Any modern day business runs on a variety of different software and digital solutions. The software and digital ecosystem is considered to be the backbone of modern business landscape. Every business’s day-to-day operation depends on different kinds of software tools. That is true in some industries the software are more important than the others, but in modern day and age, no business can effectively and efficiently operate without leveraging any software tool, even the emails that you use daily are also through a software tool. That is why business invest a huge chunk of their profits in modernizing and digitalizing their various operational processes.
When it comes to acquiring a new software solutions there are two ways, either businesses can go for a commercial off-the-shelf software solution or they can go for custom software development. The questions arises which one is better? Well, in short the custom software development is much better than the commercial off-the-shelf solutions (COTS) as it can fulfill your 100% of needs, it offers excellent ROI and enable businesses to mold their software and applications as per their emerging needs. In this blog we will discuss the top trends that are reshaping the custom software development industry.

What makes Custom Software Development the Ideal Solution for your Business?
The custom software development offers many benefits and advantages over commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) solutions. The COTS are ready-made software which are designed for masses, the custom software development is dedicated to cater to the needs of a single business. The initial cost of COTS is low, it can be deployed even within in a day. The custom software development on the other hand is a lengthy process. However, the custom software are exclusively designed for the business after doing rigorous research on the business needs, and are fully aligned with the business requirements. The COTS are designed as per industry standards, and mostly failed to fulfill all needs.
The custom software development allow businesses endless customization. Whereas the COTS doesn’t offer a flexible customization, in fact the COTS allow very limited but very expensive customization. Which is why businesses either end up using multiple software or they have to replace a software which is not ideal. The customized software are keep on evolving with emerging business needs and doesn’t have any restriction which makes them ideal for businesses. Similarly the customized software are more flexible with integration, upgrades and can evolve according to emerging business needs which make them much superior to the commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) solutions.
See Also: Why the Custom Software Development is Good for Your Business?

Top Custom Software Development Trends that are Reshaping the Industry
In today’s fast-paced markets businesses heavily rely on data and information flow, in fact the information and data is considered to be the lifeblood of the modern technology-oriented business operations. Therefore most of the time when a business needs a new software or application it has to be integrated within their existing digital and IT infrastructure, just like a jigsaw puzzle, every piece should align with each other to form the perfect picture. Businesses utilize a multitude of software, tools, and technologies to drive efficiency and performance in their operations, day-to-day work, and data management. This further complicates the digital ecosystem as multiple technologies, platforms and software types are work collaboratively and in harmony to ensure the desired performance.
For example, businesses tend to have ERP systems, performance management system, customer feedback systems, CRL or customer relationship management system, facility management system, inventory management system, accounting system and HRMS or human resource management systems are the few most commonly used software tools. Furthermore businesses use websites, mobile apps, and other digital channels for communication and even to deliver service and support.
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All different software types, tools, technologies and platforms evolve and transform on a different pace. For example, the ERP systems may evolve quickly comparing to asset management system, and so on. All different software and tools are built on different technologies, different programming tools and with different platforms. Although this might not sound a big problem, but for large enterprises and organizations this could be a very challenging task, however, startups and small businesses who might not have as much diverse digital eco-system doesn’t face much problems with their IT needs. That is why when it comes to a custom software development, businesses must have to seriously consider the technology barriers and integration limitations.
Therefore businesses who are planning to implement a new software solution or a business tools must have to consider these facts, or else they should be aware of the latest market trends. Because all top custom software development trends are influenced by all these technological advancements and all external factors which is why if you follow the top trends, you will get a perfect application which not only aligns with your business needs but also with the industry standards and your existing digital ecosystem and this will enable you to leverage your custom software at its full potential and maximize its ROI (return over investments). Here are some top trends in custom software development which dominated the year 2023 and are going to dominate the software development market for many coming years.
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Top Custom Software Development Trends: Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
A progressive web apps or PWAs are developed using modern web platforms in a way that user can have a user experience like a native or platform-specific apps. Another great advantage of progressive web apps is that a PWA can run seamlessly on multiple platforms/devices, same like a modern websites while having only a single codebase. Thus the progressive web apps or PWAs enables the developers to utilize the native features and security of multiple compatible platforms while having only one codebase. Traditionally the software and apps are developed exclusively for the platform or are platform-specific.
This means that if a business have users who are utilizing multiple platforms then they have to develop it separately for all these platforms, each platform will have its native codebase which is not usable on other platforms. This results in developing a similar app for multiple time which undermine the user experience, as each platform could have slightly different user experience, furthermore the business will have to pay for each individual platform which increase the cost too. With the progressive web app (PWA) the users can have a similar experience on all platforms, the business can get them in very less cost, the maintenance, upgrades, customization and updates are very easy and cost-efficient. That is why more and more businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are embracing PWAs.
See Also: Custom Software Development Progressive Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide

Top Custom Software Development Trends: Web 3.0 and Blockchain
The Web 3.0 or Web 3 is the third era of internet, it could be as disruptive as the first-age internet was and it could have great potential to completely transform the internet, software and web industry. The Blockchain is a Web 3.0 or Web 3 technology and it is currently in its infancy but businesses all around the world are exploring different ways to integrate it within their existing digital ecosystem. The primary different between the Web 3.0 and the Web 2.0 or what form of internet we are currently using is that the Web 3.0/Web 3 would be open-source, decentralized, and would offer highest level of network security.
This means that the fraud and theft would be closer to none, as all the transactions, information and data will be distributed and open to all. The Blockchain is the perfect example of Web 3.0, although it may take it a few more years or a decade to gain significant market share, but it is evolving rapidly and tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Meta and other key players are already involved in it. The Web 3.0 not only have potential to integrate smart technologies, but it will streamline data flow and communication between people, devices and services which will help developers to overcome several security related problems and will also help businesses to boost automation and efficiency.
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Top Custom Software Development Trends: IoB and IoT
The IoB is the internet of behavior and the IoT is the internet of things. The IoB or internet of behavior is the technology to connect physical objects/devices to the internet and monitor human behavior or how human interact with the environment around them. The IoB is majorly based on behavioral science, IoT or internet of things and edge analytics. The IoB platforms are designed to gather huge amount of statistical and analytical data from multiple sources and leveraging this data to enhance customer experience. The IoT or internet of things connect digital devices via internet and let them interact with each other and based on this interaction or human intervention, the connected devices behaves according to pre-programmed instructions or direct instructions from the human user.
This is why it is very useful in IoB as the internet of behavior platforms utilize the data from digital devices, wearable tech, and user behavior on internet via mobile phones or laptop and then utilize this data to enhance user experience and help businesses to improve their communication and solutions according to customers’ needs. The major application of IoB is in customer experience management, e-Commerce, communication, self-service solutions, and SEO (search engine optimization).
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Top Custom Software Development Trends: Microservices Architecture
The Microservices Architecture is a custom software development methodology where an application is developed in smaller modules or a collection of multiple smaller services. The Microservices Architecture is also referred as only Microservices. A Microservices software application can call on multiple microservices to perform the task as per user’s instructions. Another important thing to understand is that all the microservices that are used in a single software application are usually loosely coupled and can independently deployed too. This means that these services can be developed by different teams as well.
The Microservices Architecture is very popular in custom software development as it allow developers and software engineers to utilize many pre-built or ready-made services and build their software application above these microservices, which speed up the development and delivery process and also allow businesses to get innovative features at a comparatively less cost. Another great advantage of microservices architecture over monolithic software is that businesses can independently upgrade or customize individual component of the software or individual microservice which also help optimizing the maintenance and customization cost and results in more stable product.
See Also: Which Software Development Trends Yield Success in 2023?

Top Custom Software Development Trends: DevSecOps
The DevSecOps is a short form of Development, Security and Operations. This method is majorly adopted in custom software development to improve security and performance of the customized applications. The DevSecOps is a method of custom software development where the security features are introduced and implemented at all phases throughout the software development lifecycle. Traditionally the security features are implemented at the end of the software development and usually by a different team who is specialized in software security. However, with the DevSecOps method, the security features are implemented from designing up till software delivery phase including from designing, development, integration and testing phases of the software development lifecycle.
This method enables multiple security layers in your custom software applications while prioritizing the security as the primary goal of custom software development. The DevSecOps help businesses leverage the security features of the application and infrastructure while ensuring maximum performance and seamless operation of their custom software application. The DevSecOps method not only ensures ultimate performance but also ensures highest level of security while keeping the cost at the minimum and instead of slowing down the development process, it tends to speed it up.
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Top Custom Software Development Trends: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The Artificial Intelligence or AI is the buzz word in today’s world where the ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing Chat, Google Bard, Proplexity, MidJourney and countless others have become internet sensation over the night. Everyone is talking about these tools, especially the ChatGPT have taken the world like a storm. But what does this means for the businesses and how does businesses can leverage the power of artificial intelligence to boost their productivity, performance and quality of the work? Normally the artificial intelligence or AI is referred to a software tool or application which can perform tasks which are normally not performed by ordinary computer programs or which are normally performed by humans.
Just imagine you can have a computer software which is capable of analyzing data and information, monitoring a situation and taking decision like a human in real-time, working non-stop and 24/7 with extraordinary ability of processing huge data and numbers which no human can does! This is what artificial intelligence is capable of, it is not just limited to chat bots or automated customer call center, the artificial intelligence or AI can do much more than we can imagine. Although it is still in its infancy, but sooner it will be everywhere, it will become an integral part of software development and its scope and ability to operate will be greatly enhanced.
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How Top Trends in Custom Software Development can Help your Business Grow?
Businesses often are not familiar with the custom software development trends, which results in using technologies and platforms that are fading away or losing the edge they might have had a few years back. That is why it is important to know the latest software development trends as well as emerging trends so your bespoke software remains relevant for many coming years and yield you the best ROI. Mostly software trends comes and goes, but only a few stay, for example, the world is slowly adopting to AI and moving toward cloud computing, and it seems that in coming years these two technologies will grow exponentially, that is the reason major giant technology companies are investing huge in these two sectors and for the matter of fact many more such trends are here to stay for long.
All the technological advancements in custom software development and enterprise solutions are aimed to streamline data and communication, drive automation and to boost performance. Businesses can gain a great competitive advantage by leveraging the latest trends and technologies in software development. Therefore it is important to follow the right trend and develop such applications which can evolve with your emerging and upcoming needs. Choosing technologies and trends that are fading away will limit your software’s ability down the road and will compel you to a point where you will have to replace it with more modern and efficient technology. That is why it is crucial for businesses to follow the popular trends in custom software development.
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Businesses need customized software tools to boost their operational performance and capabilities. A good software tool can provide a great competitive advantage, however, it is important to understand that deploying a software is not the only part, in fact you should consider the future needs, customization and the technology you are using. It is important that the software you are implementing will remain relevant for coming years too, the technology and platform it is based on should also grow so it can support your future needs and it can support your growth.
For that businesses should follow the latest custom software development trends. A custom software development requires a lot of time and resources, which means repeating the same after a year or two is not good at all. Therefore if the software you will develop based on latest and emerging trends can remain relevant for many years and offers you a great ROI over a longer period of time. In this blog we have listed top emerging custom software development trends which are not only emerging but gaining huge popularity and are meant to stay for many coming years.
If you want to learn more about the top trends in custom software development or if you need any help with your upcoming custom software development project, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.
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