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Revolutionizing Campus Services with Student Kiosks

The interactive self-service kiosk industry is rapidly expanding its scope in multiple industries. The educational institutes and establishments are eagerly seeking solutions to boost efficiency and efficacy. Similar to any other typical kiosk the student kiosks are also a computer terminal consisting of various devices and peripherals enabling students, teachers, parents, guests and new comers to perform various tasks conveniently and efficiently. The student kiosks or student information kiosks are not only offering quick access to various services but also improving the workflows and processes which greatly enhance student experience.

The student kiosks act as a mini administrative office offering a ton of services and easy access to information along with sing-ins, scanning, printing and in some cases payment services too. The student kiosk are typically installed on various places at the campuses, so more people can access them conveniently. The traditional campus services involve tedious processes majorly based on paper-pencil based systems, long queues and administrative bottlenecks which undermine the student experience.

Although universities, colleges and schools are proactively managing their front offices, receptions and administrative offices, but the large influx could be very frustrating for both the students and the staff as well. The student kiosks on the other hand offers instant access to various services with highly organized information structure and above all the digitalization brought automation and efficiency which enhances student experience. In this blog we will briefly discuss how student kiosks are completely revolutionizing user experience.

Revolutionizing Campus Services with Student Kiosks
Revolutionizing Campus Services with Student Kiosks

What is a Student Kiosk?

The student kiosks are interactive self-service kiosks which hare widely used all across educational institutions in UAE. Schools, colleges, universities and libraries in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all across the country are proactively seeking technologies to improve educational system. There are various different types of informational and transactional student kiosks or campus kiosks are widely used to provide instant access to information or to deliver various services via self-service experience.

These interactive self-service student kiosks are not only facilitating students but also offering various services to teachers, faculty, administrative staff, and even guests which can greatly improve the overall business productivity and performance.

Student kiosks or Campus Kiosks offer simple and easy registration process, ability to access student portals, internet access, and easy access to university resources, well-organized information repository, and a multitude of features. Furthermore the student kiosks or campus kiosks are very helpful for the visitors, newcomers and guests, offering them required information, navigations and way finding, and various other services.

These kiosks are strategically placed in various places across the campus, such as at class rooms, near administrative offices, common areas, libraries, cafeterias, etc. The university administration can also utilize these kiosks for sharing information, making announcements, and for general communications. These features greatly enhance student experience and also help optimizing operational efficiency.

See Also: Security Challenges and Solutions in Payment Kiosk Systems

What is a Student Kiosk?
What is a Student Kiosk?

What are the Key Advantages of a Student Kiosk?

With the rise of technology businesses and customers have adopted modern ways to interact, same is applicable at universities, schools, colleges and other educational institutions. Traditionally these establishments have large facilities, sometime even navigating them could be difficult for visitors and guests. Similarly if a student has to visit an admin office which might located on the other side of the campus and he/she has to attend a class at the other coroner. This will disturb their schedules, and it is common for students to skip the classes or be late due to such matters. However, when all these services and information are provided at kiosk located at easily accessible spots within campus, the students can easily access it.

Here are some key advantages of student kiosks:

Streamlining Registration Process

The registration is one of the most crucial process, often student and parents find themselves stuck in these complex administrative processes. A student kiosk or campus kiosk offers various features such as ability to take student data, scan student documents, and integrate the data with other relevant systems. The student kiosks offers intuitive user interfaces with on-screen instructions, which take students, parents and any user through the required process. The students can easily scan their documents, IDs, and even QR Codes/Barcodes which ensures highest level of security and convenience.

Even the most modern campus kiosks also offer payment facility enabling student to pay for their enrollments or other dues. Furthermore for the students who are already enrolled, they can print their documents, schedules, timetables, assignments, and much more. Students can also update their information, apply for schedules, check available laboratory slots, and much more through these student kiosks. Furthermore the student kiosks or campus kiosks can be linked with the central information systems of the organization to offer more up-to-date information and data.

See Also: The Impact of Self-Service Kiosks on Business Efficiency

Streamlining Registration Process
Streamlining Registration Process

Enhancing Accessibility

The modern day educational system have completely transformed, now a day’s the accessibility and inclusivity are the two crucial aspects of any educational establishment. Now a days the educational culture is more inclusive and accommodating, especially in UAE where there are a lot of international students are studying, the need of an inclusive and diverse educational culture is even more. A campus kiosk or student kiosk is well-equipped with advanced features such as multi-lingual user interfaces, artificial intelligence (AI) and smart algorithms which ensures an excellent personalized user experience.

Furthermore these kiosks are also equipped with the features that caters to the needs of students and users with disability or special needs. Furthermore these kiosks can also offer voice-activated features, screen readers and various other such features which help users with special needs. By enabling enhanced accessibility and inclusivity features universities, colleges, schools and other educational establishments can foster a culture of inclusive and highly student-friendly educational environment.

See Also: What is a Bill Payment Kiosk: Everything You Need to Know

Enhancing Accessibility
Enhancing Accessibility

Improved Campus Services

In a typical university, college or school environment the organization offers a multitude of services, which often are accessible through the administrative offices or dedicated service counters. One of the major drawback of traditional service mechanisms is that these channels are subjected to long waiting and several administrative hurdles which undermine student’s experience and also cause many problems. The student kiosks or campus kiosks or also known as student information kiosks are digital solutions, which digitalize various internal processes, it integrates with other IT infrastructure and synchronize various different system and databases.

These abilities coupled with various hardware features enable educational institutions to streamline their internal workflows and business processes, resulting in elevated student experience and simplified service deliver mechanisms. When campuses transitioned from manual to digital and automated management practices, their operational efficiency can greatly improve, resulting in improved campus services delivery and excellent user experience.

See Also: Leveraging Payment Kiosks for Effective Queue Management

Improved Campus Services
Improved Campus Services

Flexible Customization and Integration

The student kiosks, campus kiosks or any other student information kiosks are all running on a backend application which is a kiosk management program that manages the data, information and everything at the kiosk. The kiosk management program is installed on a server and it manages all connected student kiosks automatically. It further provide a control panel or administrative dashboard providing control of various kiosk features, functionalities and information. This system is developed on cutting-edge technology platforms, which enable organizations to customize them as per their unique business needs and challenges.

Furthermore the student kiosks can be integrated with the third-party system, solutions and business tools. It can seamlessly be integrated with student information system, financial system, educational system, database and central information system. The integration allow student kiosks to communicate with other systems and cater up-to-date data and information. Furthermore the internet access, student portal and access to campus resources, or various other campus services can greatly elevate student experience.

See Also: How Interactive Kiosks are Enhancing In-Store Engagement and Sales

Flexible Customization and Integration
Flexible Customization and Integration

Higher Operational Efficiency

Every university, college, school, library or educational institution have faced one of the most common challenge which is about operational efficiency. Especially when the new classes are starting, or during new enrollments, or during exams or any other such activity. The human resource is limited, the long waiting lines are evidence of the inefficiency and poor performance in the traditional management practices. From organizational point of view the student kiosks or campus kiosks are a great digital transformation tool which not only benefits students but also greatly benefits the educational institutions.

A student kiosk serves as a mini administrative office, offering a multitude of services via an excellent self-service experience. This not only improve service delivery practices but also enhance internal business processes and workflows. The digitalization of internal workflows and business process automation help boosting operational efficiency and also the staff performance. Where it offer convenience to students, parents, faculty and guests, the campus kiosks or student kiosks can offer great features to administrative and management staff as well, resulting in a significant increase in performance and efficiency.

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Higher Operational Efficiency
Higher Operational Efficiency

Analytical Data Collection

The student information kiosks or campus kiosks comes with a specialized kiosk management software application which has in-built smart algorithms and data collection tools. The student kiosk management software collects valuable analytical data and system usage stats which can be processed and analyzed with in-built analytical and reporting tools. The data help management understand the system usage trends, student and other user’s behavior and analytical data from various touch points. This data is very helpful in personalizing the user experience as well.

For example, the student might be performing a certain set of tasks, and they might be interested in a certain type of information, hence these can be made more accessible and understandable to enhance student experience. Similarly the user experience for other user groups can be greatly enhanced by collecting analytical data. Furthermore the analytical data collection and customized reports help management take informed decisions. This data is also very helpful in improving and enhancing user experience and adding innovative features for better performance and higher efficiency.

See Also: Directorate of Islamic Affairs Sharjah Acquired RSI Concepts for HR Self-service Kiosk Solution

Analytical Data Collection
Analytical Data Collection

Cost-Effective Solutions

The student kiosks, campus kiosks or student information kiosks or any other educational kiosk is a great tool to optimize and minimize the cost. These solutions offer higher returns over a long term usage. Usually these kiosks can last for many years without requiring any upgrade or modifications. However, the longevity and flexibility are the two main trait of any customized kiosk solution. The student kiosks might have slightly higher initial cost, however, in the long run these kiosk can significantly reduce operational cost. Offering alternative service channels, reduce the workload of the staff hence offering better human resource management.

Reducing human resource cost without compromising service quality is a great advantage. In fact the customized interactive self-service kiosks offer even better service quality and elevated user experience. These kiosks require very less maintenance and could operate 24/7 without requiring any rest time. Furthermore the student kiosks can be customized and upgraded in order to support emerging needs down the road which make them relevant for many years. The operational cost of student kiosks is also very low which make them ideal for educational institutions.

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Cost-Effective Solutions
Cost-Effective Solutions

Future Trends of Student Kiosks

The rapid adaptation of the student kiosks all around the globe shows a promising future for the student kiosks. Furthermore the technological platforms are also developing rapidly which is evident of more innovation, modernization and effectiveness of the student kiosks in coming days. The information management platforms are revolutionizing with the unprecedented advancements in AI (artificial intelligence) and mobile technologies. Similar will going to enhance student experience along with a wide spectrum of business advantages. The wireless communication has completely revolutionized various aspects of digital experience.

In the coming future the personalized experience will be dominating the digital interaction, hence advanced data collection methods, analytical tools and IoTs would be dominating the student kiosks, enabling students to get instant access to the required information, simplifying registration and enrollment processes, enhancing payment process, enabling new methods to conveniently access campus resources and much more. All these features will not only revolutionize the student kiosk but such features will make them essential for modern educational institutions.

See Also: Why smart kiosks are the future?

Future Trends of Student Kiosks
Future Trends of Student Kiosks


A student kiosk is a digital computer terminal equipped with various software and hardware tools that enable students, parents, guests, and faculties to perform certain tasks via self-service experience which are traditionally done through admin office or relevant service desks. The modern student kiosks also offer printing, scanning and payment facilities supporting various tasks and enhancing user experience.

The student kiosks, student information kiosks or campus kiosks all are the same thing, these are customized solutions designed to enable convenient and easy access to information and services. These kiosks digitalize various internal processes and work flows, which reduce the dependency on the traditional and paper-based slow administrative processes, adding value to student experience and overall operational efficiency.

The student kiosk are placed strategically all across the campus premises, enabling easy reach and quick access to information and services. Furthermore the campus kiosks are a great tool to welcome guests, newcomers, parents and visitors, offering them vital information and access to various services and resources. Furthermore the integration of advanced payment features enable easy enrollment, payment for various services and even for tuition fees, etc. All such features are great at enhancing user experience. The student kiosks are also great at offering personalized experience to various user groups, catering them with the services and information according to their needs and behavioral patterns.

A customized interactive self-service kiosk is a very cost-effective solution, the operational cost and maintenance requirements are also very low and the student kiosks can operate 24/7 non-stop offering more flexibility and easy access. The scalability, customization and upgrades are also very inexpensive which makes them relevant for many years and even afterwards these kiosks can be repurposed too which ensures excellent ROIs.

In this blog we have discussed what a student kiosk is and what key advantages it can offer for students and the organization. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to develop a customized student kiosk for your university, school, college, library or educational institution, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Harmony Medical Center Acquire Customer Feedback Kiosk Stand from RSI Concepts

Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

Can you imagine running a business solely with paper pencil? Today, the idea seems laughable, however about a century back all businesses were efficiently working and maintaining information using the humble paper pencil. Modern technology has become the invisible backbone of our daily lives, both personal and professional.  Just as we rely on our smartphones to stay connected, businesses rely on sophisticated software and IT solutions to achieve peak performance.  No matter your industry, embracing technology is no longer optional – it’s the key to unlocking operational efficiency and it a key aspect of establishing a unique brand identity which gains you a competitive edge.

Businesses ranging from SMEs to large enterprises and government establishments are utilizing several software applications. The need of the software never ends, in fact it keeps growing with the passage of time. There are mainly two categories of software applications, one is the commercial off-the-shelf or commonly known as COTS and the other is the custom software development. Both are just two methods to implement a solution that can address to your problems and help you improve operational efficiency. In this blog we will discuss how custom software can greatly enhance user experience, performance and overall operational efficiency for your business.

Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience
Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

What is the Difference between Custom Software and Commercial Off-the-Shelf Solutions?

Software are everywhere! In fact the web-browser you’re using now, the operating system on your computer (Windows or Mac), even the machine you swipe at work to clock in and out. But as the saying goes, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, it is already invented! Business don’t have to create everything from the scratch. However, when it comes to business tools and software application, there are two road to go forward, the commercial off-the-shelf software or COTS and the custom software development. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, however, we have to understand which is more suitable as per our needs.

Let’s assume you need to streamline your document approval process for clients or suppliers? Here, the two roads diverge. You can search for existing software that fits your needs, or consider acquiring services of a custom software development company like RSI Concepts.

The commercial off-the-shelf software solution might seem popular, catchy and having international development companies behind them, but it won’t perfectly fit your specific and unique business needs. At best, it gets you 80% of the way there, but the other 20% might be features you don’t need or missing functionalities you crave. However, that is not the case with custom software development.

The bespoke software solutions are exclusively designed for your business keeping all your business needs at forefront. That is why a customized software perfectly aligns with all you needs, it can fit like a glove, it works exactly the way you want it to, which can greatly boost your user experience, efficiency and performance.

See Also: What is custom software development?

What is the Difference between Custom Software and Commercial Off-the-Shelf Solutions?
What is the Difference between Custom Software and Commercial Off-the-Shelf Solutions?

How Custom Software Development Enhances User Experience?

Have you ever used an application or a webpage which felt clunky and confusing? Maybe you spent a lot of time looking up for a button, or maybe the information are not presented in a well-organized manners, or the entire experience is poor! That is what a user experience or UX is, if you are unhappy you won’t efficiently perform the task you wanted to. But what if there is a way to make that app or website intuitive, easy-to-navigate and enjoyable? That is the power of custom software development. It lets you design the application and software the way you want it to, you chose the buttons, colors, functionalities and even how each functionality works.

The custom software development is known for its ability to greatly enhance user experience which boost efficiency and performance. Here are some key factors which make user experience very crucial for the success or failure of any software application:

  • User Engagements: Users tend to use and interact with software and applications that more easy to work with, intuitive and have enjoyable experience.
  • Efficiency and Performance: When the users can easily find the options they need and they can easily navigate through the software they tend to complete tasks very quickly.
  • User Trust: When users have a seamless interaction with a software or application they start trusting it and vice versa. Intuitive software are always admired by the users.
  • User Satisfaction: When users have satisfactory experience with a software, either your employee or customers they are more likely to use it more frequently.
  • Brand Loyalty: You customers tend to come back again if they have had a satisfactory interaction with your software applications and they are more likely to recommend it to others.

See Also: The Cost of Custom Software Development: Factors to Consider

How Custom Software Development Enhances User Experience?
How Custom Software Development Enhances User Experience?

By leveraging modern technologies and advanced design practices businesses can develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces (UIs) for their software application which will delight the users. Whether an application is built for employees or for customers, the intuitive and user-friendly design is an essential component to ensure the success.

Here are some key advantages of custom software development which are very helpful enhancing the user experience and ensuring user satisfaction:

Customization and Personalization

One of the greatest advantage of custom software development is its ability to allow businesses to customize and personalize the user experience as per their needs. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions are built as per industry standards, hence have a generic interface which might not properly optimize to enhance the workflows that you are aiming to improve. However, with the custom software development you can decide which functionality you want, how you want it and how it should work.

You can customize the names of design elements, buttons, features, menu items, etc. as per your convenience which also minimize the training needs and it is a great way to enhance user experience. You can personalize the interface and functionalities to align them with your existing internal workflows. You can customize the color scheme, design style to make it more familiar and understandable. All these factors greatly help enhancing the user experience and boost efficiency.

See Also: Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency

Customization and Personalization
Customization and Personalization

Scalability and Flexibility

One of the biggest drawback of commercial off-the-shelf software is its limited ability to support scalability and offer the flexibility which is necessary for growing businesses. However, the custom software development is done keeping scalability in mind. As it is already designed exclusively for the business to meet their specific needs, it also offer easy upgrades and customization. As the needs grow and more features are needed, and over the time some existing features might also need changes or improvements, all this can be done seamlessly with custom software development.

Adding new features or integrating it with more third-party software, databases and application can be done easily. However, the COTS fell short at offering this level of scalability and flexibility. The customized software evolve alongside the business and can grow as the needs grow, offering the ultimate flexibility a business needs to stay ahead of the curve. Adding new features or customizing existing features with ability to integrate with other tools can greatly enhance functionality adding value to user experience.

See Also: Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

Scalability and Flexibility
Scalability and Flexibility

Streamlining Workflows

Think of a software or application that help you performing your tasks and have specialized features that you need to achieve your goals? Obviously that would be very comforting and happy experience. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions lack the ability to offer exclusive features that perfectly align with your needs, this could sometime make user frustrated. The custom software development on the other hand is all about improving user satisfaction and boosting efficiency.

The customized software are designed to optimize the workflows by directly addressing to bottlenecks, user pain points and by eliminating repetitive work from the process. Where this greatly optimize the business processes it also minimize the user efforts and help them achieving their goal very quickly and effortlessly. The custom software development empowers employees with reducing their efforts, automatically pushing data, performing routine tasks through automation, and by facilitating communications and collaborations. All these factors greatly enhance user experience.

See Also: Why the Custom Software Development is Good for Your Business?

Streamlining Workflows
Streamlining Workflows

Easy System Integration

One of the major drawback of commercial off-the-shelf software is their limited ability to support third-party system integration. As these software are generic and designed for masses, they are slow to evolve hence failing to keep up the pace with your emerging needs. Furthermore the COTS are built on standard technologies with a lot of restrictions and limitation to access the source code of the application, this realty limit their ability to integrate with other third-party software and businesses usually end up spending large sums on intermediary applications to enable integration.

In some cases businesses have to move to a completely new software solution due to its inability to offer required integration, which have huge cost and complications. The custom software development doesn’t have any such problem, it is very easy to integrate them with third-party software, tools, databases, and central information system of the organization. The business owns the entire source code and database, which give them full control over the application and enable them to integrate it with any other third-party tool as per their needs.

See Also: Custom Software Development for Healthcare Industry

Easy System Integration
Easy System Integration

Superior Security and Control

One of the biggest advantage of the custom software development is that the software is exclusively designed for the business. Hence the business owns all ownership rights including source code, and databases with full control over software hosting. This provide businesses ability to make their applications more secure as the customized software can be hosted at on-premises data centers as well as the cloud of your choice. This empower businesses and give them full control over their data and sensitive information. When the users are aware that their data is protected and will not be hosted with a third-party they tend to be more confident and have more trust on the software.

Businesses can also implement their own security policies to ensure superior protection. Furthermore since the customized software are exclusively designed for the business, the software is not available to anyone else. However this is not the case with the commercial off-the-shelf software, as they are designed and marketed to masses they are widely available, this means their structure and technology is known to masses and this also make them more vulnerable. Furthermore your data is stored with the software supplier, which offer you limited control over you data and sensitive user information.

See Also: Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Superior Security and Control
Superior Security and Control


Most of the time businesses think the custom software development is expensive, and it is due to its higher upfront cost, however, when you analyze the long-term cost you will know the customized software are much more cost-effective and have higher ROI. The commercial off-the-shelf software have less upfront cost and can be deployed within days or even hours. However there are several reoccurring costs, fees and charges. If you need customization, you will have to pay extremely high cost, and the customization too is very limited.

The scaling and upgrades are also very expensive with limited scope. This make them more expensive and over the time the COTS become less effective due to certain limitations. However, the custom software development on the other hand offers easy customization with very less or no cost if you have in-house team. The scalability and flexibility is superior too, you don’t have to pay any reoccurring cost, the maintenance is very less expensive and you got the full ownership of the application as well.

All these factors make customized software much more cost-effective and reliable.

See Also: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Custom Software Development Projects



The business landscape in UAE is very competitive, each year we got hundreds of new businesses registering (both startups and international organization) in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and other regions of the country. This makes market even more competitive, and in order to survive and thrive businesses must have highest possible level of operational efficiency and optimized operational cost. When it comes to software solutions, the decision of selecting between a commercial off-the-shelf software solution and custom software development could have huge impact over business’s success. Where the COTS offer quicker deployment and convenience they often fell short at aligning with exclusive and unique business needs.

Custom software development on the other hand empowers businesses. It helps them innovate unique and exclusive features to gain competitive advantage and superior efficiency. There are two major factors the cost and the performance which determine the success or failure of a software project. The commercial off-the-shelf solutions fell way behind on these two scales, the custom software development is very cost-effective in long-term and it can tremendously boost business performance.

The custom software development enable businesses to incorporate innovative features with out-of-the-box approach which address to their unique and exclusive challenges. When it comes to performance the user experience of a software application plays a pivotal role in boosting efficiency and performance. The custom software development enable businesses to customize and personalize the user experience to empower and improve their internal workflows. Full control over the software and its source code enable businesses to customize features as per their needs while significantly reducing the effort to complete a task. This help users achieve their goal easily and quickly.

In this blog we have discussed how custom software development can enhance user experience which is a key to success. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to build your next bespoke software solution, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai 

See Also: Why custom software is more cost efficient in UAE?

See Also: Emerging Trends in Custom Software Development

The Impact of Self-Service Kiosks on Business Efficiency

The customer service experience has been revolutionized with the modern interactive self-service kiosk. The customer behavior and expectations are also changed over the time, since past few years with the rise of smartphone and digital technologies, the customer behavior is getting changed. The customers are more inclined toward digital experience and appreciate quicker service delivery. This gives rise to interactive self-service solutions and the self-service kiosk is one of the most effective and impactful self-service solution for both customers and businesses. An interactive self-service kiosk is a computer terminal with some specialized components such as touch screen interfaces, payments, Emirates ID scanner, integrated customer support, biometrics, facial recognition, and a multitude of other software and hardware components.

These interactive self-service kiosks are adopted by almost entire customer service sector, whether it is a hospital or clinic, an airport, bank, retail store or educational institution, these flashy screens are popping up everywhere. These interactive self-service kiosks digitalize various internal processes to facilitate self-service operation. The digitalization drives automation and the automation help boosting efficiency and performance. In this blog we will discuss how self-service kiosk are impacting business efficiency and helping many businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE.

The Impact of Self-Service Kiosks on Business Efficiency
The Impact of Self-Service Kiosks on Business Efficiency

How Self-Service Kiosks Impact Business Efficiency?

The self-service kiosks can greatly boost business efficiency, there are several features and tools which can be customized too to achieve exclusive business goals. Think of long waiting lines, when you are waiting the time seems to pass slowly, how frustrating it is. The self-service kiosk is a highly effective solution to minimize the customer wait time. Businesses utilizes various different types of interactive self-service kiosks for a wide spectrum of applications and utility.

Here are some key benefits of an interactive self-service payment kiosk which greatly help businesses from all industry sector to scale up their growth by offering satisfactory customer experience and advanced features which puts them apart from the others.

See Also: How Interactive Kiosks are Enhancing In-Store Engagement and Sales

Self-Service Kiosks Reduce Wait Time and Improve Customer Experience

One of the biggest advantage of the interactive self-service kiosks is their ability to significantly reduce the customer wait time. These kiosks are either installed on-site or in remote locations to maximize the access. In any case an interactive self-service kiosks offers quicker and instant service. These kiosk are automated, doesn’t require assistance from the staff and are excellent at delivering self-service experience. This helps minimizing the wait time and it also help eliminating the impact of perceived wait time. The perceived wait time is often not considered by most of the businesses, however, it could have huge impact on customer experience.

Furthermore during peak hours, the waiting line could get very long, putting extra strain on staff and negatively impacting the entire customer flow. An interactive self-service kiosk can serve as an alternate service channel. Especially in countries like UAE where most of the population is very tech savvy, adding a digital experience could delight most of your audience. It can greatly help improving customer experience during the peak hours.

See Also: Introduction to Digital Signage Kiosk and Smart Kiosk

Self-Service Kiosks Reduce Wait Time and Improve Customer Experience
Self-Service Kiosks Reduce Wait Time and Improve Customer Experience

The interactive self-service kiosks are good at streamlining customer flow, it help distributing the influx between self-service and traditional service channels, keeping the performance of the service agents at maximum. When the service agents have balanced workload it not only speed up service delivery but also help boosting the service quality. Moreover the interactive self-service kiosks are computer terminals, running on customized software applications and can operate effectively 24/7 without any interruption. This helps businesses make information and services more accessible and it also help reaching out to unexplored markets without making huge investments in opening up new branches or regional offices.

With ability to integrate with other existing system such as queue management system, ERP, customer relationship management (CMR), queue management system, online booking management system, multiple payment methods (cash, coins, credit/debit cards, etc.), Emirates ID scanner, RFID, and a variety of other software and hardware tool can greatly enhance the performance and customer experience over in the busy service centers.

See Also: What is a Bill Payment Kiosk: Everything You Need to Know

The interactive self-service kiosks are good at streamlining customer flow
The interactive self-service kiosks are good at streamlining customer flow

Interactive Self-Service Kiosk Improve Business Processes and Operational Efficiency

Where interactive self-service kiosks are beneficial for customers these technological marvels offer a great operational efficiency and are known for their ability to automate and simplify internal business processes. Any business process that involves serving customers could be a combination of various different tasks. For example, when a customer made a payment, the cashier collects it, he or she then update the internal books, which are later processed by the accountant and then the relevant staff takes action and ensure a quality service while also ensuring a smoother customer experience.

These all processes involve several different employees who belongs to various different business functions and teams. However, when a customer makes a payment on the kiosk, the accounts are updated automatically, the customer service team is updated, the service is delivered in no time and all records get updates instantly.

See Also: Leveraging Payment Kiosks for Effective Queue Management

Interactive Self-Service Kiosk Improve Business Processes and Operational Efficiency
Interactive Self-Service Kiosk Improve Business Processes and Operational Efficiency

The interactive self-service kiosks are great at automating internal workflows and digitalizing repetitive tasks. For example, the order processing and payment collection is a routine task at any customer service center. With interactive self-service kiosks such processes can be automated saving a lot of staff effort, boosting productivity by reducing staff workload, and driving efficiency with making service delivery incredibly quick and convenient.

Furthermore the interactive self-service kiosks can operate 24/7 which makes them more superior and offer higher convenience. If you are living in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or any other region of UAE you would have known sometimes how difficult and time consuming it could be to visit a customer service center. This takes time, and above all most of the service centers have limited operating hours, however, the interactive self-service kiosks offer services 24/7 and enhance customer experience. Businesses can also utilize self-service kiosks to extend their areas of operation as it is much convenient and cost-efficient to deploy an interactive self-service kiosk rather than opening up a new branch or regional office.

See Also: Dubai Police Acquire Interactive Signage from RSI Concepts

Interactive Self-Service Kiosk Improve Business Processes and Operational Efficiency
The Interactive Self-Service Kiosks can Operate 24/7

Self-Service Kiosks Offer Personalized Customer Experience and Improved Accuracy

Personalized customer experience and accuracy are the two key factors to improve customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction is crucial for any business, and it is difficult to every time offer personalized customer experience with certain level of efficiency and optimum quality service with the traditional customer service center. The accuracy also declined especially during the peak hours. Here in UAE there is a huge expat population living, hence the customers sometimes require support in their native languages.

That is not always possible and could also be expensive at some times. However, with the interactive self-service kiosks all these problems can be rectified. There is virtually no barrier in kiosks, you can build UIs even in 10 different languages and the kiosk management software is intelligent enough to deliver consistent and personalized customer experience.

See Also: Digital Branch Transformation Trends

Self-Service Kiosks Offer Personalized Customer Experience and Improved Accuracy
Self-Service Kiosks Offer Personalized Customer Experience and Improved Accuracy

Every interactive self-service kiosks comes with a kiosk management software which is usually a server-side application. This application integrates with all internal systems, databases, and central information system. It also has in-built smart algorithms which are capable of identifying the customer and also very effective at managing customer profiles and groups.

Moreover the kiosk management software enables it to identify the customer, it let customer interact in their language of choice and it can recall their past interaction which helps it to deliver a personalized customer experience as per their preferences, past interaction and their profile group which can greatly enhance customer experience and raise satisfaction.

See Also: Security Challenges and Solutions in Payment Kiosk Systems

Personalized Customer Experience Help Increasing Customer Satisfaction
Personalized Customer Experience Help Increasing Customer Satisfaction

Interactive Self-Service Kiosks Collect Data and Offer Simple Integration

The interactive self-service kiosks are a great tool to collect valuable business intelligence data. It is also capable of integrating with other business tools, software, databases and central information center. Businesses can integrate it with their accounts, sales, inventory management system, customer relationship management system (CRM), enterprise resource planning system (ERP), performance management system (PMS), facility management system, third-party services, payment gateways, customer call centers and much more. There are endless possibilities which enable businesses to innovate features and enhance customer experience to gain great competitive advantages.

These smart software solutions are capable of collecting business intelligence data from each and every touch point. The interactive self-service kiosks capture customer behavioral data along with their preference and it is also capable of effectively implementing business policies according to customer groups, or pre-set instructions.

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Interactive Self-Service Kiosks Collect Data and Offer Simple Integration
Interactive Self-Service Kiosks Collect Data and Offer Simple Integration

The business intelligence data is not only limited to analytical data and statistical data but business can also collect customer feedback data directly from customer with a simplified feedback tools. The interactive self-service kiosk software also offer in-built analytical tools, customized reporting and integrated data sharing tools. Which help businesses integrating business intelligence data in their strategic decision making hence improving the productivity and performance.

Businesses can base their decisions on the analytical data which will improve their decision making and also help them understand customer trends and behavior. The customer feedback is very helpful it help businesses directly ask customer about any aspect of the customer service or business and help them understand customer sentiments. The modern day business landscape is heavily driven by the business intelligence and data, which is why the interactive self-service kiosks can be a great source of valuable business intelligence data with higher accuracy and literally no additional cost.

See Also: RSI Interactive Kiosks for MAF Carrefour MyClub Customer Loyalty Program

The Third-Party System Integration Help Driving Automation and Innovation
The Third-Party System Integration Help Driving Automation and Innovation


The interactive self-service kiosks have completely revolutionized the business operation and how customer interacts with the business. These solutions empower customers, give them more control, freedom and privacy. Furthermore the interactive self-service kiosks are a great tool to streamline customer service and boosting operational efficiency. Whether you deploy them in manned or un-manned setups, these technological marvels drive efficiency and boost productivity. Along with traditional service counters, the self-service kiosks help minimizing the impact of higher influx, reduce employee work load in peak hours, and help improving customer experience.

With the ability to streamline internal business processes and workflows along with 24/7 operation, the interactive self-service kiosks are and ideal solution for modern fast-paced customer oriented services. The customer-centric businesses are rapidly adopting to interactive self-service kiosks and tend to perform well comparing to traditional businesses. Furthermore the interactive self-service kiosks are very cost-effective, require less maintenance and can remain operational for many years without requiring any upgrade or modification, resulting in higher ROIs.

This is the reason why many industries such as retail, food sector, educational institutions, airports, healthcare, hospitality sector, and even government organizations are rapidly adopting to interactive self-service kiosks. If you are ready to embrace the revolutionary power of interactive self-service kiosks, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

The Impact of Cloud Computing on Custom Software Development [Full Guide]

Imagine you are decorating your home, when it comes to your room, you bought a cabinet but when you brought it in, it wouldn’t fit your door! What would you do? Will you change the cabinet or break the door? The custom software development could also be similar to that, you reach half-way and realize you need more computing power, or storage, in case of traditional hosting, you have to buy the larger package, however, in case of cloud you can seamlessly increase your resources whether it is computing power, or the storage and you will only have to pay for the resources you want or utilize.

Let say you have acquired a shared hosting, now half-way through you require a VPS or VDS server specs, you will going to pay for the VDS usually it is in full and similar for the higher specs. In case of on-premises data centers, if you face such limitation, then you will have to increase the hardware capacity, which too is expensive and has certain challenges. Therefore the cloud computing is the ideal solution for custom software development. The custom software development is usually a lengthy process, sometimes businesses also add more features sometimes during the staging, and some time even after it become fully operational. In this blog we will discuss the positive impact of the cloud computing on custom software development its long-term impact.

The Impact of Cloud Computing on Custom Software Development [Full Guide]
The Impact of Cloud Computing on Custom Software Development [Full Guide]

What is Cloud Computing?

Technically the cloud computing is a system of delivering computing power, storage capacity, database, server, operating system, networks, application environments and analytical tools. The cloud computing is a modern form of hosting, it is just one step ahead of it. Unlike the traditional hosting services or on-premises data centers the cloud computing is much more flexible and is capable of delivering resources as per demand. For example, if your demand rises you can immediately increase whatever resource you want in order to ensure a smooth and seamless operation of your software application. Furthermore the cloud computing is much more supportive towards innovation, and it is very cost-effective which makes it ideal for the custom software development.

There are three very flexible cloud computing service models which are ideal for custom software development:

  1. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): The IaaS offers raw computing resources with full control over the virtual machine, storage and network enabling software developers to manage the control the operating system and application.
  2. PaaS (Platform as a Service): The PaaS service model offers a fully managed platform where software developer can build, deploy, customize and scale software application without any worry about the infrastructure management.
  3. SaaS (Software as a Service): The SaaS or software as a service offers fully managed software application to the end-users with enhanced scalability. Both software service provider and third-party software are offered through SaaS service model.
What is Cloud Computing?
What is Cloud Computing?

The Evolution of Custom Software Development

The custom software development have evolved tremendously, starting from micro applications, customized module to full-fledge organizational operating system, the custom software development have completely overshadowed the traditional commercial off-the-shelf software industry. The custom software development is popular due to the fact that it fully aligns with your unique business needs and offer much more freedom and control over the functionality of the application. This is what distinguishes them from traditional off-the-shelf application and make custom software much more reliable and effective. As the customized software application are developed from scratch, there is a lot of room to grow and expand, hence the resources required to run these apps also grow.

See Also: What is custom software development?

The traditional on-premises or hosting solutions are not agile enough, and have certain limitations, the cloud computing on the other hand offer the required flexibility, adoptability and scalability needed by the custom software apps. The custom software development is aimed to support the emerging needs of the organization as well. The custom software development can offer a great competitive advantage with its elevated adoptability, seamless integration, scalability and resilient towards emerging challenges. Traditionally businesses were relying on in-house IT infrastructure, however, that is not cost-effective neither it offers flexibility comparable to cloud. This is why businesses are now adopting cloud computing for their custom software development projects.

The Evolution of Custom Software Development
The Evolution of Custom Software Development

Cloud Computing Offers On-Demand Scalability and Unmatched Flexibility

One of the biggest challenge in custom software development is the resource management and scalability. Scaling up is the most crucial aspect of the business, if the IT infrastructure failed to offer the required scalability, the businesses will not be able to sustain operational efficiency. With on-premises database scaling up could be very challenging, adding more hardware devices or upgrading to the processors could be very expensive. Moreover managing the network, security, and other aspects is a very challenging and expensive feat. For example, if you faces a surge in users or need to increase computing power quickly, the cloud computing not only allow that but it automatically increase your resources when needed, ensuring a seamless and un-interrupted operation. The on-premises data center or traditional online hosting can also be expanded, however, it requires time and the cost too is high.

See Also: Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai

Furthermore the cloud offers another great feature which traditional hosting or on-premises data centers doesn’t offer, which is the ability to scale down instantly as it can scale up, it can be scaled down to minimize the cost. Furthermore the cloud is also one step ahead from traditional hosting solutions when it comes to the future proofing of your software applications. Let say if you upgrade your software application, to ensure highest performance and security, in order to implement the upgrades you must be requiring latest versions of the operating system and several other aspects of the IT infrastructure, each and every component will have its own cost and sometime would be very difficult to upgrade the environment. However, with the cloud, this can be achieved within a few minutes and with very less or literally no cost.

Cloud Computing Offers On-Demand Scalability and Unmatched Flexibility
Cloud Computing Offers On-Demand Scalability and Unmatched Flexibility

Accelerated Development and Quick Launch

The cloud computing offer unmatched features such as scalable resources, access to pre-built services and APIs which accelerate the development cycle and help quickly launch the applications. These features help streamlining the development processes especially it helps with third-party system integration which enable businesses to quickly launch and market their applications. Furthermore the cloud computing also offer robust platform and development tools which are very helpful for the developers and help them boosting the development process.

See Also: The Cost of Custom Software Development: Factors to Consider

Another remarkable feature of cloud computing is that it can provide centralized access to development resources. This enable development teams to collaborate with each other and prevent repetitive work which also accelerate the development process. The developers can work remotely and from separate geographical locations, which sharing codes, data, repositories and everything in real-time. By fostering a highly collaborative development environment the team can quickly and easily do the testing, implement the iterations, and manage the resources. Furthermore it is relatively easier and very quick to move to production environment form staging or UAT environment enabling quick launch.

Accelerated Development and Quick Launch
Accelerated Development and Quick Launch

Enhanced Data Protection, Security and Backups

Unlike the common misconception, the cloud computing offers superior data protection, security and backup features. The cloud computing offers state-of-the-art security solutions with multi-layer protection and firewalls. Moreover the cloud computing also offers quick implementation of the advanced security protocols, encryption, advanced user authentication and access mechanisms and up-to-date protective measures. The adherence to advanced compliance standards ensure highest level of protection and security for the applications, users and the infrastructure. The cloud computing service providers have specialized and professional security teams and highly advanced security solutions which is usually not possible with the traditional hosting or on-premises solutions.

These advanced security features protect against data breach, moreover the cloud computing also offer advanced monitoring and threat detection tools which ensure highest level of security and data protection. Above all the cloud computing offers automatic updates of the resources, tools, and the environment which ensures your applications are running on the most secure and up-to-date infrastructure. Normally all cloud computing solutions comes with standard backup and recovery mechanisms, however, the cloud computing is very flexible towards backups and businesses can have multiple backup layers with advance CDN, and load balancing solutions which ensures your users always have a seamless and uninterrupted experience. The enhanced security, advanced data protection and data backup features can greatly enhance the efficiency and efficacy of your custom software applications.

See Also: Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency

Enhanced Data Protection, Security and Backups
Enhanced Data Protection, Security and Backups


The cloud computing has a profound and far-reaching impact over custom software development. The cutting-edge technology and advanced features of the cloud computing have completely revolutionized the custom software development and help businesses leveraging the full potential of the applications. The cloud computing not only offer superior resource management, scaling, security and monitoring tools, but it also help accelerating the development cycle and help businesses quickly and efficiently develop customized software applications.

The traditional hosting solutions and on-premises hosting often failed to meet the dynamic and diverse needs of the custom software development. Furthermore the on-premises IT infrastructure is expensive, difficult to manage and even more difficult to upgrade. The cloud computing on the other hand always offer up-to-date IT infrastructure with cutting-edge security, networking, and resource management tools. The cloud computing offers a very easy-to-scale infrastructure which can easily adopt to the emerging needs of your software application.

Whether you want to scale up to accommodate a rise in system users or whether you want to scale down to save the cost, the cloud computing offers that seamlessly. With the advanced cloud computing management and monitoring tools you can seamlessly scale up or scale down your resources as per your needs. Above all the cloud computing can automatically scale up your raw computing power and other resources if there is a surge in the users preventing your software applications from slowing down or cashing. This ensures a great uninterrupted and seamless user experience.

When it comes to security and data protection the cloud computing is superior to any other traditional hosting solution. It offers state-of-the art security tools with a multi-layer security protocol. Whether it is the networking tool, environment, server operating system or any other security tool you are using, the cloud computing automatically update all these tools and operating systems to ensure your custom software development project gets up-to-date security and robust performance.

The cloud computing also offers different service models and very flexible service plans which suits your needs and also help you easily customize your service plans if needed to optimize the cost. The upfront cost is also nominal comparing to on-premises data centers and businesses are free from managing the physical IT infrastructure further lowering their operational cost. In this blog we have discussed how the cloud computing is impacting the custom software development in a very positive way. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to migrate to any local or international cloud computing platform, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.


Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency

Businesses often struggle choosing between custom software development and commercial off-the-shelf software solutions. The off-the-shelf software are slightly cost effective and are much easier and quicker to implement. However, the commercial off-the-shelf software solutions or COTS doesn’t offer any out-of-the-box functionality and are not designed for exclusive and individual business needs. The COTS are designed for masses and are usually aligned with the industrial standards and benchmarks. The custom software on the contrary are fully aligned with internal workflows and business processes. The custom software development offers automation of sophisticated and repetitive tasks, and offer intuitive interfaces which help boosting business efficiency.

In the highly dynamic and competitive business markets such as in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and other regions of UAE where the competition is rapidly increasing, the customer demands are always high and the new trends are reshaping the entire industries, custom software development is the only way forward. It will help businesses gaining groundbreaking edge over their competitors by accounting all minute details, incorporating features that empower existing processes and workflows and offering user-friendly tools and interfaces to employees to boost their productivity. In this blog we will discuss how custom software can greatly improve business efficiency and growth.

Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency
Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency

What is Custom Software Development?

Before we discuss how custom software can extraordinarily enhance business efficiency, first let us understand what is custom software development? Traditionally the commercial off-the-shelf software solutions are designed for masses, with a one-size-fits-all approach in mind. However, the custom software are built from ground up to perfectly align with unique business needs, objectives and internal workflows and processes.

This gives custom software a great advantage over the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software solutions. While implementing a commercial off-the-shelf software solution businesses might have to adjust according to the software structure and in some cases businesses might have to modify their important workflows and internal processes.

See Also: Why custom software is more cost efficient in UAE?

Furthermore, the custom software development is a process where the entire existing business structure, workflows, processes and culture is analyzed critically and then the custom software is constructed to align with everything including existing IT infrastructure. This make adoption easier and it enhance and empower existing processes, workflows and structure, ensuring minimum to no disruption at all. The custom software development offers excellent flexibility, scalability and customization, enhancing operational efficiency and performance, which could be a great competitive advantage.

There is a common misconception that the custom software development is expensive, which is not true. If we consider the long term ROI and impact the cost of custom software development is very affordable and well justified. That is why businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE are turning towards custom software development.

See Also: Why Off-the-Shelf Solutions Fall Short: Advantages of Custom Software Development

What is Custom Software Development?
What is Custom Software Development?

What are the Advantages of Custom Software Development?

Custom software offer great many advantages, and that is the reason the global market volume of custom software development industry is steadily growing every year. The market trends are shifting towards more customer-centric business models, businesses are also realizing the importance of customer satisfaction. The challenges are rising day by day, hence the business efficiency is a key to long-term and sustainable success. In order to achieve higher operational efficiency businesses rely on various software applications. Every business have unique goals, unique challenges, and completely unique sets of strengths and weaknesses.

A customized software can offer 100% solution to all challenges, addressing all pain points, and has capabilities to turn weaknesses into strengths while driving operational excellence. Here are some key advantages of custom software development which are crucial to optimizing and greatly enhancing the business efficiency, productivity and performance.

See Also: 5 Advantages of Custom Software Development

Tailored Solutions Enhance Efficiency and Productivity

One of the most impactful advantage of custom software development is that it deliver exclusive and tailored solutions to address the specific pain points and unique challenges individual business and its employees are facing. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions might offer a wider range of features however, they fell short on addressing to the challenges that are unique for an individual business. Every business has its own unique organizational culture, customs, and long-term goals. Every business take a unique path to achieve their goals, this is what differentiate it from others and this is something that is very positive and healthy for competitiveness.

The unique business needs cannot met with a standard software solution that is not designed to address those needs, in fact a custom software is built from the scratch keeping those needs in mind. Hence a custom software solution is very capable of delivering exclusive solutions, optimizing and empowering internal workflows. Businesses can seamlessly implement a customized software solution and integrate it within their existing business process without causing any disruption and without requiring any modification to their existing practices. This is crucial as this eliminates the need of additional training, it reduces repetitive work and it empowers individual employees and teams. Consequently the business efficiency get raised drastically.

See Also: Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

Tailored Solutions Enhance Efficiency and Productivity
Tailored Solutions Enhance Efficiency and Productivity

Higher Scalability and Flexibility

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, the scalability and flexibility are the most essential features of any software solution. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions fell short on adopting to emerging market trends, since these types of applications are developed for masses, they have slower response towards market changes. It is this aspect of the commercial off-the-shelf software which result in inefficiencies and limitations down the road. However, the custom software development keep emerging trends and needs in mind, hence the custom software offer quicker and reliable solutions to emerging needs, growth and customization without causing any disruption.

Furthermore the custom software development offers more control and authority over your software application which enable businesses to quickly adopt to emerging needs and enable them to respond quickly to changing market trends and customer behavior. The custom software can be customized deal with new challenges, whether it is adding new features and tools, third-party system integration with a new solution, any change in compliance or regulatory requirements, or scaling up for rapid business growth, businesses can deal with such challenges with very less friction and disruption.

See Also: Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

Higher Scalability and Flexibility
Higher Scalability and Flexibility

Personalized Experience and User-Friendly UIs

The user adoption and user experience are the most crucial factors to the success of any software application. Businesses often implement expensive and top-of-the-line commercial off-the-shelf software solutions but these applications fail to deliver the desired value. Despite having remarkable feature a software could still fail if it doesn’t have user-friendly experience and intuitive UIs. The UIs or user interfaces plays crucial role in user adoption. Using the familiar feature names, color schemes, information structure and navigation plays crucial role in user adoption. The custom software development provides ability to design user-centric applications, which are not only functionally superior but also easy-to-use and intuitive.

The custom software development allow businesses to involve end-users in the software designing and development process, enabling them to share their feedback at every stage and which help incorporating features and experience as per users’ needs. This minimizes the resistance to change and raises the adoption rate, which itself is very effective in raising business efficiency. The custom software development offers personalized experience and workflows along with user-friendly design and UIs which empower your employees and enable them to work more effectively and efficiently.

See Also: Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Personalized Experience and User-Friendly UIs
Personalized Experience and User-Friendly UIs

Enhanced Security and Better Compliance

With the rise of internet access the negative actors and cyber security threats are increasing concern of not only businesses but also customers. Businesses of all sizes and types are taking extra measures to ensure the security of their customers and valuable business data. A small security breach could drastically harm business reputation. The off-the-shelf software may poses a bigger security threat as most of the time these applications are hosted on cloud and another big disadvantage is that the application structure is well-known, which also makes it easier to exploited. The commercial off-the-shelf software are used by thousands of businesses which means they are more exposed.

The custom software on the contrary are not available for masses, their information structure and security layers are hidden and only known to the management team which makes them more secure and well-protected. The custom software development enable businesses to implement advanced encryption technologies, robust security and network protocols tailored to their needs and regulatory requirements. On top of that the application structure is hidden, which makes it very difficult for malicious actors to exploit or breach. Furthermore the data is also stored in your custody which also help enhancing the security of customized software application.

See Also: Why the Custom Software Development is Good for Your Business?

Enhanced Security and Better Compliance
Enhanced Security and Better Compliance

Easy Integration with Existing Systems

The modern day businesses rely upon several software application which forms the digital ecosystem and IT infrastructure of the entire organization. Finding a new software for the needs in a big challenge, however, integrating it with the existing software, databases, central information system and IT infrastructure could be even bigger challenge. This is something the commercial off-the-shelf software solutions are not very good at. The ready-made software have strict integration requirements and doesn’t always offer the required flexibility and compatibility required for a seamless integration. Eventually businesses end-up wasting time, paying additional costs for middleware and inefficient manual work.

However, building a software from ground up provides a chance to consider all possible integration scenarios along with considering all existing software, databases, IT infrastructure and integration requirements. This makes integration completely seamless and frictionless. This also enable customized software to consolidate information and data from different sources into a unified platform which greatly enhances efficiency and productivity. Integration help minimizing latencies, redundancies, and repetitive work driving higher business efficiency across entire operations.

See Also: The Impact of Cloud Computing on Custom Software Development [Full Guide]

Easy Integration with Existing Systems
Easy Integration with Existing Systems


Custom software development is a way forward in a very dynamic and fast-paced business landscape where the market trends are changing swiftly, the customer demands are increasing, the new technologies are emerging every day and the competition is rising exponentially. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions (COST) might seem a cost-effective option at first, but in long term they are more costly, costing businesses in terms of efforts, money and inefficient business processes. The custom software development on the contrary seem expensive at first, but in long-term it is much more cost-efficient and reliable. The custom software development help businesses built tailored solutions that precisely address each and every pain point and are fully aligned with unique and exclusive business needs.

Furthermore the customized software offered tailored solutions through highly personalized user-friendly experience. With ability to integrate seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure, third-party software tools, databases and central information system, the customized software solutions are ideal for the present day’s needs and have potential to greatly enhance and improve business efficiency. In this blog we have discussed how custom software can improve business efficiency, if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to develop a highly cost-effective tailored software solution for your business, please feel free to get in touch with us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Step-by-step Guide to Develop Custom Enterprise Software

See Also: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Custom Software Development Projects

Emerging Trends in Custom Software Development

Businesses are facing a lot many challenges, especially in rapidly growing markets like Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all across UAE where the competition is rising and the customer demands are also skyrocketing. In such conditions businesses need innovative solutions, efficient business processes, and out-of-the box approach to stay ahead of competition. The integration of software applications in business processes and workflows is not new, businesses all over the world are utilizing such tools and solutions and in fact most of the businesses are heavily relying on such tools for efficient operations and seamless process.

However, there is one most important thing to understand, whether you are a business owner, manager or technology enthusiast, when it comes to software there are always tons of options available in the market. Some software are industry specific, some are tailored and some are general purpose. On this bases, we can classify the software in two categories, one is commercial off-the-shelf software solution and the other is custom software development.

Emerging Trends in Custom Software Development
Emerging Trends in Custom Software Development

What Made Custom Software Development Superior than the COTS?

There are two major types of software implementation, one is acquiring a ready-made commercial off-the-shelf software solution and the other is custom software development for tailored solutions. Furthermore these software can be classified in many sub-categories on the bases of platform, technology stack, and various other factors. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions or COTS are the ready-made software applications that are designed for a particular industry or a particular business function.

For example, the HRMS or Human Resource Management System is designed for HR department and team, however, the Patient Management System is designed for Hospitals, Clinics and healthcare facilities. However, the custom software development on the other hand is a different approach to software implementation, it offers tailored solutions, that can perfectly align with business need and this is what made them superior.

See Also: The Cost of Custom Software Development: Factors to Consider

The COTS are designed for masses, which make them general purpose. Every business and organization at its core is unique and it is this uniqueness that distinguishes businesses from others. Over the time the internal processes evolve too, the organizational culture, high-level goals and strategic objectives are what set the path for an organization. Therefore generic software solutions that are developed on the bases on industry standards are not sufficient enough to align with the unique business needs.

Hence businesses need a tailored solution that fully aligns with their unique work-flows, processes and organizational culture to enable them achieve their unique business goals and objectives. This is where the COTS fell short and paved way for the custom software development. The custom software development begins with intensive requirement gathering, which ensures the final outcome 100% meets business’s expectations. These are some key factors that make custom software development superior.

See Also: Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai

What Made Custom Software Development Superior than the COTS?
What Made Custom Software Development Superior than the COTS?

What are the Future Trends in Custom Software Development?

The custom software development industry is rapidly growing in the country and not only in UAE but all around the GCC. However, most of the businesses failed to fully leverage the true potential of custom software development because of lack of knowledge and understanding of the future trends. The technology moves or a rapid pace, it quickly evolves with new technologies emerging every year. Therefore it is extremely important to have an eye on emerging trends in custom software development if you are planning a project soon.

In this blog we will discuss the top custom software development future trends which are rapidly gaining popularity and as per our understanding these technologies will going to lead the custom software development for many coming years in future.

See Also: Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

Here are the top future trends in custom software development industry:

Custom Software Development Trends: 1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Progressive web apps are basically a kind of hybrid application which leverages the full potential of modern web technologies and is known for their ability to deliver an app-like experience. Unlike traditional web-apps the progressive web apps or PWA are much more efficient, engaging, and reliable and can successfully deliver sophisticated and innovative functionalities. The progressive web apps can be installed at the home-screen like a native app, but with its advance technology it can deliver a seamless and unified experience across all compatible devices and platforms.

The progressive web apps (PWA) are also great at offering sophisticated functionalities such as exploiting the hardware or native features and you can also have push notifications, alerts and offline functionality, which is not available in traditional web-apps. Another great advantage of the progressive web apps is their cost-effectiveness, these apps require much less resources to develop, and are very easy to maintain and scale. These are some of the main advantages which are making progressive web-apps exceptionally popular.

See Also: Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

Custom Software Development Trends: 1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Custom Software Development Trends: 1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Custom Software Development Trends: 2. Internet of Behavior (IoB)

The internet of behavior or IoB has gained huge traction over past few years. With the advancement of analytical and data collection tools and the availability of modern technology frameworks, the internet of behavior has emerged as one of the most popular and effective technology. The internet of behavior or IoB is referred to very specific tools which enable collection of large-scale data with advanced analytical tools to extract insight which help businesses understand, predict and influence the human behavior.

We have witnessed in past few years the internet of things or IoT has emerged as a very solid and futuristic technology, the internet of behavior (IoB) is also built on the foundation of IoT, where the data has been collected from various software and hardware sources such as applications, UIs, cameras, sensors, and integrated data-gathering technologies. Based on various data sources, the IoB provides tools to assess and analyze human behavior which help gathering behavioral insights which are essential for strategic decisions and catering personalized customer experience.

See Also: Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Custom Software Development Trends: 2. Internet of Behavior (IoB)
Custom Software Development Trends: 2. Internet of Behavior (IoB)

Custom Software Development Trends: 3. Web 3.0

The Web 3.0 is the next generation of the internet, or you can say it is the next version of the internet. The Web 1.0 was all about the static websites, the Web 2.0 was and is dominated by the social aspects, and the Web 3.0 is all about decentralization, integration and interoperability, and superior user control. The Web 3.0 is aimed to empower user with more user-friendly data ownership protocols and policies and above all, it boost security and enhance connectivity. It enable different technologies and platform to seamlessly integrate and communicate with each other while offering superior control and security which is something that is not present in the current Web 2.0.

You must have heard of Crypto Currencies or Bitcoin, these are all based on blockchain technology which is a part of Web 3.0 and it is designed to streamline the transactions and to reduce the friction from various business processes. One of the biggest advantages of Web 3.0 is its ability to give ownership and control to the users. It offers excellent and very flexible scalability which means the businesses doesn’t have to worry about the systems going down or chocked networks. The Web 3.0 would revolutionized the internet for both consumers and businesses.

See Also: Custom Software for Improved Business Efficiency

Custom Software Development Trends: 3. Web 3.0
Custom Software Development Trends: 3. Web 3.0

Custom Software Development Trends: 4. DevSecOps

The DevSecOps is basically a new trend which focuses only on the importance of security of a software application, rather than putting security as an afterthought, the DevSecOps dictates that the security should be integrated at each and every step of the development process. Rather than a new technology type or platform the DevSecOps is more like a movement. With the internet piracy rising and the security breaches and cyber-attacks on personal and businesses are soaring, the need of security is paramount. Furthermore the security breach doesn’t only compromise a certain business function or its data, but it can completely ruin the business’s reputation.

Therefore businesses are investing more and more in security and protective measures to ensure data security and privacy. This is what led to DevSecOps trend, and it has become increasingly popular in custom software development. The DevSecOps emphasize on incorporating the security and data protection in all stages of custom software development especially in earlier stages such as planning and designing. By incorporating security features in the design and enabling testing at every step, the software development process become more effective and agile.

See Also: The Key Elements of Efficient Software Development Project Management

Custom Software Development Trends: 4. DevSecOps
Custom Software Development Trends: 4. DevSecOps

Custom Software Development Trends: 5. Big Data

In the today’s digital world, where the internet and digital solutions are dominating our both personal and work lives. For any business to become more customer-centric the data has emerged as one of the most crucial asset, it provides deeper insights to customer behavior, market trends and much more which help businesses making informed and effective decisions. The Big Data is a term referred to both structured and unstructured data but in very large quantity.

The Big Data is basically a compilation of data coming from various touch points and sources such as customer portals, online or websites, social media, customer service center, interactive solutions, and various different types of hardware sensors and much more. This data is coming in different forms and types which makes it difficult to analyze it and to extract actionable insight from it. The Big Data is a collection of tools and methodologies which help businesses analyze a large quantity of data coming from a large number of touch points and help them extract conclusive insight and actionable reports which help businesses to effectively incorporate data into their decision making processes.

See Also: Why the Custom Software Development is Good for Your Business?

Custom Software Development Trends: 5. Big Data
Custom Software Development Trends: 5. Big Data


In today’s modern and digital market landscape where the customer demands are skyrocketing, the competition is rising and the technology is rapidly evolving, businesses need highly effective and efficient software solutions to ensure highest operational efficiency and quality of work. The customer satisfaction is crucial which is tied to the operational excellence, and the operational efficiency depends on the software solutions, tools and IT infrastructure that you have in place. Every business is different from others, even if two businesses are operating in a similar industry, they would still be different in a lot many ways. It is this uniqueness that developed over the year by the natural evolution of the organization.

In this fast-paced market landscape the commercial off-the-shelf solutions with their limited capabilities and slow growth are not enough. Businesses need a more robust solution which not only fully aligns with the unique and exclusive business needs, but also have capability to scale and evolve as the business grows. The custom software development offers an opportunity to tailor-made software applications for businesses which not only strengthen their internal operations and business processes, but also address all unique and exclusive challenges a business might be facing.

In this blog we have discussed some emerging trends in custom software development industry. It is important for a business to be familiar with latest trends and technology updates in order to leverage the full potential of the custom software development. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help with your next custom software development project, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Which Software Development Trends Yield Success in 2023?

Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai

The modern day businesses depends heavily on various software applications and digital tools. In fact the operation of today’s business is nearly impossible without utilizing technology. The software applications range from a simple accounts tool to a complex HRMS and a full-fledged complete Business OS (operating system). Different businesses have different needs, different industry sectors have different norms and standards, hence different levels of software complexity is required.

However, one thing is sure that all modern day business are using some sort of software to improve business efficiency. It could either be even a humble email client, like outlook, or MS Excel, these too are software tools. Or it could be a highly sophisticated ERP system or a performance management system to manage thousands of employees and huge business operations. Businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE tend to be early adopter of the modern technologies.

Furthermore businesses and companies from all around the world have presence in Dubai and all around the UAE which raise the competitiveness and diversity of the business landscape in the country. It is the strategic location of the country and its ports along with its highly business-friendly government policies which is and which will keep attracting more businesses, therefore it is important to make your business as much competitive as possible. In this blog we will discuss what are the benefits of investing in custom software development for your business.

Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai
Benefits of Investing in Custom Software Development for Your Business in Dubai

The Importance of Technological Advancements in Business

The technology help businesses boost performance and productivity, it streamline internal processes, enhance customer experience, improve product/service quality and it offers better monitoring and tracking capabilities. That is why it is crucial to leverage technological advancements to remain ahead of your competition.

When it comes to the software solutions, there are two distinct ways to do that, the commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) solutions and custom software development. Both have their pros and cons, businesses are using various different types of software on different levels and with different complexity and sophistication. For example, if you need an email client, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, you can use any off-the-shelf email client.

But if you need an ERP, HR System, or a document processing system or an intranet application, CRM, or other such tool, then you should seriously consider your requirements, goals and objectives and then decide which software solution type will serve you best. Every business evolved differently, and it is this difference which attracts your customers. This also means that every business have different goals and objectives with exclusive needs and requirements. Which can only be fulfilled with custom software development, the COTS are standardized applications and doesn’t offer much room for customization.

See Also: Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

The Importance of Technological Advancements in Business
The Importance of Technological Advancements in Business

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development for Businesses in Dubai

When business owners, managers or decision makers go with the custom software development they are usually doubtful about the impact of this project. Most of the time businesses are reluctant to go with custom software development because it requires much more time, efforts and in some cases initial cost is also higher comparing to available commercial off-the-shelf solutions available in the market. Here are some key benefits of custom software development for business in Dubai, which will assure them higher success and greater impact than the counterpart COTS.

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Customization

One thing that businesses can never achieve from commercial off-the-shelf software solutions is the ability to perfectly align the software with their unique needs and ability to addressing to the very unique challenges they are facing. However the custom software development not only personalize the software solution as per your business needs but it also helps you to address the unique challenges you are facing and tend to deliver exclusive advantages which can gain you great competitive edge.

The custom software development project starts with intensive requirement gathering drive, which help the development team to understand all your needs and challenges. That is why the custom software development can deliver more effective software solutions. Furthermore when a software solution is built exclusively for your needs it will also allow you to choose the features, technologies and work flows as per your needs. This also help integrating custom software with your existing IT infrastructure in a nearly seamless manner.

See Also: Leveraging Big Data in Custom Software Development

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Customization
Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Customization

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Cost-Effective

It is a common misconception that the custom software development is expensive, however, that is not true at all. It might seem that the initial cost of the commercial off-the-shelf software solutions is less and they can setup immediately, even within a day or two, however, the COTS have recurring cost, which diminishes with long-term cost-effectiveness and even it makes them much more expensive than the custom software solutions. The initial deployment cost of the custom software development is quit higher, it also require a lot of time and efforts to breathe life into an idea.

However, the customized software solutions offers better and cost-effective scalability, customization and very less maintenance cost. There is no recurring cost and you can always get them managed and customized from your internal IT team or any vendor of your choice, thus you are also not limited and stuck to a specific vendor. All these factors results in an exceptionally higher ROI and great future readiness.

See Also: The Impact of Cloud Computing on Custom Software Development [Full Guide]

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Cost-Effective
Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Cost-Effective

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Security and Reliability

The security and reliability are few of the most important and crucial factors to consider while deploying a software solution for your business. One of the biggest advantage of custom software development is its ability to let you chose the features and technologies. With the custom software development businesses can chose the top-notch technologies and platforms to ensure highest level of security and reliability. Especially when you want to meet the highest industry standards and regulatory compliances, the custom software development is the best choice.

Businesses can not only customize the features but also the frameworks, platforms and hosting environments which assures highest level of data protection. Any security breach or leak of customers’ data can completely ruin your reputation. As the custom software development involves intensive requirement gathering and rigorous testing which makes your custom software apps more secure, reliable and less sensitive towards common technology challenges.

See Also: Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Security and Reliability
Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Security and Reliability

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Flexibility and Scalability

In the modern fast-paced business landscape of Dubai, businesses needs are not fixed and businesses have to accommodate for the impact of ever-changing customer needs and technology advancements to remain competitive. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions can provide a good quick fix to your current needs, but doesn’t offer the flexibility, development and customization that you might be needing in the coming years. On top of that the commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) are designed for masses hence lack the personalization and ability to customization to address your exclusive challenges.

However, the custom software development on the other hand can offer great flexibility and scalability. Whether you need to address your unique challenges, or you have sophisticated business needs, you can mold the customized software they way you want. As time pass and your requirements changes or your needs grow you can further add more features and increase the capacity of customized software.

See Also: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Custom Software Development Projects

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Flexibility and Scalability
Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Flexibility and Scalability

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Seamless System Integration

In today’s modern world, the businesses and organizations have become more sophisticated and require a lot many different IT solutions and software tools. In order to effectively execute a task or to ensure seamless business processes for higher productivity and performance it is absolutely essential that all the different software, systems and solutions work in full harmony by enabling seamless communication between them. This communication means exchange of data, information and instructions.

This is what is called system integration, it also known as integration or third-party integration. The custom off-the-shelf software solutions only provide limited integration capabilities. However, custom software development will enable businesses to build the software to be more compatible with their existing systems, databases, and IT infrastructure which makes them more compatible and integration friendly. Furthermore businesses can also customize them to achieve their integration objectives.

See Also: How to Develop a Custom Software in Dubai?

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Seamless System Integration
Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Seamless System Integration

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Higher Productivity

The custom software development help businesses to achieve higher efficiency and productivity. There are several factors that help improving performance and efficiency, such as:

  • Custom software development let businesses build the user-friendly software solutions
  • Intuitive user interfaces (UIs) can greatly enhance user experience (UX)
  • Ability to customize the UI and workflows help employees easily adopt the new system
  • Customized feature help employees get their tasks done with higher efficiency
  • Different user groups can have exclusive features which further enhance their efficiency
  • System integration allow minimizing repetitive work and enhance performance
  • Ability to integrate mobile applications can greatly increase accessibility and convenience
  • Customized features and functionalities help improving workflows and business processes
  • Ability to monitor and track performance offers higher visibility

Businesses can greatly improve employee performance by deploying customized software solutions. That is not all, the custom software development offers businesses full control over the working of all features and help them get the desired outcome which can greatly improve internal processes, workflows and help businesses gain higher productivity.

See Also: Guide to Custom Software Development

Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Higher Productivity
Key Benefits of Custom Software Development: Higher Productivity

Why Businesses in Dubai should Invest in Custom Software Development?

As I have mentioned above there are several benefits of custom software development which makes it superior from commercial off-the-shelf software solutions. The custom software development help businesses digitalize their internal processes and maximize their efficiency by leveraging the automation.

Furthermore when a software is exclusively designed for your business it will fully align with your needs, internal processes and strategic objectives. This makes it more impactful and productive comparing to commercial off-the-shelf solutions.  Here is why a business in Dubai should invest in custom software development:

  • The commercial off-the-shelf software only partially match your business needs, however, the custom software development enables you to design and develop an exclusive solution which fully aligns with your business needs, integrates with your existing IT infrastructure and it also offers long-term service and support.
  • The development process of a commercial off-the-shelf software solution is slow, it only offers upgrades when a large majority of the users need it. However the custom software grows with business needs, any need can be met immediately either by customization or by adding more features and so on.
  • The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions are provided by a vendor or service provider, which offers very less control over various important aspects of the software. However with the custom software development businesses not only have full control over their data, storage and software but businesses also have full ownership rights for their customized software.
  • The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions are designed for masses and the vendor doesn’t have much interest in your exclusive needs or challenges, in fact the vendor follow the industry standards and market trends. However, the for the customized software solutions you get in touch with the software developers, designers and IT specialists who are designing your software application, thus they have better understand of you needs, concerns and challenges.
  • Although the initial cost of the commercial off-the-shelf software solutions is relatively lower, however, there are several recurring expenses. The COTS offer very limited customization but it is very expensive, moreover the scalability too is very expensive. The custom software development of the other hand have slightly higher initial cost, but in long term have no recurring cost, in fact it offers full ownership rights to the businesses and offer more flexibility, customization and easy scalability.

As the market landscape in Dubai is very competitive and dynamic therefore businesses need higher productivity, lower operational cost and better tools to gain greater competitive advantage. And the custom software development can provide all of these.

See Also: Why Off-the-Shelf Solutions Fall Short: Advantages of Custom Software Development

Why Businesses in Dubai should Invest in Custom Software Development?
Why Businesses in Dubai should Invest in Custom Software Development?


In this modern and fast-paced market landscape in Dubai, where the customer needs are growing endlessly, rapid and sudden change are very common across all industry verticals, businesses need a proactive software development approach to mold and align their tools with the changing and growing needs. The custom software development is the way to design and develop software which are exclusively build according to the business needs and latest industry trends. Furthermore the businesses need to integrate various software and applications in order to improve their operational capabilities and to boost the employee performance. All this can only be achieved with a more flexible and controllable software development method which is only offered by the custom software development. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions might offer lesser initial cost and are extremely easy to setup, however, in longer run neither they remain relevant nor cost-effective.

The custom software solutions on the other hand has incredible ability to grow as business grows and offer great ROI in long run. In this blog we have covered key benefits of investing in custom software development for business in Dubai and all across the UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help with your next custom software development project, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Custom Software Development for Healthcare Industry

Healthcare industry and organizations providing medical services are constantly seeking ways to enhance their internal processes, healthcare delivery, patient experience and management capabilities. In today’s digital era, where technology is transforming every aspect of our lives, the healthcare sector is increasingly dependent on digital solutions such as custom software development and various IT tools to achieve its goals and objectives. Given that the importance of patient satisfaction and well-being is paramount in every healthcare and medical facility, the global demand for healthcare software development is massive. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) stands at the forefront of modernization and digitalization in the Middle East, the healthcare industry is no exception.

Healthcare and Medical service providers in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and across the UAE are well-known for their world-class services and the highest quality standards. This reputation has been achieved through the integration of cutting-edge technologies and IT tools, with healthcare and medical software leading this revolutionary change. In this blog we will discuss how the custom software development is completely transforming the healthcare industry in the UAE, leading to a new era of efficiency, modernization, innovation and patient-centric business approach.

Custom Software Development for Healthcare Industry
Custom Software Development for Healthcare Industry

What is Custom Software Development?

Before we dive into our main topic, it is important to understand the custom software development. There are two types of software solutions. One is COTs or commercial off-the-shelf software and the other is bespoke or custom software solutions. The commercial off-the-shelf software are ready-made tools, which are designed as per the best industry practices. These software and apps are widely available and are designed for masses. Thus chances are your competitor or industry rival might also be using the same software application, offering no competitive advantage from technology stand point. However, the custom software development on the other hand is not just buzz-word but a complete game changer.

The custom software development is a process of customizing a software application as per your needs. This means the custom healthcare software will be designed exclusively by keeping your unique requirements in mind hence it would be able to address to the challenges you are facing while also helping you grab the opportunities no one else could get.  The custom software development ensures that your healthcare software solution is exclusive and meet all your needs, which could give you a great competitive advantage and it is also very helpful in integrating innovative features that are fully aligned with your goals.

See Also: Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

What is Custom Software Development?
What is Custom Software Development?

Why Custom Software Development is Important for Healthcare Industry in UAE?

The UAE healthcare sector is a rapidly growing and evolving industry with its diverse and dynamic needs. The government emphasize on high-quality standards encouraging healthcare and medical establishments to adopt more patient-centric practices. The adaptation of the cutting-edge software solutions in the healthcare and medical sector is not just a trend but an absolute necessity. Organizations in healthcare sector want to improve their efficiency, clinical workflows, hospital information system, appointment booking system, pharmacy management, telehealth tools, patient flow management and several other crucial business functions.

Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all other regions of UAE have diversified population with a large amount of expats coming from all around the world. This means the healthcare service demands are increasing exponentially. In such conditions, offering easy access, and personalized experience could greatly increase patient satisfaction. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions are designed for masses, however, only the customized software development can help healthcare and medical facilities to deal with their unique and exclusive needs. The customized software allow organizations to build solutions that align with their needs and are more efficient in solving their unique problems.

See Also: Custom Software Development for Enhanced User Experience

Why Custom Software Development is Important for Healthcare Industry in UAE
Why Custom Software Development is Important for Healthcare Industry in UAE

Advantages of Custom Healthcare Software Development

There are several advantages of custom software development for the healthcare and medical industry which makes them far superior to commercial off-the-shelf solutions. Here are a few key advantages or custom healthcare software development:

  1. Tailored Solutions: Healthcare and medical facilities often have very unique needs due to their internal processes and business practices. With the passage of time hospitals, clinics, medical facilities and testing labs could develop quite unique workflows. It is very difficult achieve the highest possible efficiency with the commercial off-the-shelf solutions as they are made for general audience. However, the custom software development can solve this problem by delivering tailored solutions that 100% match with the unique and exclusive business needs.
  2. Improved Service Quality: The healthcare and medical facilities often had to deal with a variety of different levels of priority based on the medical service urgency and criticality. Hence dealing every customer in a same way is not practical. Therefore healthcare facilities, hospitals and clinics and other medical establishments make policies and develop workflows to facilitate every patient while maintaining an optimum level of service quality. A customized healthcare software application can fully align with existing processes, boosting performance by lifting up employee workload and optimizing internal processes. This results in significant improvement in service quality and patient satisfaction.
  3. Better Patient Experience: The healthcare and medical facilities often have to deal with a bulk of patient data which sometimes could make it difficult to provide information and communication in a timely manner. However, the custom healthcare software development enables organizations to integrate multiple communication channels such as online patient portals, mobile apps, WhatsApp, SMS, email and much more which can instantly provide patient with the updated information. These additional modules not only provide data and information but also help healthcare organizations to streamline several internal process, which can greatly improve patient interaction and journey, lifting up patient experience.
  4. Improved Compliance: The healthcare sector and medical facilities are often subjected to comply with complex regulations and government policies. Most of the time several penalties are also associated with these compliances and regulations. A commercial off-the-shelf software often failed to facilitate the compliance process. However, a custom software development ensures that all your needs and requirements are incorporated in your healthcare software solution which can greatly improve the compliance and your ability to cater to emerging compliance needs.
  5. Innovation and Automation: The innovation and automation are the two key aspects of digitalization. The custom healthcare software development help organizations to offer innovative features for both their patient and their employees which greatly improve patient experience and employee performance. The healthcare organizations and medical facilities can offer more control and freedom over healthcare plans, personalized services and much more by enabling patients to utilize self-service channels to perform various tasks by themselves. All such features enhance patient experience and also boost employee performance.
  6. Flexible Integration: The integration is one of the most crucial and absolutely essential factor to consider while implementing a new software or solution. The commercial off-the-shelf software application usually lack at their ability to integrate with other third-party tools. Often additional cost and efforts are associated with integration. However, the custom software development enable healthcare and medical facilities to customized their software in a way that they can seamlessly integrate with existing software, systems, patient databases and central information management system.
  7. Scalability and Adoptability: The healthcare industry and medical practices are constantly evolving. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions fall short when it comes to scalability and adoptability. However, the customized healthcare software tools are very flexible towards scalability and adoptability. Businesses can easily incorporate more features or modify existing functions to scale them with their emerging business needs. The ability to add new features and customize the existing features as per the emerging needs can greatly enhance the adoptability and scalability, offering a great competitive advantage without raising the cost. Hence the custom healthcare software development offers much higher ROIs comparing to COTs.
  8. Enhanced Performance: Most of the time the employees working in healthcare industry have to perform repetitive routine tasks and manual work. The customized software development help healthcare and medical facilities to add productive features which can handle most of the routine tasks for the employees, and with the help of digitalization and automation many errors can be prevented which are normally associated to manual work. Furthermore custom healthcare software tools also offer customized reporting and analytical data collection which provide great visibility and monitoring over the entire operations hence resulting in improved human resource planning and better management which can greatly boost the operational performance.

The custom software development offers great advantages. The healthcare and medical facilities can leverage the custom software development to build their own unique brand image while boosting performance, productivity and efficiency of the entire organization.

See Also: 5 Advantages of Custom Software Development

Advantages of Custom Healthcare Software Development
Advantages of Custom Healthcare Software Development


The healthcare industry and medical services are rapidly evolving and transforming into more patient-centric organizations in the world. The global healthcare industry software industry is rapidly growing showing the importance and effectiveness of the software solutions in the industry. When it comes to software development, the healthcare organization have two way to go, either choose the commercial off-the-shelf software or the custom software development. The custom software development has proven itself to be far superior with its ability to cater to unique business needs while supporting scalability, customization, and growth. The commercial off-the-shelf solutions are generic however, the custom software development offers exclusive tailored solutions.

See Also: Customer Software Development: Why React JS is The Future of Frontend Development

That is why the businesses in healthcare and medical industry are embracing custom software development. Furthermore the customized healthcare software and tools tend to have long lifecycle with ability to quickly respond to emerging needs. In this blog we have discussed how customized healthcare software application can help organizations gain competitive advantage, patient satisfaction and operational excellence. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to develop a tailor-made software solution for your healthcare organization or medical facility. Please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Best Web Development Practices for Healthcare Businesses in Dubai, UAE

See Also: What should be covered in a hospital website?

Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

In the today’s technology driven world, the businesses are dependent on software solutions more than ever before. Especially in competitive markets like Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and other cities of UAE where the customers are also very demanding and tech savvy the software solutions have become absolutely essential to ensure greater operational efficiency, productivity and performance of the entire business. Where the integration of technology become deeper and raise new needs for software solutions, the custom software development industry have also evolved in UAE. Once software tools thought to be meant for high-value and large-scale enterprises are now in the reach of a startup, thanks to the advancements in the software development tools and technologies, now a days, building a great software solution is not a luxury anymore. Every business can build software tools to drive performance and productivity which can gain them the much needed competitive advantage and help them stand out of the crowd. The commercial off-the-shelf software solutions more often doesn’t fulfill all the needs, hence businesses are turning to custom software development. The custom software development not only offer exclusive solutions and tools that perfectly aligns with business needs but it also tend to offer better ROI in longer run. In this blog we will go through a step-by-step guide to planning and executing your custom software development project which can drive efficiency, improve workflows and processes and enhance customer experience for your business.

Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project
Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Custom Software Development Project

Why do You Need a Custom Software Development Project Plan?

When it comes to deploy a new software solution your project goals could fall in any of the three, operational improvements, customer experience improvement or improved management process and workflows. When it comes to the commercial off-the-shelf software solutions is relatively easier to carry out market research, done a competitive analysis and chose the right tool or solution as per your needs. However, when it comes to developing a custom software, the businesses must have to do in-depth analysis, research and due diligence to ensure the final product will fulfill their needs. Since comparing two or more existing products is easier, you can simply signup for trials or have demos to compete COTS, however, in case of custom software development, there is no product hence your project plan will help transforming your software requirements into a fully functional software solutions. That is why a proper and comprehensive project plan is absolutely essential.

See Also: Comparison between COTS and Custom Software Development

Your project plan will help you understand the following very basic questions that will help you effectively executing your custom software development project:

  1. What technology or tools you will be needing to develop your custom software?
  2. Which department is the project owner and who are the main stakeholders?
  3. Who will be managing the software and who will be the primary users of the software?
  4. What skillset and resources do you need in your team?
  5. What external resources you will be needing?
  6. What your success will look like? What are your success criterions?
  7. How much time is required to develop your custom software solution?
  8. What is your budget limitations? What is the estimated cost including all assumption (if any) you are making to estimate the cost of your custom software solution?

These are just a few questions that will help you align your project with your timelines and budgetary limitations. A project plan for your custom software development project will mainly cover, requirement analysis, ideation, concept, development process, testing and deployment, post-launch processes and obviously documentation. Everything has to be documented properly to ensure an effective and successful project execution.

See Also: Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Why do You Need a Custom Software Development Project Plan?
Why do You Need a Custom Software Development Project Plan?

How to Setup a Successful Plan for your Custom Software Development Project?

A successful project plan is essential for a successful custom software development project. It is important to understand that a business have to invest a lot of resources, efforts and time to develop a custom software therefore the stakes are very high and businesses must have to make sure that the final product resonates perfectly with the set success factors. Businesses often doesn’t pay much attention to the planning phase, overlooking its importance, which lead to unsuccessful custom software development projects and result in loss of a lot of resources, time and money. Here is a step-by-step guide to planning your customer software development which will raise your success probability to 100% if the plan is properly executed.

See Also: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Custom Software Development Projects

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 1. Define High-Level Workflow

The high-level workflow of your custom software development project will help you segment the entire project and understand how each stage transitions to the next stage. It is a common misconception among the businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and in fact all around the UAE that only the launch is the most important stage of a project, however, a good high-level workflow for a custom software development project must look like the following:

Planning –> Designing and Development –> Launch –> Final Delivery –> Maintenance

Most of the time the key stakeholders emphasize much on the launch and delivery phase, while completely ignoring the importance of the previous stages. Which cause several problems and sometimes cause serious issues which require to make major changes in the software which also result in delays and increase the overall cost of your custom software development project. Therefore it is crucial to define a high-level workflow before starting your custom software development project.

See Also: Why custom software is more cost efficient in UAE?

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 1. Define High-Level Workflow
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 1. Define High-Level Workflow

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 2. Define the Scope of Your Project Plan

The scope of the project plan is a pretty vague term, however, it can easily be understood. A good way to define the scope of a project is to first determine the project timeline, importance, and sophistication. Any custom software development project which is meant to last longer than 2 weeks must require a proper upfront plan in order to ensure success. However, some custom software projects might last longer than 6 months, for such projects it is difficult to plan for the entire project, hence the planning could be done for 4 to 6 months chunks. Because in custom software development projects most of the time after six months due to external, internal or some unexpected circumstances will most likely render your estimation inaccurate, if not fully inaccurate there would be some off-set, which must be accounted for. Therefore it is a good practice to plan for maximum 6 months and not longer than that and after 5 or 6 months revisit your plan and set course accordingly as per the current circumstances to ensure success.

See Also: Step-by-step Guide to Develop Custom Enterprise Software

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 2. Define the Scope of Your Project Plan
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 2. Define the Scope of Your Project Plan

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 3. Define Success Factors and Project Outcome

This is one of the most part of a project plan. Every project has a purpose and a business ultimately want to achieve something with their custom software development project, for that they business must have a criteria or expectations which will define the success factors. It is important to clearly define what the success of the project will look like, it could be from functional point of view or from performance point of view or it should be the improvements the software could bring to existing processes and workflows, or customer experience, whatever it is, your success factors should be clearly defined and listed. All the stakeholders must be taken onboard at this stage and all the success factors should be discussed thoroughly with all stakeholders and approval should be taken if needed to ensure there won’t be any surprise at the end for any stakeholder or user group. This cannot be done without considering the custom software development process, and for that most of the time some assumptions are made, which should also be discussed thoroughly with the stakeholders with the possible outcomes to ensure all goals are met and the target is achieved.

See Also: Custom Software Development Progressive Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 3. Define Success Factors and Project Outcome
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 3. Define Success Factors and Project Outcome

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 4. Estimate the Project Workload

This is the time when a proper blueprint of the project has to be written. For that the project manager should engage the development team whether it is in-house team or an outsourcing custom software development partner, the actual programmers, software developers and engineers should be onboard during this phase. As all the requirements are set, the final outcome is defined and the success factors are set, now is the time to estimate the actual workload of your custom software development project. This is the workload involving the software designing and development teams, who will be performing various different tasks. Furthermore the responsibilities of every team or team member can also be divided into individual tasks, and accordingly a timeline is set for each task which then should be accumulated to estimate the total project workload and estimate the time and effort required to deliver a successful project. It is important to take feedback from each individual team member on each individual task rather than asking only supervisor or team leads or managers to give an overall estimation. It is important to understand that the project workload estimation could have significant influence on the cost of the project that is why this stage is important.

See Also: The Key Elements of Efficient Software Development Project Management

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 4. Estimate the Project Workload
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 4. Estimate the Project Workload

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 5. Scrutinize the Estimation

The significance of the estimation of project workload is very crucial for a successful deliver of your custom software project. That is why it is absolutely necessary to scrutinize it thoroughly and repeat it many times if needed. But most of the time when project managers are repeating the estimation or cross-questioning the teams and team members their prime agenda is to minimize the timelines and encourage quicker deliver. However, that is not a correct approach. The project manager should provide full freedom to each individual team mate to let them express themselves freely, however, questioning their feedback will help refining the estimation and will also keep your team motivated to deliver good quality work. Here another important thing to consider is that the custom software development projects are often complex and sophisticated and a lot many assumptions are also made, which sometimes proven to be incorrect or slightly off-set. That is why it is important to keep some room for errors and mistakes and consider some gaps for the unforeseen circumstances and unexpected scenarios to ensure you don’t miss any milestone or even the overall deadline.

See Also: How to Choose the Right Software Development Vendor for Your Business

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 5. Scrutinize the Estimation
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 5. Scrutinize the Estimation

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 6. Setup and Define Milestones

Setting up milestone and clearly defining them is important, it will help the project manager and the development team to track the progress throughout the custom software development project. There could be a high-level milestones marking different stages or phases of the software development process such as design, development, MVP, completion, testing, delivery, etc. Or each of this milestone can further be divided into many more to improve the performance and progress. Some custom software development project teams follow a modular approach where the entire software application is developed in form of different module on a single platform. These kind of project management method ensure each module deliver all the needed features and fulfill all of customer’s expectation. Whatever approach you follow the important thing is that your custom software development project must be divided into several stages or phases with pre-set milestone marking different levels of progress to ensure the development process remains on track which is a key to successful project delivery.

See Also: Importance of Custom Software Development in Dubai

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 6. Setup and Define Milestones
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 6. Setup and Define Milestones

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 7. Resource Forecasting

After estimating the workload, setting up milestones, and defining the success factors now a project manager can easily forecast resources required to deliver the project. As the entire custom software development project is divided into several phases and milestones are set for each phase, now it is easier to accurately forecast which resource or technical team and personals would be needed at which stage. For example, the initially phase is the designing at this stage, the design team would have to lift the heavy load and later on during the development phase only the software developer, programmers and engineer would be working on the project, and very little input would be needed from other teams. Similarly at the testing phase and deployment phase different teams and different resources would be needed, hence there is no need to engage the entire skillset throughout the custom software development project execution. This also help improving the project management and speeding up the entire process. It is important thing to understand that adding more resources to the team or engaging more people at a time won’t guarantee a fast-paced project execution, in fact it will further complicate it and could even slow down the progress.

See Also: How to Develop a Custom Software in Dubai?

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 7. Resource Forecasting
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 7. Resource Forecasting

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 8. Consider Changes and Obstacles

It is extremely difficult to ensure a seamless custom software development project execution, one way or another something will eventually go wrong which could cause revisions, changes and delays. Your custom software development project plan must have room for changes. That is a very simple process, it can be done by holding up a meeting or discussion with all stakeholders from the management and development side and asking everyone of their pinion thus concluding the most obvious things which could go wrong and at the same time defining a strategy and plan of action for mitigation. This step usually referred as pre-mortem session, even if you do not conduct a pre-mortem you should account the changes and delays in order to ensure the project executes smoothly and the deadlines are met successfully. A great way to dealing with such risks is to make a proper list of all expected risks, delays and obstacles along with a realistic mitigation strategy. This list could be very helpful for both the development team and the management throughout your custom software development project execution process.

See Also: 5 Advantages of Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 8. Consider Changes and Obstacles
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 8. Consider Changes and Obstacles

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 9. Conduct a Thorough Post-Project Review

Businesses operating in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or anywhere in UAE doesn’t usually conduct a post-mortem or post-project review of their custom software development project. One of the biggest reason of neglecting the post-mortem review or post-project review is that the project teams and resources are immediately dismantled and appointed to other tasks as soon as a project got completed or delivered. The post-project review consists of discussion and feedbacks. The discussions and feedbacks are aimed to answer the following few important questions:

  1. What lessons have we learned during this custom software development project?
  2. Was the project successful or not or how much of project goals are achieved?
  3. What actual value or benefits our business will get from this custom software development project?
  4. What went as per expectations, what went well, and how this can be done in future projects?
  5. What went wrong, why it went wrong and what can be done to avoid it in future projects?

These are some very simple open-ended questions and everyone should be able to share their opinion and thought freely. Which can be further processed and analyzed to make them a useable charter for future projects. If the post-mortem or post-project review is ignored your businesses will have to spend time and resources in learning this over and over again. That is why it is important to allocate resources for post-project review in the planning of your customer software development project.

See Also: Advantages of a Custom ERP Software Development

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 9. Conduct a Thorough Post-Project Review
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 9. Conduct a Thorough Post-Project Review

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 10. Service and Maintenance

Here in UAE it is common that large businesses have in-house teams who are developing custom software tools for their needs. However, acquiring services of a professional software development agency is also common for large-scale or sophisticated projects. Small and medium sized businesses usually outsource their software development projects as they usually don’t have sufficient in-house resources to be able to handle custom software development projects. Regardless of the size or industry of your business the either your will maintain the software in-house or you will outsource it to get the technical support and maintenance tasks done. When it comes to outsourcing businesses usually prefer to take AMCs (annual maintenance contracts) form the same software development agency who has developed the software or either they go for another vendor.

See Also: Trends in custom software development in 2022

It is extremely important to include a proper plan for support and maintenance in your custom software development project plan. If you are choosing a maintenance and support service provider other than the company who developed your custom software then you should consider the transition of service requirements to ensure a smoother handover and transition to the service provider whether it is a third-party vendor, outsourcing partner or in-house team. Because it requires a lot of resources and time to handover a complete software solution to a team for maintenance and if that is not done, it could not only cause serious issues but it will also hinder the performance and impact of your custom software application.

See Also: Why the Custom Software Development is Good for Your Business?

Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 10. Service and Maintenance
Custom Software Development Project Plan: Step 10. Service and Maintenance


Businesses operating in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or anywhere in UAE are turning away from commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) solutions and leveraging the remarkable potential of customized software solutions. This also empowered the software development industry in the country and further make tailored solutions more accessible all sizes and industries. Businesses are relying on custom software development to drive performance and operational efficiency which help them gaining competitive advantage and customer satisfaction. However, when it comes to developing a customized software solution most businesses overlooked the important of developing a proper project plan before starting the work. Businesses do have project plan but it is not as that comprehensive as it should have to be, which results in a complete failure or partial success. A well-crafted customer software development project plan is absolutely essential to ensure success, as it provides a complete roadmap to transform your unique business requirements into a fully functional software solution which can deliver performance and efficiency as per your goals and expectations.

See Also: Guide to Custom Software Development

This blog covers a complete step-by-step guide to planning your custom software development project and equally beneficial for small, medium or large custom software development projects. Regardless of the size, scope, duration or complexity of the project if you make a plan following the above mentioned steps you can easily execute a successful custom software development project. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you need our help with you custom software development project, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

Any modern day business runs on a variety of different software and digital solutions. The software and digital ecosystem is considered to be the backbone of modern business landscape. Every business’s day-to-day operation depends on different kinds of software tools. That is true in some industries the software are more important than the others, but in modern day and age, no business can effectively and efficiently operate without leveraging any software tool, even the emails that you use daily are also through a software tool. That is why business invest a huge chunk of their profits in modernizing and digitalizing their various operational processes.

When it comes to acquiring a new software solutions there are two ways, either businesses can go for a commercial off-the-shelf software solution or they can go for custom software development. The questions arises which one is better? Well, in short the custom software development is much better than the commercial off-the-shelf solutions (COTS) as it can fulfill your 100% of needs, it offers excellent ROI and enable businesses to mold their software and applications as per their emerging needs. In this blog we will discuss the top trends that are reshaping the custom software development industry.

Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What's Shaping the Industry?
Top Trends in Custom Software Development: What’s Shaping the Industry?

What makes Custom Software Development the Ideal Solution for your Business?

The custom software development offers many benefits and advantages over commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) solutions. The COTS are ready-made software which are designed for masses, the custom software development is dedicated to cater to the needs of a single business. The initial cost of COTS is low, it can be deployed even within in a day. The custom software development on the other hand is a lengthy process. However, the custom software are exclusively designed for the business after doing rigorous research on the business needs, and are fully aligned with the business requirements. The COTS are designed as per industry standards, and mostly failed to fulfill all needs.

The custom software development allow businesses endless customization. Whereas the COTS doesn’t offer a flexible customization, in fact the COTS allow very limited but very expensive customization. Which is why businesses either end up using multiple software or they have to replace a software which is not ideal. The customized software are keep on evolving with emerging business needs and doesn’t have any restriction which makes them ideal for businesses. Similarly the customized software are more flexible with integration, upgrades and can evolve according to emerging business needs which make them much superior to the commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) solutions.

See Also: Why the Custom Software Development is Good for Your Business?

What makes Custom Software Development the Ideal Solution for your Business?
What makes Custom Software Development the Ideal Solution for your Business?

Top Custom Software Development Trends that are Reshaping the Industry

In today’s fast-paced markets businesses heavily rely on data and information flow, in fact the information and data is considered to be the lifeblood of the modern technology-oriented business operations. Therefore most of the time when a business needs a new software or application it has to be integrated within their existing digital and IT infrastructure, just like a jigsaw puzzle, every piece should align with each other to form the perfect picture. Businesses utilize a multitude of software, tools, and technologies to drive efficiency and performance in their operations, day-to-day work, and data management. This further complicates the digital ecosystem as multiple technologies, platforms and software types are work collaboratively and in harmony to ensure the desired performance.

For example, businesses tend to have ERP systems, performance management system, customer feedback systems, CRL or customer relationship management system, facility management system, inventory management system, accounting system and HRMS or human resource management systems are the few most commonly used software tools. Furthermore businesses use websites, mobile apps, and other digital channels for communication and even to deliver service and support.

See Also: Trends in custom software development in 2022

Top Custom Software Development Trends that are Reshaping the Industry
Top Custom Software Development Trends that are Reshaping the Industry

All different software types, tools, technologies and platforms evolve and transform on a different pace. For example, the ERP systems may evolve quickly comparing to asset management system, and so on. All different software and tools are built on different technologies, different programming tools and with different platforms. Although this might not sound a big problem, but for large enterprises and organizations this could be a very challenging task, however, startups and small businesses who might not have as much diverse digital eco-system doesn’t face much problems with their IT needs. That is why when it comes to a custom software development, businesses must have to seriously consider the technology barriers and integration limitations.

Therefore businesses who are planning to implement a new software solution or a business tools must have to consider these facts, or else they should be aware of the latest market trends. Because all top custom software development trends are influenced by all these technological advancements and all external factors which is why if you follow the top trends, you will get a perfect application which not only aligns with your business needs but also with the industry standards and your existing digital ecosystem and this will enable you to leverage your custom software at its full potential and maximize its ROI (return over investments). Here are some top trends in custom software development which dominated the year 2023 and are going to dominate the software development market for many coming years.

See Also: Step-by-step Guide to Develop Custom Enterprise Software

Businesses utilize a multitude of software, tools, and technologies to drive efficiency and performance in their operations
Businesses utilize a multitude of software, tools, and technologies to drive efficiency and performance in their operations

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

A progressive web apps or PWAs are developed using modern web platforms in a way that user can have a user experience like a native or platform-specific apps. Another great advantage of progressive web apps is that a PWA can run seamlessly on multiple platforms/devices, same like a modern websites while having only a single codebase. Thus the progressive web apps or PWAs enables the developers to utilize the native features and security of multiple compatible platforms while having only one codebase. Traditionally the software and apps are developed exclusively for the platform or are platform-specific.

This means that if a business have users who are utilizing multiple platforms then they have to develop it separately for all these platforms, each platform will have its native codebase which is not usable on other platforms. This results in developing a similar app for multiple time which undermine the user experience, as each platform could have slightly different user experience, furthermore the business will have to pay for each individual platform which increase the cost too. With the progressive web app (PWA) the users can have a similar experience on all platforms, the business can get them in very less cost, the maintenance, upgrades, customization and updates are very easy and cost-efficient. That is why more and more businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are embracing PWAs.

See Also: Custom Software Development Progressive Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Top Custom Software Development Trends: Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Web 3.0 and Blockchain

The Web 3.0 or Web 3 is the third era of internet, it could be as disruptive as the first-age internet was and it could have great potential to completely transform the internet, software and web industry. The Blockchain is a Web 3.0 or Web 3 technology and it is currently in its infancy but businesses all around the world are exploring different ways to integrate it within their existing digital ecosystem. The primary different between the Web 3.0 and the Web 2.0 or what form of internet we are currently using is that the Web 3.0/Web 3 would be open-source, decentralized, and would offer highest level of network security.

This means that the fraud and theft would be closer to none, as all the transactions, information and data will be distributed and open to all. The Blockchain is the perfect example of Web 3.0, although it may take it a few more years or a decade to gain significant market share, but it is evolving rapidly and tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Meta and other key players are already involved in it. The Web 3.0 not only have potential to integrate smart technologies, but it will streamline data flow and communication between people, devices and services which will help developers to overcome several security related problems and will also help businesses to boost automation and efficiency.

See Also: Common Mistakes to Avoid in Custom Software Development Projects

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Web 3.0 and Blockchain
Top Custom Software Development Trends: Web 3.0 and Blockchain

Top Custom Software Development Trends: IoB and IoT

The IoB is the internet of behavior and the IoT is the internet of things. The IoB or internet of behavior is the technology to connect physical objects/devices to the internet and monitor human behavior or how human interact with the environment around them. The IoB is majorly based on behavioral science, IoT or internet of things and edge analytics. The IoB platforms are designed to gather huge amount of statistical and analytical data from multiple sources and leveraging this data to enhance customer experience. The IoT or internet of things connect digital devices via internet and let them interact with each other and based on this interaction or human intervention, the connected devices behaves according to pre-programmed instructions or direct instructions from the human user.

This is why it is very useful in IoB as the internet of behavior platforms utilize the data from digital devices, wearable tech, and user behavior on internet via mobile phones or laptop and then utilize this data to enhance user experience and help businesses to improve their communication and solutions according to customers’ needs. The major application of IoB is in customer experience management, e-Commerce, communication, self-service solutions, and SEO (search engine optimization).

See Also: Why Laravel Framework is gaining popularity in Software Development?

Top Custom Software Development Trends: IoB and IoT
Top Custom Software Development Trends: IoB and IoT

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Microservices Architecture

The Microservices Architecture is a custom software development methodology where an application is developed in smaller modules or a collection of multiple smaller services. The Microservices Architecture is also referred as only Microservices. A Microservices software application can call on multiple microservices to perform the task as per user’s instructions. Another important thing to understand is that all the microservices that are used in a single software application are usually loosely coupled and can independently deployed too. This means that these services can be developed by different teams as well.

The Microservices Architecture is very popular in custom software development as it allow developers and software engineers to utilize many pre-built or ready-made services and build their software application above these microservices, which speed up the development and delivery process and also allow businesses to get innovative features at a comparatively less cost. Another great advantage of microservices architecture over monolithic software is that businesses can independently upgrade or customize individual component of the software or individual microservice which also help optimizing the maintenance and customization cost and results in more stable product.

See Also: Which Software Development Trends Yield Success in 2023?

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Microservices Architecture
Top Custom Software Development Trends: Microservices Architecture

Top Custom Software Development Trends: DevSecOps

The DevSecOps is a short form of Development, Security and Operations. This method is majorly adopted in custom software development to improve security and performance of the customized applications. The DevSecOps is a method of custom software development where the security features are introduced and implemented at all phases throughout the software development lifecycle. Traditionally the security features are implemented at the end of the software development and usually by a different team who is specialized in software security. However, with the DevSecOps method, the security features are implemented from designing up till software delivery phase including from designing, development, integration and testing phases of the software development lifecycle.

This method enables multiple security layers in your custom software applications while prioritizing the security as the primary goal of custom software development. The DevSecOps help businesses leverage the security features of the application and infrastructure while ensuring maximum performance and seamless operation of their custom software application. The DevSecOps method not only ensures ultimate performance but also ensures highest level of security while keeping the cost at the minimum and instead of slowing down the development process, it tends to speed it up.

See Also: How to Develop a Custom Software in Dubai?

Top Custom Software Development Trends: DevSecOps
Top Custom Software Development Trends: DevSecOps

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Artificial Intelligence or AI is the buzz word in today’s world where the ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing Chat, Google Bard, Proplexity, MidJourney and countless others have become internet sensation over the night. Everyone is talking about these tools, especially the ChatGPT have taken the world like a storm. But what does this means for the businesses and how does businesses can leverage the power of artificial intelligence to boost their productivity, performance and quality of the work? Normally the artificial intelligence or AI is referred to a software tool or application which can perform tasks which are normally not performed by ordinary computer programs or which are normally performed by humans.

Just imagine you can have a computer software which is capable of analyzing data and information, monitoring a situation and taking decision like a human in real-time, working non-stop and 24/7 with extraordinary ability of processing huge data and numbers which no human can does! This is what artificial intelligence is capable of, it is not just limited to chat bots or automated customer call center, the artificial intelligence or AI can do much more than we can imagine. Although it is still in its infancy, but sooner it will be everywhere, it will become an integral part of software development and its scope and ability to operate will be greatly enhanced.

See Also: Why custom software is more cost efficient in UAE?

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Top Custom Software Development Trends: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How Top Trends in Custom Software Development can Help your Business Grow?

Businesses often are not familiar with the custom software development trends, which results in using technologies and platforms that are fading away or losing the edge they might have had a few years back. That is why it is important to know the latest software development trends as well as emerging trends so your bespoke software remains relevant for many coming years and yield you the best ROI. Mostly software trends comes and goes, but only a few stay, for example, the world is slowly adopting to AI and moving toward cloud computing, and it seems that in coming years these two technologies will grow exponentially, that is the reason major giant technology companies are investing huge in these two sectors and for the matter of fact many more such trends are here to stay for long.

All the technological advancements in custom software development and enterprise solutions are aimed to streamline data and communication, drive automation and to boost performance. Businesses can gain a great competitive advantage by leveraging the latest trends and technologies in software development. Therefore it is important to follow the right trend and develop such applications which can evolve with your emerging and upcoming needs. Choosing technologies and trends that are fading away will limit your software’s ability down the road and will compel you to a point where you will have to replace it with more modern and efficient technology. That is why it is crucial for businesses to follow the popular trends in custom software development.

See Also: Importance of Custom Software Development in Dubai

How Top Trends in Custom Software Development can Help your Business Grow?
How Top Trends in Custom Software Development can Help your Business Grow?


Businesses need customized software tools to boost their operational performance and capabilities. A good software tool can provide a great competitive advantage, however, it is important to understand that deploying a software is not the only part, in fact you should consider the future needs, customization and the technology you are using. It is important that the software you are implementing will remain relevant for coming years too, the technology and platform it is based on should also grow so it can support your future needs and it can support your growth.

For that businesses should follow the latest custom software development trends. A custom software development requires a lot of time and resources, which means repeating the same after a year or two is not good at all. Therefore if the software you will develop based on latest and emerging trends can remain relevant for many years and offers you a great ROI over a longer period of time. In this blog we have listed top emerging custom software development trends which are not only emerging but gaining huge popularity and are meant to stay for many coming years.

If you want to learn more about the top trends in custom software development or if you need any help with your upcoming custom software development project, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Guide to Custom Software Development