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Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

Every business whether it is a telecom service provider or any other service provider needs a great customer experience strategy to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. A queue management system is a combination of software and hardware components designed to efficiently manage the walk-ins and customer flow in the service center. The queue management system have in-built intelligent algorithms and programmed logics, which enables it to direct and route customers to the skilled representative or agent to cater their needs and requests. Different stakeholders take queue management system differently for example the customer experience department take it as a customer experience management tool, the HR would see it as a customer service agent’s performance monitoring tool, the IT will see it as a data sharing tool, and so on. That is another reason all modern queue management system also provide facility to integrate with third-party system to improve data sharing and functionalities. For a telecom sector a queue management system performs various tasks and aid various business processes.

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

For telecom businesses customer retention is extremely important. People tend to switch very quickly if they had a bad customer experience. That is why it is crucial to address the issues that are impacting customer experience within the customer support and service centers. In any public dealing office the most important task is to manage the customer flow and queues. The customer journey is always assessed on the bases of wait time and customer efforts. If a telecom business offers an effortless customer journey then the customers will automatically feel better about it. The telecom service centers and offices always offers multiple services and they have different priority levels for the customers and visitors. All this could be confusing for the customers and visitors. It also require more efforts from the staff to keep everything in order. However, with a queue management system all this can be automate and digitalized. The telecom business can easily reduce the customer efforts while effectively minimizing the workload of the customer service agents and other employees as well. It has double positive affect on the customer journey and customer satisfaction.

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

Although it may sound simple but it isn’t as that simple, in this blog we will discuss the queue management system and its features and how a telecom business can benefits from them to ensure a long term and sustainable growth.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time is the most influential factor in customer experience and customer journey. The studies have shown that almost all of the customers start getting stressed and annoyed after waiting for only thirteen minutes. It means that the best scenario is to somehow reduce your wait time to thirteen minutes only. Which is not possible in most of the cases, especially during the busy work hours. That is why businesses use queue management systems. The queue management system not only reduce the customer wait time to the minimum but it also help improving the customer wait experience which reduces the effects of waiting and make them able to comfortably wait for longer time. The customer experience in the telecom sector starts with a simple sign-up process. That is also the first interaction of the customer with the queue management system. The customers sign-up using an interactive self-service kiosk. The kiosk dispense a ticket which contains customer’s number in the queue, estimated time to turn and any other related information.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

Read More: Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

The sign-up kiosks are also used to collect customer information, for example, for the telecom sector the customer data can be fetched from the customer’smobile number or landline or by simply inputting the customer ID. This way the queue management system already get the customer ID and it can push that data along with any other relevant data that is required to aid the customer service agent, this can simplify the service delivery process and reduce customer wait time. Every queue management system comes with large displays or signage screens, these displays are installed strategically on places where at least one screen is always in view of the customers who are in the waiting area. These screens are used to display the live queuing information including the currently serving ticket, the next few in line, the estimated time for each ticket and any other information that the business wants to display. On those screens the businesses can also run multimedia content which keeps user engaged during the waiting time.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

In addition to that audio announcements are always made to alert the customers and they are also a good distraction from the waiting. Such things help reducing the customer stress during the wait time by simply distracting them and keep them busy. Hence the customer don’t mind waiting for even much longer than the thirteen minutes.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Customer Routing

The customer journey management is basically customer flow management and customer routing, which could get complex and difficult if managed manually. With a queue management system the customer flow management and customer routing is completely automatic. The servers/agents and the staff doesn’t have to worry about any of these tasks and they can focus more on their primary tasks which also improve their performance. For telecom sectors usually a single service delivery is done on a single counter, however, in some cases stepped service delivery is also needed. Then there are certain other conditions for example let say a few services are general and can be offered by any counter, some services are more technical in nature and can be offered by only 2 out of 5 counters and so on. All these conditions makes customer flow and customer routing a bit difficult for manual management. However, with a queue management system all these conditions can be managed automatically.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Customer Routing

A queue management system can monitor and log all the activities, it can track employee performance, busy hours, service delivery time and on the bases of these details and a few other parameters it can accurately assess the current work load. On the bases of this understanding a queue management system automatically route customers during their wait time. Let us take the above example again, let say a customer opted for a service that is a general service, which can be offered through all five counters, however, the two exclusive counters are not busy and the three general counters are more busy, then the queue management system will start sending customers to the exclusive counters to reduce the customer wait time and to balance the workload of the counters. The customers who are signing-up for the exclusive services must be prioritized on the exclusive counters. Similarly the queue management system can also implement other company policies such as customer priority and service priority. Exclusive customers, such as VIPs, Corporate, Customers with special needs, etc. would be treated on the priority bases and so on. This is how a queue management system can manage the customer flow and customer routing automatically with the help of in-built intelligent algorithms.

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency

Most of the time in public offices or businesses where the daily walk-in is higher, the staff is always engaged in managing the queues to ensure smoother customer flow. Moreover the queue management system can automatically balance the work load of the employees which improve their work quality and reduce their stress. The queue management system can also identify the customer and/or service they are seeking for, and on the bases of that information the queue management system can prepare the server or agent dashboard beforehand and let the agent focus on the quality of service. This could save a lot of time of the server/agents which help reducing the overall customer wait time. The automation and digitalized control of various business processes help reducing many customer journey steps and also reduce the need of human resource. As most of the processes are automated and doesn’t require any human assistance, the telecom sector limit their number of staff for each branch. The queue management system also help servers and agents by reducing their efforts and aiding the service delivery process which enables them to serve more customers in a single shift. Which obviously reduce per-service delivery cost and improve operational efficiency and profitability.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency

Queue Management System Supports Third Party System Integration

If any business want to get full advantage of any system the integration is a must have feature. The digital world is way too connected and integrated than we can ever imagine. For any businesses if they want to achieve the maximum efficiency the ultimate challenge is the data flow, communication and updated information. This is applicable for both the human and the digital tools as well. A queue management system allow businesses to integrate it with any other third-party tool or enterprise solution. This data integration is usually done via APIs or secure web services. The data integration allow one system to talk to the other and then get their response, for example, in case of a telecom businesses if they are asking their customers to input their mobile number or any customer ID, the queue management system must have to verify it, which it does by communicating with the system that holds and maintains the customer’s ID data, this integration could be direct or it could be via centralized information center. The purpose is to achieve certain functionalities that help improving customer experience and overall efficiency and productivity of the business.

Read More: Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Queue Management System Supports Third Party System Integration

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

One of the most important aspect of any business strategy is the information. Informed decisions always result in good outcome. For a telecom business or branch it is extremely crucial to know its customers, their psychology, their needs and expectations, and the market trends. A queue management system can do a lot more than just managing customer flow. It can keep track of all touch points of the entire customer journey along with various employee KPIs and other system stats and user data that can help businesses to analyze and asses their existing business processes, policies and capabilities. A queue management system can accurately track the entire activity of the day, it can track the average service delivery time for a particular service and also individual service delivery time. It can accurately track which customer journey step took how much time and where bottle necks were formed. A queue management system can also track employee KPIs and their performance, by accurately logging and recording the stats of each user interaction form various angles.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

The business intelligence data is too much to be processed by a human being. That is why a queue management system also provide in-built data analytical tools. Which can sort this data into simpler reporting formats. There are several different levels of the reports, for example, the high-level management might only be interested in the number of happy and unhappy customers, the branch managers might be interested in employee performance and wait time, and the customer experience department might be interested into the minute details of each bad interaction. For all those needs the queue management in-built tools to evaluate, assess and analyze the business intelligence data as per the needs. The reports generated from the queue management system can be used by the management to easily highlight the areas of improvements, the market trends, customer’s needs and expectations. The telecom businesses can use this information in planning for the future and improving things that are impacting customers’ experience.

Read More: What are the Benefits of Improving Customer Journey?


The telecom businesses are the one with a huge daily walk-ins. Most of the time the customers who visit a telecom service center they have to wait for a little longer comparing to other businesses such as banks or hospitals. That is why a telecom business needs a very efficient customer flow management and customer experience strategy. If customers are having bad experience they will not only switch but most likely they will also share their experience with the others. Which brings negative brand reputation. On the contrary a good customer experience promote a great brand image, it earns customer loyalty and help business to grow. That is why the customer experience is considered the backbone for the growth. A queue management system help businesses to improve customer experience and customer satisfaction. It also collect business intelligence data which is crucial for decision making and strategy building. Which help businesses in identifying flaws and areas of improvements. Businesses can also optimize the efficiency and operational capability by closely monitoring various aspects of the customer experience and customer journey.

The purpose of this blog was to provide our audience with a basic understanding of the queue management system and its role in telecom sector. If you want to learn more about the subject or are looking for a suitable queue management solution, please feel free to get in touch with us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE heavily rely on digital queue management systems to manage and improve the queuing experience of their customers. A queue management system is an essential part of customer experience strategy. Businesses belong to the services based industries require their customers to visit them all the time. No matter if you are a bank, hospital, restaurant, a small local business or a large size government office, if customers are visiting you then you must have a strategy to manage and streamline the customer flow. A queue management system comes with several advantages, which can improve customer experience, such as the automated queue management and tickets solve all problems associated with ticket-less manual queuing. The queue management system reduce customer wait time by improving employee efficiency and aiding them in their routine tasks. It can also increase customer engagements by displaying multimedia content and live queuing coverage at digital signage. Such features keep the user engaged and reduce the effect of wait time. The employee workload is divided which boost their efficiency and the customer end up getting satisfactory service.

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

These days almost every businesses is using a queue management system. That means all of your competitors would also be using a queue management system. This begs an important question, how you could differentiate yourself from your competitor? The answer is ‘just do better’. It is extremely important that you offer something better to your customers. Only an advanced and efficient queue management system can provide you a tangible competitive advantage. In this blog we will list the key qualities of an efficient queue management system and what you should be looking for while choosing a queue management system for your future needs.

Signup for the Queue

The very first step for any customer or visitor is to sign-up for the queue. An efficient queue management system always use an interactive kiosk and UI (user interface) to allow customers and visitors to sign-up. The intuitive design makes the process simpler. Usually in Dubai and all around the UAE such user interfaces are designed to support multiple languages. It leaves a very pleasant effect on the customers if their business is able to communicate with them with their native or favorite language. The first thing that the system ask the customers is to choose a language, then it asks them to select the required service from the list. Some businesses at this point also acquire customer identification details but it entirely depends on the business needs and policies. A pleasant sign-up experience help generating a positive vibe. On top of that the system can collect necessary information that can be used to further improve the customer journey. An efficient queue management system can automatically sign-up the customers to the right queue as per their selected service or as per their personalized experience.

Signup for the Queue

Customer Waiting Experience

The customer waiting experience is very crucial for customer satisfaction. A pleasant and relaxing waiting experience always improve customer’s interaction with the server/agent. The wait time is not measured or evaluated in terms of numbers. For example, an efficient queue management system is capable of tracking the record of all the previous service deliveries and also the performance of the server/agent. On the basis of this data it can very accurately predict the expected wait time. The expected wait time should be printed on the ticket. This has very positive effect on customer’s minds. When we are sitting in the waiting area we always feel the time is passing slower, when we are standing in the queues, we feel the queues next to us are moving faster. This is only psychological effect and it has nothing to do with the actual wait time. That is why for the customer experience we consider two types of wait time, one is the actual wait time as per the clock and the other is the perceived wait time which we feel. This phenomenon is very important. That is why an efficient queue management system not only prints the expected wait time but also displays the remaining wait time on the signage screens and large displays to keep the customers and visitors calm.

Customer Waiting Experience

In order to further improve the customer waiting experience an efficient queue management system support digital signage features to run dynamic content on the digital signage used to display queuing information. These signage are installed on all strategic location so that each and every customer in the waiting area or lobbies can view at least one all the time. The live queuing coverage will give them an impression that all the queues are moving. On the same screen the dynamic and multimedia content can be displayed, which increase customer engagements and keep them busy while distracting and dividing their attention. This has a great effect on customers and the sense of waiting can be minimized. Furthermore an efficient queue management system also use sound systems to make announcements and customer calling in multiple languages, which also keep users engaged. The SMS alerts and notifications can also be added to enhance customer experience and it also provide them freedom to go out while they are virtually present in their queues. Such qualities of an efficient queue management system can significantly improve customer’s waiting experience and help minimizing the waiting stress.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Automatic Customer Routing and Customer Flow Management

In any business and organization there are always multiple services. In the office or at a branch a business serves multiple services. For some services there are dedicated counters, for some services there are not. Some services are stepped services and require a customer to go to several counters to get a complete service delivery. Some businesses have different priority levels for different sets of customers such as VIP or Premium customers, the customers with special needs, and regular customers, etc. Businesses also allocate specific counters for specific customers as well. All these variables makes the customer routing and customer flow management more difficult. Difficulties lead to mismanagement and unnecessary delays in the service which have a very negative impact on customer experience. An efficient queue management system is capable of routing customers as per the pre-determined protocols and policies of the business. Which makes the customer flow smoother and quicker. In order to prevent bottle necking, an efficient queue management system is also capable of diverting customers from one counter to the other. Hence the customer journey can be reduced and the wait time can be minimized.

Automatic Customer Routing and Customer Flow Management

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Boost Employee Performance

An efficient queue management system can aid employees in various different business processes. The automation and digitalization provides more control and less hustle. The employees get free from unnecessary tasks, which means they can focus on their primary tasks. This boost their work capability, efficiency and quality of service. In addition to that an efficient queue management system also provide an intuitive agent dashboard. Which is used to provide various controls and information to the servers/agents. The agents can control the customer flow through their dashboard and they can also get customer information and any other data beforehand. An efficient queue management system is also capable of data integration and data synchronization, which enables it to help agents in preparations for the service delivery, reduce their effort in each service delivery and also expedite the service delivery process. All that can be achieved due to the customer identification and/or identification of the service they are looking for. An efficient queue management system also aid the post-service tasks and can automate several steps. All those qualities of an efficient queue management system reduce the employee workload, stress and efforts which can significantly boost employee performance.

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Boost Employee Performance

Reduce Wait Time

One of the most valuable quality of an efficient queue management system is that it significantly reduce the wait time. The wait time is one of the most impactful aspect of customer journey and a longer wait time can completely ruin customer experience, no matter how much efforts you have done regarding other aspects of the customer journey. It is extremely important to reduce the customer wait time and improve their waiting experience. If a customer had a longer waiting time, they will get stressed, and when a stressed or anxious customer arrive at the counter it is extremely hard to change their mood and provide them satisfactory service. However, if a customer journey is shorter and the wait time is less and the waiting experience is good, the customer will arrive at the counter in a very calm and neutral mood. It is much easier to satisfy customers who are calm and are more accepting towards agents.Moreover the improved employee efficiency, business process automations and improvements and better customer flow result in significant reduction in customer wait time.

Reduce Wait Time

Read More: Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

Increase Profitability

The automation and digitalization always result in cost reduction and higher profitability. If a business commissioned an efficient queue management system, it automates queuing process, customer journey and customer flow management. Which means a business needs very less human resource to manage this operation. The cost of human resource is much higher comparing to the operational and maintenance cost of a digital system. This significantly reduce the operational cost and resultantly the per-service cost get reduced. Moreover the customer churn is a biggest lost, as most of the customers leave without availing the service due to longer wait time or crowd at the branch. An efficient queue management system results in improved customer experience and quicker service delivery which also prevent crowd formation and enables smoother customer flow that reduce the customer churn rate and increase revenue of the branch/business. Furthermore the queue management system also provide in-depth business intelligence data which help businesses to understand their policies, business processes and employee performance. This information is very helpful in decision making and long term strategy building which also help boosting the revenue and profitability.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Increase Profitability

Customer Satisfaction Drives Customer Loyalty

The customer happiness and customer satisfaction is considered to be the key to success. Any business’s performance can be judged on the bases of customer satisfaction. As the customer satisfaction means everything is in right order and the performance is at optimum levels. When a customer get satisfactory services from a business, it is most likely to come back and do repeated business. This is called customer loyalty. The loyal customers are a great asset and act as a foundation for the long term success and sustainable growth. Every business does marketing and efforts to promote its brand to acquire new customers. If it keeps loosing existing customer, no matter how much efforts it is putting into acquiring new customers, its growth would be halted, and eventually it will take negative course. The happy and satisfied customers are tend to be loyal customers. The customer loyalty help business elevate and the loyal customers are also good brand ambassadors, they spread brand message and positive feedback though social media, word of mouth and endorsements. The customer loyalty and positive brand image help businesses achieve their marketing goals.

Customer Satisfaction Drives Customer Loyalty

Studies have shown that the businesses with positive brand image tend to do well in their marketing campaigns comparing to the businesses with negative brand reputation. Hence the positive brand image results in better ROI from the marketing campaigns too, which ultimately reduce the cost of lead generation and conversions. Another advantage of loyal customers is that they always stick with the brand, they are always willing to give another chance and they do not quickly switch to another service provider. Studies have shown that the loyal customers also provide better feedbacks and share their opinion and suggestions more openly. The studies have shown that it is 9 to 12 time less expensive to make a sale to an existing customer than acquiring a new customer. In long term this could have a huge impact on the profitability and growth of the business.

Read More: 5 Techniques to Integrate Customer Satisfaction Survey with Queue Management System

Offers Virtual Queuing

Virtual queuing was designed to enhance customer’s experience. Especially it provides a lot of freedom and more flexibility with the waiting experience. However, during the past two years the virtual queuing gain popularity in Dubai and all around the UAE. The virtual queuing enables businesses to let customer sign-up for virtual queues and doesn’t require them to be physically present all the time in the queue. Now a days the virtual queuing is further improved with the functionality of remote sign-up features. It means that a customer don’t even have to come to the office or branch to generate ticket, in fact they can do so remotely or through their mobile devices. There are several channels that can be used for remote sign-up process such as mobile applications, SMS, email, online/websites, customer portals, QR Codes, etc. An efficient queue management system must provide advanced and modernized features to ensure an excellent customer experience and maximum productivity. Once a customer sing-up via a remote channel such as mobile app, they start receiving important information about the on-going queuing, they get alerts and notifications too. Hence a customer can plan their visit only at the time their turn will come. It means that the wait time can be reduced to none. That is why virtual queuing is gaining too much popularity as it reduces the wait time and improve customer experience and convenient.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Offers Virtual Queuing

Enables Third Party System Integration

An efficient queue management system always support and provide system integration with the third party tools and enterprise software. In this modern era of digitalization it is very important that the entire business information center is centralized and connected to everything else. An efficient queue management system can be linked with other systems to synchronize customer data, feedback data, and much more to improve relevant business processes, customer experience and service delivery processes. The system integration allows the queue management system to push and fetch data from any other integrated system or data center. Moreover an efficient queue management system can be integrated with other tools and hardware peripherals such as customer feedback collection tools, touch screens, EID readers, RFID, passport reader, QR Code/Barcode Scanners, etc. Such integration help queue management system to automate various business processes and reduce the customer efforts throughout the customer journey. The integration also enable the businesses to link the reporting and system stats with the other systems and vice versa. The system integration is great to boost the performance and efficiency of the system.

Read More: Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Enables Third Party System Integration

Collect Business Intelligence Data

An efficient queue management system collects business intelligence data and system usage details from each and every touch point of the customer journey. The queue management system also tracks and record employee performance data. For example the system can capture details about the customer journey and customer experience. What services are used the most, what are the busy hours, what is the average service delivery time including each service delivery time as well. The complete log is maintained for analysis and decision making purposes. An efficient queue management system offers in-built analytical tools and data processing algorithms. These tools help businesses to process the business intelligence data and help them identify the areas of improvements. Another great quality of an efficient queue management system is that it also collects customer feedback data. The customer feedback collection gives customers confidence, trust and a sense of importance, which is good to strengthen the customer relationships. The customer feedback data can provide a deeper insight to customer’s minds and help businesses to understand customer’s needs, expectations and problems. Businesses can use customer feedback data along with business intelligence data to evaluate their business processes, quality of products & services, employee efficiency and much more. This information is critical in taking actions and making future strategies for a long term growth.

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Collect Business Intelligence Data


These days a queue management system is not just used to streamline customer flows and manage waiting lines, in fact an efficient queue management system can literally transform the customer experience and customer journey. An efficient queue management system automates various steps and optimize business processes that are impacting customer journey. A good customer experience drives customer satisfaction which is a key component to gain customer trust and customer loyalty. The customer loyalty have a great impact on brand image. An efficient queue management system also reduce the workload of the employee and boost their efficiency. All these qualities along with automation and digitalization help reducing the cost and improve overall efficiency of the business. In this blog we have listed all important qualities of an efficient queue management system. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: What is custom software development?

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Business in Dubai and all around UAE are always seeking ways to improve their customer experience and customer journey. The UAE is a very large and rapidly growing economy, this attracts a lot of entrepreneurs, investors, businesses from all over the world. Especially the service based industries are facing tough competitive environment. This competition results is high market standards and higher customer expectations. That is why the customer experience is extremely important for any business to ensure long term sustainable growth. During last few years the customer behavior have changed drastically due to the COVID and social distancing. People are more inclined towards digital interaction than physical interaction. The businesses also have to implement social distancing policies and other safety rule to ensure the health and safety of the customers and the staff. This has changed the entire landscape of the communication and services.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

A queue management system is a tool used to streamline customer flow. It help businesses to automate or semi-automate various customer journey steps. A digital queue management system can segregate customers as per their needs which improves customer flow and reduce customer wait time. The queue management system also help improving the service quality and boosting the performance of the service staff or service agents. Which result in reduced customer churn rate, higher customer happiness. The customer satisfaction is a key to customer loyalty and the customer loyalty is considered to be the foundation of growth and profitability. The queue management systems have also evolved a lot, as the general market trends got changed the queue management systems also got changed. The virtual queuing and mobile queuing are not a new concepts however, since the later 2020 till today and also in future the virtual queuing will dominate the queue management systems. In this blog we will discuss how virtual queuing and digital customer experience can be your best competitive advantage to boost the profitability, efficiency, quality of service and customer experience.

What is Virtual Queuing?

The virtual queuing is a process of signing-up a customer in a virtual queue. For queue management systems the virtual queuing is a relatively new terminology and it doesn’t only mean to create virtual queues in fact the virtual queuing means to enable the customers to sign-up remotely in virtual queues using mobile devices or digital channels. The virtual queuing can be done using web portals, mobile apps, SMS, emails, QR Codes and much more. The biggest differentiation between the virtual queuing and traditional queuing is that the virtual queuing can literally reduce the wait time to none. The customers and visitors are free to wait outside or plan their visit to arrive only when their turn is expected. The live queuing information can be relayed to the customers using multiple channels along with alerts and notifications. The customer service agent can also communicate with the customers and visitors to inform them about any change or unexpected scenario. The virtual queuing transform customer journey and customer experience and ensures maximum customer happiness.

Read More: Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

What is Virtual Queuing?

What is Digital Customer Experience?

The term digital customer experience refers to all the interactions a customer have with the business using the digital channels and mediums such as online or internet, emails, mobile apps, social media, chat bots, and even the SMS communication can be taken as the part of the digital customer experience. The digital customer experience management strategy is very important these days. As people living in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE are very familiar with the digital interactions. So providing digital customer experience doesn’t only have operational benefits but the customers will also expect digital interaction from their favorite brands. That is why the digital customer experience is very important and a business should use right tools to ensure the customers will be satisfied and delighted with their interaction. The virtual queuing is a great tool to enhance digital customer experience. It also help businesses collect useful system insights and business intelligence data which can be further used to tune up relevant business processes and to evaluate the performance of the staff and different departments/branches. The business intelligence also help businesses to take informed decisions and make right policies to ensure long term growth and customer retention.

What is Digital Customer Experience?

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

People don’t like to wait in long queues. The long wait time is a major reason of customer churn and poor customer experience. We have all noticed that when we are standing in queues at one point or another we feel that the line next to us is moving faster, this is only a behavior phenomenon when people just perceive that and it is because of the stress of the waiting. With manual queues there are several other problems too, such as line jumpers, or people standing in wrong queues or even people are giving way to others to join the queue from their point. However, with a digital queue management system when a single customer have a ticket these all things can be avoided. The psychological effects of waiting in the queues can also be minimized. With the help of virtual queuing the businesses can offer their customers and visitors a facility to sign-up remotely or virtually and they are provided with the live queuing information via remote channels which allow them to arrive only when their ticket is called. Hence there is literally no wait at all.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

Read More: How to reduce patient wait time in hospitals with virtual queuing?

The digital experience and virtual queuing strategy can significantly improve customer satisfaction and help improving customer loyalty too. These days everyone is familiar with digital interaction. The internet penetration is almost 99% in UAE. This enabled businesses to innovate very effective digital strategies utilizing digital channels and digital communication. There are several digital channels that c

an be integrated with queue management system to enable virtual sign-up process. For example, the company website or a dedicated customer portal can improve customer experience. Moreover an appointment booking module can offer a great sign-up experience. It can provide additional details such as busy hours, nearest branches and much more which can be very helpful for booking a suitable appointment and planning the visit.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

In the entire UAE the mobile phones are widely used, in fact almost 96% of the population use mobile phones. Which make them extremely important. In order to build a strategy for digital customer experience the mobile phones can be a great tool to enhance customer journey and experience. Businesses can offer mobile phone apps or SMS based virtual queuing. The retail sector in Dubai and all around the UAE is also using QR code based queuing. These all are the form of virtual queuing. Along with that the business can also integrate SMS services to enable the customers to sign-up via SMS. WhatsApp is the most popular app used for communication in UAE and also all around the world. The WhatsApp can also be integrated to enhance digital customer experience. These all tools can be used to improve communication, customer engagements, customer waiting experience and even businesses can also conduct customer feedback surveys via their digital channels. The virtual queuing reduce the customer wait time to literally none, which raise customer satisfaction and customer happiness.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience can automate several customer journey steps and improve customer flow. The queue management system can easily identify the service hence it can sign-up the customers and visitors for the right queue or virtual queue. The queue management system can also help streamlining the customer flow by automatically routing customers to the relevant counters and even it can automatically reroute the customers as per the set protocols. For example, if some counters are less busy or free the system can automatically reroute the customers to such counters. This way the business can optimize resources and improve the overall efficiency of the entire branch. The queue management system can also manage customers on the bases of their priority, such as ordinary customers, premium or VIP customers, and customers with special needs, etc. This also help improving customer experience and ensure a balanced workload for the staff to improve staff efficiency and quality of the service.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Most of the time a business has multiple services and multiple counters, some counters are dedicated for certain services and sometimes some counters are dedicated for priority customers. A digital queue management system can easily handle all those scenarios and it can automatically control customer flow for each counter as per the set protocols. Most of the time businesses also offer stepped-services. The stepped services are those which require from a customer to visit multiple counters for a single service delivery. Managing such services could be tricky, some steps are lengthier and some are quick, sometimes some steps have more counters and vice versa. A digital queue management system can easily handle all those scenarios by using in-built smart algorithms and intelligence software engine, which help businesses to ensure smooth customer flow throughout the entire customer journey to improve customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Such way the businesses can significantly reduce customer wait time and improve customer flow which directly impact customer happiness and customer satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Service Quality

The service quality is extremely important for customer retention. If a businesses is failing to provide quality service no matter who much efforts they put to improve customer flow, ultimately the customers will be unhappy. That is why it is extremely important to improve service quality. A virtual queue management system or any other queuing solutions is capable of collecting basic information during the sign-up process. This information can be used to improve service quality. For example, whenever a customer is reaching to a counter the agent needs their basic information to start the service. That information can be pre-loaded when the customer is arriving as the system already knows their identity from the virtual sign-up process. Similarly as a customer is already selecting the service they need, so if any preparation is required for that, it can be done automatically before even the customer arrives, so the agent is completely ready to deliver the service.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Service Quality

This not only reduce the service delivery time, but it also reduce server’s/agent’s work, which give them a better chance to focus on the quality and experience. Quicker service delivery mean happy customer and it also mean less time for the next customer waiting in queue. This way it not only facilitate the service delivery process but is also help businesses in reducing the wait time. Since an employee can entertain more customers in less time, their work efficiency is also improved. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience can help improving service quality and service delivery process.

Read More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The virtual queuing is used to transform digital customer experience. The digital comes with various benefits and one of them is the data collection and business intelligence gathering. With virtual queuing and digital customer experience strategy business can collect statistical and usage data from each and every touch point of the customer journey and businesses can also collect customer feedback data using integrated communication channels. The queue management system can record the statistical data too such as which virtual queuing channels are used for how many times, what is he average wait time, which service delivery takes how much time on average and even the queue management system can also record such details for each individual interaction. These are very helpful information and provide a deeper and much better understanding of the customer journey. Businesses can easily identify the areas of improvements and build their future strategies to meet their goals of efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience also provide accurate KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and other data which can be used for various purposes and can be shared with relevant departments and personals to help them improve their performance. The business can accurately monitor and record the performance of individual employee for example, which employees take how much time to deliver a service and that can be recorded against each service the agent is working on. The queue management system can also record the performance of the teams and even the branches which can be later analyzed by the management using in-built data analytical tools. Businesses can also done comparative analysis for the employees, services, teams and branches as well. The queue management system also help collecting the customer feedback data which can be collected using multiple channels.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The customer feedback data is very important. Businesses can conduct various different types of surveys using the digital and mobile channels such as SMS, Emails, Customer Portal Dashboards, Website, Touch Screens (in-premises), mobile apps, etc. The queue management system can collect NPS (net promoter score), CES (customer effort score), CSAT (customer satisfaction score), general rating and happiness scores and even businesses can also conduct long surveys. This data can provide a deeper understanding of the customer’s minds, their expectations and market trends. Collectively the business intelligence data collected from virtual queuing and digital customer experience can be used highlight areas of improvements and to build strategies for the future growth.The queue management system also provide facility to directly share the relevant data to the relevant department, management or individual employees to ensure seamless automated data sharing. This enables the businesses to take immediate actions on top priority feedbacks and data indicators and also help them to make better plan for the future.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Boost Employee Performance

The employee performance is also a key factor in customer satisfaction and overall efficiency of the business. With the help of virtual queuing and digital customer experience the employee workload can be easily reduced. As the wait time is very less, so there is not much chance of crowd formation or any such problem with the customers and visitors waiting in the waiting areas. Moreover the sales agents and server also get help from the queue management system dashboard and the system can also aid the service delivery process by automatically preparing the agents for the next customer. This way the employee workload can be significantly reduced. A single customer service agent can serve more customers in a single shift. Which boost their performance. The queue management system also closely monitor the performance of the staff and help the businesses and management to effectively utilize resources for best performance.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Boost Employee Performance

For example, some employees perform better with the services they are experienced in and some perform better for certain services and vice versa. This can be analyzed with the help of KPIs monitoring tool. The information can be relayed to the HR which can later help training programs or transfer human resources and deploy them as per their skill set to obtain maximum employee performance and overall business efficiency. Good employee performance also help improving customer journey and customer satisfaction. The employees who are working under a pleasant environment with balanced workload are tend to deliver high quality services thus ensuring better customer experience and higher customer happiness.

Read More: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience – System Integration

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience management is not as that simple. In fact it is a very complex and sophisticated process. The SMEs and SMBs can equally benefit from the virtual queuing and digital customer experience strategy as the large banks, healthcare facilities, educational institutes and large enterprises. Any digital solution or system requires data to operate at optimum levels. For that the system integration is done. The system integration is a technique used to push and pull data from a system. Usually every business have a central information system which is lined to a tool or software that is responsible for the most of the operational activities. That is why a queue management system and digital customer experience solution can be integrated with the central information center or with any other third-party system or tool to ensure automatic data synchronization. The integration also paves the way for various innovative features which can be added to the system to improve digital customer experience and to increase customer happiness and satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience – System Integration

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience is a Key to Long Term Growth

The growth of any business depends on two main things, one is customer satisfaction and the second is right strategy and policy. The customer happiness and customer satisfaction drive customer loyalty and help improving customer retention rates. Studies have shown that it is almost nine to twelve time less expensive to sell to an existing customer rather acquiring a new customer. There are various studies that shows that a business’s reputation and its brand image can impact its marketing campaigns too. If a business has good reputation and a positive brand image the return over its marketing investments would be better comparing to a business with bad reputation or negative brand identity. The loyal customers and customer retention is considered to be the foundation of the long term growth. Customer happiness and customer satisfaction drive customer loyalty. The loyal customers are more likely to do repeated business and are also tend to be a good brand advocate and help promoting the brand.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience is a Key to Long Term Growth

In addition to that the virtual queuing and digital customer experience help businesses optimizing the resource consumption and improve employee performance as well. The digitalization and automation also help automating various business processes and reduce customer journey steps. Collectively these all factors result in per service cost reduction. Which ensures high productivity and profitability. That is why the virtual queuing and digital customer experience is a key to long term growth.

Read More: Why should you adopt queue management systems?


The virtual queuing and digital customer experience help businesses improve customer journey and ensure customer satisfaction. The customer happiness and customer satisfaction is achieved by reducing the customer efforts and by enabling the business to reduce the wait time. It also help businesses to optimize various business process and also help improving service delivery mechanisms. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience help improving staff efficiency and increase the overall operational capabilities and productivity of the entire business. All these factors contribute in customer retention and help earning customer loyalty. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience also help collecting data insight and customer feedbacks. Which can be analyzed to make changes for the improvements and to build future strategies that drive higher profitability and customer satisfaction. The purpose of this blog was to emphasize on the importance of the virtual queuing and digital customer experience. If you need more information about the topic or need our help with your queuing needs or customer experience transformation, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are mostly utilizing some kind of digital queue management system to manage customer flow and to boost their performance. The primary goal of doing so is to maximize the customer satisfaction by improving their waiting experience and customer journey. The customers’ demands, market trends and standards always getting changed. Here in Dubai or in fact all around the UAE the markets are very competitive and the customers are very demanding. A customer have too many options available that they immediately switch after a bad interaction and don’t even give it a second thought. The overall market trend is to have a quicker and simpler on-boarding process which also help customers while switching from one business to another. In such an environment for businesses the customer retention and customer loyalty is the only key to long term success. Which is only possible when the customers are happy and satisfied with the brand.

Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Businesses use queue management systems to improve customer journey and to boost their staff performance. Both are very important and interconnected. Only an efficient staff can ensure high quality service and satisfactory customer experience. An intelligent customer flow management and well-organized customer routing can ensure excellent waiting experience. That is why a digital queue management system is an essential these days. That is why almost all businesses whether small or large are utilizing some kind of queuing solution. However, one thing that businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE often overlooked is the statistical data and business intelligence. Businesses usually don’t pay much attention to the importance of the business intelligence data. The queue management system business intelligence can provide a deeper understanding of the customer behavior, their needs and expectations from the business along with the staff performance and the effectiveness of business policies, strategies, and in fact the entire methodology to deal with its customers. This makes queue management system business intelligence much more important and crucial for a business’s success.

Read More: World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

The basic purpose of collecting business intelligence is to identify the strength and weaknesses of relevant departments, employees, processes, IT infrastructure and any other facility or system that is involved in the customer journey. Here is how business can improve customer journey with the queue management system business intelligence data:

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Wait Time

The wait time is one of the most critical factor in the customer journey. Let us face the fact, no one wants to wait in long queues or siting in a crowded waiting lobbies. Everyone wants to get the service immediately. The miss-managed customer journey and long wait time alone is enough to completely destroy the customer experience. If the customers had to wait too much, they will get anxious, stressed and annoyed. Once they will reach at the counter they would have already been annoyed, which will decrease their ability to cooperate which can completely kill the customer business relationship. It also put extra strain on the staff and also decrease their efficiency and moral. Which further results in poor experience and unhappy customers. Although the staff is trained for such scenarios but studies have shown that long wait time have far deeper impact on the customer journey and customer happiness then we usually anticipate.

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Wait Time

When a business is using a digital queue management system they can collect the stats and data for various different aspects of the wait time and incorporate them in the business intelligence data and reports. Some of these factors are very important to keep an eye on. For example, each business offers multiple services, some services are quicker and some are not. Some services might have higher profitability rate and some aren’t. These all factors has to be analyzed along with the collected business intelligence data to quantify and analyze the effects of individual factor and then the actions should be taken accordingly to address the issues starting from the higher priority to least priority. Similarly for each service business usually target a different set of audience. For that businesses also have different communication strategies for each audience or audience group. These all factors along with the queue management system business intelligence will help businesses to prioritize the issues and take steps or make policies to rectify them.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Wait Time

The queue management system business intelligence data regarding the wait time can include several perimeters such as average wait time for the customers of each service. Average wait time during the busy hours and during the least busy hours. Average wait time during the weekends or the last or first day of the week. The same can be measured for different times of the month and year also. The queue management system can also measure the average wait time for a particular service when delivered by different employees, in fact a good queue management system always have comprehensive employee KPIs and performance monitoring tools. The queue management system can also measure the average wait time for different sign-up methods. These days business are always trying to offer multiple channels to sign-up for the queues. Such data can be analyzed and then compiled in actionable reporting formats which can help businesses to identify the areas of weaknesses and also help them to prioritized different actions for the future strategy.

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Wait Time

Studies have shown that on an average under normal circumstances a customer can wait for up to thirteen minutes maximum without getting stressed out or annoyed. Anytime longer than that will start deteriorating the customer experience. Another important factor is the perceived wait time against the actual wait time. The perceived wait time is the time a customer feels have passed instead of the actual time that have passed so far or till the service delivery. Usually when we don’t have a clear indicator or estimation of the wait time we feel more time have passed than the actual time passed. A good queue management system always print estimated time to turn on the ticket or provide this information in the digital signage or via any other channel. This also help reducing the stress of waiting and can help improving the customer wait time experience which improves customer journey.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Staff Performance

The staff performance or employee KPIs (key performance indicators) are a great source of business intelligence data. A queue management system can measure several staff performance perimeters and provide data to the management to assess and evaluate the performance of the staff from various angles. The employee KPIs help businesses asses and evaluate the employee performance and it also provide valuable inputs for the HR department. The businesses can use the employee KPIs to arrange training programs, transfer employee or relocate them or reassign them different tasks and it also help businesses improve their training programs and hiring process. The employee KPIs are also very helpful to encourage the staff to perform well and compete for higher performances. Businesses can also use the employee KPIs for promotion/demotion or for salary and other perks. One thing is for sure, if your employees will perform well and work under balanced work load they be able to deliver satisfactory services which will improve customer journey and customer experience.

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Staff Performance

A queue management system can accurately measure various employee KPIs, such as average service delivery time. Average service delivery time is measured along with several variables such as under the regular work load, during the busy hours, during the least busy hours and so on. Similarly there is always some break between one service delivery and next customer call, which is usually two to five minutes, during that time the employees perform post-service tasks and prepare for the next service delivery. The same is also measured against several variables to provide a deeper insight. The staff also take breaks during their shift which is also measured. How many customers an employee can serve in a single shift also provide an overview of the employee performance that can be compared with other employees to take further steps to improve the employee performance.

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Staff Performance

A queue management system is also very effective in measuring and assessing employee performance against different tasks. For example, each business offers multiple services, some of the staff is experienced, some are new recruits and we all are human everyone have their own different level of capabilities and competence. In a real life scenario even some experienced employees might not be good with certain tasks or certain services and vice versa. This could impact the employee performance and the performance of the entire team as well. Which is bad for the customer journey and customer experience. So, in order to make sure everyone is working at their highest levels of efficiency and productivity a business must understand all these details. Which can be done only by analyzing the queue management system business intelligence data. Businesses can easily shuffle employees and their tasks to maximize the overall performance of the team and when an employee works on a task at which they can perform well they further improve their efficiency and quality of the work. Which is absolutely necessary to improve the customer journey and the customer experience.

Read More: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Business Processes

Each and every business have different approach to handle certain problem. When it comes to the customer journey management the businesses have very innovative and unconventional ways to deal with it. However, it is extremely important that a business must be able to understand and measure the effects of their various processes on the customers and the customer journey. A queue management system business intelligence data is very helpful in assessing and evaluating various business processes and the business intelligence data is very accurate in identifying the bottle necks in the customer journey and any other major problem that can result in bad customer experience. One of the major factor is again the wait time, however there are certain other aspects too which can ruin the customer experience and result in unhappy and unsatisfied customers. The queue management system business intelligence data is very helpful in evaluating each and every step of the entire customer journey.

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Business Processes

For example let us start with the sign-up process. A queue management system can collect the usage data and various stats that can be helpful in assessing the sign-up process. For example, if a certain number of customers are ending up on signing-in to the wrong queue on daily bases, than that is an alarm. It could be the user interface or any other misleading info or confusing indicator is there in the sign-up process which is confusing the customers and they are ending up on signing-in for the wrong queue. Similarly different businesses have different service delivery processes for different services. Some businesses even offer stepped services which require a customer to go to several counters to get a complete service delivery. For such scenarios the queue management system can offer a variety of data points which can be used to identify the lacking points and areas of improvements.

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Business Processes

Sometime there is a documentation required, or sometimes the payment processes are there, there could be so many different scenarios but thankfully a queue management system is very capable tool which can collect business intelligence from each and every available data point as per the requirements. That is why the queue management system business intelligence data is very helpful in identifying the problems in business processes which further help businesses to make changes to improve the customer journey and customer experience.

Read More: How to Choose the Best Queue Management Software?

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Customer Feedback

The customer feedback system is although a completely different tool, however modern day queue management system also offer an in-built customer feedback collection tool. The customer feedback data is a very crucial information and is also an important part of the queue management system business intelligence. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE businesses often overlooked the importance of the customer feedback data, especially small and medium sized businesses don’t invest much in the customer feedback collection. However things are changing now and business owners and managers are focusing more on the customer feedback. That is why these days a customer feedback collection tools is either being integrated or developed in-built with a standard queue management system. The customer feedback tool allow businesses to collect valuable data and provide them with a chance to directly ask to their customers of how they feel about any aspect of the customer journey.

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Customer Feedback

There are several advantages of using a customer feedback tool along with the queue management system. For example, when an in-built customer feedback collection tool is used inside the business premises or even via online or via any other digital medium it can improve the feedback collection process, customer response rate and the quality of the customer feedback data. Most of the times when businesses start collecting customer feedback the two biggest problem they face is low response rate and poor quality data. However, a queue management system can solve these two problems very well. For example, for certain very crucial information a business must require to collect necessary details such as which service has been availed, or which customer provided what feedback. Such information are collected by simply providing forms before or after the customer feedback surveys, which take time and the customer usually find it difficult to attempt long surveys. That is why the response rate declined.

Read More: 10 impacts of Queue System with Customer Feedback System

Queue Management System Business Intelligence: Customer Feedback

However, with a queue management system such details can be automatically mapped to the feedback via the system integration and other mechanisms.  A queue management system not only facilitates the customer feedback collection process for both the customers and the staff also but it also improves the quality of the customer feedback data and the customer response rate. Which has huge impact on the overall business intelligence. As in order to take actions or make policy changes a business need solid data and evidence to make sure their actions and strategies will not have any negative impact on the customer journey and customer experience. That is how a queue management system business intelligence can significantly improve the customer journey.


A queue management system is an ultimate tool to transform the customer journey and customer experience. A queue management system can easily manage customer flow, it can automatically control queues and customer routes and it can aid various business processes including the service delivery itself. A queue management system also help boosting the employee performance and allow the businesses to utilize their resources more wisely to ensure higher profitability. A queue management system is basically used to provide a satisfactory customer experience and an excellent customer journey. The customer satisfaction is a key to customer retention and it raises customer loyalty. The loyal customers are the most precious asset of a business. The loyal customer tend to be a good brand advocate and they are most likely to do repeated business with the brand as well. It is almost nine to twelve time less expensive to sell to an existing customer comparing to acquiring a new customer. That is why the customer satisfaction is the top priority for any business and the customer satisfaction relies on the customer journey.

The market trends and the customer demands and desires are continuously changing. A business must have to keep up with the new trends and ever changing customer demands. That is why a business needs queue management system business intelligence to continuously monitor and the customer journey and the factors that can directly or indirectly impact it. RSI Concepts is a leading brand in the queue management system market in Dubai, UAE. If you need a queue management system or if you want to learn more about how queue management system business intelligence can improve the customer journey? Feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Touch Less Customer Experience, Use the RSI Queue Management System

Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired RSI Queue Management System

Capital Health Screening Center has acquired our highly advanced RSI Queue Management System for their Al Ruwais City branch. The Capital Health Screening Center is a partner of Mubadala Health and is well-known for its services for individuals and companies in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Mussafah, and Al Ruwais City. The Capital Health Screening Center is offering health and screening services for Visa Processing, Health Certificates, and various Eligibilities Requirements such as Pension Eligibility, etc. The organization has not only managed to successfully serve hundreds and thousands of customers but it also innovates new methods and technological solutions to improve the customer experience and to expedite the processing services which has no match not only in UAE but in the entire GCC. Both standard and fast track services are faster than the services of any other parallel facility. Recently the Capital Health Screening Center required a state-of-the-art queue management system for their Al Ruwais City branch to boost their customer experience and to improve their operational capabilities.

Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired for RSI Queue Management System

The Capital Health Screening Center have shortlisted a few top leading Queuing Solution providers in UAE and finally, the project was awarded to RSI Concepts due to our market reputation as a leading and most trusted queue management systems and solution provider in UAE and due to our previous queue management project with the Capital Health Screening Center’s another branch. The highest levels of quality, standards and innovation were the eligibility criteria. RSI Concepts has done requirement gathering sessions and site visits to assess the requirements and then we proposed a solution which was approved immediately. After the approval, we have immediately started building the project and delivered everything as per the agreed scope of work within the given timelines.

The Queue Management System that is installed at Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City branch was designed for a medium-sized facility with automatic customer journey management and a variety of hardware and software features to improve the customer experience and performance of the branch. The RSI Queue Management System Software enables the management to easily manage and configure the customer journey through the administrative dashboard. The Queue management system also has inbuilt bi-lingual audio-visual announcement mechanisms. The digital signage screens are used to display the live queuing data and the various sound systems had been installed to aid audio announcements. The customers can view the ongoing queuing status from anywhere inside the waiting area, which improves the customer’s waiting experience.

 counter display screen

The counter display units are dynamic and can be controlled digitally from the queue management software server. The customers can easily signup for their required service from the interactive self-service kiosks which are strategically placed to accommodate all the customers and visitors entering the facility. The system is capable of collecting, processing, and providing very important business intelligence data through a dedicated reporting module, which will help Capital Health Screening Center to assess and evaluate their facility and various touchpoints of the customer journey. Such data is also crucial for making future strategies and policies. The RSI queue management system will add great value in terms of customer experience and operational improvements.

Here are the remarks of our Project Manager, Mr. Shehzad Asghar:

“It was such a great experience working with the Capital Health Screening Center team. The team was very supportive and cooperative. The timely completion of the project couldn’t be possible without the support of the Capital Health Screening Center’s Team. The RSI Queue Management System was customized to ensure maximum efficiency and usability. The UAT and prior testing phases works smooth. The final testing’s results have clearly surpassed the expectations. The Capital Health Screening Center management was very happy with the results.”

At RSI Concepts, the quality, efficiency, cost-optimization, and usability of our solutions are our top priority. RSI Queue Management System is a result of years of experience and market knowledge that we have acquired. Our systems and solutions are currently serving thousands of customers in the entire UAE. We are always willing to go an extra mile for our client’s satisfaction and happiness. We will look forward to Capital Health Screening Center for more such projects and collaborations in other sectors too.

Check out this: 5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System

Advancements of Queue Management System Expected in 2022

Advancements of Queue Management System

The queue management systems and queuing solutions are very effective and impactful on the customer journey and customer experience. Basically, technology is evolving rapidly. The very basic technology-based items that we used on daily basis such as computers, laptops, and smartphones, televisions, etc. are being replaced with newer more powerful, and better gadgets. Similarly, the other technologies are also evolving. The queue management systems are made with a very basic computing technology that is integrated with a variety of hardware to innovate advanced features and functionalities. The queue management system software tool is also a very powerful component of the solutions, mostly here in Dubai, UAE the queue management software is basically designed to be run on a server, then additional interfaces are provided for customers, agents/servers, and the administrations. The programming tools and technologies used to build such software programs are also evolving and upgrading. This provides a great advantage to the vendors and manufacturers to keep the cost acceptable and provide advanced features as well.

The year 2020 was the year of a complete transformation in the overall customer behavior, businesses and brands operating locally or internationally have never witnessed such a huge shift in such a short period of time. In the year 2021 the queue management system manufacturers and vendors are struggling really hard to meet the new requirements, the year 2022 will be the year of real progress and unprecedented advancements in the queue management system industry. The general public behavior and interaction have been changed completely. The customers demand and expect a lot from their brands and businesses. The market trends have been changed, as now we are more integrated with digital solutions than ever before. The adaptation and acceptance level for digital solutions and systems is at an all-time high. Businesses can experiment a lot with new and innovative digital solutions. The queue management systems are not different either. Here are the advancements of queue management system expected in 2022:

Virtual Queuing

Virtual Queuing

Virtual queuing is not a brand new feature, however, the way it is being utilized is a completely new concept. The main difference between virtual queuing and traditional queuing is that virtual queuing allows the users to virtually sign up for the queue. It means that the customers and visitors can sign up for the queue being away from the business. The virtual queuing sign-up can be done with various means, such as website, online customer portal, appointment booking module, call, SMS, email, etc. The virtual queuing is very helpful for the staff too. As the customers and visitors can sign-up without being physically present at the branch, so there is no chance of getting a crowd or a large number of customers inside the waiting areas. Which also requires additional staff for the management.

Virtual queuing is a great boost to the customer experience and customer journey. As the most annoying thing in any customer journey is waiting. If there is very less wait time the customers can plan to reach the branch at the very exact time of their turn. The customer calling and announcements can also be made using virtual methods/digital mediums. Which makes it even easier for the customers to monitor the queues. Virtual queue management systems are gaining popularity. More often businesses in Dubai and other emirates of UAE are asking for a traditional queue management system with virtual queuing features enabled so that whenever they want to switch to the virtual queuing mode they can do it easily.

Mobile Queuing

Mobile Queuing

If you are living in Dubai or any other part of UAE you must be aware of the usage of smartphone applications. Our society is heavily relying on mobile apps for various daily life gigs. Moreover, the government is also focusing on digitalization for the sake of convenience of the users and to make the services available instantly. There are tons of government services that residents are using via their smartphone applications. This makes society more welcoming for mobile-based solutions. The year 2022 will be the year of the smartphone revolution. I believe the UAE must be at the first place in the list of countries with the most internet access with almost its entire population have access to high-speed internet. This makes smartphone applications even more convenient and effective.

The mobile queuing or a smartphone application integrated with a queue management system is by default a virtual queuing. Mobile queuing is more useful than any other traditional queuing. The customers and visitors can sign-up for the queues from their smartphone applications. The real-time updates and queuing information can be viewed on smartphone applications. The customers can be informed by alerts and notifications. This saves a lot of time and provides a lot many other useful features. For example, the customers can easily search for the nearest branches, they can also lookup for the least busy branches near to them, they can navigate to those branches and much more.

Mobile queuing also provide businesses a direct and personalized communication channel. The business can ask the customers for their feedback after their visit via the queue management system smartphone applications. The customers can also plan and schedule their visits with an integrated appointment booking feature. The queue management system smartphone application also provides additional data which helps the customers to plan their visit such as the information of the busiest hours, days, or branches, etc. The branches which provide additional services or the list of the services, etc. And much more. There is literally no limit. Businesses can get more creative and innovative to improve customer journeys and customer experiences through smartphone applications.

Queue Management System Integration with Software and Hardware

Queue Management System Integration with Software and Hardware

That is obviously not a new trend but we are expecting the queue management system integration with software and hardware to get more intense. Currently, only a few basic software and hardware integrations are commonly used, such as the Emirates ID Card scanning or QR Codes. However, in the year 2022, we are expecting that businesses in Dubai, UAE will start relying on intense software and hardware integration with their queue management solutions. Businesses are always looking for methods and ways to maximize their customer’s experience while also focusing on minimizing the workload of their employees and resource consumptions. The integration is the solution for that.

The integration leads to automation, which not only improves efficiency and makes the process fast but it also increases profitability. Another most efficient way to achieve higher efficiencies is by using a centralized information system that is effectively integrated with all of the IT infrastructures to form up a communication grid. Whether it is a machine to machine communication or a human to human communication, the availability of information at the right time and at the right place is crucial. This is why we are expecting that in the year 2022 businesses will demand more interconnected solutions. This will allow them to not only improve customer experience and customer journey but will also enable them to boost their employee performance and to achieve more effective controls and administration.

The queue management system should be able to effectively manage customer journeys automatically, for that may be new hardware will be needed to enable the system to identify the customers, then the system can prioritize them, and route them to ensure quicker and quality service delivery. On the other hand, if the queue management system is connected to the customer database, it can automatically fetch the data and information required by an agent to serve the customer and to deliver the required service. This makes the process very fast and reduces the service delivery time as well. These are just examples, there is an endless list of software and hardware which can be integrated due to the technological advancements in the queue management system technology.

AI-based Queue Management System & IoT Integration

AI-based Queue Management System & IoT Integration

The AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and the IoT stands for Internet of Things. Both are very latest technologies and a few years ago was considered to be Hollywood stuff. Thanks to the chip advancements and R&D done in the past few years, the two have become a reality. And all technology solution providers are gazing their eyes on the two sectors. If Elon Musk’s future depiction of Artificial Intelligence turns out to be another false speculation, we will definitely witness all sectors of our life flooded with artificial intelligence-based solutions within a couple of years. Here I would also like to mention that artificial intelligence is not only the Terminator but in fact, it is just a highly advanced software with extremely sophisticated programming and currently, Google, Facebook, IG, and tons of platforms that we use daily are running on one or another kind of Artificial Intelligence. The smartphone before getting smart was just the phones, but with Android and iOS, the smartphone has become smart and is ever getting smarter. Similarly, the artificial intelligence integration will improve the queue management systems and each and every aspect.

The artificial intelligence-based software engines will help the businesses to manage and monitor their queues and relevant systems in a more organized and automated way, where most of the automatic decisions will be done through the artificial intelligence-based software engine, which will rely on machine learning and will keep improving itself over the time. This will not only help businesses in effectively managing the customer flow, but the real magic will be done at data capturing, monitoring, KPIs, and reporting sides. The artificial intelligence-based queue management system can provide extremely effective business intelligence and will be able to process various feeds more effectively. Which will make the decision-making even more effective and risk-free.

The IoT is a modern revolution of electronics. With the easy availability of high-speed networks, cloud, 4G/5G, broadband internet access the IoT is not only the future but developed countries like UAE have already started implementing IOT based solutions. The IoT allows various electronics devices to communicate with each other and with a management program that gives them instructions to act accordingly. You must be thinking how will this improve the queue management system? Well, the IoT devices will not only allow easy system installation process but remote monitoring and management of each node and connected device will be possible, such statistical data will be relayed to the AI-based software engine which will utilize it to make real-time decisions to improve the customer flow and much more.

Purpose Made Queue Management Systems

Purpose Made Queue Management Systems

The purpose-made queue management systems are not a new trend, however, these days almost more than 80 percent of the queue management system installation in Dubai and other parts of UAE are generic or general-purpose queue management systems. However, businesses are gaining awareness and are demanding more subjective solutions rather than general-purpose queue management solutions. This is why the year 2022 will be the year of purpose-made queue management systems. Each and every industry will prefer to opt for a purpose-made queue management system rather than altering or customizing and general-purpose queue management system to be able to achieve their desired results. The purpose-made queue management system once in the market will get improved very quickly as more data and studies will be available for the manufacturers and vendors.

The purpose-made queue management system trend will take over the traditional queue management system by the year 2022. And there is another big reason to believe in that which due to the different work processes and different customer journeys at different businesses. This will give rise to the demand for purpose-made queue management systems.

Read this: Pros and Cons of Queue Management System


The queue management system is a very powerful tool for customer journey transformation. It is considered to be essential for the modern customer journey. There has been several improvements and advancements in the queue management systems in past few years, but the way the customer journey and customer interaction with the brand have been transformed in the past few years, the queue management systems are going to take the customer journey to the next level in coming years. The year 2022 will be the year of great innovations in queue management systems. As the customer’s demands and expectations are also evolving at a very rapid pace, this will give rise to the integration of the queue management systems with AI and IoT. The businesses will look to improve the system efficiency and gain more control and better administration in the coming years. This is only possible if the AI and IoT work with the system integration of other organizations’ tools and IT infrastructure. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need an advanced queuing solution that can boost your work efficiency and improve customer loyalty do let us know. We are here to help, you can reach us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How to Achieve the High ROI using Queue Management System

Sharjah Customs acquires QMS from RSI Concepts

Sharjah Customs acquires QMS from RSI Concepts

Sharjah Customs is playing its role hugely in contributing to the economy of the emirate by generating revenue from import taxes and duties. The Hamriyah Free Zone is one of the fastest-growing free zones in the entire GCC due to its customer-friendly policies and super-efficient workflow. The department is generating a lot of revenue and is responsible for controlling the goods coming into the country and going out of the country by implementing government policies, regulations and inspections. The customs inspections are usually done for all sorts of items and containers ranging from huge industrial equipment, oil lubricant and gas products, regular cargo, parcels, and everything else. The Sharjah Customs is not only responsible for controlling the movement of goods but it also prevents smuggling, illegal goods transportation, and restricted cargos. Sharjah Customs is continuously adopting new technologies and techniques to improve efficiency and to enhance their customer experience as well.

Recently Sharjah Customs have decided to implement a queue management system at its Hamriyah Free Zone branch. The main objective was to effectively handle the customer flow and improve the customer experience. The RSI queue management system is consists of an interactive kiosk that helps the visitors sign-up for the queue. The queue management system also provides the facility to choose the required service from the kiosk, this helps to optimize the customer journey. Digital signage and large screens have been installed in the waiting area, to provide real-time queuing information. The audiovisual announcements immediately alert the customer about their turn. The real-time updates keep the customers in the waiting area engaged and busy and reduce the effect of waiting. The QMS software comes with two sections, one is the agent dashboard and the other is the admin dashboard and server-side software application.

The agent dashboard allows the server to effectively handle customers and the queue as well. It also allows additional controls for the agents to further manage the queue if required. The QMS server and administrative dashboard or admin control panel is the backend of the queue management software. The admin dashboard allows to view the system usage stats and reporting. The management can download reports and statistical data from the admin dashboard. This data can provide vital business intelligence which can be very helpful in decision making and strategy making to further improve the customer journey and customer experience and to improve employee efficiency.

See More : Mobile Application Development for SEWA by RSI Concepts

Here are the remarks of our Product Manager, Mr. Shehzad Asghar:

“Working with such a highly professional team and very supportive management was such a great experience. We have successfully delivered a system that completely fulfills the needs of the Sharjah Customs Hamriyah Free Zone. Our queue management system has significantly reduced the service delivery time and improved customer satisfaction. The UAT was a great success and the results have clearly surpassed the expectations. The management was very pleased and the staff was excited to have the new QMS system.  Sharjah Customs is another jewel in our crown of success.”

See More : Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA) obtained Digital Authorization System from RSI Concepts

At RSI Concepts we always strive for the best. Thanks to our skilled team and experienced staff, we have gradually improved our Queue Management System over the course of more than a decade. The current QMS system is highly efficient and cost-effective. Indeed Sharjah Customs is such a prestigious government department, getting an endorsement from them is a great achievement. We are proud to have them in our portfolio. We would look forward to having more such ventures in the future with Sharjah Customs.

Check out this: Web Design for Ajman Bank by RSI Concepts

Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee's KPIs

Employees KPIs (key performance indicators) are used to assess and evaluate the performance of an employee. Some of the KPIs are set only for individual employees to assess their performance so that the organization can take accurate decisions about the employee such as salary and packages, transfer, training programs, bonuses, increments, promotions and termination. A queue management system is a great aid to the customer service and support agents. It helps to streamline the customer flow and reduce the workload of the staff. This results in overall improved efficiency and productivity of the entire branch. These days queue management systems are most widely used in Dubai, UAE. No matter how big or small your facility is if you are welcoming customers and visitors then you should have a digital queuing solution to manage the customer flow. The queue management system also reduces the wait time and improve service delivery time and quality which is great in improving customer experience and customer journey. A good customer journey improves customer satisfaction which helps business in customer retention and building up their brand image.

If we talk about the Performance Management System or even the Employee Performance Management and customer service KPIs a queue management system have a very positive impact on employee’s performance and KPIs. As the queue management system automates the various process and significantly reduce the workload of the server or agent, the efficiency and productivity automatically get increased for each individual employee. The main reason why business stress so much about employee performance is because it can directly impact the customer experience and customer journey and the brand reputation is a direct consequence of how a brand treats its customers. This is why having a great customer journey and experience can portray a positive image of the brand and vice versa. Here are some important KPIs that could directly get impacted by the queue management system:

Average Customer Served

Average Customer Served

This is the very basic KPI for any customer service or support agent. This indicator measures the quantity of the customers served by any agent on daily basis. This is very important for a business to assess the productivity of their employees and the entire brand or department. Without a queue management system, this factor remains low, as the agent and server are also focusing on managing the queues along with the other staff. Once a queue management system is in place, it automatically manages the customer flow and customer routes, the queuing system significantly reduces the wait time of the customers and visitors, which means that more customer is available for each employee/agent. The queue management system also reduces the workload of the employees which makes it easier for each employee to be able to serve more customers. The queue management system can significantly improve this KPI for any employee.

Customer Experience Indicators

Customer Experience Indicators

Customer experience indicators are not a single KPI but it is a group of a lot many KPIs which monitor and measure a lot of inputs. Without a queue management system, the customers might not be much happy, as they would have to wait in long unorganized queues to reach the counter, once they reach there they are already emotionally stressed out, they could easily get annoyed with the employees which result in poor customer experience and it also reflects in employees KPIs. With a queue management system in place, the customer journey is mostly controlled and managed from it. This not only reduces the wait time but the queue management systems are also capable of improving customer’s waiting experience by providing real-time queuing updates, announcements, and in some cases multimedia content too. These all things keep the customers engaged and relaxed, when a customer arrives at the counter, they are in a calm state of mind which help the employees to serve them better hence the customers get a good experience and the employees KPIs also reflect that.

Average Service Delivery Time

Average Service Delivery Time

This indicator is used to determine the average serving time of an employee. As the customer experience is very important and any delay in service delivery could impact that, which indirectly impact the overall performance of the employee as well. With the help of a queue management system, the employees’ tasks and workload can be reduced. Which let them finish the process more quickly. Above all the integration and automation provided by a queue management system also plays a vital role in quicker service delivery time. Which is a direct performance indicator for employees. The queue management system provides an agent portal or dashboard which provide comprehensive controls and links it with the other systems and tools. This further reduces the service delivery time. For example whenever a customer is arriving the employee needs to fill in some data from the customer, which can be fetched automatically from the customer database by enabling data synchronizations, and other methods, the same works for the internal ERP or Customer Support Software. The queue management system can authenticate the customer using any unique identifier at the time of sign-up for example Emirates ID and fetch the data from the customer database and push it to the ERP or Customer Support Dashboard so when a customer reach the counter the data is already filled. Such features and a lot many other features can significantly reduce the service delivery time. Which also reflects in the employee’s performance indicators.

See More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Average After-Service Work Time

Average After-Service Work Time

Most of the time when the customer got served the agent has to do some work such as filling in forms, or submitting data or updating anything in the systems. Sometimes it could take up to 5 minutes which cause a delay of 5 minutes in the next customer call. This time is known as ‘average after-service work time’. Without a queue management system, these times are added up in the waiting time of the next customer which not only reduces the number of ‘average customers served’ by an employee in a day but also impacts the customer experience. If we calculate the total after-service work as an average of 3 minutes for a customer and the entire service delivery time as 10 minutes then at the end of the day the average after-service work time is one-third of the total active service delivery time. Which is huge. A queue management system with its capabilities of automation and data synchronization can reduce this time to a few seconds or it can completely eliminate this factor. This not only improves the customer experience but also increases the average number of served customers by a single employee. This also helps during the employee performance assessment and it can boost the employee performance.

See More: How Performance Management System helps in Customer Journey improvement?

Customer Happiness Response

Customer Happiness Response

That is another great indicator to assess the employee’s performance. The customer happiness response and customer surveys are always a good source of vital business intelligence data. Customer feedback help organizations to understand their needs, demands and expectations from the brand. Basically, a customer happiness meter or customer rating scale is a great indicator to assess employee’s behaviour towards the customers and visitors. Mostly queue management systems have a built-in customer happiness scale or customer feedback module. The interface is very simple, it is 3 or 5 smileys or a rating scale from zero up to ten. In order to encourage more customers to submit their feedback, the happiness meters are built for the simplest interaction.

All a customer has to do is touch on the small tablet, or kiosk screen to rate their experience. The queue management system can automatically fetch all the required customer data and information. As when a customer is at the counter only then they will be able to access this touch screen so the whoever customer was being served at the time of feedback submission can be easily identified. This is a great way to assess employee’s behaviour with the customers using a queue management system. If an employee is very good with the customers they will be compelled to leave a positive response and if an employee is not so good or failed to satisfy the customers most of such customer will leave negative feedback on the happiness meter.

See More: Employee Performance Management is a small part of Performance Management System

Employee’s Average Active Time

Employee’s Average Active Time

Employee’s average active time is a very important indicator for an organization. The organization can assess the output and productivity of an employee on the basis of this indicator. A queue management system can feed very accurate data for such KPIs. The queue management system can log the time interval between one customer served and the second customer call. Which will be the inactive time of the employee. Like I mentioned earlier this time could be consumed by the after-service work activities but those activities are already defined and the time required for such activities can easily be measured. Therefore any time more than that of which is consumed for after-service work will be considered and recorded as an inactive time of the employee. This time is very important as it will later contribute in the overall assessments of the employee to determine how productive they are, and how much they are costing to organizations and how much they are returning or generating for the organization. Not only that this data can also be fetched into other indicators. For example, if your organization have a capacity of deal 10 customers simultaneously or has 10 counters, in the waiting area there are 40 customers and for each service delivery the maximum time is 15 minutes, ideally all the customers should be served by one hour, but if one or two of the counters are inactive for 15 minutes each then all 40 customers will take more time than the expectations. This not only impacts the customer experience but it also impacts the overall performance of the organization or this particular branch. Hence the KPIs should be set to identify which employees are causing this and only they should be held responsible for that and not the entire branch.

See More : Importance of KPIs to Improve Employee Performance in Dubai


A queue management system is a very powerful corporate tool, it helps businesses and organizations to improve their customer’s experience and brand reputation. The employee’s KPIs are used to assess and review the performance of the employees as well as their contribution in achieving the overall organizational goals and objectives. A queue management system can provide crucial data and inputs for various KPIs which can help to assess the performance of the employee. Having an efficient queue management system can significantly improve employee efficiency and customer experience. The data and monitoring from the queue management system is very accurate and detailed. Those inputs can be utilized in almost all sort of employee KPIs. The queue management system enables the organizations to monitor and measure various indicators such as the number of served customers by an employee, average service delivery time of an agent, customer happiness and satisfaction indicators, average of active and inactive time of the employee and the customer feedback scale or happiness meter. Sometimes more descriptive surveys can be used too to collect feedback from the customers.

The queue management system also improves employee performance by reducing their workload, automation of various processes, efficient customer flow management and reduced wait time. This enables the employees to serve more customers in less time, which hugely impact the employee’s performance. If you are looking for a comprehensive solution to improve your customer journey as well as boosting and monitoring employee performance? Feel free to reach us through our Contact Us page. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system and employee performance management solutions provider in Dubai, UAE.

Check out this: How a KPI Software can help provide better Customer Journey?

Heriot-Watt University Acquired RSI Queue Management System

Heriot-Watt University Acquired RSI Queue Management System
image credits:

Heriot-Watt University has acquired state-of-art RSI Queue Management System and Self-Service Solutions for their students and visitors. The Heriot-Watt Dubai Campus is among the very first foreign universities starting their campuses in Dubai Academic City, UAE. The university is well-known for its science, engineering and business studies and is considered among the best educational institutions around the world. The Heriot-Watt University is contributing to shaping modern societies in all the communities they are present in. The university was founded in 1821 and since then it is growing all over the world, helping thousands of students in their pursuit of knowledge. The Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus is greatly contributing to the government and private sector by providing a steady stream of professionals, scientists and experts. These individuals are actively contributing to the nation’s economy, progress and growth. The Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus also holds some of the very advance educational frameworks and facilities to improve the quality of education.

The university is also very well reputed in UAE because they are not only providing quality education but they have established a remarkable system to reduce the burden of the official affairs and other processes so that the students can entirely focus on their studies only. Recently the Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus has decided to implement a new queue management system and self-service solution to reduce the queues and service delivery time which often consumes a lot of time and could distract students from their educational activities. The other objective was to facilitate the visitors and the students and their parents who are visiting for new enrollments and registrations. RSI Concepts was contacted and we have discussed the requirements and the objectives of the system. We have explored many ideas and formulated the base of the system. Then a full project scope and plan was presented to the university management which was approved and appreciated then the full-on production phase got started.

The main key components of the system are a queue management system for the students and the visitors, a QMS software server, Agents Portal and Dashboard, digital signage, audiovisual announcements and an interactive self-service kiosk. The most frequent student related processes such as student enrollment, course registration process, program amendments, letter issuance, transcripts requests, and KHDA attestation and many more processes can be offered via self-service interactive kiosk. The queue management system was designed specifically for Heriot-Watt University to minimize the student/visitor wait time and to make the service delivery quicker. Our queue management system provides an interactive agent dashboard interface which further reduces the workload of the agents and servers to improve their efficiency. The automation of the customer flow leads to quicker service delivery and a good student/visitor experience. The entire student journey was designed to minimize the efforts of the students and the staff and to reduce the service delivery time and wait time. There is a very powerful data analytics engine that enables the system to generate comprehensive reports and statistical data which could help the management to further take steps to improve the service quality, service delivery time and visitor/student journey.

Here are the remarks of our Product Manager, Mr Shehzad Asghar:

“It was truly a unique experience working with the highly professional team and the management of the Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus. We are happy to meet their expectations and the system’s UAT proved that the system is not only working above the optimum efficiency but beyond that. The management was very satisfied as our queue management system will not only help them accelerating various processes but it is significantly reducing the service delivery time which will not only satisfy their students and visitors but it will also reduce the workload of the staff and the management.”

Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus is another remarkable success story. At RSI Concepts we believe in quality service and hard work. Thanks to our experienced software engineers and technical teams the project execution was very smooth and the end product were more than capable of supporting our customer in achieving their goals and objective. It will surely help the campus to improve its customer and student journey.

Check this out: EDPU Technologies Acquired RSI Interactive Kiosks

Will the focus be shifted from Queue Management System in future?

Will the focus be shifted from Queue Management System in future

Will the focus be shifted from the queue management systems in future? Or near future? That is a very haunting question customers are asking all the time to themselves and to us being a leading Queue Management System provider in Dubai, UAE. The customers often think why do we have to upgrade our existing queue management system? Why do we need a queue management system altogether? The answer is simple, you can’t grow or even sustain without ensuring a great customer experience and an excellent customer journey. But it is also not that simple. The customer experience and customer journey are always important for sustaining your existing customers, building brand reputation and increasing your sales. These days’ businesses and organizations are very concerned about the changing market trends and ever-growing demands of their customers. Not only that the overall standards and expectations of the client have gotten higher over the past few years. Competition is also very high, and the pandemic has also changed everything. Which even make the customer experience and customer journey more important.

See More: What are the Benefits of Improving Customer Journey?

Queue Management System Market Growth and Rapid Adaptation Trend

Queue Management System Market Growth and Rapid Adaptation Trend

First, let us discuss some stats and the latest trends in the market! According to a report published in PR Newswire, the Queue Management System market is expected to grow by 6% from 2020 to 2025. Which in terms of growth is very huge growth. The PR Newswire is a well-reputed organization working since 1954 and started as an electronic press release distribution agency that utilized teleprinters to send press releases to news outlets. It is a well-reputed and respected name in the global market. The global queue management system market is expecting to grow a lot and this has invited a lot many manufacturers into the business. We have witnessed new technological advancements and more availability of the components used in the queue management system. In Dubai, UAE businesses are also leaning towards queue management systems and more organizations are implementing advanced solutions to facilitate their customers and visitors. The new trend is showing organizations ranging from educational institutions, hospitals, banks, public offices, government departments, HR offices and many more are rapidly adopting the queuing and customer flow solutions to improve their efficiency and customer experience.

See More: Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

Impact of the Pandemic on Queue Management System Market

Impact of the Pandemic on Queue Management System Market

Surprisingly the impact of the pandemic on the queue management system market was good, unlike any other industry. As people are becoming conscious and more concerned about their personal hygiene and wellbeing, we are noticing that people are preferring to go to the places where they think they will be protected and all social distancing and other health and safety concerns will be less. The UAE government is also emphasizing social distancing and strictly monitoring everything. The vaccination campaign, strict laws and huge efforts from the government are done to ensure the health and safety of us all. Business is now exploring innovative ways and technologies to help them ensure social distancing and other safety policies to protect their customers/visitors and staff.

A queue management system can be very helpful in implementing social distancing policies. Businesses can automatically limit the number of active tickets, once the number is reached the queue management system will not issue any more tokens. This helps the staff to easily control and manage the number of visitors and customers in the branch. The human labour required is less to none as the number of visitors can be controlled automatically. This was just an example, there are a lot many features and functionalities that can help organizations to automate various customer journey steps and implement their policies with ease and precision.

See More: Queue System working in Government Departments

What is the alternate of a Queue Management System?

What is the alternate of a Queue Management System

One thing which is impossible that somehow the customers don’t have to visit offices and customer support centres or banks or hospitals. So, until the customers don’t stop visiting there will be a need for customer flow management. A queue management system is the only available solution for that. Manual customer flow management requires too many resources and it makes the service delivery process slower. The staff and server always struggle with managing queues with manual customer flow management. Most of their energies are consumed only by guiding customers to the right counter and managing the queues, addressing people and preventing line jumpers and much more. If a queue management system is in place the staff can peacefully focus on their work the agents have less workload and work pressure and they are able to perform well. The wait time is reduced, the customer journey is improved, the customer satisfaction is increased with digital queuing solutions. So we try to think of any alternative to a queue management system the answer is none. There is no alternative to a queue management system. Of course, there are so many different sub-classifications or versions along with so many different software and hardware accessories of a queue management system but in totality, there is no such system that can replace a queue management system unless and until people stop visiting the businesses and organizations.

See More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Benefits of a Queue Management System

Benefits of a Queue Management System

A queue management system can be beneficial in so many different ways. It entirely depends upon your scenario and requirements. A queue management system not only used to manage customer flow but is being used to transform customer journey and experience. The business can collect valuable business intelligence using inbuilt features of the queue management system. The KPIs (key performance indicators) further help the management to understand and measure the efficiency of different processes and their staff. Such data plays a vital role in policy and strategy making. The management can take complex decisions very easily using the business intelligence and statistical data collected by a queue management system. Here are some benefits of using a queue management system:

  • Reduce Wait Time
  • Improve Customer Experience
  • Transform Customer Journey
  • Automate various processes and steps of the customer journey
  • Measure the performance of the staff
  • Reduce Service Delivery Time
  • Improve Service Delivery Methods
  • Collect Customer Feedback
  • Communicate with Customer via Digital Signage
  • Integrate Customer Data and helpful information with other corporate tools and enterprise systems
  • Real-time Monitoring, Remote Management and Notification Triggers
  • Integrate various hardware with the system to improve service delivery and customer experience such as audio announcements, EID Readers, Passport Scanners, Biometrics, IRIS and Facial Recognition, etc

Of course, the benefits of a queue management system are not limited to above all but there are a lot of things that can be simplified and improved using just a queue management system.

See More: Benefits of Queue Management using Mobile Apps

Will the Focus be shifted from Queue Management Systems?

Will the Focus be shifted from Queue Management Systems

The simplest and shortest answer is “No”. We cannot move away from the queue management systems. Just think of the mobile phones, we were living peacefully without them, suddenly the smartphone revolution took us like a storm, and the rest is history. Can we move away from our mobile phones? No, we can’t. Similarly, the Queue Management Systems have completely transformed the customer journey and the market trend. This has changed the expectations and demands of the customers as well. The customers are expecting a more personalized and exclusive treatment from the businesses and brands. The businesses are continuously looking for ways to improve the customer experience and customer journey, at the same time businesses are also seeking ways to boost employee work efficiency and reduce the resources or simply cuts on the cost, whether it is operational cost or system commissioning cost.

At RSI Concepts, we are specialized in customized Queue Management Systems and solutions, we assure our customers are getting exactly the same system that can meet their requirements and support their business goals.

See More : 3 dimensions of Queue Management System for Hospitals

Queue Management System Have Ability to Drive the Business Growth

Queue Management System Have Ability to Drive the Business Growth

Another most compelling advantage of a queue management system is that it has the ability to drive business growth. The flexibility to link various organizational tools and information centres with Queue Management System makes it a very effective tool to drive business growth. The in-built statistical and analytical engines process the data from various touchpoints and inputs and return actionable reports which are very helpful in taking vital business decisions for improving the customer experience and customer journey. A queue management system not only helps businesses with their customers but also helps them boosting the employee’s work efficiency. As most of the customer journey processes and steps can be automated, the integration allows data extraction from other systems which provide instant information to the server and agent, hence the workload is reduced and the work efficiency is increased. When your employee are also satisfied your customer experience and service delivery improves automatically. Above all, it allows various KPIs which further improve the monitoring mechanisms and allow the management to understand the customer journey and operations in a better and well-organized way. Which itself is a great advantage.

See More: 10 Reasons to Choose RSI Queue Management System over Other Similar Products

Cost and ROI

Cost and ROI

One of the major advantages of a queue management system is that the system commissioning cost is low and the operational cost and maintenance is also very low compared to other corporate tools. Above all you can always repurpose a queue management system or expand it easily with very little cost and updates and upgrades are also very cost-effective. The technology used to build the queue management systems is widely available and very cheap with a longer lifecycle. A queue management system if maintained properly could last for a decade or even higher. When it comes to the benefits of a queue management system and the return, the first thing is its exceptional capabilities to transform the customer journey and customer experience. Along with vital business insight, KPIs and a boost in employee performance make it the most sustainable and productive enterprise system. If we calculate the ROI (return over investments) in terms of customer retentions, brand reputation, brand trust and boost in sales and conversions, it is truly remarkable. With a very little investment, the organizations and business can do wonder in achieving their objectives and financial goals.

See More: Improve Customer Service with Queue Management System


Will the focus be shifted from Queue Management System in future? No. The service-based industries are heavily relying on queue management systems. They are very cost-effective the ROI is excellent. The market researchers are predicting huge growth in the coming year. The customer journey and customer experience have become the most important factor in any business’s success. The customers are more demanding and the expectations of the customers from brands and service providers are very high in Dubai, UAE. The list of benefits of a queue management system is staggering. The flexibility to adopt different scenarios is exceptional the technology is widely available and long-lasting. The maintenance and operational cost are very low.

The business can easily achieve its business goals and objectives. Customer retention and brand reputation building is comparatively easier to achieve with a queue management system. The business and organizations can rely on a queue management system to ensure steady growth. Customers will never stop visiting the businesses hence a queue management system will always be required. There is not even a remote possibility that I could think of which could cause the decline in the queue management system market. Businesses must have to have a digital queuing solution to ensure customer satisfaction, optimum employee efficiency and customer retention, cost optimizations and building brand reputation which can ensure steady growth.

RSI Concepts is a well-reputed queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE having hundreds of active installations in all different sorts of industries. If you need a quote or even just want to consult to explore further, please reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment below.

Check out this: How a KPI Software can help provide better Customer Journey?