Dubai and in fact the entire UAE is a very vibrant and dynamic marketplace. The country is a center of all business activities in the region. Businesses and organizations are organizing several events, exhibitions, seminars and gatherings for networking, promotional and awareness purposes. It is very common to see long waiting lines outside these event venues, no attendee want to spend most of their time waiting in the long queues. This will ruin their experience, it will make them unhappy, and it will cause frustration. This led to unhappiness and also increase churn rate, which means that the longer the waiting time is more customers will abandoned the queues and will leave without attending the event.
It also have other repercussions, such as it will annoy your visitors and customers, they will fail to participate or focus on the event at least for the first few minutes, in the worst case they will give you negative rating by any channel which is easily accessible to them. If you are collecting post-event feedback, you will get more negative comments and rating. Furthermore the unhappy visitors can also publish something over their social media and they can cause negative or bad publicity for you which could repel more people in attending your events in future and so on.
See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

The negative impact of long waiting on customer experience is long lasting, it not only make your customers unhappy, but it will also impact your reputation and brand image. The first impression is always important, and if it is waiting for long time in crowded areas with very little or no clear indication of how long your customers and visitors might have to wait, is not a good first impression. Businesses often spend huge resources and money on many facilities they are offering but do very little about managing the queues. In this blog we will discuss how a fairly smaller investment in a modern queue management system can completely eliminate this problem.
Queue Management System for Events
A queue management system is a technological solution for a business’s queuing needs. There are a variety of different queue management systems available in the market, the best approach is to acquire a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, such as RSI Concepts and ask them to customize a queue management system according to your needs. There are ready-made solutions too, but they offer limited features and limited customization. Basically a queue management system is a combination of software and hardware components. The software is server side application with multiple clients who can interact with the system through intuitive UIs (user interfaces) and the hardware components vary from case to case.
See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?
Different businesses have different requirement, for example if you are hosting an event for the first time, you might be needing self-service event registration kiosks, ticket/pass dispensing self-service interactive kiosks, digital signage, etc. If you already have self-service even registration kiosks, you might need only a few more or you can integrate your existing kiosks with the system. That is the beauty of the customized software and applications, they are very flexible to integrate with other technologies which save a lot of efforts and time too.
These components will form a queue management system. In this blog we will discuss the key advantages and features of a queue management system that will help you managing your waiting lines for your events.
See Also: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

Improve Customer Flow Through Event Registration Process
The biggest problem at an event’s entrance is the crowd formation and the major causes of crowd formation are poor queuing management and delays at registration counters. Usually all event organizers encourage their customers to register prior to the event via online or email/call, etc. Which could prevent them of spending time at registration counters. However, the registration counters are always present because they are needed. A majority of the visitors would definitely failed to complete the registration beforehand, hence they would be needing registration counter.
The manual registration counters are slower and cause several problems that is why most of the event organizers use interactive self-service registration kiosks. The self-service kiosks make the process quicker, eliminate the chances of errors, and improve customer experience. However, large footfall can cause congestion at those counters which passed on to the entrances and cause more queuing problems. A queue management system helps improving the registration process, you can directly integrate the registration forms within the queue management system or you can integrate a third-party registration management system with the queue management system.
See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing

Usually the registration area is also the same area where the entrances are, hence it could cause double problem, people can get lost or confused, the queues can tangled with each other and make situation more chaotic. A queue management system on the other hand can streamline customer flow by allowing customers and visitors to sign-up for the queue first, then they can register and then using the same ticket number they can enter the venue, the ticket number can be assigned with a QR code or Barcode which can automate the customer flow. Furthermore the digital signage help customers and visitors to keep track of their turn in the queues and guide them through the entire process.
All this can be done fully autonomously without any help from the staff. This not only make process very efficient but it also help reducing the resource consumption of the process. The queue management system can automatically route the customers with integrated customer calling mechanisms through the digital signage and audio announcements. Each time a customer’s turn came they can go to the registration kiosk, scan their ticket and then fill in the form. The same ticket can be scanned on next steps to enter into the venue. This makes the process simple, automated and it significantly improve the customer flow.
See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

Integrate Virtual Queuing Features to Improve Customer Experience
The virtual queuing is one of the most modern form of digital queue management systems. It offers multiple remote channels to sign-up for the queues, enable businesses to minimize the customer wait time which help improving customer experience. There are many way to offer virtual queuing features, mostly the virtual queuing involves the online and digital channels. The business can integrate the customer portals, mobile phone application, exclusive registration pages, and many more digital channels to offer more convenience and ease. The customers can sign-up easily from any of the available option. When they will sing-up for the queue and do the registration process, they will be issued a ticket number or token number.
This e-ticket will contain the customers’/visitor’s number in the queue, and it will also provide a unique barcode or QR code which later serve as a gate pass for various steps. This also allow the visitors to utilize their smartphones or mobile devices to sign-up and register instead of waiting for the self-registration kiosks. The virtual queuing can be a great tool to minimize the wait time and manage the large influx at the entrances. Furthermore it can also help businesses to assign groups to different customers and visitors and let them enter as a group, in fact the entry could be individual but the customer call will call a range of the ticket numbers, which can also help speed up the process and reduce customer efforts and wait time.

Easily Manage Disruptions and Increase Customer Happiness
Interruptions, blockage or halted customer flow is a common thing in events with large venues. Especially when there is a sitting arrangements, the staff is deployed inside the venues to guide everyone to their seats and so on. All this requires time, in order to prevent congestion inside, sometimes the staff stop the visitors at the entrances, there could be other problems too, such as a dispute or disagreement, most of the time people lost their passes and they stuck at the security, sometimes the security searches cause disruptions, in short there could be so many things that can cause unexpected disruptions or delay in the customer flow. The queue management system have capabilities to prevent crowd by announcing messages, to inform people about the situation.
The queue management system can also communicate with the customers and visitors who have used digital channels to sign-up for the queue. It is important to be transparent with your customers and visitors. Telling them the expected time to wait is not bad, it help them understand what is to be expected and prepare them for wait. However, the impact of these disruption can be reduced by rerouting customers to other entry points. The queue management system can do that automatically.
The queue management system collects data form all touch points, it has AI (artificial intelligence) based smart algorithms which are capable to taking decisions in real time which can significantly reduce the impact of disruptions and help improving customer experience by rerouting them and providing them live updates at their most convenient communication channel.

Queue Management System Provides Business Intelligence Data which Improve Planning and Management
The queue management system provides in-depth business intelligence data. The data is collected from all touchpoints and also record historical system usage data which help the event organizing team to understand the customer behavior and flow and help them based their strategies upon concrete information and not on guessing work. The queue management system collects and store historical data from each and every touch point and throughout the customer journey. This data can help management understand the expected customer footfall and help them prepare themselves beforehand by allocating adequate resources and making plans for the registration and entrance areas which is the major cause of congestion and longer wait time.
The queue management system provides in-built data analytical and processing tools which can help management identify the trends and predict accurately the number of expected attendees. Obviously as all other registration channels are integrated with the queue management system so it can also provide the number of people who have already been registered and by comparing this data with the historical data, it is easier to estimate the total number of expected customers and visitors at any event.

Furthermore there are always different types of customers and visitors, some are VIP or Premium Visitors, some are People with Special Needs, and some are different in many other ways, which require a different treatment and protocol. The managers can easily understand which type of user-group will show-up at what time with what numbers, and so on. This comparison will help management make a better policy and plan of actions for the event. In case of any interruption or delay the management can also view the live queuing data which can help them understand where and why the interruption happened, and help them resolving the problem more quickly.
It also help them understand how many people are in queue, and how to divert them to other moving queues to minimize the impact of the interruption. The management can also alert people who are on their way or are present at the reception area with multiple communication tools and channels. Which help them improving the customer experience as well as reducing the frustration caused by such unplanned interruptions and delays.

Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are well aware of the importance of communication and engagement with their customers. Organizing and hosting events, exhibits, seminars, conferences and large meetings is a common theme for any business in the country. These events are used to promote brand and attract more customers. Whether you are B2B or a B2C business these events are vital for growth and brand image building. Apart from the benefits of hosting an event, the event organization and management is a double-edged sword for the organizing team.
If anything goes wrong it could seriously damage the brand image and will hurt the reputation. There are several things and several moving parts which need highly proactive team to manage everything. The biggest challenge is always to handle the crowd and manage the queues. Every business tries to register attendees beforehand however, there would always be a large number of attendees who will register through on-site registration counters or interactive self-service registration kiosks. Furthermore usually as the start time comes closer the footfall start rising very quickly.
Therefore a proper digital queue management system is required to help the staff in managing the large footfall and solving the queuing problems. In this blog we have discussed how a smart digital queue management system can be used to improve your customer experience at events. If you want to know more about the subject or if you want our help to provide you with a highly cost-effective queue management system and self-registration solutions, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.
See Also: Must have features of Queue Management System