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From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Every businesses knows how difficult it could get in customer facing environments, especially during the peak hours, when the footfall is high and the customer waiting areas and counters become crowded. Think from a customer’s prospective, if you are a customer you are at a service center, there is a huge crowd, it is even difficult to find a place to sit, and there is no help or guidance from the staff, how would you feel in a situation like that? It could get very frustrated, that is why businesses needs to take serious steps to prevent their customers form any such situation.

It will not only make your customers unhappy, but it will result in loss of sales, increased customer churn rate, and less repeated business which could have some serious repercussions in the long term. Businesses adopt different ways according to their needs to improve the customer flow. However, a modern digital queue management system is the right solution to all those problems. It provides tools and features which help businesses in managing their queues, resolving problems, shortening customer journey, improving customer experience and much more.

See Also: Paperless Queue Management System

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a digital solution which help businesses organize the waiting line, minimize the customer waiting time and improve branch efficiency and service quality. A queue management has two distinct part, one is the software which is usually a server application which provide a central management and administrative control over all connected branches. The queue management software various from case to case, but the most common and essential features are an administrative control panel, service agent dashboard, customer UI (user interface), ticket calling and announcement features and data collection and analysis tools.

The hardware part includes a ticket dispensing unit, which is usually an interactive self-service kiosk, there is a digital signage display which is used to display live queuing data, and a sound system to make audio announcements. Furthermore there are several other software and hardware components which can be included in the queue management system to enhance its capabilities and to offer innovative features.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

What is a Queue Management System?

How Queue Management System Help Turning Chaos into Control?

A queue management system offers a variety of features and digitalize several aspects of the customer journey which help organizing everything. Furthermore the customer behavior is not constant, it keep changing, a queue management system collects valuable business intelligence data and help businesses acquire deeper insight to customer behavior, market trends and help management align their efforts to maximize the customer satisfaction. Here are some key advantages of a queue management system which help businesses in turning chaos into control.

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Advantages of Queue Management System: Organized Waiting Areas and Queues

The queue management system is a very capable tool, it helps organizing the waiting areas and customer waiting lines. It automates customer flow and customer journey which helps organizing the customer queues and solve several problems. In manual queuing customer have to face several issues, they got frustrated, most of the time customers and visitors don’t have a clue about their remaining waiting time. The queue management system help customers and issue them token numbers, which represents their position in the queues and allow them to wait comfortably in the designated areas.

Furthermore the customer calling, customer routing and the entire customer flow is controlled by the smart algorithms of the queue management system software in real-time. Which significantly increase the customer flow and improve the customer journey. Since everything is managed by an automated program so the customers also don’t have any complains and everyone knows that their token number and position in the queue is secure and they will be served on their turn. These and several more such features allow businesses to organize the waiting areas and customer queues.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

Advantages of Queue Management System: Organized Waiting Areas and Queues

Advantages of Queue Management System: Reduce Customer Wait Time

Order and organized queuing environment save a lot of time. The customers are welcomed by interactive self-service kiosk, they are asked to choose which service they want, and in some cases the customers are also allowed to input data while issuing the token number. Everyone is served according to their positions in the queue. The queue management system balance the load of service counters based on various data inputs coming from different touch points in the system and the current service delivery rate.

The smart algorithms can sense if one counter is having shorter queue, and they can automatically reroute a few customers to those counters, the queue management system also monitors employee performance, it can understand which employee is best at which service and on the bases of services required by the customer it can assign them a counter with high probability of quicker service delivery. There are tons of such features which help organizing the customer waiting areas and queues to shorten their wait time.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

Advantages of Queue Management System: Reduce Customer Wait Time

Advantages of Queue Management System: Improve Customer Experience

A queue management system plays a crucial role in improving customer experience at the branch. Without a queue management system the customers have to wait in long queues, which usually work on first come first serve bases. Furthermore there are line jumpers, poorly managed waiting lines and much more which can completely ruin their experience at the branch. A queue management system allow them a complete framework and eliminate several problems which results in more shorten and simplified customer journey. The queue management system also provide many features such as live queuing data at large signage displays, frequent audio announcements, multi-lingual intuitive UI for customers and much more which improves customer experience.

The reduction in wait time have huge impact on customer happiness, when the customers will have to wait less and in a well-organized waiting environment, they remain calm and more supportive when they arrive at the service counter, it is easier for the service agent to satisfy a calm customer rather a frustrated, annoyed and unhappy customer. All such features greatly improve customer experience and results in higher customer satisfaction.

See Also: Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

Advantages of Queue Management System: Improve Customer Experience

Advantages of Queue Management System: High Staff Productivity

A queue management system can offer a variety of features which can be used to improve staff productivity and performance. The staff satisfaction and morale plays crucial role in performance. When the staff work under a balanced workload they become happy and satisfied, happier they are better their service would be. A queue management system offers self-service ticket dispensing mechanism which reduce employee workload. It organize and manage all the customer flow from various stages of customer journey, even in case of stepped services or multi-counter service delivery the queue management system can manage the entire customer journey and customer flow.

This means that the staff no longer have to worry about the problems occur in manual queuing, they are free to focus on most important tasks, they are never interrupted and they don’t have to stop their work for another task or to solve a problem. These features help reducing the workload of the staff and also results in better resource management. High staff productivity and performance help businesses improve the human resource strategy and results in better and improved branch operation with significantly less cost.

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

Advantages of Queue Management System: High Staff Productivity

Advantages of Queue Management System: Central Administration and Control

The queue management system is a digital tool, majorly the server application is hosted at a local or online cloud server, which is linked with all branches, and therefore the data from all branches is updated in real-time at the main server. The head office can control and monitor any branch in real-time. Furthermore it also allow businesses to configure their work flows and processes according to their policies. The queue management system also features a smart alert and notification module, which can be configured to send alerts and notify the supervisors, branch managers or even the head-office when a certain event occurs, such as if the foot fall raised to a particular threshold value, or if the open ticket reaches to a threshold value and so on.

These alerts and notifications are completely customizable and enable management to take actions and steps in a timely manner. This provide more control over the branch and the queuing and it also enhance their administrative capabilities which results in much better and well-organized operations.

See Also: Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

Advantages of Queue Management System: Central Administration and Control

Advantages of Queue Management System: Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The modern businesses heavily rely on IT solutions and digital technology. For IT industry, software, digital solutions and communication, the data is the most valuable thing. The business intelligence data is the analytical data and insight acquired from a particular system or digital solution. A queue management system software is a very powerful AI based tool. Which is capable of collecting the most valuable business intelligence data. This data can help businesses and organizations in decision making process, identifying and solving various problems and improving their strategy.

A queue management collects business intelligence data such as customer interaction at each touch point, employee performance data, customer preferences and several other behavioral insight. The business intelligence data help businesses take informed and timely decisions. It help them improve employee performance and support the HR in many tasks. The queue management system data also help understanding customer behavior, customer trends, their needs, expectations and market trends which provide a valuable insight and help businesses update their strategies and processes. It highlights several flaws and improve management.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Advantages of Queue Management System:Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data


The businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE spend millions on customer satisfaction solutions. The customer satisfaction is crucial for any business but in competitive markets like of UAE, the customer satisfaction become more significant. In UAE the customers are more sensitive, sensible, and savvy and demanding, above all they have a lot of options available. One bad experience could repel them form your business and they will end up with a competitor. That is why the crowd and poorly organized queues are a nightmare of every customer facing environment. Businesses need to be more active and attentive when they make policies and strategies for their customer facing environments, such as customer service centers, branches, and service areas.

A queue management system is a modern and advanced software solution to deal with all types of problems associated with customer experience and staff performance. In this blog we have discussed how a good queue management system can turn chaos into control. We have listed several advantages of implementing a queue management system at your customer facing environments. If you want to learn more about the subject of if you want our help to design and implement a highly cost-effective and customized queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Why You Need a Customer Flow Management Software?

See Also: Top 8 Benefits of Using Queue Management System

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps Maximizing the Efficiency?

Key Reasons Why Queue Management Systems are Essential for Customer Loyalty?

Key Reasons Why Queue Management Systems are Essential for Customer Loyalty?

Any business’s success can be measured by measuring the customer satisfaction and customer happiness. The customer satisfaction help gaining customers’ trust and make them loyal to the brand. The loyal customers always contribute most to the success of any business. According to several studies it is almost 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer then selling to an existing customer. Imagine how much customer loyalty can reduce your marketing and communication cost.

The loyal customers had already have experience with your business, their expectations are pretty clear, they are familiar with your business practices and methodologies, they are most likely to make multiple purchases directly from your business without ever reaching out to your competitors or doing any market research. It means if you have a huge pool of loyal customers, you are most likely to get repeated sales from them. When a business start establishing a loyal customer base it can sustain growth and move forward towards its broader vision.

See Also: Why do you need a queue management system?

Key Reasons Why Queue Management Systems are Essential for Customer Loyalty?

The customer experience and customer satisfaction can be significantly improved by implementing modern queuing strategies such as implementing a modern digital queue management system at your customer-facing environments. When you will start treating your customers in a better way and when you start offering them more convenience and comfort, they will start liking you as a brand and eventually you can become their first-choice. That is how the customer satisfaction and customer happiness contributes to attaining customer loyalty. In this blog we will discuss how a queue management system help improving customer experience and contributes in increasing customer loyalty.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time plays a crucial role in customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Whenever we imaging a customer service center, a public office, a government office, airports, shopping stores or any such place, the long lines and waiting queues are the common sighting at such places. Studies have shown that on an average a customer can wait from somewhere 9 to 12 minutes, and wait time any longer than that could start impacting customer’s experience and cause frustration, stress and unhappiness.

The queue management system is a highly effective solution to that problem. It help streamlining the customer flow, manages queues and waiting line automatically, and the queue management system helps in improving the queuing strategy and method. A typical queue management system consists of a highly powerful AI (artificial intelligence) based smart software engine, coupled with several hardware devices, such as interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk, audio-visual announcement system and digital signage displays, etc.

See Also: The Concept of Queue Management and Crowd Control

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

The smart queue management software is capable of collecting and analyzing queuing data in real-time and the AI based smart algorithms enable it to take decisions on the bases of current queuing data, historical data, and system configurations. The biggest advantage of implementing a queue management system is that it completely remove the human factor from various touch points of customer journey and make it automatic which not only save time but also prevent several problems that are common in manual queuing. The customer interaction begins with customer being welcomed with an intuitive multi-lingual interactive self-service kiosk.

Business can ask questions to categorize customers based on their needs, this will further improve the queuing process. Customers are given with printed ticket or digital ticket bearing their number/position in the queue. Then the customers are free to wait in the designated waiting areas and doesn’t need to stand in long waiting line. This feature can significantly improve customer experience. Furthermore the digital signage keep displaying the queuing information and it also plays multimedia content and other engaging content which keep customers distracted from the wait time.

See Also: Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

The queue management system automatically puts customers in the appropriate queue and based on the footfall, current queuing status and various other factors it tries to put customers in the fast moving lines, and it also balance the workload of the service agent which further expedite the customer journey and reduce the wait time. With the manual queuing the wait time is higher, the customers have to wait in long boring waiting lines, which ruin their experience. However, with the digital queue management system all these problems are avoided which result in significant reduction in actual wait time.

All those distractions caused by the multimedia content, frequent audio announcements and the real-time updating queuing data on the signage screens, keep your customers distracted from the wait time. This way the perceived wait time is also reduced. The perceived wait time and the actual wait time are the leading cause of customer unhappiness. A queue management system help reducing and optimizing the wait time and results in higher customer satisfaction and happiness which contributes to increasing customer loyalty.

See Also: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

The customer experience is a very delicate and sensitive matter, even very small looking things can have huge impact on it. Same is the case with the employee performance. The queue management system is a digital tool it can effectively track and monitor employee performance. The queue management system measures several performance metrics and KPIs. For example, how many customers are served by a service agent in a shift, what was the average time of service to each customer, how much time the service agent took for breaks, etc. All such information help management focus on the right directions to improve employee performance and identify the issues that may causing poor performance.

Furthermore with the help of a digital queue management system businesses can avoid several problems. In the manual queues the service agents will also have to listen to customers’ complaints, they will have to solve disputes, sometimes customers showed up in wrong queues, then there are line jumpers and several other such problems which keep service agents distracted from their work. However, with the queue management system all these problems vanished and the service agents can easily focus on their primary tasks and also work under balanced workload which significantly improve their efficiency, performance and satisfaction. A happy service agent can serve your customer better and provide them a happy and satisfied experience.

See Also: Must have features of Queue Management System

See Also: How to Choose the Best Queue Management Software?

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Queue Management System Offers Virtual Queuing

The virtual queuing is not a new phenomenon, however, it got fame in past few years. The virtual queuing is basically the next step of the digital queuing. The virtual queue management system offers more integrated communication and convenience to the customers which results in much better experience and significantly reduced wait time. With the help of virtual queuing features the business can offer its customers multiple mobile communication channels and virtual tools to sign-up for the queue. For example, the customers can sign-up using their smartphones, online customer portal, business’s corporate website, online booking portal, SMS, Email, Call, QR Code and even via WhatsApp. All this help improving customer experience.

Furthermore the queue management system can also communicate with the customers via SMS, online updates, smartphone applications, notification and alerts which keep providing necessary updates to the customers. The queue management system mobile application can even guide customers about het nearest and quickest service centers. This way the customers doesn’t even have to arrive to the service center to sign-up or stand in the waiting line, they are completely free to arrive only when their number is called. Hence the wait time can literally reduce to none. These features enhance customer experience, happy and satisfied customers are more likely to become a loyal customer.

See Also: Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Queue Management System Offers Virtual Queuing

Queue Management System Collects Valuable Queuing Data and Business Intelligence

The queuing data and the business intelligence is a great tool to analyze and improve your queuing strategy. A queue management system is a digital tool hence it can capture system usage and analytical data from each and every touch point of the customer journey. The queue management system can provide businesses with a wealth of knowledge and a better understanding to the customers’ behavior, their liking/disliking, market trends, customers’ expectations and needs. All this help businesses analyzing and identifying the flaws in their strategy and help them rectify those issues to ensure a better and improved customer experience.

A queue management system can also collect customer feedback data. The direct customer feedback gives your customer confidence and help gaining their trust. As when the customers think that their say is important they become more attached to the business. Moreover the customer feedback can also be very helpful in improving several other process. All these features help enhancing customer experience and raise their satisfaction. Happy and satisfied customer become loyal to their favorite brand and help businesses grow and progress.

See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

See Also: Streamlining the Waiting Experience: How Queue Management Systems Improve Patient Flow

Queue Management System Collects Valuable Queuing Data and Business Intelligence


Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are more adoptive towards latest technologies and modern business practices. The country is highly developed and the general population is very tech savvy. Almost 99% of the population uses mobile phone and have access to the internet. In such a society businesses need to fulfill the high demands from the customers and on top of that the markets are highly competitive. In the past few years, the digital customer experience, the automation and adaptation of modern technologies and solution is on rise.

The customer facing environments have also evolved a lot which made traditional manual queuing completely obsolete. A modern digital queue management system have become an essential for modern customer service centers. Businesses who have to deal with medium or large number of footfall can’t function without implementing a modern queue management solution. It has become so common that customers usually expect a digital ticketing system and modern queuing system whenever they visit a business or customer service center.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

A queue management system significantly enhance customer experience, it offers them easy sign-up, it reduces their wait time and improves their waiting experience, it help maximizing the performance and productivity of the service agent, and it help improving service quality. All these improvements can significantly improve customer happiness and satisfaction. The customer satisfaction is a key to customer loyalty and the customer loyalty is crucial for a long term sustainable business success.

In this blog we have discuss how a queue management system can help businesses attain customer loyalty, if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to implement a bespoke queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: How a Modern Queue Management System Increase Customer Satisfaction?

See Also: How to Improve Queue Management at Your Restaurant?

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

See Also: How Insurance Companies can Improve Customer Happiness with a Queue Management System?

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

Having long lines and busy waiting area is a common sighting in the service industry. Businesses who operate in service sector can’t avoid waiting lines, though there are proven market strategies that can help them minimizing the customer wait time enable them to improve customer experience. There are many factors that contributes to slow moving queues and long waiting lines, which cause unhappiness, and sometimes annoy your customers. That is when the queue management comes into play, the queuing management is a strategy and technology a business implement to reduce customer wait time and to improve their experience at the business.

These two are extremely important for a business, happy and satisfied customers become loyal, the loyal customers not only give repeated business, but they also help establishing a positive brand image. No one likes waiting, but if you have a queue management system you can not only minimize the wait time but you can also significantly enhance customer experience.

See Also: Paperless Queue Management System

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

Imagine you have some important work at a government office or a bank, when you reach there you find crowded waiting areas, entangled queues, and you have no idea which waiting line you should stand in, or even if your line is moving or not. How frustrating and annoying it would be? You are also risking the same frustration for your customers by not properly managing your customer flow and queues. Businesses knew that from the very beginning, that is why the queue management system have transformed from a paper pen ticketing to a highly advanced AI (artificial intelligence) based sophisticated digital queue management system.

Now a days in Dubai or anywhere in UAE there are hundreds of vendors who are advertising different types of queue management systems in the market, which sometime could be very confusing for the business owner or the managers to choose the best match of their requirements. In this blog we will discuss how a customized queue management system is the best choice for any business.

See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

What is a Customized Queue Management System?

There are usually two types of every digital system and software, one is called commercial off-the-shelf solution or COTS and the other is customized solution. The COTS are designed for masses and a large number of businesses/users uses them. Whereas the customized solutions are tailor-made software and systems which are exclusively designed for a particular business or user. Both types of solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages. The COTS are easy to deploy, in fact can be deployed within a day or two, the customized queue management systems take time to develop and also have higher initial cost.

The biggest problem with the COTS is that they can never fulfil 100% of the needs of a business, usually if a commercial off-the-shelf solution meets a business’s 80% of the needs, it is considered ideal. However, the customized software solutions eliminate that problem and as they are exclusively designed for the user, they can meet 100% of the needs of the user and have higher performance, adoptability and longer lifecycle. Furthermore the COTS also have reoccurring costs and the ownership belongs to service provider, the customized software on the contrary doesn’t have any such cost and the ownership belongs to the business for whom these software are designed for.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

What is a Customized Queue Management System?

What are the Benefits of Customized Queue Management System?

The customized queue management system can completely transform the business/branch and the customer experience. It can significantly improve the customer flow and help businesses reduce and manage the crowd. The reduction in wait time and the enhanced customer experience ensures maximum customer satisfaction. Here are the key benefits of implementing a customized queue management system at your business/branch:

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Reduced Wait Time

The customer wait time is one of the most impactful factor on customer happiness and customer satisfaction. No one wants to wait in long queues, everyone wants to get everything done quickly. According to several studies on an average a customer could wait for up to 8 to 13 maximum. After 8 minutes the customer start getting annoyed and anxious and after 13 minutes the customer start getting annoyed, angry and frustrated. The customer wait time is one of the primary causes to unhappiness of the customers. That is why the main objective of implementing a digital queue management system is to reduce customer wait time, improve their queuing experience and help businesses achieve better performance.

The customized queue management system is exclusively designed as per the needs and requirements of your environment which enables it to maximize its impact and minimize the customer wait time as much as possible without compromising customer experience and happiness.

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Reduced Wait Time

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Seamless Ticket Generation

Earlier businesses were manually distributing tickets to the customers and visitors, which is a slow and time consuming process, and this process also have higher error rate which cause problems for the customers. However a customized queue management system makes ticket dispensing and distribution process self-service for the customers. Usually a self-service interactive kiosk is used to dispense the tickets. In your customized queue management system the User Interface is designed as per the requirements and needs which further improve the performance.

Businesses can have multiple languages that they want and they can ask certain questions if needed. The customer can chose the right service they need from a list, and the queue management system can also suggest them what service they might be needing based on their previous experience. The ticket dispensing kiosk is a self-service technology powered by AI (artificial intelligence) and its automated algorithms can offer a great customer experience.

See Also: Complete guide to Queue Management Systems in Dubai, UAE

Seamless Ticket Generation

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Improve Employee Performance

The success of any business depends on its employees’ performance. When employee works under heavy workload and the crowd formation and poorly managed queues are a common occurring, the employee become less productive. In case of unorganized queues the staff usually have to spend a lot of time in organizing the queues and sorting out the problems and queries of the customers and visitors. However, when you implement a customized queue management system, the system take care of the entire customer flow and it manages all the queues automatically.

The smart algorithms and AI based powerful software engine can fetch data in real-time from various touchpoints and it can compare it with live data and historic data, which enables it to take highly effective decisions in real-time and manage all the customer footfall to maximize the efficiency. Furthermore the queue management system also monitor and track employee performance and KPIs which also help management and HR to take informed decisions to maximize the employee performance.

See Also: Queue Management System Problems and Solutions in Dubai, UAE

Improve Employee Performance

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Enhance Customer Experience

Customer experience is a key to customer happiness which drives customer loyalty and the customer loyalty help businesses to sustain and grow. Bad customer experience on the other hand tend to repel customers from the business and can harm or completely disrupt the growth and sustainability. In a highly competitive market like UAE if a business fails to meet the expectations of a customer, then the customer will move on to the next business, in fact these days the availability of too many options also raised the customer standards.

When customer demands are skyrocketing, the market become highly competitive and you are failing to fulfill their needs, you are not only risking to lose the customer but also your business’s reputation. The customized queue management system help reducing service delivery time, wait time and improve employee performance. Furthermore, it is also helpful to maintain a balance between the customer footfall and employee performance.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

Enhance Customer Experience


Every business belongs to service-sector, needs some kind of customer flow management system which is also knows as queue management system. The businesses often get average footfall, but during peak hours or peak days of the week or month, the customer footfall could significantly increase. Businesses need prior planning and strategy in order to meet the demand of the customers. On top of that it could become extremely difficult to manage the queues during the peak hours.

A digital queue management system can solve all these problems but there are two main types of Queuing systems, one is with the COT and the other is the customized queue management system. The customized queue management system is superior than the off-the-shelf solution, it help reducing the customer wait time, it helps businesses improve their internal processes, it improves employee performance, it minimize customer wait time, it enhance customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

See Also: The Beginner’s Guide to Queuing Theory

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

The Benefits of Electronic Queuing System

The Benefits of Electronic Queuing System

For all customer facing environments the long waiting lines, crowd formation, and unexpected workload could be a great problem. Think of a customer, who visited a business, bank or a public office to avail an important service, there are long waiting lines, the customer will get confused about which line they should be in or whether their queue is moving or not and on top of that they have no clue of how long it could take them to reach to the service counter, even if there is a waiting area, that might be full too, and mostly during the peak hours some people might not find an appropriate space to sit comfortably, how frustrating it could be for a customer?

The customers are always impatient, that doesn’t mean you should take this problem lightly, but the question is how much resources a business can spare for the queuing process. Surely appointing more employee for the task will help, but what about the cost? Obviously if you will hire more staff for the queuing the cost will rise. Apart from the cost, the quality is the most important aspect of the queuing process. The quality here means the customer experience and customer satisfaction. Adding more staff wouldn’t have huge impact on waiting time neither it could improve the customer experience much. That is why businesses need an electronic queuing system.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

The Benefits of Electronic Queuing System

What is an Electronic Queuing System?

An electronic queuing system is a digital tool that is used to improve the queue management process. The queue management system or electronic queuing system is a technological solution based on hardware and software components. These components work together to provide a highly structure and very efficient framework for the queuing process. Businesses can have many different software and hardware components to meet their needs, however in a most basic queuing system these are the essential components:

Electronic Queuing System – Hardware

  • Ticket Dispensing Machine or Interactive Self-Service Ticket Dispensing Kiosk
  • Counter Plates where the counter numbers and the ticket number is displayed
  • Digital Signage Screens where the live queuing information are displayed
  • Audio Announcement System for customer calling (usually it is multilingual)

Electronic Queuing System – Software

  • Core Server Side Application which is hosted on a server or cloud
  • Agent Dashboard where the agents manage queues and customer calling
  • Administrative Dashboard where the management can access the backend of the system
  • Customer UI (user interface) where customers interact with the system for signup

These are the basic components that are essential to setup an electronic queuing system. However, there are penalty of more software and hardware add-on which can be used to offer more innovative features and help businesses to further improve the efficiency and efficacy of the queuing process.

See Also: Which one is better Standalone VS Integrated Software?

What is an Electronic Queuing System?

What are the Benefits of an Electronic Queuing System?

A good quality high-performance electronic queuing system is a great tool to maximize the efficiency, performance and productivity of the customer facing environments which can significantly improve customer experience and help businesses attaining higher customer satisfaction. The electronic queuing system doesn’t only improve customer flow and organize your queues but it can offer a penalty of other benefits which are mostly less obvious. In this blog we will list the key benefits of electronic queuing system which can greatly help businesses improve their customer facing environments.

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 1. Reduce Wait Time

The customer wait time is a serious issue in queuing process. This is one of the most impactful factor which negatively impact your customer experience. Long waiting time cause frustration, stress and unhappiness. When a customer reached to a counter unhappy and stressed, it become significantly harder for the service agents to satisfy them. An electronic queuing system help reducing the customer wait time by improving the customer flow, organizing the queues, and improving the service agent’s performance.

It completely automates the process, since customers knows that everything is computer-controlled they don’t have any doubts or concerns, they also get regular updates on the digital signage and via announcement system hence they know the queues are moving. Furthermore the electronic queuing system can also provide an estimated wait time on the bases of historic data and real-time inputs from the system. This also help reducing the stress and improve customer experience. The reduction in customer wait time also have huge impact on all other aspects of queuing process which also help maximizing customer satisfaction.

See Also: Waiting Line Problems and Solutions

Reduce Wait Time

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 2. Offer Virtual Queuing

The virtual queuing is not a new phenomenon, however, the modern electronic queuing system offers a tons of features which can greatly improve customer experience and also the efficiency of the process. The virtual queuing allow customers to sign-up for the virtual queues remotely. This means that the electronic queuing system integrates multiple digital channels which allow customer and visitors to interact with the system such as Email, SMS, Online Customer Portals, Corporate Website, WhatsApp, Queue Management System Mobile Applications, QR Code, etc. These features will allow customers and visitors to sign-up for the queue without being physically present at the business premises.

Furthermore the customers are also provided with an estimated wait time, which is usually 96% accurate and calculated by the AI (artificial intelligence) based smart algorithms on the bases of historic data, current customer flow and employee efficiency. Moreover the system also keep updating customers and sending to them alerts and notifications. This help reducing the wait time to literally none and raise customer satisfaction.

See Also: The Risk of Poor Performance Management and How to identify it?

Offer Virtual Queuing

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 3. Improve Service Quality

There are multiple factor that are improved by an electronic queuing system which help improving the service quality. For example, the employee who don’t have to worry about customer queries, complaints or visibly large number of people in waiting line, are tend to perform better. As they can focus on the primary tasks without any worry or interruption. Furthermore when the customers are provided with excellent waiting experience and short waiting time they tend to arrive at counters in a more calm mental state which help both employees and customers to quickly resolve issues and it also raise the tolerance and understanding of the customers and help improving their experience, consequently the service quality get improved.

A good customer-agent interaction also help improving the service quality and customer satisfaction. An electronic queuing system can also collect important information about the customers and provide it to the agents even before they arrive at the counter, which also help service agents to deliver a bit more personalized customer experience. All such factors help improving the service quality and customer satisfaction.

See Also: Pros and Cons of Queue Management System

Improve Service Quality

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 4. Higher Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction plays a crucial role in service quality and customer happiness. Happy and satisfied employees tend to perform well and deliver quality work. No employee will be happy to deal with frustrated, anxious and annoyed customers, this will decrease their morale which will eventually reduce their productivity and efficiency. An electronic queuing system help solving this problem, it enhances customer experience at all touch points, reduce customer wait time, and with the virtual queuing it offers a highly satisfactory customer experience.

Furthermore the employees start getting tired and stressed under heavy workload. Especially in manual queuing environment the employees with have to deal with several other problems which are not part of their job, thence their focus on primary tasks reduced. However, the electronic queuing system help eliminating all those problems and factors that distract employees and it also help reducing employee workload by automatically routing customers to other counters with shorter queues to balance the workload which can significantly improve employee happiness and satisfaction.

See Also: The Impact of Performance Management on Organizational Culture

Higher Employee Satisfaction

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 5. Attain Customer Loyalty

The customer wait time and experience are the two main reasons of higher customer churn which means the customer who enter to your premises but left without making a transaction. The customer churn is almost opposite to customer loyalty. Reducing the customer wait time might look just a small thing, but it has significant impact on everything. Reducing the customer time to a few minutes could have huge impact on customer happiness. Studies have revealed that on an average a customer can wait for up to 9 minutes, after that every second will add to their unhappiness and frustration. This time differs from industry to industry but reducing just a few minutes in wait time could make a huge difference.

The virtual queuing is a great tool to drastically reduce the wait time. Furthermore the automation, welcoming interaction with the self-service kiosk, the information displaying on the digital signage, the audio announcements, the mobile notification and quicker service delivery all contribute to customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are tend to be more loyal to the brand. The customer loyalty is considered to be the foundation of growth, development and progress. That is why it is important to increase customer loyalty but offering them best experience and high quality service.

See Also: 5 Challenges in implementing Performance Management System

Attain Customer Loyalty

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 6. Improve Employee Performance

Performance management is strategically very important business function. Businesses are proactively monitoring, measuring and improving their performance. For that they have adopted various methods and practices. Most of the modern performance management methods are heavily relying on collecting in-depth performance data and developing highly accurate monitoring mechanisms. An electronic queuing system is a highly efficient digital tool which is built on smart software engine and autonomous algorithms to drive efficiency and productivity. It can provide a wealth of business intelligence data, the employee performance management data is one of the key component of its data collection function.

It can provide various employee KPIs which can directly be fed to a third-party performance management system or managers can utilize the in-built analytical tools to evaluate the performance of individual employee, teams and the entire branch. It can accurately calculate the average number of customers served in a single shift, the average service delivery time for each individual service, the active and inactive time, the time spend on pre and post service tasks, etc. and much more which help management evaluate the employee performance and take informed decision related to HR, employee development and training, etc. This performance data help management to improve employee performance in long term.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

Improve Employee Performance

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 7. Collect Business Intelligence Data

The modern day businesses heavily rely on IT (information technology) and the data is the lifeblood of the digital technologies. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE have transformed the marketplace by implementing high-tech solutions and utilizing digital platforms. Studies have revealed the businesses who based their strategies and planning upon real data instead of speculation and guess work are tend to be more productive and successful. That is why it is crucial to collect business intelligence data. The electronic queuing system can collect a variety of statistical and system usage data along with employee performance data. It also help management understand various trends and customer behavior which help them make informed decision.

The management can also perform various analysis using in-built analytical tools to produce actionable reports which can be used in decision making and strategy building processes. It will also help management to evaluate their strategies and polices on the bases of the data and provide them features to compare the performance of different branches. This data help management understand customers, flaws in their process, and it highlight the areas of improvement. That is why the business intelligence data is crucial for a business.

See Also: How Performance Management Impact on Organization’s Culture?

Collect Business Intelligence Data

Benefits of Electronic Queuing System: 8. Reduce the Operational Cost

The electronic queuing system is not only effective in enhancing the customer experience and raising their satisfaction but it can significantly reduce the operation cost of a service center. The manual queue management is very inefficient, it require businesses to put a lot of resources which is expensive, it is not only appoint employees, it is the hiring cost, the continuous salaries, and other employee retention expenses and on top of that despite investing huge financial and human resources the manual queuing process still remains inefficient and ineffective. That is why businesses are rapidly adopting to electronic queuing systems. An electronic queuing system can reduce the need of human resources, as the entire customer journey is managed fully autonomously.

It is this automation and ability to monitor performance and evaluate the key factors of the process which makes electronic queuing systems the best companion of modern businesses and a best tool to branch digitalization. In small and medium sized customer service centers an electronic queuing system can reduce the need of employee to up to 60%, which is huge, and in larger service centers it can even reduce it further. Above all the electronic queuing system is a one-time investment there is no reoccurring cost and its maintenance requirements are near to none with a longer lifecycle which significantly increase its ROI and help reducing the operational cost.

See Also: Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Reduce the Operational Cost

See More: How to Avoid Long Queues at Your Events


The least thing a customer want when they visit a public office, customer service center or a business is the long queues and crowded waiting areas. No one likes waiting, everyone wants to get everything done quickly so they can move to the next thing. Whether it is a visit to a service center, or a bank or a public office, it is always out of routine, people have to stuff it into their daily schedules that is why everyone wants to get it done very quickly. The waiting is one aspect of customer experience there are several other things that impact customer happiness. Every business wants its customers to be happy and satisfied, because the satisfied customers are tend to be more loyal and the customer loyalty is the foundation of long-term success.

An electronic queuing system not only help reducing the customer wait time, but it also help improving their waiting experience, communication and it increases their engagement. Furthermore it also help improving employee satisfaction and their performance which results in better customer experience and high-quality services. The service quality and customer experience will determine the level of their happiness. An electronic queuing system is very cost-efficient solution and it also help significantly reduce the operation cost of the service center.

The electronic queuing system can provide a great wealth or valuable business intelligence data which help businesses improve employee performance and service quality, it also help them identify the areas of improvement and help them to gradually improve their policies, strategies and processes. In this blog we have covered the key advantages of deploying an electronic queue management system in your customer facing environment.

If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to design a tailor-made electronic queuing system exclusively for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: How Customer Experience Help Boosting Website Conversions?

See Also: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

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See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

Why Virtual Queuing Has become an Essential Part of Modern Queue Management Systems?

Businesses are using different queuing techniques and methods in order to delight their customers and visitors. Earlier it was just manual queuing where people were standing in physical lines and waiting for their turn. The virtual queuing methods have become obsolete over the time, and the more modern and technology based digital queue management system took over. However, not all queue management systems are the same, some offer more innovative features and some don’t. Basically a modern digital queue management system is combination of software and hardware tools which help businesses streamline the customer flow and manage the queues with more efficiency.

A good queue management system not only help regulating the queues, but it also helps improving the customer experience and the staff efficiency. The digital queuing is not a new concepts in fact businesses are using digital tools and technology to aid their queuing methods since around past two decades. As the other technology evolves such as computers, internet, smartphones, etc. the queue management systems have also evolved.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Why Virtual Queuing Has become an Essential Part of Modern Queue Management Systems

Now a days a modern queue management system includes a variety to technologically advanced features which evolved over a long period of time and got more efficient. With the rise of queuing technology high-end manufacturers also started investing in research and development (R&D) which speedup the modernization of the industry. The virtual queuing is also a very modern and advanced feature of a digital queue management system. It is being present since 6 to 8 years, but rapid adaptation occurs during the 2020 and onwards.

When the social distancing become a new norm and the businesses were required to impose strict health and safety policies the virtual queuing have proven to be one of the most effective tool ever. That is what really paved the way for the virtual queuing. Now a days businesses are rapidly adopting and implementing virtual queuing technologies to enhance the customer experience and to improve their operational capabilities, productivity and performance of the employees. In this blog we will discuss what is virtual queuing and why it become essential for a modern business.

See Also: Virtual Queuing Systems: Redefining Waiting Experience

Why Virtual Queuing Has become an Essential Part of Modern Queue Management Systems

What is Virtual Queuing?

By definition a virtual queuing is a queuing process which allow customers and visitors to signup remotely using multiple remote channels such as mobile phones, SMS, emails, appointment booking portals, website/online, call, etc. The virtual queuing doesn’t require customers and visitors to wait inside the premises and provide customers with the freedom to wait remotely, outside of the business premises and arrive only when their turn comes. This can significantly reduce the wait time, in fact the wait time at the branch/premises can be literally reduced to none. That is one of the greatest advantage of the virtual queue management systems.

The virtual queue management system allow customers to sign-up remotely thorough any preferred channel, it a lot them a virtual ticket or e-ticket, which is their identifier. Along with that the queue management system can also communicate with the customers via SMS, smartphone app, or online portal. The staff and service agents can also communicate with the customers. The virtual queue management system keep providing them the live queuing information and allow them to arrive only when their turn comes, hence they don’t have to wait within the premises or confined waiting areas.

See Also: The Role of AI in Enhancing Queue Management Systems

What is Virtual Queuing?

Why Virtual Queuing has become an Essential?

Before we start discussing the benefits of the virtual queuing it is important to understand how market and customer preferences are changing. The Dubai and in fact the entire UAE is a highly advanced market, the economy is growing steadily, the overall market conditions are very business-friendly, this means the competition is also very high. High competition results in more competitive markets which resultantly raise the customer standards. Here in UAE an average consumer is very well-versed with the technology and several industries have witnessed a common change in customer behavior which is the preference of digital experience over regular experience.

Here in UAE the internet penetration is 99% and almost the same percentage of population uses smartphones and spend hours on social media on daily bases. This lead to a universal change across all industries. All businesses started leveraging these modern technologies which led to more dominance of digital interaction and digital experience. In fact now a days a common consumer expect some kind of digital experience from their favorite brand. The virtual queuing is the same thing for the service based industry.

See Also: How a Queue Management System Can Transform Your Business Operations

Why Virtual Queuing has become an Essential?

It is not only to satisfy the needs or expectations of the customer but it also have a lot of other perks. Here are some key advantages of the virtual queue management system which are helping both businesses and the consumers as well.

Simple Multi-channel Signup Facility

One of the biggest advantage of the virtual queue management system is that it offer more freedom, flexibility and facility to the customers. The customers can sign-up for the queue remotely. They don’t have to approach the ticket dispensing kiosk or unit to sign-up for the queue. In fact they can sign-up for the queue while sitting at the office or at home or on the go. The virtual queue management system integrates several digital and remote channels which allow customers to sign-up remotely. The customers can sign-up using the integrated queue management system smartphone app, they can utilize the appointment booking portal, they can use company website or dedicated customer portals, etc.

The virtual queue management system also offer sign-up with SMS, email, phone call and even WhatsApp. These all are very convenient and easy-to-use channels. Everyone who signed-up will get an electronic ticket number, which will be their position in the queue. The queue management system can also collect basic information via these remote channels which is required to sign-up customers for the right queue. These methods make the sign-up process very simple and more convenient.

See Also: Why a Virtual Queuing System Is Better Than Clipboard and Pen

Simple Multi-channel Signup Facility

Enhance Waiting Experience and Reduce Wait Time

Another great advantage of the virtual queue management system is that it can significantly enhance customer’s waiting experience. The customers can sign-up remotely, the queue management system provides them with their e-ticket and their expected wait time. This enables the customers and visitors to plan their visit accordingly. They can plan their journey in a way that they arrive only when their turn comes. This also means that there would be no wait time at all. The customers and visitors are not bound to be present at the premises, which means they don’t have to wait either.

Customers and visitors can wait at their home/office, nearby market, mall, at any other place and they can also plan their visit to arrive at the very time of their turn. The virtual queue management system smartphone app allow businesses to send queuing updates, alerts, and notification to user’s smartphone. Furthermore the virtual queue management system can also utilize the online portals, SMS and WhatsApp. These all facilities significantly enhance customer experience and reduce the customer wait time. Wait time is one of the major cause of customer unhappiness and if it can be reduced the customer happiness increases.

See Also: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

Enhance Waiting Experience and Reduce Wait Time

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

The digital innovation drives automation and automation means less human involvement in any process, which not only improve the process but also reduce the expenses of the business. A virtual queue management system can automate several customer journey processes, such as customer sign-up process, which is automated and also offer self-service channels to the customers. The customer flow management is fully automated. The virtual queue management system has AI (artificial intelligence) based algorithms and smart software engine which can capture analytical and system usage data in real-time, the data is recorded in the storage as well as fed to the AI algorithms which take real-time decision to streamline the customer flow.

In any customer service center there are several services and several counters, some counters are dedicated for exclusive services some might serve premium customers or different customer groups, some services have more delivery time than others, some employees have more experience and better performance than the others and a lot more variables are there. All these variables can led to a more complex queuing situation and make management difficult for the staff.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

However, a virtual queue management system can automatically process all these variable and take decisions based on the queuing policy. For example, if an employee left the counter, or the service delivery is taking more time than usual, the virtual queue management system’s smart algorithms can immediately sense it and they can divert the customers to other fast-paced counters without effecting their wait time and so on and so forth. The entire customer flow process is very dynamic, unlike manual queues when a customer is standing in a line, if that counter gets slower than the customers will have to wait longer. And if the counter stopped due to some reason, then it would become a huge problem to insert the customers in other queues.

However, with the virtual queue management system none of such problems occurs, as all customers and visitors are signed-up for virtual queues and they are not physically standing in waiting lines which makes it easier for the queue management system to move them between different waiting lines to make sure the customer wit time won’t increase.

See Also: Streamlining Customer Service: The Power of a Modern Queue Management System

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

Furthermore the virtual queue management system continuously share information about the queues and keep the customers and visitors updated all the time via their preferred communication channel. Usually the queue management system mobile apps, SMS, WhatsApp and online portals are used to communicate with the customers. These days the WhatsApp is also gaining popularity as it provides instant two-way communication. These features keep customers and visitors informed all the time, if there is any change in wait time or anything else they customers can immediately get notified.

Better and easy communication keep customers more engaged and also help improving their experience. The communication is usually done automatically by the virtual queue management system hence the business don’t have to appoint a staff for that, only occasionally the staff or service agents engaged in communication. All these automation help optimizing the customer journey, reduce the staff efforts and improve customer experience.

See Also: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Automate Several Steps of Customer Journey

Intuitive Virtual Queue Management System Mobile Apps

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the smartphones are very common, according to stats almost 99% of the population uses smartphones and also have access to internet. This have completely transformed the customer behavior and communication across all industries in the country. People felt more comfortable interacting through smartphone app rather than contacting the call center or visiting the website. The mobile apps have become a very important part of the business, especially for the service based industries. The virtual queue management system also offers mobile apps, which offer great features to enhance customer experience.

For example, the virtual queue management system mobile apps are built for both Android and Apple iOS. They offer instant connection with the help center, they offer a variety of other services. The mobile apps also provide visit scheduling and booking features. The customers can easily view the details of the branches they are planning to visit in mobile apps. The mobile apps can provide information about the busy hours of the day, busy days of the week and so on.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Intuitive Virtual Queue Management System Mobile Apps

While planning their visit the customers and visitors can easily chose an appropriate time which shows them less expected wait time. They can also book an appointment to avoid any delay in service. The virtual queue management system mobile apps also offer a branch locator feature which help customers and visitors to locate branches near to their location and it can also provide them the live queuing situation at those branches along with all other details. The virtual queue management system mobile app’s branch locator features is integrated with GPS navigation apps such as Google Maps, it can provide customers the live route information and help them understand which would be the most convenient branch to visit with least wait time.

All these information can significantly enhance customer experience ad increase their satisfaction. The customers can also view the history of their past visits and the business can also request customers to provide feedback and the feedback can be automated as well. All these features help engage customers, improve their experience and increase their satisfaction.

See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

Intuitive Virtual Queue Management System Mobile Apps

Improve Employee Efficiency and Productivity

The manual or traditional queuing turns out to be very counter-productive in the modern fast-paced business environment. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the customers and the businesses both are well aware of the customer experience. Studies have shown that the customers are willing to pay extra if they are assured they will get a better experience. The business knows that too. That is the reasons businesses are always eager to adopt to modern solutions and technologies to enhance customer experience and to boost their internal processes. The virtual queue management system just do that.

It simplify the queuing process for both the employees and the customers. Since the sign-up to customer calling everything is managed by the AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms of the queue management system, there is no conflict, unwanted delay or mismanagement in these steps. Which not only reduce the customer wait time but it also eliminate common problems from the queuing process. As everyone know the queues are managed by a computerized system so the customers never complaint about line jumpers, favoritism or mismanagement by the staff.

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps Maximizing the Efficiency?

Improve Employee Efficiency and Productivity

Furthermore since the customer journey is majorly managed by the virtual queue management system the employees have no role to play, they don’t have to deal with the customers and visitors much often, and they can focus on their primary tasks. This can significantly increase their work efficiency. The virtual queue management system also manage the workload of the employees and distribute the customers automatically among available counters, when the employee work under balanced workload they tend to perform well. The queue management system can also track various KPIs of the employees and help management understand their performance.

The virtual queue management system can accurately track how many customers are served by the employee in a single shift, what was the service time for each customer and what was the average service delivery time, etc. The system also track how much time an employee remain active on the counter, and several other details. These KPIs and performance data help the management develop better training programs and improve their resource management capabilities. Which gradually improve the employee efficiency and also increase employee satisfaction.

See Also: How Virtual Queuing can Change the Business Process?

Improve Employee Efficiency and Productivity

System Integration Improve Productivity

The virtual queue management system is built using very widely available technology platforms which enables them to offer better and flexible integration features. The virtual queue management systems can easily be integrated with other systems, software, databases and central information center. Which allow businesses to offer more innovative features for the customers to maximize their experience. The integration and data sharing is also very helpful in optimizing internal processes, improving workflows and reducing the repetitive tasks. Furthermore the integration also help improving the service agent productivity.

For example the service agents will have to prepare for the service beforehand, which takes time, then there are some post-service activities too. A virtual queue management system can ask customers about the service they need, it can also ask them to put identification data such as by scanning EID card, etc. and then it can use that data to support service agents with their tasks and reduce their efforts. It can boost the outcome of the customer feedback collection campaign. Similarly the virtual queue management system can help improving several internal processes which help increasing the overall productivity of the business.

See Also: Government Digital Transformation: Implementation of Queue Management System

System Integration Improve Productivity

Cost Effective

The virtual queue management systems are very cost-effective solutions. The initial development and deployment cost is also relatively low. The virtual queue management system comes with a core serve software which can be hosted online, in local in-premises data centers and cloud, which requires very less maintenance. Furthermore the hardware that is used is also based on widely available technologies which requires very less maintenance and the maintenance itself is also very inexpensive. The virtual queue management system also help improving the internal processes by leveraging automation.

The automation improve productivity and reduce human efforts, hence the businesses don’t have to deploy more employees to manage the customer flow and the overall branch operation. Hiring and retaining more employee is expensive and can significantly increase the operational cost of the branch. With the help of the virtual queue management system businesses can reduce the employees needed for a branch while increasing the productivity several times. Which help maximizing the profit of the business as well and help them achieve their strategic goals more effectively.

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Cost Effective

Business Intelligence Data

Business intelligence data is a valuable asset for any modern business. The modern businesses are heavily relying on the data and information to build their strategies and plans. The virtual queue management system collects highly accurate in-depth business intelligence data which help management understand the effectiveness of their queuing process and policy. The business intelligence data include analytical and system usage data, employee performance data, and it also includes customer feedback data. With the central control features the head office can monitor and manage all connected branches.

The virtual queue management system’s core software is hosted on a server, which enables it to instantly update all user dashboards hence the head office can get the live queuing information from all connected branches. Furthermore the feedback collection improve the data quality and accuracy. Businesses can easily identify the bottle necks, flaws in customer flow policy, and with the help of the historic data the virtual queue management system can also predict the expected footfall which help businesses to have better resource planning and management and improve the efficiency and productivity.

See Also: How to Achieve the High ROI using Queue Management System

Business Intelligence Data


The customers are always the first priority for any business. Customer happiness assures success and long term steady growth. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are more adoptive towards the technological solutions to enhance their operational capabilities, performance and customer experience. In present day customers appreciate integration of modern technologies, in fact most of the time the customers expect form their favorite brands to offer excellent services and solutions with the help of modern technology and digital platforms. Here in UAE the digital experience is becoming more important day by day.

For the queuing needs, businesses have started implementing modern technology to boost their productivity and to enhance the customer experience. The virtual queue management system is one of the most modern and highly advanced queuing solution. It offer a great deal of features, freedom and control to the customers which help increasing their happiness and satisfaction. The virtual queue management system also enhance business’s operational capabilities, it improves employee performance and reduce the operational expense which translates to more profitability and growth.

The entire UAE is a very competitive marketplace, customers have too many options available, which makes them more demanding and raise their expectations. Businesses have to make sure their customers gets a satisfactory interaction with their customer service centers. That is what makes a virtual queue management system absolutely essential for the queuing needs of a modern business.

RSI Concepts is a leading virtual queue management system solution provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you need our help to deploy a customized and cost-effective virtual queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

See Also: Streamlining the Waiting Experience: How Queue Management Systems Improve Patient Flow

Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the businesses are transitioning towards a more customer-centric business model. This is due to the paramount importance of the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Now a days the customer simply have too many options, if you failed to delight them they will immediately shift to a competitor. That is what makes customer happiness even more crucial for a long term success. The customer waiting lines are not avoidable, no matter what businesses do they will have to deal with the queuing issues. The customer waiting lines frustrates your customers as well as your employees.

The employees too will have to do more work, they get distracted from their primary tasks. Most of the times businesses will have to hire more staff to deal with large flux of customers and visitors. Which also raise the operational expenses. The manual queue management also have a lot of problems that can completely ruin the customer experience. That is why a digital queue management system is used, it not only help reducing the customer wait time, it also streamline customer flow, automates customer journey and enhance their experience.

See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

What is a Modern Queue Management Software?

A modern queue management system is a combination of software and hardware components. The queue management software is a server side application which is hosted on an online server, in-premises data center, or in a cloud. The hardware is majorly different devices which are connected with the software. The key hardware components include digital interactive self-service kiosk or ticket dispensing unit, the digital signage displays and the audio announcement system. The software included a server based application which have all the algorithms used to perform decision making tasks in real-time.

The software also provides a service agent dashboard, which help service agents in interacting with the queue management system and it can also help them performing service delivery tasks. The queue management software also comes with an administrative dashboard, which is a control panel for the entire system. The head office and the branch managers or any other relevant staff have access to these dashboards. Some advanced queue management systems also offer virtual queuing and queue management system smartphone applications.

See Also: How a Queue Management System Can Transform Your Business Operations

What is a Modern Queue Management Software?

The customers and visitors can sign-up for the queues using the interactive self-service kiosks, where they are asked to choose the desired service, then a ticket is issued with their queue number. They got signed-up for the virtual queues, which means they don’t have to wait in physical waiting lines, and allow them freedom to wait in the waiting areas and lobbies or anywhere they want. The queue management software is capable of automatically routing the customers to the relevant counter. Even if the service structure is very complex, the queue management system can accurately divert the customers to the required counter.

In some businesses some counters are exclusive for some services, some offer a certain set of services only and so on, and this make queuing more complex. However, with a queue management system the customer flow is fully autonomous. The queue management system also help improving customer waiting experience and simplify customer journey. The queue management software can be integrated with other enterprise systems, databases and central information center which help adding innovative features to further enhance customer experience and efficiency. Here are some key benefits of a modern queue management software.

See Also: The Role of AI in Enhancing Queue Management Systems

What is a Modern Queue Management Software?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Automates Queuing Process

One of the biggest benefit of a modern queue management software is that it has capabilities to fully or partially automate the entire queuing process. The customer sign-up for the queues is automated via a self-service interactive kiosk. The customer flow management is automated with the help of the AI (artificial intelligence) based algorithms. The queue management system can implement the entire queuing policy with more efficiency and efficacy. The queue management software can understand which all services are offered by the businesses, it can also learn which counters are exclusive for which services, this information help the algorithms to automatically divert customers to their relevant counter.

On top of that there is no need for physical queues, all customers and visitors are signed-up for a virtual queue, which allow them to wait freely inside the premises. Even the queue management software can notify the customers via SMS and allow them more freedom to wait outside the premises as well if they want. The queue management system can also shift the customers form one queue to another based on the data it fetched in real-time from the system to achieve maximum efficiency. All this process is fully automatic and managed by the AI based in-built algorithms of the queue management software.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Automates Queuing Process

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Significantly Reduce the Wait Time

There many problems with the traditional, manual queuing process. The waiting lines are long, there are line jumpers, people always complaint and the staff found it very difficult to manage crowds. All these factors keep staff distracted from their primary tasks which further reduce the efficiency of the branch. However, with a digital queuing system the customer waiting time can be reduced. A modern queue management software is a very powerful tool, it is capable of monitoring the queues and customer flow in real-time and its AI based smart algorithms enable it to take autonomous decisions in real-time.

The queue management software can monitor, control and improve each and every step of the entire customer journey from welcoming customers to taking them to the right counter and even requesting them for their feedback afterwards. The automation eliminate all human management related problems, the customers and visitors don’t complaint as they know everything is managed by automatic system and there is no favoritism, line jumping or any other influence of the staff on the customer flow. This also let employees and the service staff to focus on their primary tasks, which further improve customer flow and reduce the overall customer wait time.

See Also: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Significantly Reduce the Wait Time

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Customer Experience

The reduction in wait time have very pleasant impact on customer experience. No one wants waiting, however, there will still remain some wait time which will vary on the bases of footfall at a certain hour in a day. A queue management software allow you to enhance customers experience during their journey at your business or branch. When a customer enters he/she is greeted by a self-service interactive kiosk machine, where they can acquire some information, provide some details and chose the service they need. Then the system issues them a ticket bearing their turn number in their respective waiting line.

The queue management software comes with in-built digital signage tools, which enable businesses to play multimedia content on the large displays that are used to display queuing information. This media can keep customers engaged and reduce the stress of waiting. The queue management system can also estimate the wait time as soon as someone signs-up, based on the previous data and current customer flow rate. Knowing how much more you have to wait also help calming the stress of waiting.

See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Customer Experience

The queue management software can also help employees in service delivery steps, which maximize their efficiency and reduce the time a customer will have to spend on a service counter. This also help improving customer experience. Since the customers don’t have to wait much thanks to the seamless customer flow, they reach to the counter in a much better state of mind. Which is very helpful for service agent to improve their interaction with the customers. The queue management software can also be integrated with other systems, which can be very helpful for the service agents in delivering a quicker and satisfactory customer experience.

The queue management software can also utilize digital communication channels to alert and update the customers, which could be very helpful for the customers. Moreover there is always a multi-lingual audio announcement system, which keep announcing the next ticket number and its designated counter number/name. This also keep customers distracted and keep them busy, which reduces the sensation of waiting. There are several other features that can be utilized to maximize the customer engagements and reduce the stress of waiting. All these features help improving customer experience and ensures a higher level of customer satisfaction.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Customer Experience

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Increase Customer Loyalty

The customer loyalty is one of the key factor which can ensure a long term sustainable growth of a business. The loyal customers tend to be a good brand advocate, they spread good words about the business which might also encourage others to make a purchase. The social media and digital channels have a great influence on the brand reputation and brand image, loyal customers tend to post good about the brand on their favorite channels with help improving online presence. Studies have shown that it is 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than selling to an existing customers. That is how the customer loyalty can impact a business.

A queue management software help businesses improve the entire customer journey and every interaction. It can also collect data from each touch point which also help businesses to understand the customer journey and customer experience, on the bases of this understanding and the analytical data collected by the queue management software, the businesses can build more effective strategies and plans to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. Only happy and satisfied customers tend to be loyal, unhappy customers might never return.

See Also: Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Increase Customer Loyalty

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Employee Efficiency

Managing customers, solving their problems, organizing physical queues, and avoiding crowed is a very time consuming task and requires a lot of efforts from the staff. This also keep distracting employees from their primary tasks and badly impact their efficiency and productivity. A queue management software not only lift a lot of workload from the employees but it is also capable of helping them with their routine tasks. The customer sign-up, virtual queues, automatic customer flow management, and a lot many more processes are managed by the queue management software automatically. When employees worked under balanced workload they tend to perform well.

Furthermore the queue management system also provide in-depth employee performance data and KPIs. For example, the queue management software measures how much on an average an employee spend on one customer, how they performed while delivering different services, how many customers they served in a single shift, how much time they spend in pre and post service tasks, etc. All these details help managers develop effective training programs and let them make informed decisions for better resource management which can significantly improve employee efficiency.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Employee Efficiency

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Collects Business Intelligence Data

The modern day business are heavily relying on information technology and data driven solutions. The data provides the information that are required to make better strategic decision that put a business on the success path. A queue management software is also a digital solution and it can offer a great wealth of the business intelligence data. The business intelligence data help businesses understand its customers, their persona, preferences, needs, expectations, and their voice too. The queue management software can capture analytical data form each touch point which help businesses to understand and evaluate the customer experience and customer journey.

The queue management system’s analytical data also help businesses evaluate their internal processes, polices and strategies and help them highlight the areas of improvements. Moreover businesses can also collect direct customer feedback with the help of the queue management software. A modern queue management software comes with in-built customer feedback collection module. Usually businesses keep touch screens, tablets and interactive kiosks to collect the customer feedback data. Which further help them understand the needs and expectations of the customers. Hence businesses can utilize this data in their decision making processes to make more informed and effective decisions.

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Collects Business Intelligence Data


The queue management is a very crucial aspect of customer satisfaction and customer happiness. The customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty and the loyal customers provide a foundation at which a business can plan and achieve a sustainable growth and long term success. The queue management software is a very powerful tool with AI based smart algorithms that enables it to collect analytical and system usage data in real-time and make instant decisions to improve the customer experience. The queue management software track and monitor employee performance and KPIs, which also help businesses in resource management and planning. The queue management systems collect valuable business intelligence data which help businesses take informed decisions.

The queue management software offer a central management system which enables the head office to monitor all connected branches in real-time and effectively implement their policies. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to implement a very cost-effective tailor-made queue management system, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: 6 Performance Management Problems and How to Solve Them?

See Also: Qualities of a Good Mobile App for Queue Management System

Why do you need a queue management system?

Why do you need a queue management system

A queue management system is used by businesses to streamline their queues to ensure the customer satisfaction. The queue management systems start gaining popularity around a decade ago, since then more and more businesses are adopting to it. The queue management system is basically a combination of a software and some hardware devices. The customers can sign-up for the queues by multiple channels. The most commonly used method is to sign-up via on-site interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk. However businesses are also using online appointment booking tools, smartphone applications, QR Code and also using a bit more traditional methods such as calls, emails, SMS, etc. The most common method is the self-service ticker dispensing kiosk. With the rise of virtual queuing the mobile apps and QR Code type sing-up methods are also gaining popularity.

Why do you need a queue management system?

Usually business have multiple services and multiple counters, so they ask customers and visitors to choose the service during the sign-up process. The customers and visitors sign-up for the queue, then they wait, an audio visual system is used for customer calling and then the customers and visitors approach the assigned counter, get the service done, and leave. Some businesses also ask for feedbacks and usually it is post-service customer feedback. The queue management system is a very effective tool to control, manage and improve the customer journey and customer experience. It also help businesses to boost employee performance and strengthen their relation with the customers.

Here are some good reasons why do you need a queue management system:

If you want to reduce the Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time is one of the most important factor in customer journey and it can completely make or break customer experience. Studies have shown that the maximum bearable wait time for any customer or visitors is thirteen minutes, any time more than that will add up to their frustration. Different industries have different impact of the long wait time. The customer churn rate is also different in different industry if we will keep the wait time constant, but one thing is sure, the maximum wait time without annoying your customers is thirteen to fifteen minutes, and long wait time always have negative impact on customer experience and customer journey. The queue management system is very helpful in reducing the customer wait time and controlling the customer flow.

If you want to reduce the Customer Wait Time

Every business have multiple services and usually multiple counters are there which require multiple queues, the most common mistake made by the customers and visitors is to end up in the wrong queue. A queue management system solve that issue, it automatically direct the customers to the right queue as per their selection of the service during the sign-up process. In case if a customer selected wrong service, the agent/server had control and ability to immediately direct them to the right counter without making them to wait again. That is a great feature and it helps both the customers and the agents/server too.

If you want to reduce the Customer Wait Time

Moreover with the help of a proper digital queue management system in place the customers don’t face a lot many other problems. For example, usually in manual queues, there are line jumpers, which can sometimes cause a literal chaos in the waiting area. Apart from the line jumper, the customers and visitors will have to stay in long lines to secure their position in the queue, which is also difficult. This unrest condition lead to other problems, one of the biggest problem that most businesses face is the complaints about mismanagement, despite the staff is doing their best, still the customer keep complaining about the mismanaged queues. These all problems waste time and over-burdened the staff too, which results in more waiting time. However with the queue management system this all can be avoided.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

If you want to automate the Customer Journey and Customer Routing

You need a digital queue management system if you want to automate the customer journey and customer routing. The customer journey could be based on several steps, the number and nature of these steps is totally dependent on the service type and service delivery mechanisms. Different businesses have different internal structure and business practices which distinguish them from others. This is what form a unique customer experience. However there are certain types of queuing which can cover all types of businesses and their methods. Here are certain scenarios which differentiate queuing processes:

  1. One counter for each service
  2. One service for all counters
  3. All counters for all services
  4. Multiple counters for a single service (stepped service delivery)
  5. VIP/Premium or exclusive counters for certain customers
  6. One counter for multiple services but not all

If you want to automate the Customer Journey and Customer Routing

These are just a few most commonly occurring scenarios. Obviously each business is different from the other and all businesses try to be unique and distinguishable to build unique brand identity and unique customer experience. However mostly the customer journey is managed and controlled as per the above mentioned scenarios. These all scenarios require a different approach. If a business is managing the customer flow and customer journey manually and it has more than one scenario (which usually is the case) then they will require a lot of staff to make sure a smooth customer flow and quicker customer journey. Which is expensive and still not so effective.

If you want to automate the Customer Journey and Customer Routing

In manual queue management there will be still some loopholes and customers will still going to face some problems. Maybe during the regular work hours the problems may not occur much often but during the busy work hours there will be so many complaints and so many unhappy customers. With a queue management system the customer journey can be automated and all these problems can be solved and these delays can be eliminated.Which will significantly reduce the wait time and improve customer journey and customer satisfaction.

Read More: World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

If you want to Improve Service Quality and Service Delivery

The waiting time and waiting experience impacts on the overall perception of the customer interaction. If a customer will have to wait in long queues and had to face all the troubles associated with manual queue management, they will be frustrated and annoyed when they will arrive at the service counter. This has a huge impact on their interaction with the service agent. When a customer is already frustrated and the employees are over-burdened the interaction could be anything by satisfactory. It would be extremely hard for the employees to make the customers happy and satisfied. But with a queue management system when the customer flow is automatically regulated the customer journey and customer routing is automatically managed, the waiting experience is pleasant, the customers will arrive in a normal mood and would be more accepting and understanding.

If you want to Improve Service Quality and Service Delivery

The automation and smoother customer flow also have double affects, it also reduce the work load of the employees and let your agents/server to focus on their primary tasks which further enhances their interaction with the customers and visitors. Moreover the segregation and/or identification of the services can provide a chance to the business to offer a bit more personalized experience as per the customer preferences. As the service agent is already aware what service he/she will have to cater for the next customer, they can do the preparations in advance. There is always some pre-service work for the agent, which need time, but due to the queue management system the agents/servers can get ready before the customer’s arrival and as soon as the customer arrives they can instantly initiate the service without any delay, this improve the service quality, reduce the service delivery time, improve employee and customer interaction and ensure higher customer satisfaction.

Read More: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

If you want to Improve Staff Efficiency

The biggest problem with manual queue management is that the staff is always under pressure. They have too much work to do, they are usually multitasking, and the chances are they will also get distracted while delivering the service. This not only reduce the staff efficiency but it also have an impact on the customer experience and customer journey. When the business is managing the queues manually the staff will also have to focus on the line management and all problems that comes with manual line management, such as unhappy customers, dispute between customers, line jumpers, etc. This distracted them from their primary tasks, it also make your staff unsatisfied. They always feel over-burdened and despite working so hard they still have to hear a lot of complaints from the customers.

If you want to Improve Staff Efficiency

However, the digital queue management system have advanced capabilities to automatically control customer flow and manage customer journey. Which significantly reduces the work load of the staff. The staff can utilize this free time to focus on their primary tasks. Once your staff will be happy and satisfied they will be able to deliver the satisfactory services. If a happy and active employee will greet your customer at the service counter it will automatically improve the customer interaction. On top of that the queue management system is also capable of monitoring and measuring various staff KPIs which are very helpful for the business for better resource management. Collectively all these factors contributes to achieve higher staff efficiency and enable an employee to serve more customers with good quality service in a single shift. This increase the profitability and operational capabilities of the business.

Read More: Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired RSI Queue Management System

If you want to Collect Customer Feedback more Effectively

The customer feedback provides a very important data which help businesses to understand their customers and provide them deeper insight to the effectiveness of the existing business processes and methodologies. The customer feedback is also very important as it gives customers an impression that the business wants to listen to them and they are very important for their favorite brand. The business and customer relationship is very delicate, it requires continuous nourishing and the customer feedback is a great tool to understand brand perception in the customer’s minds. There are several different types of customer feedback systems available, however the most effective method is to take feedback immediately after delivering the service via a queue management system integration. The modern day queue management systems have either in-built customer feedback collection module or either they are integrated with the customer feedback system.

If you want to Collect Customer Feedback more Effectively

Whatever the case is, the best time to collect customer feedback is immediately after the service delivery. The benefits of integrating the customer feedback with the queue management system is that it can provide quicker customer feedback collection with higher response rates. The businesses can easily integrate the queue management system with the customer data base, the agent dashboard can easily provide the customer identification details hence the customer feedback submission become very simple. All a customer needs is to just answer a few questions and that is it. The queue management system will automatically link the feedback to the customer. Later if the business wants to follow up with the customers they will be able to do so. The customer feedback provide crucial information about the market trend, customer behavior, their expectations, their needs and their problems. Such data is very helpful in improving the future strategies and taking actions to resolve customer’s problems.

Read More: Why should you adopt queue management systems?

If you want to Gather Business Intelligence Data

The customer feedback data is also a part of the broader business intelligence. The business intelligence data can come from various sources, such as it could be form the self-service sign-up kiosk providing the information about the most requested services, customer churn rate, most liked and popular services and vice versa.The queue management system can also collect intensive data about the customer flow and customer journey, for example, how much an average time is required to serve a single customer or how long does it take a customer to complete its customer journey or which service require how much time to fulfill, etc. Such information are very helpful in highlighting the flaws and issues in the various touch points of the customer journey. The businesses can extract reports and data from business intelligence.

If you want to Gather Business Intelligence Data

The queue management system provides an in-built data analytical engine and reporting module which is very helpful to generate reports for different levels of the management and different types of audience. These reports can highlight the areas of improvements and accurately assess the effectiveness of current policies and mechanisms. Business can make informed decisions on the bases of reports extracted from the business intelligence data and they can form their future strategies and do changes to ensure the ultimate level of customer satisfaction will be achieved.

Read More: 5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System

If you want to Increase Profitability and Growth

Every business’s goal is to increase profitability and growth. A queue management system help businesses to automate the customer journey and it can also eliminate some steps from the customer journey and it is quite capable of facilitating the service delivery process. It help easing the staff and let them focus on their primary job roles and allow them to be more productive. The staff satisfaction is also very important. When the customer journey is optimized and customers will have to do less wait and their waiting experience is also engaging and stress-free, they will arrive at the counter with calm mind and good mood. On the other hand the employee will also be aided by the queue management system and they will also be able to greet them in a good manner. This will trigger a positive vibe will make the entire interaction more friendly and satisfactory.

If you want to Increase Profitability and Growth

The customer feedback and business intelligence data can further allow the business to assess and evaluate their practices and methodologies and can guide them to develop in the right direction by making informed decisions and accurate assessments. These features of a queue management system are very helpful in increasing the profitability, intelligent resource management, reduction in cost and per service expenses and utilizing the resources at their full potential. The customer happiness and satisfaction lead to increased customer loyalty and positive brand identity. The loyal customers are tend to be good brand advocate. Studies have shown that it is nine to thirteen time less expensive to sell to an existing customer than acquiring a new customers. Moreover the positive brand reputation help yielding better ROIs from the marketing and communication activities. Which help driving a long term sustainable growth.

Read More: Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology


The manual queuing have a lot of problems, it put burden on the staff and overall the entire business, it ruins the customer experience and prolonged customer journey. The long wait time and poor customer experience repel customers form the brand and harm bran reputation. Which lead to increased marketing cost and made it more difficult to attract new customers. A digital queue management system on the other hand can completely transform the customer journey with highly organized queues and smoother customer flow, the customer journey shortens moreover it improve the waiting experience. A queue management system also reduce stress from the staff and help improving employee performance. Which also have a positive impact on customer experience and increase customer happiness. Businesses can effectively improve customer satisfaction and increase customer retention. The customer loyalty help building positive brand reputation and also attract more customers. A queue management system can facilitate the entire customer journey and the service delivery which reduce per service cost and improve profitability. The business intelligence and customer satisfaction help business to build a positive brand reputation and drive sustainable long term growth. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need a queue management system or want to learn more, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: How The Technology Improve Your Business Using the Queue Management System?

How The Technology Improve Your Business Using the Queue Management System?

The technology is always helping businesses and enterprises to boost their performance, improve their productivity and profitability and to ensure the ultimate customer satisfaction. Everything here is connected to each other, the operational efficiency lead to good performance the good performance results in higher profitability and customer satisfaction which in long term help building good reputation and a positive brand identity, which is also very helpful in retaining the existing customers and acquiring the new ones. It is a kind of loop and the queue management system is the center point for this perpetual loop. Business and enterprises in Dubai and all around the UAE are considered to be fairly advance and high-tech, they are intensively relying on modern technologies and innovative solutions. The country is known to be among the most technologically advanced nations in the world.

How The Technology Improve Your Business Using the Queue Management System?

Whoever is living in Dubai or any other part of the UAE must have had an interaction with technology while dealing with a business or enterprise. The technology is everywhere, the smartphone based solutions, self-service and the digital solutions are widely used to improve customer experience and customer journey. Especially the service based sectors are heavily relying on queue management systems to manage their customer flow and customer journey. The queue management systems are a great tool to maximize the operational capabilities with less resources and expenses and they queue management systems are also very helpful in providing an excellent customer journey and enhanced customer experience.

Here are some key benefits of the queue management systems and technology:

Queue Management Systems Reduce Wait Time

The most important factor in any customer journey is the time. How much a customer will have to wait to get served and how much time the service delivery takes will determine the level of customer satisfaction and customer happiness. There are two types of wait time, one is the actual wait time and the other is the perceived wait time. The actual wait time is the actual amount of time it requires from signing-up for the queue to getting the service and exiting the premises. However, the perceive wait time is what a customer feels the wait time is. Usually when managing the queues and customer flow manually with the help of the staff the customers and visitors don’t have any clarity on how long it will going to take them to wait to get served. This makes the wait time feel like more than what it actually is. Customers and visitors always tend to perceive wait time value a lot more than the actual wait time. However when a business of enterprise is managing the customer flow and queues with a digital queue management system this perception is reduced. The customers have more clarity and they know the lines and the flow is managed properly with the help of technology so the wait time will be less.

Queue Management Systems Reduce Wait Time

Moreover the queue management systems also provide an estimated value of the remaining time which is either printed on the ticket itself or either shown on the digital signage or both. This also have a very positive psychological effect on customers’ minds. The fear of unknown is in-built in human brains, when we don’t know about the future we got stress hormones released, which ruin the waiting experience. So with the help of the technology the queue management systems can reduce these types of psychological factors and improve the customer experience and customer journey. Furthermore when the queue management systems are used the entire customer flow is managed digitally and automatically, so the customer flow is quicker, the agents and staff are freed from extra work required to manage the queues, which increase their performance and further reduce the wait time. It is an estimate that an average customers start getting stress after thirteen minutes of wait time. With the help of technology the strass and wait time both can be reduced. The businesses and enterprises have two solutions either they increase the counters, which is extremely expensive or in some cases impossible, the alternate is a technology-enabled efficient queue management system.

Queue Management System Automate Customer Journey

The queue management systems are built on a very smart technology, it can easily drive automation and efficiency. With the help of a queue management system the businesses can easily automate the entire customer journey. In a customer journey after the wait time the next important thing that affects the customer experience is the customer flow. If the customer flow is inefficient it will not only waste a lot of time but it will also create other problems. For a simple and small queuing requirements the customer flow is fairly simple. But in case of a complex facility, where there are multiple counters and multiple queues the customer flow and customer routing become more complex. A queue management system is not only capable of managing such scenarios with better efficiency but it is also helpful in improving staff performance too.

Queue Management System Automate Customer Journey

The queue management system has an interactive sign-up self-service kiosk. Which enlists all of the available services, the customer can choose appropriate service from there and get themselves signed-up for that particular queue. Hence they will always wait in the right queue and there could be no confusion whatsoever. Furthermore in some scenarios some businesses offer stepped-services, these services are delivered in multiple steps. In order to get a single service delivery a customer will have to go to multiple counters/agents. These are called stepped services. A queue management system is quite capable of handling such scenarios. In addition to that the queue management system can also take real-time decision, for example, the queue management system can effectively re-route or balance load for different counters. If a counter is quicker than the other, it means it can handle more customers in a single shift, so the load can be managed accordingly, the ultimate goal is to maintain a unified customer journey and customer experience for all customers and improve efficiency.

Queue Management System Improve Employee Efficiency

The employee efficiency is vital for any business or enterprise. If your employees are not working on their full potential then you are bleeding resources and revenue. This will harm you badly and it could be very dangerous in long term. The employee efficiency is not only improved by training, there are a lot many other factors too. For example if the queues are managed manually then the employees will have to work on the queues and managing the customers too. This will distract them from their primary tasks and they would be exhausted soon, so when a customer will reach to them they could be either occupied or either exhausted and most likely fail to provide good quality service. Which will impact the customer experience and customer journey too. In fact it has double effect on that. One is the customers will also be stressed and anxious due to poorly managed queues and other such problems, then they will meet with the employees who are also distracted and occupied, this will have impact their interaction very badly and the chances are the employee will end up unhappy and unsatisfied.

Queue Management System Improve Employee Efficiency

However, with the help of queue management system technology, the customer journey can be automated and managed by the system which will free the employees from additional work, it will keep them highly focused on their primary tasks. It will also improve customer flow and reduce wait time, the highly managed queues and other benefits of the queue management system such as improved waiting experience will make the customer happy and when they will reach at the counter they will be welcomed by very active and alert employee who will provide them excellent service, the customers will leave happy and satisfied and they will have a great perception of the brand in their minds. This will boost their loyalty and help business to establish a good brand reputation. The positive brand identity and good reputation not only build good relationships with the customers but it also help businesses in acquiring new customers with more ease and less cost. The loyal customers are also tend to be a good brand advocate, which is also very helpful for promoting the brand and it improves conversion rate.

Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback

The customer feedback collection technology is not new. When it is integrated with a queue management system it can provide great advantages. There are separate different ways to collect customer feedback the most effective way is to collect the customer feedback immediately after they had an interaction with a business. When businesses and enterprises ask their customers to share their experiences and feedbacks with them, the customers feel important and like to know they are being listened to. That has a very pleasant impact on the business customer relation and it increase customer loyalty. When a business start collecting customer feedback and take actions to address their problems and concerns the business automatically gain the trust of its customers and the customers start relying on them even more. The customer feedback is very important for understanding the customer’s mind, their problems, their needs, their expectations and market trends. Businesses can also utilize the customer feedback to assess and evaluate their policies, processes and methodologies.

Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback

The customer feedback is also very helpful in highlighting the areas of improvement and it provide a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Businesses can improve their products and services on the bases of customer feedback and they can make policies and change their practices in order to facilitate the customers and to make their experience more pleasant and attractive. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are heavily investing in their infrastructure, training programs and improvements in their products and services, the only thing that most of the businesses overlooked is to know what the customers are thinking about all those efforts? This is very crucial for a business’s success. The customer feedback is the best way to evaluate and assess all those efforts and investments and the queue management system is the most efficient tool to collect highly accurate customer feedback data with higher customer response rate.

Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback

Usually when a business collects customer feedback by different mediums the biggest problem businesses face is the low customer response rate. Whether it is NPS Score, CES Score, CSAT Surveys or general purpose customer surveys the problem with all of them is the low response rate. Earlier businesses are collecting the customer feedback via their call centers, which is very expensive and it also happen to have low response rate, then businesses start using SMS, Emails, Websites and other tools, all of them had one issue, low customer response rate. One of the main reason of low response rate is the length of the survey, if customers are being asked to provide their contact details and other information before or after the feedback they usually quit the survey, there are several reasons for that. However when a customer feedback system is integrated with a queue management system it doesn’t require that, in fact the queue management system can automatically identify the customers by comparing the customer details from the service counter and the time of the feedback. As the customer feedback is collected through touch screens and tablets which are placed on each counters so the system can exactly know at what time which customers was there and who have submitted the feedback, this significantly increase the customer response rate and such scenario also provide more accurate feedback data.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence

The modern day queue management systems are equipped with high-tech tools and latest technologies, which are not only just managing the customer flow but are literally transforming the customer journey and customer experience, on top of that the queue management systems are also providing a great source of business intelligence which help business in decision making and helping them to easily understand their customers’ needs and expectations. The queue management systems can easily collect business intelligence data from all touch points and they can also measure the employee KPIs and other indicators to provide a clear picture of the performance of the system, employees and other factors involve in the customer journey. All these data points and customer feedbacks collective form business intelligence data which can be linked to other enterprise tools and systems to link them to the central information center.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence

All modern day queue management systems have in-built data analytical and processing technology which help businesses to compile actionable reports from the business intelligence data. These reports can be extracted in various different formats as per the needs. These business intelligence data and reports enable the business to immediately understand and highlight any problem and let them make informed decisions. Furthermore the queue management systems come with in-built tools which help business to set triggers on certain events, automate report generation and sharing on the bases of the requirements and their internal work flow. For example the branch manager will be provided with a monthly report at the end of each month, the supervisor can receive weekly reports, and the head office can schedule quarterly reports and so on. These tools and functionalities are very helpful for the management and provide them real-time progress and performance updates.

System Integration with Queue Management System

The system integration is a very powerful technology it enables two completely different systems to share data with each other. Mainly the system integration is used to improve efficiency and to ensure each and every system user is being provided with the latest data and updates. In case of a queue management system the system integration is mainly done to share customer data, reports and feedbacks with other departments and management. For example there is a business with multiple branches and one head office, the head office creates and controls the company policy and push it to all the branches. This requires a centralized control and management, which almost all modern queue management system offers. This enables the head office to monitor and manage all of their branches in real-time. For example the head office want to add a new services and want to make it available on all of the branches, the queue management system allow the head office to add that service to each self-service queue sign-up kiosk and so on. Moreover the system integration also allow the queue management system to fetch or push data to the central information center or any other business tools or enterprise system.

System Integration with Queue Management System

The data integration allow the businesses and enterprises to offer innovative solutions and customize the queue management system and in fact the entire customer journey as per their very specific requirements. This is what distinguishes a business from the competitors and provide their customers with a unique and excellent customer journey and customer experience. The queue management system’s data sharing and system integration also allow the businesses to improve the service delivery process. The self-service queue sing-up kiosk can be equipped with technologies which allow the business to identify the customers at the very first step of their journey which is the sign-up for the queue. This can be done by EID reader, Facial Recognition, Biometrics, Barcode/QR Code, RFID or many other different ways. The customer identification enables the queue management system to automatically push the customer details and data to the agent/server dashboard hence the agent don’t have to do that, this skip the data entry step or customer identification step from the service delivery and make it more quicker and smoother. Which have a very pleasant effect on customer happiness and customer satisfaction.


The technology is transforming our daily lives, so does the businesses and market trends. A queue management system is an essential tool for service based industries and business sectors. The queue management system technology have evolved over the past few years. The modern day queue management systems do a lot more than just managing the queues. The queue management systems have evolved into a customer journey transformation tool. The queue management systems reduce the wait time, improve service delivery process, improve customer experience and ensure ultimate customer satisfaction. The queue management systems are also very helpful in improving employee performance. Businesses can collect vital business intelligence data from queue management system such as system usage details, queuing stats, employee KPIs, busy hours details, popular products and services, customer feedback and much more.

Furthermore, this data is processed and analyzed by the high-tech in-built software analytical engine to compile highly accurate actionable reports. Which help businesses in evaluating various aspects of the customer journey and performance and also enables them to highlight the areas of improvement. With the added benefits of system integration and remote management for the higher management and head office the queue management systems are incomparable. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need help in customer journey transformation or want to implement a new solution, feel free to reach us through our Contact Us  page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

One of the biggest challenge for business in Dubai, UAE and all around the world is to provide a great customer experience and customer journey. However, the reality is no one likes to wait in long lines, people often think that waiting in long queues is a waste of time. People thinks that the businesses and brands who failed to reduce the wait time or long queues don’t care much about their customers. Business too could have a very negative perception about the wait time, often businesses think that the wait time can’t be reduced or can’t be reduced more than a certain level. However, that is not the case. The customer wait time can be reduced significantly by proven methods and technologies. The virtual queuing is one of them. It is the most effective queue management system type which help in reducing the wait time. The virtual queue management systems are very effective in managing the customer flow and they also help improving customer experience.

Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

The effective customer flow management also improves employee efficiency which also help improving customer experience. The primary goal of having any queue management system is to make your customers happy and satisfied. Only the satisfied customers are loyal to the brand. The unhappy customers will immediately switch to others as soon as they got another option. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the competition is too high, customers have a lot of option. The customer expectations are also very high and the customer retention is very difficult. A virtual queue management system is a very helpful tool in improving customer satisfaction hence it improves customer retention too. The loyal customers act as a strong foundation for the business. The business can build their future on that base. If a business keep on losing existing customers then they will have to invest more in acquiring new customers and studies have shown that acquiring new customers could be 8 to 12 times expensive then selling to the existing customers. That is why the queue management system is extremely important for any business. Here are top 10 benefits of the virtual queue management system:

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 1: Reduce Wait Time

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 1: Reduce Wait Time

The virtual queue management systems can significantly reduce the wait time. In fact the virtual queuing is the only queuing method that can promise to completely eliminate the wait time. Thanks to the remote sign-up, smartphone apps, the other features of the virtual queue management, the customers can be booked a spot in the waiting line (virtual queues) and the estimated time of their turn is given to them, which allow them the freedom to spend their time in other activities or arrive at the branch at the very exact time of their turn. The customers can also schedule a visit or book an appointment at the time of their convenience which also add value to customer journey and customer experience. If customers and visitors will have to wait in the long queues inside the branch then the staff could also get overloaded, as they will have to manage the crowd too along with their primary tasks, which further prolonged the wait time and harm the customer satisfaction.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 2:Remote Sign-Up

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 2:Remote Sign-Up

The remote sign-up improve customer experience and provide them freedom to sign-up remotely for the physical queue. That is not all, with the virtual queue management system the customers and visitors can also wait elsewhere, they are not required to wait physically in the queues, instead they are placed in a virtual queue and their number called as they were physically present in the physical queue. The virtual sign-ups can be done through various mediums and methods for example, Queue Management System Smartphone Apps, Online Appointment Booking System, Website, Customer Portals, Email, SMS, Call, etc. When a customer or visitor is remotely signed-up using any medium they have been issued an e-ticket or mobile ticket which is their position in the queue. Along with that mobile ticket they are also given the estimated time of their turn along with the counter number. This helps them to plan their arrival accordingly and save a lot of wait time.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 3:Prevents Crowd

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 3:Prevents Crowd

The crowd and congestion in the branch can have big impact on customer journey and customer churn rate. Customers often leave when they see crowd or too long queues, in addition to that it also put more burden on the staff and management and it is harder to manage crowd. Customers and visitors usually avoid reaching out to staff or spending much time in conversation with the staff when they see a lot of people waiting in the queue or when there is a crowd. This can prevent new sales as well as it will leave your customers unsatisfied. Some customers and visitors often left without getting serve or purchase due to crowd and too much congestion. But a virtual queue management system provides the facility to arrive just in time and immediately get served, which means there will be no congestion or crowd formation, the customers and visitors will be comfortable and the staff can also focus on primary tasks rather managing crowd. The staff performance get improved and they deliver better quality service.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 4: Implement Social Distancing Easily

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 4: Implement Social Distancing Easily

Implementing social distancing is mandatory for all public places and offices. If you appoint staff to prevent people from entering into the store/branch then the crowd could form outside the store/branch. People also don’t like such practices. But with the help of a virtual queue management system the customer journey can be made contactless, the management can easily control the number of active queues and can easily prevent congestion. The management can also limit the number of active queues in a way to ensure the social distancing which will protect the customers and visitors as well as the staff.

Businesses and stores in Dubai and all around the UAE are only permitted to have a certain percentage of the full capacity of hosting the number of customers and visitors at a time. Which makes it very hard when managed manually, but with a virtual queue management system the system can be configured to ensure the number of customers and visitors will not exceed that limit. Moreover the virtual queue management system also provide direct communication channels to the customers which makes it easier to send instructions and notifications to the customers and visitors. This helps maintaining the social distancing and implementing other company policies with ease and accuracy.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 5: Improve Employee Efficiency

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 5: Improve Employee Efficiency

The major factors that reduce the staff efficiency are the crowd formation and unbalanced work load. If there is congestion then the employees will have to stay on the counter all the time and they couldn’t spare time for off-the-counter tasks. Which is a big reason of employee work deficiency. Moreover when the customers are coming through a bad customer journey the employee may focus more on a single customer to make them happy and satisfied and for that a single employee will have to spend more time on a single customer. This reduces their daily capacity of handling customers and visitors.

But when the number of customers are controlled and the customer flow is managed by a virtual queue management system there could be no crowd formation, the work load of the employee also get reduced, they can have small breaks too, which significantly improve their productivity and capacity to work. Another great advantage of the virtual queuing is that it can provide basic information and data of the customer beforehand through the agent portal/dashboard which really expedite the service delivery process and increase the capacity of the employees to serve more customers in a single shift.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 6:Integration with Smartphone Apps

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 6:Integration with Smartphone Apps

Virtual queue management system also integrates smartphone apps to improve customer journey and customer experience. The customers can get the e-ticket or mobile-ticket from the smartphone applications. The easy sign-up process and is one of the main advantage of the virtual queue management systems. The business can also easily communicate with their customers using the smartphone apps. The live queuing data and ticket information can be published on the smartphone applications. The alerts, notifications and queuing information make sure the customer can easily reach in time to get the service delivered with very little or almost no wait time. The smartphone applications integration also provide other useful information and functionalities such as branch locator, branch details, nearest branch or least busy branches and so on. Moreover the smartphone applications can also be used for various other purposes such as making online payments, submitting customer feedback and much more.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 7:Collect Customer Feedback Easily

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 7:Collect Customer Feedback Easily

The customer Feedback is a very important piece of information for any business. As businesses often spend thousands upon thousands on solutions and system aiming to improve customer journey and customer satisfaction, it is crucial to understand how your all efforts are going. The best way is to let your customers talk to you, let them identify the areas of improvements and let them tell you what do they expect from you. The customer feedback system comes as an additional module to virtual queue management system. The businesses can utilize this module to collect various types of customer feedback such as NPS (Net Promoter Score), Customer Effort Score, Customer Satisfaction store and much more. The feedback can be collected via smartphone apps, SMS, emails, online links, etc. The feedback data is very helpful in identifying the areas of improvement. It help businesses to understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is also very helpful in evaluating employee performance, customer journey, business practices, product/service quality and a lot more.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 8:Cost Reduction and Profitability

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 8:Cost Reduction and Profitability

The virtual queue management systems can be very helpful for business in cost reduction and improving profitability. The less wait time, enhanced customer journey, quick service delivery, and employee performance can significantly increase the overall operational capabilities and work efficiency of the branch/store. This means with the same amount of resources the business can serve more customers with better work quality. Hence per service delivery cost is automatically reduced. Moreover as the entire customer flow and customer journey is managed by the virtual queue management system, businesses can automate various business processes. The automatic customer flow management, reduced customer numbers in the branch and efficient customer journey reduce the work load of the employee and improve their efficiency, these all factors collectively results in less cost per service delivery. Either the business can use the same resources to serve more customers or can adjust the resources as per the needs to minimize the cost. In each case the per service delivery cost get reduced significantly and the profitability get increased.

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 9: System Integration and Central Management

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 9: System Integration and Central Management

Another great advantage of the virtual queue management system is that it is very flexible towards integration with other tools, systems and third party software. The system is usually hosted online, which means that connecting all the branches to the head-office is very simple. The virtual queue management system can be integrated with smartphone applications, online appointment booking module, CRM (Customer Relationship Management tools), Customer Feedback and Survey Modules, CLM (Customer Loyalty Program), ERP, Sales System, Enterprise Performance Management System and much more. The integration is usually achieved using APIs, which is a very secure and efficient technology. This high connectivity also enables the head-office to monitor and control (if needed) any connected branch. All the real-time monitoring data and queuing stats are available for the head-office, branch manager or anyone else who is authorized to access them. The central management is very important as businesses usually scale, and require to add branches and counters.

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Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 10: Reporting, KPIs and Business Intelligence

Virtual Queue Management System Benefit No. 10: Reporting, KPIs and Business Intelligence

The virtual queue management system is capable of capturing data at all touch points in the customer journey along with various other KPIs (key performance indicators). As the system is integrated with smartphone applications and customer feedback modules, it also collect various types of statistical data from these two interfaces. The KPIs are important to assess various customer journey steps and the employee performance. The customer feedback is very important and can be used for evaluating the entire business operation. Moreover the system is also capable of collecting stats and fetching data from other connected systems and tools. Collectively these all data streams forms and sophisticated matrices of analytical and statistical data which is called business intelligence.

Such data is very important for the management to assess and evaluate their ongoing business process, methodologies and the entire infrastructure. It also includes the evaluation of the products and services. A good queue management system always have an in-built data analytical and statistical tool, which can compile this data in the form of actionable reports. The management can use these reports to improve their strategies, methods and processes. With the help of such reports the management can easily make informed decision which can help them to improve the entire business operations for future.

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For the businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE the virtual queue management system is a great tool keep up with the latest trends while maintaining the highest level of operational efficiency. The virtual queue management systems enables a business to effectively control the customer flow and also allow the customers and visitors to sign-up remotely through the easy remote sign-up channels. The crowd prevention, automatic customer flow management and automation of various customer journey steps reduced the work load of the employees, which improve employee performance and efficiency. Only the basic features of the virtual queue management systems can effectively reduce the per service delivery cost and on top of that the businesses can also customize the virtual queue management systems to further improve their efficiency and profitability. The system integration via APIs, smartphone apps, customer feedback system module and central management are the key features of a virtual queue management system. RSI Concepts is a leading name in Queue Management System providers in Dubai, UAE. Feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below to learn more about our queue management systems and solutions.

Check out this blog: Why Business Need Mobile Apps along with Classic Queue Management System?

Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

The virtual queue management system allows the customer to sign-up for a virtual queue without being present at a physical spot in the actual queue. This provides the freedom of waiting anywhere rather than standing in the long queue or sitting inside the waiting area. As we know the COVID-19 situation in the past year had led to enormous changes in our business practices and also in our daily lives. Social distancing and other precautions have become a norm now. The entire world had adopted and accepted the new lifestyle, although the COVID-19 is about to end the health consciousness that we have developed will surely going to help us lead a healthy life. This also causes an irreversible change in the business practices and methodologies and of course these all factors have changed the customer’s expectations and demands.

Business and organizations are innovating new methods and adopting high-tech solutions to satisfy their customers. Dubai and overall UAE are considered to be the pioneer of introducing the technologically advanced solution to not only GCC but to the entire world. For example, the Dubai Government have recently introduced contactless immigration gates at Dubai Airport, the passengers can do the process without even taking out their passports and Emirate IDs, all is contact-less, thanks to the forward-thinking of our leaders and the government entities involved in ensuring public health and safety. This is a great example of utilizing technology for the betterment of humanity.

The virtual queue management system has also gained popularity and we are witnessing a huge rise is virtual queuing solutions all over the country. The main objective was of course to maximize the customer experience and to improve the customer journey but it is also helping the businesses and organizations to develop trust among the customer’s and visitor’s to encourage them to visit the branches and offices by offering them social distancing and controlled environment inside the branch to ensure the health and safety. These features along with additional tools are very helpful for organizations to improve their customer experience and collect business intelligence to understand the new trends their customers’ needs and expectations.

Here are some of the benefits of a virtual queue management system:

Easy Customer Flow Management with Virtual Queue Management

Easy Customer Flow Management with Virtual Queue Management

The virtual queue allows your customers and visitors to sign-up for the queue while being away from the branch or office. There are several methods that can be provided to enable this functionality. The main advantage of having a virtual queue option for the customer is that they don’t have to be physically present at the branch. This means the customers can wait anywhere they want, or simply they can arrive at the branch at the very exact time their turn is. This requires an intelligent software engine that can accurately estimate the on-going queue activities to estimate the exact time for a particular customer and it should also be able to provide that information to your customers via any mean such as Email, SMS, in-app notifications, automated customer calls, etc. This helps the staff to easily manage and limit the number of customers in the branch to prevent crowed. It reduces workload and improve service delivery efficiency and also service quality.

See More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Provide Remote Sign-up
Provide Remote Sign-up

Remote sign-up and mobile ticketing are the basics of virtual queue management systems. The customers can be provided with a platform that allows them to sign-up for a particular queue without being physically arriving at the branch. The remote sing-ups can be done through various methods, for example, SMS, Call, Email, website or web portal, and smartphone applications. Each method has different applications and can provide different helpful information to your customers and visitors. For example, if your customers are signing-up from an online portal or website, you can also provide them with information about the busy hours, or a total number of queues for the day or even for the entire week, so that your customers can freely choose an appropriate time. This enables your staff to control and manage the visitors and customers easily from their agent dashboard.

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Provide Mobile Ticketing

Provide Mobile Ticketing

The mobile-ticketing is a kind of new phenomenon, as we all know in a country like UAE who have a very advanced society with the latest technology in reach of everyone, the basic behaviour of the customers and even the general public got changed due to the vast integration of technology and IT in a common man’s life. Here in Dubai, we have witnessed that most people spend more time on mobile devices than on conventional computers while surfing the internet, using social media and communicating. This is why businesses and organizations should provide a mobile compatible communication channel to further facilitate their customers. Mobile ticketing reduces the work pressure on your staff and improves service quality and service delivery efficiency.

Mobile ticketing can be achieved by two methods, one is pretty simple and traditional which is SMS, and the second is more high-tech and advanced which is smartphone applications. Our virtual queue management system can also provide smartphone applications based dashboards to let your customers sign-up for the virtual queue from their smartphones. All the real-time updates and information can be provided within the smartphone applications, and various notification can be enabled for their queues, such as Push-Notifications, In-App notifications, SMS and Emails.

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Provide QR Code Based Virtual Sign-ups and Virtual Queues

Provide QR Code Based Virtual Sign-ups and Virtual Queues

Another simple yet effective method for virtual queuing is to utilize the QR Codes. The QR Codes can be placed in various places such as the entrance of the building, parking lots, or at the gate of the office or branch, or even at remote locations as well. The customers and visitors can come and scan the QR code, the QR code will take them to a page, which will allow them to choose the required service, and then a mobile-ticket will be issued, along with the estimated time of their turn. Then the customers can decide if they want to wait in the car, or outside, or at their home, or elsewhere, this will also prevent crowding at the facility. Customers can be notified via email, SMS or notifications about their turn. The agents and staff have full control over allowing how many customers they can have for today or for any point in time to ensure better service delivery and improved customer experience.

See More: Benefits of using Queuing System in Hospitals

Significant Reduction in Wait Time

Significant Reduction in Wait Time

One of the biggest advantages of having a virtual queue management system is that it literally eliminates the wait time or reduce it to a minimum. This help the business and organizations to establish good relationships with their customers as well as it also helps to improve staff efficiency. As the customers and visitors have freedom of singing-up remotely. IT means they are not bound to physically be present at the branch to wait in the physical queues. In the service-based industry, one of the biggest problems is the wait time, it, directly and indirectly, hurts the brand reputation.

For example, there is a customer waiting for almost an hour in the waiting area, he is already annoyed, he went to a counter where an agent has already dealt with around 50 customers till now and is still watching around 50 more in the waiting area, although the agents and staff are well trained still they are human, they will going to feel the pressure of the workload. This scenario could lead to the relatively poor performance of the entire branch and of course unhappy customers, which could ruin the brand reputation. So a reduction in wait time not only benefit your customers but also helps businesses to attain a maximum efficiency of their staff and altogether it results in superior service quality and great customer experience.

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Better Communication

Better Communication

A virtual queue management system not only improves service delivery and customer flow management but also has the potential to provide a great communication channel to your customers. Especially the online queuing, web portal, and smartphone applications can provide a direct interface to communicate with your customers directly. They not only help streamline the customer flow at the pre-service time but after the service delivery, the businesses and organizations can utilize the same platforms to collect customers’ feedback. Which can provide valuable business insight to help the organization and businesses to further improve their services, service delivery mechanisms and much more. The customers can be provided with real-time updates on various platforms which enable them to monitor their queue in real-time and it further helps reducing the wait time.

When the customers are requested to opine or comment about their experience and service quality, they feel a sense of care and trust. It is not necessary that all of your customers will provide you with the feedback but it is certain that all of them will be going to appreciate it. This help establishing a trust factor among the brand and the customers and it also helps to improve the repute of the brand. The data collected from customers’ feedback is extremely important too, it helps business and organizations to understand the market trends, their customers’ expectations and preferences.

See More: Queue Management System for Vaccination Centers in UAE

Collect Valuable Business Intelligence

Collect Valuable Business Intelligence

A queue management system makes it a lot easier to capture valuable statistical and usage data, customer feedback and tracking of KPIs (key performance indicators). Whether it is a virtual queue management system or any other simple digital queuing solution in order to meet the minimum industry standards it should be able to provide comprehensive reporting and customer data. Now, when it comes to the virtual queue management system, the data capturing and customer data collections become a lot easier and more efficient. As different modules, such as virtual sign-ups, customers portals and interfaces, mobile applications and other features help to improve customer happiness and satisfaction on the other hand the utilization of all these features allow the business and organizations to capture more data and prepare actionable reports. These reports and usage data can offer a completely different level of business intelligence without any additional cost. The organizations and businesses can use that business intelligence for:

  1. Understanding Market Trends
  2. Customers’ Likes and Dislikes
  3. Customers’ Expectations
  4. Customers’ Feedback
  5. Staff Efficiency
  6. Branch Performance
  7. Products/Services Improvements
  8. Decision Making
  9. Strategy Formation
  10. Implementing Business Strategies and Policies

The collection of valuable and actionable data could play a crucial role in a business’s overall growth. The business growth not only depends upon getting more customers but it also heavily relies on sustaining the existing customers and maintaining a good brand reputation. With a virtual queue management system, this all could be achieved very easily if the organization effectively use the data in their strategy and decision-making process.

See More: Benefits of Queue Management using Mobile Apps

Third-Party System Integration and Data Synchronization

Third-Party System Integration and Data Synchronization

It is very obvious that all organizations and businesses have corporate tools, ERPs, CRM, and other solutions. Our virtual queue management system is completely supportive of system integration via Web Services/APIs. The data can be pulled out of the central information centre as well as the data can be pushed to other systems. The reports, KPIs and other usage and statistical data can be linked and synchronized with other third-party tools and corporate systems easily. This further improves the usability of our virtual queue management system and help organizations to easily manage the system.

See More: Queue System working in Government Departments

Help Maintaining Social Distancing

Help Maintaining Social Distancing

Our virtual queue management system help organizations and businesses to maintain social distancing at their branch by proving flexible controls to the staff to control the number of customers inside the branch by limiting and controlling the customer flow. Moreover as the virtual queuing enables the customers and visitors to sign-up remotely, hence they don’t necessarily have to wait inside the branch. Which automatically help the staff to keep the number of visitors and customers to a certain level. As we all know the government of UAE and regional governments have zero-tolerance policies for social distancing which is another reason why UAE was considered among the best countries to effectively fighting the COVIS-19 scenarios. The virtual queue management system also helps business and organizations to implement social distancing policies effectively and efficiently.

See More: The Leading Queue Management System Provider in UAE


Without effective customer flow management, the wait time extends, and it could extend to a level where your customers can start getting annoyed, anxious and depressed, which could completely ruin the customer experience and can eventually result in a bad brand reputation. It not only affects the customers but when there is confusion among the queues, people are reaching to wrong counters, the waiting areas are full, the staff will get going to waste their energies in managing the queue and sorting out the problems which could 100% be avoided by using an effective and efficient queue management system. And when a virtual queue management system is used, it not only streamlines the customer flow, but it reduces the workload of the staff, maximizes the customer experience and shortens the customer journey, the automation, data capturing functionalities and advance KPIs tracking could provide a vital business intelligence which could potentially revolutionize the customer flow management and customer experience.

When your customers are satisfied and happy, they will go to promote you, it will establish brand trust and positive brand identity which will further attract more customers. The virtual queue management system is not only helping in enhancing customer experience but also help to unlock the maximum potential of your staff. The complete system, when compared to the returns over the investments, is a very cost-effective solution and thanks to the latest technologies the overall system’s operational cost and maintenance cost is also very low.

We at RSI Concepts are helping our customers in finding out completely customizable solutions for their specific needs and requirements. That is not all, the data capturing, business intelligence gathering, KPIs tracking and customer feedback collection are also completely customizable. Which not only make our system more adaptable but also significantly improve the ROI. If you have any question or you want to enquire about our Virtual Queue Management System, please feel free to reach us out through the below comment box or contact us using our Contact Us page.

Check out this: 10 Reasons to Choose RSI Queue Management System over Other Similar Products