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RSI Concepts offers Mobile CCTV system for vehicle surveillance

After establishing itself as a reliable CCTV solution provider, RSI Concepts is now offering mobile CCTV solutions for vehicles allowing remote access to on route vehicles from the comfort of one’s office. A mobile CCTV system combines the use of 3G, GPS and Wi-Fi to provide a state of the art vehicle monitoring system which simultaneously records, plays back and sends real-time information back to the control room. Such information helps managers to keep track of company assets and staff behavior of driving personnel.

Website Design and SEO

With SEO (search engine optimization) being a big consideration when designing a website. The designer has to make certain design sacrifices to accommodate SEO. As search engine optimization doesn’t always compliment web design. However, it’s all about striking a balance between the two. Some of these compromises are as follows.


Flash may be pretty and look cool but isn’t helpful in SEO. The content of Flash can’t be fully read by search engines so all the text in a Flash file won’t be read by the engines and this can cause problems because when a search engine spider enters the website it will see it as containing no text therefore not appearing relevant to any search queries. Search engines love text and the more you have on your website the better. Therefore, this is why Flash isn’t a good idea. However, if used sparingly Flash can be a good asset in your web design as long as you also include plenty of relevant text.

See Also: A Few Tips on How to Create an SEO Friendly Web Design

Image Links

An image link may also not be the best choice for search engines, although it’s still a link and will be taken into consideration as a valid link by the engines; from an SEO standpoint, you would be far better using a text link with proper optimized anchor text for the relevant keyphrase. A way around this can be supplying both a cool graphic as an image link and somewhere on the page a text link pointing to the same location. JavaScript drop down menus suffers from the same problems and the same solution should be applied.

See Also: Web Design and Its Role in Branding

If you’re looking for web design, I would say that this company is great as they have a vast experience in both web design and SEO, so know how to make them work together so you have a great looking web design that is also search engine friendly.

Text and Color

If you text color is similar to the color of the background color of the web page this can also cause problems as spammers used to use this technique to hide text. They would make the text the same color as the background so you couldn’t see it. However, the search engines would be able to and the spammer would stuff key phrases in the page to falsely increase its relevancy. However, the search engines have wised up to this and have advanced techniques to combat this. Font size should also be of a good size don’t use small font sizes as this can also be considered as spamming.

See Also: Responsive Web Design Tips to Keep Up With the Current Trends

Disclaimer: All graphics/images are copyright to their respective owner unless stated otherwise. If you are the owner or you want to remove any of the graphic/image from this page please contact us HERE.

Effective Web Design for SEO

Popular websites employ a combination of excellent web design and proven SEO principles. In this context, the first page of your web design is very important – it will either attract your visitors or repel them. Having good design with poor content or excellent content with loud and unattractive aesthetics will only push away potential customers. Use the following guidelines to create a web design that is effective as well as search engine friendly.

How To Come Up With A Good Web Design?

Creative Web Design

Web design is very important when you want to have a successful online business or a center for information. This is because this is the first thing that people come across when they visit the site to either make them stay or look for something better. One therefore has to take a lot of caution with this to come up with something that people will enjoy. The first thing you need to think about your web design is the content that will be displayed. Try and come up with something unique that people will like.

Web Design and SEO – Does it Really Matter?

These days I have come upon a lot of web designs which might not have an aesthetically appealing look but still manage to draw enough traffic. So the most important question is whether ‘Design of Websites is all that important. From SEO view and Search Engine point of view, web design is not all that important. After all Google bots and spiders that crawl through your websites will not have any appreciation of the aesthetic elements of Web design.

Web Design And SEO Can Pretty Much Go Hand In Hand

Web design and SEO have a very grave relationship and one needs to be acquainted with both to make his/ her web portal both eye catching for the web users and easy for the search engines to index and rank. The emergence of professional SEO marketers has made it possible for virtually any web portal to feature in the top searches on the major search engines. The best part is where you optimize your web portal without compromising on the attractiveness and web design of the specific web portal.

3 Keys to a Website Design That Works

Creative Web Design

A website design is frighteningly easy to get wrong. You only have to spend 10 minutes online to confirm this. You will find pages and pages of websites with no clear purpose, layouts and graphics that belong in past decades and hideous flashing boxes popping up every time you move the cursor. Your website is the place where modern consumers will come looking to research what it is that you offer and to take your measure. So how can you avoid the pitfalls of website design

Some Significant Strategies to Choose a Good Website Design Company

Time for a new website design? Looking for a reliable design firm?

If you have already tried Googling ‘Web design Dubai’, then you are probably wondering how you will begin to cut through the masses of companies offering their design services. Your website has become a new shop front; the first interaction that many new customers will have with you is online. How often have you dismissed a company because of a second-rate homepage, or left a website because you couldn’t quickly find the information you needed?

How to Choose the Right Website Design Company For Your SEO and Website Marketing Needs

Many people look at website development as a two part process separating website design and search engine optimization or SEO. Because website architecture, coding, and content are critical elements in successful website rankings and search engine placement your dollars would be better spent in locating one company to handle both your website design and website SEO needs. A Website Design Company that knows how to set up your web site with SEO in mind is going to save you time and money on revisions that would need to be made when it comes to SEO.