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How The Technology Improve Your Business Using the Queue Management System?

The technology is always helping businesses and enterprises to boost their performance, improve their productivity and profitability and to ensure the ultimate customer satisfaction. Everything here is connected to each other, the operational efficiency lead to good performance the good performance results in higher profitability and customer satisfaction which in long term help building good reputation and a positive brand identity, which is also very helpful in retaining the existing customers and acquiring the new ones. It is a kind of loop and the queue management system is the center point for this perpetual loop. Business and enterprises in Dubai and all around the UAE are considered to be fairly advance and high-tech, they are intensively relying on modern technologies and innovative solutions. The country is known to be among the most technologically advanced nations in the world.

How The Technology Improve Your Business Using the Queue Management System?

Whoever is living in Dubai or any other part of the UAE must have had an interaction with technology while dealing with a business or enterprise. The technology is everywhere, the smartphone based solutions, self-service and the digital solutions are widely used to improve customer experience and customer journey. Especially the service based sectors are heavily relying on queue management systems to manage their customer flow and customer journey. The queue management systems are a great tool to maximize the operational capabilities with less resources and expenses and they queue management systems are also very helpful in providing an excellent customer journey and enhanced customer experience.

Here are some key benefits of the queue management systems and technology:

Queue Management Systems Reduce Wait Time

The most important factor in any customer journey is the time. How much a customer will have to wait to get served and how much time the service delivery takes will determine the level of customer satisfaction and customer happiness. There are two types of wait time, one is the actual wait time and the other is the perceived wait time. The actual wait time is the actual amount of time it requires from signing-up for the queue to getting the service and exiting the premises. However, the perceive wait time is what a customer feels the wait time is. Usually when managing the queues and customer flow manually with the help of the staff the customers and visitors don’t have any clarity on how long it will going to take them to wait to get served. This makes the wait time feel like more than what it actually is. Customers and visitors always tend to perceive wait time value a lot more than the actual wait time. However when a business of enterprise is managing the customer flow and queues with a digital queue management system this perception is reduced. The customers have more clarity and they know the lines and the flow is managed properly with the help of technology so the wait time will be less.

Queue Management Systems Reduce Wait Time

Moreover the queue management systems also provide an estimated value of the remaining time which is either printed on the ticket itself or either shown on the digital signage or both. This also have a very positive psychological effect on customers’ minds. The fear of unknown is in-built in human brains, when we don’t know about the future we got stress hormones released, which ruin the waiting experience. So with the help of the technology the queue management systems can reduce these types of psychological factors and improve the customer experience and customer journey. Furthermore when the queue management systems are used the entire customer flow is managed digitally and automatically, so the customer flow is quicker, the agents and staff are freed from extra work required to manage the queues, which increase their performance and further reduce the wait time. It is an estimate that an average customers start getting stress after thirteen minutes of wait time. With the help of technology the strass and wait time both can be reduced. The businesses and enterprises have two solutions either they increase the counters, which is extremely expensive or in some cases impossible, the alternate is a technology-enabled efficient queue management system.

Queue Management System Automate Customer Journey

The queue management systems are built on a very smart technology, it can easily drive automation and efficiency. With the help of a queue management system the businesses can easily automate the entire customer journey. In a customer journey after the wait time the next important thing that affects the customer experience is the customer flow. If the customer flow is inefficient it will not only waste a lot of time but it will also create other problems. For a simple and small queuing requirements the customer flow is fairly simple. But in case of a complex facility, where there are multiple counters and multiple queues the customer flow and customer routing become more complex. A queue management system is not only capable of managing such scenarios with better efficiency but it is also helpful in improving staff performance too.

Queue Management System Automate Customer Journey

The queue management system has an interactive sign-up self-service kiosk. Which enlists all of the available services, the customer can choose appropriate service from there and get themselves signed-up for that particular queue. Hence they will always wait in the right queue and there could be no confusion whatsoever. Furthermore in some scenarios some businesses offer stepped-services, these services are delivered in multiple steps. In order to get a single service delivery a customer will have to go to multiple counters/agents. These are called stepped services. A queue management system is quite capable of handling such scenarios. In addition to that the queue management system can also take real-time decision, for example, the queue management system can effectively re-route or balance load for different counters. If a counter is quicker than the other, it means it can handle more customers in a single shift, so the load can be managed accordingly, the ultimate goal is to maintain a unified customer journey and customer experience for all customers and improve efficiency.

Queue Management System Improve Employee Efficiency

The employee efficiency is vital for any business or enterprise. If your employees are not working on their full potential then you are bleeding resources and revenue. This will harm you badly and it could be very dangerous in long term. The employee efficiency is not only improved by training, there are a lot many other factors too. For example if the queues are managed manually then the employees will have to work on the queues and managing the customers too. This will distract them from their primary tasks and they would be exhausted soon, so when a customer will reach to them they could be either occupied or either exhausted and most likely fail to provide good quality service. Which will impact the customer experience and customer journey too. In fact it has double effect on that. One is the customers will also be stressed and anxious due to poorly managed queues and other such problems, then they will meet with the employees who are also distracted and occupied, this will have impact their interaction very badly and the chances are the employee will end up unhappy and unsatisfied.

Queue Management System Improve Employee Efficiency

However, with the help of queue management system technology, the customer journey can be automated and managed by the system which will free the employees from additional work, it will keep them highly focused on their primary tasks. It will also improve customer flow and reduce wait time, the highly managed queues and other benefits of the queue management system such as improved waiting experience will make the customer happy and when they will reach at the counter they will be welcomed by very active and alert employee who will provide them excellent service, the customers will leave happy and satisfied and they will have a great perception of the brand in their minds. This will boost their loyalty and help business to establish a good brand reputation. The positive brand identity and good reputation not only build good relationships with the customers but it also help businesses in acquiring new customers with more ease and less cost. The loyal customers are also tend to be a good brand advocate, which is also very helpful for promoting the brand and it improves conversion rate.

Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback

The customer feedback collection technology is not new. When it is integrated with a queue management system it can provide great advantages. There are separate different ways to collect customer feedback the most effective way is to collect the customer feedback immediately after they had an interaction with a business. When businesses and enterprises ask their customers to share their experiences and feedbacks with them, the customers feel important and like to know they are being listened to. That has a very pleasant impact on the business customer relation and it increase customer loyalty. When a business start collecting customer feedback and take actions to address their problems and concerns the business automatically gain the trust of its customers and the customers start relying on them even more. The customer feedback is very important for understanding the customer’s mind, their problems, their needs, their expectations and market trends. Businesses can also utilize the customer feedback to assess and evaluate their policies, processes and methodologies.

Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback

The customer feedback is also very helpful in highlighting the areas of improvement and it provide a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Businesses can improve their products and services on the bases of customer feedback and they can make policies and change their practices in order to facilitate the customers and to make their experience more pleasant and attractive. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are heavily investing in their infrastructure, training programs and improvements in their products and services, the only thing that most of the businesses overlooked is to know what the customers are thinking about all those efforts? This is very crucial for a business’s success. The customer feedback is the best way to evaluate and assess all those efforts and investments and the queue management system is the most efficient tool to collect highly accurate customer feedback data with higher customer response rate.

Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback

Usually when a business collects customer feedback by different mediums the biggest problem businesses face is the low customer response rate. Whether it is NPS Score, CES Score, CSAT Surveys or general purpose customer surveys the problem with all of them is the low response rate. Earlier businesses are collecting the customer feedback via their call centers, which is very expensive and it also happen to have low response rate, then businesses start using SMS, Emails, Websites and other tools, all of them had one issue, low customer response rate. One of the main reason of low response rate is the length of the survey, if customers are being asked to provide their contact details and other information before or after the feedback they usually quit the survey, there are several reasons for that. However when a customer feedback system is integrated with a queue management system it doesn’t require that, in fact the queue management system can automatically identify the customers by comparing the customer details from the service counter and the time of the feedback. As the customer feedback is collected through touch screens and tablets which are placed on each counters so the system can exactly know at what time which customers was there and who have submitted the feedback, this significantly increase the customer response rate and such scenario also provide more accurate feedback data.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence

The modern day queue management systems are equipped with high-tech tools and latest technologies, which are not only just managing the customer flow but are literally transforming the customer journey and customer experience, on top of that the queue management systems are also providing a great source of business intelligence which help business in decision making and helping them to easily understand their customers’ needs and expectations. The queue management systems can easily collect business intelligence data from all touch points and they can also measure the employee KPIs and other indicators to provide a clear picture of the performance of the system, employees and other factors involve in the customer journey. All these data points and customer feedbacks collective form business intelligence data which can be linked to other enterprise tools and systems to link them to the central information center.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence

All modern day queue management systems have in-built data analytical and processing technology which help businesses to compile actionable reports from the business intelligence data. These reports can be extracted in various different formats as per the needs. These business intelligence data and reports enable the business to immediately understand and highlight any problem and let them make informed decisions. Furthermore the queue management systems come with in-built tools which help business to set triggers on certain events, automate report generation and sharing on the bases of the requirements and their internal work flow. For example the branch manager will be provided with a monthly report at the end of each month, the supervisor can receive weekly reports, and the head office can schedule quarterly reports and so on. These tools and functionalities are very helpful for the management and provide them real-time progress and performance updates.

System Integration with Queue Management System

The system integration is a very powerful technology it enables two completely different systems to share data with each other. Mainly the system integration is used to improve efficiency and to ensure each and every system user is being provided with the latest data and updates. In case of a queue management system the system integration is mainly done to share customer data, reports and feedbacks with other departments and management. For example there is a business with multiple branches and one head office, the head office creates and controls the company policy and push it to all the branches. This requires a centralized control and management, which almost all modern queue management system offers. This enables the head office to monitor and manage all of their branches in real-time. For example the head office want to add a new services and want to make it available on all of the branches, the queue management system allow the head office to add that service to each self-service queue sign-up kiosk and so on. Moreover the system integration also allow the queue management system to fetch or push data to the central information center or any other business tools or enterprise system.

System Integration with Queue Management System

The data integration allow the businesses and enterprises to offer innovative solutions and customize the queue management system and in fact the entire customer journey as per their very specific requirements. This is what distinguishes a business from the competitors and provide their customers with a unique and excellent customer journey and customer experience. The queue management system’s data sharing and system integration also allow the businesses to improve the service delivery process. The self-service queue sing-up kiosk can be equipped with technologies which allow the business to identify the customers at the very first step of their journey which is the sign-up for the queue. This can be done by EID reader, Facial Recognition, Biometrics, Barcode/QR Code, RFID or many other different ways. The customer identification enables the queue management system to automatically push the customer details and data to the agent/server dashboard hence the agent don’t have to do that, this skip the data entry step or customer identification step from the service delivery and make it more quicker and smoother. Which have a very pleasant effect on customer happiness and customer satisfaction.


The technology is transforming our daily lives, so does the businesses and market trends. A queue management system is an essential tool for service based industries and business sectors. The queue management system technology have evolved over the past few years. The modern day queue management systems do a lot more than just managing the queues. The queue management systems have evolved into a customer journey transformation tool. The queue management systems reduce the wait time, improve service delivery process, improve customer experience and ensure ultimate customer satisfaction. The queue management systems are also very helpful in improving employee performance. Businesses can collect vital business intelligence data from queue management system such as system usage details, queuing stats, employee KPIs, busy hours details, popular products and services, customer feedback and much more.

Furthermore, this data is processed and analyzed by the high-tech in-built software analytical engine to compile highly accurate actionable reports. Which help businesses in evaluating various aspects of the customer journey and performance and also enables them to highlight the areas of improvement. With the added benefits of system integration and remote management for the higher management and head office the queue management systems are incomparable. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you need help in customer journey transformation or want to implement a new solution, feel free to reach us through our Contact Us  page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

A queue management system is a great tool to transform customer journey and customer experience. These days business in Dubai and all around the UAE are heavily relying on digital queuing solutions to effectively manage customer flow and to improve customer experience. The queue management system have huge direct and indirect impact on customer experience and service delivery. It can significantly reduce time and enhance employee performance which both result in better and improved customer experience. As the technology and digitalization have taken the entire world like a storm, things are changing rapidly. There are tons of technological advancements and so many new tools and technologies have been introduced to the market each year. The facial recognition is a modern technology, it is used to identify someone from their face. For human it is not a big deal but for technology it is a big leap, the technology was available since more than a decade, but in past few years it become publically available and mass production have significantly reduced the cost.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology

The queue management systems have travelled a long journey and reached to a point when machine learning, artificial intelligence, smart algorithms and powerful software engines are completely changing the customer flow and customer journey management. The facial recognition technology is a great tool to immediately identify the customers and visitors, it can greet them at the interactive self-service/self-signup kiosk, the in-built software engine is capable of recalling the previous service availed by the customers and can ask them about that, later the facial recognition can detect the customer arriving at the counter and push their data and info to the server/agent dashboard, which can expedite the service delivery process. The facial recognition is also helpful for feedback collection, as the customers are not required to input their ID and Contact information, the surveys become short and the response rate increases automatically.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

The year 2020 was and the year 2021 is the years of digitalization, the general public is more aware and comfortable in using digital solutions and adopting to new technologies. Several studies have shown a completely different trend in general public, people are more inclined toward the technology and digital. A touch of high-tech would always be appreciated, the facial recognition and integration with advanced intelligent software solution will enhance the user experience. When the users will be greeted by name and their identity will automatically be detected, they will get a positive impression. This will also help building a positive perception about the business such as the business is up-to-date with latest technological advancements, this also gives an impression that business would use modern technologies and latest solution for their products/services too. Which is always appreciated.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

Moreover the customer experience will be personalized and more impactful. The user interface, the customer routing, the ticket printing and so many other things can be garnished with the personalized touch. Which will enhance the customer experience. From the management point of view the identification of the customer at the sign-in step is also very helpful in expediting the customer journey and it could also reduce the service delivery steps. The shorter, personalized and high-tech customer journey and customer experience help businesses building a good relationship with their customers. The marketers are well aware of the benefits of the personalized communication, similarly the personalized customer experience also improve their trust and loyalty with the brand and earn positive reputation and brand identity for the business.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves Customer Experience and Brand Reputation

A positive brand reputation and good customer experience is very important for the long term success. If a customer had a bad experience it cause harm to the brand identity, such harm could be equated by almost ten positive experiences and the chances are the customer who had a bad experience might never return back to the business. That is why a good customer experience and customer journey are considered to be the most important factor in brand reputation. If a customer had good experience it will build a strong bond with the brand and become a loyal customers, the loyal customers are the one who tend to promote the business and be a good brand advocate. The loyal customers also have a tendency to ignore occasional negative experiences and they always gives their favorite brand another chance. The loyal customers are a great asset and can help business reduce the marketing expenses as well. The studies have shown that it is nine to twelve time more expensive to acquire a new customer than selling to an existing customer. So a good customer experience and a better customer journey could be a key to higher profitability and long term steady growth.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves the Customer Sign-Up Process

For every queue the customers will have to sign-up. A facial recognition technology enabled queue management system can identify the customer when they arrived at the self-service interactive kiosk to sign-up for the queue. The system can greet them with personalized message along with their name, photo or any other detail. This also enables the businesses to push their marketing strategies for example the business can recall their previous interaction and ask them whether their current visit is regarding to that or not, the businesses can push a marketing message for upgrade for the service they have opted last time and so on. The customer identification is also very helpful in managing and controlling the customer routes and customer journey. The queue management system can easily identify the VIP or Premium customers or the customers who should be served differently or any such case.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Improves the Customer Sign-Up Process

In both cases the stepped services and single counter service delivery the customer journey could have a great influence on the customer happiness and customer satisfaction. The businesses can utilize the facial recognition to personalize the customer experience. As the customers are not required to fill-in long online forms to identify themselves so the identification process is very smooth and super-convenience. The queue management system can associate the customer identity with their ticket number and upon their arrival on the counter the queue management system can push all the customer data and relevant information on the agent counter which further facilitates the service delivery process and makes it easier for the agents to have access to the relevant data hence the customer don’t have to provide their information on the counter, which reduce one more step from the service delivery process and make service delivery quicker and convenient.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Customer Feedback

A queue management system with facial recognition technology can easily identify the customers and once a customer got a service done the business can request the customers to provide their feedback. Usually the customer feedback system is integrated with the queue management system or modern day queue management system has it as an in-built module as well. As the system knows which customer is being served at the counter to it can relay the same information to the interactive touch screen for the feedback. Usually those screens are installed on the counter or placed very close to it. When a customer have finished their work with the agent/server the interactive feedback screen can display a personalized message with request for the feedback. This will attract more attention and it improves the response rate. Moreover the customer is not required to fill-in their details to submit the feedback. All the customer data and details will automatically be linked to the customer feedback kiosks/screens/tabs.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Customer Feedback

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Business Intelligence

The queue management systems are considered to be a great source of very accurate and detailed business intelligence data. A queue management system with facial recognition technology can easily capture a lot more details. In some cases some touch points require the customer to identify themselves by either inputting their contact number, name, email or customer ID or any such perimeter which prolonged the customer journey and most of the customers don’t like it. However with the facial recognition technology the customers are not required to fill-in any details, all the details will be pulled out from the customer database by just recognizing their face. The system can also collect customer feedbacks and a lot of statistical data which is very helpful for businesses to evaluate their current strategies and methodologies. Our queue management system with facial recognition comes with in-built data analytical and processing tools. The businesses can generate reports and assess their employees by monitoring various in-built employee KPIs. Such data is very helpful for decision making and future strategies and it also provide a deeper insight to the customer perception of the brand, their experience and it also highlights the areas of improvement. Businesses can easily make informed decisions on the bases of business intelligence data.

Queue Management System with Facial Recognition Technology Help Collecting Business Intelligence

Read More: 5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System


Businesses and organizations in Dubai and all around the UAE are utilizing queue management systems to organize and manage their queues. There is nothing constant in the market, the market is ever changing and evolving, the customer trends are changing, their expectations and needs are changing so does the queue management system. The facial recognition technology is not new but only in past few years it have become widely used in commercial systems and solutions. The queue management systems can utilize the facial recognition technology to boost the customer experience and customer journey. The facial recognition is an easiest way to identify the customers. The customer identification during the earlier stages of the customer journey enables the businesses to provide a personalized customer experience and better customer journey. It also comes with a lot many functional advantages, for example, the customers can be identified during the sign-up process by facial recognition.

The same facial recognition ID can be used at various customer journey touch points and service delivery steps to accelerate the process as well to enhance the customer experience from the sign-up to service delivery and then the customer feedback. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider. We offer standard and customized solutions to our customers to ensure better efficiency and competitive cost. If you need more information or want to get a quote, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you.

Check out this blog: Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired RSI Queue Management System

Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired RSI Queue Management System

Capital Health Screening Center has acquired our highly advanced RSI Queue Management System for their Al Ruwais City branch. The Capital Health Screening Center is a partner of Mubadala Health and is well-known for its services for individuals and companies in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Mussafah, and Al Ruwais City. The Capital Health Screening Center is offering health and screening services for Visa Processing, Health Certificates, and various Eligibilities Requirements such as Pension Eligibility, etc. The organization has not only managed to successfully serve hundreds and thousands of customers but it also innovates new methods and technological solutions to improve the customer experience and to expedite the processing services which has no match not only in UAE but in the entire GCC. Both standard and fast track services are faster than the services of any other parallel facility. Recently the Capital Health Screening Center required a state-of-the-art queue management system for their Al Ruwais City branch to boost their customer experience and to improve their operational capabilities.

Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City Acquired for RSI Queue Management System

The Capital Health Screening Center have shortlisted a few top leading Queuing Solution providers in UAE and finally, the project was awarded to RSI Concepts due to our market reputation as a leading and most trusted queue management systems and solution provider in UAE and due to our previous queue management project with the Capital Health Screening Center’s another branch. The highest levels of quality, standards and innovation were the eligibility criteria. RSI Concepts has done requirement gathering sessions and site visits to assess the requirements and then we proposed a solution which was approved immediately. After the approval, we have immediately started building the project and delivered everything as per the agreed scope of work within the given timelines.

The Queue Management System that is installed at Capital Health Screening Center Al Ruwais City branch was designed for a medium-sized facility with automatic customer journey management and a variety of hardware and software features to improve the customer experience and performance of the branch. The RSI Queue Management System Software enables the management to easily manage and configure the customer journey through the administrative dashboard. The Queue management system also has inbuilt bi-lingual audio-visual announcement mechanisms. The digital signage screens are used to display the live queuing data and the various sound systems had been installed to aid audio announcements. The customers can view the ongoing queuing status from anywhere inside the waiting area, which improves the customer’s waiting experience.

 counter display screen

The counter display units are dynamic and can be controlled digitally from the queue management software server. The customers can easily signup for their required service from the interactive self-service kiosks which are strategically placed to accommodate all the customers and visitors entering the facility. The system is capable of collecting, processing, and providing very important business intelligence data through a dedicated reporting module, which will help Capital Health Screening Center to assess and evaluate their facility and various touchpoints of the customer journey. Such data is also crucial for making future strategies and policies. The RSI queue management system will add great value in terms of customer experience and operational improvements.

Here are the remarks of our Project Manager, Mr. Shehzad Asghar:

“It was such a great experience working with the Capital Health Screening Center team. The team was very supportive and cooperative. The timely completion of the project couldn’t be possible without the support of the Capital Health Screening Center’s Team. The RSI Queue Management System was customized to ensure maximum efficiency and usability. The UAT and prior testing phases works smooth. The final testing’s results have clearly surpassed the expectations. The Capital Health Screening Center management was very happy with the results.”

At RSI Concepts, the quality, efficiency, cost-optimization, and usability of our solutions are our top priority. RSI Queue Management System is a result of years of experience and market knowledge that we have acquired. Our systems and solutions are currently serving thousands of customers in the entire UAE. We are always willing to go an extra mile for our client’s satisfaction and happiness. We will look forward to Capital Health Screening Center for more such projects and collaborations in other sectors too.

Check out this: 5 Signs Your Business Requires a Queue Management System

Queue & Waiting Time Management

Queue and waiting time management is a crucial part of the service-based industry. Businesses and organizations in Dubai and all across the UAE are eagerly seeking ways to improve their queue management and customer wait time management. Basically, the customer journey and customer experience are what will decide if a customer will do business with the brand or not. If a customer has a bad experience they will most probably avoid that brand, if they had a good experience they will prefer to deal with the same brand again and again. This is what is called customer retention. Customer retention is based on customer loyalty, customer loyalty heavily relies on the customer journey and customer experience. The customer journey and customer experience are heavily depending upon the queue and waiting time management. It might look like a long shot but it isn’t. These all factors have cascading effects and act like dominos, one’s fall leads to the fall of the next and eventually, the entire structure falls apart. That is the reason why queue and waiting time management is so important.

Queue & Waiting Time Management - Queue Management System UAE

The cost is also an important factor, it reduces profitability. If businesses are adding up new counters and hiring more staff, it is easy to understand that this will have a cost and running expense also. If businesses are not adding more counters they will fail in reducing the wait time, as a result, the customer churn rate will increase, the customer retention will decrease and customer loyalty will decrease. On top of that, the business will lose its reputation. A negative brand identity is very bad, it affects everything. It directly impacts the cost of acquiring new customers and the businesses will end up investing a lot in the marketing and brand identity building efforts. However, a simple queue management system can save it all. The queue management system not only makes the queue and waiting time management easy but also has other benefits such as improving customer journey and experience, collecting customer feedback and business intelligence data, etc.

Queue & Waiting Time Management

Here are some benefits of a queue management system and how it can help businesses and organizations in the queue and waiting time management:

Queue Management System Manages Customer Flow and Organizes Queues

The entire service-based industry in the world is investing a huge amount of hard-earned revenue and resources to improve customer experience and customer journey. From interior and lighting to wait for time and agent’s behavior everything contributes to the customer experience and customer journey. Businesses and organizations in Dubai and all around the UAE are eager to improve customer journeys and customer experiences. The wait time has a huge influence on customers’ experience. Several studies have shown that an average wait time threshold is 10 to 13 minutes only, which in most cases is even more than the service delivery process. Any time longer than that will start impacting customers negatively. As much as the waiting time increases from the threshold limit the customer experiences a decline. That is why the reduction in the wait time is the top priority. Obviously instant service delivery requires a huge number of active counters, which requires a large number of trained employees, and that cost is not realistic. The businesses should optimize the number of counters and the wait time to achieve a balance that can provide optimum customer waiting time and also ensures maximum profitability.

Queue Management System Manages Customer Flow and Organizes Queues

A queue management system is a very capable tool, it controls and manages the customer flow. The sign-up and customer flow are digitally controlled. There is no human factor involved. This makes the process very efficient and agile. The customers and visitors also don’t have many complaints. As the system is controlled by the computer so customers and visitors also tolerate much more. The well organizes customer flow reduces the wait time and also help the employees to focus on their primary tasks, which is service delivery and related jobs. This expedites the service delivery processes as well and further help to reduce the wait time.

Queue Management System Reduces the Actual Wait Time and the Perceived Wait Time

Another advantage of a queue management system is that it also help improving the ‘perceived wait time’, the perceived wait time is always longer than the actual wait time. For example, when a customer is sitting in the waiting area, they might think they are waiting for too long, however the actual time spent is not that long. This is something that involves human psyche. Our brain tend to perceive time slowly if waiting in a bored environment. A queue management system includes large digital signage screens. These screens can play multimedia content which can divert customers form waiting time. This improves customer engagements. Moreover the screens also display live queuing information and ongoing activates along with audio announcements, which also keep the user distracted, active and engaged and the perceived wait time get reduced. Thus the queue management system not only reduce the wait time but it also help improving the waiting experience.

Queue Management System Reduces the Actual Wait Time and the Perceived Wait Time

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Reduces Wait Time

The queue management system are very helpful in automating the customer journey and customer routing. Most often in Dubai and all around the UAE businesses are offering multiple services through multiple counters. There are two major factors that can improve customer flow and customer route, one is the smart load management for each counter, and the second is automatic customer journey and customer routing management. Each business has different methods and businesses practices, the queue management system helps implementing company policies easily. If a business has multiple branches the head-office can implement the company policy instantly throughout the entire network. The customer routing and load management could also be configured as per the company policies. Each employee works differently some are more capable some are less. Some perform better is busy hours some couldn’t. These all things impact the customer journey and customer wait time. In case of stepped services, where a single service delivery requires a customer to reach to several or at least more than one counter is a bit more difficult to manage manually, however with a queue management system the customer routes and journey can be managed automatically as per company’s policies. This saves a lot of time and accelerate the customer flow.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Reduces Wait Time

For example, a business have five counters with ten different services. The first two counters are only exclusive for the top two services and top two of the remaining services can be delivered by any counter and rest can be delivered through the three other counters. That may sounds like a very complex scenario but it isn’t. Usually businesses divide their counters and services to improve customer experience, employee efficiency and profitability. Let say the two agents out of the five are more trained and experienced so assigned to deliver complex services or for VIP or Premium customers. The remaining staff is sufficiently trained for all other services. If the customer journey and customer journey and customer routes are managed manually, it could be a big hustle for both the customers and the employees as well. This is where a queue management system significantly improves productivity and profitability. The entire process can be automated, the customer journey can be cut short, the wait time will be reduced and the employee performance will be increased. This will result in better resource management and due to automation only a limited amount of human resource will be needed which will increase the profitability.

Queue Management System Help Managing the Queues and Reducing Wait Time by Improving Employee Efficiency

The employee efficiency plays an important role in customer wait time. If your employees are efficient and proactive they will be able to work efficiently and they will also be able to deliver good quality of work which will increase customer happiness and customer satisfaction. Without a queue management system the employees will have to manage the queues and customer flow manually. They could easily get distracted from their primary tasks. They could easily get overloaded during the busy work hours. The employees will fail to perform at their maximum efficiency. Which will further increase the customer waiting time. There are other aspects too such as when queues are managed manually customers have too many complaints about the mismanaged queues, employees, line jumpers, etc. Customer could easily end up in wrong queues which will again create problems for both customers and the agents. Such things will keep the employees busy in managing and calming the customers and visitors, which will reduce their performance and efficiency. The employee will be exhausted during the initial few hours of their shift, which also impacts the customer experience and increase wait time.

Queue Management System Help Managing the Queues and Reducing Wait Time by Improving Employee Efficiency

With a digital queue management system the employees don’t have to worry about such things. They can easily focus on their primary tasks. The queues, customer flow, and the entire customer journey will be managed by the queue management system which itself reduces the wait time a lot. Moreover the employees will have more time to perform their pre-sale and post-sale tasks, which will reduce the service delivery time which results in less waiting time. Moreover when the employees work under a balanced workload they don’t stressed out and they remain more focus, sharp and active at their tasks. These factors not only increase employee efficiency but they also help improving the customer journey and customer waiting time.

Queue Management Systems Collect Business Intelligence Data

The queue management systems collect business intelligence data to identify the areas of improvements and factors which are impacting the queues and customer waiting time. The businesses intelligence is a collective data coming from various feeds and sources. The data is then processed and compiled up in actionable reports. On the bases of this data the businesses can easily identify the areas of improvements and the factors which are consuming the most wait time in the customer journey. This enables the businesses to setup and configure their queue management system and tune up their other policies and strategies to ensure the improved queue management, better customer flow, lower customer wait time and better customer experience. There are different types of business intelligence data. The three main sources of business intelligence data is the queue management system’s usage and other stats, employee KPIs and the customer feedbacks. The queue management system has ability to capture data from various points and various levels. It can accurately measure each customer’s journey, service delivery time, wait time and much more. The employee KPIs are very helpful in assessing and evaluating the employee performance. The customer feedback provide deeper understanding of the customer journey, their expectations, needs and on-going market trends.

Queue Management Systems Collect Business Intelligence Data

Collectively these all various sources form the business intelligence. Which is processed by in-built software engine and tools. Later the data is extracted in the form of various reports. The queue management systems provide different types of reports meant for different audience. These reports and customer feedback help businesses to identify the areas of improvements. For example the queue management system pointed to a particular service which takes longer than usual time. The businesses can plan to modify the service delivery mechanisms or practices in order to make it faster. Let say an employee is very good at certain services and not so efficient at others, the business can identify this by using the KPIs, and then they can either plan training for that employee or make sure that he remain appointed on the services with good efficiency. Such things are helpful for businesses to plan for future strategies, make policies and take actions for better queue management and lower waiting time.


The queue and waiting time management is a most important aspect of customer journey and customer satisfaction. If the customers are not happy and satisfied with the service they have or their experience throughout the entire customer journey, they will immediately leave the business or organization. If they had a good experience they will stay and become a loyal customer. The loyal customers are a very precious asset of any business the entire business success can be based on the customer loyalty and customer retention. It is nine to twelve time more expensive to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. The queue management and waiting time dominates the entire customer experience and customer journey. No matter how good your services or products are if your business practices and service delivery methods are not good and customers are leaving unhappy and unsatisfied, they will eventually switch to others. A digital queue management system have completely revolutionized the queue and waiting time management.

A queue management system automate various aspects of the customer journey, it can effectively manages the queues without getting affected by the quantity of the incoming customers and visitors. It manages the customer routes and automatically control the customer journey. It effectively distribute customers among the relevant counters and reduce the workload of the employees. Collectively these all factors results in huge reduction in the customer waiting time and excellent queue management. Moreover the queue management system also collect crucial business intelligence data to evaluate and assess each and every customer touch point. The queue management system can also effectively manage the employee performance. This help the management to further take steps and make policies to ensure the smoothest customer journey and a satisfactory customer experience. RSI Concepts is a leading name in queue management system providers in Dubai, UAE. If you need help with your queue management or branch transformation and customer journey management, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you.

Check out this: Impact of a Queue Management Software on Staff Productivity

Impact of a Queue Management Software on Staff Productivity

A queue management software is used to streamline customer flow and manage the customer journey. The customer journey is very critical for customer satisfaction and the customer satisfaction is the top priority for any business in Dubai or anywhere else in the UAE. The customer satisfaction and happiness is a guarantee to success. No matter how good you are at production level, or how advance technologies you are utilizing to provide services to your customers, if their visiting experience is not good, they will eventually leave you. That is why businesses are investing a lot of resources in customer journey transformation tools and systems. The queue management software is the most effective customer journey management tool. Now when it comes to the customer happiness, the infrastructure and systems are not enough, eventually the customer will going to have an interaction with your staff, if the staffis overloaded, tired, or not adequately trained, they will fail to provide a satisfactory customer experience. So the staff productivity is also equally important in order to achieve the ultimate customer satisfaction.

Impact of a Queue Management Software on Staff Productivity

The impact of a queue management software on staff productivity is huge, it can significantly improve the staff productivity. As soon as the queue management software is commissioned the businesses can witness a big improvement in the staff productivity and efficiency. Even for the long term also the queue management software can help businesses and management to keep improving the staff productivity and performance. Here is how a queue management software so impactful on staff productivity and performance:

Queue Management Software Reduce Staff Work Load

Businesses and organization who are having a good amount of daily visitors and customers are well aware of the fact that the customer flow management and queue management is a difficult task. The staff will not only have to perform their primary tasks but they are also engaged in managing the queues and customers. With the manual queue management the customer experience and customer journey is also not so good. The customers always have complaints about mismanagement, line jumpers, and long waiting lines, etc. This could completely ruin the customer experience and it makes the customer journey more difficult. When a customer reached to a counter after this entire ordeal, they are already exhausted, the staff/agents are also over-burdened and the customer interaction can easily go bad. The staff will have to struggle a lot in order to calm the customers and to make the service delivery process pleasant and comforting for them. Eventually more customers end up unhappy and unsatisfied. The staff also complaint about the unbalanced workloads to the management. They tend to make more mistakes and their overall progress and morals get lower.

Queue Management Software Reduce Staff Work Load

Streamline the Customer Flow

However with a queue management software, the entire customer flow and queue management is controlled by the system as per the predefined company policies and the staff don’t have to engage with the customers and visitors in the waiting areas or queues, which allow them to focus on their primary tasks, their performance get raised, the customers are also clam and have a pleasant waiting experience which makes them more cooperative and understanding. This makes it easier for the staff to deliver excellent quality service and make the customer happy. As the customers are managed by an automated system, there is no human interference so customers don’t have much complaints either. The customer flow is smooth, the customer journey gets shorter and the waiting experience gets better. On top of that as the staffis highly focused on customer service so their performance gets better, they can serve more customers in a single shift than before. Which also reduce the wait time and shorten the customer journey and makes customer happy and satisfied. The queue management software can significantly reduce the staff workload and improve their productivity and overall efficiency.

Streamline the Customer Flow

Automatically Manages the Customer Journey and Customer Routes

The queue management software is a very capable tool. It has capabilities to automatically control and manage the entire customer flow and customer routes. Usually in Dubai and all around the UAE businesses and organizations have multiple services. And in most of the cases certain counters are assigned for certain services only. Sometimes businesses and organizations also have different categories of the customers, such as VIP Customer, Premium Customers, Customers with special needs, etc. for all such categories usually a different customer rout is established. Each category is set to provide a different level of customer service. As the queue management software also includes a customer/visitor interface which is usually provided through a self-service kiosk. So, the system can segregate different categories of the customers at the time of their sign-up. In fact some businesses and organizations also use methods to identify the customers during the sign-up which can be done either by inputting the customer name, number, email or any other unique identification number, this also enables the system to direct the customers through different customer journey routes to makes their experience satisfactory. This also balance the workload of the staff and reduce their efforts, which further enhances their productivity and overall performance.

Automatically Manages the Customer Journey and Customer Routes

Queue Management Software can Improve Service Delivery Process

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the customers are well-informed, modern, up-to-date and have huge expectation from their favorite brand. Above all the UAE is a very rapidly growing market, there are tons of local and international businesses and organizations operating in the country and more are joining in continuously. That is why the market is highly competitive, the customers have a lot of options and don’t give a second thought before switching their service provider. The businesses and organizations will have to maintain a certain level of quality to retain their customers. There are a lot of factors that affect the customer experience and customer journey, the service delivery process is one of the most important factor. If the service delivery process is lengthy, in-efficient or difficult the customers will be unhappy, the staff will have to put extra efforts to maximize the customer experience, which results in less customers in a single shift.

Queue Management Software can Improve Service Delivery Process

With a queue management software the most of the customer journey steps can be automated which reduce the staff workload, moreover the queue management software also improves the service delivery process. The queue management software includes an agent dashboard which is very helpful, it can provide relevant information, perform tasks, and automate various service delivery steps which not only make the process quicker but it also reduce staff efforts and increase the staff productivity.

Integration with other Systems

A queue management software can be integrated with other enterprise solutions and systems to further improve the service delivery process and it also assists the agents in service delivery process as well. The agent dashboard could act as a bridge between various databases and central information center. It can make all the relevant information instantly available for the agents. The modern queue management software also offer a certain level of customization, which allow the businesses and organizations to link their multiple systems in the agent dashboard. This is very important and it completely eliminates the need of switching between several interfaces and pushing information from one system to the other. Everything can be programmed and automate. This can have a huge impact on the service delivery, it makes it quicker, prevent most commonly occurring errors, reduce the staff efforts and automate various service delivery steps. Which significantly improves staff productivity.

Integration with other Systems

Very Helpful for Stepped-Service Delivery

The integration with third party tools and enterprise solutions enables the businesses to automate various service delivery steps and improve the staff productivity but when it comes to the stepped-services, where a customer is required to visit multiple counters for a single service delivery the very basic problem that customers and businesses face is the repetition of work at each counter, no matter how little but the repetition remains. Which consumer more time, raise the customer difficulty level and affect the entire customer journey and experience. However, with the queue management software these things can be avoided, the very moment a customer reached to the next counter, their information are already made available for the agents automatically. The agent dashboard and third part system integration plays an important role in such improvements. It shorten the customer journey, reduce the staff efforts and improve staff productivity.

Very Helpful for Stepped-Service Delivery

Queue Management Software Measures and Monitors Staff KPIs

A queue management software is capable of measuring and monitoring various progress and performance indicators, the staff KPIs (key performance indicators) are one of those. The KPIs are very crucial for assessment and evaluation of the staff, the management can also utilize them and the HR can also utilize them. The staff KPIs are very precise and accurate and can provide deeper insight into staff performance, their strengths and weaknesses and the business can utilize this data to optimize the performance of the staff as well. Here are some most common staff KPIs measured by the queue management software:

1. Number of Daily Customers Served by an Staff

This KPI is very important it keep record of the daily performance of the staff. Businesses can quickly highlight if an staff performance is increasing or decreasing.

2. Average Staff Active Time

The average staff active time KPI measures the total time an employee spend working in a single shift. This KPI is completely configurable to make sure the data collected is accurate and precise.

3. Average Service Delivery Time

The average service delivery time is the time an agent takes to deliver a service, this KPI measures the time for all service deliveries and also keep record for separate services.

4. Average Pre and Post Service Work Time

The pre-service and post-service work is also essential, the agent must have to be prepared for the next customer and they must have to do some stuff after the service delivery is done. Usually these tasks are defined, so only a certain amount of time is required, if an agent is taking more than that that means their performance is not so good.

Queue Management Software Measures and Monitors Staff KPIs

These are only a few KPIs there are so many other KPIs too, which can be configured in a queue management software. These KPIs provide the businesses with a deeper understanding of the staff performance and progress. For example let say an agent is serving 30 customers if he is appointed on counter 8 which is offering service A, B and C, when the same agent is appointed to counter number 6 which is offering service B, D and G the agent only serves 20 customers. Now sometimes the services are different and some services delivery take more time than the others, but these all information are already available with the business, if these variables are taken into account the business can precisely measure the performance and progress of the staff and arrange training sessions for them or reassign them to a different task or appoint them to the services only which they are good at and so on. The staff performance and progress is also important for the HR department, they can also utilize the queue management software KPIs for their HR purposes. If the performance and progress is accurately measured and the staffis informed and advised on how to improve their performance their overall productivity get raised day by day.

Queue Management Software can Collect Customer Feedback

Queue management software are a very effective tool to collect customer feedbacks. The customer feedback is very vital for a business. A few years ago businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE often overlooked the customer feedback and businesses and organization who were collecting customer feedback they were also not paying much attention to it. However, things have changed, now a days the customer feedback is critically important as the entire business progress depends on the customer satisfaction and happiness. The customer feedback that can be collected is usually of the following types:

  • Customer Happiness Meter/Scale
  • CSAT Survey (Customer Satisfaction Score)
  • CES Survey (Customer Effort Score)
  • NPS Survey (Net Promoter Score)
  • Generic Customer Feedback Survey
  • Customer Experience &Staff Behavioral Feedback

Queue Management Software can Collect Customer Feedback

The business can collect valuable business intelligence data from these feedback. The customer feedback data can provide a deeper understanding of the staff/agent’s behavior and the overall customer journey. Businesses can even evaluate the quality of their products and services too via customer feedback. Another advantage of the customer feedback is that when a business ask its customers about their opinion and suggestion they feel more connected with the brand and think that the business cares about them. It improve customer’s relationship with businesses. The businesses can prepare various questions and ask the customer about the behavior of the staff/agents, later that same feedback data can be used to improve the staff performance and productivity.


The queue management software is a great tool to streamline the customer flow and manage the customer journey. The queue system is also very helpful in improving staff productivity. As the queue system can easily automate various customer journey steps and it is also capable of improving the service delivery process, the staff performance raised automatically. Usually the staff is busy in managing the customers and visitors in the and handling their queues manually, which not only put extra burden on the staff but it also ruin the customer experience and customer journey, the customer also got so many complaints and unexpected delays due to manual management. However, with a queue management software the entire customer journey can be managed automatically as per the pre-configured settings and company policy. It also automates the customer routing and improve customer flow. Which reduce a huge chunk of extra workload from the staff. The staff/agents can easily focus more on their primary tasks, the entire customer flow is controlled and well-managed through the queue management software. This significantly improve the staff productivity.

Moreover in long term the businesses and organizations can also get valuable business intelligence, including staff performance and KPIs, customer feedback and statistical and analytical data from each and every touch-point of the customer journey. Which help the businesses in making new policies, improving their strategies and taking steps to further improve staff performance and productivity. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management software provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to improve the staff productivity and customer journey by implementing a state-of-the-art queue management software or a customized solution, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: The Ultimate Guide to Queue Management

The Ultimate Guide to Queue Management

In any service based industry in Dubai or anywhere in UAE the biggest problem every business and customer face is the long wait time and hard to manage queues. No one likes to wait. Whether you are a bank, a government office, a healthcare facility, an educational institute, a service provider or anything else, you will always find it difficult to manage the queues and your customers will always complaint about the long wait time. This not only ruin the customer journey and customer experience but it also destroys the brand reputation and the customer relationship. Which could have very bad consequences in long term and could jeopardize the future of the business or organization. It is difficult to completely eliminate the waiting, but it can be reduced, organized and managed to make the customer waiting experience more pleasant and their journey more satisfactory. For that a queue management system is used.

The Ultimate Guide to Queue Management

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is used to manage the customer flow effectively, organize the queues, and reduce the customer wait time. This is the very basic definition of a queue management system. However, these days the business and organization in Dubai and all around the UAE are using the queue management system to transform the customer journey and customer experience. The main goal for any business of organization is to have satisfied customers. That is what a queue management system is used for. But it also provide other benefits, such as it increase employees’ work efficiency, it help improving profitability, reduces expenses and help improving customer relationship with the brand. The queue management systems are also a great source of valuable business intelligence which is vital for decision making and planning for the future. From the technical point of view a queue management system is a tool that help building and managing queuing processes, waiting line disciplines, customer routing, services channels, KPIs, feedbacks, statistical data and much more.

What is a Queue Management System?

The digital queue management system consists of several different parts but all these parts can be classified in two main categories, the software and the hardware.

Read More: World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

Queue Management System Hardware Components

A variety of hardware accessories and components can be added and integrated in a queue management system to achieve certain functionalities, however there are some essential queue management system hardware components:

  • Self-Service Interactive Sing-up Kiosk/Ticket Dispensing Kiosk
  • Digital Signage Screens
  • Counter Plates
  • Announcement System/Audio System

Some non-essential but popular components are:

  • Emirates ID Card Reader
  • RFID Reader
  • QR Code Reader
  • Payment POS and/or Cash Acceptance

There are a lot many other components that can be added to meet certain needs and unconventional requirements. Here are the details of all essential hardware components:

Self-Service Interactive Sing-up Kiosk/Ticket Dispensing Kiosk

Self-Service Interactive Sing-up Kiosk/Ticket Dispensing KioskThe self-service interactive sign-up kiosk or ticket dispensing kiosk is used to allow the customers and visitors to sign-up for the queues. Usually a business is offering multiple services, and mostly certain counters are dedicated for certain services. Whatever the case is, a customer or visitor can select the desired service from the available services list and sign-up for that queue. Even if there is only one counter the self-service interactive kiosk is helpful for sign-up process, it saves time and automate the sign-up process. It also dispense a ticket bearing the customer number in the queue with estimated time to their turn or any other additional information or marketing content.

Digital Signage Screens

Digital Signage ScreensThe digital signage screens are a very important hardware component of any queue management system. The screens are used to display the real-time queuing updates and other relevant information. It can also provide the list of the active counters along with the current ticket number serving on the counter. Businesses can also display the estimated time for the next few customers in line. Such information are very helpful in improving customer’s waiting experience. Moreover, the digital signage screens can also play multimedia content on it which keep the users engaged and also make their waiting experience pleasant.

Counter Plates

Counter PlatesThe counter plates are small digital displays that are placed on each counter. Usually these are small elongated LCD screens or LED displays, which display the counter number and also the active ticket number. Such information is very helpful for customer in finding their service counter.

Announcement System/Audio System

Announcement System/Audio SystemAs the name suggest, it is a sound system used for customer calling and it can make announcements for the ticket number along with the counter number and any other required details. The audio announcement system consists of multiple speakers which are placed in different location to make the announcements audible for everyone in the waiting area. The announcements can be bilingual i,e English and Arabic or also in any other language.

Queue Management System Software Components

A queue management system software is an intelligent application and a well-crafted control console for the management. The software is used to implement policies, monitoring, and aiding queuing processes as well as it can also help improving various service delivery processes. The usually queue management system have a standard software application which is hosted on a server, it can be hosted in online hosting, cloud, or local/in-premises data center as well. The interactive kiosks, announcement system, digital signage and the agent computers are linked with the queue management system server application. The application also provide the administrative panel and control console. Here are some essential queue management system software components:

  • Administrative Control Panel
  • Agent Dashboard
  • Self-Service Interactive Kiosk User Interface
  • Digital Signage Controls
  • Reporting and KPIs Monitoring Module
  • Statistical Data Analytical Engine
  • Customer Feedbacks

Here are some popular queue management system software components:

  • Virtual Queuing Module
  • Appointment Booking System
  • Mobile Apps
  • QR Code Module

Here are the details of essential queue management software components:

Administrative Control Panel

Administrative Control PanelThe administrative control panel is basically a control console for the entire queue management system. The businesses can add and manage multiple branches. Multiple system users can be added as per the administrative hierarchy. The businesses can add head office users, higher level managers, branch managers, employees with various access levels, agents and other system users. The administrative control panel makes it easy to integrate the queue management system in the business and organization management and work flow.

The Agent Dashboard

The Agent DashboardThe agent dashboard is the agent control panel. The agent can manage and control queues. They can utilize the customer calling functionality to call customers and make announcements. The service delivery related features can also be integrated in the agent dashboard to improve the service delivery process and quality. The system integration with other systems such as customer data base, sales system, CRM, etc. can be achieved via APIs which is a very secure and most efficient way for such data integration and synchronization.

Self-Service Interactive Kiosk User Interface

Self-Service Interactive Kiosk User InterfaceThe self-service interactive kiosk user interface is the very first touch point of the customer. The customer generates their ticket number from the kiosks and sign-up for their queue. The interface can provide functionality to select from a list of available services as well as it can provide relevant information and any other functionality required for the sign-up such as scanning of the Emirates ID card or making payment for the service, etc.

Digital Signage Controls

Digital Signage ControlsThe digital signage controls is a part of the administrative control console, it allows the management to run multimedia content on the digital signage screens along with the queuing information and other updates. The signage controls allow the management to perform basic digital signage functionalities to improve the user engagements and interactions during the wait time.

Reporting and KPIs Monitoring Module

Reporting and KPIs Monitoring ModuleThe queue management system software has capabilities to monitor and capture data from each and every touch point of the customer journey. It also record valuable statistical data and measures various KPIs and other indicators. Which is very helpful for the management and make them able to make informed decisions on the bases of highly accurate data feeds from various sources.

Statistical Data Analytical Engine

Statistical Data Analytical EngineThe statistical and data analytical engine is also a part of the reporting module but it is a very useful component. It analyze the data and allow the management to extract the data in multiple format. It also help the management in creating reports with visual and graphical analysis and data presentations.

Customer Feedbacks

Customer FeedbacksThe customer feedback is a very important and essential part of business intelligence. It provides a direct window into the customer’s minds. The business can utilize the feedback to evaluate each and every aspect of the customer journey, the quality of the service and products, the employee performance and much more. The customer feedback along with other business intelligence highlights the areas of improvements and enables the management to take actions and make strategies for future improvement to maximize the customer satisfaction and quality of the service and products.

How to Choose a Best Queue Management System?

When it comes to the queue management system there are so many different vendors and systems available in the market. Businesses often get confused when they are selecting a queue management system. There are also some popular brands which advertise their systems with different brand names. However, there are certain things that a business should consider while selecting a queue management system to make sure it will be helpful in solving their problems.

How to Choose a Best Queue Management System?

Here are some key points to consider while selecting a queue management system or configuring/customizing a queue management system:

What are the Different Queuing Process Types?

The queuing process is basically managing the queues, streamlining the customer flow and improving customer journey. However there are certain service delivery mechanisms which are different for each business and that is how a business should chose a queuing process for their queue management system:

Single Phase Single Channel Queuing

When a business has single counter which serves each customer and a full service isdelivered through a single counter it is called single phase single channel queuing.

Multi-Phase Single Channel Queuing

When a customer will have to go to multiple counters to get a full service delivery and each counter serves a single step of the service it is called multi-phase single channel queuing.

Single Phase Multi-Channel Queuing

When a single service can be delivered at a single counter and there are multiple counters who can serve the same service it is called single phase multi-channel queuing.

Multi-Phase Multi-Channel Queuing

When a single service delivery requires a customer to visit multiple counters and for each step more than one counters are available it is called multi-phase multi-channel queuing.

How the Branch, Office or Facility Operates?

The capacity of the branch, office or customer service center is also important and it will help you selecting an appropriate queue management system which will meet your needs. Here are some important things that you should understand about the facility:

The Population of the Customers

The population of the customers or daily footfall is classified in two categories, one is limited and the second is unlimited. Facilities like boarding counters and clinic have limited number of expected customer or daily footfall. Facilities like customer service centers and banks doesn’t have a limited or pre-defined number of expected customers or daily footfall.

The Method of Arrival

The method of arrival is also important. Usually business operate on single arrival mode, it means that each customer will come individually. However some businesses are serving customers in group arrival mode. It means the customer will arrive there in form of a large group such as Immigration Services, HR Departments, etc.

The Infrastructure of the Facility

The infrastructure of the facility is also important. A business should consider the number of counters, space for the queues, capacity of the waiting areas, and size and shape of the facility. These things will help business in determining the type of the queue management system as well as the size and quantity of the components require for a cost-efficient queue management system solution.

Read More: Why Business Need Mobile Apps along with Classic Queue Management System?

What are the Benefits of a Queue Management System?

A queue management system can significantly improve the customer journey and provide several benefits which help businesses in improving profitability and ensuring steady growth. Here are some of the major benefits of a digital queue management system:

  1. Reduce Customer Wait Time
  2. Improve Customer Waiting Experience
  3. Improve Customer Journey
  4. Improve Customer Happiness and Customer Satisfaction
  5. Improve Customer Loyalty and Reduce Customer Churn Rate
  6. Organize Queues and Customer Flow Effectively
  7. Automate the Customer Journey
  8. Improve Employee Performance and Reduce their Workload
  9. Improve Resource Management and Reduce Operational Cost
  10. Improve Service Delivery Quality
  11. Collect Customer Feedback
  12. Gather Valuable Business Intelligence
  13. Measure KPIs, Prepare Reports and Improve Future Strategies
  14. Improve Revenue and Profitability
  15. Bring Innovation and Get Competitive Edge

What are the Benefits of a Queue Management System?

These are only a few benefits of a queue management system. When a business implement a queuing solution they can literally transform the entire customer journey and customer experience which will help them improving service quality and customer retention. The customer happiness improves customer loyalty and customer loyalty help business building good relationship with then and a positive brand image in the market. In a long term a queue management system can provide excellent ROIs.

Read More: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits


A queue management system is considered to be an essential part of the service based industry. Especially in Dubai and all around the UAE where the competition is tough and the customers have too many choices, it is extremely important to stay ahead of your competition and ensure ultimate customer experience and customer journey. The happy and satisfied customers are more loyal to the brands and loyal customers can be a great asset for a business. The customer loyalty plays an important role in business growth. In this blog we have discussed the queue management and the queue management system. If you follow the above mentioned guide to understand the queuing process and to assess your queuing needs, you will be able to get a very efficient and cost-effective queue management system. RSI Concepts is a leading name in Queue Management System providers in Dubai, UAE. If you need any more help, feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Why should you adopt queue management systems?

Why should you adopt queue management systems?

Why should you adopt queue management systems?

An efficient queue management system organize customer flow, improve service delivery processes and quality, help building good reputationand relationship with customers and improve overall profitability or the entire business.For every business the customer happiness and customer satisfaction is the top priority. The customer satisfaction is an umbrella term which covers the entire performance of the business including its each and every moving part. Business in Dubai and all over the UAE are adopting digital queue management systems for better performance and customer happiness. The UAE economy is rapidly expanding, the Expo 2020 is on the verge, which will attract more investors and we will see more businesses and startups. The competition here is already touch, customers have too many choices, and this phenomenon resulted in high standards and high expectations of the customers. Which compelled the businesses to take drastic measures in order to stay ahead of the competition. The customer satisfaction is the driving force, and it could impact everything. If you are having happy customers you will grow if not, you will eventually end up in big troubles such as slow growth, poor performance, declining brand reputation and lost revenue.

A queue management system is a key to success, it can completely transform the customer experience and customer journey and it can ensure highest customer satisfaction, which will lead to continuous growth, good brand reputation and higher productivity. Here are some key reasons why you should adopt a queue management system now, if you want to secure your business’s long term future:

Reason No. 1: Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

The queue management system have amazing capabilities to reduce the wait time and improve customer journey. Usually without a queue management system there are long queues, people have to stand in lines, and sometimes people try to be ahead in the line by line jumping or crossing someone, which end up in disputes and cause delays in the customer flow. In such scenarios the business have to manage the queues manually, which requires more staff as well as requires more work from the server/agent. This means that the servers/agents could also get distracted from their primary task and had to manage other unnecessary problems. This results in unwanted delays and interruptions in the customer flow and results in prolonged wait times. Another huge factor is psychological, it is human nature that we have the fear of unknown, similarly when we have to wait in a scenario where we don’t know or estimate the end time, the wait gets more stressful and this amplifies the negative feelings in your customers too. If they don’t know when their wait time will end, they will feel more stressed while waiting, and when their turn will come they will be unhappy already, it will be very difficult for the agent/server to improve their experience at that time and make them happy.

Reason No. 1: Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

While the agents/servers are also dealing with unwanted circumstances their efficiency and service quality also reduced. So the long wait time not only bother your customers and visitors but it also have negative impact on the employees and agents/servers. The long wait time could have double impact on overall customer journey and customer satisfaction. This is why businesses are very eager to reduce the wait time and service delivery time. Poor waiting conditions, long wait time, less than optimum employee efficiency will result in higher per service costs. Which also impact on the profitability and revenue. On top of that the bad customer experience will repel customers and promote negative brand identity, which makes it even harder for businesses to acquire new customers.

Reason No. 2: Queue Management System Offers Better Customer Journey Management

The queue management system offers a better customer journey by automating various steps and processes which reduce customer wait time, improve customer flow and also increase employee efficiency. Each and every business have its own distinctive culture and approach to address problems. Every business have different services and also different sets of targeted audience for each service. Some services are delivered in a single go from one counter, some requires a customer to reach to multiple counters to get a full service and so on. These factors contributes to make customer journey management more tricky and sophisticated. Along with all that business often have express counters or premium services for VIP customers and separate counters for aged, disabled people, etc. These all factors should be considered while preparing the roadmap of the customer journey. In Dubai, UAE and in fact all around the world businesses are also including employee’s factors too to further improve and optimize the customer journey.

Reason No. 2: Queue Management System Offers Better Customer Journey Management

A good queue management system should be able to process all these variables and then it should also be able to automate the customer journey to attain the highest efficiency levels. During the sign-up the queue management system can ask to choose the service, it can also ask to enter any other details which will identify the customer as ordinary, VIP or any other category. Then the queue management system should be able to route each customer to their counters. In case of multi-step service delivery, the queuing system should be able to direct the customers to the next counter and so on. The employee performance should be monitored and the task should be suggested as per their performance. For example an employee is very efficient at delivering service A, D and E however when they are assigned to the counters for service B and C they don’t perform well. Such data provide the management an insight on the employee performance and give them a chances to either improve employee performance or assign them tasks as per their expertise. Collectively all these things will significantly improve customer journey and customer experience which will result in maximum customer satisfaction.

Reason No. 3: Queue Management System Aid Customer Retention and Increase Customer Loyalty

The queue management system improve customer journey, customer happiness and boost employee performance which improve service quality, and these all will directly impact the customer retention and customer loyalty. Often customer retention and customer loyalty is interchanged but that is not true both are different, though most of the times both exhibit same response with certain changes. Anyway, the customer retention is to keep a customer who will do repeated business, however the customer loyalty is to make a customer your fan and not only have more repeated business but also get help from them in brand promotion. A customer might do repeated business but they are not necessarily happy or satisfied, there could be no other good alternate, or any other factor which is making them to do repeated business. However a loyal customer is the result of an ultimate level of customer satisfaction. The loyal customers are good brand advocate and tend to promote the business and its products and services. They will often defend the brand on social media, online or public places. That kind of clientele is the most valuable asset of any business.

Reason No. 3: Queue Management System Aid Customer Retention and Increase Customer Loyalty

The studies and market researches have shown that acquiring a new customer is nine to twelve time costly than selling to an existing customer. This could have a huge impact on your marketing budget and overall profitability. Acquiring new customers is not only expensive but it is difficult too, the communication and marketing not only require investment but a lot of efforts too. It is always good to have a strong foundation of the loyal customers. The loyal customers help promoting a positive image of the brand and improve brand reputation. A good brand identity and good brand reputation attract more customers. If a brand have a good reputation and positive popularity the marketing turnover is also good. Which means that the customer retention and customer loyalty have far greater impact on the ROIs of the business and also aid achieving marketing and growth goals.

Reason No. 4: Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance and Monitor KPIs

The queue management system is very helpful in improving employee performance by reducing their work load and automating various steps and processes of the customer journey and service delivery. Moreover the KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are also a great tool to assess and improve the employee performance. When the employee performance got improved it automatically improves the service delivery process, service quality and customer happiness/satisfaction. The queue management system can capture various APIs and statistical data. The employee KPIs are very important for optimizing the employee performance. The queue management system can monitor the employee, their on-desk time and off-desk time, average service delivery time, behavior and much more. The KPIs can also provide insight on the overall behavior and patterns of the employees, such as at which part of the day the employee perform better and when they slow down, how do they react in under more work load and how much customers they can serve in a single day.

Reason No. 4: Improve Employee Performance and Monitor KPIs

These all are very useful information and help the management is identifying the areas of improvements and taking actions to improve everything. Moreover the employee KPIs are also used to analyze the employee performance and expertise on a particular service, for example an employee can serve 20 customers a day when they are appointed for service A while they can serve 45 customers in a single day when they are appointed for service D, etc. This type of data helps businesses to improve employee performance by smartly managing their tasks, workloads and arranging training session for them. The employee KPIs can also be integrated with other enterprise solutions and business tools such as Enterprise Performance Management System [Our Product Page LINK], HRMS, etc.

Reason No. 5: Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback and Business Intelligence

Mostly the modern queue management systems comes with an in-built customer feedback collection tool. The customer feedback is very important it provides direct and unfiltered opinion of the customer and it also help building trust and good relationship with the customers. When customers know a business is eager to listen to them they get a very positive impression of that brand. They think the brand values them a lot and listen to their opinion to make changes to please them. This increase customer loyalty as well. Moreover the customer feedback is a single most reliable and accurate source of the business intelligence. Sometimes all the logics and numbers tells a different story but the customers behave completely opposite to what a business had anticipated. So, it is extremely important to understand your customers and audience, the customer feedback is the best tool to do that. It will provide you accurate information about the market trends, customer’s liking disliking, their expectations and it will also help you in evaluating all what you are doing to please your customers.

Reason No. 5: Queue Management System Collects Customer Feedback and Business Intelligence

Here in Dubai and all around the UAE business often collect customer feedback but overlooked other business intelligence metrics. However in order to be able to make informed decisions and successful future strategies a business must closely monitor and analyze all the touch points, statistical and usage data. For example, which products or services are most popular, which features of a particular product or service are appreciated the most by the customers and vice versa. This will provide a foundation for the innovation and modernization. Business can plan new products and services, they can improve existing products and services and similarly business can improve various aspects of the customer journey only by analyzing the customer feedback, statistical and analytical data collected by the queue management system. The data collection is one thing but in order to be able to extract actionable reports is a completely different thing. A good queue management system always provide additional data analytical and processing tools along with in-built smart data analytical engine which help business to evaluate the entire operation and quality of services/products simultaneously.

Read More: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits

Reason No. 6: Queue Management System Enables Easy System Integration and Remote Management

A queue management system enables easy system integration with secure web services or APIs to get it connected with the centralized information center and it provides features to remotely manage all of the connected branches from the head office. The system integration enables the queue management system to fetch and push data to other systems and tools. For example if a customer is required to sign-up by entering their customer ID the customer ID has to be verified too. In order to verify the customer ID the queue management system must have access to the customer data. Which might be stored in another system or database. So this verification can be done using system integration or APIs. Similarly if a business wants to include more hardware accessories such as Emirates ID reader, RFID, QR Code Reader, or any other accessory that can be added and linked to the central information center or to the relevant system by the system integration method.

Reason No. 6: Queue Management System Enables Easy System Integration and Remote Management

The queue management system also allow simple and easy integration with self-service interactive systems, kiosks, web portals, mobile apps, appointment booking system, SMS, Emails, and much more using the system integration methods and techniques. This also enables the queue management system to provide a centralized and remote management. The head office can monitor and control all of the connected branches in real time. This makes it easier for the management to implement company policies throughout the network and monitor all branches and offices through a unified administrative dashboard. Furthermore the administrative dashboard also allows to add branch managers, servers/agents and other job roles to make the management easy and in-line with the internal structure of the business.

Read More: Why Business Need Mobile Apps along with Classic Queue Management System?


Here in Dubai and all around the UAE business are spending a huge chunk of their hard-earned revenue on customer journey transformation tools and systems. The customer satisfaction and happiness is extremely crucial for sustainability and long term growth. The customer happiness and satisfaction also help a business to build a positive reputation and good brand identity. A queue management system can easily reduce the customer wait time and manages the customer flow automatically. It can also automate various business processes and service delivery steps which further improve customer experience. The customer flow management and customer routing can also be automated with the help of a queue management system. The automation and digitalization improve the customer journey and reduce the work load of the employees which further improve the employee performance and their service delivery quality also get improved. Which results in happy and satisfied customers.

The customer satisfaction improve customer retention and customer loyalty which results in significant cost reduction in new lead generation and marketing expenses. Along with that the positive band identity and good reputation also help attracting more customers and increase the revenue. The customer feedback and business intelligence gathering plays an extremely important role in identifying the areas of improvements and making new plans and strategies to improve everything. The system integration open ups new avenues to innovation and modernization and help future expansion as well. It also enables remote management and provide the head office with real-time updates and data. All these improvements and their impact can potentially increase your sales and growth by multiple times. A queue management system is an essential for long term success and steady growth. RSI Concepts is a leading name in queue management system providers in Dubai, UAE, if you need any help with designing and implementing a queue management solution or want to improve or upgrade an old queuing system, feel free to let us know. You can contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

The queue management systems and solutions are considered to be a mandatory tool for any service based industry. Whenever a business will have to manage daily customers and guests, they need an effective and efficient customer flow management. Which is only possible with a digital queue management system. These days as the customers are more inclined towards a bit more digitalized and contactless user experience, the virtual queuing gain popularity. Businesses are getting amazing results after implementing virtual queue management system. When it comes to virtual queuing the biggest advantage is that is enables the guests and customers to sign-up remotely for the queues. However there are certain ways that a customer can sign-up. The most popular method is the smartphone applications, which have a lot many other advantages and benefits too. However, the most convenient method to enable remote sign-up is the WhatsApp. These days in Dubai and all around the UAE almost everyone have WhatsApp, in fact it is one of the most popular messenger app in the entire world.

World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

How WhatsApp Queue Management System Works?

A queue management system is all about improving and managing the customer experience and the WhatsApp is the simplest method a business can offer to their customers. The WhatsApp Queue Management Solution is a queue management system integrated with the WhatsApp instant messaging application. The customers can sign-up using their WhatsApp, no need to print tickets, or call at the branch to reserve a spot, or access to the customer portals for appointment or anything else. Usually businesses encourages their customers to install their mobile apps on their smartphones, however, not everyone appreciate it. But with the WhatsApp queue management solution the customer can instantly sign-up for the queue, get live coverage and announcements on the WhtasApp without getting hustle of any app installation, or accessing a website or anything else. This makes the customer journey over simplified and yet very impactful. The customers get a great user experience and end up happy and satisfied with the brand.

How WhatsApp Queue Management System Works?

The WhatsApp queue management is very simple and easy for the customers. All they need is to scan a QR Code, and the mobile phone will automatically open up a new WhatsApp window, which usually have a list of the categories, and then the customer can choose the appropriate category to sign-up for and instantly receive an e-token or digital token for the queue. The customers can get real-time updates of the ongoing queue and will be notified when their turn will be near and also when their turn will come. After the customers got served the businesses can easily collect customer feedback from the whatsapp.

What are the benefits of WhatsApp Queue Management?

What are the benefits of WhatsApp Queue Management?

The biggest advantage of a WhatsApp queue management system is that it significantly improve customer experience and customer satisfaction. There is also no need to download and install any new application which occupies storage space on the phone. The customers’ overall journey is reduced and their efforts are also reduced. Here are some of the best advantages and features of a WhatsApp queue management:

  • Remote Sign-up Facility
  • Real-time branch data and updates
  • Easy Sign-up using a QR Code
  • Reduced wait time and automatic customer journey management
  • The WhatsApp interface makes it easier for the customers and help reducing customer effort score
  • Completely contactless sign-up process
  • Customized notifications, reminders and alerts throughout the entire customer journey
  • Direct communication with the customers
  • Simple Information broadcasting such as branch timing, current queuing status, pre-signup requirements, etc.
  • Ability to check status of multiple branches, and on-demand status updates
  • In-built customer feedback system or integrated customer feedback system
  • Reduce customer wait time, improve customer flow and reduce workload of the employees result is improved employee efficiency
  • Easy branch management, crowd prevention and social distancing compliance features
  • Improved customer experience and smooth customer journey results in higher customer satisfaction
  • Simple and easy administration, automation capabilities and monitoring tools enable the business to have a close eye on the entire process
  • Customer feedback collection, KPIs monitoring and business intelligence gathering
  • Very Cost-effective queuing solution

These are the general features of a WhatsApp queue management solution. Moreover when a system is customized for a particular business or enterprise it could offer a lot more benefits and could be a great competitive advantage. The system integration also allows to integrate the WhatsApp queuing system with other business tools and enterprise solutions to enable a robust and swift control and command center at head-office or at the branch. The remote management makes it easier for the head office to monitor and improve the performance of the connected branches and make informed decisions on the bases of customer feedback and business intelligence.

Read More: Why Business Need Mobile Apps along with Classic Queue Management System?


WhatsApp is one of the most popular app in the world. In Dubai and UAE almost everyone have WhatsApp on their phones. The whatsapp sign-up process is very simple and convenient. The customer will have to scan a QR Code and they will be directed to the WhatsApp chat where they can chose the required service and sign-up for the queue. The customers are not even required to be physically present in the queue, they can wait anywhere. The WhatsApp queue management system also provide live queuing information and on-demand info requests are also available. This queuing method significantly reduce the wait time, improve customer flow, prevent crowd formation at the branch and reduce work load of the employees as well. The employee’s performance also got improved and consequently the service quality also improves. The WhatsApp queue management solution are a very cost-effective queuing solution and it can significantly improve customer happiness and overall business’s productivity and profitability. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE, if you want to upgrade your customer flow management to meet the needs and expectations of your customers, feel free to get in touch with us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Check out this blog: Top 10 Virtual Queue Management Benefits