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Leveraging Big Data in Custom Software Development

With the advancement of IT and the in-depth integration of digital solutions in our lives, the business landscape has completely transformed. Especially over the past two decades. Now a days’ people are talking about AI and Robotic taking over traditional production facilities and other business activities. This is the evidence of profound impact of digital and information technology on traditional business operations. The entire digital and computer technology revolves around data, the data in fact is the bloodline of these modern technologies. The software solutions have a program or source code, which dictates its functionalities, these software collect, store and analyze the data which translates into their functionalities and features.

These functionalities simplify human-user’s work and drive efficiency. When it comes to software solutions there are two ways, the COTS or Commercial Off-the-shelf Software and the custom software development. The customized software solutions tend to be more productive, impactful and easy-to-use and integrate. Therefore businesses are opting for custom software development instead of going for ready made solutions. In this blog we will discuss the role of big data in custom software development and its impact on user experience.

Leveraging Big Data in Custom Software Development
Leveraging Big Data in Custom Software Development

What is Big Data and what is its Role in Custom Software Development?

The concept of big data is very simple to understand, it is a very large volume of data which contains, structured, non-structured and partially or semi-structured data which also keep increasing. With the first generation of software or traditional software application, collecting, storing, and analyzing data at such a large volume, diversity, and velocity is not possible. This lead businesses to either adopt to specialized tools, or build intermediary apps to bridge this gap.

However, with traditional software development practices businesses won’t be able to achieve and from cost prospective it is also not desirable. Hence businesses need to integrate big data within their custom software development to ensure ultimate performance, productivity and cost-efficacy. In this blog we will discuss how big data can completely transform your customized software and help you achieve superior efficiency.

See Also: Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency

What is Big Data and what is its Role in Custom Software Development?
What is Big Data and what is its Role in Custom Software Development?

The Role of Big Data in Custom Software Development

The big data is often misunderstood, most of the businesses doesn’t realize how beneficial it could be. Think of a large library which I full with hundreds or thousands of shelves filled with millions of books, digital copies, audio records, news peppers, research papers and what not. The big data is similar, it is an ocean of information containing precious treasure of insights which help businesses acquire deeper and accurate understanding of market trends, customer preferences, and insight which improve their decision making ability and help them align their solutions, services, products and interaction as per customers’ needs, desires and expectations.

The big data is not just a specific data but a blend of both structured and unstructured data which makes it difficult to analyze it and extract required insights from it. However, when the big data is integrated within the customized software application development process, it help developers understand customer needs, market trends, areas of improvements and much more. This insight is extremely crucial in building successful customized software application which can deliver unparalleled customer experience while driving superior operational efficiency, performance and profitability. This makes big data absolutely essential for modern day software applications.

See Also: The Cost of Custom Software Development: Factors to Consider

The Role of Big Data in Custom Software Development
The Role of Big Data in Custom Software Development

Data-Driven Decisions Enhance User Experience

In today’s highly competitive market landscape businesses needs innovative tools and software solutions which can help them delivering exceptional user experience. The experience matters more than it ever before. The big data can help developers and project managers to closely analyze the customer behavior. This insight provides them superior understanding of customer pain points, their needs and desires. Furthermore this data also provides them a clear understanding of existing features which are more frequently used by the customers and which are rarely used. This helps them design and include more intuitive features which perfectly align with customer needs.

The biggest advantage of big data is that businesses can utilize multiple sources and compile large volume of data efficiently. This helps them develop highly efficient and impactful software applications. The primary reason of developing custom software is to achieve higher alignment with customer needs. The custom software development process can greatly benefit from insights acquired from big data analysis and help businesses boost internal processes and workflows as well which drive performance. The user experience not only help improving customer interaction but even if a custom software is designed for internal usage, the big data have can effectively boost productivity and performance of the software.

See Also: Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

Data-Driven Decisions Enhance User Experience
Data-Driven Decisions Enhance User Experience

Big Data Fuels Predictive Analysis for Better Decision Making

The big data comes from various sources including social media, existing software applications, employee portals, intranet applications, customer portals, websites, interactive kiosks and even from physical sensors and devices installed at customer centers, ware houses, etc. This is what makes it superior and at the same time very complex. The big data where provide insights of users’ needs, it also help businesses understand market trends, operational processes and internal workflows. This insight help businesses develop customized features within their customized software application to achieve higher efficiency.

The predictive analysis is a very crucial tool for modern day’s fast-paced markets and ever increasing customer needs. The predictive analysis help businesses to be ready for future and help them accurately forecast various future events. This forecasting help management understand the emerging needs and provide them enough time to prepare themselves for the coming challenges. For example, businesses can effectively predict when a software application or a feature they are using is about to lose its impact and efficiency. This is easy to figure out all you need is adequate system usage data and see the trends for that specific feature, if it is losing popularity consistently you can predict that in coming 6 months or so more users will stop using this feature and so on.

See Also: Why Off-the-Shelf Solutions Fall Short: Advantages of Custom Software Development

Big Data Fuels Predictive Analysis for Better Decision Making
Big Data Fuels Predictive Analysis for Better Decision Making

Big Data Helps Personalizing the Software Solutions

Not so long ago businesses were not focusing on performance management, but with the rising competition and ever increasing customer demands, businesses need out of the box approach to obtain higher operational efficiency and better cost-optimization. This can only be achieved if a business is able to leverage the full potential of its resources, whether it is human resource or whether it is IT infrastructure. Now a days, the traditional workflows and business processes have become obsolete and being replaced with more technology oriented and digital processes. The software applications and tools are the primary driving force to achieve higher operational efficiency.

Big data helps businesses collect more in-depth insights and streamline data analytic processes. This help both business leaders and the custom software development team to acquire a clear understanding of user needs, their problems, challenges and it also help management identify the slow/inefficient processes. The custom software development helps businesses utilize this insight acquired from big data to customize the features and internal business processes to drive efficiency and productivity. The software features, content and information can be planned as per the previous usage and user needs which can greatly increase the impact of the customized software application.

See Also: Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai

Big Data Helps Personalizing the Software Solutions
Big Data Helps Personalizing the Software Solutions

Big Data Offers Better Scalability and Continuous Improvement

Scalability and continuous improvements are the two most crucial aspect of any custom software development project. Whenever businesses decide to implement a new software solution they consider the scalability and potential of making improvements in future. Businesses need software solutions which evolve along with their needs, as businesses tend to grow over the time, hence their needs are expected to grow, whether it is simple growth in users, or a bit more complex in terms of application and features, the scalability is an essential factor to consider during custom software development. The big data help businesses and developers to analyze the performance of the software application in multiple scenarios and it helps building features which ensure higher performance and impact.

The big data collection and analysis help businesses determine the features of their custom software applications as well as how these functions and backend processes will work. This is a huge leap toward success and help businesses make informed decisions. Once the software is developed, now businesses and the software development team can leverage the big data to understand the impact and efficacy of their software application. The continuous improvements help businesses avoid disruption, and effectively deal with upcoming challenges. Furthermore as the user base increases the software might need modifications and enhancements which all can be improved by leveraging the big data.

See Also: Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

Big Data Offers Better Scalability and Continuous Improvement
Big Data Offers Better Scalability and Continuous Improvement

Collecting the Right Type of Data for Custom Software Development is Crucial

The biggest problem with big data is that it is too big, businesses can often end up relying on expensive analytical tools, and even in case you are using inexpensive or open-source tools, you might require help of specialized experts who can process this data. Hence it is extremely important to understand what kind or type of data is beneficial for your custom software development project. It is extremely important to distinguish the data which is relevant to the areas and subjects you want to understand. Here are some key points that you should consider while analyzing the big data for your custom software development:

  • Identify the areas and subjects you want to understand
  • Categorize your data as primary, relevant and unrelated
  • Never skip automated data sources such as APIs, Log Files, system usage stats
  • Always collect feedbacks from the actual users whether they are your customers or employees
  • Always keep the data from external and internal sources separate
  • Verify every data source and validate the authenticity of the data
  • Always keep your data stored in secure and well protected manner
  • Always use standard analysis techniques
  • Compare your findings with industry benchmarking and other relevant applications

Furthermore it is important to keep your data repository up-to-date all the time. Furthermore when you will collect your data it would be in both structured and unstructured forms, moreover inconclusive data noise also has to be filtered out. It is important to well-organize your data to get accurate insights.

See Also: Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Collecting the Right Type of Data for Custom Software Development is Crucial
Collecting the Right Type of Data for Custom Software Development is Crucial


The custom software development is rapidly gaining momentum, even medium and small sized businesses are also investing in custom software applications. It is due to their ability to fully align with user’s needs which helps businesses achieve maximum performance and efficiency. Furthermore the custom software development offers easy integration and superior scalability which makes them very cost-effective over the longer period of time. The big data is something which is usually misinterpreted as something very expensive and exclusive to large enterprises, government and international organizations.

However, that is not true at all. With the advancement in technology and latest programing framework now the big data collection is much more convenient and accessible. The big data provides deeper insight to customer behavior, market trends and at a wider spectrum which help businesses and custom software development teams to effectively understand customer needs. Whether you are building a software for your customers, or whether it is for internal use to enhance the operational efficiency, the big data can greatly improve the application in terms of intuitiveness, performance and efficiency.

Embracing big data for software development and predictive analysis can greatly enhance the application features and elevate the user experience. In this blog we have discussed how big data can be utilized to streamline custom software development process for superior results. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to build a customized software application for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

Can you imagine running a business solely with paper pencil? Today, the idea seems laughable, however about a century back all businesses were efficiently working and maintaining information using the humble paper pencil. Modern technology has become the invisible backbone of our daily lives, both personal and professional.  Just as we rely on our smartphones to stay connected, businesses rely on sophisticated software and IT solutions to achieve peak performance.  No matter your industry, embracing technology is no longer optional – it’s the key to unlocking operational efficiency and it a key aspect of establishing a unique brand identity which gains you a competitive edge.

Businesses ranging from SMEs to large enterprises and government establishments are utilizing several software applications. The need of the software never ends, in fact it keeps growing with the passage of time. There are mainly two categories of software applications, one is the commercial off-the-shelf or commonly known as COTS and the other is the custom software development. Both are just two methods to implement a solution that can address to your problems and help you improve operational efficiency. In this blog we will discuss how custom software can greatly enhance user experience, performance and overall operational efficiency for your business.

Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience
Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

What is the Difference between Custom Software and Commercial Off-the-Shelf Solutions?

Software are everywhere! In fact the web-browser you’re using now, the operating system on your computer (Windows or Mac), even the machine you swipe at work to clock in and out. But as the saying goes, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, it is already invented! Business don’t have to create everything from the scratch. However, when it comes to business tools and software application, there are two road to go forward, the commercial off-the-shelf software or COTS and the custom software development. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, however, we have to understand which is more suitable as per our needs.

Let’s assume you need to streamline your document approval process for clients or suppliers? Here, the two roads diverge. You can search for existing software that fits your needs, or consider acquiring services of a custom software development company like RSI Concepts.

The commercial off-the-shelf software solution might seem popular, catchy and having international development companies behind them, but it won’t perfectly fit your specific and unique business needs. At best, it gets you 80% of the way there, but the other 20% might be features you don’t need or missing functionalities you crave. However, that is not the case with custom software development.

The bespoke software solutions are exclusively designed for your business keeping all your business needs at forefront. That is why a customized software perfectly aligns with all you needs, it can fit like a glove, it works exactly the way you want it to, which can greatly boost your user experience, efficiency and performance.

See Also: What is custom software development?

What is the Difference between Custom Software and Commercial Off-the-Shelf Solutions?
What is the Difference between Custom Software and Commercial Off-the-Shelf Solutions?

How Custom Software Development Enhances User Experience?

Have you ever used an application or a webpage which felt clunky and confusing? Maybe you spent a lot of time looking up for a button, or maybe the information are not presented in a well-organized manners, or the entire experience is poor! That is what a user experience or UX is, if you are unhappy you won’t efficiently perform the task you wanted to. But what if there is a way to make that app or website intuitive, easy-to-navigate and enjoyable? That is the power of custom software development. It lets you design the application and software the way you want it to, you chose the buttons, colors, functionalities and even how each functionality works.

The custom software development is known for its ability to greatly enhance user experience which boost efficiency and performance. Here are some key factors which make user experience very crucial for the success or failure of any software application:

  • User Engagements: Users tend to use and interact with software and applications that more easy to work with, intuitive and have enjoyable experience.
  • Efficiency and Performance: When the users can easily find the options they need and they can easily navigate through the software they tend to complete tasks very quickly.
  • User Trust: When users have a seamless interaction with a software or application they start trusting it and vice versa. Intuitive software are always admired by the users.
  • User Satisfaction: When users have satisfactory experience with a software, either your employee or customers they are more likely to use it more frequently.
  • Brand Loyalty: You customers tend to come back again if they have had a satisfactory interaction with your software applications and they are more likely to recommend it to others.

See Also: The Cost of Custom Software Development: Factors to Consider

How Custom Software Development Enhances User Experience?
How Custom Software Development Enhances User Experience?

By leveraging modern technologies and advanced design practices businesses can develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces (UIs) for their software application which will delight the users. Whether an application is built for employees or for customers, the intuitive and user-friendly design is an essential component to ensure the success.

Here are some key advantages of custom software development which are very helpful enhancing the user experience and ensuring user satisfaction:

Customization and Personalization

One of the greatest advantage of custom software development is its ability to allow businesses to customize and personalize the user experience as per their needs. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions are built as per industry standards, hence have a generic interface which might not properly optimize to enhance the workflows that you are aiming to improve. However, with the custom software development you can decide which functionality you want, how you want it and how it should work.

You can customize the names of design elements, buttons, features, menu items, etc. as per your convenience which also minimize the training needs and it is a great way to enhance user experience. You can personalize the interface and functionalities to align them with your existing internal workflows. You can customize the color scheme, design style to make it more familiar and understandable. All these factors greatly help enhancing the user experience and boost efficiency.

See Also: Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency

Customization and Personalization
Customization and Personalization

Scalability and Flexibility

One of the biggest drawback of commercial off-the-shelf software is its limited ability to support scalability and offer the flexibility which is necessary for growing businesses. However, the custom software development is done keeping scalability in mind. As it is already designed exclusively for the business to meet their specific needs, it also offer easy upgrades and customization. As the needs grow and more features are needed, and over the time some existing features might also need changes or improvements, all this can be done seamlessly with custom software development.

Adding new features or integrating it with more third-party software, databases and application can be done easily. However, the COTS fell short at offering this level of scalability and flexibility. The customized software evolve alongside the business and can grow as the needs grow, offering the ultimate flexibility a business needs to stay ahead of the curve. Adding new features or customizing existing features with ability to integrate with other tools can greatly enhance functionality adding value to user experience.

See Also: Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

Scalability and Flexibility
Scalability and Flexibility

Streamlining Workflows

Think of a software or application that help you performing your tasks and have specialized features that you need to achieve your goals? Obviously that would be very comforting and happy experience. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions lack the ability to offer exclusive features that perfectly align with your needs, this could sometime make user frustrated. The custom software development on the other hand is all about improving user satisfaction and boosting efficiency.

The customized software are designed to optimize the workflows by directly addressing to bottlenecks, user pain points and by eliminating repetitive work from the process. Where this greatly optimize the business processes it also minimize the user efforts and help them achieving their goal very quickly and effortlessly. The custom software development empowers employees with reducing their efforts, automatically pushing data, performing routine tasks through automation, and by facilitating communications and collaborations. All these factors greatly enhance user experience.

See Also: Why the Custom Software Development is Good for Your Business?

Streamlining Workflows
Streamlining Workflows

Easy System Integration

One of the major drawback of commercial off-the-shelf software is their limited ability to support third-party system integration. As these software are generic and designed for masses, they are slow to evolve hence failing to keep up the pace with your emerging needs. Furthermore the COTS are built on standard technologies with a lot of restrictions and limitation to access the source code of the application, this realty limit their ability to integrate with other third-party software and businesses usually end up spending large sums on intermediary applications to enable integration.

In some cases businesses have to move to a completely new software solution due to its inability to offer required integration, which have huge cost and complications. The custom software development doesn’t have any such problem, it is very easy to integrate them with third-party software, tools, databases, and central information system of the organization. The business owns the entire source code and database, which give them full control over the application and enable them to integrate it with any other third-party tool as per their needs.

See Also: Custom Software Development for Healthcare Industry

Easy System Integration
Easy System Integration

Superior Security and Control

One of the biggest advantage of the custom software development is that the software is exclusively designed for the business. Hence the business owns all ownership rights including source code, and databases with full control over software hosting. This provide businesses ability to make their applications more secure as the customized software can be hosted at on-premises data centers as well as the cloud of your choice. This empower businesses and give them full control over their data and sensitive information. When the users are aware that their data is protected and will not be hosted with a third-party they tend to be more confident and have more trust on the software.

Businesses can also implement their own security policies to ensure superior protection. Furthermore since the customized software are exclusively designed for the business, the software is not available to anyone else. However this is not the case with the commercial off-the-shelf software, as they are designed and marketed to masses they are widely available, this means their structure and technology is known to masses and this also make them more vulnerable. Furthermore your data is stored with the software supplier, which offer you limited control over you data and sensitive user information.

See Also: Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Superior Security and Control
Superior Security and Control


Most of the time businesses think the custom software development is expensive, and it is due to its higher upfront cost, however, when you analyze the long-term cost you will know the customized software are much more cost-effective and have higher ROI. The commercial off-the-shelf software have less upfront cost and can be deployed within days or even hours. However there are several reoccurring costs, fees and charges. If you need customization, you will have to pay extremely high cost, and the customization too is very limited.

The scaling and upgrades are also very expensive with limited scope. This make them more expensive and over the time the COTS become less effective due to certain limitations. However, the custom software development on the other hand offers easy customization with very less or no cost if you have in-house team. The scalability and flexibility is superior too, you don’t have to pay any reoccurring cost, the maintenance is very less expensive and you got the full ownership of the application as well.

All these factors make customized software much more cost-effective and reliable.

See Also: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Custom Software Development Projects



The business landscape in UAE is very competitive, each year we got hundreds of new businesses registering (both startups and international organization) in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and other regions of the country. This makes market even more competitive, and in order to survive and thrive businesses must have highest possible level of operational efficiency and optimized operational cost. When it comes to software solutions, the decision of selecting between a commercial off-the-shelf software solution and custom software development could have huge impact over business’s success. Where the COTS offer quicker deployment and convenience they often fell short at aligning with exclusive and unique business needs.

Custom software development on the other hand empowers businesses. It helps them innovate unique and exclusive features to gain competitive advantage and superior efficiency. There are two major factors the cost and the performance which determine the success or failure of a software project. The commercial off-the-shelf solutions fell way behind on these two scales, the custom software development is very cost-effective in long-term and it can tremendously boost business performance.

The custom software development enable businesses to incorporate innovative features with out-of-the-box approach which address to their unique and exclusive challenges. When it comes to performance the user experience of a software application plays a pivotal role in boosting efficiency and performance. The custom software development enable businesses to customize and personalize the user experience to empower and improve their internal workflows. Full control over the software and its source code enable businesses to customize features as per their needs while significantly reducing the effort to complete a task. This help users achieve their goal easily and quickly.

In this blog we have discussed how custom software development can enhance user experience which is a key to success. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to build your next bespoke software solution, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai 

See Also: Why custom software is more cost efficient in UAE?

See Also: Emerging Trends in Custom Software Development