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Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Business in Dubai and all around UAE are always seeking ways to improve their customer experience and customer journey. The UAE is a very large and rapidly growing economy, this attracts a lot of entrepreneurs, investors, businesses from all over the world. Especially the service based industries are facing tough competitive environment. This competition results is high market standards and higher customer expectations. That is why the customer experience is extremely important for any business to ensure long term sustainable growth. During last few years the customer behavior have changed drastically due to the COVID and social distancing. People are more inclined towards digital interaction than physical interaction. The businesses also have to implement social distancing policies and other safety rule to ensure the health and safety of the customers and the staff. This has changed the entire landscape of the communication and services.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

A queue management system is a tool used to streamline customer flow. It help businesses to automate or semi-automate various customer journey steps. A digital queue management system can segregate customers as per their needs which improves customer flow and reduce customer wait time. The queue management system also help improving the service quality and boosting the performance of the service staff or service agents. Which result in reduced customer churn rate, higher customer happiness. The customer satisfaction is a key to customer loyalty and the customer loyalty is considered to be the foundation of growth and profitability. The queue management systems have also evolved a lot, as the general market trends got changed the queue management systems also got changed. The virtual queuing and mobile queuing are not a new concepts however, since the later 2020 till today and also in future the virtual queuing will dominate the queue management systems. In this blog we will discuss how virtual queuing and digital customer experience can be your best competitive advantage to boost the profitability, efficiency, quality of service and customer experience.

What is Virtual Queuing?

The virtual queuing is a process of signing-up a customer in a virtual queue. For queue management systems the virtual queuing is a relatively new terminology and it doesn’t only mean to create virtual queues in fact the virtual queuing means to enable the customers to sign-up remotely in virtual queues using mobile devices or digital channels. The virtual queuing can be done using web portals, mobile apps, SMS, emails, QR Codes and much more. The biggest differentiation between the virtual queuing and traditional queuing is that the virtual queuing can literally reduce the wait time to none. The customers and visitors are free to wait outside or plan their visit to arrive only when their turn is expected. The live queuing information can be relayed to the customers using multiple channels along with alerts and notifications. The customer service agent can also communicate with the customers and visitors to inform them about any change or unexpected scenario. The virtual queuing transform customer journey and customer experience and ensures maximum customer happiness.

Read More: Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

What is Virtual Queuing?

What is Digital Customer Experience?

The term digital customer experience refers to all the interactions a customer have with the business using the digital channels and mediums such as online or internet, emails, mobile apps, social media, chat bots, and even the SMS communication can be taken as the part of the digital customer experience. The digital customer experience management strategy is very important these days. As people living in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE are very familiar with the digital interactions. So providing digital customer experience doesn’t only have operational benefits but the customers will also expect digital interaction from their favorite brands. That is why the digital customer experience is very important and a business should use right tools to ensure the customers will be satisfied and delighted with their interaction. The virtual queuing is a great tool to enhance digital customer experience. It also help businesses collect useful system insights and business intelligence data which can be further used to tune up relevant business processes and to evaluate the performance of the staff and different departments/branches. The business intelligence also help businesses to take informed decisions and make right policies to ensure long term growth and customer retention.

What is Digital Customer Experience?

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

People don’t like to wait in long queues. The long wait time is a major reason of customer churn and poor customer experience. We have all noticed that when we are standing in queues at one point or another we feel that the line next to us is moving faster, this is only a behavior phenomenon when people just perceive that and it is because of the stress of the waiting. With manual queues there are several other problems too, such as line jumpers, or people standing in wrong queues or even people are giving way to others to join the queue from their point. However, with a digital queue management system when a single customer have a ticket these all things can be avoided. The psychological effects of waiting in the queues can also be minimized. With the help of virtual queuing the businesses can offer their customers and visitors a facility to sign-up remotely or virtually and they are provided with the live queuing information via remote channels which allow them to arrive only when their ticket is called. Hence there is literally no wait at all.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

Read More: How to reduce patient wait time in hospitals with virtual queuing?

The digital experience and virtual queuing strategy can significantly improve customer satisfaction and help improving customer loyalty too. These days everyone is familiar with digital interaction. The internet penetration is almost 99% in UAE. This enabled businesses to innovate very effective digital strategies utilizing digital channels and digital communication. There are several digital channels that c

an be integrated with queue management system to enable virtual sign-up process. For example, the company website or a dedicated customer portal can improve customer experience. Moreover an appointment booking module can offer a great sign-up experience. It can provide additional details such as busy hours, nearest branches and much more which can be very helpful for booking a suitable appointment and planning the visit.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

In the entire UAE the mobile phones are widely used, in fact almost 96% of the population use mobile phones. Which make them extremely important. In order to build a strategy for digital customer experience the mobile phones can be a great tool to enhance customer journey and experience. Businesses can offer mobile phone apps or SMS based virtual queuing. The retail sector in Dubai and all around the UAE is also using QR code based queuing. These all are the form of virtual queuing. Along with that the business can also integrate SMS services to enable the customers to sign-up via SMS. WhatsApp is the most popular app used for communication in UAE and also all around the world. The WhatsApp can also be integrated to enhance digital customer experience. These all tools can be used to improve communication, customer engagements, customer waiting experience and even businesses can also conduct customer feedback surveys via their digital channels. The virtual queuing reduce the customer wait time to literally none, which raise customer satisfaction and customer happiness.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Optimize Wait Time

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience can automate several customer journey steps and improve customer flow. The queue management system can easily identify the service hence it can sign-up the customers and visitors for the right queue or virtual queue. The queue management system can also help streamlining the customer flow by automatically routing customers to the relevant counters and even it can automatically reroute the customers as per the set protocols. For example, if some counters are less busy or free the system can automatically reroute the customers to such counters. This way the business can optimize resources and improve the overall efficiency of the entire branch. The queue management system can also manage customers on the bases of their priority, such as ordinary customers, premium or VIP customers, and customers with special needs, etc. This also help improving customer experience and ensure a balanced workload for the staff to improve staff efficiency and quality of the service.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Most of the time a business has multiple services and multiple counters, some counters are dedicated for certain services and sometimes some counters are dedicated for priority customers. A digital queue management system can easily handle all those scenarios and it can automatically control customer flow for each counter as per the set protocols. Most of the time businesses also offer stepped-services. The stepped services are those which require from a customer to visit multiple counters for a single service delivery. Managing such services could be tricky, some steps are lengthier and some are quick, sometimes some steps have more counters and vice versa. A digital queue management system can easily handle all those scenarios by using in-built smart algorithms and intelligence software engine, which help businesses to ensure smooth customer flow throughout the entire customer journey to improve customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Such way the businesses can significantly reduce customer wait time and improve customer flow which directly impact customer happiness and customer satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Customer Satisfaction

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Service Quality

The service quality is extremely important for customer retention. If a businesses is failing to provide quality service no matter who much efforts they put to improve customer flow, ultimately the customers will be unhappy. That is why it is extremely important to improve service quality. A virtual queue management system or any other queuing solutions is capable of collecting basic information during the sign-up process. This information can be used to improve service quality. For example, whenever a customer is reaching to a counter the agent needs their basic information to start the service. That information can be pre-loaded when the customer is arriving as the system already knows their identity from the virtual sign-up process. Similarly as a customer is already selecting the service they need, so if any preparation is required for that, it can be done automatically before even the customer arrives, so the agent is completely ready to deliver the service.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Improves Service Quality

This not only reduce the service delivery time, but it also reduce server’s/agent’s work, which give them a better chance to focus on the quality and experience. Quicker service delivery mean happy customer and it also mean less time for the next customer waiting in queue. This way it not only facilitate the service delivery process but is also help businesses in reducing the wait time. Since an employee can entertain more customers in less time, their work efficiency is also improved. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience can help improving service quality and service delivery process.

Read More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The virtual queuing is used to transform digital customer experience. The digital comes with various benefits and one of them is the data collection and business intelligence gathering. With virtual queuing and digital customer experience strategy business can collect statistical and usage data from each and every touch point of the customer journey and businesses can also collect customer feedback data using integrated communication channels. The queue management system can record the statistical data too such as which virtual queuing channels are used for how many times, what is he average wait time, which service delivery takes how much time on average and even the queue management system can also record such details for each individual interaction. These are very helpful information and provide a deeper and much better understanding of the customer journey. Businesses can easily identify the areas of improvements and build their future strategies to meet their goals of efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience also provide accurate KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and other data which can be used for various purposes and can be shared with relevant departments and personals to help them improve their performance. The business can accurately monitor and record the performance of individual employee for example, which employees take how much time to deliver a service and that can be recorded against each service the agent is working on. The queue management system can also record the performance of the teams and even the branches which can be later analyzed by the management using in-built data analytical tools. Businesses can also done comparative analysis for the employees, services, teams and branches as well. The queue management system also help collecting the customer feedback data which can be collected using multiple channels.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

The customer feedback data is very important. Businesses can conduct various different types of surveys using the digital and mobile channels such as SMS, Emails, Customer Portal Dashboards, Website, Touch Screens (in-premises), mobile apps, etc. The queue management system can collect NPS (net promoter score), CES (customer effort score), CSAT (customer satisfaction score), general rating and happiness scores and even businesses can also conduct long surveys. This data can provide a deeper understanding of the customer’s minds, their expectations and market trends. Collectively the business intelligence data collected from virtual queuing and digital customer experience can be used highlight areas of improvements and to build strategies for the future growth.The queue management system also provide facility to directly share the relevant data to the relevant department, management or individual employees to ensure seamless automated data sharing. This enables the businesses to take immediate actions on top priority feedbacks and data indicators and also help them to make better plan for the future.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Provide Deeper Data Insights

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Boost Employee Performance

The employee performance is also a key factor in customer satisfaction and overall efficiency of the business. With the help of virtual queuing and digital customer experience the employee workload can be easily reduced. As the wait time is very less, so there is not much chance of crowd formation or any such problem with the customers and visitors waiting in the waiting areas. Moreover the sales agents and server also get help from the queue management system dashboard and the system can also aid the service delivery process by automatically preparing the agents for the next customer. This way the employee workload can be significantly reduced. A single customer service agent can serve more customers in a single shift. Which boost their performance. The queue management system also closely monitor the performance of the staff and help the businesses and management to effectively utilize resources for best performance.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience Boost Employee Performance

For example, some employees perform better with the services they are experienced in and some perform better for certain services and vice versa. This can be analyzed with the help of KPIs monitoring tool. The information can be relayed to the HR which can later help training programs or transfer human resources and deploy them as per their skill set to obtain maximum employee performance and overall business efficiency. Good employee performance also help improving customer journey and customer satisfaction. The employees who are working under a pleasant environment with balanced workload are tend to deliver high quality services thus ensuring better customer experience and higher customer happiness.

Read More: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience – System Integration

The virtual queuing and digital customer experience management is not as that simple. In fact it is a very complex and sophisticated process. The SMEs and SMBs can equally benefit from the virtual queuing and digital customer experience strategy as the large banks, healthcare facilities, educational institutes and large enterprises. Any digital solution or system requires data to operate at optimum levels. For that the system integration is done. The system integration is a technique used to push and pull data from a system. Usually every business have a central information system which is lined to a tool or software that is responsible for the most of the operational activities. That is why a queue management system and digital customer experience solution can be integrated with the central information center or with any other third-party system or tool to ensure automatic data synchronization. The integration also paves the way for various innovative features which can be added to the system to improve digital customer experience and to increase customer happiness and satisfaction.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience – System Integration

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience is a Key to Long Term Growth

The growth of any business depends on two main things, one is customer satisfaction and the second is right strategy and policy. The customer happiness and customer satisfaction drive customer loyalty and help improving customer retention rates. Studies have shown that it is almost nine to twelve time less expensive to sell to an existing customer rather acquiring a new customer. There are various studies that shows that a business’s reputation and its brand image can impact its marketing campaigns too. If a business has good reputation and a positive brand image the return over its marketing investments would be better comparing to a business with bad reputation or negative brand identity. The loyal customers and customer retention is considered to be the foundation of the long term growth. Customer happiness and customer satisfaction drive customer loyalty. The loyal customers are more likely to do repeated business and are also tend to be a good brand advocate and help promoting the brand.

Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience is a Key to Long Term Growth

In addition to that the virtual queuing and digital customer experience help businesses optimizing the resource consumption and improve employee performance as well. The digitalization and automation also help automating various business processes and reduce customer journey steps. Collectively these all factors result in per service cost reduction. Which ensures high productivity and profitability. That is why the virtual queuing and digital customer experience is a key to long term growth.

Read More: Why should you adopt queue management systems?


The virtual queuing and digital customer experience help businesses improve customer journey and ensure customer satisfaction. The customer happiness and customer satisfaction is achieved by reducing the customer efforts and by enabling the business to reduce the wait time. It also help businesses to optimize various business process and also help improving service delivery mechanisms. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience help improving staff efficiency and increase the overall operational capabilities and productivity of the entire business. All these factors contribute in customer retention and help earning customer loyalty. The virtual queuing and digital customer experience also help collecting data insight and customer feedbacks. Which can be analyzed to make changes for the improvements and to build future strategies that drive higher profitability and customer satisfaction. The purpose of this blog was to emphasize on the importance of the virtual queuing and digital customer experience. If you need more information about the topic or need our help with your queuing needs or customer experience transformation, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System


5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System

Every business has its own set of challenges, needs, and ways to handle problems. This sets them apart from others. Businesses in Dubai and all across the UAE invest heavily in improving their products, services, communication, brand promotion, and infrastructure, but often overlook the importance of queue management. This is why most of the customers and visitors end up unhappy or unsatisfied after having an interaction with their brand. When a customer or visitor arrives at the business they want to get served instantly, only a few customers are willing to wait, the majority of them get annoyed if they have to wait for a long time. People usually don’t like being stuck in busy and crowded places. People don’t like to wait which impacts the customer experience. A bad customer experience will harm the business reputation and identity. If people are getting bad experiences more often they will start talking about it with their friends, family and colleagues, even some customers also post on social medias. Which is very bad for a business’s reputation and it could completely ruin a brand.

The queue management and customer flow management and customer journey management problems are not new neither these problems are associated with only certain types of businesses. All types and size of business and organizations are facing queue management and customer flow management problems and having difficulties with managing customer journey. Businesses often assume that their sales are going up, the growth rates are good, so everything is perfect, but in reality that is not the case, there could be hundreds of factors that could give a pump to your sales for the time being, but in longer run if you are oblivion to the problems your customers and visitors are facing, eventually you will end up with a very bad reputation and your revenue and sales will decline.

How a business will know if they need a queue management system? Here are the 5 signs that your business requires a queue management system:

Sign No. 1: Crowded Waiting Areas and Long Queues

Crowded Waiting Areas and Long Queues

That is the very first and most visible sign. If your service centers or offices are reporting crowded waiting areas and long queues you must need a queue management system. When a large number of customers and visitors are waiting to get served by the agent/server, then that means there is some problem. People who have to wait for long time get frustrated and sometimes leave without getting the service. Customer and visitors who have to wait for long time are most likely to have a bad experience with the service agent as well. If you are having long queues in the customer service center that means your customers and visitors will have to wait for a long time and they will also face all problems related to waiting in long line such as line jumpers, customer getting lost, customer ending up at wrong counter, etc. All such problems are causing negative impact on customer experience and customer journey which will eventually ruin your brand reputation as well.

Sign No. 2: Customers Complaints

Customers Complaints

Some business and organizations in Dubai and all around the UAE thinks that the queues and customer waiting in long lines is a natural mode of customer flow, however there is a threshold between acceptable and unacceptable waiting conditions and wait time. And it gets unacceptable when your staff getting complaints and start noticing unhappy customers who are talking about long wait time or complaining about mismanagement and such things. The customers and visitors will also express their opinion with the service agents. But such customers will be less in number, and in fact there will be only a very few who will ever bother to go through filling a complaint by due process. Mostly the customer will either verbally complaint to the staff who are managing the queues or to the service agents. Only a very few of those verbal complaints will make up to the top management and mostly the staff and employees will try to deal with them by themselves or either discuss with their supervisors and that is it. This is another reason why business often failed to understand the severity of the problem.

Sign No. 3: Increased Customer Churn Rate and Lower Customer Retention

Increased Customer Churn Rate and Lower Customer Retention

The long queues and crowded waiting areas always increase customer churn rate. The customer churn rate is the measurement of the customers who made their mind to purchase or acquire a service and arrived at the branch but leave without doing so. There could be several reasons but almost 90% of the time the customer churn is caused by the long waiting lines and crowded waiting areas. There are studies suggesting that acquiring a new customer could be 8 to 22 percent more costly than retaining an existing customer. If you start noticing lower customer retention rates, or if you are not getting repeated business from your existing customers, you should have to worry. Because the lower customer retention will impact your profitability it will increase the cost of new conversions. Increased customer churn rate and lower customer retention also earn negative brand reputation. The customers who have already reached to the business but leave without purchase or getting served are the most annoyed customers, the customer who don’t do repeated business are also unhappy and unsatisfied.

Sign No. 4: Poor Employee Performance and Unbalanced Workload

Poor Employee Performance and Unbalanced Workload

If you start noticing that your employees are performing poorly or serving less customers than anticipated. Or if you employees are serving less customers than before, or if your employees are also complaining about the work load and the management is also noticing unbalanced work load, some employees are busier than the others and other such issues, then you should seriously consider a queue management system. Mostly business in Dubai and all around the UAE invest heavily in employee training and employee performance management solutions, however very few business take steps to improve employee performance. It is a general believe that if an employee is performing bad then they must need more training, however this is not applicable all the times. Sometimes the employees are skilled enough but they are lagging support they need. That is why sometime the employee too complaint about the unbalanced workload or request for assistance from other employees and so on. It is extremely important that your all employee work at their full potential and are happy and satisfied as this will directly impact on customer experience and service quality.

Sign No. 5: Lack of Business Intelligence Data

Lack of Business Intelligence Data

Business intelligence data is a broad term used for a variety of different data types which are relevant to the businesses and are very helpful in decision making and future planning. In Dubai and all around the UAE the markets are very competitive and the customers are very up-to-date. It means the market trends and customer’s expectations are also continuously evolving. In order to deal with such scenarios business often require to update their policies, strategies and business processes. When it comes to customer journey and customer satisfaction related policies and strategy the business require very precise and accurate data to understand and evaluate their current business processes and current strategy. Which is not possible without having a system in place. It is very hard to track customer churn without having a record of the customers and visitors who have signed up for the queue. It is impossible to track the service delivery time accurately without any system in place. The employee KPIs (key performance indicators) can’t be measured manually with optimum precision and accuracy. There are so many different variables that impact customer satisfaction and customer happiness, which all are required when making a decision or making policies and planning for future.

How a Queue Management System can Help?

How a Queue Management System can Help?

A queue management system can streamline customer flow and help the employee in managing queues. The automatic queue management and customer flow eliminate the human intervention which rectify all major problems and significantly reduce the wait time. The queue management system facilitates various business processesand automate customer journey which reduce the workload of the staff and employees. The employees can easily focus on their primary tasks and all their efforts which was consumed in managing customers and queue will be preserved. This way the employee can provide better quality service and their capacity to serve customers in a single shift also increased. Which help the business in reducing the staff and improving branch profitability.

As the customer flow and the entire customer journey can be managed through the queue management system it is easier for business and organizations to implement new rules and policies. The queue management system manage and route customers and visitors as per these policies and pre-set configurations, which further improve customer experience and reduce the customer journey. This increase customer happiness and customer satisfaction and reduce customer complaints. A better environment and good management reduce the customer churn rate. Once customer start getting good and happy customer experience they become more loyal to the business. Loyal customers are easy to retain and business can easily get repeated business from their existing customers. The loyal and happy customers are tend to be good brand advocate and they promote the business which improve brand reputation and help business in promoting a positive brand identity.

A positive brand identity, loyal customers and efficient operation attracts more customers and also improve conversion rate form marketing efforts. Altogether these all factors increase the profitability and revenue. Another great advantage of a queue management system is that it provide intensive business intelligence data. It can capture data from all touch points, KPIs and system stats also provide great business intelligence data. These days most of the modern queue management system also collect customer feedbacks through an in-built customer feedback and survey module which also provide great insight on customer journey, customer experience and their needs and expectations. The business intelligence is extremely crucial for policy making, strategy building and identifying the areas of improvements. The management can easily take good decision on the bases of such data.

Read More: Importance of Display Devices in Queue Management System


Business and organizations in Dubai and all across the UAE are very keen to improve their products, services, quality, communication and what not, but unfortunately mostly the queue management is over looked. In fact most business believe that having long queues and crowded waiting areas is a normal way of the customer flow. However, the long wait time, poorly managed queues could have the most devastated impact on customer experience. A bad customer experience results in lower customer retention and lower customer satisfaction. Unsatisfied customers results in negative brand reputation and distrust among the targeted audience which also results in poor conversion rates of the marketing efforts. Whereas the positive brand identity and good brand reputation build trust, help businesses in improving customer retention and higher conversion rates.

If you are witnessing long queues and crowd in your waiting area, which means the customer flow is not good. If you are getting more complaints from the customers and visitors and your customer churn rate is increasing and customer retention and repeated business is decreasing that means your valuable customers are going to the competitor. If employees are showing signs of unbalanced workload and performing less than expectations, it means they are not satisfied and/or having too much workload. If you are finding it difficult to understand your queuing situation and business processes or if you are finding it difficult to identify the areas of improvements, it means you are lacking sufficient business intelligence data. For all those problems there is only one solution and that is a queue management system. RSI Concepts is a leading name in providing most efficient queue management systems in Dubai and all around the UAE. Feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Qualities of Top Queue Management System

What are the Benefits of Improving Customer Journey?

What are the Benefits of Improving Customer Journey

What are the benefits of improving the customer journey? Well, in short, it can significantly change the public or general perception of your business which build your brand reputation and in a broader perspective, it has a huge impact on your business growth. The customer journey includes the sum of experiences that a customer has while going through your purchase cycle or service delivery. Now as the digital became an indistinguishable part of our daily lives. The customer journey could be either virtual/digital or physical or a combination of both. Obviously, the B2B and B2C have different scenarios, completely different purchase cycles, a different set of customer touchpoints and interactions with the organization and a lot more, on the other hand, there are so many similarities too. The mapping of the customer journey is done using the same techniques and methods, and the anticipations and expectations could also be derived in a similar fashion to improve your customer journey. The customer journey is extremely important for both business models if they want to sustain their existing customers and also want to grow further.

See More: 10 Reasons to Choose RSI Queue Management System over Other Similar Products

Here are some of the benefits of improving the customer journey:

Build a unique brand Identity and Improve Brand Reputation

Build a unique brand Identity and Improve Brand Reputation

With constant analysis of the statistical data, feedbacks and the monitoring of the existing processes, an organization can do constant improvements in their customer journey and customer experience. The very collective form of customer experience is basically fragmented into tiny touchpoints, where a customer directly interacts with the organization or its staff or its any level of interface. These touchpoints or interactions have their own behavioural responses from the customers. These responses either could be positive or negative. There is nothing neutral or in-between state. It is a kind of binary system. It involves human psychology, and believe it or not the human interaction with a given set of problems under a controlled environment is very predictive, yet so complex to comprehend or measure by digits or linear scales.

However, these all interaction points or touchpoints can be sorted out in a list of positive or supportive and fluent customer journey checkpoints and the roadblocks or negative or unhappy customer experiences and touchpoints. Once you start rectifying those issues, you will start noticing the improvements in the customer journey and customer experience. This requires an investment of resources, time and labour. It will surely pay off. The improvements in the customer journey will create a unique customer experience that will be memorable for the customers and it will later help to build a strong and unique brand identity. Which will boost the brand’s reputation among the customers and targeted audiences.

See More: The Leading Queue Management System Provider in UAE

Improved Customer Journey Improves Customer Loyalty

Improved Customer Journey Improves Customer Loyalty

Once you start improving your customer journey and their interaction with your brand. You will surely notice a rise in customer loyalty. The business can improve customer sustainability and loyalty if they succeed in providing an excellent customer journey and a great customer experience. Each happy experience with your brand will increase the customer’s loyalty. Here it is also very important to understand the importance of bad customer experience and bad customer journey because for only one bad customer interaction you must have to provide three to five good experiences and interaction to negate the negative impact of the bad experience or bad customer journey. Which makes it even more important to have a better customer journey.

Once your customers start getting a good experience because of your improved customer journey strategy. A time comes when those happy customers will start advocating for your brand. Words of mouth are a very powerful and impactful real-world phenomenon. People tend to act on the suggestions of their family, friends, colleagues and people who they follow or trust upon. When your customers will start spreading good words about your brand either verbally or in social media enforcements it will immediately boost your customers’ loyalty. The customers who are already loyal to your brand will influence your other customers also to be more loyal to your brand. This works like a chain reaction, sometimes the results are slow and sometimes the results are like viral content or wildfire. The word could spread easily, good feedback from customers and other community members will improve their loyalty as well as it will improve other customer’s loyalty as well. Loyal customers are always a very strong base for any business’s growth.

See More: Queue System working in Government Departments

Improve Service Delivery and Communication

Improve Service Delivery and Communication

The improved customer journey will help organizations in improving service delivery mechanisms. This will make the service delivery fast, efficient and more convenient for the customers. The wait time will be reduced, the customer flow will be improved and the staff at the branch will be satisfied too. This will lead to a very productive and customer-friendly environment which will improve the customer experience and satisfaction. Service delivery is a very important part of the customer experience. If your customer is not satisfied with the service they have received or how did they receive it, it could seriously harm your brand reputation and it would have a very bad impact on your growth.

A well-placed customer journey strategy also helps to improve the communication between the organization and the customers. There is no limit to communication channels that can be well utilized at different places during the customer journey and the organizations can benefit from them a lot. Communication is always a very strong and powerful factor contributing to sales and revenue generation. A better customer journey not only ensures an excellent customer experience but also enables the most effective communication channels.

See More: Benefits of Queue Management using Mobile Apps

Improved Sales and Higher Conversion Rate

Improved Sales and Higher Conversion Rate

No matter what channels you are using for marketing at the end of the day all the efforts would be measured on the scale of conversions. A better customer journey not only improves the customer experience but also improves brand reputation, brand image and brand trust among its customers and audiences. When a brand is commonly perceived as a trustworthy or a good quality business, their conversion rates start increasing in fact accelerating. The endorsements by customers, prospects and even social media play a great role in a brand’s success. This not only improve the conversion rate but it also increases the effectiveness of the marketing as well. As multiple organic sources are already adding up to the brand reputation then the efforts required for marketing and brand awareness would be less. In such cases, fewer efforts would return more.

If a prospect is already familiar with your brand and knows what you do and what you do is good, it will require fewer efforts to convince them to convert compared to the prospect who doesn’t know about your brand or in the worst case if a prospect had a bad brand image in his mind. In all different scenarios, a good brand reputation which results in a better customer journey could be very helpful in the increased sales and conversions rate whatsoever.

See More : 3 dimensions of Queue Management System for Hospitals

Better Crisis Management

Better Crisis Management

This might sound unrelated but it isn’t. A better customer journey ensures a superior customer experience which improves customer loyalty, boost trust and add to the brand reputation. These factors collectively could be very helpful in crisis management. There are hundreds of examples of companies and businesses who had to face some kind of crises or interruption in the operations but still managed to retain their customers. That was all because their customers were happy and loyal and that was possible only because of their excellent customer journey management techniques and methodologies.

This kind of incidents could be due to a human error, a disaster, a crisis or any kind of scenario which has a huge impact on the business. It could cause a temporary halt in the operations, a marketing stunt going bad, a scandal or any of such sort. Anything which could literally tremble the ground beneath the brand. Whenever such an incident occurs only your loyal customers will going to save you. The customer who is loyal to the brands will not only stick with the brand but will also be willing to give another chance to the brand. This is what usually businesses and organizations never plan, but we know any such thing could happen. In any such incident or scenario, your loyal customer base will be Noah’s arch. This all relies on only a better customer journey management and strategy.

See More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service


Customer journey is the most important part of any business. This is where, when and how a customer or prospect will interact with a business. The customer journey will determine what impression a customer or prospect will receive from the brand. It could be good or bad. Obviously, a good impression will help increase sales, revenue and more importantly portraying a good brand image and it will also help improving brand reputation. A bad impression will have a bad impact on everything, the customers will be unhappy the staff will be overloaded the sales will decline the new conversions will also decline and in long term, it could have a very devastating impact on the business.

Improving the customer journey is not a one time job or it is not something that you did once in a year or in a decade, it is not a product that you revise or service that you upgrade it is a continuous process and requires constant improvements, monitoring and feedback. The activities involved in improving the customer journey will help the business to understand their customers’ expectations, needs and demands. Which will further help them improving their products/services and everything else. It will ensure a good brand reputation, improved customer loyalty, improved service delivery methods and much more. Customer loyalty and trust are very important in customer retention which is necessary for constant business growth. In its totality, the customer journey will directly impact your revenue, sales, conversions, brand reputation and of course overall business growth.

Any idea you want to share? The below comment box is for you!

If you are a business or business representative who want to improve their customers’ journey, do reach us out through our Contact Us page. We will help you achieve your business goals.

Check out this: Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

Can a Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?

Waiting is always a difficult and irritating task for anyone. Good customer experience can be achieved with an outstanding Queue Management System that can enhance customer perception. A properly managed queue system can benefit both the staff and customer alike. With technology, the Queue System in Dubai has seen many positive changes. There was a time when only moving the customers into and outside of the business was all that was cared about. But now that there are various other options, the Customer Experience is improved by many folds.


Appointments and Scheduling

There are certain kinds of businesses which can help the queue system by allowing appointments and schedules that can be pre-booked online or through their call centres. This helps the customer create a connection with the business, gives better customer satisfaction and also helps with staff scheduling. Ultimately, there is an increase in revenue too.

Management of each individual case

When customers visit your business, it is not right to pass them onto the next person, where he/she has to repeat their whole story till they are sent to the right person who can deal with their problem. It is only the right kind of case management that can save a customer from this kind of ordeal. This can be done only when information is accurately captured and recorded so that it can be accessed when staff or representative needs it and accordingly helps the customer. Also, the past contacts can be recorded so the next representative can see the flow of the system.

Customer Flow System

Some businesses can do well with a self-service kiosk wherein the customer can line up in a virtual queue or an electronic queuing system. This allows them to help themselves or if not then the customers are asked a couple of questions which would determine what representative would be able to help them best.

Digital Media

When there are digital displays in the waiting area or queue area, it keeps the customer entertained while they are waiting. It also gives you an opportunity for selling. At grocery stores and other shops, the same system can be used to show the number of people waiting at each queue, which gives the customer the liberty to choose which queue he/she would like to join in.


Who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? These smart-systems can also be used to enhance the customer experience. These can be used by a customer for booking appointments and also they can be texted in advance to let them know or as a reminder of their appointment. If the appointment system hasn’t been used, the organization can still send a message to the customer to inform them that they are the next to be served. This gives the customer enough time to continue to shop or browse around and gives you extra revenue.

These kinds of modern Queuing Systems can bring in enhanced customer experience and makes it more efficient for your employees and customers both. Customers would be given the feeling that their best interests are being taken care of. When you implement things that bring their waiting time down or make it easier for them to explain their case history, it makes them feel unique and appreciated. Employees also appreciate it as it means that it is more of a planned and organized scenario. All this ultimately leads to a better business scene.

Queue Management not only helps your business, but it brings it forward. It gives a modernized feel and can set you apart from other businesses with an atmosphere of forward-thinking. Enhancing customer experience can launch a business into the future and make it cutting edge.

Checkout: The Leading Queue Management System Provider in UAE

Customer Feedback System with QR Code for each property – DAMAC Properties

Customer Feedback System for Damac Properties is designed and developed by RSI Concepts. DAMAC Properties is a name that needs no introduction in Dubai, UAE and GCC. DAMAC Properties has developed thousands of projects till last year and many in progress. The luxury property developer has established a brand name in the market by providing some of the most luxurious homes, apartments, buildings, resorts and hotels all over the UAE.


When it comes to customer happiness and satisfaction, DAMAC compromises on nothing, they have implemented international quality standards and even beyond. DAMAC is providing its customers with the best support and customer service. DAMAC is a high customer-centric organization and they are investing a lot of resources in customer happiness sector, which is a reason DAMAC has been awarded more than 100 global awards for the civil marvels they have built over the time. No matter if you take a look at their high-rise buildings, homes, apartments, interior, exterior, or whatever, everything that has DAMAC’s name will also have unmatchable quality and standards.

This is the reason DAMAC have decided to collect feedback from their customers and people whoever are visiting the DAMAC properties. This is when RSI Concepts have been provided with an opportunity to submit their bid for the DAMAC Customer Feedback System tender. The competition was tough but we have won the bid based upon our intelligent and smart feedback collecting solution. We have provided the QR Codes for each property which makes the Customer Feedback System more accessible and easy to use with a smartphone too.

Our customer feedback system is built on a very simple and basic rule, which is “easy-to-use”. At RSI Concepts we have more than a decade of experience in Customer Feedback and Survey solutions. Which enables us to provide our customer with a solution no one else can offer in Dubai, UAE.RSI Customer Feedback System is equipped with a smart statistical engine, which does most of the statistical analysis and provides completely customized reports. RSI Customer Feedback System is a result of a decade long experience and knowledge which we have gathered from our hundreds and thousands of implementations all over the UAE.

QR Code Based Survey and Customer Feedback

The unique and new thing in this system was the introduction of a QR code-based mechanism. Each DAMAC property was tagged with a unique QR code, which is pasted on a very prominent place. The tenant/customer and visitors can scan those QR codes with their smartphones and do the survey within a few taps or they can do the survey from the interactive devices also, which are installed on each property. The system will monitor and update the admin panel in real-time, and whenever negative feedback is submitted, the system notified the concerned staff immediately along with that, an SMS and Email will be sent to the customer as well. Later the staff can rectify the problem and notify the customer accordingly. This feature builds a sense of connectivity and the customer/visitors will also feel comfortable by knowing that they are important and DAMAC is taking their valuable feedbacks very seriously.

The system is very flexible and completely customized to fulfil the needs of the DAMAC. Above all our system provides provisions of customizing the surveys for each property and a very deep statistical analysis mechanism which no one else is providing. This was the reason DAMAC selected us over so many other vendors.

Here is what our Sales and Marketing Manager, Ms. Maheen Waheed stated when I asked her about her experience with this project:

“This was quite a challenging task dealing with so many technicalities and implementation of the system on such a large scale within such a short time. The DAMAC team was wonderful and very cooperative, which helped us to complete the project as per the given deadlines. Overall it was a quit learned experience, not only for me but my team as well. We are very much positive that this project is a gateway for more upcoming projects with DAMAC and we are proud to have them in our portfolio. Here I would also like to thank my technical team, who did a remarkable job and made everything possible. DAMAC management is much excited to see the results of the system and they are very satisfied with the performance of our customer feedback system.”

RSI Concepts hosts multi-cultural employees and carefully picked only the wonderful mind who love their work, and this is the reason we have accomplished so many achievements this far.

Want to learn more about our feedback and survey system? Visit our product page: RSI Concepts Customer Feedback System.

Checkout: Capital Health Screening Center for Customer Feedback



Features of an efficient Queue Management System


Any professional environment which faces customers needs to have a good Queue Management System in place. An effective Queuing System has quite a few obvious benefits and qualities. Let us have a look at what makes a successful Q management system

The wait times are properly managed – A waiting line involves just that – ‘waiting”. Customers are most of the time willing to wait for certain things. While for other things they are not. A good queue management system has proper built-in management. Whether you use a manual counting process or whether you use an analytics technology related to footfall that monitors the customer wait and arrival times; a good queuing system would very rarely let a wait time go out of the acceptable range.

How the Queue Management System improves customer experience?

Customer experience is always most important – We all hate waiting even though it is very much part and parcel of our lives. Though come to think of it, more than the waiting, it is the experience while you wait that makes for a positive or negative experience. Hence a good queue management design is one which puts the customer’s experience first. It plays a very important part in the psychological workings of queuing. A good system in place would have the quality to address whatever issue matters to customers while they are taking time out and waiting.

Being fair – It is quite obvious and natural that long waits can cause a person to be irritated and annoyed. Hence, a good queue management system will follow the golden rule of fairness. This being said, there could be exceptions. Like in a doctor’s clinic, depending on emergencies or different treatment conditions, a particular patient might be seen while others have been waiting already. However, the reason for serving another customer needs to be communicated to the others clearly. In some places, where multiple lines are meant for same kind of services; a single queue might solve client frustrations as they know it is a purely first come and first serve policy in place.

Strong foundation – In a good Q management system the formation and structure of the queue in itself is well structured and planned and thus can hold the flow and ebb of customers. This means that the Queue management system design considers every little detail – like how wide should the line be so that shopping carts can be accommodated, how short or long are the lines during various times of the day, is the entrance and exit convenient, is it an easy system to follow and so on.

Transparent information – Whether it is for customers, or for the staff, the wait time is informative and transparent. When the customers are already aware of how long they would be required to wait, they would be less irritated or anxious about it. In the similar manner when the staff and management are aware of the wait times, they are able to meet the problem ahead of time and can solve it before the long wait spoils the customer’s experience.

Hence it can be said that it is waiting lines that can make a business successful or break it. A good queue management system pays attention to this problem and is designed in such a way that it keeps the timing to a minimum.

Checkout: Can a Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?