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Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

Every business wants efficient operation, whether it is some internal process or a customer facing environment, the efficiency is essential. When a business has efficient work flows, processes and even the teams, they tend to produce more and better outcome with whatever resources they have in hand. That is the reason in order to generate value and drive profits a business needs efficiency in every aspect of the operations. Now when we talk about the customer facing environments, the biggest challenge is to adopt and implement modern queue management system to make customer flow efficient and improve customer experience.

Whether you are operating in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or any other part of UAE you must be aware of the fact that every customer have too many choices, you one mistake and you can lose them to your competitor. Furthermore the customers are also very demanding and they tend to switch service provider very quickly. Even just a single bad experience is enough to make customer the switch. Studies and market research have revealed that it is 9 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. That is why customer experience and customer satisfaction is crucial for a business success.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System
Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a tool which consists of software and hardware parts and it is used to manage the customer flow and customer experience. The queue management software is a server application which is connected to an interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk or queuing kiosk. It is also connected to digital signage screens and audio announcement system. Some businesses also use dynamic counter plates which can also be managed through the queue management system.

Furthermore the hardware part of the queue management system includes a ticket dispensing kiosk which allow your customers and visitors to interact with the system and issue them token numbers. There is a digital signage screen, which displays live queuing details and keep your guests informed about the current activities on each service counter. A business can have multiple signage depends on the premises size. Similarly the audio announcement system is also hardware part powered by in-built multi-lingual audio announcements module.

The counter plates are also connected to the queue management system via network and can display the counter number/name along with the current ticket number. These components form a standard queue management system with basic configurations. Businesses can add more software and hardware components to enhance the features of the queue management system.

See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

What is a Queue Management System?
What is a Queue Management System?

What are the Drawbacks of Poorly Organized Customer Flow?

A poorly organized customer flow have many drawbacks, it doesn’t only affect your customers but it will also have a negative impact on your employees and their performance. Which will translate to low productivity, poor growth, bad business reputation, higher customer churn rate, lower conversion rate and in the long run it will damage your brand image. When the queues or waiting lines are not managed properly the very first effect is extended wait time. When the customers will have to wait for longer period of time, they will be frustrated and annoyed.

This will cause many other problems such as line jumping, customer complaints and more fraction in customer journey. When the waiting lines are not managed efficiently they employees also suffer, they will have to deal with customer complaints, they will have to manage the queues by themselves and they will have more workload, it will also distract them from their primary tasks which will undermine their performance. The customers will reach to the counter in stress and they will be unhappy, this will result in poor interaction with the service agents, and it will also make it difficult for the service agents to satisfy the customer.

Long waiting lines, and extended wait time will result in higher customer churn. When employees will fail to improve their performance despite putting all efforts, they will leave too. Higher employee turnover will cause several other problems, higher customer churn rate will damage your business’s reputation.

See Also: The Concept of Queue Management and Crowd Control

What are the Drawbacks of Poorly Organized Customer Flow?
What are the Drawbacks of Poorly Organized Customer Flow?

What are The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System?

There are several benefits of implementing a queue management system, but it is important to understand that there are different types of queue management systems available in the market. You must have to choose the right solution that suits your needs and business type. However, one of the best way is to hire a well-reputed queue management system provider such as RSI Concepts and ask them to build a bespoke tailor-made customized queue management system according to your needs. Here are some of the benefits of implementing a queue management system:

Reduction in Customer Waiting Time

When the customer flow is well-organized, they queuing process is automated the customer wait time will automatically reduce. By implementing a queue management system businesses can automate several queuing process. The ticket dispensing is automated, the customer flow is managed by the smart algorithms of the queue management software, and the employee performance is also improved. A queue management system can automatically take decisions, and set customer route according to the historical data and the live queuing data, which is why the customer wait time is optimized.

Furthermore the queue management system also help improving customers’ waiting experience by reducing the perceived wait time. It keep customers engaged and distracted from the waiting by frequently making audio-visual announcements and updating the digital signage. Furthermore the queue management system can also play multimedia content, adverts, promotional and marketing content on the digital signage which also help increasing customer engagement and help optimizing the perceived wait time.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Reduction in Customer Waiting Time
Reduction in Customer Waiting Time

Improved Employee Performance

When a business implements a queue management system the employee efficiency and performance is significantly improved. Without a queue management system the employees will have to adhere to several other tasks, most of which are not productive. Manually managing customer flow, especially during the peak-hours can greatly undermine the employee performance and it also have toll on service quality. However, with a proper queue management system in place the employees don’t have to worry about many things and they are free to focus on their primary and more productive tasks.

This not only boost employee performance but also greatly reduce their workload. When the employees work under a balanced workload their satisfaction increases and they tend to perform better. The queue management system automate several queuing processes, and it also offers dedicated service agent dashboards, which can also lift up a lot of workload and help service agents in many tasks. Businesses can significantly improve employee performance and service quality by implementing a queue management system.

See Also: Top 8 Benefits of Using Queue Management System

Improved Employee Performance
Improved Employee Performance

Enhanced Customer Experience

The customer satisfaction depends on customer experience and service quality, better experience results in higher customer satisfaction index. When a business implements a queue management system it automates several queuing processes. When the customers know that their tokens are issued by computer operated system, they have more trust over the system, and it assured them there will no favoritisms, no line-jumping, no intervention from the staff, whatever token is issued to them they will be served accordingly.

Furthermore the queue management system keeps customers and visitors engaged and help diluting the effects of waiting and reduce their stress. This will improve their waiting experience. As the service staff is also aided by the queue management system, they are also more welcoming, fresh and prepared for the customers. This all results in a better customer interaction with the service agent and also tend to improve the service quality.

Implementing a queue management system greatly improves customer experience and results in higher customer satisfaction which help your business building a strong brand image and reputation.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

Enhanced Customer Experience
Enhanced Customer Experience

Real-time Monitoring and Remote Management

One of the best advantage of implementing a queue management system is that it offers real-time monitoring and remote management features. Businesses often have multiple branches where they deploy a queue management system, and even in case of only one office the real-time monitoring dashboard and capabilities to manage the system remotely are some of the most productive features.

Usually there is a central location or head office where the top management resides, they want to monitor the queuing activities and stats to take timely decisions. The queue management system is a centralized software system which connects all branches and parts and enable real-time monitoring. The branch manager, or the senior manager at the head office or any other user with adequate access can monitor the live real-time queuing data and stats.

Furthermore it is very easy to implement the queuing polices and strategies across the entire business, remotely from the head office. Businesses can also set automated alerts and notifications for the managers and supervisors to enable them to be more reactive towards the customer footfall and help them improve the customer flow by keeping them up-to-date all the time.

See Also: Qualities of a Good Mobile App for Queue Management System

Real-time Monitoring and Remote Management
Real-time Monitoring and Remote Management

Collect Business Intelligence Data

The data is the backbone of modern fast-paced markets. Every business who wants to succeed should be able to collect, analyze and utilize the business intelligence data in order to generate value and productive outcomes. A queue management system can provide a wealth of highly accurate and valuable business intelligence data. The queue management system can collect queuing data, system usage stats, waiting time trends, customer footfall trends, employee performance and KPI metrics, and it can also collect direct customer feedback which can be incorporated in several internal decision making process to improve strategies and overall performance of the business.

The queue management system can also be integrated with third-party tools and central information center which enables it to collect data from various sources, and it also allow the queue management system to provide business intelligence data for other systems and tools. Businesses can analyze the queue management system data and customer feedback using in-built analytical tools, or they can extract it in form of various intuitive report formats such as summary reports, trend reports and much more which help them utilize the business intelligence data at its full potential and maximize the overall efficiency and performance of the business.

See Also: Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Collect Business Intelligence Data
Collect Business Intelligence Data


In modern fast-paced markets where the markets are subjected to subtle and rapid changes, a business needs a proactive approach to deal with up-coming challenges. Managing customer facing environments and maintain a satisfactory customer experience is one of the most challenging task a service-based business ever faces. Poorly organized waiting lines and long queues can have devastating effects on a business. Pool queuing strategy and manual queue management can results in poor employee performance, low service quality, and unhappy customers.

However when a business implements q modern queue management system, they can greatly improve employee performance, customer experience and consequently customer satisfaction. A queue management system offers many features which can help improving the customer flow and minimizing the customer churn rate. In this blog we have discussed what a queue management system is and how businesses can benefits from it.

If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to build you a tailor-made queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Redefining Queue Management: How to Enhance the Customer Experience

For any business the customer satisfaction is the prime goal, it assures long term success, stability and growth. Businesses operating in service sector understand the importance of customer flow optimization and customer journey management. Especially in Dubai and anywhere in UAE the markets are very competitive, the customers have too many options available and people usually tend to switch after getting even only a single bad experience. That is why queue management is crucial for a business’s success. Long queues, poorly managed waiting lines and crowded lobbies are a great dissatisfaction for the customers, which not only raise customer churn but also harm business’s brand image and reputation.

There are several challenges that customer facing environment have, one of the biggest is delay in service and long waiting time, furthermore the management of customer service center is also complicated and collectively everything impacts the customer experience. A queue management system not only reduce wait time it also streamline customer flow, provide real-time monitoring and it is very helpful for the management and staff which results in higher efficiency and raise customer satisfaction.

Redefining Queue Management: How to Enhance the Customer Experience
Redefining Queue Management: How to Enhance the Customer Experience

What is a Modern Queue Management System?

A modern queue management system is a digital solution which includes both software and hardware components. The software is designed with AI based smart technologies which enables it to collect data in real-time, take decisions at its own to improve customer flow and it improves management. A queue management system allow to monitor, track and improve customer movement within the premises and help improving customer waiting experience and customer journey. It automates several queuing processes and capture business intelligence data from each and every customer touch point. This ability allows it to take decisions at its own to ensure a smoother customer flow.

Queue management system helps both service agents and the management to effectively improve the queuing process. It not only eliminates the inefficient and manual queuing practices but it also collects valuable business intelligence data insights which can be integrated in decision making and strategy building processes to further improve the customer flow management policy and practices. In this blog we will discuss how a modern queue management system can greatly enhance customer experience to achieve higher satisfaction.

See Also: The Concept of Queue Management and Crowd Control

What is a Modern Queue Management System?
What is a Modern Queue Management System?

Customer Experience: Long Wait Time

Long wait time has the most impact on the customer experience than anything else. No matter how good your office or facility is, how well your staff is trained, if your customers will have to face long wait time they will eventually end up unhappy. According to several studies on an average a customer could tolerate around 9 minutes of wait time, and any minute adding to that will have toll on customer experience, so much so that a time will come when your customers will become annoyed enough that they will decide to leave without even getting the service.

This is called customer churn and keeping it at the lowest possible value is crucial for your business’s success. Longer wait time doesn’t only bother your customers but there is a phenomenon known as perceived wait time, which even worsen the conditions for both businesses and customers. The perceived wait time is the wait time our brain perceived instead of tracking the real-time. The perceived time is always higher than the actual time, for example, your customers have waited for let say 20 minutes however their mind perceive it longer than that maybe 30 or even 40 minutes.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Long wait time has the most impact on the customer experience than anything else
Long wait time has the most impact on the customer experience than anything else

Longer wait time means even longer perceived wait time which results in bad customer experience and cause frustration. That is why it is important to control, reduce and efficiently manage both wait times. A modern queue management system not only help minimizing the wait time but it also offer features which help reducing the perceived wait time’s impact by increasing customer engagements. There is another psychological phenomenon into play which is the fear of unknown, if the customers have no clue of how long they will have to wait this will add to their fear and they think they might have to wait for long period of time.

However, a queue management systems comes with a powerful software tools which is built on smart AI and advanced data processing algorithms. These features enable queue management system to monitor the live queuing situation, consider the historical data and measure the ongoing performance on the service counters and estimate the remaining time to service. Hence when the customers are given their token they are also provided with estimated time to their turn.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

Longer wait time means even longer perceived wait time
Longer wait time means even longer perceived wait time

When the customer know how long they will have to wait, they tend to remain calm. Furthermore there are several other features which help improving customers’ waiting experience. A modern queue management system comes with a smart customer calling module. The modern queue management systems are integrated with digital signage displays and a multi-lingual audio calling system. The digital signage keep displaying the current token number at service counters, upcoming tokens and few more details which keep customers distracted from the waiting and minimize the impact of waiting.

Furthermore the queue management system can automatically make audio announcement where it calls token number and the service counter allotted to that token number, usually the customer call is made in two or three languages followed by a short music tone. The digital signage screens are also not only used to display queuing information, but a modern queue management system comes with in-built digital signage management module as well. Which allow businesses to run marketing or promotional videos or any other entertaining content on the large displays along with the queuing information.

The digital signage and speakers are installed at strategic locations with aim of ensuring every customer at any place in the waiting area can view the signage or listen to the audio announcement. All these features help greatly reduce the waiting stress and improve customers’ waiting experience.

See Also: Paperless Queue Management System

When the customer know how long they will have to wait, they tend to remain calm.
When the customer know how long they will have to wait, they tend to remain calm

Customer Experience: Quick Service Delivery

Let us just admit whenever we have to face a situation where we have to wait for some time in a queue or in waiting area, in such situation when we reach to the service counter we want to get the service as quickly as possible and leave. For any customer facing environment it is crucial to offer a quality service and in a timely manner. When the customers already waited for some time, they are in hurry and want to leave as quickly as possible. A modern queue management system help businesses minimize the service delivery time by offering specialized features to automatically manage the customer journey and to help the service staff in their tasks.

A modern queue management system offers a dedicated dashboard for the service agents, it can integrate with central information center and other third-party tools to enable quick availability of the data and information for the service agents, and it monitors employee KPIs. All these features help reducing the service delivery time and ensure a smooth customer flow. A queue management system automates several customer journey steps, and internal processes which means the staff doesn’t have to worry about any such thing, in fact they can easily focus on their primary tasks which results in quicker service delivery as well as improved service quality.

See Also: 7 Features of Queue Management Software

For any customer facing environment it is crucial to offer a quality service and in a timely manner
For any customer facing environment it is crucial to offer a quality service and in a timely manner

Furthermore the queue management system also allow customers to sign-in using self-service ticket dispensing kiosk. Usually the ticket dispensing kiosk as the customers about what service they need this help the queue management system to route the customer to the right service counter and put them in the right queue. Most of the time customers end-up in the wrong queue which could cause a lot of problems and result in delays in service delivery. On top of that each business have its own queuing policies. Businesses always offer multiple services and apart form that there are different customer groups which are prioritized differently, for example, the VIP customers, people with special needs, elderly people, etc.

All these customers are expecting a different treatment from the business, which is defined in the queuing policy. A modern queue management system help businesses effectively implement their queuing policies and provide better monitoring and control over customer flow. Some businesses also offer stepped services which means a customer is required to visit multiple or more than one service counter in order to get a complete service. All these variables can make queuing very complex for both businesses and customers and cause unnecessary delays in service delivery.

See Also: What are basic features of Queuing System?

A queue management system automates several customer journey steps, and internal processes
A queue management system automates several customer journey steps, and internal processes

Customer Experience: Better Service Quality

The service quality or the quality of the interaction a customer have with the service agent can greatly influence their opinion about your business. It is essential to ensure a customer have a happy and satisfactory experience with your service staff. A queue management system help reducing the workload of the service staff. With manual queuing the staff regularly have to engage in queue management tasks, which distract them from their primary tasks and result in poor quality service and more customer complaints. With the queue management system the entire queuing process is autonomous which means the service staff have more time to focus on their primary tasks, this increase their performance which improve service quality.

Furthermore the queue management system also help service agents with their several other tasks which also result in quicker and better service delivery. The modern queue management system comes with advance employee performance monitoring tools which also help management track and monitor employee performance and collect valuable data which support HR decisions and help improving the workforce. All these features collectively help management improve the service quality and consequently the customer experience.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

It is essential to ensure a customer have a happy and satisfactory experience with your service staff
It is essential to ensure a customer have a happy and satisfactory experience with your service staff

Customer Experience: Business Intelligence Data

Data plays a crucial role in the success of any modern business, majorly due to the digital advancements, rise of online channels and customer preferences, the businesses are compelled to adopt to modern IT infrastructure in order to stay relevant and competitive. A modern queue management system can produce a wealth of highly accurate and valuable business intelligence data which can help businesses refine the customer experience by acquiring insight to customer behavior, detecting pain points and highlighting the areas of improvements. The business intelligence data covers a wide spectrum insight and information such as queue management system usage stats, customer preferences, customer footfall analytical data, employee performance data, and even the customer feedback data.

The business intelligence data is collected autonomously and available in form of interactive reports. The management can customize these reports to align them with their goals and strategies. The business intelligence data can also be synchronized with central information center or any other third-party system via easy integration. When management have accurate data and insight they can make informed decisions. It also help evaluating business strategies, processes and practices and help businesses to make improvements which results in better operational performance and higher customer satisfaction.

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

Business Intelligence Data plays a crucial role in the success of any modern business
Business Intelligence Data plays a crucial role in the success of any modern business


Queue management system offer a variety of features and tools which help management improve the customer experience, optimize the operational cost, improve employee performance and achieve higher profitability. A good customer experience is crucial for a business to build a good brand image. The competition is tough in Dubai and other parts of UAE, businesses proactively improve their offerings to delight their customers. The customers are also very demanding and the market trends are subjected to subtle and monumental changes. It could be very difficult for a business to keep up with these changes without having right tools in their arsenal.

A queue management system is the perfect companion for any customer facing environment. It help reducing the wait time, have positive impact on employee performance, and it significantly improves the customer experience. A queue management system offers a centralized management mechanisms which enables businesses to monitor all connected branches in real-time and make sure right actions are taken and in timely manners to avoid any disruption or unwanted delay in customer flow. In this blog we have discussed how a modern queue management system can help businesses enhance the customer experience and leverage the technology to achieve their long term goals and success.

If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you implementing a tailor-made queue management system solution for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks

Banks offer crucial financial services for individuals and businesses which are essential for our modern societies. If you are living in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or anywhere else in UAE, you must have visited a bank either for account opening or for business purposes. If you recall your last interaction with a bank, how was your experience at the branch? I am sure it was not as pleasing as it should be. The biggest problems at banks is the large customer influx, a customer might have to wait for 30 to 45 minutes for a service which can be delivered in 5 minutes.

Obviously your appointment at bank is not something which you should expect to be enjoyable or entertaining but at least it should be comfortable, convenient and friction-less. This means that there are still some flaws and problems with the banking sector which are impacting customer experience. The average wait time for a typical bank service is around 20 minutes or in some cases even more than that, which cause stress and frustration. A digital queue management system solve all those problems and it also helps improving customer experience.

Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks
Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks

What is a Digital Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a combination of tools and strategy to improve customer flow and maximize the performance of the customer service centers. The early form of queue management systems was first-come-first-serve based waiting line. Then businesses started sorting them in multiple waiting lines. Later on technology is introduced to the queuing systems. The digital queue management system is the latest form of customer flow management systems.

A digital queue management system also consists of some digital tools (software and hardware) and a queuing strategy which help banks to significantly improve the customer experience, maximize their branch productivity and profitability and it also help improving staff performance. A digital queue management system also help businesses meet the ever-increasing customer expectations and it also collects valuable business intelligence data which is very helpful for businesses.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

See Also: Paperless Queue Management System

What is a Digital Queue Management System?
What is a Digital Queue Management System?

Here are the key features of a digital queue management system for a bank:

Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time

Customer wait time is one of the major cause of customer dissatisfaction. A digital queue management system is a very capable tool which can greatly reduce customer wait time and it also help improving customers’ waiting experience. Customers can sign-in using multiple methods which makes it very easy and convenience. Once customers are singed-in they are issued a ticket number which is their position in the queue. The customers are allowed to wait freely either in the waiting areas or even outside of the bank premises. The queue management system can also communicate with customers using SMS or WhatsApp or any other channel.

It sends them live queuing information, alerts and notifications which prevent customers from missing out their turn in the queue. Furthermore the digital queue management system also have a digital signage screen, usually more than one screens are placed on strategic locations to ensure every customers can easily view information on these screens. Along with queuing information, multimedia content can also be played which help diverting customer’s focus form waiting time. The frequent audio announcements also keep customer engaged and reduce the stress of waiting.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time
Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time

Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation

A digital queue management system has an AI (artificial intelligence) based very powerful software engine which make it more effective and efficient. A digital queue management system is a customer journey transformation tool. It can enhance customer’s entire visit even from pre-arrival to post-service activities, a digital queue management system effectively improves the entire customer journey. Furthermore a digital queue management system is capable of collecting customer behavioral, statistical and performance data which enables it to take instant decisions on the bases of real-time queuing situation.

A typical bank have multiple services which they are offering at their branches, some service counters are exclusive for certain services some are for general services and furthermore there are also customer classifications and priority levels that the bank has to accommodate. It means that the bank has a very complex queuing strategy. A digital queue management system not only help banks implement their strategy but it also improving it. It can automatically route customers to the right service counter and as per their priority level or any other parameter that is applicable it manages the entire customer journey and ensure maximum efficiency, smooth customer flow and less wait time.

See Also: What are basic features of Queuing System?

Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation
Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation

Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency

A digital queue management system is not just designed to reduce the customer wait time. It is a very powerful tool which can help improving several processes and have huge impact on the overall efficiency and performance of the entire bank branch. The digital queue management system automates several processes and customer journey steps. For example, the customer sing-in is completely automated, customers can utilize the interactive kiosk to sign-in and get the token number or they can utilize any supported virtual channel to sign-in and get a digital token or e-ticket. Furthermore everyone is served only at their turn, there is no chance of staff giving importance to any customer, this not only help improving the customer flow but it also help gaining customer trust.

Furthermore there are no disputes, line jumping or any such problem that is associated with manual queuing. This means that the customer flow is entirely managed by the queue management system and the staff doesn’t have to involve at any stage. This not only speed up everything but it also help reducing the employees’ workload. When the staff works under balanced workload they tend to perform well and deliver high-quality service which improve branch performance. The employee have more time to focus on their primary tasks and they don’t have to worry about queuing problems which save a lot of time and also help reducing the service delivery time and resultantly customer wait time. All these improvements help boosting branch efficiency, employee performance, reduce human resource cost and ensure satisfactory service delivery.

See Also: 7 Features of Queue Management Software

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency
Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency

Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data

A digital queue management system is capable of collecting highly valuable business intelligence data from each and every customer touch point throughout the customer journey. Since the entire customer interaction digitally managed, collecting statistical data is much easier. For example, the queue management system can provide comprehensive insight to the customer flow such as which services most customer are choosing, what is average customer wait time, what is average service time and which employee is performing better and at which stage the customers are waiting longer than expected, etc.

A digital queue management system is also capable of collecting customers’ behavioral data and compile it in form of easy-to-understand reports which help management understand customer behavior trend, performance trends, footfall trends and many more useful insights. A digital queue management system can collects a wealth of business intelligence data which can be very useful in decision making processes and help management evaluate their queuing strategy, customer journey and various other processes that can directly impact the customer experience. Furthermore a digital queue management system can also facilitate customer feedback collection and help banks collecting valuable customer feedback.

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data
Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data


Banks offer most important financial services which are integral for our society and businesses to work. Whether you visit a bank in individual capacity or for your business, visit to a bank is inevitable. Banks also know that very well, hence they are always investing in innovative solutions and technologies to ensure their customers and visitors have an excellent customer experience. The overall UAE market in general is very dynamic, vibrant and versatile, for customers there are so many options to choose from. This is what makes customer satisfaction crucial for banks. If a bank wants to obtain customer loyalty then they must have to level up their game at customer experience and customer service.

A digital queue management system is a perfect companion for banks who want to improve their customer experience. It help banks automate several customer journey processes and improve employees’ performance without compromising the customer satisfaction. In fact queue management systems are known for delivering highest customer satisfaction in all customer-facing environments. In this blog we discussed what a queue management system is and what features it offer which can help banks achieve maximum productivity, performance and customer satisfaction.

If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to transform your bank branch with our customized queue management system solution, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

See Also: Queue Management System Problems and Solutions in Dubai, UAE

Key Reasons Why Queue Management Systems are Essential for Customer Loyalty?

Key Reasons Why Queue Management Systems are Essential for Customer Loyalty?

Any business’s success can be measured by measuring the customer satisfaction and customer happiness. The customer satisfaction help gaining customers’ trust and make them loyal to the brand. The loyal customers always contribute most to the success of any business. According to several studies it is almost 5 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer then selling to an existing customer. Imagine how much customer loyalty can reduce your marketing and communication cost.

The loyal customers had already have experience with your business, their expectations are pretty clear, they are familiar with your business practices and methodologies, they are most likely to make multiple purchases directly from your business without ever reaching out to your competitors or doing any market research. It means if you have a huge pool of loyal customers, you are most likely to get repeated sales from them. When a business start establishing a loyal customer base it can sustain growth and move forward towards its broader vision.

See Also: Why do you need a queue management system?

Key Reasons Why Queue Management Systems are Essential for Customer Loyalty?

The customer experience and customer satisfaction can be significantly improved by implementing modern queuing strategies such as implementing a modern digital queue management system at your customer-facing environments. When you will start treating your customers in a better way and when you start offering them more convenience and comfort, they will start liking you as a brand and eventually you can become their first-choice. That is how the customer satisfaction and customer happiness contributes to attaining customer loyalty. In this blog we will discuss how a queue management system help improving customer experience and contributes in increasing customer loyalty.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time plays a crucial role in customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Whenever we imaging a customer service center, a public office, a government office, airports, shopping stores or any such place, the long lines and waiting queues are the common sighting at such places. Studies have shown that on an average a customer can wait from somewhere 9 to 12 minutes, and wait time any longer than that could start impacting customer’s experience and cause frustration, stress and unhappiness.

The queue management system is a highly effective solution to that problem. It help streamlining the customer flow, manages queues and waiting line automatically, and the queue management system helps in improving the queuing strategy and method. A typical queue management system consists of a highly powerful AI (artificial intelligence) based smart software engine, coupled with several hardware devices, such as interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk, audio-visual announcement system and digital signage displays, etc.

See Also: The Concept of Queue Management and Crowd Control

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

The smart queue management software is capable of collecting and analyzing queuing data in real-time and the AI based smart algorithms enable it to take decisions on the bases of current queuing data, historical data, and system configurations. The biggest advantage of implementing a queue management system is that it completely remove the human factor from various touch points of customer journey and make it automatic which not only save time but also prevent several problems that are common in manual queuing. The customer interaction begins with customer being welcomed with an intuitive multi-lingual interactive self-service kiosk.

Business can ask questions to categorize customers based on their needs, this will further improve the queuing process. Customers are given with printed ticket or digital ticket bearing their number/position in the queue. Then the customers are free to wait in the designated waiting areas and doesn’t need to stand in long waiting line. This feature can significantly improve customer experience. Furthermore the digital signage keep displaying the queuing information and it also plays multimedia content and other engaging content which keep customers distracted from the wait time.

See Also: Why Queue Management Systems Are Essential For Modern Businesses?

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

The queue management system automatically puts customers in the appropriate queue and based on the footfall, current queuing status and various other factors it tries to put customers in the fast moving lines, and it also balance the workload of the service agent which further expedite the customer journey and reduce the wait time. With the manual queuing the wait time is higher, the customers have to wait in long boring waiting lines, which ruin their experience. However, with the digital queue management system all these problems are avoided which result in significant reduction in actual wait time.

All those distractions caused by the multimedia content, frequent audio announcements and the real-time updating queuing data on the signage screens, keep your customers distracted from the wait time. This way the perceived wait time is also reduced. The perceived wait time and the actual wait time are the leading cause of customer unhappiness. A queue management system help reducing and optimizing the wait time and results in higher customer satisfaction and happiness which contributes to increasing customer loyalty.

See Also: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Queue Management System Reduces the Customer Wait Time

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

The customer experience is a very delicate and sensitive matter, even very small looking things can have huge impact on it. Same is the case with the employee performance. The queue management system is a digital tool it can effectively track and monitor employee performance. The queue management system measures several performance metrics and KPIs. For example, how many customers are served by a service agent in a shift, what was the average time of service to each customer, how much time the service agent took for breaks, etc. All such information help management focus on the right directions to improve employee performance and identify the issues that may causing poor performance.

Furthermore with the help of a digital queue management system businesses can avoid several problems. In the manual queues the service agents will also have to listen to customers’ complaints, they will have to solve disputes, sometimes customers showed up in wrong queues, then there are line jumpers and several other such problems which keep service agents distracted from their work. However, with the queue management system all these problems vanished and the service agents can easily focus on their primary tasks and also work under balanced workload which significantly improve their efficiency, performance and satisfaction. A happy service agent can serve your customer better and provide them a happy and satisfied experience.

See Also: Must have features of Queue Management System

See Also: How to Choose the Best Queue Management Software?

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Queue Management System Offers Virtual Queuing

The virtual queuing is not a new phenomenon, however, it got fame in past few years. The virtual queuing is basically the next step of the digital queuing. The virtual queue management system offers more integrated communication and convenience to the customers which results in much better experience and significantly reduced wait time. With the help of virtual queuing features the business can offer its customers multiple mobile communication channels and virtual tools to sign-up for the queue. For example, the customers can sign-up using their smartphones, online customer portal, business’s corporate website, online booking portal, SMS, Email, Call, QR Code and even via WhatsApp. All this help improving customer experience.

Furthermore the queue management system can also communicate with the customers via SMS, online updates, smartphone applications, notification and alerts which keep providing necessary updates to the customers. The queue management system mobile application can even guide customers about het nearest and quickest service centers. This way the customers doesn’t even have to arrive to the service center to sign-up or stand in the waiting line, they are completely free to arrive only when their number is called. Hence the wait time can literally reduce to none. These features enhance customer experience, happy and satisfied customers are more likely to become a loyal customer.

See Also: Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Queue Management System Offers Virtual Queuing

Queue Management System Collects Valuable Queuing Data and Business Intelligence

The queuing data and the business intelligence is a great tool to analyze and improve your queuing strategy. A queue management system is a digital tool hence it can capture system usage and analytical data from each and every touch point of the customer journey. The queue management system can provide businesses with a wealth of knowledge and a better understanding to the customers’ behavior, their liking/disliking, market trends, customers’ expectations and needs. All this help businesses analyzing and identifying the flaws in their strategy and help them rectify those issues to ensure a better and improved customer experience.

A queue management system can also collect customer feedback data. The direct customer feedback gives your customer confidence and help gaining their trust. As when the customers think that their say is important they become more attached to the business. Moreover the customer feedback can also be very helpful in improving several other process. All these features help enhancing customer experience and raise their satisfaction. Happy and satisfied customer become loyal to their favorite brand and help businesses grow and progress.

See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

See Also: Streamlining the Waiting Experience: How Queue Management Systems Improve Patient Flow

Queue Management System Collects Valuable Queuing Data and Business Intelligence


Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are more adoptive towards latest technologies and modern business practices. The country is highly developed and the general population is very tech savvy. Almost 99% of the population uses mobile phone and have access to the internet. In such a society businesses need to fulfill the high demands from the customers and on top of that the markets are highly competitive. In the past few years, the digital customer experience, the automation and adaptation of modern technologies and solution is on rise.

The customer facing environments have also evolved a lot which made traditional manual queuing completely obsolete. A modern digital queue management system have become an essential for modern customer service centers. Businesses who have to deal with medium or large number of footfall can’t function without implementing a modern queue management solution. It has become so common that customers usually expect a digital ticketing system and modern queuing system whenever they visit a business or customer service center.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

A queue management system significantly enhance customer experience, it offers them easy sign-up, it reduces their wait time and improves their waiting experience, it help maximizing the performance and productivity of the service agent, and it help improving service quality. All these improvements can significantly improve customer happiness and satisfaction. The customer satisfaction is a key to customer loyalty and the customer loyalty is crucial for a long term sustainable business success.

In this blog we have discuss how a queue management system can help businesses attain customer loyalty, if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to implement a bespoke queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: How a Modern Queue Management System Increase Customer Satisfaction?

See Also: How to Improve Queue Management at Your Restaurant?

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

See Also: How Insurance Companies can Improve Customer Happiness with a Queue Management System?

Government Digital Transformation: Implementation of Queue Management System

Government Digital Transformation Implementation of Queue Management System

The Government of UAE and other local governments are proactively adopting to digital technologies and modern solution in fact the government’s vision is to completely eliminate the paper and go fully digital. For that the government of UAE and local governments have taken several initiatives, and established a framework for all government offices, ministries, and departments. The digital transformation is one of the several revolutionary steps taken by the UAE government to improve the service quality and increase the access to the ordinary citizens.

We all knows that the government offices, ministries and departments are the busiest places with large footfall. The higher volume of visitors not only cause problems for the visitors but also for the staff. Therefore a solution is required to streamline the footfall and customer flow. The queue management system is a great tool to organize and manage the customer flow and customer experience, it also help reducing the workload of the employees and enhance their performance.

See Also: From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Government Digital Transformation Implementation of Queue Management System

The UAE government and local governments also emphasizes on delivering excellent customer experience. The public also demand quality service and quicker delivery which put digital transformation at the top of the agenda for UAE and all local governments. The government departments and offices want to provide excellent customer services, comforting waiting experience and higher customer satisfaction. The large footfall is not the only problem, some offices and departments are also short on staff, some have multiple shifts and some have other limitations which are causing issues with adopting to modern queuing methods.

However, a digital queue management system can be game changer, it can streamline customer flow, organize the queuing process and it can minimize the waiting time while improving customer waiting experience and employee performance at the same time. In this blog we will discuss how a queue management system can significantly enhance government’s digital transformation.

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

Government Digital Transformation Implementation of Queue Management System

Implementation of Queue Management System

A queue management system is a digital solution based on software and hardware components. A standard queue management system consist of a core software application which is usually hosted on servers or cloud. There are dedicated user dashboards for different user groups such as service agents, administration, branch managers, etc. The customers/citizen interact with the system through a self-service interactive kiosk which also dispense the tickets. There is an audio-visual announcement system which is used to make multi-lingual announcements. A regular queue management system can significantly improve customer experience and it can also help improving employee efficiency which also impact the customer happiness.

The queue management system also offers centralized administration and management features. Which allow the head office to monitor and control all connected branches. The branch managers and local administration can have their own localized access, but the head office can access the entire network. Such features are great to support the internal workflows and processes of a government department, ministry or office.

See Also: How Queue Management System Helps Maximizing the Efficiency?

Implementation of Queue Management System

Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

The queue management system is a digital solution which is capable of integrating with other systems and tools to maximize the customer experience and performance of the queuing process. The centralized administration and management also enable queue management system to integrate with other systems and databases which is helpful in offering innovative features to enhance the customer experience and to improve the administrative capabilities of the management. The queue management system also help government offices and department to integrate modern communication channel and tools to allow customers and visitors to sign-up using multiple channels which make the process simple.

The queue management system automatically manages the customer flow and customer journey, which help reducing the customer wait time and it also significantly improve the customer flow. The digital queue management system also capture valuable data and provide management with insight and better understanding of customer behavior and trends which help them improve their internal processes and take steps to maximize the efficiency of the queuing process.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

See Also: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

Here are the key benefits of implementing a digital queue management system:

  • Reduce Customer Wait Time: The customer wait time is one of the most crucial factor in customer journey, the queue management system streamline everything, and automatically handle the customer flow which help maximizing the efficiency and reduce the customer waiting time. It also help improving the employee performance by allowing them to focus only at their primary tasks, which improves their happiness.
  • Streamline Customer Flow: The government offices and departments always have large customer flow, during peak hours it become difficult to effectively manage the queues. However, with the queue management system everyone is issued with a ticket hence everyone knows when their turn came, and people also don’t rush to enter in random queues, instead people prefer to wait in waiting area which help organizing the queuing process.
  • Online Appointment Booking: The modern queue management system allow businesses to integrate online appointment booking module and offer customers easy-access to booking portal. The portal is integrated so the customers can also view additional information which help them to choose the right time, date and service. A planned visit help reducing customers’ frustration and it also enable customers to arrive just before their booked slot and get instant service.
  • Enable Virtual Queuing: The virtual queuing is one of the most modern queue management method, it allow customers and visitors to utilize multiple remote channel to sign-up for the queue, such as online, booking portal, website, mobile applications, SMS, email, WhatsApp, etc. The customers are not required to physically present in the waiting lines, instead they get live queuing information on their preferred channels and are free to arrive only when their turn came.
  • Improve Communication: A queue management system offers various integrated channels to enhance communication. When customers arrive at a government office they need information the same information can be provided using the digital signage screens, remote channels such as Email, SMS, mobile apps, online portals, etc. The communication is a key to customer satisfaction, providing them relevant information can significantly improve their experience and happiness.
  • Centralized Administration: The centralized administration is great for government departments and ministries as such institutions have multiple branches and offices so the centralized administration keep every branch aligned and allow the head office to monitor and control every connected branch in real-time. The queue management system also support internal processes, administrative hierarchies and workflows which significantly improves administration.
  • Improve Employee Performance: The employee performance is effected by large footfall, poorly organized waiting lines, unbalanced workload and problems inherent by manual queuing. The queue management system on the other hand not only eliminates all problems but also help reducing the workload of the employees as well. Employees get support with their tasks, they can focus on their primary tasks without any interruption which improves their performance.

See Also: How to Set Up SMS based Queue Management System?

Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

The digital queue management system is a great tool for digital transformation of the government departments, offices and customer service centers. The queue management system not only help improving the customer journey but it also help maximizing the overall performance of the entire branch and help reducing the operational cost. Thanks to smart AI based software algorithms which enable queue management system to process data in real-time and take decisions.

All the features of a queue management system maximize the employee efficiency, help management to effectively utilize resources and reduce the need of several additional staff which results in serious cost-reduction and help optimizing the operational cost. The smooth experience, excellent quality service and innovative features of the modern queue management system help improving the image and perception of the government entity and in fact the entire government.

See Also: Queue Management System Features you Need for Modern Queuing


The government offices and departments are places where people have to visit for essential services, most of the time we found these places crowded. The large footfall is common, on top of that the peak hours and in some cases peak days could bring huge influx. Such scenario cause problems for both the customers and the employees. That is why the queue management system is an ultimate answer to all those problems, in fact it is a great tool to support government’s digital transformation policy. The UAE government and the local government all are stressing on importance of happy customer experience and quality of service. The queue management system help them achieve their goals and also help them reduce their operational cost by leveraging the digitalization and automation which reduce staff’s workload and improve the customer flow. Overall the customer journey is reduced, their experience is enhanced and the staff performance also improved as they can easily focus on their primary tasks instead of solving queuing problems and answering to unhappy customers in the waiting lines.

In this blog we have discussed the benefits of a modern queue management system, if you want to learn more about it or if you want our help to implement a modern cost-effective queue management system at your government office or at your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

See Also: Queue Management in Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience

See Also: Queue Management System Problems and Solutions in Dubai, UAE

See Also: Importance of Queue Management System for Government and Public Offices

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

A queue management system is a great tool to transform customer journey and customer experience. These days business in Dubai and all around the UAE are heavily relying on digital queuing solutions to effectively manage customer flow and to improve customer experience. The queue management system have huge direct and indirect impact on customer experience and service delivery. It can significantly reduce time and enhance employee performance which both result in better and improved customer experience. As the technology and digitalization have taken the entire world like a storm, things are changing rapidly. There are tons of technological advancements and so many new tools and technologies have been introduced to the market each year. The facial recognition is a modern technology, it is used to identify someone from their face. For human it is not a big deal but for technology it is a big leap, the technology was available since more than a decade, but in past few years it become publically available and mass production have significantly reduced the cost.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

The queue management systems have travelled a long journey and reached to a point when machine learning, artificial intelligence, smart algorithms and powerful software engines are completely changing the customer flow and customer journey management. The facial recognition technology is a great tool to immediately identify the customers and visitors, it can greet them at the interactive self-service/self-signup kiosk, the in-built software engine is capable of recalling the previous service availed by the customers and can ask them about that, later the facial recognition can detect the customer arriving at the counter and push their data and info to the server/agent dashboard, which can expedite the service delivery process. The facial recognition is also helpful for feedback collection, as the customers are not required to input their ID and Contact information, the surveys become short and the response rate increases automatically.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

The year 2020 was and the year 2021 is the years of digitalization, the general public is more aware and comfortable in using digital solutions and adopting to new technologies. Several studies have shown a completely different trend in general public, people are more inclined toward the technology and digital. A touch of high-tech would always be appreciated, the facial recognition and integration with advanced intelligent software solution will enhance the user experience. When the users will be greeted by name and their identity will automatically be detected, they will get a positive impression. This will also help building a positive perception about the business such as the business is up-to-date with latest technological advancements, this also gives an impression that business would use modern technologies and latest solution for their products/services too. Which is always appreciated.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

Moreover the customer experience will be personalized and more impactful. The user interface, the customer routing, the ticket printing and so many other things can be garnished with the personalized touch. Which will enhance the customer experience. From the management point of view the identification of the customer at the sign-in step is also very helpful in expediting the customer journey and it could also reduce the service delivery steps. The shorter, personalized and high-tech customer journey and customer experience help businesses building a good relationship with their customers. The marketers are well aware of the benefits of the personalized communication, similarly the personalized customer experience also improve their trust and loyalty with the brand and earn positive reputation and brand identity for the business.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

A positive brand reputation and good customer experience is very important for the long term success. If a customer had a bad experience it cause harm to the brand identity, such harm could be equated by almost ten positive experiences and the chances are the customer who had a bad experience might never return back to the business. That is why a good customer experience and customer journey are considered to be the most important factor in brand reputation. If a customer had good experience it will build a strong bond with the brand and become a loyal customers, the loyal customers are the one who tend to promote the business and be a good brand advocate. The loyal customers also have a tendency to ignore occasional negative experiences and they always gives their favorite brand another chance. The loyal customers are a great asset and can help business reduce the marketing expenses as well. The studies have shown that it is nine to twelve time more expensive to acquire a new customer than selling to an existing customer. So a good customer experience and a better customer journey could be a key to higher profitability and long term steady growth.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves the Customer Sign-Up Process

For every queue the customers will have to sign-up. A facial recognition technology enabled queue management system can identify the customer when they arrived at the self-service interactive kiosk to sign-up for the queue. The system can greet them with personalized message along with their name, photo or any other detail. This also enables the businesses to push their marketing strategies for example the business can recall their previous interaction and ask them whether their current visit is regarding to that or not, the businesses can push a marketing message for upgrade for the service they have opted last time and so on. The customer identification is also very helpful in managing and controlling the customer routes and customer journey. The queue management system can easily identify the VIP or Premium customers or the customers who should be served differently or any such case.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves the Customer Sign-Up Process

In both cases the stepped services and single counter service delivery the customer journey could have a great influence on the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. The businesses can utilize the facial recognition to personalize the customer experience. As the customers are not required to fill-in long online forms to identify themselves so the identification process is very smooth and super-convenience. The queue management system can associate the customer identity with their ticket number and upon their arrival on the counter the queue management system can push all the customer data and relevant information on the agent counter which further facilitates the service delivery process and makes it easier for the agents to have access to the relevant data hence the customer don’t have to provide their information on the counter, which reduce one more step from the service delivery process and make service delivery quicker and convenient.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Customer Feedback

A queue management system with facial recognition technology can easily identify the customers and once a customer got a service done the business can request the customers to provide their feedback. Usually the customer feedback system is integrated with the queue management system or modern day queue management system has it as an in-built module as well. As the system knows which customer is being served at the counter to it can relay the same information to the interactive touch screen for the feedback. Usually those screens are installed on the counter or placed very close to it. When a customer have finished their work with the agent/server the interactive feedback screen can display a personalized message with request for the feedback. This will attract more attention and it improves the response rate. Moreover the customer is not required to fill-in their details to submit the feedback. All the customer data and details will automatically be linked to the customer feedback kiosks/screens/tabs.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Customer Feedback

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Business Intelligence

The queue management systems are considered to be a great source of very accurate and detailed business intelligence data. A queue management system with facial recognition technology can easily capture a lot more details. In some cases some touch points require the customer to identify themselves by either inputting their contact number, name, email or customer ID or any such perimeter which prolonged the customer journey and most of the customers don’t like it. However with the facial recognition technology the customers are not required to fill-in any details, all the details will be pulled out from the customer database by just recognizing their face. The system can also collect customer feedbacks and a lot of statistical data which is very helpful for businesses to evaluate their current strategies and methodologies. Our queue management system with facial recognition comes with in-built data analytical and processing tools. The businesses can generate reports and assess their employees by monitoring various in-built employee KPIs. Such data is very helpful for decision making and future strategies and it also provide a deeper insight to the customer perception of the brand, their experience and it also highlights the areas of improvement. Businesses can easily make informed decisions on the bases of business intelligence data.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Business Intelligence

Read More: 5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System


Businesses and organizations in Dubai and all around the UAE are utilizing queue management systems to organize and manage their queues. There is nothing constant in the market, the market is ever changing and evolving, the customer trends are changing, their expectations and needs are changing so does the queue management system. The facial recognition technology is not new but only in past few years it have become widely used in commercial systems and solutions. The queue management systems can utilize the facial recognition technology to boost the customer experience and customer journey. The facial recognition is an easiest way to identify the customers. The customer identification during the earlier stages of the customer journey enables the businesses to provide a personalized customer experience and better customer journey. It also comes with a lot many functional advantages, for example, the customers can be identified during the sign-up process by facial recognition.

The same facial recognition ID can be used at various customer journey touch points and service delivery steps to accelerate the process as well to enhance the customer experience from the sign-up to service delivery and then the customer feedback. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider. We offer standard and customized solutions to our customers to ensure better efficiency and competitive cost. If you need more information or want to get a quote, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you.

Check out this blog: Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired RSI Queue Management System

What are the 7 advanced features of QMS?

QMS or Queue Management System is a very powerful tool used to improve customer satisfaction and customer journey. Basically, a queue management system streamlines the customer flow and organizes the queues automatically, which helps in reducing the wait time and improving the customer experience. Due to ever-changing market dynamics and the demands of the customers, customer journey transformation solutions are gaining popularity worldwide. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE businesses and enterprises are focusing more on the customer journey and customer experience than ever before. The main reason is that the customers are expecting a lot from their brands and another factor is the tough competition. The healthy competition in the market is always beneficial for the customers, as everyone is trying to offer better quality and service than the others. However, quality products and services are not the only reason for success. In fact, these days the customer journey, customer experience and customer happiness is the most powerful contributor in the success or failure of a business.

7 advanced features of QMS

When it comes to choosing the best QMS for your business there are certain things that need to be considered. Especially in Dubai and UAE, there are so many variants available, the best choice is always a customized queue management system (QMS). However, there are certain queuing solutions that are designed for specific purposes or applications, for example, queue management systems for hospitals & clinics or queue management systems for colleges & universities, etc. No matter what type or model of queuing you are using the features and functionalities of a QMS remains the same. As the queue management system industry is growing rapidly worldwide and more manufacturers are offering better and cheaper hardware options the QMS system providers in Dubai such as RSI Concepts are also improving the software in order to maximize the impact of the queue management system on the customer journey and customer happiness.

Here are some advanced features of a QMS:

1. Virtual Queuing

Virtual QueuingThe most popular and very advanced feature in a QMS is virtual queuing. As we all know the current pandemic has completely transformed the customers’ behavior and expectations. Which results in a more digitalized experience than ever before. Virtual queuing is also a modern-day solution for a whole bunch of problems. Virtual queuing is not a new invention, in fact, it was around for a long time before the pandemic, but in late 2020 and since the beginning of 2021 the virtual queuing has been gaining momentum. More businesses are showing interest in virtual queuing. The idea is to let customers sign-up for the actual queue before even arriving at the branch. Such customers and visitors are treated the same way as they were present in the actual physical queue. This not only reduces the wait time, as the customers can arrive at the very moment when their ticket number is called or just before that. And it has a great impact on the customer journey and customer experience.

2. Smartphone Apps

Smartphone AppsSmartphone applications are very common these days. In fact due to the vision of digitalization of the government announced by the government of UAE, a lot many trends have been changed. As the government is effectively providing e-services and various portals to enable digital channels, the general public is also very used to digital services and digital mediums. The most used digital medium is smartphone applications. This has set a new trend, the public and private sector followed by offering digital alternates and smartphone applications to access digital services. The queue management system or QMS is no exception, all the leading queuing solution providers have adopted the trend and are currently offering smartphone-enabled queue management systems.

The smartphone applications also support virtual queuing and other features such as online appointment booking, branch allocators, real-time queue updates and status monitoring, and much more. The main idea behind this is to further improve customer experience and provide them more freedom and control over their visits and schedules. The smartphone apps allow online or remote sign-up and then it also provides notifications, announcements, and real-time status updates to ensure the customer or visitor doesn’t miss out on their turn. These features are incredibly transforming the customer journey and customer experience. Furthermore, the queue management system smartphone applications can also be used to collect various stats and business intelligence data which is very helpful in decision making and planning.

3. Appointment Booking Module

Appointment Booking ModuleThe appointment booking module is a fairly new addition to the queue management system. It enables the customers and visitors to choose the time and date of their choice to plan their visit. It also enables them to virtually sign-up for the queue. Hence when the appointment time comes the customer can arrive at the very exact time of their turn and don’t have to wait in the long queues. The customers can be served instantly at the time of their choice. The appointment booking module is a great feature for queue management systems.

Usually, the appointment booking panel or portal is provided via website or smartphone applications. The appointment booking portal also provides statistical data such as the busiest hours details, the busiest day details on any particular branch. The customer can also set a time and date of their choice and then the system can tell them which nearest branch will be least crowded at their desired time. Such information is very helpful for customers and visitors to plan their visit. The online appointment booking module also provides other appointment booking methods such as SMS, Email, or Phone Call. The customer can enjoy more freedom and lesser wait time and they can also schedule their visits at their own convenience. It helps to improve the customer journey as well as the customer experience. Customer satisfaction and happiness rise which leads to higher customer loyalty and more easy customer retention.

4. Integration via APIs

Integration via APIsAny modern QMS (queue management system) is incomplete without the feature of integration via APIs. The API integration is the most convenient, simplest, and cost-effective method of integration between two systems. The integration is mainly used to link various systems with each other or with the central information center of the entire organization. It not only helps businesses to innovate new methods and techniques to improve the customer journey and experience but it also helps businesses to boost the efficiency of the staff. Not only in Dubai, UAE but all around the world the API integration is the most common method of synchronizing two or more systems.

The integration of the queue management system with other enterprise tools and software allows the business to collect more accurate monitoring and statistical data. It helps to improve various business processes via automation which directly impacts the service delivery process and customer journey. Every modern-day QMS should be able to support API integration.

5. Centralized Control and Monitoring

Centralized Control and MonitoringAs in Dubai and all across the UAE most of the businesses have regional branches and offices at multiple locations. Which raises the importance of centralized control and monitoring. The centralized control and monitoring are must have the advanced features of a QMS. It enables the head office to monitor and control all of the branches from the head office that is why this feature is also known as remote management and monitoring. A queue management system with centralized control and monitoring feature enables the head office to assign various tasks and workflows to the relevant branch managers, CRMs, and supervisors. The head office will be provided with real-time updates from all connected branches and locations. The queue management system should be able to allow building and configuring administrative functions and job roles. A complete management hierarchy should be provided.

In the queue management systems, the management hierarchy enables the management to easily authenticate the system users to allow them access to the relevant data. For example, the branch manager of branch A should not be able to view data from branch B or any other branch’s data unless permission is being granted from the head office and vice versa. This is a great feature to organize and manage the operations of the queue management system.

6. Reporting, KPIs, and System Usage Stats

Reporting, KPIs, and System Usage StatsAs the queuing systems or queue management systems (QMS) evolved over the past few years, the data and analysis methods got improved over time as well. The reporting, system stats, and usage data along with the KPIs provide a vital insight into the entire business process and the performance of the employees. The KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are set up to measure and understand the performance and behavior of the employees. The system can provide KPIs such as:

  • How many customers are being served by an employee in a particular day or over a week or on monthly bases
  • How much average time is consumed by an employee to serve one customer or visitor
  • How is the performance of the employee during busy hours
  • Which employee is better at delivering which service quicker than the others
  • Which employee is good at which service and vice versa
  • Which employee is getting more negative or positive feedback
  • Which service is being disliked by the customers
  • Which service is more popular
  • Which signup method is more popular

Obviously, these are just a few points there are so many other details that can be captured. The reporting module covers the entire customer journey and all-important touchpoints. The system usage stats provide a comprehensive detail about the services most used and liked by the customers along with the queuing process details. These all details, data, and stats are compiled in reports and analyzed by the queue management system’s in-built analytical engine to extract actionable reports. The management can use this data to make future strategies and to take steps to improve their service delivery process, customer journey, and experience and to improve their products and services.

7. Cross-Platform Compatibility, Scalability, and Simple Operation

Cross-Platform Compatibility, Scalability, and Simple OperationThese days everything is very fast and keeping up the pace is vital for sustainability and profitability. Any modern enterprise system or business tools should be able to stay relevant for the future or should allow simple and easy upgrades with affordable costs. Although the Cross-Platform Compatibility, Scalability and Simple Operation are three different features but are completely intertwined. Cross-platform compatibility also known as plug-n-play operation means that the QMS or queue management system should be able to work with different environments. To be more precise it means that regardless of the operating system or computer type or model the QMS interface should be able to work one hundred percent. That is why modern-day queue management systems offer web-based user interfaces. Which only requires a standard browser (MS Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc) regardless of the system type whether it is a workstation or laptop or windows based computer or MAC-based computer, or Linux queue management system dashboard works without any issue.

The scalability or ability to upgrade and expand is also very important while selecting a queue management system for your business. Businesses should carefully examine the feasibility and terms of future expansion and upgrades while selecting a QMS or queue management system. The technology used to build the queue management systems is very widely available and is quite durable, which ensures longevity and long-term operation with very little maintenance cost. This is also very important and all advanced queue management systems are very durable, their lifecycle is longer than most of the other corporate solutions and the maintenance cost is also very low. The operation should be simple and doesn’t require much training. This is why at RSI Concepts we always suggest our customers go with a customized solution that not only boosts the performance but it is also very simple to operate.

Read More: What are basic features of Queuing System?


If you are operating in Dubai or any other region of UAE and you are providing such services which require one-on-one interaction with your customers. You must have a queue management system. The queue management system not only helps to streamline the customer flow but also helps to improve the customer journey, customer experience, and employee performance. Happy customers are a most precious asset of a business because they remain loyal to the brand and spread positive words about the brand which not only helps attract more customers and visitors but a positive brand identity also helps to get better conversion rates from all sorts of marketing campaigns.

However, when it comes to selecting a queue management system, there are too many options available. This is the reason we wrote this blog to help our audience understand the advanced features of a queue management system. It is always better to consult professionals or

seek help, at RSI Concepts we always welcome everyone. So, if you have any questions or need any more details on anything feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

What are advance components of Queue Management System?

advance components of Queue Management System

Before we discuss what are the advanced components of a queue management system? Let me first explain why a queue management system is so vital for your business! The main objective of a queue management system is to let businesses streamline the customer flow to improve customer experience and to be able to serve more customers per day by each server/agent. It helps effectively managing the customer flow and queues which results in a reduction in wait time and ensures quicker service delivery. Any digital queuing solution would be very helpful for the staff and the servers/agents in improving their work efficiency as well. As the queues and the customer, flow is automatically managed by the queue management system so the servers/agents can easily focus on their prime tasks which will not only reduce the service delivery time but will also significantly improve the service quality and customer journey.

The customer journey can be automated entirely and the queue management system is also helpful in expediting the service delivery process. This helps businesses in building better relationships with their customers and visitors and it portrays a positive image of the brand as well. The positive brand reputation attracts more customers and visitors and it also helps improving conversion rates of all sorts of marketing efforts. However, there are so many different types of queue management systems advertised in the market especially in Dubai, UAE. This raises the question of which queue management system you should choose. The simple answer is to first understand the queue management system and its components then decide for yourself which solution would work for you.

There are so many advanced components of queue management systems available in the market. You should be able to choose according to your needs. That is why we are writing this blog to let our audience and customers easily understand the latest advancements in queue management systems.

How does a Queue Management System work?

How does a Queue Management System work?

A queue management system is a combination of software and hardware tools designed to help businesses effectively managing the customer flow. Its primary objectives include customer experience and customer journey, automated customer flow management, improved employee work efficiency, improved service delivery, and service quality, higher productivity, and profitability for the business. The working of a queue management system is very simple. The customers and visitors start with a signing up process, which is usually selecting the required service from an interactive touch screen kiosk and then printing their tickets for the queue. Then they are directed to the waiting room, where they can monitor the queuing status on digital screens and they are also notified by the audio announcements. Once their turn comes they can visit the designated counter/server to avail the service and that is it. Sometimes businesses also provide an option to submit feedback before leaving the premises.

Any queue management system consists of two major parts, software, and hardware. The software has its own list of modules and components, the hardware also has the same list. As the technology used to make the queue management systems is very widely available so the peripherals and accessories are also widely available. There is literally no limit to innovation in this market. Since around a decade ago so many big multinational manufacturers invested in the industry, then there has been millions upon millions of dollars had been invested only in R&D. This makes the industry very modern and innovative. However in Dubai and other parts of UAE, a certain market behavior or culture is established, so we will going to talk about only the popular components of the queue management system in our country and also in the gulf region.

Read More: How an Arabic Version of Queue System can Help Improving Customer Experience?

Here are the advanced components of the queue management system:

What is a Queue Management System Software?

What is a Queue Management System Software?

A Queue Management System Software is basically a server-side application that runs on the server and provides a different interface to interact with the system. In Dubai and other emirates of UAE, the most common type is the web-based interfaces for the agents/server and for the administration. For the visitors and customers usually, a touch screen interactive kiosk is used. However, these days other interfaces or methods are also used to interact with the customers and visitors.

Read More: How a KPI Software can help provide better Customer Journey?

Here are the details of some most popular advanced software component:

Customer/Visitor Interface via Self Service Interactive Kiosk

Customer/Visitor Interface via Self Service Interactive KioskThe customers and visitors can interact with the queue management system using an interactive touch screen self-service kiosk. The interface allows the customers to select the required service from the list of all available services and then automatically sign them up for the queue. The kiosk also prints a ticket bearing the queue number and some other basic information.

Queuing Information and Announcements

Queuing Information and AnnouncementsThe digital screens and signage are used to display the current queuing information. These signage and displays are placed in strategic locations where everyone in the waiting area can view them. In Dubai and UAE mostly the information of the current tickets under process on each counter is displayed along with the next ticket number and estimated time along with some other information such as an advert or multimedia content is played to keep the customers and visitors engaged.

Agents/Servers Interface

Agents/Servers InterfaceThe agent/server’s interface is mostly a web-based application that can be easily accessed from the computer browser. The agents can perform basic tasks such as customer calls, canceling or updating a ticket number or rerouting any ticket to a different counter, etc.

In some advanced configurations, much more can be done by integrating the queue management system with various other enterprise software and tools. This not only saves a lot of work for the agent/server but also expedites the service delivery process. The lower time for each service delivery results in happy customers and improved efficiency of the staff.

Administrative Dashboard or Control Panel

Administrative Dashboard or Control PanelThe administrative dashboard or control panel is the interface for the management, such as branch managers, supervisors, and/or head office management. The management can not only manage various processes but it can also extract valuable business intelligence in the form of statistical data, KPIs, system usage data, customer/visitor feedback, and customized reports in different formats. Regular automated reports can also be configured such as daily reports, weekly and/or monthly along with performance reports for the branch, particular service, agents, and so on. It entirely depends upon the business itself.

The administrative dashboard also allows the management to customize the customer journey, set and create policies, manage other system users and allow access by creating workflows and administrative hierarchies. All the branches can be monitored and controlled through the head office remotely. The head office can extract the data and prepare the reports from any branch. All the data is being updated in real-time, the live stats and monitoring are also available in some modern systems.

Read More: Mobile Queue Management System’s Impacts on Customer Experience

Virtual Queuing Module

Virtual Queuing ModuleVirtual Queuing is one of the modern forms of queue management systems. It enables the businesses to let their customer and visitors sign up for the queue before even physically arriving at the branch. The concept is that the customer and visitors can sign up for the queue remotely and then at the very exact time when their turn came they can arrive and get served immediately without even waiting in an actual queue. The system signs them up for a virtual queue and they can either plan their visit accordingly to reach at their estimated turn time or either they can wait outside. Very effective when your branch or office is located in a commercial area or near to recreational activities. It also helps to maintain social distancing. The customers and visitors can easily sign up using their smartphone applications, SMS, email, phone call, online customer portals, websites, etc.

Read More: How Virtual Queuing can Change the Business Process?

Social Distancing Enabled Queue Management System

Social Distancing Enabled Queue Management SystemAs we all know these days the social distancing, health and hygiene is the top concern of everyone, and social distancing is mandatory. Businesses are allocating more recourses to ensure social distancing and implementation of the government-suggested precautions. A queue management system with social distancing mode enabled could be a great help to strictly implementing the social distancing rules and it also helps to avoid the extra expense of allocation of additional resources just to maintain social distancing. The social distancing mode supports various different types of virtual queuing sign-up methods. The most popular method in Dubai and all across the UAE is signing up with a QR Code, which is usually posted outside of the entrance.

Read More: Will the focus be shifted from Queue Management System in future?

Queue Management System Integration

Queue Management System IntegrationModern-day Queue Management Systems also allow integration with other enterprise solutions and systems as well. The main objective is to make the queue management system more useful but integrating it with other databases and information centers. This also allows more superior customized features and a lot of other benefits including centralized management as well. The KPIs, stats, and reporting data can be linked to other systems, such as ERP or Intranet, or any other enterprise tool. The integration is very simple via secure web services or APIs. The queue system can also fetch data from any other system via APIs. For example, in order to identify the premium or VIP customers the business can set up an Emirates ID card scanner to identify the priority customers to route them to their designated counters and more such things.

Read More: What is Queue Management System?

Queue Management System Hardware

Queue Management System Hardware

The queue management system hardware includes all the related hardware to support software functionalities. In Dubai and other parts of UAE, in fact, in the entire MENA region, the practice is to use some standard components. For example, the self-service interactive kiosk is used for sign-up. The digital signage and the screens are used to display queuing information along with media and content. The counter plates are used to mark the counters and the audio announcement system is for the customer call.

Read More: 10 Reasons to Choose RSI Queue Management System over Other Similar Products

Here are the details of some most popular hardware component:

Interactive Kiosk or Ticket Dispensing Machine

Interactive Kiosk or Ticket Dispensing MachineAn interactive kiosk or ticket dispensing machine is a very basic component, however, these days the touch screen interfaces are used to improve service delivery as well. For example, if you are a priority customer, or a premium customer, or just an ordinary customer or visitor, you can either scan your Emirates ID or any other mode to identify yourself to the system then the system automatically puts you on your respective queue. Furthermore, the Interactive Kiosk or Ticket Dispensing machines are also used to display the list of all the services along with a few other options which are designed to help to improve the customer flow and customer journey.

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Digital Signage and Display Screens

Digital Signage and Display ScreensDigital signage is traditionally used to display the queuing information and feeds. The information contains mainly the list of all the active queues and the counters along with the ticket number that is currently being served. However, the advanced queue management systems also include a digital signage module that allows the management to play multimedia content on those large displays. The content could be the adverts or any video or animation which keeps the customers and visitors engaged while they are waiting. As these screens also contain the queuing information so almost everyone looks at them and the content or information playing along with that could also be very helpful in reducing the stress of waiting. This improves the customer experience as well as provides a free marketing opportunity.

Read More: How Queue Management System Helps to Provide Better Customer Service

Customer Feedback System

Customer Feedback SystemThe customer feedback system is not a new thing, however, integrating it with the queue management system is fairly a new phenomenon. Businesses can benefit a lot from this. Generally, the customer feedback system includes a small tablet stand, touch screen, or a kiosk, which provides an opportunity to easily submit feedback. The software of the feedback system is linked with the queue management system and if the business is already identifying their customers, the queue management system can automatically link the feedback submitted from that particular counter by matching the ticket number and the time of service. Such feedbacks could be very helpful in making future decisions and building strategies to further enhance the customer journey and customer experience.

Advance Hardware Accessories for Queue Management System

Advance Hardware Accessories for Queue Management System

The queue management systems are built with very widely used technologies. The server-side application can easily be customized and integrated with tons of software and hardware accessories or extensions. The client-side or the customer interaction which starts with the interactive touch screen kiosk or ticket dispensing machine is also built using native applications or web-based interface. In both cases, the actual machine is either running on Windows or Linux operating system. In Dubai and UAE, almost 99% of the time windows-based systems are used. This makes the integration fairly simpler and easier.

Here are some most commonly used hardware accessories for queue management systems:

 Emirates ID Card Scanner or Reader

Emirates ID Card Scanner or ReaderThe Emirates ID Card is our national identity card here in UAE. As the UAE government is very supportive and adoptive towards digitalization and technologies, the Emirates ID or EID is used for identifications. The method is very simple and takes no time to identify the person. The identification information can be relayed to the queue management system server software where it can be cross-matched to the internal databases and then the same can also be pushed to the agent/server database to make the service delivery shorter and quicker. The queue management system can also detect the person’s status such as VIP or premium customer or ordinary customer and can automatically set priority for them. This method is used to improve the customer journey by directing customers to their respective dedicated counters. This is also used by HR departments to improve various service delivery steps.

Facial Detection & IRIS Scanners

Facial Detection & IRIS ScannersFacial detection is a very great way to identify revisiting visitors and customers. Especially in customer service departments, government departments, and mass transit facilities, immigration, and airports, facial detection is widely used. It is used to identify the customers and visitors and later the same information can be utilized to facilitate a lot of many business processes to expedite the service delivery process and to set the priority according to the status of the customers and visitors. The IRIS technology is fairly new having more government applications especially in contactless immigration or digital immigration, etc. However these days the private sector is also adopting technology to improve their customers’ experience and journey.

Voice Assistant

Voice AssistantThere are two types of voice assistants widely used. The one is to improve multi-lingual support where the voice recites the predefined messages and phrases to assist the users from the process such as helping them out to identify the required service from the list. This is very popular with queue management systems and self-service kiosks. The second is the human-aided voice assistant in which an actual customer support agent assists the user in using any self-service device upon their request. This has recently been introduced to queue management systems and is only effective when the service delivery is stepped and the relevant counters are located on longer distances such as a vehicle testing facility, or a container port or depot, or such facilities.

Read More: Important Hardware Components of a Queue Management System


The queue management system is a very great tool to improve the customer journey and customer experience. It also helps to reduce the extra cost of managing manual queues and it can significantly improve the efficiency of the server/agents as well. The customer experience is vital for building a positive brand image. A positive brand image ensures more customer retention and higher conversion rates. This is a key to steady growth and greater profitability. These days the queue management systems are going through great innovation and advancements due to technological advancements and new programming techniques. It allows the business and system providers to attain more customizations and greater productivity in all sorts of scenarios and conditions.

The basic queue management system contains only a few basic components that allow effective customer flow management. However, with some advanced software and hardware components a queue management system can literally transform the customer journey and customer experience. It could also be a great source of very accurate business intelligence and statistical data. The remote monitoring and controls also allow the head offices to easily manage and control the entire network.

RSI Concepts is one of the most experienced queue management system providers. Our products are the outcome of more than a decade-long experience and intensive research in the local market. Our diverse clientele, experienced staff, and superior technologies enable us to deliver a highly efficient and productive system with excellent ROI rates. Our customization capabilities and integration with other systems can provide you a greater competitive edge. If you are looking for a reliable, cost-effective, and customized queue management system to meet your specific needs, do reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box and we will soon get in touch with you.

Check out this:  What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

Queue Management System is a great tool to improve customer experience and staff efficiency. Businesses can significantly reduce the wait time and improve the customer experience by installing a queue management system. As there are so many different types of queuing solutions available in Dubai, UAE, businesses often get confused while acquiring a queue management system. The reason for this blog is to explain the basic system components of a queue management system to let our audience and customers be familiar with the technology and its functions. There are so many different types of queue management systems, some are generic and can be used in almost all sorts of applications. However, some are purpose-made or only made for particular industries. Whatever the case is the core of the system and its components remain the same.

Basic Components of Queue Management System

The two major parts of a queue management system are the software and the hardware. Here is a list of both software and hardware components of a basic queuing system:

  • Queue Management System Software Components
    1. Admin Dashboard
    2. Agent Dashboard
    3. Customer Interface
    4. Data Analytical Engine
    5. Reports, Stats& KPIs
  • Queue Management System Hardware Components
    1. Interactive Kiosk/Ticket Dispensing Machine
    2. Digital Signage Screens
    3. Counter Plates/Screens and Signs
    4. Announcement System

Queue Management System Software

Queue Management System Software

A queue management system software is a server-side application with multiple interfaces for each system user. This means that all the computing, logic, and data processing is done on the server. Usually, the interfaces are built as web apps or web-based interfaces. There are different technologies used to build the server-side application. However, the main mechanism and functioning remain the same.

Here are the queue management system software components:

1. Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard

The Admin Dashboard is also referred to as back-office or more commonly known in Dubai and UAE as the administrative control panel. This is the main management interface of the system. The management can control various features and configurations from this interface. This panel can also provide real-time monitoring and administrative control of all the connected branches. The administrative hierarchy with access and authentication rights can be allotted using this panel to managers and staff responsible for different operations. New administrative system users can be created and managed through this panel.

2. Agent Dashboard

Agent Dashboard

The agent dashboard is the interface used by the agents and servers. This interface provides all the required information along with the queuing controls and management. A queue management system can be integrated with other internal systems and tools to further expedite the service delivery process. The server or agent dashboard is the interface where all the information can be fetched or can be pushed through as well. Usually, businesses only ask for queuing controls but this is indeed a very useful interface and can be customized to improve the staff efficiency as well as customer experience.

3. Customer Interface

Customer Interface

A customer interface is an interface where the customer directly interacts with the queue management system. The core functionality of the customer interface is only to allow customers to sign-up for the queue. In Dubai and other parts of the UAE, we mainly see queue management systems with a ticket dispensing kiosk machine. The interface is usually touch-based with multilingual support. The touch screen kiosks are very good at providing easy interaction. Customers can easily choose the service they want to avail and the QMS will sign them up for the required queue.

4. Data Analytical Engine

Data Analytical Engine

The data analytical engine is basically the ability of the software to capture data from multiple interaction points and also data coming from various other inputs. For example in most cases the businesses these days like to integrate a customer feedback system with the queue management system to collect direct customer feedback. The data analytical engine’s responsibility is to process all the incoming data in a predefined way to generate analysis and summaries. This analysis and summaries will be later utilized by the reporting module to generate various types of reports. The data analytical engine is a kind of virtual feature and is not visible for any system user. In fact, it is a background process.

5. Reports, Stats, and KPIs

Reports, Stats, and KPIs

Once the data has been processed through the data analytical engine, it is ready to process in the form of reports. These reports help the management to understand the performance and progress of various business processes and it help them building future strategies and policies. The queue management system collects various types of system usage information and statistical data which can be utilized in reports. The KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are being used to monitor and measure the performance of the staff as well as of various business processes to easily identify the areas of improvement.

Queue Management System Hardware Components

Queue Management System Hardware Components

The hardware part of a queue management system is very simple. It includes basic components that support the software to let various types of interactions with the system. Mainly most of the hardware components are meant for the customers and visitors. The hardware components not only help to manage the customer flow but are also very helpful in improving the customer experience.

Here are the queue management system hardware components:

1. Interactive Kiosk/Ticket Dispensing Machine

Interactive Kiosk/Ticket Dispensing MachineThe interactive Kiosk or Ticket Dispensing Machine is the very first interaction of the customer or visitor with the queue management system. Usually, touch screen interactive kiosks are being used to serve queuing tickets and let the user sign-up for their required queue. The interactive kiosk is the most widely used hardware, it is very convenient and easy to use. It allows a customer or visitors to navigate to their required service easily by tapping a few buttons on the touch screen. Then it dispenses the ticket for the selected queue/service.

2. Digital Signage Screen

Digital Signage ScreenThe digital signage screens are large displays placed in certain locations to make them visible for all the customers and visitors inside the premises. The display screens are an essential part of a queue management system as they are being used to display the real-time queuing status and other information. The announcements are also made on these displays. Apart from that these large screens are also used to play content and adverts. This technique helps to reduce the stress of waiting by playing media and displaying constant updates they keep the customers engaged and busy.

3. Counter Plates/Screens and Signs

Counter Plates/Screens and SignsThere are several hardware accessories that can be used with a queue management system however in a basic QMS setup we use only a few accessories such as the counter plates or counter screens and maybe a few digital signs too to routing the customers. It depends upon the service types, premises, and the service delivery process. The counter screens and counter plates are used to mark the counters, the screen can display the ticket number along with the counter number, which is very helpful for customers to easily reach their allotted counter.

4. Announcement System

Announcement SystemThe announcement system is an essential part of any queue management system. If the waiting area is small and we have enough digital signage screens, the built-in speakers can be used too, else there has to be a dedicated sound system to make audio announcements for customer calls. It is due to the fact that when people are waiting in the waiting area, they might get distracted by several things, such as they are talking, or on the phone or reading or any such thing. Here in Dubai and UAE usually bilingual audio announcement systems are used.

How does a Queue Management System Works?

How does a Queue Management System Works

The process is very simple and easy as the queue management systems are designed to reduce the customer wait and difficulty in availing the service as well as to improve the work efficiency and productivity of the employees as well. The workflow is as follow:

Step 1: Customer or visitor sign up for the queue

customer visitor

Step 2: Customers are requested to wait in the waiting area

customer waiting area

Step 3: Customer is being called to arrive at a certain counter

customer arrive at counter

Step 4: The service has been delivered (in case of stepped service, the customer can be directed to the next counter or waiting area accordingly)

customer at next counter

Step 5: Customers are being provided with an option to submit feedback before they leave, or they simply left without providing any feedback

submit feedback


This is the customer journey through a queue management system. However, in the background, the queue management system keeps gathering stats and business intelligence too. Which is being transmitted to the management and/or to the head office in real-time. This data captured from different touchpoints and KPIs can be further analyzed and processed to compile actionable reports. The management can utilize these reports to take future decisions and make new policies to improve service delivery processes and also the services. This can help businesses to improve customer experience, customer journey, and customer retention. Which is necessary for steady growth.

Read More: Important Hardware Components of a Queue Management System


The queue management systems are extremely effective and are playing a vital role in many industries. It is important for businesses to understand the actual technology and its operation before opting for any digital queue management system or customer flow management system. Even a very basic queue management system comes with a very powerful software tool and supportive hardware to significantly transform the customer journey and customer experience. The queuing solutions are also very helpful in reducing the workload of the staff and the servers, which can significantly improve their work efficiency. The KPIs, reporting module, and data analytical engine provide great business intelligence. Which can be utilized by the management to identify the areas of improvement and to make future policies and strategies. Customer retention helps improving customer loyalty. If a business has a loyal clientele, it can easily build a strong and positive brand image, which is also very helpful in generating new leads. Positive brand identity also helps improving conversion rates of marketing efforts.

Altogether the benefits of a queue management system are staggering and businesses can gain a lot by only commissioning a very basic queue management system. RSI Concepts is specialized in Queuing Solutions, we have a variety of queue management systems that can provide you a great competitive edge. If you want to request a quote or just need consultation, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment below and we will get back to you soon.

Check out this: What is Queue Management System?

What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

What are the Different Types of Queue Management System

All sort of service-based industries is always seeking ways to improve customer experience and customer journey at their businesses or offices or customer centers. Satisfied customers mean a good brand reputation and more customer retention, which ultimately lead to steady business growth. The best way is to streamline your customer flow with a digital queue management system. In Dubai, UAE if a brand has a physical interaction with its customers and visitors, a queue management system is a must. No matter how small or how large a business is if they are interacting with customers and visitors at their premises then having a queue management system is a norm these days.

The customers and visitors also expect a queue management system rather than long queues controlled by the staff manually. The queue management systems are built for certain scenarios as well as general-purpose, and the technology used to build the queuing systems is also widely available, which leads to too many innovations and types of the queue management system. Moreover here in UAE customers also expect Arabic queue management system, which is why it is important to ensure your queue management system has multilingual UIs. This sometimes makes it difficult for some businesses to select the most efficient queue management system that can fulfil their needs.

See More: The Leading Queue Management System Provider in UAE

That is the reason we decided to write about it. This blog is a definitive guide to queue management systems. Here are some different types of the queue management system:

Linear Queuing

Linear Queuing

Linear queuing or linear queue management system is the most basic type of customer flow management. It is a first come first serve type of queuing. And is considered to be the oldest and most commonly used method to handle the queues. It consists of a single line and a single server. Although the server could be more too and the lines could be in parallel. Usually, this kind of queuing is used to maximize the throughput of the customer service center. The Firs-In-First-Out or FIFO approach is the best for small delivery time-based services or quicker services. Mostly small service centers with fewer customers utilize linear queuing to maximize the efficiency of the system and the infrastructure.

Linear queuing is the most basic type of queue management systems and it also requires fewer system components and less sophistication. Multiple lines can be segregated on the basis of their required service, the queue management system enables the customer to choose the service they want to avail. Most of the time in case linear queuing when implemented in a scenario where there are multiple services available, then multiple parallel lines can be created and the customers and visitors can be segregated on the basis of service they want to avail. For example, all the customers who availed service with the higher service delivery time should be put in the queue against a particular counter.

See More: What is Linear Queuing Queue Management System?

Non-linear Queuing

Non-linear Queuing

Mostly the service-based industries are relying on non-linear queuing. Usually when you have more than 4 counters and/or multiple services to serve then the non-linear queuing is proven to be much better than linear queuing. In non-linear queuing, for example; there are two counters for Service A and four counters for Service B. Service A requires around 10 minutes and service B requires around 20 minutes for single service delivery. The queue management system automatically directs the customers to their required service counter regardless of their time of arrival if their required counter is vacant they will be directed to that counter without any delay. This is how non-linear queuing works, there are certain variables and conditions that may apply to the customers to determine where would they get the service from and how long will it took them to get the service delivered.

All types of queuing come under the umbrella of non-linear queuing in which the first-come-first-serve rule is not followed. For example, the exclusive counters for VIP or Premium customers are also examples of non-linear queuing. Another very common example is the telecom customer support and service centers, which usually offers a variety of services, and almost all counters can provide all sort of services too. Yet some of the services are addressed quicker than the others, it depends upon the company policy, for example, we can say that the company want to prioritize new leads and prospects who choose to purchase a new plan or service and so on. These types of queuing are all non-linear queuing.

See More: Features of an efficient Queue Management System

Multi-Counter Queuing

Multi-Counter Queuing

Multi-counter queuing is a little bit complex than other linear and non-linear customer flow management. In multi-counter queuing a customer will have to reach multiple or more than one counters to get a complete service delivered. In multi-counter queuing multiple queues has to be managed in parallel to ensure a shorter wait time. For example visa &immigration services or a clinic or bank or anything, there are so many different applications of multi-counter queuing. In multi-counter queuing the customer signup for a queue and gets a ticket number, once their turn came they arrive at the first counter, where most data entry is done, or the service is initiated. Then they have been either given a new ticket number or the same will be reutilized for the next stop. The customer can be guided to the next counter with the help of different signage and direction pointers. Then the customer reached the second counter, the customer data and/or details can be automatically pushed to the next counter upon their arrival. This saves a lot of time and improves customer experience.  Either the full service is delivered at the second counter or the customer could be directed to the next counter and so on. This is how a multi-counter queuing work.

See More: Benefits of Queue Management using Mobile Apps

Mobile Queuing

Mobile Queuing

Mobile Queuing is aimed to improve the customer experience and customer journey by reducing wait time, preventing crowd formation in the waiting area, facilities to locate and reach the least busy branch, schedule a visit, customer feedback collection and contactless queuing experience. There is a lot more and the business and organizations can significantly improve customer satisfaction using a mobile application based queue management system. The customer journey can be improved by providing simple and basic features such as a branch locator, this feature helps the customers to locate the branches near them, the customer can also view the real-time stats of each branch and an estimated time of service delivery can also be provided. This way the customer can easily decide which branch they should go to to get the quickest service delivery.

This not only reduces the wait time but also helps to improve the customer journey as well. The customer can sign-up using their queue management system mobile application. The queue management system can also send push notifications, SMS and other alerts to inform the customer about their turn. This is a great queue management system feature that can help business to improve their customer journey. And it also enables the business and organizations to collect customer feedback via the same smartphone application, which can be later utilized to further improve the customer journey and customer experience.

See More: Benefits of Virtual Queue Management System

Virtual Queuing
Virtual Queuing

Virtual Queuing is a queue management system that has the ability to allow the customers to sign-up for the queue without even being physically present in the queue. It not only enables a virtual sign-up but also provides the freedom of waiting anywhere even outside of the premises of the branch. Still, they can be served on their turn. Virtual queuing significantly improve the customer journey and customer experience. It also helps to reduce the workload of the staff and the management and there are very few chances of a crowd formation at the branch. These are the features that make it superior to other queue management system types. The customer can perform the tasks and monitor the queue progress on their smartphones or via a web portal or via SMS. The customer signup can be done via email, SMS, call, Smartphone Application or Online Portal/Website. The virtual queuing also reduce the workload of the staff which results in improved employee efficiency.

The virtual queue management systems support a lot of different methods to signup remotely. The most common methods are smartphone application and QR Code scan. The customer can log in to their smartphone application and then signup for the queue, or the customers can reach a branch and scan a QR Code which let them signup for the queue as well as also helps them getting access to the real-time live queue updates and status. Various types of notifications can be configured for the announcements and/or as a reminder for their turn. Virtual queuing can significantly reduce the wait time and automation also limits the resources required for customer flow management, which can save a lot of expenses. The system commissioning is fairly simpler and the ROI is excellent.

See More: 5 Features of Queue Management System

Online Appointment

Online Appointment

The online appointment booking system is very common in the healthcare sectors. A lot many other industries are also utilizing the online appointment booking system. A queue management system can either be integrated with an existing online appointment booking or management system or an appointment booking module can also be provided packaged with the queue management system. The appointment booking system can be either provided by the smartphone application or by an online web portal. Mostly both methods are used. The customer have can access the appointment booking dashboard with or without logging in to the customer portal, or smartphone application or even via the website as well. The customer can choose a particular day and time of their choice, the system can provide them with the expected service delivery time, or the number of active queues at that particular time. A lot many other features can be provided too to further improve the customer experience.

The online appointment booking with queue management system not only helps reducing customer wait time and the service delivery time but it also reduces the workload of the staff and provides them with better control over the number of customer or visitors at any given point of time. The online appointment booking system also helps organizations to collect valuable data and other system stats even customer feedback too. This data is very helpful for business to take vital decisions and build up future strategies.

See More: Paperless Queue Management System – Dubai, UAE


These days not only in Dubai, UAE but all around the world, businesses are very concerned about their customer experience and customer journey. Especially in the competitive landscape, a proper queue management system can be a game-changer. The queue management system not only helps businesses in improving their customer experience and customer journey but also provides a vital business insight that can be utilized while making strategic decisions. Improved customer journey and customer experience results in better customer retention and increased sales. This ensures steady growth for the business. However, there are so many different types of queue management system and it is extremely important to understand which type is suitable for what kind of scenarios. Only a suitable queue management system can provide maximum efficiency and desired results.

There are basically two major classifications of the queue management systems, one is linear and the other is non-linear, the linear is first-come-first-served and all other types of the queue management system are considered to be non-linear. There are other types too which are based on the basis of service itself, whether the service requires a single counter, or multiple counters and so on. No matter whatever the scenario is a queue management system can be very helpful. We always suggest acquiring the services of a professional queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE such as RSI Concepts. We at RSI Concepts have helped hundreds of customers to achieve their business goals and objectives. Feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page.

Check this out: Complete guide to Queue Management Systems in Dubai, UAE