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Why Every Business Should Invest in a Queue Management System?

Why Every Business Should Invest in a Queue Management System?

The service sector knows very well the importance of customer experience. Businesses in Dubai or anywhere in UAE understand the importance of customer satisfaction. The UAE is a very competitive market and the customers simply have too many choices, which is why they are also very demanding. However, it is crucial for a business to ensure customer satisfaction and offer excellent services at their service center. A good customer experience not just make your customer happy but it also increases their loyalty and improve the brand image. A good brand image always attract more customers and vice versa.

That is why it is absolutely essential for a business to offer a great customer experience at their customer service centers. Businesses in Dubai and anywhere in UAE are investing heavily in customer satisfaction solutions. Regardless of industry a queue management system is the perfect companion for a modern day customer service centers. Businesses can find industry specific solutions as well as fully customized queue management systems which are exclusively designed to meet the very specific needs of the business.

See Also: What is Queue Management? Beginner’s Guide to Queuing SystemsWhy Every Business Should Invest in a Queue Management System?

What is a Queue Management System?

By definition a queue management system is a tool which is used to manage the customer flow and queues in the customer facing environments. The queuing theory is the learning and understanding of the line formation and customer flow. Businesses were managing queues since long time ago, even before the technological revolution and internet. Earlier businesses were managing footfall by forming waiting lines which worked on first come first serve bases. Later on businesses started issuing token numbers manually in form of small paper piece or tags, which have greatly improved customer flow and allow businesses to serve customers in different priority groups, and also enable them to segregate customers on the bases of services they need.

However, things have changed and the internet and IT technologies have evolved. Businesses then started deploying digital queue management systems. A digital queue management system is based on a software program and some hardware components. The modern digital queue management systems greatly improved the management abilities, control and performance of the queuing which also had a great impact on customer happiness and raise customer satisfaction. Moreover the Arabic queue management systems are also very successful in UAE and other regions of GCC.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

What is a Queue Management System?

Why Businesses should Deploy Queue Management Systems?

There are many reasons to deploy a queue management system. Every business who serves its customers at their offices, customer service centers or at their premises, need a mechanisms to manage footfall and ensure a frictionless customer journey. The customer journey is impacts customer happiness which is essential to attain customer loyalty and improve brand image. In this blog we will enlist key advantages of investing in a queue management system and how it benefits businesses.

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps Maximizing the Efficiency?

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time is the most crucial and significant factor in managing customer experience. Long wait time results in bad customer experience and unhappy customers. Only happy and satisfied customers will contribute to your business growth. Happy customers become loyal and loyal customers tend to be a good brand advocate who help you improve your brand image and attract more customers. On an average a 12 minutes wait time have least impact on customer happiness, more time added and your customers will become more unhappy and eventually they will become annoyed and angry which will not only ruin the customer experience but will also cause increase in customer churn and could badly impact your business’s reputation.

A queue management system digitalize the queuing process and digitalization drives automation which can greatly improve efficiency and reduce customer wait time. It also help improving employee efficiency and eliminate common queuing problems which results in less wait time and better management. Less wait time means happy customers and happy customers mean repeated business which will help you grow and increase profitability.

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

Queue Management System Improves Customer Experience

Queue Management System not only reduce customer wait time but it is very capable of improving the entire customer experience. Usually customers are welcomed with a self-service interactive ticket dispensing kiosk which allow them to choose the service they need or sign-in and get a ticket number. The customers can wait comfortably in the designated areas or they can go out to spend the wait time as they want, this allow them to sign-up for virtual queues, hence the customers doesn’t need to stand in long physical waiting lines. Furthermore the wait time is also a complex phenomenon, there is one actual wait time and there is one perceived wait time. The perceived wait time is always higher than the actual, it is our brain who tricked us in believing that more time has passed than what have actually passed.

The queue management system give customers more freedom and allow them to wait outside and keep them updated with regular alerts and notification such as SMS or WhatsApp, etc. The queue management system also have in-built announcement and customer calling system which keep customers distracted from waiting, it also have a digital signage which displays live queuing information and it also plays multimedia content or promotional material which keep customers distracted from the waiting time and help reducing their perceived wait time. These features significantly improve your customers’ waiting experience and raise their satisfaction.

See Also: Paperless Queue Management System

Queue Management System Improves Customer Experience

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

The queue management systems also helps improving employee performance. It offers a comprehensive performance monitoring framework having multiple KPIs to monitor and evaluate employee performance. These KPIs help businesses to enhance their resource management strategies and are also very useful for the HR department. The HR can extract employee performance data to improve their training programs and take several HR decisions based on the employee performance data which help businesses improve their productivity in longer run. Furthermore the queue management system can automate several customer journey processes and digitalize several interactions which helps automating many tasks which are previously done by the service staff.

An effective queue management system can significantly reduce the workload of the employee which results in better performance. When employee works under balanced workload their satisfaction rises which raise their morals and have long term impact on employee performance and also enhance the quality of their work. The queue management system can also automatically reroute the customers based on the current customer flow at each counter to minimize the customer wait time which also help balancing the workload and enhance employee performance.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Queue Management System Reduces Cost

A queue management system is a great companion for your business to optimize the operational cost while boosting the performance and productivity. As I have mentioned above a queue management system can greatly improve customer flow and minimize the burden of the staff which results in a productive environment and it ensures high quality services for the customers. Furthermore the queue management system automates several queuing processes. The digitalization and automation doesn’t require any staff assistance at most of the touchpoints which means the overall need of human resource decreases. Businesses can invest in queue management system and minimize the need of human resource which can significantly reduce the operational cost without effecting the productivity in fact the queue management system can greatly improve efficiency.

The initial cost of the queue management system is also quite reasonable, as the technology used to build queue management systems are widely available. A queue management system consists of two parts, the software and hardware. Both software and hardware works independently and doesn’t require regular maintenance, which means the maintenance cost is also very low. The improved employee efficiency, decreased human resource need, and low-cost deployment of the system results in high ROI and help businesses minimize the per-service and overall operational cost.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Queue Management System Reduces Cost

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

A queue management system is a digital tool which have a very powerful AI based software with smart algorithms and great capabilities of collecting business intelligence data. The business intelligence data includes customer behavioral data, their interaction at each touch point, system’s statistical and analytical data and various other insight which help businesses understand customer needs, demands, liking/disliking, market trends, staff performance and customer feedback. A digital queue management system also offers in-built analytical tools which help businesses extract actionable reports from the collected data. These reports can be included in the decision making process as well as these can be shared automatically as per set frequency.

The management can easily analyze the performance of each branch using these reports and on top of that customized reports can also be generated as per the needs of the management. The staff performance data is very useful for the resource planning and management and the HR can also use this data for several HR decisions. Queue management system can also be used to collect valuable customer feedback data which can be collected using on-premises tablets, touch screen or interactive kiosks and the queue management system can also integrate multiple channels such as SMS, Emails, WhatsApp, mobile apps, websites and many more. The business intelligence data help businesses improve processes, reduce cost and identify the areas of improvement which increase profitability and productivity in the long run.

See Also: The Concept of Queue Management and Crowd Control

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

How Queue Management System Improves Business

When a business deploy a queue management system it equally benefits all relevant parties. Whether it is customers, service staff, managers or senior management/head office everyone get several benefits. Here is a quick overview of benefits a queue management system offer for different stakeholders:

Queue Management System Benefits for Customers

  • Customer will have better waiting experience
  • More freedom and convenience during wait time
  • Less wait time and satisfactory customer service
  • Better communication, real-time updates and alerts
  • Virtual queuing features and appointment booking facility

Queue Management System Benefits for Service Agents

  • Balanced workload and low pressure environment
  • Get help and simplify service delivery process
  • More control and better customer flow management
  • Better performance, higher employee satisfaction

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Queue Management System Benefits for Managers

  • Digitalization and automation improve administration
  • Digital controls help managers effectively control the customer flow
  • Analytical and performance data help managers make good decisions
  • Automatic alerts and notifications keep managers up-to-date
  • Advanced features help implementing company policy

Queue Management System Benefits for Head-Office

  • Enable head-office to get real-time updates from all branches
  • Improve monitoring and control over all connected branches
  • Help head-office to collect data and make reports from all branches
  • Help head-office to remotely implement their policy over all or selected branches

How Queue Management System Improves Business


For businesses it is extremely important to ensure their customers are getting satisfactory experience at all their branches and outlets. The customer satisfaction is extremely crucial for your business’s success. Happy and satisfied customers tend to be loyal to the brand and they also help building a positive image with their feedbacks, reviews, word of mouth, social media and other online endorsements. For any business who is offering on-premises services whether it is from retail, finance, banking, healthcare, education, or any other service-based industry even the government offices and service centers also require a proactive queue management strategy which is impossible without implementing a digital queue management system.

In this blog we have covered the advantages of implementing a queue management system for your business and the benefits it offers for key players and stakeholders. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to design and customized and highly cost-effective queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

Having long lines and busy waiting area is a common sighting in the service industry. Businesses who operate in service sector can’t avoid waiting lines, though there are proven market strategies that can help them minimizing the customer wait time enable them to improve customer experience. There are many factors that contributes to slow moving queues and long waiting lines, which cause unhappiness, and sometimes annoy your customers. That is when the queue management comes into play, the queuing management is a strategy and technology a business implement to reduce customer wait time and to improve their experience at the business.

These two are extremely important for a business, happy and satisfied customers become loyal, the loyal customers not only give repeated business, but they also help establishing a positive brand image. No one likes waiting, but if you have a queue management system you can not only minimize the wait time but you can also significantly enhance customer experience.

See Also: Paperless Queue Management System

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

Imagine you have some important work at a government office or a bank, when you reach there you find crowded waiting areas, entangled queues, and you have no idea which waiting line you should stand in, or even if your line is moving or not. How frustrating and annoying it would be? You are also risking the same frustration for your customers by not properly managing your customer flow and queues. Businesses knew that from the very beginning, that is why the queue management system have transformed from a paper pen ticketing to a highly advanced AI (artificial intelligence) based sophisticated digital queue management system.

Now a days in Dubai or anywhere in UAE there are hundreds of vendors who are advertising different types of queue management systems in the market, which sometime could be very confusing for the business owner or the managers to choose the best match of their requirements. In this blog we will discuss how a customized queue management system is the best choice for any business.

See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

What is a Customized Queue Management System?

There are usually two types of every digital system and software, one is called commercial off-the-shelf solution or COTS and the other is customized solution. The COTS are designed for masses and a large number of businesses/users uses them. Whereas the customized solutions are tailor-made software and systems which are exclusively designed for a particular business or user. Both types of solutions have their own advantages and disadvantages. The COTS are easy to deploy, in fact can be deployed within a day or two, the customized queue management systems take time to develop and also have higher initial cost.

The biggest problem with the COTS is that they can never fulfil 100% of the needs of a business, usually if a commercial off-the-shelf solution meets a business’s 80% of the needs, it is considered ideal. However, the customized software solutions eliminate that problem and as they are exclusively designed for the user, they can meet 100% of the needs of the user and have higher performance, adoptability and longer lifecycle. Furthermore the COTS also have reoccurring costs and the ownership belongs to service provider, the customized software on the contrary doesn’t have any such cost and the ownership belongs to the business for whom these software are designed for.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

What is a Customized Queue Management System?

What are the Benefits of Customized Queue Management System?

The customized queue management system can completely transform the business/branch and the customer experience. It can significantly improve the customer flow and help businesses reduce and manage the crowd. The reduction in wait time and the enhanced customer experience ensures maximum customer satisfaction. Here are the key benefits of implementing a customized queue management system at your business/branch:

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Reduced Wait Time

The customer wait time is one of the most impactful factor on customer happiness and customer satisfaction. No one wants to wait in long queues, everyone wants to get everything done quickly. According to several studies on an average a customer could wait for up to 8 to 13 maximum. After 8 minutes the customer start getting annoyed and anxious and after 13 minutes the customer start getting annoyed, angry and frustrated. The customer wait time is one of the primary causes to unhappiness of the customers. That is why the main objective of implementing a digital queue management system is to reduce customer wait time, improve their queuing experience and help businesses achieve better performance.

The customized queue management system is exclusively designed as per the needs and requirements of your environment which enables it to maximize its impact and minimize the customer wait time as much as possible without compromising customer experience and happiness.

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Reduced Wait Time

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Seamless Ticket Generation

Earlier businesses were manually distributing tickets to the customers and visitors, which is a slow and time consuming process, and this process also have higher error rate which cause problems for the customers. However a customized queue management system makes ticket dispensing and distribution process self-service for the customers. Usually a self-service interactive kiosk is used to dispense the tickets. In your customized queue management system the User Interface is designed as per the requirements and needs which further improve the performance.

Businesses can have multiple languages that they want and they can ask certain questions if needed. The customer can chose the right service they need from a list, and the queue management system can also suggest them what service they might be needing based on their previous experience. The ticket dispensing kiosk is a self-service technology powered by AI (artificial intelligence) and its automated algorithms can offer a great customer experience.

See Also: Complete guide to Queue Management Systems in Dubai, UAE

Seamless Ticket Generation

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Improve Employee Performance

The success of any business depends on its employees’ performance. When employee works under heavy workload and the crowd formation and poorly managed queues are a common occurring, the employee become less productive. In case of unorganized queues the staff usually have to spend a lot of time in organizing the queues and sorting out the problems and queries of the customers and visitors. However, when you implement a customized queue management system, the system take care of the entire customer flow and it manages all the queues automatically.

The smart algorithms and AI based powerful software engine can fetch data in real-time from various touchpoints and it can compare it with live data and historic data, which enables it to take highly effective decisions in real-time and manage all the customer footfall to maximize the efficiency. Furthermore the queue management system also monitor and track employee performance and KPIs which also help management and HR to take informed decisions to maximize the employee performance.

See Also: Queue Management System Problems and Solutions in Dubai, UAE

Improve Employee Performance

Benefits of Customized Queue Management System: Enhance Customer Experience

Customer experience is a key to customer happiness which drives customer loyalty and the customer loyalty help businesses to sustain and grow. Bad customer experience on the other hand tend to repel customers from the business and can harm or completely disrupt the growth and sustainability. In a highly competitive market like UAE if a business fails to meet the expectations of a customer, then the customer will move on to the next business, in fact these days the availability of too many options also raised the customer standards.

When customer demands are skyrocketing, the market become highly competitive and you are failing to fulfill their needs, you are not only risking to lose the customer but also your business’s reputation. The customized queue management system help reducing service delivery time, wait time and improve employee performance. Furthermore, it is also helpful to maintain a balance between the customer footfall and employee performance.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

Enhance Customer Experience


Every business belongs to service-sector, needs some kind of customer flow management system which is also knows as queue management system. The businesses often get average footfall, but during peak hours or peak days of the week or month, the customer footfall could significantly increase. Businesses need prior planning and strategy in order to meet the demand of the customers. On top of that it could become extremely difficult to manage the queues during the peak hours.

A digital queue management system can solve all these problems but there are two main types of Queuing systems, one is with the COT and the other is the customized queue management system. The customized queue management system is superior than the off-the-shelf solution, it help reducing the customer wait time, it helps businesses improve their internal processes, it improves employee performance, it minimize customer wait time, it enhance customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

See Also: The Beginner’s Guide to Queuing Theory

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the businesses are transitioning towards a more customer-centric business model. This is due to the paramount importance of the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Now a days the customer simply have too many options, if you failed to delight them they will immediately shift to a competitor. That is what makes customer happiness even more crucial for a long term success. The customer waiting lines are not avoidable, no matter what businesses do they will have to deal with the queuing issues. The customer waiting lines frustrates your customers as well as your employees.

The employees too will have to do more work, they get distracted from their primary tasks. Most of the times businesses will have to hire more staff to deal with large flux of customers and visitors. Which also raise the operational expenses. The manual queue management also have a lot of problems that can completely ruin the customer experience. That is why a digital queue management system is used, it not only help reducing the customer wait time, it also streamline customer flow, automates customer journey and enhance their experience.

See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Benefits of Using Modern Queue Management Software

What is a Modern Queue Management Software?

A modern queue management system is a combination of software and hardware components. The queue management software is a server side application which is hosted on an online server, in-premises data center, or in a cloud. The hardware is majorly different devices which are connected with the software. The key hardware components include digital interactive self-service kiosk or ticket dispensing unit, the digital signage displays and the audio announcement system. The software included a server based application which have all the algorithms used to perform decision making tasks in real-time.

The software also provides a service agent dashboard, which help service agents in interacting with the queue management system and it can also help them performing service delivery tasks. The queue management software also comes with an administrative dashboard, which is a control panel for the entire system. The head office and the branch managers or any other relevant staff have access to these dashboards. Some advanced queue management systems also offer virtual queuing and queue management system smartphone applications.

See Also: How a Queue Management System Can Transform Your Business Operations

What is a Modern Queue Management Software?

The customers and visitors can sign-up for the queues using the interactive self-service kiosks, where they are asked to choose the desired service, then a ticket is issued with their queue number. They got signed-up for the virtual queues, which means they don’t have to wait in physical waiting lines, and allow them freedom to wait in the waiting areas and lobbies or anywhere they want. The queue management software is capable of automatically routing the customers to the relevant counter. Even if the service structure is very complex, the queue management system can accurately divert the customers to the required counter.

In some businesses some counters are exclusive for some services, some offer a certain set of services only and so on, and this make queuing more complex. However, with a queue management system the customer flow is fully autonomous. The queue management system also help improving customer waiting experience and simplify customer journey. The queue management software can be integrated with other enterprise systems, databases and central information center which help adding innovative features to further enhance customer experience and efficiency. Here are some key benefits of a modern queue management software.

See Also: The Role of AI in Enhancing Queue Management Systems

What is a Modern Queue Management Software?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Automates Queuing Process

One of the biggest benefit of a modern queue management software is that it has capabilities to fully or partially automate the entire queuing process. The customer sign-up for the queues is automated via a self-service interactive kiosk. The customer flow management is automated with the help of the AI (artificial intelligence) based algorithms. The queue management system can implement the entire queuing policy with more efficiency and efficacy. The queue management software can understand which all services are offered by the businesses, it can also learn which counters are exclusive for which services, this information help the algorithms to automatically divert customers to their relevant counter.

On top of that there is no need for physical queues, all customers and visitors are signed-up for a virtual queue, which allow them to wait freely inside the premises. Even the queue management software can notify the customers via SMS and allow them more freedom to wait outside the premises as well if they want. The queue management system can also shift the customers form one queue to another based on the data it fetched in real-time from the system to achieve maximum efficiency. All this process is fully automatic and managed by the AI based in-built algorithms of the queue management software.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Automates Queuing Process

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Significantly Reduce the Wait Time

There many problems with the traditional, manual queuing process. The waiting lines are long, there are line jumpers, people always complaint and the staff found it very difficult to manage crowds. All these factors keep staff distracted from their primary tasks which further reduce the efficiency of the branch. However, with a digital queuing system the customer waiting time can be reduced. A modern queue management software is a very powerful tool, it is capable of monitoring the queues and customer flow in real-time and its AI based smart algorithms enable it to take autonomous decisions in real-time.

The queue management software can monitor, control and improve each and every step of the entire customer journey from welcoming customers to taking them to the right counter and even requesting them for their feedback afterwards. The automation eliminate all human management related problems, the customers and visitors don’t complaint as they know everything is managed by automatic system and there is no favoritism, line jumping or any other influence of the staff on the customer flow. This also let employees and the service staff to focus on their primary tasks, which further improve customer flow and reduce the overall customer wait time.

See Also: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Significantly Reduce the Wait Time

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Customer Experience

The reduction in wait time have very pleasant impact on customer experience. No one wants waiting, however, there will still remain some wait time which will vary on the bases of footfall at a certain hour in a day. A queue management software allow you to enhance customers experience during their journey at your business or branch. When a customer enters he/she is greeted by a self-service interactive kiosk machine, where they can acquire some information, provide some details and chose the service they need. Then the system issues them a ticket bearing their turn number in their respective waiting line.

The queue management software comes with in-built digital signage tools, which enable businesses to play multimedia content on the large displays that are used to display queuing information. This media can keep customers engaged and reduce the stress of waiting. The queue management system can also estimate the wait time as soon as someone signs-up, based on the previous data and current customer flow rate. Knowing how much more you have to wait also help calming the stress of waiting.

See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Customer Experience

The queue management software can also help employees in service delivery steps, which maximize their efficiency and reduce the time a customer will have to spend on a service counter. This also help improving customer experience. Since the customers don’t have to wait much thanks to the seamless customer flow, they reach to the counter in a much better state of mind. Which is very helpful for service agent to improve their interaction with the customers. The queue management software can also be integrated with other systems, which can be very helpful for the service agents in delivering a quicker and satisfactory customer experience.

The queue management software can also utilize digital communication channels to alert and update the customers, which could be very helpful for the customers. Moreover there is always a multi-lingual audio announcement system, which keep announcing the next ticket number and its designated counter number/name. This also keep customers distracted and keep them busy, which reduces the sensation of waiting. There are several other features that can be utilized to maximize the customer engagements and reduce the stress of waiting. All these features help improving customer experience and ensures a higher level of customer satisfaction.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Customer Experience

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Increase Customer Loyalty

The customer loyalty is one of the key factor which can ensure a long term sustainable growth of a business. The loyal customers tend to be a good brand advocate, they spread good words about the business which might also encourage others to make a purchase. The social media and digital channels have a great influence on the brand reputation and brand image, loyal customers tend to post good about the brand on their favorite channels with help improving online presence. Studies have shown that it is 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than selling to an existing customers. That is how the customer loyalty can impact a business.

A queue management software help businesses improve the entire customer journey and every interaction. It can also collect data from each touch point which also help businesses to understand the customer journey and customer experience, on the bases of this understanding and the analytical data collected by the queue management software, the businesses can build more effective strategies and plans to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. Only happy and satisfied customers tend to be loyal, unhappy customers might never return.

See Also: Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Increase Customer Loyalty

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Employee Efficiency

Managing customers, solving their problems, organizing physical queues, and avoiding crowed is a very time consuming task and requires a lot of efforts from the staff. This also keep distracting employees from their primary tasks and badly impact their efficiency and productivity. A queue management software not only lift a lot of workload from the employees but it is also capable of helping them with their routine tasks. The customer sign-up, virtual queues, automatic customer flow management, and a lot many more processes are managed by the queue management software automatically. When employees worked under balanced workload they tend to perform well.

Furthermore the queue management system also provide in-depth employee performance data and KPIs. For example, the queue management software measures how much on an average an employee spend on one customer, how they performed while delivering different services, how many customers they served in a single shift, how much time they spend in pre and post service tasks, etc. All these details help managers develop effective training programs and let them make informed decisions for better resource management which can significantly improve employee efficiency.

See Also: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Improve Employee Efficiency

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Collects Business Intelligence Data

The modern day business are heavily relying on information technology and data driven solutions. The data provides the information that are required to make better strategic decision that put a business on the success path. A queue management software is also a digital solution and it can offer a great wealth of the business intelligence data. The business intelligence data help businesses understand its customers, their persona, preferences, needs, expectations, and their voice too. The queue management software can capture analytical data form each touch point which help businesses to understand and evaluate the customer experience and customer journey.

The queue management system’s analytical data also help businesses evaluate their internal processes, polices and strategies and help them highlight the areas of improvements. Moreover businesses can also collect direct customer feedback with the help of the queue management software. A modern queue management software comes with in-built customer feedback collection module. Usually businesses keep touch screens, tablets and interactive kiosks to collect the customer feedback data. Which further help them understand the needs and expectations of the customers. Hence businesses can utilize this data in their decision making processes to make more informed and effective decisions.

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

Benefits of Queue Management Software: Collects Business Intelligence Data


The queue management is a very crucial aspect of customer satisfaction and customer happiness. The customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty and the loyal customers provide a foundation at which a business can plan and achieve a sustainable growth and long term success. The queue management software is a very powerful tool with AI based smart algorithms that enables it to collect analytical and system usage data in real-time and make instant decisions to improve the customer experience. The queue management software track and monitor employee performance and KPIs, which also help businesses in resource management and planning. The queue management systems collect valuable business intelligence data which help businesses take informed decisions.

The queue management software offer a central management system which enables the head office to monitor all connected branches in real-time and effectively implement their policies. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to implement a very cost-effective tailor-made queue management system, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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See Also: Qualities of a Good Mobile App for Queue Management System

What can a Queue Management System do for you?

Every business’s primary goal is to expand and grow. However, the business growth is completely dependent on its customers. The customers are the soul of any business, which is why the customer happiness and customer satisfaction is extremely crucial for a business. The customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty which is essential for customer retention. If a business have good customer retention, they don’t have to invest a lot in acquiring new customers. Gradually the loyal customers and an active marketing strategy can build a very strong brand identity in the market. The customer retention also have a huge impact on profitability of a business. In general it is almost 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. Furthermore if a business or organization keep losing customers they will have to invest more in their marketing & communication which could increase the cost of acquiring a new customer by many times. The customer satisfaction plays a crucial part in long term success and growth of a business. When it comes to customer satisfaction a few industry sectors stand out more than others for the need of a queue management system.

What can a Queue Management System do for you?

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the queue management systems are a common site at several businesses, especially at banks, government offices, telecom service centers, etc. are the places we all visit once in a while. However, the queue management systems are also very popular in healthcare sector, public sector, retail, airports, educational institutions and many more. Think of yourself visiting a business to get a service, the waiting area is full, there are several counters and several queues, you have no idea in which queue you should be, you feel the adjacent queues are moving faster than yours, you are not sure how much time it will going to take and you have to be somewhere, obviously you will get confused, frustrated and at some extent angry too. This is what you are risking of putting your customers through being a manager, decision make or owner of the business. Let us admit, we all don’t like waiting, especially under those circumstance. People tend to avoid going to businesses where they had bad experience in past or where they know they will get a bad experience. That is what exactly a queue management system is designed for. It is designed to avoid all those things.

What can a Queue Management System do for you?

Here is what a queue management system can do for your business and your customers:

  1. Reduce customer wait time
  2. Improve customer wait experience
  3. Improve customer flow and customer journey
  4. Raise service quality and improve business processes
  5. Achieve customer satisfaction and gain customer loyalty
  6. Improve staff performance and achieve staff satisfaction
  7. Gather valuable business intelligence data
  8. Reduce cost and increase profitability

Here in Dubai, UAE good queue management system brand such as  RSI Concepts also offer customization services. A customized queue management system can further boosts its efficiency and offers more benefits comparing to off-the-shelf queuing solutions.

Queue Management System: Reduces Customer Wait Time

One of the biggest reason of customer dissatisfaction is the wait time. Studies have revealed that an average customer start getting stressed after just 8 to 12 minutes of wait time, the longer the wait time will be the more stressed customer will get. More than 70 of the customers leave without making a purchase due to long wait time at the counters. Obviously different industries have different market dynamics but one thing is sure the long wait time results in customer frustration and increase churn rate too. The queue management system effectively and autonomously manages the queuing process and the customer flow in the service area. It facilitates customers by offering them multiple sign-up channels, reduce the average service delivery time, and it improves employee efficiency. Collectively all these factors and several others directly or indirectly help reducing the customer wait time.

Queue Management System: Reduces Customer Wait Time

Since the queuing and the customer flow is managed by the smart queue management system software so the employee can focus on their primary tasks without any distraction, which improve service delivery time and quality also. Furthermore there is no dispute, confusion or complaint from the customers who are waiting in queues, as everything is managed by system. The queue management system can also collect and store statistical data and has ability to route customers smartly which also reduce customer wait time and improve customer journey. It can also segregate various different types of customers such as VIP, Premium, Customer with Needs, etc. which also help improving the queuing process and reduce the customer wait time.

Improve Customer Wait Experience

Another very useful feature of a queue management system is that it can help businesses improving the customer waiting experience. If customer waiting experience can be improved they feel less impact of the waiting. The queue management system have integrated digital signage screens which are usually used for displaying the real-time queuing information. The queue management system allow businesses to play multimedia content or any other engaging material which can distract customers from the waiting and help reducing the waiting impact. Furthermore the queue management system is based on a very intelligent software engine which is powered by smart algorithms and AI (Artificial Intelligence). The queue management software can also predict the estimated time for each customer, which can be printed on their ticket and it can also be displayed on the signage screen. The impact of waiting is significantly reduced when the customer know how long they will have to wait.

Improve Customer Wait Experience

Furthermore the queue management system also have audio announcement system. The audio announcements keep the users engaged and distract them from the wait time, each time when a new announcement is made, most of the customers tend to look up at the signage to see which tickets are currently being served and how far they are. These all features keep them busy and engaged and reduce the effects of the waiting and boredom. Since the entire queuing process is managed by the queue management system, and the customer also know that everything is controlled by the computer, so they usually don’t complain much. In case of manual queue management most of the time customers get confused, they also complain about line jumpers, or sometimes customers might think the staff is favoring someone over them, and so on. However, with a queue management system these all problems are gone, and on top of that the customer flow is managed by intelligent algorithms which reduce latency factors and improve overall customer waiting experience.

Improve Customer Flow and Customer Journey

The customer journey and customer flow have a huge impact on the customer journey. A queue management system have in-built modules to implement customer flow policy and allow the management to automate the customer flow throughout the entire customer journey. Usually a business offers multiple services and also have multiple counters. Mostly a single service is delivered through a single counter, however, in some cases businesses might have stepped services which require a customer to reach to several counters or more than one counter to get a full service. In some cases businesses have exclusive counters for exclusive services or customers, which also has to manage separately. There could be so many different variations and factors that can impact the customer flow and customer journey as well. A queue management system can automatically manage all these scenarios.

Improve Customer Flow and Customer Journey

It means the businesses just need to configure their policy once and the queue management system is capable of taking decision in real-time based of the pre-defined settings and on the real-time system usage and statistical data. Businesses can also create agent profiles with their abilities to deliver different services and the queue management system can utilize this information to route the customers to the least busy counters while reducing the work of the busy counters which results in overall improved efficiency and performance which help improving customer flow and customer journey.

Raise Service Quality and Improve Business Processes

The businesses can utilize several advanced features to expedite the service delivery processes and service quality. Such as a queue management system have an integrated interactive kiosk for ticket dispensing, which can be used to take customer information, which help the system to prepare the agent dashboard beforehand by fetching the required information instantly from connected systems and databases. The queue management system can prepare the service agent dashboard automatically and instantly, as soon as the agent calls for the next customer the queue management system automatically fetch the data and information for the next service delivery hence saving precious time and reducing the overall service delivery time.

Raise Service Quality and Improve Business Processes

A queue management system can be integrated with several input devices to improve customer experience. For example, rather asking customer to input their details via sign-up form, the interactive kiosk can offer them Emirates ID scanner which can pull customer’s information automatically from the customer database and authenticate it with their ID. There are so many features that a business can add to a queue management system which can improve the customer journey and customer flow. The queue management system can automate several service delivery steps and it significantly reduces agent’s work which means the agents have more time to focus on the customer and the important things. This way a queue management system can raise service quality and improve several internal business processes.

Achieve Customer Satisfaction and Gain Customer Loyalty

Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is a key to long term success and sustainable growth. Businesses put a huge amount of resource and revenue just to increase their loyal customer base. The loyal customers are a valuable assets who not only help businesses expand but also help them to establish a good brand image. Loyal customers tend to be a good brand advocate, they suggest their favorite brand to others and doesn’t leave the businesses for small problems and they also have more tolerance towards the negative or bad experiences. It is far more expensive to acquire a new customer than selling to an existing one. Furthermore the customer retention have huge impact on business’s profitability. For example if a business keep losing 100 customers a month while its marketing and sales team tends to acquire 200 new leads per month, their overall profitability will be reduced.

Achieve Customer Satisfaction and Gain Customer Loyalty

In addition to that the customers who will leave might also share their negative opinions about the business which harms its reputation and brand image. A business with less customer turnover and customer churn rate can yield more profits from the same efforts they are doing. Customer retention help promoting good brand image which attracts more customers hence it help optimizing the marketing cost as well. A queue management system significantly enhances customer experience and ensures much higher customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty and have a very positive effect on profitability.

Improve Staff Performance and Achieve Staff Satisfaction

Since a queue management system provides a complete framework to manage the customer flow and customer journey in a fully or semi-autonomous way. It can take a huge amount of staff work and help balancing their work load. Employees who work under balanced workload tend to perform better and produce more quality work. Usually with manual queues, the staff is mostly engaged in managing queues and listening to the customers’ complaints and resolving their problems. This distract them from their primary tasks which not only have negative effect on their performance but also on the service quality. While a queue management system not only take all that burden but it also facilitates staff by managing several service delivery tasks. Furthermore the queue management system is a very capable tools of monitoring and measuring several staff KPIs. Which can be very helpful for the HR to improve the staff performance and efficiency.

Improve Staff Performance and Achieve Staff Satisfaction

A queue management system measures various KPIs and stats. For example, how many customers are being served by an individual agent or a team or a branch, etc. The queue management system can also monitor the staff activity, such as how much time they took for each service delivery, how much time they took to prepare for the next service and customer call and several other performance matrices. All this data is automatically analyzed by the in-built AI powered smart software engine and made available for the management and for the staff also. The management can easily identify the strengths and weaknesses of the staff and take steps to improve their performance. This also help HR to develop more effective employee development and training programs.

Improve Staff Performance and Achieve Staff Satisfaction

For example, if an employee is good at delivering 3 out of 5 services and for the 2 he/she take more time than the other agents, the business can help staff to improve their skills for these 2 services. There are so many features that can help employees, HR and management to evaluate employee performance and highlight their weak points which can be rectified to further improve their overall performance.

Gather Valuable Business Intelligence Data

A modern business heavily relies on the digital solutions and its IT infrastructure. In today’s world the success and growth is heavily relied upon the efficiency to effectively collect business intelligence data and leverage it to improve each and every business function and internal processes. A queue management system is a powerhouse of business intelligence data. It can collect data from each customer touchpoint. Which help businesses analyze the entire customer journey and let them track down the chock points in customer flow. The business intelligence data also help businesses to evaluate their strategies, policies, and internal business processes which can impact customer experience and customer satisfaction. The queue management system can accurately measure the time interval between every customer journey step and allow businesses to make improvements to improve customer experience.

Gather Valuable Business Intelligence Data

A queue management system can accurately measure the time of the customer interaction for example how much time it take a customer from signing up till getting the service. How much time it took to deliver the service, and how much time an agent takes between completing a service, performing post-service tasks and calling for the next customer. The system can monitor staff activities as well along with their performance and several other details. It can also collect customer feedback which can be helpful for product development and it provides deeper understanding of the customer experience and their preference. The queue management system have in-built data analytical tools which can automatically generate pre-configured reports and send them to the relevant stakeholder. The managers can also perform several analysis, comparisons and set alerts if any threshold is crossed. All these features help businesses to take timely decisions and monitor everything in real-time which make them more prepared to handle unexpected scenarios without harming customer experience and customer satisfaction.

Reduce Cost and Increase Profitability

A queue management system can manage queues, sign-up processes, customer flow, customer routing and the entire customer journey. Which eliminate the need of a lot of additional staff. Acquiring a queue management system is much less expensive comparing to retaining more staff. The operational and maintenance cost of the queue management system is very low. The modern queue management systems are built on widely available technology platforms which not only reduce the initial cost but also reduce the maintenance and upgrade costs. The value a queue management system adds to the customer journey and customer experience is unmatchable to anything else. It provides better and deeper in-sight to the customer journey, customer experience, employee performance and enables businesses to learn about their customer’s preferences, market trends and help them developing customer friendly strategies and policies.

Reduce Cost and Increase Profitability

Customer satisfaction drives customer loyalty and help optimizing the cost of the marketing and acquiring new customers. A loyal clientele is a key to long term success. Selling to existing customers is far more profitable than acquiring new customers. The ability to integrate with other marketing channels and customization allow businesses to optimize the cost of their IT infrastructure. Businesses can offer much more features at a much less cost which make queue management system one of the most cost-efficient solution for the businesses. A typical lifecycle of a queue management system is 5 to 8 years, that means the business might not going to need a new solution for a long time which itself significantly increase the ROI (return over investments) of a queue management system. Furthermore the automation, employee performance improvements, and valuable business intelligence data indirectly help reducing the cost at several fronts. These all features and benefits of a queue management system help businesses generate more revenue, achieve higher productivity and performance and gain more profit.


A queue management system is a very useful tool to transform customer experience, customer journey and to improve several internal business processes. It help businesses closely monitor the customer behavior, the problem they face and also help them collect valuable business intelligence data. A queue management system help businesses achieve higher performance, leverage automation and increase their productivity and profitability. It help businesses gaining higher customer loyalty and let them improve their strategies and polices to make improvements. It help businesses increase staff performance while achieving higher staff satisfaction which directly impact on the service quality and service delivery processes. A business can link queue management system with several other internal and even external systems to boost the usability of the system and to bring innovative features to improve customer experience and customer journey.

RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you with you queuing needs, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

Businesses want to improve productivity, turnover, and employee performance and cost efficiency all while improving the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Customers never like to wait in long queues, they want instant services. However, the queues are inevitable in reality. This means the businesses and organizations will have to deal with queues. Here in Dubai, and in fact all around the UAE the market is very competitive and the customers simply have too many choices. One bad experience is enough to make your customer switch to a competitor. Another important factor is that the UAE is one of the most modern and advanced society, people living here are mostly highly educated and the market norms and standards are very high. That is why it is crucial for a businesses to sustain its customers by any mean. The market trends, customer’s preferences and competitors are all important factors to consider for a long term strategy. Now a days, a regular or ordinary customer place their experience equal to the quality of the product or service they are obtaining. That is why the customer experience had become an absolutely necessary aspect of customer satisfaction strategy.

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

The customer satisfaction is mainly based on customer experience, whether it is with your product or services, staff, customer support team, sales team, or even through digital channels. That is why it is important to improve customer experience at all the touch points. In our today’s topic we will cover only the customer experience at the business premises or at the branch. The customer experience includes each and everything from signing up for the queue to getting the service or making the purchase and even afterwards. The waiting time, long and poorly managed queues are major causes of customer dissatisfaction. Studies have shown that in general a customer can wait for 8 to 12 minutes comfortably, after that the customer starts getting annoyed, anxious and stressed. This wait time is even lesser for certain businesses. That mean either the business will have to find a way to serve the customer before that safe waiting time limits or the business will have to find a way to increase that limit.

Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

A queue management system is the best solution to that problem, it can not only help businesses to reduce the wait time but it also help businesses to increase that limit by engaging customers and improving their waiting experience during the customer journey.Here is how a businesses can utilize a queue management system to increase customer tolerance to the wait time while reducing it simultaneously.

What is Queue Management?

Most of the time people line up to avail a service at a business. This happens when the counters or servers are less and the customers are more. That is the case almost all of the time at many businesses. Such queues are mostly unstructured and not properly managed. Which results in several problems that both the customers and the staff also faces. The queue management is the process or technique to manage those queues with more efficiency, efficacy and flexibility which facilitates both the customer and the staff of the business. Basically the queue management’s primary aim is to enhance customer experience, reduce their stress and improve the customer journey. In parallel to that the queue management also improve staff performance and productivity. This altogether improve the overall profitability of the business by making customer satisfied and loyal. Happy customers also help improving brand reputation and credibility.

What is Queue Management?

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system or QMS is a tool that is used to effectively and efficiently manage the customer queues. The queue management system is used to manage the waiting time, customer flow and customer experience. It also collect valuable business intelligence data for the businesses which help them improve the customer experience and customer journey. The queue management system also provide advanced monitoring and management features which can be applied at multi-branch setup and help the main branch or head-office to gain a better control and monitoring over all connected branches. A queue management system is a mixture of software and hardware. The software is usually an application with multiple interfaces for different group of users. The hardware usually consists of an interactive kiosk or a ticket dispensing machine, which dispense the queue numbers for the customers. There is a digital display which is used to provide queuing information and update in the waiting area.

What is a Queue Management System?

Almost all modern day queue management systems use audio announcement system which announces the next ticket number and the counter where their turn came. Along with that it also depends on the needs and requirements of the business. Some businesses also include a lot of other software and hardware features. The queue management systems can easily integrated with the central information center of the business as well as with other enterprise solutions and business tools. This capability significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the system and also allow the businesses to introduce innovative features and customization which can help them further improve customer experience and various internal business processes that can impact customer experience.

What is a Queue Management System?

The queue management systems are built on a very widely available hardware technology which makes them compatible with millions of hardware peripherals and interactive devices. Businesses can use a variety of hardware devices to introduce new features which please their customers and simplify their journey. Here in Dubai and all across the UAE mostly the simpler versions are used and major focus is at the software side, however, the interactive ticket dispensing kiosk can have a variety of hardware devices such as Emirates ID Reader, Barcode & QR Code Reader, Smart Card Reader, Document Scanner & Printer, Payment Gateway integration and POS, Biometric, Facial and Retina Scanners, Passport Scanners, and many more. These all hardware accessories are used to introduce new features to queue management system and help businesses in further simplifying the customer journey and improving the customer experience and customer happiness.

What is a Queue Management System?

What Makes Queue Management System (QMS) Essential for Modern Businesses?

Managing queues and customer experience is a very sophisticated task, it requires a lot of resources and planning. The manual work requires a lot of human resource, planning and still it is not as that effective. Improving customer waiting experience, customer journey and customer satisfaction need a lot of information and data analysis. Manually it is nearly impossible to gather all that data and do that kind of analysis with accuracy. Whenever there will be manual data collection, human will involve and common errors and mistakes will be inevitable. That is why a queue management system is essential not only to effectively manage the queuing process but it is also absolutely necessary for monitoring and collecting data which can later help in improving strategies, business processes and customer experience.

What Makes Queue Management System (QMS) Essential for Modern Businesses?

Here are a few reasons which makes a queue management system an essential for modern businesses:

Reduce Customer Wait Time

One of the most impactful factor on customer happiness and satisfaction is the wait time. No one wants to wait, everyone wants to get served as quickly as possible. A queue management system streamline customer flow, segment customers into different groups/categories as per their needs, direct them to the right counter and completely automate the customer flow process. As soon as a customer get served on a counter, the next one is automatically called via audio & visual announcements. And that is not all, an efficient queue management system can also be helpful in various other steps of the customer journey. For example via agent portal or agent interface a queue management system can help reducing the agent’s efforts, which keep them more focused on their primary tasks. Hence they can deliver even better customer services which makes your customer happy and satisfy.

Reduce Customer Wait Time

The automatically managed waiting lines, doesn’t cause much complaints as everyone knows the queue is controlled by the computer so everyone knows everyone will be treated equally, no one can line jump, and no agent or staff can favor anyone, etc. Such complaints are common in manual queues, even though the businesses put a lot of efforts to reduce them, people would still have such complaints in case of manual queues. That is why the digital queue management eliminates a lot of problems, makes customer happy and also enable staff to serve more customers in a single shift. Which in result also reduce the average customer waiting time.

Reduce Perceived Wait Time and Improve Waiting Experience

The perceived wait time is always higher than the actual wait time. Have you ever noticed, during the rush at the high way or at a grocery store the waiting line next to you felt faster than that of yours. However, when you switch it the reverse happens! It is just a perception of human brain. Sometimes we think the time is moving slower than it actually is. This is mostly due to boredom, waiting or lack of interest. The same happens at your business too. Your customers might think the time passed is more than the actual time passed. Another factor that contributes to increase perceived wait time is the absence of any other engagement, or one could say distraction. A queue management system provides the both, it actually reduces the actual wait time and it also help reducing the perceived wait time. A standard queue management system uses large display screen, these screens are used to display the queuing information. Businesses can use those screens and enable audio and visual announcements which can easily distract the customer from focusing on being waiting in a long queue.

Reduce Perceived Wait Time and Improve Waiting Experience

Businesses can also use another trick which is mentioning the estimated time to turn at the ticket. With the help of a queue management system this can be done easily. These features and a lot many other such features help businesses in reducing both actual and perceived wait time. When the actual and perceived wait time is reduced and during that wait time the customer is engaged with regular audio announcements, large bright display screens in front of them and with the estimated time to their turn, they feel more comfortable and in fact they can tolerate more wait time comparing to the situation without all those features.

Virtual Queuing Literally Reduces the Wait Time to None

The virtual queuing is not a new technology, in fact it is present since a long time, but since past two to three years the virtual queuing caught the attentions of the businesses in Dubai and everywhere in UAE. Businesses are adopting to virtual queuing on a rapid pace. The virtual queuing has ability to literally reduce the wait time to none. It done so by introducing advanced features such as remote sign-up channels, virtual queues, mobile or remote communication and such features. The customers are free to sign-up for the queue using a QR Code, an online link, SMS, email or even the business website and some advanced queue management systems also offer appointment booking modules as well. Such module ad features enable customers to sign-up for the queues without being physically present at the premises.

Virtual Queuing Literally Reduces the Wait Time to None

This means they are enrolled in the waiting line virtual without being physically present, hence they can easily plan their visit to arrive at the business only when their turn comes. Hence there will be literally no waiting time at the business. The virtual queuing also allow businesses to communicate with the customers using SMS, online links, mobile apps and other digital channels which enhance customer experience and increase their satisfaction.

Automatic Customer Flow Management Improves Customer Experience

A queue management system has a very intelligent software engine, which can be programmed as per the needs and situation. The businesses can use these features to setup a customer flow plan. Each business offers multiple services and each business deals with different categories of the customers who are attributed with different levels of priorities. For example, for certain services a business could have exclusive counters. For certain customers a business could have exclusive counters, such as for premium or VIP customers a business have policy to prioritize them at highest then there could be a dedicated counter for people with special needs and so on. All these variables can be programmed in the queue management system and it can automatically control the customer flow and customer journey for each customer category by automatically segregating them as per their priority or any other attribute.

Automatic Customer Flow Management Improves Customer Experience

Furthermore businesses also have different types of services, such as some businesses offers some services which can be delivered through a single counter, some services are meant to be delivered by multiple counters, such services are called stepped services. A queue management system can efficiently manage each type of customer flow as per the programming or setting at the admin panel. Hence the businesses doesn’t have to appoint additional human resource to guide and help customers, in fact the queue management system can do the job. This not only make the customer journey hustle free but it also save a lot of resources to the business.

Reduce Employee Work Load and Improve Employee Performance

With the manual queuing the employees are always engaged and distracted with so many other things. They could easily deviate from their primary tasks, which cause delays and poor performance. The employee feel under pressure, they feel more workload and their performance decreases. With the queue management system in place, the employees don’t have to worry about managing the queues, or solving disputes between the customers or listening to their complaints, in fact they can completely focus on their primary tasks. This also reduce the workload of the employees they feel working under a balanced workload and the feel much lighter and comfortable which not only boost their performance but also increase their work quality which eventually results in happy and satisfied customers. Moreover the queue management system can also be integrated with other systems and central information center of the business which enables them to further assist the agents and server in task closing and preparation of the next gig. Which also reduce their workload and improve their performance and quality of work.

Reduce Employee Work Load and Improve Employee Performance

Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data (Stats, KPIs, Feedback, etc.)

A queue management system is a digital system and is capable of capturing statistical and system usage data from each and every touch point of customer journey. Which allow the businesses to get a deeper insight to the customer experience and customer journey. It also provides them a window into customer’s mind, and help the management in understanding customer’s liking, disliking, there preferences and much more. The management can also utilize the business intelligence data form the queue management system to understand the market trends and also for product development. The queue management system not only collect stats and system usage data but it is very capable of collecting various KPIs, such as employee KPIs and other important matrices. The queue management system can accurately track and monitor employee performance. The business management can assess employee’s performance and they can learn about their strengths and weaknesses, their performance and they can even set notifications and alerts in case of poor performance. Which are very helpful in taking timely actions and improving employee performance.

Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The queue management system can also collect customer feedback and make the feedback process very simple and easier for the customers. Which results in increased turnover and high quality customer feedback data. With the ability to integrate it with other systems, tools and database the businesses can develop features to even manage the feedback by performing analysis and generating report and they can also use the queue management system to close the customer feedback loop, which not only eliminate the need of a separate customer feedback management system but also makes the process a lot easier and more convenient for the management and the relevant staff.

Queue Management System Increases Productivity and Profitability

A queue management system is not just a queuing system but it is a full-fledged branch transformation tool. It can help businesses at many fronts. It help them automate several business processes, boost employee performance and their quality of work. And a queue management system can collect and gather valuable business intelligence data which can be used by the businesses to track and monitor performance of various functions and employees and also help them make informed decisions. The Queue Management System is absolutely necessary tool for the modern businesses. It boost their productivity and capabilities to perform well. The automation and digitalization reduce the human resource and also eliminate the need of acquiring various other separate tools and systems which in itself is very cost-effective and reduce help businesses in managing the expenses.

Queue Management System Increases Productivity and Profitability

Moreover the customer happiness and customer satisfaction help businesses retain the customers, and improve their brand image. A good brand image attracts more customers and also reduce the marketing and branding expense. All those direct and indirect impacts of a queue management system are very cost-efficient. A queue management system boost a business’s performance, productivity and profitability and ensures a long term growth.


Every business wants its customer to be happy, satisfied and loyal to them. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE invest millions in systems and solutions to achieve this goal. However, keeping the cost low, obtaining maximum efficiency and productivity and at the same time ensuring your customers are happy and satisfied. But how a business can achieve this? This is a very difficult question but it has a very simple answer which is a Queue Management System. A queue management system not only manages customer flow and reduce customer wait time but it does a lot more than that. It help businesses understand the customer behavior, customer journey and the customer experience. A queue management system significantly reduce the customer wait time, it improves their waiting experience and at the same time it boost employee performance and increase overall productivity of the business. A queue management system in the long term is a great solution to achieve highest performance, unmatched productivity and great ROI by significant improvement in profitability and cost reduction.

RSI Concepts is a leading brand in queue management systems in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about eh subject or if you want our help to improve your customer experience and boost your performance, productivity andprofitability, feel free to let us know via our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Employee KPIs and Performance Management

Qualities of a Good Mobile App for Queue Management System

Qualities of a Good Mobile App for Queue Management System

A queue management system has become an essential part of the businesses who require from their customers to visit their offices, branches, stores or customer service centers to avail their services. No matter which industry you belongs to, if you are operating in Dubai or anywhere else in UAE and your customers will have to visit you for certain business transactions, then you must be aware of the queue management challenges. Here in UAE the technology have penetrated far deeper in our daily lifestyle than anywhere else in the region. For instance think of the smartphones, almost a decade ago when the smartphones where in their infancy, most of the people were still using regular mobile phones with button based keyboard and a small digital screen. At that time the maximum one can do was to access the emails, or browse websites, however, the experience was not so good, the amount of available mobile apps were also very limited. However, with the passage of time, the smartphone have become a necessity, for many of us the smartphones are the primary medium to access to the internet, do online shopping, communication and social networks. This revolution compelled many businesses all around the world to seriously consider the mobile apps to enhance their customer experience, journey and communication.

Now a days businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are proactively exploring the ways to magnify the gains of the mobile and digital mediums. Businesses are offering services that can be accessed and availed from the smartphones. Your entire personal bank is available on the smartphone as a mobile app. People tend to surf internet over their smartphone, in fact the mobile searches have already surpassed the regular desktop/laptop searches. This had a profound impact on customer and business relationships. Now a day’s, the customer also expect from their favorite brand or service provider to offer mobile applications, in fact having a mobile app can add value to a business’s credibility. That is why most of the modern queuing solution such as RSI Queue Management System have in-built integration available for the mobile apps. Businesses can gain a variety of benefits from utilizing the smartphones and offering mobile apps to their customers. In this blog we will discuss how a queue management system can leverage a good quality mobile app to maximize customer’s experience and satisfaction.

A Good Queue Management System Mobile App Minimize the Wait Time

For any queuing solution the primary and most important task is to reduce the customer wait time and improve their experience throughout the entire customer journey. The studies have shown that an average customer can happily wait for just a few minutes, any waiting time longer than that would start impacting the customer experience and will eventually led to unsatisfied customers. No matter what else you do if your wait time is too long, it would be extremely difficult to deliver a happy and satisfactory customer experience. The very first thing your customers will going to notice is the wait time, if the wait time is too long or waiting experience is bad the customer will arrive annoyed or stressed already, which makes it extremely difficult for the service agent to switch their mood and make them happy within the limited time they have. That is why the wait time and waiting experience are crucial for customer happiness and customer satisfaction.

A Good Queue Management System Mobile App Minimize the Wait Time

A mobile app integrated with queue management system can offers a variety of features which can be used to reduce the customer wait time and to improve their experience. The problem with crowded waiting areas is that they add to the anxiety and stress of the customers, however the queue management system mobile app allows the customer to sign-up remotely for virtual queues. This enables them to virtually enroll in the waiting lines, way before they physically arrive at the business. It also allows customers and visitors to manage their schedule in a way to minimize the in-premises wait time. Hence the actual waiting time could be a lot less than the estimated wait time. Moreover the mobile app also allow the customer to keep getting updates and feeds of the on-going queues and keep them reminded of their number in the queue. So, they don’t forget or get late. This is a huge leap. It can significantly reduce the wait time, and it can prevent crowd formation in the waiting areas.It also improves the waiting experience as well. The reduced wait time is a key to happy customer experience and stress free customer journey.

Mobile App Improves Waiting Experience and Reduce Perceived Wait Time

The queue management system mobile app can enhance waiting experience and it can also help reducing the both the actual and the perceived wait time. Most of the time when we are in a long queue, we might think that the queue next to us is moving faster than us, if we somehow manage to jump into the ‘faster’ queue, almost in a few minutes we realize that now the previous queue is moving a bit faster, this is just a trick of the mind, in reality, both queues are on the same pace. Usually the perception under stressful environment and circumstances is just the amplified version of the reality. That is also applicable when people are waiting in long queues. So the perceived wait time is always higher than the actual wait time. The mentioning of estimated wait time is another most important aspect of customer waiting time which most businesses often neglect.

Mobile App Improves Waiting Experience and Reduce Perceived Wait Time

We human react differently to the things we know and to the things we don’t know, we have something called “fear of unknown” embedded in our DNA. Whenever such situation arises when we are not aware or certain of the outcome we fear it, and it puts our body and mind into a kind of defensive mode, which generates stress. Same is applicable to the waiting experience, when the customers don’t know how much time they will have to wait, it stressed them out. People start feeling the pressure and it affects their experience. However, with a mobile app, the business can provide all necessary queuing details including live updates, estimated wait time, any changes or even communication can be enabled between the service agents/staff and the customer. Which can provide a great relief and it can help ease down the stress of the waiting.

Mobile App Improves Waiting Experience and Reduce Perceived Wait Time

This also allow the customers to manage their visits more efficiently and resultantly they have to wait very less, in fact in some cases there is literally no wait time, the customers can instantly get served as soon as they arrived at the business. This enhances the customer experience and raise customer satisfaction and customer happiness.

The Mobile App Simplifies the Sign-up By Introducing Unconventional Methods and Mediums

One of the biggest advantage of queue management system mobile app is the simplified sign-up process. In any traditional queuing setup the customers will have to physically arrive at the branch to sign-up for the queue. The sign-up is usually done via an interactive ticket dispensing kiosk. However, with the queue management system mobile app, the customers and visitors can sign-up right through the mobile app, without requiring them to physically be present at the business. The queue management system mobile app can issue electronic tickets or token numbers, and sign them up for the virtual queues. The customers can leverage the virtual queues and wait outside or plan their visit in a way that they reach only at time when their turn came. This can prevent long waiting time and even it can also completely eliminate the wait time. Which is great to improve customer experience and customer journey.

The Mobile App Simplifies the Sign-up By Introducing Unconventional Methods and Mediums

Moreover the businesses can also allow customers and visitors to make changes to their visit if in case they are late or got caught up in something, this also allow the staff to easily fit them in the next available slot and prevent any inconvenience. The customers can also signup for the queues, using SMS, WhatsApp, Email or other alternative methods which also improve their experience and make the process more convenient and user-friendly which is a key to customer happiness and customer satisfaction.

Enable a Direct Communication Channel with Individual Customer via Mobile App

Businesses can enable a direct communication channel with the individual customer via mobile app. The queue management system mobile app can host a bunch of features such as in-app messaging, on-screen notifications, push notifications, alerts and much more. This allow the businesses to keep the customers up-to-date and it also help them improve customer experience by providing them human interaction and live support. For example, in case if any unpredictable scenario arises which could cause delays to the customer’s estimated time in the system, the customer agent can immediately communicate it with the customers and visitors and they can also give them instructions to reschedule or share updates with them with the new schedule, etc. Moreover the customer support agents can also contact customers and visitors to ask them to bring any documents that they might need, or give them reminders of important things, etc. Such communication improve customer experience, increase their level of trust and help businesses build a stronger relationship with them which is a key to long term success.

See More: What are the Key Features of an Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)?

Enable a Direct Communication Channel with Individual Customer via Mobile App

Offer Additional Features with Queue Management System Mobile App

The smartphone are becoming more powerful day by day. This allowed the mobile app developer to introduce a lot of innovative features. The modern mobile app development technologies have become very advanced and cost-efficient, adding more user-friendly features in a mobile app is not expensive at all. That is why the queue management system mobile app can be used to offer a variety of innovative and technologically advanced features which can help both businesses and the customers. For example, if a service required to upload documents or ID of the customers, the customers can be asked to scan or upload these document via their mobile app even before arriving at the business. This will expedite the service delivery process and it make it a lot easier for the customer support agent to deliver good quality service more quickly with less efforts.

Offer Additional Features with Queue Management System Mobile App

Another great feature that a queue management system can offer is businesses locator and branch locator. The locator functionality uses the GPS to learn about the customer’s location, then it pull up the nearest location or multiple locations in the close proximity. The mobile app can also integrate navigation maps, to let the customer navigate to the desired branch/location. Moreover the locator module also provide the live queuing info with the estimated wait time at each branch, which help customers to easily select the branch with shorter wait time. The mobile app can also be integrated with the appointment booking module or it can also have an in-built appointment booking module to let the customers and visitors schedule their appointment at their convenient time and date. The live queuing information, continuous alerts, notifications and reminders can help improving the customer experience.

See More: Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Collect Customer Feedback via Mobile App

Customer feedback is a very valuable data for any business. Collecting customer feedback help businesses understand various aspects of customer relationship and the customer journey. Businesses can easily identify the areas of improvements, new market trends, their customer’s needs and even businesses can evaluate and assess various business processes and employees who are involved in customer journey. The biggest problem with the customer feedback data is the quality and quantity of the data. In order quantify the customer feedbacks and to be able to produce actionable reports, the customer feedback data must have certain qualities and should also have enough quantity to remove ambiguities and confusions. The mobile apps are one of the most effective customer feedback collection channels. There are two main reasons, first the businesses can easily push customer feedback surveys to the targeted audience at the right place and time, which increases the quality and quantity of the customer feedback data.

See More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Collect Customer Feedback via Mobile App

A queue management system mobile app can collect various different types of customer feedback data such as NPS (Net Promoter Score), CES (Customer Effort Score), CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Survey), General customer happiness meter/scale and much more. This data can provide a deeper and much accurate understanding of all aspects of customer journey and customer experience. Businesses can channel the customer feedback data into decision making and policy making process and they can make informed decisions on the bases of the customer feedback data and they can set up future strategies that are more in-line with their customers. This can maximize the customer happiness and customer satisfaction and also give them a sense of importance and connecting with the business.

Gather Business Intelligence Data

A queue management system is a great source of business intelligence data, with the help of the mobile app the data quality can be refined and businesses can collect more details which can help them to improve customer journey, customer experience and customer satisfaction. Businesses can easily collect demographic and geographic data of the customer which help them to understand their customer’s persona and it is also very helpful in providing personalized customer experience on the bases of the preferences, their purchase habits and much more. Moreover the mobile app can also collect various system usage stats and other data which can be used to evaluate and assess the current business processes. Businesses can utilize the queue management system mobile app data to improve their communication, identify the areas of improvement in the customer journey and it also help them identify the causes and reasons that are impacting customer experience and customer happiness.

See More: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Gather Business Intelligence Data


For businesses maintaining a certain level of customer happiness while managing long queues is a very challenging task. Studies have shown that the customer don’t like to wait for extended period of time. There is a threshold limit of waiting time, if that exceeds the customer start feeling anxious and stressed which could have devastated effects on customer happiness and customer satisfaction. For each industry the threshold time limit is different, however, it is usually taken as around 10 to 13 minutes. Any time longer than that will going to impact the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. That is why the queue management systems are absolutely necessary for the businesses who need their customer to visit them for certain business transaction. The queue management system mobile app comes with various benefits which can be utilized to enhance customer journey and customer experience. Businesses can also use the mobile apps to collect customer feedback and to gather valuable business intelligence data. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system and mobile apps provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to develop a queue management system mobile app or if you want to learn more about the subject, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us  page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability

The queue management systems have become an essential part of customer experience and customer satisfaction strategy. Especially for all service based businesses having a digital queuing and customer flow management solution is extremely important. The market is very competitive in Dubai and all around the UAE, a common consumer in general is more advanced, conscious and aware of their rights. The governments are very strict for the quality and demand from each business to ensure high-quality products and services. The challenge is simple, improve your service quality, ensure maximum customer satisfaction, but the real challenge is to maintain the price of the service for the customers and cost of the service for the business. Whenever a business tries to improve the quality of the service their cost start getting higher, which will eventually limit their profits. However, for any business the primary goal is to delivery great customer experience and high quality service and at the same time maximize their profits.

How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability

Profitability relies on productivity and operational efficiency. The operational efficiency or the skills of your employees are absolutely necessary to achieve higher productivity which drives profitability and revenue. The whole process is not as that simple, in fact all these things are related to each other everything have some effects on everything else. The queue management system is a great tool to improve various business processes and to obtain higher operational efficiency by aiding your employees in their routine tasks and by improving their efficiency a business can achieve its long term financial and strategic goals.

Here is how a queue management system can boost productivity and profitability:

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

The customer experience and customer happiness is extremely important for long term success. The customer happiness lead to customer loyalty, which increase customer retention. The customer retention reduces the cost and expenses of marketing activity. Consider your clientele as a bucket and your business goal is to fill that bucket to its full capacity. If that bucket had a hole at the bottom, will you ever be able to fill it? No. The customer retention can fix that hole, and it lets you fill your bucket with less efforts. The studies have shown that it is nine to twelve time more expensive for a business to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. That is why the customer retention is extremely important to ensure maximum profitability. If you keep losing customers then you must have to increase your marketing efforts to such extant that it generate more leads and conversion in the same span of time as much as you lose the customers, only then you can achieve a steady growth. And that is extremely difficult and way too expensive.

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

That is why the customer retention is important. A queue management system facilitate customer journey and ensures a satisfactory customer experience which is a key to customer retention. Several studies and market research have recommended that one of the biggest reason a customer switch from a business is due to the unsatisfactory or a bad customer experience. For any service based industry the main driving force of customer experience is the wait time. The employee behavior, their level of expertise and all that is also important, but if a customer had to wait for a very long time before reaching to the counter, they will be already unhappy and maybe anxious too. With such a mood it is extremely hard for the service agent to satisfy that customer. However, if a customer is arriving at the counter with relaxed and comfortable state of mind, they will be more open towards conversation and they will be more understanding and cooperative. This will help the service agent to easily satisfy the customers and make them happy.

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

The queue management system also eliminates all the problem associated with manual queue management. As all customers and visitors will know that an automated system is controlling the queues and customer flow so their position is secure in the queue. The queue management system also allow businesses to create and manage virtual queues, which enables the customer to stay in the queue virtually, which means they don’t have to stand in the long lines, in fact they can wait in the comfortable waiting areas. The queue management system also comes with dedicated digital signage screens, which used to display the live queuing information to keep the user’s interest. All modern day queue management systems also provide an audio announcement system to keep the customers and visitors alert and engaged. On top of that a queue management system also provide businesses with an opportunity to run multimedia content on the digital signage screens along with the queuing information, which also increase customer’s interest and keep them engaged while they are waiting, this reduce the waiting stress and improve customer experience and customer journey to increase customer happiness and customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction improve customer retention and results in higher profitability.

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

See More: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Employee performance is critical to maintain operational efficiency and productivity of any business. It also directly impact the cost and expenses of the business hence it also impact the overall profitability of the business as well. Businesses are always seeking ways to boost their operational efficiency and productivity while staying in the limitations of their budget to keep the cost and expenses to a certain level. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE have investing huge chunk of their hard earned profits in digital systems and solutions. A queue management system is proven to be among the best long term investments. A queue management system is capable of automating various business processes, which reduce employee workload. The queue management system can also automatically implement company policies and manage customer flow which usually require a lot of efforts from the employees, hence it impact their efficiency which is generally measured in terms of the customers they served.

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Without a queue management system the service agents and staff has to manage the long queues, they have to solve people’s problems and they also have to address their complaints and queries instantly which are caused by the manual management. These problems and other such matters can consume a lot of time and efforts of the employees, which means the service agents have less time to focus on their primary tasks and they could also get distracted too. Which reduce their efficiency and also the quality of service they deliver. A queue management system eliminates all that and let employees focus on their primary tasks which can improve their efficiency and work quality to several times. Moreover the queue management system can be integrated with other systems and tools such as ERP, Customer Data Base, Central Information center, etc. This allow the queue management system to further facilitate the service delivery process for the employee, which simplifies service delivery process and reduce the efforts of the employee, hence they are able to serve more customers in a single shift.

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

See More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Queue Management System Reduces Per Service Delivery Cost

The major factors that drive the service delivery cost up for a business are the resources they have to use for a single service delivery. Or you can say with a certain amount of resources how many services can be delivered within a given timeframe. For example in a customer service center if there are eight counters, then there would be eight service agents, and the business might have to post more employees to manage the queues and crowd. In that scenario the business must also have to able to maintain a large waiting area where there large crowds can be accommodated. That will raise the operational expenses of the branch or office. However, with the queue management system since the customer flow is much faster, and the capabilities of the service agents are also improved and they are able to serve more customers in a single shift the need for large waiting areas or deploying more employees to manage customers and visitors while they are inside the service center will be reduced. Which is a straight forward cut to the expenses.

Queue Management System Reduces Per Service Delivery Cost

Moreover the queue management system can aid various business processes and it can automate various customer journey steps which also increase employee efficiency to serve more customers. The balanced workload and a pleasant environment also impact the employees and further improve their work quality and capability. Which raise the overall productivity of the branch. As the business don’t need to deploy more employees to manage the customer service center, they can utilize them for other purposes, hence the total number of employees required to handle a branch could be significantly reduced, in some cases it can be reduced by 50% to 60%. Which can save a huge amount of resources both in terms of cost and the human resource as well. Where a server was serving only twenty customers a day, with the help of the queue management system they might be able to serve fifty or even sixty customers a day. Which also improve the overall productivity of the branch and reduce the per service delivery cost. Hence a single service delivery costs far less and the overall profitability is raised.

Queue Management System Reduces Per Service Delivery Cost

See More: Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Queue Management System Provides Business Intelligence Data

These days the growth and progress is heavily driven by the data. The data is considered to be the backbone of the modern day business frameworks. It doesn’t matter what industry you belonged to, making informed decisions, setting up achievable goals, and making great strategy is the key to success. This data is generally referred to as business intelligence data. For any service based industry it is extremely important to understand their customer journey, customer experience, employees and trends. A queue management system can generate extremely crucial business intelligence data for a business. The businesses can utilize this data to analyze their customer journey, the level of difficulties a customer faces while moving through it and the factors which can impact customer experience are very important. Furthermore the business intelligence data from a queue management system can also help businesses to analyze and assess the effectiveness of their various business processes and employees as well. Which can help them build better strategies, take right actions and utilize resources more effectively to boost their productivity and profitability.

Queue Management System Provides Business Intelligence Data

The queue management system can accurately track the waiting time of the customers on micro and macro levels. The queue management system can maintain the record of the waiting time for each individual customers. It can also provide average waiting time for each service. Businesses can also learn which employee is performing well at which service and position by analyzing employee KPIs and system usage data. The businesses can easily learn where the bottlenecks are created and what is causing them, they can also analyze employee performance. The employee performance data can be shared with the HR and decision makers to let them deploy the employees on service counters where they perform well or to arrange training for them for which services they perform poorly or less than the expectations and so on. A queue management system can be goldmine of the business intelligence data. Businesses can utilize this data to take timely actions, set strategies and make future plans. Which help them utilizing their resources more efficiently and effectively. This reduces the service delivery cost, maximizes the overall efficiency of the branch and increase the productivity and profitability of the business.

See More: What are the Key Features of an Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)?


A queue management system is a great tool to boost the productivity and profitability of the business. The businesses can easily reduce the customer wait time, minimize their efforts and maximize the efficiency of the employees to ensure the customers will have a satisfactory experience. The happy and satisfied customers are the most precious asset of any business. The customer happiness drives their loyalty and loyal customers are more likely to have repeated business. In the long term the queue management system can save significant cost and expense. The business intelligence data, cost reduction, employee performance improvements and customer satisfaction drive growth and help businesses in achieving their future goals. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Key Features of an Enterprise Application Software (EAS)

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE heavily rely on digital queue management systems to manage and improve the queuing experience of their customers. A queue management system is an essential part of customer experience strategy. Businesses belong to the services based industries require their customers to visit them all the time. No matter if you are a bank, hospital, restaurant, a small local business or a large size government office, if customers are visiting you then you must have a strategy to manage and streamline the customer flow. A queue management system comes with several advantages, which can improve customer experience, such as the automated queue management and tickets solve all problems associated with ticket-less manual queuing. The queue management system reduce customer wait time by improving employee efficiency and aiding them in their routine tasks. It can also increase customer engagements by displaying multimedia content and live queuing coverage at digital signage. Such features keep the user engaged and reduce the effect of wait time. The employee workload is divided which boost their efficiency and the customer end up getting satisfactory service.

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

These days almost every businesses is using a queue management system. That means all of your competitors would also be using a queue management system. This begs an important question, how you could differentiate yourself from your competitor? The answer is ‘just do better’. It is extremely important that you offer something better to your customers. Only an advanced and efficient queue management system can provide you a tangible competitive advantage. In this blog we will list the key qualities of an efficient queue management system and what you should be looking for while choosing a queue management system for your future needs.

Signup for the Queue

The very first step for any customer or visitor is to sign-up for the queue. An efficient queue management system always use an interactive kiosk and UI (user interface) to allow customers and visitors to sign-up. The intuitive design makes the process simpler. Usually in Dubai and all around the UAE such user interfaces are designed to support multiple languages. It leaves a very pleasant effect on the customers if their business is able to communicate with them with their native or favorite language. The first thing that the system ask the customers is to choose a language, then it asks them to select the required service from the list. Some businesses at this point also acquire customer identification details but it entirely depends on the business needs and policies. A pleasant sign-up experience help generating a positive vibe. On top of that the system can collect necessary information that can be used to further improve the customer journey. An efficient queue management system can automatically sign-up the customers to the right queue as per their selected service or as per their personalized experience.

Signup for the Queue

Customer Waiting Experience

The customer waiting experience is very crucial for customer satisfaction. A pleasant and relaxing waiting experience always improve customer’s interaction with the server/agent. The wait time is not measured or evaluated in terms of numbers. For example, an efficient queue management system is capable of tracking the record of all the previous service deliveries and also the performance of the server/agent. On the basis of this data it can very accurately predict the expected wait time. The expected wait time should be printed on the ticket. This has very positive effect on customer’s minds. When we are sitting in the waiting area we always feel the time is passing slower, when we are standing in the queues, we feel the queues next to us are moving faster. This is only psychological effect and it has nothing to do with the actual wait time. That is why for the customer experience we consider two types of wait time, one is the actual wait time as per the clock and the other is the perceived wait time which we feel. This phenomenon is very important. That is why an efficient queue management system not only prints the expected wait time but also displays the remaining wait time on the signage screens and large displays to keep the customers and visitors calm.

Customer Waiting Experience

In order to further improve the customer waiting experience an efficient queue management system support digital signage features to run dynamic content on the digital signage used to display queuing information. These signage are installed on all strategic location so that each and every customer in the waiting area or lobbies can view at least one all the time. The live queuing coverage will give them an impression that all the queues are moving. On the same screen the dynamic and multimedia content can be displayed, which increase customer engagements and keep them busy while distracting and dividing their attention. This has a great effect on customers and the sense of waiting can be minimized. Furthermore an efficient queue management system also use sound systems to make announcements and customer calling in multiple languages, which also keep users engaged. The SMS alerts and notifications can also be added to enhance customer experience and it also provide them freedom to go out while they are virtually present in their queues. Such qualities of an efficient queue management system can significantly improve customer’s waiting experience and help minimizing the waiting stress.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Automatic Customer Routing and Customer Flow Management

In any business and organization there are always multiple services. In the office or at a branch a business serves multiple services. For some services there are dedicated counters, for some services there are not. Some services are stepped services and require a customer to go to several counters to get a complete service delivery. Some businesses have different priority levels for different sets of customers such as VIP or Premium customers, the customers with special needs, and regular customers, etc. Businesses also allocate specific counters for specific customers as well. All these variables makes the customer routing and customer flow management more difficult. Difficulties lead to mismanagement and unnecessary delays in the service which have a very negative impact on customer experience. An efficient queue management system is capable of routing customers as per the pre-determined protocols and policies of the business. Which makes the customer flow smoother and quicker. In order to prevent bottle necking, an efficient queue management system is also capable of diverting customers from one counter to the other. Hence the customer journey can be reduced and the wait time can be minimized.

Automatic Customer Routing and Customer Flow Management

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Boost Employee Performance

An efficient queue management system can aid employees in various different business processes. The automation and digitalization provides more control and less hustle. The employees get free from unnecessary tasks, which means they can focus on their primary tasks. This boost their work capability, efficiency and quality of service. In addition to that an efficient queue management system also provide an intuitive agent dashboard. Which is used to provide various controls and information to the servers/agents. The agents can control the customer flow through their dashboard and they can also get customer information and any other data beforehand. An efficient queue management system is also capable of data integration and data synchronization, which enables it to help agents in preparations for the service delivery, reduce their effort in each service delivery and also expedite the service delivery process. All that can be achieved due to the customer identification and/or identification of the service they are looking for. An efficient queue management system also aid the post-service tasks and can automate several steps. All those qualities of an efficient queue management system reduce the employee workload, stress and efforts which can significantly boost employee performance.

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Boost Employee Performance

Reduce Wait Time

One of the most valuable quality of an efficient queue management system is that it significantly reduce the wait time. The wait time is one of the most impactful aspect of customer journey and a longer wait time can completely ruin customer experience, no matter how much efforts you have done regarding other aspects of the customer journey. It is extremely important to reduce the customer wait time and improve their waiting experience. If a customer had a longer waiting time, they will get stressed, and when a stressed or anxious customer arrive at the counter it is extremely hard to change their mood and provide them satisfactory service. However, if a customer journey is shorter and the wait time is less and the waiting experience is good, the customer will arrive at the counter in a very calm and neutral mood. It is much easier to satisfy customers who are calm and are more accepting towards agents.Moreover the improved employee efficiency, business process automations and improvements and better customer flow result in significant reduction in customer wait time.

Reduce Wait Time

Read More: Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

Increase Profitability

The automation and digitalization always result in cost reduction and higher profitability. If a business commissioned an efficient queue management system, it automates queuing process, customer journey and customer flow management. Which means a business needs very less human resource to manage this operation. The cost of human resource is much higher comparing to the operational and maintenance cost of a digital system. This significantly reduce the operational cost and resultantly the per-service cost get reduced. Moreover the customer churn is a biggest lost, as most of the customers leave without availing the service due to longer wait time or crowd at the branch. An efficient queue management system results in improved customer experience and quicker service delivery which also prevent crowd formation and enables smoother customer flow that reduce the customer churn rate and increase revenue of the branch/business. Furthermore the queue management system also provide in-depth business intelligence data which help businesses to understand their policies, business processes and employee performance. This information is very helpful in decision making and long term strategy building which also help boosting the revenue and profitability.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Increase Profitability

Customer Satisfaction Drives Customer Loyalty

The customer happiness and customer satisfaction is considered to be the key to success. Any business’s performance can be judged on the bases of customer satisfaction. As the customer satisfaction means everything is in right order and the performance is at optimum levels. When a customer get satisfactory services from a business, it is most likely to come back and do repeated business. This is called customer loyalty. The loyal customers are a great asset and act as a foundation for the long term success and sustainable growth. Every business does marketing and efforts to promote its brand to acquire new customers. If it keeps loosing existing customer, no matter how much efforts it is putting into acquiring new customers, its growth would be halted, and eventually it will take negative course. The happy and satisfied customers are tend to be loyal customers. The customer loyalty help business elevate and the loyal customers are also good brand ambassadors, they spread brand message and positive feedback though social media, word of mouth and endorsements. The customer loyalty and positive brand image help businesses achieve their marketing goals.

Customer Satisfaction Drives Customer Loyalty

Studies have shown that the businesses with positive brand image tend to do well in their marketing campaigns comparing to the businesses with negative brand reputation. Hence the positive brand image results in better ROI from the marketing campaigns too, which ultimately reduce the cost of lead generation and conversions. Another advantage of loyal customers is that they always stick with the brand, they are always willing to give another chance and they do not quickly switch to another service provider. Studies have shown that the loyal customers also provide better feedbacks and share their opinion and suggestions more openly. The studies have shown that it is 9 to 12 time less expensive to make a sale to an existing customer than acquiring a new customer. In long term this could have a huge impact on the profitability and growth of the business.

Read More: 5 Techniques to Integrate Customer Satisfaction Survey with Queue Management System

Offers Virtual Queuing

Virtual queuing was designed to enhance customer’s experience. Especially it provides a lot of freedom and more flexibility with the waiting experience. However, during the past two years the virtual queuing gain popularity in Dubai and all around the UAE. The virtual queuing enables businesses to let customer sign-up for virtual queues and doesn’t require them to be physically present all the time in the queue. Now a days the virtual queuing is further improved with the functionality of remote sign-up features. It means that a customer don’t even have to come to the office or branch to generate ticket, in fact they can do so remotely or through their mobile devices. There are several channels that can be used for remote sign-up process such as mobile applications, SMS, email, online/websites, customer portals, QR Codes, etc. An efficient queue management system must provide advanced and modernized features to ensure an excellent customer experience and maximum productivity. Once a customer sing-up via a remote channel such as mobile app, they start receiving important information about the on-going queuing, they get alerts and notifications too. Hence a customer can plan their visit only at the time their turn will come. It means that the wait time can be reduced to none. That is why virtual queuing is gaining too much popularity as it reduces the wait time and improve customer experience and convenient.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Offers Virtual Queuing

Enables Third Party System Integration

An efficient queue management system always support and provide system integration with the third party tools and enterprise software. In this modern era of digitalization it is very important that the entire business information center is centralized and connected to everything else. An efficient queue management system can be linked with other systems to synchronize customer data, feedback data, and much more to improve relevant business processes, customer experience and service delivery processes. The system integration allows the queue management system to push and fetch data from any other integrated system or data center. Moreover an efficient queue management system can be integrated with other tools and hardware peripherals such as customer feedback collection tools, touch screens, EID readers, RFID, passport reader, QR Code/Barcode Scanners, etc. Such integration help queue management system to automate various business processes and reduce the customer efforts throughout the customer journey. The integration also enable the businesses to link the reporting and system stats with the other systems and vice versa. The system integration is great to boost the performance and efficiency of the system.

Read More: Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Enables Third Party System Integration

Collect Business Intelligence Data

An efficient queue management system collects business intelligence data and system usage details from each and every touch point of the customer journey. The queue management system also tracks and record employee performance data. For example the system can capture details about the customer journey and customer experience. What services are used the most, what are the busy hours, what is the average service delivery time including each service delivery time as well. The complete log is maintained for analysis and decision making purposes. An efficient queue management system offers in-built analytical tools and data processing algorithms. These tools help businesses to process the business intelligence data and help them identify the areas of improvements. Another great quality of an efficient queue management system is that it also collects customer feedback data. The customer feedback collection gives customers confidence, trust and a sense of importance, which is good to strengthen the customer relationships. The customer feedback data can provide a deeper insight to customer’s minds and help businesses to understand customer’s needs, expectations and problems. Businesses can use customer feedback data along with business intelligence data to evaluate their business processes, quality of products & services, employee efficiency and much more. This information is critical in taking actions and making future strategies for a long term growth.

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Collect Business Intelligence Data


These days a queue management system is not just used to streamline customer flows and manage waiting lines, in fact an efficient queue management system can literally transform the customer experience and customer journey. An efficient queue management system automates various steps and optimize business processes that are impacting customer journey. A good customer experience drives customer satisfaction which is a key component to gain customer trust and customer loyalty. The customer loyalty have a great impact on brand image. An efficient queue management system also reduce the workload of the employee and boost their efficiency. All these qualities along with automation and digitalization help reducing the cost and improve overall efficiency of the business. In this blog we have listed all important qualities of an efficient queue management system. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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How to Reduce Customer Churn Rate with an Efficient Queue Management System

How to Reduce Customer Churn Rate with an Efficient Queue Management System

Business in Dubai and all around the UAE are bearing huge costs and losses due to weak policies and inefficient strategies that results in unhappy customers. Unhappy customers will not going to cost you only the amount of the purchase they have made or they were intended to made, but the unhappy customers can harm a business’s reputation and its brand identity, which have serious consequences in long term. That is why business are investing heavily in customer satisfaction solutions and trying to transform their customer journey with innovative tools and unconventional strategies. Unhappy customers are most likely to never return to the business. Especially in UAE when there are so many options available for a customers they will never think twice before switching to another business. That is what makes customer satisfaction even more critical for success and long term growth.

How to Reduce Customer Churn Rate with an Efficient Queue Management System

There are so many factors that contributes to the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE we have witnessed that most of the medium and small sized businesses and even some large enterprises are often overlooking a lot many things or either doing them incorrectly which is costing them a lot of customers and revenue of course. One of the most important factor is the customer churn rate. Here is what customer churn rate is and how it can be reduced with the help of a queue management system:

What is Customer Churn Rate?

Customer churn rate is a simple calculation of the number of customers a business lost during a certain period of time. For service based industries usually the customer churn rate is the measurement of the number of customers or their percentage who have signed-up for a queue or arrived at the business but left before availing the service. That is the simplest definition of customer churn or customer churn rate. There are many other types of customer churn, for example the revenue churn is not necessarily means that a business is losing customers, but in fact it means that a business is not making enough from a certain quantity of the customers in a certain period of time as it was making previously. There are so many factors that contributes to the customer churn, such as a competitor intervention, lacking desired features in products/services, cost, difficult or no proper on-boarding process, etc.

What is Customer Churn Rate?

However, the most impactful factor that is a major cause of customer churn in service based industries is the customer journey and customer experience. If a business failed to deliver a desired customer experience, the customer will leave. If the waiting time is too long, the customers will leave, if the waiting areas is crowded, the customers will leave, if the staff is manually managing the queues, then there would be a lot of problems, due to which your customers will leave without availing the service. One of the best solution to reduce the customer churn rate is deploying an efficient queue management system.

An Efficient Queue Management SystemReduces Customer Churn Rate

A queue management system is basically a combination of software and hardware tools which are used to streamline the customer flow to reduce the customer wait time andto improve service delivery and other processes to enhance customer experience for maximum customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction and the customer churn rate are both opposite to each other. More the customer happiness and satisfaction will be less the customer churn rate will be and vice versa. Here is how queue management system’s features and benefits can help businesses in reducing the customer churn rate:

Queue Management System Reduces Wait Time which Reduce Customer Churn Rate

One of the major cause of customer churn is the wait time. When the queues are managed manually the waiting lines are always long. Studies have shown that an average bearable wait time is thirteen minutes, any time more than that will start reducing the quality of the customer experience and the customer will start getting stressed out. Another problem with the manual queue management is that a business will have to acquire a lot of staff to accommodate heavy foot fall during the busy work hours. Which not only reduce the customer experience but also cause additional expense and raise the per service cost for the business. Obviously hiring too many employees is extremely expensive so business maintain a suitable number for the medium levels. Which could quickly increase work load during busy work hours and can result in decline in staff performance and their work quality.

Queue Management System Reduces Wait Time which Reduce Customer Churn Rate

All these factors contributes in customer churn. If a customer will have to wait in poorly managed waiting lines, and then they meet with the employees who are already exhausted due to workload, the customer satisfaction will decline and the churn rate will increase. However when an efficient queue management system is used to manage the customer flow, the customer wait time and the staff workload can be reduced significantly, which have double effects on the customer experience and customer journey. The queues are managed automatically and the staff don’t have to worry about managing customers and visitors, instead they can focus on their primary tasks which improves their service quality as well as their efficiency. If the customers don’t have to wait for too long, the customer churn rate reduced, and the satisfactory service and good experience further help improving relationship with the customers and increase their loyalty. The loyal customers are tend to tolerate much more than ordinary customers. So, it also help reducing the customer churn rate in future.

Queue Management System Streamline Customer Flow which Improve Customer Journey and Reduce Customer Churn Rate

When a customer feels they are stuck in a queue or the queue is not moving as it should be, they start thinking about leaving. A queue management system streamlines customer flow which improves customer journey and customer experience and keep them busy and updated which reduce the stress and also reduce the customer churn rate. For every business the customer journey could be different, every business tries to offer a unique experience which can attract more customers. An efficient queue management system help businesses to implement their policies and strategies effectively and streamline the customer flow through various customer journey steps which keep the customers busy and reduce the customer churn rate. When staff is managing the customer flow, there is always delays, customers also have to face different kind of troubles, the first and most important thing is no matter how hard your staff tries if the waiting lines are long, the customers will get a perception that the staff is not efficient enough. That perception plays major role in customer churn.

Queue Management System Streamline Customer Flow which Improve Customer Journey and Reduce Customer Churn Rate

Moreover there are businesses who have different segregations and classes on the bases of services, customer types, and various other factors. An efficient queue management system manages the customer flow as per all pre-defined sets of instruction for each customer type or class or any other required factor. This allows the businesses to automate the customer flow and customer routes which not only accelerate the customer flow but also reduce a huge amount of work load from the staff. There are different scenarios for each business, some business have dedicated counters for certain services, some have dedicated counters for different types of customers such as premium or VIP and special customers, and some businesses offers stepped services, where a single service can be delivered via multiple counters, and some have any other scenario including all of these too.

Queue Management System Streamline Customer Flow which Improve Customer Journey and Reduce Customer Churn Rate

Such scenarios complicate the customer flow and customer journey management. However, with an efficient queue management system the customers and the staff don’t have to worry about anything, the system can take the customers through their designated route to ensure there is no inconvenience. This can maximize the customer experience which resultantly reduces the customer churn rate.

Queue Management System Improve Waiting Experience Which Reduces Customer Churn Rate

Customer experience heavily rely on the wait time and waiting experience. There are two wait times, one is the actual wait time and the other is called perceived wait time, the perceived wait time as the name suggests is the amount of time the customer felt has passed. For example, last night I was sitting at a restaurant, my order took literally 10 minutes or so but it felt as almost 20 or 25 minutes have passed, this is how human brain works, when we are waiting and not feeling comfortable or feeling bored, the wait time felt more than the actual wait time. An efficient queue management system not only reduce the actual wait time but it also offer certain features that help reducing and minimizing the perceived wait time as well. That is very important. If customers are bored and sitting idle in the waiting area or in the waiting line, they will feel more time is passed than the actual time.

Queue Management System Improve Waiting Experience Which Reduces Customer Churn Rate

A queue management system always have digital signage displays. These displays are installed at strategic places to be visible for everyone inside the premises/waiting areas. The purpose of these digital signage displays is to provide live queuing information which includes the active queues, available counters, and at least one token number that is being currently served on any counter. These information keep the customers and visitors engaged, they keep reading them in anticipation, so their brain got diverted from the waiting alone. Another great feature of a queue management system is that it also allow the businesses to push multimedia content on those screens along with the queuing information.

Queue Management System Improve Waiting Experience Which Reduces Customer Churn Rate

Businesses can play videos, informative content, adverts and anything else which will keep the customers engaged in it. Moreover the queue management system also provide audio announcements, which call the token number and the counter number, it can also be in multilingual and will also keep the user’s attentions away from the waiting. These are great tools to improve waiting experience. This way the customer waiting become easier and it reduces the customer churn rate.

Queue Management System Boost Staff Performance Which Help Reducing Customer Churn Rate

The queue management systems are very effective in boosting staff performance. It can reduce their work load by automating various customer journey steps. An efficient queue management system can also accelerate the service delivery process by minimizing the agent/customer efforts due to automation and integration capabilities with third-party systems and other business tools. The queue management system can fully control the customer routing and customer flow which significantly reduce the work load of the staff. The audio-visual announcements and dedicated agent dashboard is also a great help. Without a queue management system the employee had to put more efforts on managing the queues and dealing with the customers who are waiting in lines or queues. Due to manual queue management the customers can easily end up in wrong queues, and a lot many other problems can also occur.

Queue Management System Boost Staff Performance Which Help Reducing Customer Churn Rate

With a queue management system all these problems can be eliminated. The employees can focus more on their primary tasks hence their performance automatically got improved. A queue management system is also a great help for the agents/server and reduce their efforts by automatically preparing and providing them required information beforehand. The queue management systems can also relay the customer data to the next counter automatically when their ticket is called. This can save a lot of employee time and efforts. The employee performance monitoring and KPIs are a great source of accurate business intelligence data which help the businesses to effectively utilize their resources. A balanced work load make employees comfortable and satisfied, which boost their efficiency. A queue management system can effectively boost the operational capabilities of the entire branch. Which definitely improve the customer experience and the entire environment in the branch, and help reducing the customer churn rate.

Queue Management System Mobile App, Appointment Booking and Virtual Queuing Help Reducing Customer Churn Rate

In Dubai and all around the UAE the smartphones and mobile apps have become an integral part of our daily lives. In past few years, especially since the 2020, the smartphones and mobile app have become even more important. These days, the statistical data suggests that more than half of the internet searches are made from the mobile phones and people tend to spend hours on daily bases in UAE on various mobile apps. Which makes queue management system mobile app even more convenient solution for the customers. The businesses can significantly improve customer experience and customer journey by offering various innovative features via queue management system mobile apps.

Queue Management System Mobile App, Appointment Booking and Virtual Queuing Help Reducing Customer Churn Rate

For example, the branch locator and visit planner of the queue management system mobile app is one of the most used feature. It enables the customers and visitors to monitor and view live queuing information from various branches and then they can plan their visit accordingly, the branch locator can also provide navigation via Google Maps, so the users can also account the traveling time along with the expected time for each branch. There are plenty of other features which can be used to improve customer experience. Similarly an efficient queue management system also allow the customers and visitors to book an appointment either by the mobile app or by the online customer portal or the business website. Which can also provide all these information to ensure the customers will get a quicker service delivery. These all features are very effective in reducing customer churn rate.

Queue Management System Mobile App, Appointment Booking and Virtual Queuing Help Reducing Customer Churn Rate

Modern days queue management systems also offer virtual queuing which allow the customers and visitors to sign-up remotely for the virtual queues. For example the customers can sign-up using a mobile app, website, SMS, Email, appointment booking portal or any digital medium which will enroll them in the required queue. The customers and visitors don’t have to come to the business to be physically present in the queues, in fact they can only arrive at the very time of their turn and still they will be treated as they were present in the physical queue. The virtual queuing enabled queue management system can literally reduce the wait time to nothing. Which can significantly reduce the wait time. In addition to that the virtual queues also reduce the work load of the employees and boost their performance. Which also help reducing the customer churn rate.

Read More: How Can Digital Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?


For businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE the customer satisfaction and customer happiness is very important as the market is very competitive and the customers have too many options to avail. Businesses often don’t realize how important it is to maintain a desirable environment and service delivery mechanisms. The customer churn rate is the number of customers who have arrived or signed-up but left without availing the service. There are several causes of customer churn and all can be directly or indirectly eliminated by the help of an efficient queue management system. The major cause of customer churn is the wait time and the bad experience at the business. An efficient queue management system can significantly reduce the wait time, it can improve customer experience by efficient and automatic customer flow, and other perks. The queue management system can improve staff performance and over all operational capabilities of the business which also help improving the customer experience and reduce the customer churn rate. The queue management system mobile apps and the virtual queuing are some of the modern features that are very helpful for businesses to reduce the customer churn rate. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need help with your queuing and customer flow or if you want to learn more, feel free to reach us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

How Can Digital Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?

How Can Digital Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?

Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are investing huge in customer satisfaction solutions. The customer satisfaction is entirely based on their experience with a business. If their experience is satisfactory they will keep doing businesses with the brand and become more loyal to it. If their experience is not satisfactory they will not going to do any business in future. The customer loyalty is the foundation of progress and long term success. It has many benefits, such as cost reduction and better ROIs in communication and marketing, enhanced brand reputation and higher profitability. These are fundamentals for growth and expansion. A business can’t sustain growth without a strong foundation. The loyal customers are the one which can provide a strong foundation and also help businesses and brands to grow and expand. The customer loyalty is almost completely dependent on the customer experience and customer satisfaction.

How Can Digital Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?

The customer experience and customer satisfaction can be enhanced and improved by an effective digital queue management system. The queue management systems are specifically designed to transform customer journey, aid various business processes and to improve employee performance. On top of that the queue management system are excellent at providing important business intelligence data which can be used by businesses to make informed decisions, take quick actions and to build their future strategy which aligns with the customers’ expectations, needs and help business to ensure a continuous steady and sustainable growth.

Here is how a digital queue management system can improve customer experience:

Digital Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

One of the most impactful factor in customer experience is the wait time. If the wait time is too long the customers will get anxious, it will stress them and it will also ruin their mood. When they will reach at the counter, it will be very hard for the service agent to satisfy them. This will also put stress on the employee and could affect their performance and spirit. There are actually two wait times, one is the actual wait time which is measureable amount of time that a customer had to wait from entering into the premises to sign-up and getting the service. There is a perceive wait time, this is more like a psychological impression, usually when we have to wait unwillingly or we don’t have any other choice but wait and the waiting experience is also boring, the perceive wait time could feel a lot longer than the actual wait time and it also impact customer experience and their happiness.

Digital Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

A digital queue management system is very capable in reducing the actual wait time and it can also improve waiting experience which also help minimizing the impact of the perceived wait time. Hence with the help of a digital queue management system the businesses can not only reduce the actual wait time but businesses can also effectively reduce or completely eliminate the effects of perceived wait time. The queue management system digitalized the queuing process, customer flow and also control the actual queues and in some cases virtual queues with the help of a powerful queue management software. This also help reducing the workload and dissatisfaction of the employees and further help enhancing the customer experience. A good customer experience led to a happy and satisfied customers which is great for customer retention and customer loyalty.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Digital Queue Management System Streamline the Customer Flow

For business in Dubai and all around the UAE another major problem that is affecting their customer satisfaction is the customer flow. Different businesses operate on different queuing models and on the bases of these models they set policies for customer flow. For example some businesses have first come first serve model. Some might have different dedicated counters for different services, and some might have stepped services, which require a customer to arrive to more than one counter to get a full service delivery done. For each scenario the customer journey is managed differently. In addition to those scenarios business have VIP or Premium customers, some businesses have priority counters for disabled and old people and so on. All these scenarios and variables can complicate a manually managed queuing process. The complex customer journey management also led to other problems which can completely ruin a customer experience and a business can end up having too many unhappy customers.

Digital Queue Management System Streamline the Customer Flow

A digital queue management system is capable to dealing with all such scenarios. All a business need is a small configuration change to update its policy and customer flow mechanism. The digital queue management system can also identify the customers either by their identity or by the service they signed-up for which allow the business to manage different customer journeys differently and also improve customer flow in all applicable scenarios. Automatic customer flow management enable the business to maintain a happy environment and it also put less strain on the employees. Collectively all these improvements contributes to ensure excellent customer experience and satisfactory service.

Read More: How to Choose the Best Queue Management Software?

Digital Queue Management System Helps Improving Business Processes

A digital queue management system is a very powerful business tool it help business to transform the customer journey and customer experience. The modern day queue management systems are built on a highly advanced technology platform which allows achieving unconventional features and capabilities as well as it is very flexible with integration to third-party systems. The third-party system integration can be very useful for certain features. For example the sign-up process of a digital queue management system enables the businesses to capture some information which can be used to further personalize the customer experience and customer journey. For example if a business is identifying the customers and the service they want to avail, it can pull data from the central information center or customer data base and push it to the agent dashboard for quicker service delivery. This can be achieved only if the queue management system is integrated and synchronized with the system which is holding the customer data and other relevant information.

Digital Queue Management System Helps Improving Business Processes

The digital queue management systems are very capable in automating various service delivery processes to further improve the customer experience and customer journey. The automation and third party integration can also reduce a few service delivery steps which can further accelerate the process. Some businesses are using hardware devices to obtain more data from the customers without complicating the customer interface at the interactive kiosks used for sign-up process. For example the business can link an Emirates ID scanner with the kiosk to obtain various data fields, and a passport scanner can also perform the same for the international or non-citizen customers. There are tons of hardware accessories and peripherals that can be integrated in a digital queue management system to improve various business processes and to enhance the customer experience. A business can innovate a lot of new features and functionalities that can be helpful in improving the customer experience and reducing the wait time or service delivery time by integrating a lot of software and hardware accessories.

Read More: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

Digital Queue Management System significantly improves the Customer Experience

A digital queue management system significantly reduces wait time, improve customer flow, automatically manage customer journey and customer routing and it can expedite the service delivery process by improving various business processes and reducing the service delivery steps. The digital queue management systems can also boost employee performance and ensure every employee work under balanced workload conditions. Which boosts employee performance and have positive impact on the customer experience. The digital queue management systems always have large digital signage screens to display live queuing information and to make announcements. These digital signage displays are a good tool to push multimedia and marketing content which can increase the customer engagements and reduce the stress of waiting. Such features and facilities have great impact on customer experience.

Digital Queue Management System significantly improves the Customer Experience

These days’ businesses are rapidly adopting digital tools and integration with their queue management system. For example, an online appointment booking module provide an estimated time of service which allow the customers and visitors to arrive only closer to their expected time of service. This can reduce the wait time by a lot. Another trend which is making its way in Dubai and all around the UAE since the mid of 2020 is the virtual queuing and mobile-enabled sign-up processes. The virtual queuing allows the customers and visitors to sign-up remotely and arrive only at the very time when their turn came. The customers can sign-up using a QR Code, or an online link, or through websites, customers portals, mobile apps or even via SMS or Email. This facilitates the sign-up process and make it very easy for the customers.

Digital Queue Management System significantly improves the Customer Experience

The queue management system mobile apps are also gaining popularity with their location tracker and trip planner features the customers can easily plan their trip and find their way to the least busy branch or as per their convenience. These all features have completely revolutionized the queuing and customer flow and helping businesses to satisfy their customers and visitors with least efforts.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Digital Queue Management System Improve Staff Performance

For any business their staff performance and per service cost is also very important. In order to obtain higher customer satisfaction and customer retention rates the business usually add more counters and staff to improve their customer experience and journey. However a digital queue management system can do the both without increase the expenses. Hiring more staff, training them and maintaining them is a very expensive tasks. Business need more staff for various purposes. However a digital queue management system with its digital interfaces and freedom choice to interact with the business using various channels and platforms minimize the need of hiring more staff. In fact a good quality digital queue management system is very helpful in optimizing the existing resources and improving their efficiency. The improved staff efficiency led to a better customer experience and satisfactory service delivery.

Digital Queue Management System Improve Staff Performance

If all the queues, customer flow and customer journey is managed by the automatic queue management system software and tools, then there is no need of additional staff at all. The digital queue management system also facilitates the service delivery process and reduce the work load of the staff. The agents and server can easily focus on their primary tasks rather than intervening in customer flow and crowed management tasks. This enables the staff to perform well and let a server or agent to serve more customers in a single shift. The digital queue management systems can also effectively track the staff performance and employee KPIs which is also very helpful in resource management and improving staff performance. All these features are very helpful in reducing the cost and can increase the operational capabilities of a business without requiring any additional resources. The cost reduction and intelligent resource management increases the profitability.

Read More: World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

Digital Queue Management System’ Business Intelligence Help Improving Customer Experience

The business intelligence and data collection is an important aspect of customer satisfaction strategy. Business in Dubai and all around the UAE often overlooked the importance of the business intelligence and analytical data. A digital queue management system not only capture the statistical and usage data of all the touch points in the customer journey but it is very capable in collecting various KPIs and customer feedbacks. The business intelligence data can provide the businesses with a deeper understanding of their customer’s behavior, staff performance, and it can accurately highlight the areas of improvements. A digital queue management system provide reliable data that can be used to build future strategies and help businesses in improving their existing products and services and also provide directions for creating new products and services to boost customer satisfaction.

Digital Queue Management System’ Business Intelligence Help Improving Customer Experience

Business can easily identify which products or services are most popular, which employee is performing better and which feature or attribute of their product or service is admired the most. Business can also collect direct customer feedback via a digital queue management system’s in-built customer feedback module or integrating it with an existing customer feedback collection tool. This will allow them to make the customer feedback collection simpler and easier for the management as well as for the customers. For example let us assume the customer feedback scenario via a touch screen display or tablet stand at the counter. If a business need actionable reports from the customer feedback data then they must have to make it more precise and they should be able to capture all necessary fields of the input data as well. Usually business require customer identification, which customers don’t like to provide, as it takes time. But with an in-built tool or integrated customer feedback system the business doesn’t need the customers to identify them, in fact it can link their ticket and timing of service to automatically identify them.

Digital Queue Management System’ Business Intelligence Help Improving Customer Experience

That is just one example, the digital queue management system can help in many areas and can collect valuable business intelligence data. Furthermore the integration with third party systems allows the business to fetch or push data from and into various organizational tools and enterprise solutions to make the business intelligence more comprehensive and useful. This allow them to prepare great reports which can be catered directly to the corresponding personals or departments to take actions. These reports and business intelligence data allow the business to make strategies and policies that are in-line with customer’s interests, their need and their expectations. Business can significantly improve the customer journey and customer experience with the help of business intelligence data.

Read More: How Virtual Queuing can Change the Business Process?


A digital queue management system is an ultimate tool to transform customer journey and customer experience. Business always struggle with customer flow and queue management. A digital queue management system can help business in automatically controlling the customer journey and streamline the customer flow in a seamless manner which can significantly improve customer experience and also it doesn’t put any additional pressure on the business. The reduction in wait time, virtual queuing, mobile apps, digital channels, communication, in-premises features, staff performance improvements, and such features can significantly improve customer experience and increase business’s operational capabilities which also improve profitability and help reducing the cost. The customer satisfaction help building brand reputation and increase growth rates. The loyal customers are a great asset from the business it provide a foundation where business can built future strategies to achieve their goals and targets. RSI Concepts is a leading digital queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need help with your queuing needs or want to learn more about our queuing systems and customer journey transformation solutions, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?