such as AI powered smart software engine, signs and stanchions, line dividers and barriers, floor stickers, physical signs, digital signs and much more. Which not only automates customer flow but also effectively manages customer journey without any intervention of the staff. In case of stepped services the queue management system can automatically direct customers to the right counter.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey

In the banking sector the customers are of different value, priority and importance. Some customers are more important and are entitled to special treatment and exclusive customer journey. A queue management system can effectively manages all those customer segments with different priority levels with 100% accuracy. Furthermore there are usually exclusive counters for such customers which are used to improve the customer journey of the priority customers without disturbing the regular customers. A queue management system can also handle all these needs with 100% accuracy. A modern queue management system is powered by AI and advance smart technologies which enables it to automatically analyze the historic and current data and on the bases of these analysis the queue management system can make decisions in real-time which further help improving the customer journey and customer experience. All this is done by the smart algorithms of the queue management system and doesn’t require any human assistance. Although the management can program a variety of flows in the back-office or administrative control panel of the queue management system software.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey

Queue Management System Enhances Customer Experience

Reducing customer wait time and automating customer journey in itself is a significant improvement in customer experience. However, a queue management system is capable of much more. A standard modern queue management system can offer a variety of engagement features to the bank customers which keep their interest and reduce their boredom of waiting. The most important is the usage of digital signage. A queue management system includes digital signage which run entertaining content, marketing materials or any other eye-catchy multimedia content which keeps customer busy during their waiting time and it reduces their stress as well. Furthermore these days in Dubai, UAE the audio announcements are also considered to be an industry standard now. The audio announcements comes with a very attractive tone or small ring which immediately capture customers’ attention. It announces the next ticket number and the designated counter number, which keep customer distracted from the waiting and improve their waiting experience.

Queue Management System Enhances Customer Experience

One of the most important feature of a queue management system is that it intensively gather business intelligence data and it can also perform analysis on the data in real-time. Usually these analysis are done on a server which makes the system super-efficient and eliminate any latency. On the bases of these analysis the queue management system can predict the estimated time of turn for any customer. Usually that time is printed on their ticket and it can also be displayed on the digital signage screen. The estimated time to turn might looks like a small feature but it has a huge psychological effect on the customer. The studies have revealed that our brain is programmed to fear the unknown. That is something which is embedded in our DNA. You must be thinking what does a harmless queue management system has to do with the fear of unknown. Well, it is the human psychology. No matter if it is dangerous or not if something is unknown to us it will make us uncomfortable. In case of waiting time, when the time is not known, one can only speculate, which add more to their stress and discomfort. That is why it is very important to provide estimated time to turn and it can significantly improve customer experience.

Queue Management System Enhances Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing Offers Ultimate Customer Satisfaction

The primary goal of improving customer experience is to achieve the maximum customer satisfaction. A happy and satisfied customer is most likely to spread good words about the bank and it could also attract more customers. Furthermore the loyal customers are tend to tolerate several bad experiences before they decided to switch to a competitor. The loyal customers are a great asset for a bank and they can generate a huge revenue as well. That is why it is crucial to keep your customer happy and satisfied. One of the most modern form of queuing is the virtual queuing. The virtual queue management system integrate modern technologies to further enhance the customer experience. The main aim here is to reduce the wait time and customer journey. The virtual queuing uses a variety of mobile mediums to allow the customers and visitors to sign-up remotely for virtual queues. That mean the customer can sign-up for a queue without even physically arriving at the bank.

Virtual Queuing Offers Ultimate Customer Satisfaction

The queue management system offers WhatsApp, QR code, websites, mobile applications, customer portals and a variety of other digital channels which enable a customer to sign-up without even physically arriving at the bank branch. Hence they have freedom to arrive only when their turn will come. This literally eliminates the wait time completely. There is no customer wait time at all. The virtual queuing also provide more flexibility and control to the service agents by enabling multiple communication channels between them and the customers. For example, the WhatsApp can be used for communication where the customers can also respond or ask questions to the assigned service agent. Similarly the agents can send SMS to notify the customers about any change and the virtual queue management system can also send alerts via SMS, Email, Online Customer Portal, Mobile App – Push Notifications, etc. The virtual queuing can offer a great value to customer experience.

Virtual Queuing Offers Ultimate Customer Satisfaction

Queue Management System Integration with Third-Party Systems

A queue management system can offer a variety of innovative features if it can be integrated with other existing software and systems. Usually banks have a centralized information center. The queue management system can be linked with customer database, customer relationship management tools, centralized information center, sales data, performance management system, etc. The third-party integration is not only limited to the software, in fact a modern queue management system includes an interactive self-service kiosk machine. Banks can have additional peripherals and hardware devices linked to this kiosk to further improve the customer experience and customer journey. For example, banks can link Emirates ID card reader, or a document scanner for self-service registration process or it can linked a fingerprint scanner, etc. The customer identification can help improving the service quality and it can also push customer data and required service at the agent’s computer beforehand which can significantly reduce the customer wait time. The queue management system supports all API based integrations and automatic data synchronization.

Queue Management System Integration with Third-Party Systems

Queue Management System Mobile Apps & Appoint Booking Modules

The same way a queue management system can be integrated with other software and hardware tools, it can also be integrated with a mobile app and online appointment booing module. The mobile app allow users to perform all basic queue management system related tasks as well as some additional features which make customer experience more convenient and satisfactory. For example the most widely used queue management system mobile app feature is its bank branch finder. The bank branch finder in a feature that is integrated with maps and queue management system of the bank and when a user searches for a nearest branch, it can show them all branches that are located in the searched area. That is not all, the queue management system mobile app can also display the queuing data in real-time from each branch with estimated time to turn at each nearby branch. This help the customer decide where they should go. Furthermore the appointment booking module can be integrated in the customer portal as well as the smartphone application. The appointment booking module also provide additional details about the expected traffic at the selected time and day based on the historic data and analysis.

Queue Management System Mobile Apps & Appoint Booking Modules

Queue Management System can Collect Customer Feedback Data

The customer feedback data collection is very important for customer experience management. Banks have multiple channels to collect customer feedback, these days mostly the digital channels are used as the traditional and manual feedback collection is difficult, require a lot of resources, the data collection and processing is difficult and the response rate is also low. However, the queue management system can not only collect customer feedback but it can deliver both high quality and quantity data as well. Furthermore the queue management system also facilitate the customer feedback campaigns by making them super-easy for the customers. Hence huge data can be accumulated easily. Usually banks use small touch screens, tablets or iPads to collect customer feedback data from inside the branch. Majorly this feedback is related to their experience, overall journey, the service agent, or the product they are using. The queue management system have ability to link customer profile with their feedback without asking them to enter their name, phone number, email or any other detail. For the customers, it is just one or two taps on the touch screen and their feedback is submitted. That is why the queue management system is a great tool to collect customer feedback data from customers and visitors.

Queue Management System can Collect Customer Feedback Data

Queue Management System Collects Valuable Business Intelligence and Performance Data

Modern day businesses are heavily relying on the IT (information technology). Banks and every other business collects a huge amount of data, which is processed, analyzed and then utilized in their decision making and strategy building process. This data is called business intelligence data. A queue management system can capture data from all touch points at the entire customer journey. For example, the number of customers signed-up for the queue, what services got most requests, what was the customer churn rate, individual and average wait time, individual and average service delivery time, the service agent performance and much more. The beauty of a digital solution is that such type of data collection is a very simple tasks, however, the data processing and analysis could be trickier. A queue management system collects a huge amount of data on daily bases, it automatically stores it in relevant segments or data repositories and made it available for the bank management. The queue management systems are built on a very smart and intelligent software engine which has capabilities to automatically analyze the data, derive results and then take decisions in the real time to impact the queuing process.

Queue Management System Collects Valuable Business Intelligence and Performance Data

Furthermore all that data that is collected directly from the queue management system and all other data that is collected by other systems is combined and made available for the management. This data can be accessed in the system, various types of analysis can be performed within just a few clicks, and reports can be generated. There is no chance of mistake or error in automatic data collection and processing. The queue management system can monitor and measure the employee performance with great precision. How much time a service agent spent on the counter, their complete activity record, how many customers they served with each individual service time and average performance of the day. The queue management system’ performance data can also provide information about employee performance such as which employee is good at what service? Which services take more time for them and so on. All this data can be channeled to the HR for the HR purposes as well and it can be used to initiate training and employee development programs as well.

Queue Management System Collects Valuable Business Intelligence and Performance Data

Banks can also configure the queue management system so it automatically direct the customers to the counters where the chances are they will get quicker service delivery. The business intelligence data and the performance data a queue management system collects can be automatically channeled to the relevant departments for their perusal. Management can incorporate the queue management system data in their policy making and strategy building process to efficiently utilize resources and to ensure the maximum outcome can be obtained with the limited resources. Furthermore this data can be used to highlight the areas of improvement which can be addressed to boot the customer experience.


A queue management system is not just a customer flow management tool for the banks, in fact it is a full-fledged bank branch transformation tool. It has ability to digitalize and automate several internal processes which not only help reducing the resources but at the same time these features can enhance the customer experience and customer journey. The queue management system can significantly reduce the customer wait time, improve churn rate, reduce employee workload, it keeps the customers engaged and happy throughout their entire journey. The queue management system can be easily integrated with other enterprise tools and bank’s internal systems to further introduce innovative features.

A queue management system is a great source of valuable business intelligence and performance data. The data quality and accuracy is exceptional. The queue management system can also be customized to match the bank’s needs and offer them a tailor-made solution which aligns completely with their internal business processes and help them improve the overall productivity, profitability and growth. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system brand in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you with a completely customized or ready-made queue management system for your business please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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How to Improve Queue Management at Your Restaurant?

How to Improve Queue Management at Your Restaurant?

Restaurants are always eager to improve queue management. Being a restaurant owner or manager you should know that no one like to wait in a queue when they are hungry, the hungrier customers get the more annoyed they become. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the market is very dynamic and competitive, mostly people live in high-rise buildings and the mostly the cities are very congested. This results in so many similar businesses in a close proximity. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE mostly a common consumer can find multiple restaurant and eating options in a close proximity. Another bigger difference between restaurant customer and a common retail customer is that the retail customer wants to leave as quickly as possible after making a purchase, however, for restaurant customers they want to sit for longer, to have a meal, to socialize and to spend time with friends or companions. That is why queue management for the restaurants is even more important. If a customer enters in a restaurants or fast food outlet or café, and they found it is fully packed, most probably they will consider going somewhere else where they can easily get a table.

How to Improve Queue Management at Your Restaurant?

Furthermore the customer experience is equally important. A restaurant owner or manager might think if people are waiting in queues to have their dinner they are successful however, that is not the case, the people who are getting bad experiences are tend to leave the business. Let say you a restaurant customer is hungry and they have to wait for at least 10 minutes, they will become annoyed and most probably they will sit with a negative mindset, in such customers are more likely to post a negative comment or opinion online, and sometimes if a customer starts with a negative interaction and at the end the food is failed to satisfy them, they might post a negative review in social media or Google or they might tell other about their bad experience, which will not only harm your brand identity but it will also repel them. This could have a very negative impact on the business in long term. It will increase customer churn rate, and it will also harm your reputation. For a restaurant whose customers are mostly from the surrounding areas, having a negative brand reputation could be catastrophic. In this blog we will tell you how you can improve your customers experience by improving your queue management.

How to Improve Queue Management at Your Restaurant?

Improve Customer’s Waiting Experience

A standard queue management system comes with a digital signage or HD TVs. These displays are used to provide queuing information and to run multimedia content. Restaurants can utilize this these large displays for multiple purposes such as they can provide estimated time for the waiting customers and they can run adverts, promotional content or even entertainment media just to keep the customers busy and distracted from the waiting. Studies have shown that more than 85% of the customers would be happy to pay extra if they are getting a good customer experience. Keeping customer engaged and entertaining them improves their waiting experience. Furthermore the restaurants can play sports, news and music channels to distract their customers. If the customers get engaged with the TV they will going to feel less stress of the waiting time. Hence their experience will improve. Restaurants can offer small eateries, appetizers, etc. to further keep customers happy and engaged.

Improve Customer’s Waiting Experience

The restaurant staff always know the habits of regular customers and over the time they also become able to estimate how much time someone will going to take hence they can tell the waiting customers how much more time they might have to wait. The problem is when the staff lied to keep the customer waiting, it is important to be truthful. First thing you are just telling them estimated time as no one can know if the customer will leave after finishing the meal or will they order some drinks or maybe tea or something. So, the customers will also understand that fact. Second thing is if a customer know how much more they will have to wait, they will remain more calm and understanding. Without any clear indication of how much time one have to wait, they easily get stressed. So, providing your customers with an estimated wait time can also improve their experience.

Improve Customer’s Waiting Experience

Queue Management System Provides SMS Alerts

Restaurant in Dubai and all across the UAE uses token systems, these tokens are physical devices which are being provided to the customers when they place an order. The restaurant staff have control to notify the customers. When their turn came, the electronic device starts beeping or ringing and alert the customers hence no customer misses their turn. The problem with these devices are that they have limited range, and usually the customer will have to physically present at the restaurant all the time. However, the queue management system have in-built SMS alert system. Which offers more freedom and convenient to the customers and allow them to roam wherever they want whether it is window shopping, or they are going to buy something, they can do so without any fear. Whenever their turn will come they will receive an SMS. A queue management system can also be programmed to send multiple SMS and reminders as well rather just a single SMS. Such features and convenience improve customer experience and increase their loyalty.

Queue Management System Provides SMS Alerts

Integrate Virtual Queuing and Pre-Orders

The virtual queuing is one of the most modern form of queue management. A virtual queue management system comes with features that allow users to sign-up for virtual queues through remote channels which means the customer or visitor is not required to be physically present in the waiting lines. However, the restaurant can utilize the features of a virtual queue management system to further facilitate their customers and to minimize the wait time. Almost all restaurants take reservations and bookings. The customer reserve their table so they don’t have to wait at the restaurant and they can get the table immediately as soon as they arrived no matter if the rest of the restaurant is full or empty. Usually people reserve tables and then arrive at their time of reservation hence they don’t have to wait. However, the virtual queue management system can enable restaurants to offer pre-order facility through the connected channels. Restaurant can utilize their website, mobile application, email, SMS and call center to take reservations and pre-orders.

Integrate Virtual Queuing and Pre-Orders

Restaurant can encourage their customers to utilize online mediums such as website and mobile application which are very convenient and also doesn’t put extra work on the employees. The restaurant can publish their entire menu on their website and mobile application and they can also update it on daily bases. This allows the customers to not only reserve a table but also order their meal. Such orders can automatically sent to the relevant staff with the time of the reservation and as soon as the customer arrives at the restaurants, they immediately get their food. The customer don’t even have to wait on the table. Another upside is that the average customer service time decreased significantly. Because usually customers can take somewhere from two to fifteen minutes to place the order and if it is a big family or a group of friend, they usually take more time to place an order. This time eventually adds up to the waiting time.

Integrate Virtual Queuing and Pre-Orders

But with the help of virtual queuing all this time can be utilized to serve other customers, this also increase productivity of the restaurant and increase their capability to serve more customers in a single day at the same number of tables. The virtual queue management systems help improving customer experience as well as it also help generating more revenue while ensuring a great ROI in long term.

Queue Management System for Walk-in-only Restaurants

Allowing your customers to reserve a table online and pre-order facility offers great user experience however, not every restaurant wants to do that. In Dubai and all around the UAE there are certain restaurants especially the fast food restaurants which always have long queues during the busy hours. For such restaurants and fast food businesses a queue management system can be a great help, by issuing tickets the restaurant can turn tables more quickly by reducing the delay between first customer and the next customer. The queue management system can keep announcing the next in line ticket number and also inform them about their table, which provide them enough time to get ready as soon as their turn came. Furthermore these restaurant can also apply first-come first-serve policy which also help next customer to quickly find their table and prevent unnecessary disputes and management issues which impact customer experience.

Queue Management System for Walk-in-only Restaurants

Queue Management System can Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The modern businesses are data driven. The technology is integrated deeply in our daily lives. Not only in Dubai, UAE but all around the world the information technology has become an essential part of a business. Restaurant owners or managers know very well about their peak hours. However, sometime they face unexpected scenarios, it is because without a quantifiable data all they are doing is just making assumptions. However, a queue management system can record each and every customer and relevant statistical data. Which provide restaurant owners and managers with a very accurate and quantifiable business intelligence data. The restaurant owners and managers can easily learn various trends form this data which can help them in making strategies and plans and make them ready for all situations.

Queue Management System can Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

Furthermore a queue management system can easily get integrated with other business tools and systems which enables it to improve the data quality. For example, if the orders can be relate to the time and number of customers a restaurant can easily understand the ordering pattern and trends. There are so many other possibilitieswhich make queue management system a great tool for collecting valuable business intelligence data.


Restaurants and fast food businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE have started realizing the importance of the queue management system and its impact on customer experience. For any business the customer experience is very crucial. A bad customer experience will repel your customers and it will also harm your brand reputation. A good customer experience on the other hand can not only increase customer loyalty but it also help improving brand reputation. Here in Dubai and in fact in the entire UAE the market is very competitive. The customers always have multiple options available. On top of that now a day’s customer put experience almost equal to the service or product quality. That is why restaurants are adopting digital queue management systems. A queue management system helps reducing the customer wait time and it ensures a smooth customer flow. Furthermore a queue management system can also improve customer’s waiting experience by offering them a variety of engaging features.

Restaurants can also adopt virtual queue management system and utilize its features to increase their sales and revenue. The virtual queue management also offer remote sign-up, pre-order and multiple other features which enhance customer experience, reduce wait time and increase overall productivity. With the help of a queue management system the restaurant and fast food businesses can serve more customer in a single day which increase their sales and improve their operational capabilities. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or want us to help you with your queuing problems, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential In Supermarkets

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential In Supermarkets

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the supermarkets, shopping malls, retail stores, discount stores, and other small and medium size retail businesses are booming. In fact in some places you can find more than 10 supermarkets in the same row. This is due to the fact that most of the middle class population lives in flats and high rise buildings, so these stores have enough amount of customers. However, this also provide customers with more options in a close proximity and make the competition very tough. When people visit supermarkets, shopping stores, retail shops and businesses their experience could have very long-lasting effects on them. If a customer had a great experience they will most likely to return, if they had a bad experience they might not return. Another very common behavior is detected in retail customers which is that if they found there are long queues at the counters, they might not even enter the supermarket, instead they immediately move on to the next business. That is why having a good queue management is extremely important for supermarkets.

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential In Supermarkets

How a Retail Queue Management System Works

A retail queue management system is completely different from the traditional queue management system where the customers and visitors sign-up for the queues and get a ticket number issued against their position in the queue. In the supermarkets and retail sector the queue management system is rather a bit more of a data collection tool which help managers to get real-time data from the store. The integrated algorithms and AI (Artificial Intelligence) based software engine can accurately predict the crowd formation several minutes (20 to 30 minutes) priors which provide manages enough time to activate all the counters and make sure all the cashiers are at their positions. The retail queue management system relies on a video processing mechanism which accurately measure the number of customers entering in the supermarket and the number of customers/carts at the cash counters.

How a Retail Queue Management System Works

With the help of previous data and intelligent software engine the retail queue management system can accurately predict the crowd formation and it can also help managers understand the reasons of cart abandonment. This data can help managers refine their future strategy and help them understand the major factors of crowd formation and cart abandonment. Furthermore the system can accurately track the idle time of each individual cashier/service agent, the wait time of each customer and the service delivery/transaction time of each customer. This data can help managers monitor and improve employee performance as well which could have significant impact on service quality and customer satisfaction.

The Impact of Wait Time on Supermarkets & Retail Customers

The retail market is getting very sensitive, the customers are becoming more sensitive to wait time and overall experience. Studies have revealed that the 25% customers don’t tolerate more than 2 minutes of wait time, 55% to 60% of the consumers prefer not to wait more than 4 minutes, and almost 70% to 75% says they would abandoned their carts if they had to wait more than 5 – 6 minutes. The studies was done among selected customer groups from all around the world. In different countries and regions these figures could be different. However we can get an idea of the importance and impact of wait time on customer happiness. The ability to check out quickly have significant impact on customer’s perception of the brand as well. Most of the customers judge a business’s credibility on the bases of the experience they have with them.

The Impact of Wait Time on Supermarkets & Retail Customers

A retail queue management system is a great tool to effectively reduce the customer wait time. It provide real-time data updates, and it has in-built automatic notification and alert mechanism which can alert the management and the relevant personals when things go beyond the thresholds. This way the management can also take steps and get themselves ready for increasing number of customers at the counters to prevent long wait time.

Retail Queue Management System Improves Resource Management

Here in Dubai and all across the UAE the supermarkets and the retail sector always have multiple tasks for the cashiers. The fact is that the market is not always crowded, it is just a few peak hours when the supermarkets and the other retail businesses gets too many customers, in such scenarios all the cash counters must be online to expedite the checkout process and to prevent the long queues and crowd formation. A retail queue management system can monitor the footfall along with capabilities to measure the number of customers at the cash counters awaiting checkout. This ability blended with intelligent software engine enables the retail queue management system to accurately predict the queues. All this data collection and data analysis is done in real time and the results are provided to the managers. Which allow them to get ready for the increased number of checkouts and provide them enough time to gather employees at the counters to ensure a continuous and uninterrupted customer flow.

Retail Queue Management System Improves Resource Management

With the help of real-time data and predictive abilities of the retail queue management system the manager can effectively and more efficiently manage the resources. Furthermore the retail queue management system also maintain the historic data which can be analyzed with in-built analytical tools to understand several trends. The managers can effectively understand the cart abandonment trend, the peak hours’ trend, and even the employee performance and various KPIs. Which help them make policies and build strategies to effectively use resources to obtain maximum efficiency and productivity.

Retail Queue Management System Measures Cart Abandonment

For any supermarket and retail business the tracking of cart abandonment is crucial. The retail queue management system is very good in accurately measuring the cart abandonment. As we already know the customers don’t tolerate much wait time. But the wait time is not the only factor causing cart abandonment. In fact there is another very important aspect of retail queuing that cause results in increased cart abandonments. Several studies and researches have concluded that on an average in a supermarket or any other retail business if a customer found the queue is longer than the 7 people, they are most likely to look up for another counter and eventually they will leave empty handed. This is a very important matric to track. There has been several studies and surveys that showed that almost 85% of the customers avoid such supermarkets and retail businesses where they think they will have longer queues.

Retail Queue Management System Measures Cart Abandonment

The retail queue management system not only accurately measure the number of cart abandonment but it can also correlate it to the number of customers in the queue. The businesses can use this data with the average cart value to estimate how much sale value they are losing on an average. This data can be very helpful for the management in decision making process and they can compare the sales value loss with the expense of hiring a new cashier and make a decision very easily. Such features make retail queue management system a very useful tool for the supermarkets and retail businesses.

Retail Queue Management System Help Improving Customer Experience

Retail queue management system is very helpful in improving customer experience. The customer experience is majorly driven by the wait time and waiting lines in the supermarket and other retail businesses. In order to make your customer happy it is extremely important to make their checkout experience happy. The retail queue management system help businesses understand customer behavior, cart abandonment trends and several other matrices which help businesses effectively and efficiently manage resource. The retail queue management system also have ability to make accurate predictions of crowd formation and send alerts to the manager and other relevant personals. This feature help managers to take necessary steps to prevent crowd and appoint more employees at the cash counters to ensure smooth customer flow. Which not only enhance customer experience and reduce their waiting time but it also help reducing customer churn rate or cart abandonment.

Retail Queue Management System Help Improving Customer Experience

Happy customers experience help supermarkets and retail businesses to gain customer trust, improve brand image and increase their loyalty. The loyal customers can be a great asset for supermarkets and other retail businesses as they are tend to be a good brand advocate and help getting more customers. The real-time data and recorded data can be used in decision making and policy building process and can help business in long term.


For any supermarket or retail business the biggest challenge is always to manage the long queues at the cash counters. The customer experience is pretty much driven by the waiting time they had to spend at checkout queues. A business can easily train its staff to make the checkout process quicker, but it is very hard to control the number of customers lined up at a cash counter. A retail queue management system is specifically designed for supermarkets and retail businesses to help them reduce the customer wait time, it also help them efficiently manage their employees and resources. And it collect and provide real-time data. The managers can use the real-time data to understand customer behaviors and cart abandonment trends. This help them identify the problems that their customers are facing and provide them accurate business intelligence data to help them in decision making and policy building phases.

These traits of a retail queue management system make it essential for the supermarkets and retail businesses. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you with your queuing needs, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

Businesses want to improve productivity, turnover, and employee performance and cost efficiency all while improving the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Customers never like to wait in long queues, they want instant services. However, the queues are inevitable in reality. This means the businesses and organizations will have to deal with queues. Here in Dubai, and in fact all around the UAE the market is very competitive and the customers simply have too many choices. One bad experience is enough to make your customer switch to a competitor. Another important factor is that the UAE is one of the most modern and advanced society, people living here are mostly highly educated and the market norms and standards are very high. That is why it is crucial for a businesses to sustain its customers by any mean. The market trends, customer’s preferences and competitors are all important factors to consider for a long term strategy. Now a days, a regular or ordinary customer place their experience equal to the quality of the product or service they are obtaining. That is why the customer experience had become an absolutely necessary aspect of customer satisfaction strategy.

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

The customer satisfaction is mainly based on customer experience, whether it is with your product or services, staff, customer support team, sales team, or even through digital channels. That is why it is important to improve customer experience at all the touch points. In our today’s topic we will cover only the customer experience at the business premises or at the branch. The customer experience includes each and everything from signing up for the queue to getting the service or making the purchase and even afterwards. The waiting time, long and poorly managed queues are major causes of customer dissatisfaction. Studies have shown that in general a customer can wait for 8 to 12 minutes comfortably, after that the customer starts getting annoyed, anxious and stressed. This wait time is even lesser for certain businesses. That mean either the business will have to find a way to serve the customer before that safe waiting time limits or the business will have to find a way to increase that limit.

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

A queue management system is the best solution to that problem, it can not only help businesses to reduce the wait time but it also help businesses to increase that limit by engaging customers and improving their waiting experience during the customer journey.Here is how a businesses can utilize a queue management system to increase customer tolerance to the wait time while reducing it simultaneously.

What is Queue Management?

Most of the time people line up to avail a service at a business. This happens when the counters or servers are less and the customers are more. That is the case almost all of the time at many businesses. Such queues are mostly unstructured and not properly managed. Which results in several problems that both the customers and the staff also faces. The queue management is the process or technique to manage those queues with more efficiency, efficacy and flexibility which facilitates both the customer and the staff of the business. Basically the queue management’s primary aim is to enhance customer experience, reduce their stress and improve the customer journey. In parallel to that the queue management also improve staff performance and productivity. This altogether improve the overall profitability of the business by making customer satisfied and loyal. Happy customers also help improving brand reputation and credibility.

What is Queue Management?

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system or QMS is a tool that is used to effectively and efficiently manage the customer queues. The queue management system is used to manage the waiting time, customer flow and customer experience. It also collect valuable business intelligence data for the businesses which help them improve the customer experience and customer journey. The queue management system also provide advanced monitoring and management features which can be applied at multi-branch setup and help the main branch or head-office to gain a better control and monitoring over all connected branches. A queue management system is a mixture of software and hardware. The software is usually an application with multiple interfaces for different group of users. The hardware usually consists of an interactive kiosk or a ticket dispensing machine, which dispense the queue numbers for the customers. There is a digital display which is used to provide queuing information and update in the waiting area.

What is a Queue Management System?

Almost all modern day queue management systems use audio announcement system which announces the next ticket number and the counter where their turn came. Along with that it also depends on the needs and requirements of the business. Some businesses also include a lot of other software and hardware features. The queue management systems can easily integrated with the central information center of the business as well as with other enterprise solutions and business tools. This capability significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the system and also allow the businesses to introduce innovative features and customization which can help them further improve customer experience and various internal business processes that can impact customer experience.

What is a Queue Management System?

The queue management systems are built on a very widely available hardware technology which makes them compatible with millions of hardware peripherals and interactive devices. Businesses can use a variety of hardware devices to introduce new features which please their customers and simplify their journey. Here in Dubai and all across the UAE mostly the simpler versions are used and major focus is at the software side, however, the interactive ticket dispensing kiosk can have a variety of hardware devices such as Emirates ID Reader, Barcode & QR Code Reader, Smart Card Reader, Document Scanner & Printer, Payment Gateway integration and POS, Biometric, Facial and Retina Scanners, Passport Scanners, and many more. These all hardware accessories are used to introduce new features to queue management system and help businesses in further simplifying the customer journey and improving the customer experience and customer happiness.

What is a Queue Management System?

What Makes Queue Management System (QMS) Essential for Modern Businesses?

Managing queues and customer experience is a very sophisticated task, it requires a lot of resources and planning. The manual work requires a lot of human resource, planning and still it is not as that effective. Improving customer waiting experience, customer journey and customer satisfaction need a lot of information and data analysis. Manually it is nearly impossible to gather all that data and do that kind of analysis with accuracy. Whenever there will be manual data collection, human will involve and common errors and mistakes will be inevitable. That is why a queue management system is essential not only to effectively manage the queuing process but it is also absolutely necessary for monitoring and collecting data which can later help in improving strategies, business processes and customer experience.

What Makes Queue Management System (QMS) Essential for Modern Businesses?

Here are a few reasons which makes a queue management system an essential for modern businesses:

Reduce Customer Wait Time

One of the most impactful factor on customer happiness and satisfaction is the wait time. No one wants to wait, everyone wants to get served as quickly as possible. A queue management system streamline customer flow, segment customers into different groups/categories as per their needs, direct them to the right counter and completely automate the customer flow process. As soon as a customer get served on a counter, the next one is automatically called via audio & visual announcements. And that is not all, an efficient queue management system can also be helpful in various other steps of the customer journey. For example via agent portal or agent interface a queue management system can help reducing the agent’s efforts, which keep them more focused on their primary tasks. Hence they can deliver even better customer services which makes your customer happy and satisfy.

Reduce Customer Wait Time

The automatically managed waiting lines, doesn’t cause much complaints as everyone knows the queue is controlled by the computer so everyone knows everyone will be treated equally, no one can line jump, and no agent or staff can favor anyone, etc. Such complaints are common in manual queues, even though the businesses put a lot of efforts to reduce them, people would still have such complaints in case of manual queues. That is why the digital queue management eliminates a lot of problems, makes customer happy and also enable staff to serve more customers in a single shift. Which in result also reduce the average customer waiting time.

Reduce Perceived Wait Time and Improve Waiting Experience

The perceived wait time is always higher than the actual wait time. Have you ever noticed, during the rush at the high way or at a grocery store the waiting line next to you felt faster than that of yours. However, when you switch it the reverse happens! It is just a perception of human brain. Sometimes we think the time is moving slower than it actually is. This is mostly due to boredom, waiting or lack of interest. The same happens at your business too. Your customers might think the time passed is more than the actual time passed. Another factor that contributes to increase perceived wait time is the absence of any other engagement, or one could say distraction. A queue management system provides the both, it actually reduces the actual wait time and it also help reducing the perceived wait time. A standard queue management system uses large display screen, these screens are used to display the queuing information. Businesses can use those screens and enable audio and visual announcements which can easily distract the customer from focusing on being waiting in a long queue.

Reduce Perceived Wait Time and Improve Waiting Experience

Businesses can also use another trick which is mentioning the estimated time to turn at the ticket. With the help of a queue management system this can be done easily. These features and a lot many other such features help businesses in reducing both actual and perceived wait time. When the actual and perceived wait time is reduced and during that wait time the customer is engaged with regular audio announcements, large bright display screens in front of them and with the estimated time to their turn, they feel more comfortable and in fact they can tolerate more wait time comparing to the situation without all those features.

Virtual Queuing Literally Reduces the Wait Time to None

The virtual queuing is not a new technology, in fact it is present since a long time, but since past two to three years the virtual queuing caught the attentions of the businesses in Dubai and everywhere in UAE. Businesses are adopting to virtual queuing on a rapid pace. The virtual queuing has ability to literally reduce the wait time to none. It done so by introducing advanced features such as remote sign-up channels, virtual queues, mobile or remote communication and such features. The customers are free to sign-up for the queue using a QR Code, an online link, SMS, email or even the business website and some advanced queue management systems also offer appointment booking modules as well. Such module ad features enable customers to sign-up for the queues without being physically present at the premises.

Virtual Queuing Literally Reduces the Wait Time to None

This means they are enrolled in the waiting line virtual without being physically present, hence they can easily plan their visit to arrive at the business only when their turn comes. Hence there will be literally no waiting time at the business. The virtual queuing also allow businesses to communicate with the customers using SMS, online links, mobile apps and other digital channels which enhance customer experience and increase their satisfaction.

Automatic Customer Flow Management Improves Customer Experience

A queue management system has a very intelligent software engine, which can be programmed as per the needs and situation. The businesses can use these features to setup a customer flow plan. Each business offers multiple services and each business deals with different categories of the customers who are attributed with different levels of priorities. For example, for certain services a business could have exclusive counters. For certain customers a business could have exclusive counters, such as for premium or VIP customers a business have policy to prioritize them at highest then there could be a dedicated counter for people with special needs and so on. All these variables can be programmed in the queue management system and it can automatically control the customer flow and customer journey for each customer category by automatically segregating them as per their priority or any other attribute.

Automatic Customer Flow Management Improves Customer Experience

Furthermore businesses also have different types of services, such as some businesses offers some services which can be delivered through a single counter, some services are meant to be delivered by multiple counters, such services are called stepped services. A queue management system can efficiently manage each type of customer flow as per the programming or setting at the admin panel. Hence the businesses doesn’t have to appoint additional human resource to guide and help customers, in fact the queue management system can do the job. This not only make the customer journey hustle free but it also save a lot of resources to the business.

Reduce Employee Work Load and Improve Employee Performance

With the manual queuing the employees are always engaged and distracted with so many other things. They could easily deviate from their primary tasks, which cause delays and poor performance. The employee feel under pressure, they feel more workload and their performance decreases. With the queue management system in place, the employees don’t have to worry about managing the queues, or solving disputes between the customers or listening to their complaints, in fact they can completely focus on their primary tasks. This also reduce the workload of the employees they feel working under a balanced workload and the feel much lighter and comfortable which not only boost their performance but also increase their work quality which eventually results in happy and satisfied customers. Moreover the queue management system can also be integrated with other systems and central information center of the business which enables them to further assist the agents and server in task closing and preparation of the next gig. Which also reduce their workload and improve their performance and quality of work.

Reduce Employee Work Load and Improve Employee Performance

Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data (Stats, KPIs, Feedback, etc.)

A queue management system is a digital system and is capable of capturing statistical and system usage data from each and every touch point of customer journey. Which allow the businesses to get a deeper insight to the customer experience and customer journey. It also provides them a window into customer’s mind, and help the management in understanding customer’s liking, disliking, there preferences and much more. The management can also utilize the business intelligence data form the queue management system to understand the market trends and also for product development. The queue management system not only collect stats and system usage data but it is very capable of collecting various KPIs, such as employee KPIs and other important matrices. The queue management system can accurately track and monitor employee performance. The business management can assess employee’s performance and they can learn about their strengths and weaknesses, their performance and they can even set notifications and alerts in case of poor performance. Which are very helpful in taking timely actions and improving employee performance.

Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The queue management system can also collect customer feedback and make the feedback process very simple and easier for the customers. Which results in increased turnover and high quality customer feedback data. With the ability to integrate it with other systems, tools and database the businesses can develop features to even manage the feedback by performing analysis and generating report and they can also use the queue management system to close the customer feedback loop, which not only eliminate the need of a separate customer feedback management system but also makes the process a lot easier and more convenient for the management and the relevant staff.

Queue Management System Increases Productivity and Profitability

A queue management system is not just a queuing system but it is a full-fledged branch transformation tool. It can help businesses at many fronts. It help them automate several business processes, boost employee performance and their quality of work. And a queue management system can collect and gather valuable business intelligence data which can be used by the businesses to track and monitor performance of various functions and employees and also help them make informed decisions. The Queue Management System is absolutely necessary tool for the modern businesses. It boost their productivity and capabilities to perform well. The automation and digitalization reduce the human resource and also eliminate the need of acquiring various other separate tools and systems which in itself is very cost-effective and reduce help businesses in managing the expenses.

Queue Management System Increases Productivity and Profitability

Moreover the customer happiness and customer satisfaction help businesses retain the customers, and improve their brand image. A good brand image attracts more customers and also reduce the marketing and branding expense. All those direct and indirect impacts of a queue management system are very cost-efficient. A queue management system boost a business’s performance, productivity and profitability and ensures a long term growth.


Every business wants its customer to be happy, satisfied and loyal to them. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE invest millions in systems and solutions to achieve this goal. However, keeping the cost low, obtaining maximum efficiency and productivity and at the same time ensuring your customers are happy and satisfied. But how a business can achieve this? This is a very difficult question but it has a very simple answer which is a Queue Management System. A queue management system not only manages customer flow and reduce customer wait time but it does a lot more than that. It help businesses understand the customer behavior, customer journey and the customer experience. A queue management system significantly reduce the customer wait time, it improves their waiting experience and at the same time it boost employee performance and increase overall productivity of the business. A queue management system in the long term is a great solution to achieve highest performance, unmatched productivity and great ROI by significant improvement in profitability and cost reduction.

RSI Concepts is a leading brand in queue management systems in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about eh subject or if you want our help to improve your customer experience and boost your performance, productivity andprofitability, feel free to let us know via our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

A queue management system is a great tool to transform customer journey and customer experience. These days business in Dubai and all around the UAE are heavily relying on digital queuing solutions to effectively manage customer flow and to improve customer experience. The queue management system have huge direct and indirect impact on customer experience and service delivery. It can significantly reduce time and enhance employee performance which both result in better and improved customer experience. As the technology and digitalization have taken the entire world like a storm, things are changing rapidly. There are tons of technological advancements and so many new tools and technologies have been introduced to the market each year. The facial recognition is a modern technology, it is used to identify someone from their face. For human it is not a big deal but for technology it is a big leap, the technology was available since more than a decade, but in past few years it become publically available and mass production have significantly reduced the cost.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

The queue management systems have travelled a long journey and reached to a point when machine learning, artificial intelligence, smart algorithms and powerful software engines are completely changing the customer flow and customer journey management. The facial recognition technology is a great tool to immediately identify the customers and visitors, it can greet them at the interactive self-service/self-signup kiosk, the in-built software engine is capable of recalling the previous service availed by the customers and can ask them about that, later the facial recognition can detect the customer arriving at the counter and push their data and info to the server/agent dashboard, which can expedite the service delivery process. The facial recognition is also helpful for feedback collection, as the customers are not required to input their ID and Contact information, the surveys become short and the response rate increases automatically.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

The year 2020 was and the year 2021 is the years of digitalization, the general public is more aware and comfortable in using digital solutions and adopting to new technologies. Several studies have shown a completely different trend in general public, people are more inclined toward the technology and digital. A touch of high-tech would always be appreciated, the facial recognition and integration with advanced intelligent software solution will enhance the user experience. When the users will be greeted by name and their identity will automatically be detected, they will get a positive impression. This will also help building a positive perception about the business such as the business is up-to-date with latest technological advancements, this also gives an impression that business would use modern technologies and latest solution for their products/services too. Which is always appreciated.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

Moreover the customer experience will be personalized and more impactful. The user interface, the customer routing, the ticket printing and so many other things can be garnished with the personalized touch. Which will enhance the customer experience. From the management point of view the identification of the customer at the sign-in step is also very helpful in expediting the customer journey and it could also reduce the service delivery steps. The shorter, personalized and high-tech customer journey and customer experience help businesses building a good relationship with their customers. The marketers are well aware of the benefits of the personalized communication, similarly the personalized customer experience also improve their trust and loyalty with the brand and earn positive reputation and brand identity for the business.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

A positive brand reputation and good customer experience is very important for the long term success. If a customer had a bad experience it cause harm to the brand identity, such harm could be equated by almost ten positive experiences and the chances are the customer who had a bad experience might never return back to the business. That is why a good customer experience and customer journey are considered to be the most important factor in brand reputation. If a customer had good experience it will build a strong bond with the brand and become a loyal customers, the loyal customers are the one who tend to promote the business and be a good brand advocate. The loyal customers also have a tendency to ignore occasional negative experiences and they always gives their favorite brand another chance. The loyal customers are a great asset and can help business reduce the marketing expenses as well. The studies have shown that it is nine to twelve time more expensive to acquire a new customer than selling to an existing customer. So a good customer experience and a better customer journey could be a key to higher profitability and long term steady growth.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves the Customer Sign-Up Process

For every queue the customers will have to sign-up. A facial recognition technology enabled queue management system can identify the customer when they arrived at the self-service interactive kiosk to sign-up for the queue. The system can greet them with personalized message along with their name, photo or any other detail. This also enables the businesses to push their marketing strategies for example the business can recall their previous interaction and ask them whether their current visit is regarding to that or not, the businesses can push a marketing message for upgrade for the service they have opted last time and so on. The customer identification is also very helpful in managing and controlling the customer routes and customer journey. The queue management system can easily identify the VIP or Premium customers or the customers who should be served differently or any such case.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves the Customer Sign-Up Process

In both cases the stepped services and single counter service delivery the customer journey could have a great influence on the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. The businesses can utilize the facial recognition to personalize the customer experience. As the customers are not required to fill-in long online forms to identify themselves so the identification process is very smooth and super-convenience. The queue management system can associate the customer identity with their ticket number and upon their arrival on the counter the queue management system can push all the customer data and relevant information on the agent counter which further facilitates the service delivery process and makes it easier for the agents to have access to the relevant data hence the customer don’t have to provide their information on the counter, which reduce one more step from the service delivery process and make service delivery quicker and convenient.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Customer Feedback

A queue management system with facial recognition technology can easily identify the customers and once a customer got a service done the business can request the customers to provide their feedback. Usually the customer feedback system is integrated with the queue management system or modern day queue management system has it as an in-built module as well. As the system knows which customer is being served at the counter to it can relay the same information to the interactive touch screen for the feedback. Usually those screens are installed on the counter or placed very close to it. When a customer have finished their work with the agent/server the interactive feedback screen can display a personalized message with request for the feedback. This will attract more attention and it improves the response rate. Moreover the customer is not required to fill-in their details to submit the feedback. All the customer data and details will automatically be linked to the customer feedback kiosks/screens/tabs.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Customer Feedback

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Business Intelligence

The queue management systems are considered to be a great source of very accurate and detailed business intelligence data. A queue management system with facial recognition technology can easily capture a lot more details. In some cases some touch points require the customer to identify themselves by either inputting their contact number, name, email or customer ID or any such perimeter which prolonged the customer journey and most of the customers don’t like it. However with the facial recognition technology the customers are not required to fill-in any details, all the details will be pulled out from the customer database by just recognizing their face. The system can also collect customer feedbacks and a lot of statistical data which is very helpful for businesses to evaluate their current strategies and methodologies. Our queue management system with facial recognition comes with in-built data analytical and processing tools. The businesses can generate reports and assess their employees by monitoring various in-built employee KPIs. Such data is very helpful for decision making and future strategies and it also provide a deeper insight to the customer perception of the brand, their experience and it also highlights the areas of improvement. Businesses can easily make informed decisions on the bases of business intelligence data.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Business Intelligence

Read More: 5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System


Businesses and organizations in Dubai and all around the UAE are utilizing queue management systems to organize and manage their queues. There is nothing constant in the market, the market is ever changing and evolving, the customer trends are changing, their expectations and needs are changing so does the queue management system. The facial recognition technology is not new but only in past few years it have become widely used in commercial systems and solutions. The queue management systems can utilize the facial recognition technology to boost the customer experience and customer journey. The facial recognition is an easiest way to identify the customers. The customer identification during the earlier stages of the customer journey enables the businesses to provide a personalized customer experience and better customer journey. It also comes with a lot many functional advantages, for example, the customers can be identified during the sign-up process by facial recognition.

The same facial recognition ID can be used at various customer journey touch points and service delivery steps to accelerate the process as well to enhance the customer experience from the sign-up to service delivery and then the customer feedback. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider. We offer standard and customized solutions to our customers to ensure better efficiency and competitive cost. If you need more information or want to get a quote, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you.

Check out this blog: Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired RSI Queue Management System

How to Achieve the High ROI using Queue Management System

How to Achieve the High ROI using Queue Management System

Achieving the high ROI results with a queue management system is comparatively easier, as the system itself is very capable. Here in Dubai and other parts of UAE businesses prioritize their customers, the markets are growing, every day the competition is increasing. Studies showed that around 90% of the customers are willing to go to another service provider rather waiting in the long queues. Every single minutes added to customer wait time could cost you potentially tens of hundreds of sales on daily bases. That is the reason businesses from all sectors in UAE are rapidly adopting to the digital queue management systems and queuing solutions. The customer experience and customer journey is extremely important. If a business is not using a queue management system to manage the daily customer flow, they will eventually end up losing a huge chunk of their sales.

That is the reason these days we can find queue management systems everywhere, from banks to government offices, schools to hospitals and clinics, food courts & restaurants to HR Offices, everywhere were we go we find a queue management system. This also results in a lot of vendor and supplier of the queuing solutions. However, there are only a few companies which are offering a great queue management system to ensure higher ROI results for you. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system vendor and supplier, with exceptional range of different queue management systems. A queue management system in Dubai, UAE is considered to be a long term investment. When it comes to a queuing solution the businesses are concerned about the ROI, as it is a long term investment to calculating the ROI is also not as that simple.

In this blog we will focus on the features which can boost the profitability of a business and we will also explain a business can easily quantify the ROI of a queue management system.

How a business can increase profitability with a queue management system?

How a business can increase profitability with a queue management system?

A queue management system has a lot of benefits and it can improve a lot of areas related to the customer journey and customer experience. On top of that the queue management systems are also very helpful in improving subsequent business processes and policies. Here are some traits of a queue management system that help businesses in improving their profitability:

Reduce Wait Time

Reduce Wait Time

The wait time had different impact on different industries and sectors. But one thing is common, it always have a negative impact on customer journey and customer satisfaction, which results in decline in sales, in some cases this decline could be huge, it is an estimate that worldwide retail sector reported almost 70% of sales drop when the wait time is too long. With a queue management system businesses can avoid such losses, as the queue management system automatically manage and streamline customer flow, which reduces the wait time and improve customer experience. This help brands to retain more customers and improve customer loyalty and get repeated business. Which directly contributes to generating more revenue and profits.

Offer Virtual Queuing

Offer Virtual Queuing

The virtual queuing is the most modernized form of a queue management system. The main idea is to let the customers sign-up for the queues remotely/virtually. The customers can issue a mobile ticket or sign-up for the queue without being arriving at the branch. This allows them to wait outside, or utilize the wait time in some other activity, which in terms of customer journey results in literally no wait time. This not only improve the customer journey and customer satisfaction but it also help employee to improve their work efficiency and the overall productivity of the entire branch. Good quality customer journey makes your customers and visitors happy and satisfied. Happy customers give repeated business and also advocate for the brand.

Improve Employee Performance

Improve Employee Performance

In case of a manual queue management, the employees will have to do all the work manually. They will have to manage the queues, they will have to ensure the smooth customer flow, and they will have to handle the line disputes among the customers and much more. Which distracts them form their primary tasks and result in poor work efficiency. A queue management system eliminate all these problems and automatically handle the entire customer flow, which results in a very smooth and quicker customer journey. This allow the employees to focus only on their primary tasks, and they can easily serve more than twice customers in a single shift or even more. This allow the businesses to reduce the resources which help reducing the cost. And with the improved employee efficiency good quality work increase customer happiness. Which positively impact on the overall business growth.

Automate Customer Journey

Automate Customer Journey

A queue management system allows businesses to automatically manage all touch points and interactions of the entire customer journey. On one hand it saves a lot of time and makes the process fast, on the other hand it improves the customer experience as well. Especially for businesses who have stepped services which require multiple counters for a single service delivery. A queue management system also significantly improve the customer flow in scenarios where multiple services are being offered and certain counters are dedicated for certain services. The queue management system also help managing and routing the VIP or premium customers and the customers with special needs. This improve customer experience a lot and it portrays a very positive brand image. Which help attracting more customers and also good for customer retention. These factors directly impact the business growth and profitability.

Improve Service Quality

Improve Service Quality

The customer interaction with the business can heavily influence their service experience as well. If a customer or visitors had to wait for too long under mismanaged or poorly managed conditions, when they will reach to the counter they will be annoyed or upset. This will also impact their interaction with the service agent/server. If the customers and visitors got an excellent experience before reaching to the counter, they will be happy or at least they will not be angry or upset. This will make them more open and understanding towards the agent. Satisfying such customer is a lot easier than satisfying annoyed customers.

Moreover the queue management system also reduce the unwanted work load from the employees, which make them more efficient too. The employees will be highly focused and can deliver good quality service as well. The queue management system also have ability to route customers with different needs towards different counters. If agents are delivering only one or a few services, they could easily build expertise for that. Which also improve service quality and customer experience. Good quality services build good brand identity which help increasing conversion rates and customer retention and these all things contributes to business growth.

Improve Customer Retention

Improve Customer Retention

Customer happiness and good customer journey is a key to customer retention. If your customer are happy and satisfied they will remain loyal to your business. If they are unhappy they will immediately move to a competitor. The customer retention is extremely important for business growth. As if you keep focusing on marketing and other efforts to increase your new sales, but failed to retain the existing customers, then your overall profitability will decline. It totally depends upon the number of new customers coming to your brand and the number of customers who are leaving your brand. Eventually it will act like a death trap.

But if you manage to retain your existing customers, you will not only get repeated business from them but you will be able to keep adding more customers who will contribute in the growth of your business. A loyal customer base act as a foundation for a business, without that a business could crumble anytime. A queue management system ensures your customer leave happily and satisfied. Happy customers are tend to be the most loyal to the brand. They also promote the brand within their circles. Which attract more customers and build a strong brand identity. Brands with positive brand identity tends to have higher conversion rates from their marketing efforts comparing to the average brands or brands with poor brand image.

Improve Communication with Customers

Improve Communication with Customers

A queue management system with its advanced features enables direct communication between the customers/visitors and the brand. The customer interfaces can be designed with multi-lingual support to further improve the communication. Moreover the business can also collect customer feedback using the additional queue management system modules. Business can conduct online surveys and request for their opinion or suggestions. With the integrated smartphone applications or online customer portals, the businesses can enable a direct and personalized communication channel between them and their customers. The customer feedbacks and survey data can be utilized further to assess business practices and various other aspects of customer journey.

Collects Stats & Business Intelligence

Collects Stats & Business Intelligence

A queue management system is a great source of various types of valuable business intelligence data. It allow businesses to capture data from all touch point throughout the customer journey. The customer feedbacks also help evaluating various business processes, employees and customer experience. The queue management system has built-in KPIs (key performance indicators) to measure the performance of various active components, such as relevant systems, customer flow, and employee performance. The employee performance indicators help business to accurately quantify the performance of individual employees as well as of teams and branches. The management can easily take actions and make decisions to improve employee performance which will also help improving the service quality. The system usage stats and customer feedbacks help business in making policies and strategies to improve performance, products & services, and quality of service. Which will later help businesses in increasing sales and revenue.

How to Calculate the ROI of the Queue Management System

How to Calculate the ROI of the Queue Management System

As whenever a new system is acquired every business set their goals and objectives and then evaluate the system by various aspects such as system usability, utility, scalability, estimated outcome, cost, and other financial aspects. On the bases of these an overall ROI (return over investment) is calculated. Every system is eventually evaluated on the bases of its ROI. If the ROI is good the business can commission the system with confidence. If the ROI is not satisfactory then the business will be hesitant to invest in such system. For queue management systems the ROI calculation is very simple and easy.

Without a queue management system the business will have to allocate more employees to handle the customer flow, usually the employees are assigned by keeping in mind the busy hours and the regular foot fall. So, usually the most of the branches are either overstaffed or inefficiently staffed. This put a lot of expense on businesses. With the help of a queue management system the system take care of most of the intermediary processes and automate various steps of the customer journey, which entirely eliminate the need of additional staff. The customer flow and the entire queues are managed automatically by the queue management system, this also improve the work efficiency of the agents/servers. With the help and benefits of the queue management system the employee performance is also significantly improved, which make them able to serve more customers in a single shift. That is how the business can easily calculate how much agents/server or employees will be required to server a certain number of customers and visitors.

Another very accurate ROI can be the estimation of the cost per customer or per service delivery. This is also very easy to calculate. The businesses can easily calculate the service cost per customer before the queue management system and after the queue management system. All you need is the quantity of the customers they have served last year or more precisely the number of serving customers as it could also include the customers with the repeated service delivery. Then the cost on each service, and the value of the each service. Then the ROI can be calculated by including the queue management system into the equation and both results can be compared.

Other non-financial benefits are also there. The biggest benefit of a queue management system is that it significantly improve the customer journey and customer experience. Which exponentially increase the customer satisfaction score. The customer satisfaction score drives the opinion about the brand and help building a positive brand image. A good brand identity attracts more customers and also plays important role in conversion and lead generation through various marketing efforts. So, in longer run with or without the non-financial or non-quantifiable benefits of a queue management system the ROI is excellent.


Obviously whenever a business plans to acquire a new system or infrastructure the one thing that counts the most is the ROI (return over investment) rates. In case of a queue management system the ROI is always excellent. As any queuing solution comes with certain benefits such as reduction in wait time. The automation and functional improvement in business processes lead to an excellent customer experience and a smoother customer journey. The less work load on the employee lead to their performance improvement. With the help of a queue management system a single employee can handle more customer in a single shift. The cost and expenses can be reduced, the output can be maximized. Which significantly improve the ROI of a queue management system. At RSI Concepts we have a dedicated team of technical experts and business analysts who can help you with your queue management system project. You can easily reach us out through our Contact Us  page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Pros and Cons of Queue Management System

10 Reasons to Choose RSI Queue Management System over Other Similar Products

10 Reasons to Choose RSI Queue Management System over Other Similar Products

Introduction to RSI Queue Management System

RSI Queue Management System is a highly advanced digital queuing system or customer flow management system. It allows the business and organizations to efficiently manage their customer and visitor and also optimize the operational cost. The queue management system significantly reduces the workload of the staff, automate various processes, and allows in-depth monitoring and performance tracking tools. Overall all these features not only improve customer experience and customer journey but it also reduces resource consumption which ultimately results in big cost reductions. Moreover, the peripherals and accessories made it even more effective and efficient for special purposes and scenarios. RSI queue management system also helps the organizations to effectively implement their policies and strategies in the branch to further improve customer satisfaction.

Here are some basic system components of the RSI Queue Management System:

  1. Token/Ticket Dispensing Interactive Kiosk Machine
  2. Digital Signage Screens
  3. Counter Displays (Small LED or LCD Screens)
  4. Audio Announcement System (Multi-lingual)
  5. Agent Dashboard
  6. Management Dashboard
  7. Server Side Application
  8. KPIs, Reporting, Statistical Data and Business Intelligence Collection
  9. Remote Control and Monitoring (Head Office or Branch Office or Any Remote Location)
  10. Smartphone Applications
  11. Integration with Online Appointment Booking Module
  12. Integration with other Corporate Tools (ERP, CRM, SAP, Oracle, Intranet, Customer Portal, etc)

Of course, there are so many other software and hardware accessories that can be added to our queue management system to further improve the effectiveness and usability of the system.

Why you should choose RSI Queue Management System?

Why you should choose RSI Queue Management System

Here are the features of the RSI Queue Management System that distinguishes it from other similar products and these are also important factors to consider while selecting a queuing solution for your organization:

1. Customized Solutions


Customized SolutionsOne of the biggest advantages of the RSI Queue Management System is that we offer completely customized solutions. We completely understand that one-fits-all is not always the best. So we offer customizable solutions. Our customer can get more flexibility in terms of technical and obviously commercial aspects of the project. The customization not only saves the cost but also maximizes the product’s efficiency. For example, a queue management solution for a Hospital might not completely fulfil the need for a retail store and vice versa.

Another big issue is with the size and structure of the facility which might require slightly different configurations for each customer. Another advantage of customization is the data collection, monitoring and KPIs (key performance indicator), obviously different organizations work on a different marketing strategy and structure, some things could be important for one organization and these very things could be useless or I would rather say “very less important” for another organization. The list goes on and on, there are so many minute details that are exclusive and unique for each customer and a customized solution can provide a solution for all.

2. Exceptional Customer Experience

Exceptional Customer ExperienceRSI queue management system provides an exceptional customer experience. The wait time is reduced, the service delivery time is improved and the queue and customer flow are well-organized. Above all, our queue management system significantly reduces the workload of the staff. Which can further improve the service quality. During the wait time, the digital signage playing multimedia content could be helpful in reducing the customer’s stress. Regular real-time updates on the status also help the customer in relaxing and reducing anxiety while waiting. The multi-lingual user interface is very helpful especially in a community like Dubai, where people from all over the world are residing and working.

The audio announcements and customer calls are also very helpful, because in the waiting area sometimes the customer/visitors could get engaged in their smartphones or other activities, which could prevent them from noticing their turn on the signage screen, the audio announcements can solve this problem. The automated customer journey management further reduces the wait time and improve customer experience.

3. Digital Signage System

Digital Signage SystemRSI queue management system has a built-in digital signage module, you can utilize this module to not only display the information of the queue and ticketing but can also play multimedia content. The module is a full-fledged digital signage content management tool. Having various screen settings and configurations. The digital signage or large screen used in the waiting areas are of great importance, as they are displaying the current queuing information. Hence the customers and visitors are always viewing them. So, having some adverts or multimedia content not only increase the interest of the customers but it will also provide a good marketing and communication channel.

Multi-media content and the large signage have a good impact on the waiting customers as waiting could be anxious and depressing and it can easily annoy your customers, but if you are playing some interesting content along with the queuing details that could help your customers to get engaged and busy hence the stress of the waiting can be reduced. This improves the customer experience a lot.

4. Automatic Customer Journey Management

Automatic Customer Journey ManagementRSI queue management system comes with a powerful admin control panel tool that enables branch management to implement queuing policies and protocols to further optimize the customer flow. Apart from that, there are a lot many automated tools that can help to improve the customer flow without putting any additional burden on the staff. For example:

  • Services that can be delivered by a single server or agent from a single counter
  • Services require multiple counter and servers to get a single service delivery
  • Dedicated counter and servers for specific services
  • Premium Counters, VIP Counters or Counter for Customer with Special Needs and/or Disability

The token dispensing interactive kiosk could become handy for this. While signing up for the queue the customer could choose an appropriate queue for their needs. This could be achieved by either an interactive dashboard with instructions which can explain to the customers about different queue and/or a staff member could help the customers to get signed-up only for their required queue. This not only automates the customer journey but also reduces the service delivery time.

Another great advantage of automatic customer journey controls is that they can automatically route the customers from one counter to another if a service delivery requires more than one counter. Our queue management system can automatically push or rely on the customer information to the next stop to prevent any delay in the service delivery. So, the customer doesn’t have to wait in multiple queues. These all features are specifically designed for different scenarios and can be implemented to improve the customer experience and customer journey from your branch/office.

5. Integration with Other Tools and Corporate Systems

Integration with Other Tools and Corporate SystemsOur Queue Management System also allows integration and data sourcing from other tools and corporate systems. This functionality is achieved using secure web services or APIs. Which enables two databases and systems to communicate with each other. There are tons of applications of system integration. For example, our queuing system can pull customer data from the CRM (customer relationship management system) or ERP or HR Management System or any other system. This data will help the agents and servers to recognize the customers instantly and it will also shorten the service delivery time by saving the time of doing manual data entry. The integration not only allows to fetch data from a third-party system but also allows to push data and updates to any other system via APIs.

6. Reporting, Data Analytics & Remote Monitoring

Reporting, Data Analytics & Remote MonitoringOur queue management system provides a comprehensive reporting module along with an option to summary reports and executive reports. The reporting module is completely customizable. The reporting module utilizes a smart analytical and statistical tool to analyze the data. This makes our queue management system able to provide simplified reports with actionable results. The management can also measure KPIs (key performance indicator) using an in-built reporting module. The reporting module also provides site-wise and agent/counter-wise reporting as well. The reporting module also allows the management to set alerts on certain thresholds and pivot points.

Another remarkable feature of our queue management system is its capability of remote monitoring and remote management. Businesses and organizations can see a real-time status report and updates from the head-office. The head office can view live coverage of all the queuing activities on any branch. Above all, the policies and settings can easily be pushed to the branches and remote offices from the head-office from the control panel.

7. Online Appointment Booking

Online Appointment BookingOnline appointment booking can really make a difference. The customers can choose the time and date of their convenience and get themselves signed-up for that particular timetable. Which will significantly reduce the wait time. The customer experience can be improved and the work-load of the staff can be reduced. Online Appointment booking also allows the customers to have freedom of reaching to the branch or office at their specified time only, there is no need of waiting in long queues any more as the customer is already notified about the time of their turn.

8. Smartphone Applications Integration

Smartphone Applications IntegrationAs smartphones have become an essential part of our daily life. Not only that the internet usage and web surfing from smartphones and devices have already surpassed conventional computers. Which increased the importance of having an interaction at the smartphones with your clients. Allowing your clients to sign-up for the queues from their smartphones can improve the customer journey and customer experience. The remote sign-up process also allows them to sign-up for the queue from the comfort of their home or office. The smartphone applications provide real-time status reports, updates and notifications to further reduce the wait time at the branch. The customer can arrive at the exact time of their turn and can easily get the service done without any wait time.

9. Customer Feedback System Integration

Customer Feedback System IntegrationCustomer Feedbacks are extremely important for businesses and organizations. For example, you have recently installed a new customer flow management system, you have trained your staff well, and you are providing all facilities that are possible just to increase the customer satisfaction and hoping your customers will retain and you will witness steady growth, but after some months you find out that the results are not meeting your expectations. Now, you have to reevaluate and reassess everything, which is a time-consuming task, and even if you somehow managed to do detailed analysis and studies of your service delivery mechanisms and customer journey, you are still uncertain of a few things and your final conclusion is always based on some assumptions and speculations. Well, a customer feedback system will eliminate all those uncertainties and will provide you with great insight into your business. It will provide you with a chance to directly communicate with your customers and you can ask almost everyone one of them about their opinion and suggestions. Our queue management system provides a very simple yet powerful customer feedback collection tool. Which can help the businesses and organizations to rectify certain issues which could be impacting customer journey, experience and the business growth itself.

See More: Queue Management System Problems and Solutions in Dubai

10. Cost-Effective Queuing Solution

Cost-Effective Queuing SolutionRSI Queue Management System is a very cost-effective queuing solution. The capabilities of providing a customized solution enable us to deliver very efficient customer flow management systems at a comparatively lower cost. The initial cost is the major expense, the overall system software and hardware are designed to last long. There are no hidden fees and subscriptions. The system can be expanded easily. The implementation is fairly simple. The server-side application or the backend can easily be deployed to cloud-based hosting or on-premises data centres. There is no restriction or limit from our side. The complete hardware setup is very cost-effective. Both the software and the hardware comes with a warranty. The system updates and upgrades or customization and after-sales support are available for all customers.  These traits make it the best ROI for your needs. The hardware and software both are capable of upgrades and updates at a very low cost. Which makes it a long-term investment. The customization and integration allow us to eliminate a variety of other intermediary applications which also save a lot of commissioning and operational cost.

See More: The Leading Queue Management System Provider in UAE


Having an efficient digital queue management system could heavily impact your business. How you are treating your customers will determine your path to success or failure. As getting new customers are important for steady growth, retaining the existing customers is also equally important. When your customers are visiting your branch or office, they are expecting to be treated well. The only thing that could annoy your customer the most is long and mismanaged queues and long wait time. This will not only annoy your customers but it will also put more pressure on your staff. A good queuing system can help you solve both problems. The monitoring tools, customer feedback, reporting, automation and customization ensures you get a great solution that is specifically designed to solve your problems. In this blog, we have listed 10 reasons to choose RSI Queue Management System which all are also a very important factor to consider while choosing any queue management system.

At RSI Concepts we are always eager to provide the best solutions to our customers to help and support them in achieving their business goals. If you want to discuss your needs with us, feel free to reach us out from the comment box below, or contact us from our Contact Us page or call us directly.

Check this out: Queue System working in Government Departments

5 Tricks to Quickly Serve Customers Using Queuing System

In the modern world not only attracting more customers is difficult but sustaining the existing customers could also be a hectic job. A digital queue management solution and a queuing system could help you in both. We are living in a very advance society in Dubai, UAE. The technology is bringing innovation and convenience in all areas of life. The standards and lifestyle of common people are way too higher than any other part of the world. This lead to a trend of very higher expectations, which makes the customer satisfaction way too difficult. The customers are too sensitive and the competition is high, people don’t think twice to reach out to a new service provider. This makes it extremely important to serve your customers as per their expectations and make them happy.


The queue management solutions and queuing systems are helping out organizations and businesses to enhance customer experience and to increase customer satisfaction. An intelligent queuing solution when coupled with a sensible strategy could do wonder for the organizations and businesses. In this blog, we will discuss 5 tricks to quickly serve your customers using a queuing system.

1. Implement a Suitable Queuing System


Implementing a suitable queuing system could increase its efficiency by double. Businesses should only implement a specifically designed queue management system which could serve their specific needs.  There are so many queue management systems available in the market. In order to choose a suitable queue management system for your business you first need to determine the following:

  1. How many customers do you serve on daily bases?
  2. How many customers do you serve in busy hours?
  3. How many counters do you have?
  4. How much space do you have in the waiting area?
  5. Do you provide full service at a single counter? Or at multiple counters?
  6. What are your objectives and goals for implementing a digital queue management solution?

These answers are very important in determining what type of queue management system will work better for you. It is always better to implement a customized solution. You can always consult a professional queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE  such as RSI Concepts to assist you in implementing a suitable queuing system for your specific needs. An efficient digital queue management system can reduce the wait time and improve service delivery efficiency.

2. Offer Mobile Apps and Remote Sign-ups


Mobile apps and remote sign-ups are a great way of reducing the wait time. The mobile apps will allow the customers to remotely sign-up for the queue even before arriving at the branch or office. The smartphone applications are a very capable tool, businesses can use them to not only reduce the wait time but to also reduce the workload from the serving staff, which automatically results in quicker service delivery time. The smartphone apps and remote sign-ups allow the management to effectively handle the visitors and on-site customer flow. Which also results in the more managed queue and hence results in quicker service delivery.

3. Direct Customers and Visitors to the Right Person


The queue management systems also allow the management and staff to distribute the workload as per the expertise and ease of the serving staff. This leads to reduce wait time and due to the limited scope of the services, the staff also remained focused and serve better. This could significantly reduce the delivery time and make the service delivery process quicker. Routing the customers to their relevant counters the management can easily manage them in the premises. Routing also helps to maintain a great user experience and increasing customer happiness by reducing the wait time and service delivery time.

In case if complete service delivery is done through multiple counters, then having this feature helps a lot. The queue management system can automatically route each customer or visitor to the appropriate server, which reduces the wait time, allow efficient customer flow management and it also helps to reduce the workload of the servers, which also results in good customer experience and reduced service delivery wait time.

4. Automate the Customer Routing via Queue Management System


Automation always saves time and increase efficiency. By automating the customer flow and customer routing you can further improve the service delivery and reduce the time. But this is only applicable to certain scenarios. For example, your service delivery is done through multiple counters. In that case, the queue management system should be intelligently programmed to route the customers to the counters having less load. This will also reduce the wait time and it will improve service delivery efficiency. Another example of such scenarios is that, if a business is offering multiple services and there are different counters or a set of the counter is assigned to each service, in that case, the counter with less customers, should be utilized to distribute the customer flow from the busy counters to reduce the wait time and the service delivery time.

5. Gather Statistical and Usage Data and Measure KPIs


Another very useful feature of a digital queuing system is that it provides very detailed business insight. The businesses can collect system usage data, which can help the management in making decisions to further improve the service delivery mechanisms. The detailed statistical and analytical reports allow the management to gather valuable business intelligence. Some of the advance queue management solutions also allow integrating some customer/visitor feedback collecting tools. Which also provide great first-hand user feedback. The businesses can easily get information such as:

  1. Daily footfall
  2. Peak Hours
  3. Peak Day
  4. Busy Counters
  5. Most Used Services
  6. Average Time consumed by each service delivery
  7. Agent’s performance
  8. Remote Sign-up, In-premises Sign-ups, Kiosk Usage
  9. Average Wait Time
  10. Direct Customer/Visitor Feedback

These are only a few stats that are available by default in most of the digital queue management systems and solutions. There are so many other things which can be added to improve monitoring and business intelligence in any queuing system. Collectively these all inputs help management in taking decisions to improve the service delivery time, reduce the wait time, and improve customer satisfaction.

Read also: Importance of digital queue management system in 2021


The queue management systems are becoming a necessity in all type of service-based industries. Whether it is a bank, a public office, retail sector, transportation, hospitals and clinics, hospitality sector, HR Departments, libraries, educational institutes, or any other industry which provides services through their counters, and the customer or visitor should have to visit a branch or office to avail the service. Each and every customer support sector requires efficient customer flow management, which is only possible if you have implemented some digital queue management solution.

Reducing wait time, improving service delivery, increasing customer happiness is the key to success these days. If you are operating in Dubai, UAE or any other GCC country, you should be aware of two things; one the competition and second the customer’s expectations. The higher living standards, tougher competition, higher government standards, each and everything ensures a high-quality product or service to the customers. The United Arab Emirates is also known for its higher acceptance level for innovation and technological advancements. Collectively these all factors not only push the organizations and businesses to continuously improve their products and services but these factors also raised the expectations of the customers.

If you want to grow you should be able to meet the customer’s expectations. You should be able to provide a unique customer experience in your branch or office and you should also have to ensure quickest service delivery which is only possible if you use an efficient queuing system to manage your customer flow. It is always good to consult with a professional queue management system and solution provider, such as RSI Concepts. Feel free to reach us out through the below comment box, or contact us through our Contact Us page.

Check this out: Benefits of Queue Management using Mobile Apps

What is Linear Queuing Queue Management System?

Linear Queuing Queue Management System is basically a ticketless queue management system designed for first come first serve bases. This is a very effective approach for certain scenarios. Linear Queuing significantly optimizes the service efficiency and is proven to be very effective in both scenarios, one with large service areas, handling large crowds such as 10 to 30 counters in a single service area and second small branches ranges from a single counter to 5 counters. Another advantage of Linear Queuing Queue Management System is that the system is completely plug-n-play based structure, require very less maintenance and operational cost. Coupled with Signage and big displays it provides more room for advertisements and instructions. Here are some of the benefits of the linear queuing queue management system:

  1. Organize and Control the Visitors/Customers Flow
  2. Reduce Queue Timings and wait time by 20% to 34%
  3. Increase counter efficiency and reduce serving time
  4. Handling of a large number of visitors and customers is easier and more organized
  5. Very cost-efficient solution comparing to the ordinary queue management system


The system provides easy management of the customers at any counter, the agent dashboard is simpler and easy to handle, sometimes even a single switch and a small display is enough for the agent. Records service delivery time of each counter, provide complete statistical data of each agent along with the peak hour data and much more. The customers will wait in a single queue and the agent will press a button, a screen or display leads the customers to the open counter. The linear queue forwarding system makes the service delivery easier for the customers as well as reduce the burden from the agents.

Our Linear Queuing Queue Management System can be completely customized with very flexible compatibility approach towards the digital signage, video wall, a variety of displays and any other third-party enterprise solutions/system. The command and control centre is built on a centralized information centre which enables remote monitoring and control for the branch managers as well as for the head-office. The statistical data analysis tools and customizable reporting module provide a complete insight of any branch along with the single-agent level reporting and performance analysis let the administration take decisions with more clarity and confidence.

The simplicity of the hardware infrastructure reduces the installation and operational cost as compared to any ordinary bulky queue management system. The system can be implemented in offline mode or local network as well, with only a single button for the agent/customer service representative and a few LED displays or screens to guide the customers/visitors towards the open counter, this basic setup is very cost-effective and not only that, the simplicity of the system makes the service delivery easier for the agents and the customers.

Checkout: Features of an efficient Queue Management System

Can a Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?

Waiting is always a difficult and irritating task for anyone. Good customer experience can be achieved with an outstanding Queue Management System that can enhance customer perception. A properly managed queue system can benefit both the staff and customer alike. With technology, the Queue System in Dubai has seen many positive changes. There was a time when only moving the customers into and outside of the business was all that was cared about. But now that there are various other options, the Customer Experience is improved by many folds.


Appointments and Scheduling

There are certain kinds of businesses which can help the queue system by allowing appointments and schedules that can be pre-booked online or through their call centres. This helps the customer create a connection with the business, gives better customer satisfaction and also helps with staff scheduling. Ultimately, there is an increase in revenue too.

Management of each individual case

When customers visit your business, it is not right to pass them onto the next person, where he/she has to repeat their whole story till they are sent to the right person who can deal with their problem. It is only the right kind of case management that can save a customer from this kind of ordeal. This can be done only when information is accurately captured and recorded so that it can be accessed when staff or representative needs it and accordingly helps the customer. Also, the past contacts can be recorded so the next representative can see the flow of the system.

Customer Flow System

Some businesses can do well with a self-service kiosk wherein the customer can line up in a virtual queue or an electronic queuing system. This allows them to help themselves or if not then the customers are asked a couple of questions which would determine what representative would be able to help them best.

Digital Media

When there are digital displays in the waiting area or queue area, it keeps the customer entertained while they are waiting. It also gives you an opportunity for selling. At grocery stores and other shops, the same system can be used to show the number of people waiting at each queue, which gives the customer the liberty to choose which queue he/she would like to join in.


Who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? These smart-systems can also be used to enhance the customer experience. These can be used by a customer for booking appointments and also they can be texted in advance to let them know or as a reminder of their appointment. If the appointment system hasn’t been used, the organization can still send a message to the customer to inform them that they are the next to be served. This gives the customer enough time to continue to shop or browse around and gives you extra revenue.

These kinds of modern Queuing Systems can bring in enhanced customer experience and makes it more efficient for your employees and customers both. Customers would be given the feeling that their best interests are being taken care of. When you implement things that bring their waiting time down or make it easier for them to explain their case history, it makes them feel unique and appreciated. Employees also appreciate it as it means that it is more of a planned and organized scenario. All this ultimately leads to a better business scene.

Queue Management not only helps your business, but it brings it forward. It gives a modernized feel and can set you apart from other businesses with an atmosphere of forward-thinking. Enhancing customer experience can launch a business into the future and make it cutting edge.

Checkout: The Leading Queue Management System Provider in UAE