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Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

Queue management systems have become an essential part of the digital offerings by any business to its customers. In Dubai and all around the UAE businesses, especially service based sectors are heavily relying on the queue management system to maintain a desirable customer journey and satisfactory customer experience. However, in the technology world things got changed very quickly. Businesses these days are implementing highly advanced queuing methods and technologies to be able to stand out in the crowd. The main objective is always to ensure customer satisfaction and maximum operational efficiency. Although it might sound very simple but in reality the customer flow management and queue management is not a simple task. It is a very complex and highly sophisticated process that each business will have to go through on daily bases. In simple words there are too many moving parts and things can go south really quickly. That is why businesses are very concerned about queuing methods and the technology they are using.

Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

When it comes to the customer journey and the customer experience the wait time is one of the most impactful factorsand it has capacity to completely ruin everything if not managed properly. That is why for eight out of ten businesses the prime objective of deploying a queue management system is to minimize the customer waiting time and to improve their waiting experience. The queue management system can significantly reduce the customer wait time and it can also improve the customer flow and customer journey. The predictive wait time is a very technical phenomenon but it is also very important that is why we have decided to write about it. I will try to explain the predictive wait time in the most non-technical way possible.

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What is Predictive Waiting Time?

The typical predictive waiting time is the measurement or calculation of the estimated wait time for any customer waiting in a queue. However, it is not that simple anymore, now a days, businesses are utilizing the digital queue management systems which makes it easier to manage queues, but it complicates the predictive waiting time calculation. Only a few high-end queue management systems available in Dubai or anywhere in UAE are being able to accurately measure the predictive wait time such as RSI Queue Management System is a highly advanced queuing solution and it can effectively measure the predictive wait time and it can also integrate it within the on-going queuing process which have several perks. Usually the predictive wait time calculation is done on the bases of various inputs, such as:

  • The number of customers waiting in the on-going queues
  • The number of customers arriving per hour
  • The number of estimated customer arrival in the next hour on the bases of previous stats
  • The average service delivery time of the agent and also required by each service that is in queue
  • Some other behavioral and historical patterns

What is Predictive Waiting Time?

This is how the predictive waiting time is calculated. Now a days the job is done by the intelligent algorithms and businesses doesn’t have to worry about the any of such calculation. But it is important that the digital queue management system a business is using or planning to implement must have the predictive waiting time feature in it.

Read More: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

How a Queue Management System Calculates the Predictive Waiting Time?

Any high quality queue management system always calculate the predictive waiting time. The digital queue management system is a very capable tool or gathering statistical data and business intelligence. As the entire queuing process is being handled through the queue management system it is a lot easier to measure and log each and every activity. These days the technologies that are used to build a queue management system software are highly advanced and with a simple logics and algorithms the queue management system can capture all the data points that are required to calculate the customer predictive waiting time. Each digital queue management system have an in-built reporting module. That module gather the statistical data and also log all the activities to compile comprehensive historical data which is then being used to prepare several types of reports. The same data inputs are being used to do the mathematical calculation of the predictive waiting time.

How a Queue Management System Calculates the Predictive Waiting Time?

The queue management system always keep a log of all incoming customers with a time stamp. The intelligent algorithms and software engine use those logs and timestamps to accurately identify the busiest and the least busy hours of a day. Similarly the system can also identify the busiest days of the week and the month and vice versa. These measurements provide the system with a clear understanding of the customer flow and what to expect at what hour of which day of the week or month and so on. This details is the fundamental of the predictive waiting time calculation.

How a Queue Management System Calculates the Predictive Waiting Time?

The queue management system is also very capable of measuring various employee performance KPIs and several other indicators that help them calculate the average of the service delivery time. For example, the queue management system can easily calculate which service agent spent how much time on which service delivery and also what is the time variation during the busy work hours and otherwise. This help the queue management system to accurately measure the average of the performance of each agent/server for each service. As businesses usually offer multiple services and some agents are good at some services and not so good with others. So the queue management system can easily record all these performance variables and put them in the main predictive wait time calculation.

How a Queue Management System Calculates the Predictive Waiting Time?

In addition to that the queue management system can also effectively integrate the recent or current day data within its calculation when the quantity of the data got raised from a predefined threshold values. This increases the accuracy of the predictive waiting time.

Read More: How to Choose the Best Queue Management Software?

Why do we need Predictive Waiting Time?

The predictive waiting time not only help the management to make quick plans and to take on-site actions for better customer experience but it also improve customer’s waiting experience. Whenever we don’t know about the outcome the human brain triggered a state of fear and uncertainty which is very bad for customer experience. It always helps to reduce the stress of waiting if the estimated time is mentioned on the ticket or is provided to the customer while they are waiting in the queues. The perceived wait time is always too high than the actual wait time, so having a knowledge of estimated time to turn can have a very calming and pleasant effects on the customers and visitors. That is why the predictive waiting time measurement is very important and crucial for the customer satisfaction. A digital queue management system is a very effective tool to calculate the predictive waiting time automatically.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Why do we need Predictive Waiting Time?


The only reason why businesses use a queue management system is to enhance the customer experience and their operational capabilities. A queue management system help businesses to provide an excellent customer journey to its customer to ensure maximum customer satisfaction. The digital queuing solutions are also very helpful in boosting staff performance and service quality. When it comes to the queue management and customer journey the predictive waiting time is a very important factor. Businesses should have a better solution to measure and utilize the predictive waiting time to enhance the customer experience and to obtain higher customer satisfaction. A high end queuing solution like RSI Queue Management System is an ultimate tool to manage customer flow and customer journey. It has in-built features and algorithms to automatically calculate the predictive waiting time and to put it on play where it can facilitate the customer experience as well as the management and administration. If you want to learn more about our queuing solutions or about the topic feel free to contact us through our Contact Us  page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Touch Less Customer Experience, Use the RSI Queue Management System

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