You will quite likely form your opinion about the worth of a website in the first few minutes that you see it. Most of us have what we may call a “gut reaction” about any site. Typically, it’s based on the look and feel of the site, and our reaction to them. We have that immediate response to a website based on what it looks like, how easy it is to find what we want, and what the immediate tone of the website design may be.
See Also: Website Design and SEO
SEO, or search engine optimization, is all about getting traffic and the people that come to our site. One thing that many designers and SEO experts alike tend to forget, is that traffic is comprised of real people, who are viewing a website and trying to take something away from it. This means that how well the website is received is going to be of paramount importance to the site owner or company. What that means, is that graphic design, the right design, is an important part of the overall SEO.
See Also: Effective Website Design for SEO
SEO and Graphic design work hand in hand, or at least, ideally, they should. The reason for this is that if the site look and feel isn’t right, the reaction that you get from your customers will be to find another site that feels good to them, or gives them that immediate feeling of trust or a more appealing sensation. Only a site that is visually appealing, sponsors conversion, and inspires trust in the visitor is going to convert the way that you want. A solid professional look and feel that provides good navigation and good information to your users is the way to go when it comes to website design. Anything less will effectively weaken the performance of your website.
See Also: How To Come Up With A Good Website Design?
The visual appeal of web design for SEO is all about making that traffic, or those people, convert to sales and to new clients. No matter how you slice it, that’s your ultimate goal. Whether you’re trying to bring people to an actual store to purchase your products, trying to get them to buy your services, or selling an online product, the first view of your website is what will determine whether or not that conversion actually takes place.
See Also: Website Design and SEO – Does it Really Matter?
What defines effective SEO website design? What will the ultimate website be for conversion? Realistically there isn’t any specific design or layout that may convert better than another, although some colors are considered by experts to be more effective for specific purposes. For example, a website that offers blue, or deeper tones is considered to be more inspiring of trust, while orange or red is more for a site that would feature party items and other things that were of a more ostentatious nature. Color can inspire or make us react, but it isn’t the be all and end all in SEO design. Typically the best website design for SEO will be clear, clean, and simple, but that too isn’t the last word on website design. More bold colors are becoming the order of the day,even for more staid sites.
See Also: Website Design And SEO Can Pretty Much Go Hand In Hand
Just a few of the things that you will want to consider when you’re thinking about how well your site design assists your SEO will be:
- Easy navigation
- Clear, concise information
- Lower use of Flash or musical components
- Less media heavy items
- Lower use of items that may slow the loading time of the pages.
All of these things will either add to, or detract from the positive impact that the page makes on the person who is viewing it.
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When you are building a webpage, or having it built, make sure that the website design will work in concert with the SEO, rather than detracting from it. SEO and website design should ideally work hand in hand. Keep it simple seems to be the order of the day in order to allow the website design and the SEO to give you the best chance of new visitors who will convert to new customers.
Author: Christian Baliko
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Provided by: Guest blogger
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