world map

How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform

You can spread your words to millions via social media platforms, here is how!

In today’s socially connected world, social media marketing have a significant role to play for any business or website. Social media platforms present one with the opportunity to connect with millions at one go. The best way to leverage social media platforms is to run campaigns to promote a product, create a brand, gather online visibility, or draw attention to a cause. Given the wide range of social media platforms available, which ones should you choose? Read on. Or let us take control of your social media marketing campaigns.

Spread Your Words to Millions via Social Media
Spread Your Words to Millions via Social Media Marketing

See Also: How to Create an SEO Friendly Web Design

Make your self clear of what you are willing to get from social media

Before you start your social media campaign, do some research, and define your goals. This is a crucial step which will help you in zeroing on your target audience and hence the choice of social media forums. Try to get as objective and detailed as possible. For example if you are looking to market a fashionable handbag which is a tad expensive, then obviously earning women who are fashion conscious are one segment of your target buyers. Your social media campaign can target this group.

See Also: Flat Web Design: A Glimpse on the Popular Trend!

User Interface and Web Design – Do and Don’ts

Some Basics of User Interface Principle and Web Design

User Interface is that connect between an organization or a business and the user which has the potential to build or break the relationship. Yes, it did sound dramatic! Yet it is true.

Do pay attention to every detail of your user interface in your web design, and the reward will be multi-fold. This blog focuses on some basic principles which govern web designing and user interface.

Pay Attention to Every Detail of Your User Interface
The User Interface is a Connection between Organization and its Clients

See Also: Tips for a User-Friendly Navigation in Your Web Design

The Middle East is a rapidly growing region in terms of business and technology. So, being a Web Design Dubai Company we face a lot of challenging and sophisticated projects. Our designer and branding team work intensively to deliver those projects successfully. Our design team mostly follows Larry Constantine and Lucy Lockwood. Who are the acknowledged gurus of user interface designs. According to them:

The basic principles of User Interface are categorized as:

Structure principle:

It is centered on the entire user interface architecture. The User Interface and web design should be such that there is a demarcated difference in the way dissimilar things are represented and a marked similarity in the way similar things are represented. For example, there should not be a sudden change in colors or font sizes for representing the same product in an eCommerce website. The user gets primed to certain detailing as soon as they enter the site. The web design and user interface should preserve it.

Web Design Tips for Mobile eCommerce in 2015

Three Web Design Tips & Trends to Follow in 2015 for Mobile eCommerce or mCommerce

Mobile eCommerce also sometimes generalized as mCommerce or m-commerce is buying or selling, especially retail products, using your mobile device or any handheld device like laptops. mCommerce is the superset of Mobile eCommerce and encapsulates any commercial  transaction undertaken using mobile phones or other handheld devices. Not only in Dubai but all over the world the web design agencies are now focusing much on mobile users. RSI Concepts is a leading Web Design Dubai company providing complete mobile solutions.

Web Design of eCommerce Portals
Adopt these trends and you will certainly be a top garner!

The number of mobile users has now overtaken the number of desktop users. A conglomeration of mobile users, tablets users, and laptop users have become a force to reckon in the eCommerce industry and in 2015 will have a larger role to play. Therefore the imminent need for eCommerce websites is to focus on a web design which caters to a user who accesses from any of these devices. This blog of ours will give you three web design tips to create eCommerce websites which are any electronic device friendly or let’s just say device agnostic!

See Also: eCommerce Web Design Trends and Best Practices

eCommerce Web Design and the need for Responsiveness

Responsive will be the keyword for website development in 2015. It is pivotal for an eCommerce website to be responsive as your buyer may be viewing and planning to buy from any electronic device. It makes sense to ensure that your web design accommodates the need of all these users. Every element of your eCommerce Website, be it the menus, the product pages, the payment gateways, or the shopping cart, should be responsive and easily accessible across all devices.

Five Web Design Best Practices For 2015

Best Practices of Web Design which you can adopt in 2015

Web Designing is a constantly changing field and is getting to become more and more user-centric. Keeping abreast with the trends and adopting the best practices of web design aids in your web development as well as your online visibility. Our Web Design Dubai Team prepare this blog focused on throwing light upon five of the best practices to be adopted for this year, 2015.

See also: How to Create an SEO Friendly Web Design

Go Responsive or Go Home

Responsive web designs have become the bedrock on which web designing has started getting created. Web Designs must be so created that they are rendered easily on any device a customer uses. If a website development does not adopt a responsive design, the designers might as well shut shop soon!

Responsive Web Design Tips to Keep up with the Current Trends
Responsive Web Design Best Practices to Keep Up With the Current Trends

See also: Flat Web Design: A Glimpse on the Popular Trend!

Single Page Site

Single Page sites, mostly with Vertical Scrolling or Parallax Scrolling have become the buzz words of web designing today. Websites have long eschewed the multi-page web design which required the user to open every page individually. The advantages which a Parallax scrolling provides are multifarious. Some of these are an enhanced visual appeal, engaging user experience, and an intrinsic interactive nature incorporated within the site.

See also: User-Friendly Navigation in Your Web Design

Vertical Scrolling or Parallax Scrolling
Single Page Sites – Vertical Scrolling or Parallax Scrolling

More Scrolls and Lesser Clicks

The advent of Parallax Scrolling and Parallax Designs have resulted in websites becoming more scrolls oriented and reducing the number of clicks required of a user to view the information. Navigation, therefore, has become easy.

How to use Blog for eCommerce Website to Increase Conversions

Leverage Blogs for Conversion in eCommerce

The general misconception in the minds of many an eCommerce organization is that blogs do not add value or be used for product promotion for the site. This misconception is also held by any website and web design agency. However recent studies point otherwise. Websites in general and eCommerce portal in particular, have more to gain by having insightful blogs in their websites.

How to use Blog for eCommerce Website
How to use Blog for eCommerce Website to Increase Conversions

Content Marketing plays a vital role in boosting sales and garnering organic traffic into an eCommerce portal. In a good content marketing strategy, blogs are an important tool. This blog is focused on elucidating three methods through which blogs can be used to up the conversion rates in your eCommerce website.

How to Design a Landing Page for Online Marketing Campaign – Basics

Three Ways To Use Landing Page Design To Propel Online Marketing Campaigns

You may be a business, marketing agency, web studio or an individual embarking on an online marketing campaign to promote your products or services. Wise move. Have you given thoughts to the design of your landing page? Do you know that your landing page design can have a significant impact on your online marketing campaigns? (Email Marketing or Paid Ads or Search Engine Optimization)

The landing page is the page on your website which is first viewed by the customer. The landing page is the first communication which happens between you and your client. Given that the objective of launching online marketing campaigns is to market your organization or brand, it is essential to pay a lot of attention to the web design of the landing page. A very usable and user friendly landing page design will gather more viewers and lead to more conversion.

See Also: Flat Web Design: A Glimpse on the Popular Trend!

A user friendly landing page design will gather more viewers
How to Use Landing Page Design to Propel Online Marketing Campaigns

Here are three ways on how you can use landing page design to catapult the efficacy of your online marketing campaigns:

Three Tips for Design of Products Page of eCommerce Web Sites

Learn how a separate web design of a product’s page of an eCommerce web site can add value

The web design of an eCommerce websites can make or break the business, literally. While care should be taken to enhance usability during the entire web design and development process, additional importance should be given for the web design of the product pages. The reason for this is that customers come to an eCommerce website to shop. If the products page is not usable, then the customer will not come back or buy from your site. The focus of this blog is to provide actionable tips for the web design of product pages of an eCommerce website.

See Also: How to Design a Landing Page 

eCommerce Separate Product Page
eCommerce Separate Product Page Can Increase Conversions

Fast Loading and Quick Response Time

The web design of the product pages of an eCommerce website should facilitate swift loading of the page. Complex web designs should be avoided like plague. Designers should opt for simple and easy to load pages, which drastically reduce the customer’s waiting time. A quick response time is paramount as online shoppers do not like to wait for long after every click. The quicker the response time of an eCommerce website, the happier is the customer.

Web Design and Its Role in Branding

More often than not, organizations and entrepreneurs are looking to build a brand. In today’s age, one can no longer ignore the potential of Internet and Online Marketing for creating a brand. So what is the connection between Web Design and Branding? This blog seeks to answer this question.  Web Design plays a major role creating your brand, both directly and indirectly.

Role of Web Design in Creating a Brand Indirectly

A great User Interface, a fantastic navigation, and a spectacular user experience are the quintessential of a good web design. A unique and user friendly Web Design provides the user with a memorable feel and leaves a very positive impact in their minds. A unique Web Design also directly engages with the visitors and intrigues them.

See Also: Why Your Business Website Needs a Blog?

Role of Web Design in Creating a Brand Indirectly
Role of Web Design in Creating a Brand Indirectly

A good web design not only communicates what your organization and brand is about, but also captivates the user’s attention and makes them explore more about your organization. This results in an indirect branding of your work.